3 minute read
JUIC*Y 1. Adjective (of food) full of juice; succulent.
“A juicy apple” Similar words...succulent, tender, moist, ripe
2. Rewarding or profitable especially financially: FAT Tempting appeal // “Fat juicy contract” // “A juicy dynamic role”
3. a: Rich in interest: COLORFUL // “Juicy details” b : SENSATIONAL, RACY // “a juicy scandal” c : full of vitality : LUSTY
JUICY IS A VIBRANT, SHAPELY AMOUNT OF BODY... Juicy is healthy and ever so supple, flowing and enriched with everything needed to rise, function, and thrive. Being juicy is being full of everything you need to live your desired life. Imagine if you could design your life just the way you wanted. Would you? As we step into this place of knowing we become more juicy in awareness we discover what hydrates our inner beauty with ingredients that sustain us .
Pay attention to how you feel... Body, mind, and soul. What do you desire the most? What feels good? What do you crave and how do you feel when you are your juiciest? Keep in mind you are the expert of you and what feels one way or another, may not for you. So take the time to get to know yourself. Pursue this relationship endlessly. Yes, you are what you eat and everything that goes in is affecting you. The question is... What is truly being absorbed? What is nourishing you? What is toxic? Check in with your 6 senses and observe what you are receiving and listen to them daily. What are you recieving...body, mind, soul?
Eating your greens along with brightly colored fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, and food high in Omega 3 fatty acids will nourish and feed your joints and keep you juicy. Everything is connected and our joints connect more than just our bones. This is really important for our overall well being and feeds our vitality in many ways from... Hormone balance, to how we feel when we move, how our brain functions, and how we digest what we are ingesting. All components play into how we vibrate and feel emotionally. When we feed with intention it begins a process that ignites our movement from the inside out and can be applied or prescribed like medicine. Being juicy is a prescription for wellness and vitality, which is a sustainable therapy for all no matter your age, sex, or personal challenges.
When we choose nutrition and movement as our medicine, weight is managed, disease is dispelled, and our personal challenges are inspired with purpose. Think about that in regards to living a sedentary life and taking drugs like pain medications or mood stabilizers to create that experience or... Get living and move and eat for purpose... Which sounds more sustainable to you? There is a reason why people that stay active, eat healthy, and live long vivacious lives that inspire us so much. They know the importance of being juicy. Everything we are receiving is hydrating or dehydrating us in some way… How is your life and the atmosphere you are living in feeding you? Do you feel juicy?
Pour yourself a tall glass of water, soda, or wine... Which will feed you body, mind, soul? Meditate each morning before you start your day or... Jump out of bed and cruise right into your day... Which will sustain your thrive? Meditate before you go to sleep or... Watch TV... Which will feed your sleep, comfort your thoughts, and relax your nervous system? Take a walk outdoors and breathe fresh air before, during or after your work day or... Sit all day at your desk all day...Which will promote juicy joints and organic flow in your body, mind, and soul? Get active with friends, family, and loved ones. Play, laugh, dream, and feel through your senses. Discover the endless resouvior of your tender heart and all that has ripened in your journey. Allow yourself to be juicy body, mind, and soul. Receive all that is ready... Expand and fill up with colorful, sensational, succulents that are rewarding and vitalizing. You’re worth it...Get juicy!
Said like a true icon… ”IF YOU DON’T KNOW NOW YA KNOW”