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The Business Jet Carpet Conundrum
Installing a new carpet sounds like an easy project you can perform yourself. All you need is patience and time. And while you may be able to complete this project yourself very nicely in your home, the same cannot be said for your corporate jet. Installing a new carpet into the cabin of your aircraft and achieving a perfect fit is a challenge.
It sounds easy, but a cabin carpet becomes a project on its own when we talk about corporate jets. Before we can begin, a new carpet needs to be selected, keeping in mind not only its design, materials and finish, but also balancing its ability to provide excellent sound isolation with the weight of the carpet. A more dense and luxurious carpet helps to deaden ambient noise, but it is heavier and more difficult to clean than a simpler, lighter carpet. It takes time for a new carpet to be produced and certified, so carpet selection needs to be done well before it will actually be needed.
Don’t Break the Pattern
When the aircraft arrives at the facility, the old carpet must be carefully removed and temporary protective covers are installed to protect the floorboards during maintenance and reinstallation of the cabin. The new carpet, when it arrives, needs to be sized outside the aircraft. Here, a template is used – often the old carpet – to shape the carpet with a small overlap. The trick is to size the carpet without breaking its unique pattern while having a minimum number of seams that will be invisible, once installed. When the sized carpet is carried carefully into the cabin, you have to be extremely careful not to damage the delicate finishes of the already installed monuments and seating. More so, you absolutely must not interfere with the finishing work being performed throughout the cabin during the day shift. Trimming is performed in the cabin, carefully removing the excess carpet to ensure a perfect fit into each corner, each edge and under the seating to achieve an impeccable fit throughout the cabin. There's no room for mistakes.
Where to Start?
Your jet is a complex puzzle that needs professional attention and planning. Even something as comparatively simple as a carpet installation can become a nightmare if not done properly. A good plan, team management, exhaustive knowledge, experience and sprinkle of secrets of the trade is what you need for the best possible carpet fit.
Camber Aviation Management’s team of professionals have had to solve numerous carpet challenges in the past decade, many on large aircraft with complex floorplans. The perfect fit is always demanding work, as each aircraft has its unique requirements. Recently, Camber had managed the installation of a luxurious carpet into a Boeing BBJ 747-8 at the end of the cabin outfitting. The hand-woven carpet was extremely expensive and on several large and heavy rolls that had to be fitted into the more than 500 m2 interior in less than a week (this is more floorspace than most large homes). Camber’s experts developed a process, worked closely with the completion centre, supplier and owner representatives, planned and managed the entire process. The result was a flawless carpet installation, which didn’t disturb the ongoing cabin finishing work.
Pick a Pro Team Like You Pick a Carpet
To sum it up, you have to get impeccable carpet fitting throughout the cabin. You simply can’t afford to make mistakes. Enjoy your home projects and, with little YouTube magic you can have great fun and still get the job done. But, as for your jet, there is no DIY video that can help you. Choose the best team in the business to manage your perfect fit.
Author: Tom Chatfield, CEO Camber Aviation Management, www.camberaviation.com solutions@camberaviation.com