1 minute read
CAMO - Aircraft Storage
Why is it important to do storage?
We have seen recently that unforeseen circumstances will lead to an extended time on the ground which requires actions in terms of aircraft parking and storage. It´s not only important to protect your aircraft against weather conditions and corrosion, but also it plays a significant role when you don't do it. Worst case if not storage checks are done on the engines you have to return them to an Overhaul/Repair facility incurring major costs.
Where can I find storage procedures for my Aircraft and Engines?
The parking and storage instructions are found within your Maintenance Programme for your aircraft and also in the respective Airframe and Engine Maintenance Manuals. The checks are usually bound to time intervals as to how long the aircraft and engines won´t be operated. Additionally, there are instructions on how to get the aircraft back to service after storage which is an important part to make sure all systems are working satisfactorily.
References from EASA!
Here we have listed Safety Information Bulletins form EASA related to parking and storage:
EASA SIB 2020-18 Nickel Cadmium Batteries - Risk of Capacity Reduction during Aircraft Parking and Storage
EASA SIB 2020-14 Pitot-Static Issues AFter Storage due to the COVID-19 Pandemic
EASA SIB 2020-07R2 Progressive Restart of Aerodrome Operations after Complete or Partial Closure
"Please note this is a practical guide and for information only. Please refer to your company procedures and official documents. "