AVID Brand Style Guide - for External Suppliers. Edition 1, July 2020.
Primary Logo Options
Clear space and minimum size
Logo Placement
Logo Placement with Positioning Line
Positioning Line Usage
Master Brand Tag with Lock-up
Fonts 9 Colour Palette
Paper Stock
Contact 12
AVID Brand Style Guide - for External Suppliers. Edition 1, July 2020.
Corporate Master Brand Primary Logo Options
Primary Logo - On White.
Primary Logo - On White.
The primary logo is always to be represented in this stacked form, altering this typographic layout is strictly prohibited.
The primary logo is always to be represented in this stacked form, altering this typographic layout is strictly prohibited.
Primary - Monotone Logo (White) - On 90% Black.
Primary - Monotone Logo (90% Black) - On White.
Mono versions should only be used in situations where full colour logo’s are not possible, or not required.
Mono versions should only be used in situations where full colour logo’s are not possible, or not required.
AVID Brand Style Guide - for External Suppliers. Edition 1, July 2020.
Corporate Master Brand Clear Space
Minimum Logo Size
The letter ‘P’ from the logo creates the width and height around the logo which is called the clear space. The clear space on all edges is equal to 1 x ‘P’.
The minimum size is a ‘worst case’ scenario and must never be used smaller than this.
The AVID Property Group logo files have the clear space built into the artwork. These files should not be altered in any way and the clear space must always be maintained.
AVID Brand Style Guide - for External Suppliers. Edition 1, July 2020.
30 mm
100 pixels
Corporate Master Brand Logo Placement
When using the logo in corporate applications, the primary logo must always be used, the logo must sit either in the top right or left or bottom right or left of the layout.
A4/A3 Corporate Applications - logo top left aligned
A4/A3 Corporate Applications - logo top right aligned
A4/A3 corporate applications - logo bottom left aligned
A4/A3 corporate applications - logo bottom right aligned
As a rule of thumb the logo should be no smaller than the logo with its clear space requirements divided 4 times into the portrait width of an A4 and A3 document respectively as shown.
AVID Brand Style Guide - for External Suppliers. Edition 1, July 2020.
Corporate Master Brand Logo Placement with Positioning Line A4/A3 Corporate Applications - Positioning line bottom left
The positioning line in corporate communications where the words are not used as a headline, or in the tag lock-up must be placed bottom right. As a rule-of-thumb the size and scale can be adjusted to meet the outside edges of the Primary AVID logo as can be seen to the right on this page. The positioning line can be used to ‘sign off’ on a communication piece with an underline and also to separate tertiary information from the main body of the communications as per below. The line weight must always in the proportions seen below - thicker or thinner lines are NOT permitted.
Suncorp Place, Level 35 , 259 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
P 02 8316 7700 F 02 8316 7100 E info@avidpropertygroup.com.au
avid.com.au Suncorp Place, Level 35 , 259 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
P 02 8316 7700 F 02 8316 7100 E info@avidpropertygroup.com.au
A4/A3 corporate applications - logo bottom left aligned
AVID Brand Style Guide - for External Suppliers. Edition 1, July 2020.
Corporate Master Brand Positioning Line Usage
The positioning line is always to be range-left and can be situated with the Primary Logo (see next page) or separated from it to become a headline and graphic device to help bring the statement to the fore.
AVID Brand Style Guide - for External Suppliers. Edition 1, July 2020.
Corporate Master Brand Master Brand Tag with Lock-up
In corporate applications the positioning line can be used in both a lock-up and non lock-up form.
Primary Master brand
The Master brand tag may be used where separating the Master brand and tag line is not possible or will interfere with specific messaging in the communication piece - such as headlines. This lock-up MUST be used on ALL community specific communications. No other lock-ups or layouts are allowed. Where colour isn’t an option - the ‘Mono’ or ‘Reversed’ Master brand tag can be used.
AVID Brand Style Guide - for External Suppliers. Edition 1, July 2020.
Secondary Master brand Mono (90% black)
Reversed (white)
Corporate Master Brand Fonts
KORB Light, Light Italic, Bold and Bold Italic
The typeface chosen for the AVID Property Group corporate branding is KORB. Available in 4 weights it can be used for headlines, key words, sub-headings and headings.
The typeface chosen to be used for body-copy and large amounts of information. It is available in a range weights, however AVID uses only Light and Bold along with their respective italics.
Future Future Focused Arrows Used within a circle a clear definition and a way to control a consistent positioning is achieved.
AVID Brand Style Guide - for External Suppliers. Edition 1, July 2020.
De Lorem Ipsum disponibles, pero la mayoría sufrió alteraciones en alguna manera. Ya sea porque se le agregó humor, o palabras aleatorias que no parecen ni un poco creíbles. Si vas a utilisar un pasaje de Lorem Ipsum, necesitás estar seguro de que no hay nada avergon sante escondido en el medio del texto. Todos los generadores de Lorem Ipsum que se encuentran en Internet tienden a repetir trosos predefinidos cuando sea necesario, haciendo a este el único generador verdadero. En el medio del texto. Todos los generadores de Lorem Ipsum que se encuentran en Internet tienden a repetir trosos predefinidos cuando sea necesario, haciendo a este el único generador verdadero. En el medio del texto. Todos los generadores de Lorem Ipsum que se encuentran en Internet tienden a repetir trosos predefinidos cuando sea necesario, haciendo a este el único generador verdadero.
Future Focused Future Focused En el medio del texto. Todos los generadores de Lorem Ipsum que se encuentran en Internet tienden a repetir trosos predefinidos cuando sea necesario, haciendo a este el único generador verdadero.
For digital applications where the brand fonts aren’t suitable, a simple sans-serif font such as Arial may be used.
Corporate Master Brand Colour Palette The primary colour palette is the hero in all applications and communicates the AVID Property Group Corporate Brand. In all instances, these colours are to be the hero on corporate communications. The secondary colour palette is a suite of colours that supports the AVID Property Group’s primary colour palette. Used sparingly, these colours accent AVID TEAL and CHARCOAL to bring a vitality and vibrancy to the brand language. These colours should only be used as a supporting palette to highlight areas of importance in body copy on internal pages of communications and not on brochure covers or stationery in the corporate environment.
Primary Colour Palette
3272 C
Black 7 C
C 100 M 7 Y 50 K 0
C 0 M 0 Y 0 K 90
C0 M0 Y0 K0
R 0 G 164 B 153
R 65 G 64 B 66
R 255 G 255 B 255
Secondary Colour Palette
AVID PURPLE is AVID’s authenticity, nobility and future driven focus. True to the name, AVID Property Group’s passionate and devoted nature is AVID RED. A testament to the environment and sustainability, AVID GREEN communicates growth and vitality. AVID’S warm, energetic and enthusiastic nature is AVID ORANGE.
526 C
1945 C
369 C
715 C
C 73 M 100 Y 0 K 0
C 5 M 100 Y 55 K 28
C 68 M 0 Y 100 K 0
C 0 M 54 Y 87 K 0
R 112 G 47 B 138
R 166 G 9 B 61
R 100 G 167 B 11
R 246 G 141 B 46
AVID Brand Style Guide - for External Suppliers. Edition 1, July 2020.
Corporate Master Brand Paper stock For all corporate print applications a high quality ‘silk’ stock is to be used. A ‘silk’ stock offers a wider window of operation for runnability, it’s reliable bright white sheet is perfect for a variety of superior print applications, seek a carbon neutral variation where possible.
AVID Brand Style Guide - for External Suppliers. Edition 1, July 2020.
High quality ‘SILK’ stock.
AVID Corporate Brand Book. Sydney Office
Melbourne Office
Brisbane Office
Gold Coast Office
Sunshine Coast Office
Media Contact
Level 35 259 George Street
Ground Floor 80 Dorcas Street
Suite 1, Level 7 10 Eagle Street
Level 1, Oracle West 19 Elizabeth Avenue
Harmony Boulevard via Peter Crosby Way,
Sydney NSW 2000
Southbank VIC 3006
Brisbane QLD 4000
Broadbeach, QLD 4218
Palmview, QLD 4553
For all media enquiries and interview requests, please contact:
Ph: 02 8316 7700
Ph: 03 9693 7800
Ph: 07 3708 0804
Ph: 07 5588 8888
Ph: 1800 550 240
BBS Communications Group
Fx: 02 9252 4526
Fx: 07 5588 8800
Fx: 02 9252 4526
Gold Coast Postal Address PO Box 1899 Broadbeach, QLD 4218
Edition 1, July 2020.
Ph: (07) 3221 6711 Email: info@bbscommunications. com.au