Y2B Sponsorship Package Final

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Youth to Business Forum

Sponsorship Package

Business and Youth: Tackling the Tough Questions Head On

For four years, AIESEC International has bought together top leaders in over 100 countries together to Malaysia, India, Kenya, and Russia for our international Youth to Business Forum. These conferences are driven by a global need for businesses and youth to communicate on relevant issues. AIESEC internationally, has begun to occupy this space and provide both a forum, and a survey (reaching 24,000 youth across the world), to become the leading youth voice.

In Canada, the Canadian Youth to Business Forum powered by AIESEC looks to accomplish the same goals for Canadians. For three years, AIESEC Canada has bought top business leaders and students together to engage in a unique dialogue on relevant topics to both the Canadian business and student community. With the introduction of the Canada Youth Voice Survey sponsored by Leger Marketing, AIESEC Canada has been able to grow and position itself as the leading Canadian Youth Voice on youth employability.

Bringing Youth and Business Together for Three Years Past Keynote Speakers:

Kevin Lynch

Jim Dinning

Vice Chair of BMO

Chancellor of University of Calgary, Chairman of Western Financial Group

Naheed Nenshi Mayor of Calgary


During the Canada Youth to Business Forum 2013, Business leaders from PwC, Cenovus, Calgary Economic Development, ATB Financial, Talisman Energy, The City of Calgary, and Waterlution, sat together with students to discuss the challenges we face in sustainability. We saw businesses and students alike learning from each other and shifting their perspectives. Here are some thoughts that were generated:

James Temple, PwC

Dominic Jan Sunga, AIESEC UBC

” “

I believe that Canada is on the right track and moving in the right direction to becoming a competitive and sustainable global leader. However, with that said, we still have a long way to go. The speed in which we accomplish this goal will depend on how focused AIESEC Canada is, which is why Y2B was important. It brought the questions into focus.

Youth play a critical role in enhancing innovation and new thinking within businesses today. I can’t tell you how proud I am to sit alongside students, learn from their wisdom, and think differently about Canada and how it can be a more prosperous economy in the future.

Sirisha Valupadas, AIESEC Edmonton

Jennifer Pendura, Cenovus

” “

We might think we understand a situation having to do with CSR etc, but in actuality, there are so many layers to these problems. To understand and properly come up with solutions requires time. We as youth need to understand that because we're the type that are interested in immediate action and results.

Companies like ours are here. We want to have this conversation. We want to be engaged. We’re interested in knowing the questions [students] are asking and where [they’re] coming from.

Youth Across Canada Speak: Survey Sponsored by Leger Marketing In 2013, Leger Marketing became a strategic partner of AIESEC Canada, offering to support AIESEC in gathering real-time data from students across the country. AIESEC has been the national youth voice during its 60 year history in Canada; however, this is the first time it has had the support necessary to collect and showcase national youth opinion on topics relevant to students and employers.




from the east

When it comes time for students to find employment in their chosen field, the two most important factors are:

from the west

90% 84%

students across Canada responded to the survey

the reputation of the employer the sustainability of the sector


Oil and Gas




Financial Services



Students think this is the least sustainable industry.

Students think this is the most sustainable industry.

Students think this industry has the most potential to become sustainable.

Students think this industry has the least potential to become sustainable.

Students think they have the least influence on this industry.

Students think they have the most influence on this industry.

The survey shows that Canadian youth are positive about Canada’s impact in sustainability.


of students believe Canada’s influence on sustainability will increase



of university students think Canada is on the right track when it comes to being a competitive and sustainable global leader

of students believe Canada is on the wrong track


of student is uncertain

This being said, it is clear that students believe that Canada still has a long way to go and students want to play a larger role in that change.

Driving Canadian Competitiveness 2014 This year, the Canada Youth to Business Forum will address a growing problem in all facets of business and society – risk. Today, the Canadian economy needs more risk-tolerance and creativity. In the rapidly changing, and increasingly global economy, Canadians need to be willing to expose themselves to new ideas. On May 9th 2014, AIESEC Canada will convene 400 student leaders from 29 universities across the country to engage in dialogue with senior business representatives to address this question:

Theme: How do we work together to embrace risk

and drive Canadian Competitiveness? World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index: Canada ranks 14th overall but 21st in innovation and sophistication factors.

“We (Canadian businesses) avoid risk at any cost, we don’t innovate; we stagnate. Canada needs more growth.” -- Deloitte

Whether it is transforming Canada's education system so as to unleash the creativity innate in all of us or cultivating a new form of international entrepreneurialism, the changes have to come from ground up, not the top down -- they have to come from individual action. – Todd Hirsch The Boiling Frog Dilemma

The Big Day

8:30 ~ 9:00

Networking Breakfast

9:00 ~ 9:50

Morning Keynote

10:00 ~ 10:50

Morning Panel

11:00 ~ 11:30

Networking Break

11:30 ~ 12:30

Workshop Round 1- How are our leading organizations embracing risk and entrepreneurial spirit to drive their organizations forward?

12:30 ~ 1:30 1:30 ~ 2:30

Lunch & Keynote Workshop Round 2- How are our leading organizations embracing risk and entrepreneurial spirit to drive their organizations forward?

2:30 ~ 3:00

Networking Break

3:00 ~ 7:00

Business Creativity Competition

7:00 ~ 7:30

Closing Keynote

7:30 ~ 8:30


8:30 ~ 9:30

Youth Perspective

Work with Youth and Get Involved

As we see in the 2013 Youth to Business Report, today’s youth are increasingly concerned with a company’s reputation when making career choices. More than that, youth will no longer tolerate organizations that refuse to enter a dialogue on today’s challenges. The Canadian Youth to Business Forum is the perfect forum to engage in a dialogue, communicate your company’s values, and show your company as a leader in Canadian society. By connecting your organizations core values and personality to those of top student leaders at the Youth to Business Forum, you will attract the right talent.

Why Should You Get Involved? • Unique opportunity to gain input from potential employees and customers on initiatives • Communicate your company’s values in an interactive fashion • Show your company as a leader and role model in addressing challenges Canada faces • Ask a relevant question through the Leger Survey to over 700 youth in 29 different universities across Canada.

Extra Benefits • Gain access to results from a Leger Marketing/AIESEC survey on student attitudes and perceptions on work environments and creativity within your sector • Learn from students at the Forum how your communications impact their perceptions • Gain access to the Youth to Business Report, published after the forum to demonstrate the key learning points from the day

Who Are We Bringing?

“AIESEC, without question, is the breeding ground for the world’s future leaders.” -Blake Goldring | President and CEO, AGF Management

This is a rare opportunity to engage with students actively seeking to supplement their education with practical real-world experiences. While some Canadian businesses struggle to build risk tolerance and create creative environments, AIESEC Canada has a history of developing entrepreneurial leaders. Indeed, 6 of the 9 student Chief Executive Officers of AIESEC Canada Inc. from 1981-1994 are now CEOs of their own organizations. This is the perfect forum to engage with future leaders.

AIESEC Canada in Numbers

Masters/MBA/Law 2% International Development Studies 3% Arts/Humanities 11%

Administration/Business/ Commerce/Management 53%

Sciences 10%

Bringing global youth to Canada


Engineering 5%

interns Sending Canadian youth abroad

Canadian youth in leadership roles

Economics/Political Other Science/Public Affairs 9% 7%



University presences







Graduating students per year

AIESEC members have rated the following recruitment methods as “most effective in recruiting them”

Total network of




Sessions at AIESEC Online job search conferences databases

MR. FRANCOIS PINTAL Regional Vice President National Bank

MR. DAVID HUGHES President & CEO Pathways to Education Canada

72% Organizational information sessions

When asked if they would move from their home city after graduation

Famous Alumni MS. MONIQUE LEROUX President & CEO Desjardins


MS. LAURA DOTTORI-ATTANSIO SEVP & Chief Risk Officer Corporate Credit Products CIBC World Markets

MR. PIERRE ALARY MR. BLAKE GOLDRING Senior Vice President & Chairman & CEO CFO AGF Management MR. KEVIN PEESKER Bombardier President and CEO of Dell Canada



Definitely Yes


90% of Quebec membership responded Definitely Yes

Sponsorship Levels Theme Partner – $15,000 • Distribution of materials to all 300+ delegates • Logo on all workshop banners for your theme • Opportunity to present 2 one-hour workshops to 40–60 delegates (engagement with a total of 80–120 delegates) • 5 tickets to both the mentorship/networking breakfast and the keynote lunch • One year recognition as a Gold Partner of AIESEC Canada • 5+ tailored social media posts (time permitting) leading up to the forum • Participate in deciding areas of research for the 2014 and 2015 Leger Survey • Naming rights to a networking break • Pose a challenge or issue you or your organization faces ahead of time & capitalize on the creative solutions of over 300 students • Opportunity to run a one hour workshop during our National Congress Life Long Connection Track: (See Appendix - $5000 Value).

Workshop Partner – $5,000 • Opportunity to present 1 one-hour workshops to 40–60 delegates • 2 tickets to both the mentorship/networking breakfast and the keynote lunch • One year recognition as a Silver Partner of AIESEC Canada • 5 social media posts (time permitting) leading up to the forum

Connecting Partner – $2,500 • 5 social media spots (time permitting) leading up to the forum • 2 tickets to the keynote lunch • Opportunity to attend both panels

Benefits For All Partners • Trade show booth space outside of plenary room all day • Opportunity to attend all panels and speeches • Logo on promotional materials.

2013 Sponsors

Forum Partner

Strategic Partner

Workshop Partners

Communities Theme Partner

National Partners Group Platinum Partners

Gold Partners

Silver Partners

Communication Partners

Strategic Partners

Learning Partners

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