A Legacy Defined
While she is formally stepping down
on June 30, Sue will continue to advise the University on a number of projects on a part-time basis, including her peer evaluation work for the upcoming accreditation report to the Higher Learning Commission. She and Jim plan on traveling more and spending time with their nine grandchildren when COVID19-related travel restrictions end.
As longtime supporters of the
University—both made regular contributions before their marriage— Sue and Jim leave an impressive legacy. Most recently in the newly renovated Goppert Performing Arts Center, the Sue Willcox Ph.D. Music Hall bears her name
As a student and administrator, Sue Willcox ’79 has been central to the Avila story for more than 40 years.
and imparts a lasting impact for future generations of Avila students to receive a top-notch education. Sue credited the Sisters of St. Joseph with inspiring this
in the Hooley-Bundschu Library, and
and nearly 22 years as an administrator,
optimizing the University’s information
Sue Willcox, Ph.D., ’79 is stepping down
technology team. In 2018, the University
strong, quality curriculum that has
as University Provost and Vice President
named her Provost after she spent a year
helped us look at things with a different
of Academic Affairs in June.
in an interim capacity.
lens,” Sue said. “Part of that lens is to
help others who come into our paths,
four years as a student
“It’s hard to step back to think about
Working for Avila also led to one
“The Sisters have always had a
my life with Avila because it started
unexpected blessing, meeting her
and I am hopeful we, as alumni, realize
when I was 17 years old when I began as
husband, Jim Willcox. The former chair
that we have a path we’ve been given.
a student,” she said. “I’m an educator
of the Board of Trustees and interim
I’m a first-generation student, and there
at heart, and I always want the highest
Avila President knew Sue professionally.
was a time between my junior and senior
quality education accessible to the most
It was at a social function in 2014 when
years when I hit a wall financially. After
people. I’m hopeful that what I have
they began a conversation, connected,
I looked around for a bit of work so that
done at Avila has made it an environment
and “the rest is history.” Jim said Sue’s
I could finish, S. Ann Dominic Tassone
where students feel safe and can be
loyalty to the University continues
came to me and said she had found
to amaze.
another scholarship for me. I was blessed
to have individuals like her in my life,
In nearly two decades in administra-
“I’ve seen the work that Sue has done
tion, Sue has made a visible impact on
from afar and from up close, and I can
and that made such a profound impact
the University and campus. In 2006, she
tell you she is the ultimate in terms of
on me.
was named vice president for information
commitment and dedication to Avila,”
services and vice provost. Encouraged by
Jim said. “I’m extremely proud of what
mentoring a student, or helping provide
Sr. Marie Joan Harris, Sue helped lead the
she has been able to accomplish, and I
an internship, as alumni, we can
redesign of the O’Rielly Hall science labs,
know she is going to want to continue to
contribute in some way to our students
the remodel of the Learning Commons
help out in whatever way she’s asked.”
and Avila to make it better.”
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