Student Reflections & Projects e Tim Menejias
his piece of artwork is one that I made with a dual meaning. It represents the duality of what Jewish people were going through during World War II and what Jewish people are still widely going through, along with other minority ethnic, racial, and religious groups in today’s world. It represents Jewish people’s fight through the Holocaust and how through it all they still looked out for one another and depended on their faith to get through it. The eyes represent duality as well, both the watchful eyes of the angels, the guardians of man, and the watchful eyes of a fascist government. While I myself am not a religious person, as a Jewish person I find it incredibly impressive and moving, that through it all many Jewish people kept their faith and it helped them get through one of history’s most horrifying events.
While I already knew of Irena Sendler, hearing the story more recently and far more thoroughly has really shown me what it means to be a hero. To be someone so selfless, and to help so many is something truly amazing. Many people face social justice issues, even in today’s modern world there is ignorance and hate. As a Jewish person I have faced some discrimination in school when I was younger for being different, and even for looking different, even when I appear to be white. Because of this, I can only imagine how difficult it must be for people of color. Social justice issues occur across the world, and while they may vary from place to place, it is overwhelmingly clear that we could use more heroes like Irena Sendler. I hope to be an agent of change through actual activism, not just performative activism that we see many people participating in today. I will attend protests and help people in any way I can. I hope to help the world, and I hope other people wish for the same thing.
Major: Art - Graphic Design Hometown: Joplin, Mo.