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The FMA Network, It\u2019s a Success
Now in its fifth year, the Flying Musicians Association’s scholarship program (FMA Solo) is MORE than a scholarship/grant endeavor, it’s also a networking opportunity. The FMA Solo is a successful program embracing student musicians desiring to further pursue music and aviation. With more than 700 pilot/musicians in the organization and over 150 student members, the FMA Network is an organization crafted of those who have been there and those wanting to join them.
The FMA solo program has awarded eight students in the past four years. Six have soloed while 2 are in the wings and should solo this spring. There have been many more FMA student members who have soloed and several have received their pilot’s certificate including two past recipients. As in previous years, all nominations for the 2019 have been offered a sponsored student membership thanks to the many donors who have given to the Sponsored Student Membership fund. Students who are gifted a sponsored student membership are guaranteed membership throughout their academic years which ensures their access to the FMA network.
We have all benefited from others in our life who bestow their wisdom and support with little asked, if anything, in return. The FMA network is growing into a way to give back. There is no better spectator sport than to follow the growth of another of whom you assisted. You will receive instant gratification watching a student progress through academics, music, and aviation. It’s addicting! They too will grow to assist others. As a member in the FMA network, whether you are mentoring or being mentored, whether it is music and or aviation, whether it’s your vocation or avocation, you’ll be rewarded many times over. Join today at www.FlyingMusicians.org.

To qualify for the FMA Solo program, a junior or senior high school music student must have their music director nominate them. The floor for nominations for the 2020 program will open in the fall of 2019, to be awarded in the late spring of 2020. Follow past, current, and, future recipients at www.FMAsolo.org.