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FSANA’s Youth Envoy Flies ALSIM’s AL250
By Elise Peterson
HOW DID YOU BECOME INTERESTED IN AVIATION? Well, I have always loved planes. My parents would take me to a toy store, and I only ever wanted airplanes or helicopters. Trust me they tried dolls, but that is just not my thing. Mom says when I was about two, she said to me, “You know people drive those, and they are called pilots.” I guess it just stuck. In preschool, my friends wanted to become princesses or Batman; me, always a pilot!
WE FIRST MET AT THE FSANA CONFERENCE IN SAN DIEGO THIS PAST FEBRUARY WHERE YOU TRIED OUR VIRTUAL REALITY HEADSET TO SEE INSIDE OUR ALX SIMULATOR. WHAT DID YOU THINK OF THAT? That was pretty cool. I mean, it was like I was really a part of the actual flight crew. How could you not like that?
THEN, WE MET AGAIN WHEN YOU SURPRISED US AT SUN ‘N FUN! YOU FLEW OUR AL250 SIMULATOR LIKE A TRUE PILOT. TELL US ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCE IN THE AL250: That was awesome! I even got to fly left seat! That is an amazing simulator. It is super realistic and it gives you a true feeling of flying an actual airplane.
WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE BIGGEST BENEFIT OF SIMULATORS FOR YOUNG PILOTS? I like the simulators because I can practice some sometimes crazy moves, but I have the advantage of walking away from that landing (That makes Mom & Dad super happy). But seriously, it gives me a true feel of a real life flight and helps me work towards my flight time, so I can be the best pilot I can be!
WHAT TYPES OF PLANES HAVE YOU FLOWN OR BEEN IN? WHICH IS YOUR FAVORITE? Cessna 172, Robinson R22, Grumman AA5, Rans 519, and PA32. My favorite have been the Cirrus SR20 & the Mooney 201. So far, I have only flown left seat a few times in the Cessna & the Cirrus.
WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS AS A PILOT? Overall, I want to share my love of aviation with other kids as the Youth Envoy with FSANA. Maybe even work with someone to develop a simulator truly for kids (hint hint). My personal goals this summer are to do my first water landing and I would like to start glider training soon. My goal is to get my glider license at 14, solo at 16. I would love to fly a vintage biplane sometime. At one point, I want to train with Patty Wagstaff because she is my hero and is amazing! Eventually, I would like to attend Embry Riddle for college and play on the girls golf team.