2 minute read
Introducing The Experimental Aircraft Channel
For all of you that are truly interested in aviation, at the “Builder” and “Manufacturing” level, I invite you to check out the “Experimental Aircraft Channel.” This channel can be found on YouTube and also on a very active Facebook page highlighting Experimental, Light Sport and also Ultralight Aviation and exists in hopes of educating and encouraging others to “Just Built It” be it from plans or kits. The Experimental Aircraft Channel (owned/operated by myself “Bryan Walstrom of Walstrom Aviation” in Florida) and I produce video interviews with fellow Builders at their homes, workshops and hangars to give the world a “behind-the-scenes” look into where and how you can build kit aircraft. Often interviews are scheduled with manufacturers as well giving you a detailed “How-it’s made” tour of the manufacturing process and facilities. I felt that there is currently a gap or disconnect with having a very personal connection with the builder of these aircraft after the kits leave the manufacturer and wanted to find a way to fix that. Years ago while traveling for work, I would look up fellow builders and ask to stop by just to see the progress of kit project and simply to “talk-shop” with another aviation enthusiast. I also would seek out the locations of aircraft manufacturers, big or
small and certified or experimental, just to see for myself “how-it’s-made. One day I thought, “I bet others would like to see this and learn about this and maybe it would be a great way to introduce new people into aviation by seeing first hand what builders workshops look like and who is “actually” building these great kit aircraft!” So began this passionate journey of starting this YouTube Channel and meeting and speaking with new people in aviation.
Very recently I met Jacob Peed of AviNation and discovered that we have the same passion for getting people involved in aviation. We spoke about ideas on getting people involved young or old and possibly seeking out schools for scholarship programs at the maintenance/engineering level of aviation. And how we might get the younger crowd distracted from gaming and social media endless scrolling and get either tools in their hand to work on aircraft or a yoke to go actually fly an airplane! The youth, of course, is the future of aviation and we all must invest together to some level if we want to see aviation not only in our future but theirs as well. I invite you to follow along and support both Experimental Aircraft Channel and AviNation by telling others about it and reading, watching, subscribing to see what happens next!
Experimental Aircraft Channel can be found on YouTube: www.youtube.com experimentalaircraftchannel
Experimental Aircraft Channel can be found on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/experimentalaircraftchannel