2 minute read

One Week Cub

By: Nick Poucher

The week during Sun ‘n Fun, the Lakeland Aero Club will be building the first kit version of the Recruit Cub. We will be working with Patriot aircraft who manufactures the kit as well as the first factory version of the aircraft. The Recruit Cub will be the EAA sweepstakes plane this year. Throughout the week our team of high school students will 100% assemble the Recruit Cub kit, including building the engine and being ready to be covered and painted. During this build our team will be continuously creating videos that will help assist future homebuilders, flying clubs and EAA chapters with each step of this kit build.

The Lakeland Aero Club hangar will be open the week through the entire expo for the public to keep up with the progress of our build as well as to check out our other projects and flying aircraft. For everyone that will be unable to make it to Sun ‘n Fun or who cannot make it to our hangar, the progress will be continuously updated on our website www.LakelandAeroClub.org as well as on our Facebook page @TheLakelandAeroClub. After Sun ‘n Fun, the Lakeland Aero Club will continue documenting the fabric and painting process once the aircraft is moved back to Patriot Aircraft. Once the Recruit Cub is ready to fly, we will begin phase 1 flight testing where we will continue creating easy to use videos to walk future builders through the steps to get your new aircraft ready to use. Following flight testing the Lakeland Aero Club will rendezvous at Patriot Aircraft in Bessemer, Alabama and continue our journey to Oshkosh for AirVenture 2021.

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