4 minute read
My Seaplane Experience
By Ava Shelly
Last year, my family and I were heading to Lakeland, Florida for Sun ‘n Fun when we passed by Jack Brown’s Seaplane Base on the highway. My dad and I looked over at each other and knew that we were going to stop. We got off the exit and headed over to Jack Brown’s and asked if they had any availability to go up for a flight. Within a few minutes they were ready for me. I walked around the back and saw a Piper J-3 Cub on floats! I was so excited and was full of adrenaline. After watching another plane land on the lake, my brother Van said, “I want to do that too!”. We laughed and signed him up for the next open slot.

While getting into the Cub, I remember thinking “Okay, what am I getting myself into and why do I like it so much already!” What really was going through my mind was how are we supposed to land on floats! I asked my instructor and he told me exactly how and just by hearing that explanation I was smiling from ear to ear! He told me to always hold the stick back and to remember C.A.R.; Carbon (off), Area (clear) and Rutters (up). We were getting ready for take-off after I went through the C.A.R. checklist, and we went full throttle at 30kts and already began to ascend. My heart was beating so fast, I couldn’t contain my excitement. With back pressure on the stick, we lowered the nose just a little to the point we were gliding on the lake. When we were in the air, my instructor took down the windows and doors and it was like I was flying in a little electric car!
I was so amazed how something like this can turn into a beautiful way of flying! The highest altitude we flew that trip was 500 feet. When we reached 500 feet, we brought the power back between 20kts to 25kts. While cruising around the sky at a low altitude, I was able to land in the LEGOLAND Lake. I was so happy I couldn’t hold it in even if I wanted to. After a few splash-n-dashes’ (which they call touch and go’s) we went back to home base. We landed for the last time that day. I couldn’t express how I felt to my parents, so I just smiled and gave my parents a big hug. Five minutes later, Van comes in for his landing in the same aircraft I was in, the Piper J-3 Cub. After he came out of the plane, he had the exact same reaction as I did! We got our logbooks signed and got shirts on the way out. That was definitely one of the best flying experiences of my life!

A year later, we scheduled a trip back to Jack Brown’s knowing what we were getting into this time! Luckily, I remembered the C.A.R. acronym so my instructor wouldn’t have to worry about reminding me. We pushed back off the shoreline and went through our preflight checklist, carefully going down the list to make sure the plane was in safe condition to fly. As we slid across the top of the lake, it felt as if we were water skiing. I remember how it felt the first time and there I was, smiling from ear to ear again. My instructor and I went to many different lakes this time. Sadly, no LEGOLAND, but he did make it up for it by showing me how he was able to splash-n-dash in such a small lake. I did most of the flying this time without the assistance of my instructor. I was able to record seven landings from this one flight. My brother Van took another lesson, but this time went up in the Cessna 172 with my mom as a passenger. She said she really enjoyed the flight and how enjoyable landing on the water was. After I landed, my brother and mom were right behind us. Van and I got our logbook signed and then I remember my mom saying, “I never want to fly another way!”, we all began to laugh because we couldn’t agree more! Maybe next time my mom and dad will fly! My goal now is to go every year while heading up to Sun ‘n Fun. In two years, I’ll be sixteen and plan to get my seaplane rating from the awesome team up there. Thank you Jack Brown’s for having my family fly with you and your wonderful instructor pilots. We’ll see you next year!