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AviNation American Dream Tour Comes to Louisiana

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Time to Worry

By LED FastStart

Do you want to make a dramatic impression on high school students considering a career in the aviation/ aerospace industry? Land a Blackhawk helicopter at their school and elevate a typical Career Day into a oneof-a-kind experience for students and faculty alike. This was just one of the exciting activities that took place during the Louisiana leg of the AviNation American Dream Tour spearheaded by AviNation, a national magazine created to attract, educate, and empower youth in aviation, giving its readers insight into the future of the industry. The tour is an outreach program for youth that promotes aviation/aerospace education and career opportunities, along with directions on how to take the initial steps to enter the industry.

From engineers and mechanics, to operations technicians and air traffic controllers, the aviation industry has a wide variety of career choices available and a deep need for employees that extends well into the next decade. High school students at select schools across Louisiana had a first-hand look at the industry during the AviNation event. Louisiana Tour Stops Included:

• Belle Chasse High School in Belle Chasse

• David Thibodaux STEM Magnet Academy in Lafayette

• Washington-Marion High School in Lake Charles

• The SwampSTOL (Short Take Off & Landing) Competition in Jennings

“The AviNation Magazine team was excited to bring groups of outstanding speakers and participants to share their experiences and knowledge of the aviation industry,” said Thomas Flavin, Business Development Advisor, AviNation. “We were impressed by the students’ response to this outreach and are appreciative of each school’s administrative leadership and support. Louisiana has great colleges for these students to advance their education and careers in aviation and aerospace if they choose this career path.”

An Inside Look at the Tour

In addition to helicopters landing at some stops, all of the tours included a keynote speaker along with industry members who participated in breakout sessions about their specific roles in the aviation/ aerospace industry and career paths. Some of the participants included:

• Avex CEO, Raymond Bernard

• Chennault International Airport CEO, Kevin Melton

• Boeing Supplier Quality Specialist, Shawn Pugmire

• Commercial Airline Pilot, Captain Nathan Maki

• Metro Aviation Pilot, Laura McColm

A&P Mechanic Instructors from SOWELA and Baton Rouge Community College spoke to students about mechanic jobs in the industry. In addition, representatives from Nunez Community College, University Louisiana Monroe, Dillard University, the U.S. Air Force, and Coast Guard also participated.

One of the highlights at the Belle Chasse event was hearing from keynote speaker Kenneth Morris, Executive Director at Aviation Community Foundation of Houston, a nonprofit that promotes aviation to young people.

“Regardless of our background, ethnicity, barriers, religion, socio-economic status, etc., the aviation industry has a place for each of us,” stated Morris. “The pinnacle of our success comes from the people we are involved with, personally and professionally, and the relationships we create along our journey. As a pilot, I have so much respect and admiration for our mechanics, technicians, air traffic controllers, dispatchers, customer service reps, line service technicians, administrative staff and more—it truly takes a team. For those looking to the future to become Aviation, Aerospace and STEM professionals, it is imperative to focus on being a productive person and a citizen that always does the right thing, even when no one is looking.”

Morris delivered his keynote address to the entire school. The young men and women were so impressed with his speech, 40 additional students signed up that day to attend the breakout sessions.

“I know that our students thoroughly enjoyed the event, and it really opened their eyes and minds to career possibilities within this field,” said Dr. Crystal Bowie, Principal at Washington-Marion High School. “The kids here in Lake Charles think mostly about jobs at chemical plants and in the hospitality industry, and to know that these careers in aviation are here, too, is amazing.”

Aviation Industry Facts

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 13,100 openings for aircraft and avionics equipment mechanics and technicians are projected each year, on average, over the next decade. Many of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or exit the labor force or retire.

One of the reasons the tour stopped in Louisiana is that the state’s aircraft-related industry is growing and needs employees, especially for Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) Mechanics. These highly-trained, skilled professionals that work on, repair, and maintain aircraft are needed at Louisiana-based companies like Avex, Advanced Aero Services, and Citadel Completions.

Why should you consider a career in this field?

• Great Pay and Rewards: The average pay for an A&P mechanic is $63,000 annually, and experienced mechanics that move into heavy maintenance can command over $100,000 a year in salary.

• Great Perks: If you work for an airline, these companies sometimes reward their employees with flight benefits for travel.

• Job Security: A&P Mechanics are in the same job classification as nurses, much-needed around the country and the world.

• Immediate Need: Aviation companies in Louisiana are making hundreds of hires in 2023 with the industry poised for steady growth over the next decade.

“I speak for the entire team at Avex MRO, when I mention the excitement we had to be included in the recent AviNation event in Lafayette,” stated Raymond Bernard, Avex CEO. “Having the ability to get in front of potential future employees was a dream-come-true. The aviation industry, with such a wide range of job opportunities, offers so much to young students with inquisitive minds. We hope to continue to participate and assist where possible to drive the aviation industry needs. Avex is currently hiring. Our growth plans and long-term strategy will forever have available positions for a dedicated workforce.”

If you’re currently looking for a new job in the aviation/aerospace sector, check out Louisiana’s LED FastStart Recruiting, a full-service employment hub where you’ll find jobs in a wide range of skill levels. Visit Opportunities.LEDFastStart.com to complete your profile today and then be matched with a job that’s tailored for your skills and experience.

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