6 minute read

Join the New Space Era

By Scott Firsing

Most pilots dream of flying an aircraft higher and higher, continuing to climb out of the Earth’s atmosphere like a Federation starship until they see the curvature of our beautiful planet. Only 566 human beings to date have left Earth’s gravity and seen our world from above 100 km or 328,000 ft. It’s a select few. To understand just how select of a group this really is, divide that number by the estimated 7.8 billion people currently living today, and you get a percentage so small that you almost need to be an astronaut or a rocket scientist to figure it out. It’s around one millionth of one percent.

All of the first astronauts were pilots. In fact, in 1959, NASA screened the records of 508 military test pilots, and chose 110 candidates. They eventually weaned them down to the group known as the “Mercury Seven.” They were relatively small in height and weight in order to fit into the various spacecraft of that era. Some had engineering degrees, some did not. Two common denominators were experience and intellect. On average they had approximately 3,500 flight hours each with an IQ ranging from 135 to 147. Because the astronauts would have to both monitor the cabin environment and make necessary adjustments, piloting skills were seen as a necessity. They had to continuously know their position and altitude, read instruments, and use manual controls to perform tasks like descending from orbit.

Sixty-one years later and NASA’s new 2020 candidates and application process looked a little different. First, it was a fully public search where applicants applied through something called the internet using a technological device commonly known as a computer. That process was quite different from the late 1950s and 1960s when their equipment had the computing power of a modern-day calculator. In total, more than 12,000 people applied to join what NASA calls the “Artemis Generation,” a new class of

astronauts to help the agency return humans to the moon and reach outward to Mars. Like the original astronauts, you need to work hard, and have extensive schooling, particularly in a STEM field. Being a pilot or even a military veteran is no longer a requirement, but it is definitely a plus.

What is also important, similar to the early days of human spaceflight, is good old-fashioned work experience. The latest round of NASA applicants were able to substitute some of their education, if needed, for 1,000 hours or more of pilot-in-command time in jet aircraft. Like with most newer jets, you need to know and understand the newer advanced avionics and electronic systems. New spacecraft almost entirely rely on data from sensors and electronic equipment. In the new Lockheed Martin Orion spacecraft, for example they use Honeywell’s Flight Control Modules that are similar to the Boeing 787. In fact, it’s expected computers do most of the busy work for the majority of future space programs, while humans supervise. On the plus side, and older pilots may relate to this, it relieves astronauts from the long checklists and flicking what felt like an endless number of switches. However, like in the old days and even present day, one must be prepared if something goes wrong in space. For instance, you might need to take manual control of the spacecraft, but ultimately, in space, it’s your responsibility to fix it, perhaps with assistance from another crew member or mission control.

In terms of on the job training, NASA does train all of their new astronauts on spacecraft systems and robotics, but also in other ‘softer’ skills such as leadership, followership and teamwork. However, often to even be selected by NASA, you have to be passionate, physically fit, demonstrate that you can work well in a group, and be likeable. Yes, likeability is important because if you are going to be in close quarters with someone for any extended period of time, you better hope that you have a decent personality and can get along with people. If not, there could be a risk of you being ejected into the cold and darkness of space by your peers.

Beyond NASA

Regardless if you become a NASA astronaut one day or not, all of the skills previously discussed are useful in other newer ‘space’ focused institutions. This includes the U.S. Space Force. Launched in late 2019, the Space Force is a new branch of the

American military, one of eight uniformed services. Unfortunately, unlike most other branches, the Space Force is not currently hiring pilots. However, this could change in the future. Current job vacancies are in space systems, cyber operations and support, or working on various intelligence fields like geospatial where officers analyze multisenor imagery or data. Development Engineers, and those familiar with various types of materials, are also key positions that need to be filled. These jobs are vital because much of our day-to-day lives depend on operations in space, as does the national security of our nation. In the face of economic and military threats, items like GPS, certain internet services, and other crucial communication services and surveillance need protection.

If your body, mind and soul belongs in the sky, and you dream of flying with Chewbacca, Finn and Rey onboard the Millennium Falcon, you might be in luck. We haven’t invented hyper drives or warp speed yet, but we have entered a new era of commercial space exploration or some call it, a space renaissance. But whatever you want to call it, the global space industry is undergoing great change with hundreds of new companies, often partnering with public institutions, investing in new spacecraft and launch systems for more frequent and cost-effective access to space. Undoubtedly, thousands of people will work and live in space in the coming decades. Companies around the world—in transportation, energy, exploration, construction or hospitality- -are all looking above that 100 km line for the next growth opportunity.

People with piloting skills and who understand avionics will undoubtedly be needed in this new space era. And they might one day fly on SpaceX’s Crew Dragon, Lockheed’s Orion, or Boeing’s Starliner. Perhaps it will be a little closer to home and you fly one of Virgin Galactic’s spaceships and experience Zero G. Maybe you will work for an overseas company that hasn’t yet been created, run by a billionaire from China, Japan, Germany, France, India, Israel or Russia.

Final thoughts and advice

If you dream being one of the select few humans that get to experience space flight, be assured that the new space era is here. Not only will the rebirth of space activities accelerate scientific innovation, it will require bright, experienced pilots like you. So while we wait for NASA to officially introduce its new astronauts around the Summer of 2021, you should continue to work hard and gain flight and work experience because being able to handle unexpected situations could absolutely mean the difference between life or death in space. In addition, exercise every day because a healthy body does indeed equal a healthy mind, and continue to learn about advanced sciences and technology. And finally, make sure that you can communicate clearly, be someone who is a pleasure to be around, and perhaps most importantly- -never lose that passion for reaching for the stars!

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