Common Sense News Jan 2014 Edition

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A Publication Of News, Commentaries, And Various Topics Of Interest. Volume I

Jan. 2014

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By: William P. Murray

Note: As Common Sense News has been closely following the City for Champions debate, we were shocked to learn that on December 16th the Colorado Economic Development Commission granted partial funding – an estimated $120.5 million dollars over the next 30 years to help finance the City for Champions. Who will fund most of the other costs? Who will own the Stadium/Events center? These are questions that the citizens of Colorado Springs will need to know to and we will help bring them to you.

SUMMARY of FINDINGS: 12/16/2013 Approved City for Champions proposal. $120.5 mil over 30 years. ​The Applicant (in conjunction with its partners) to submit a written plan detailing Project milestones and a graduated plan by March 16, 2014, including: (1)​Letter of intent from the Applicant and its partners stating plan to move forward with the approved Regional Tourism Project. (2)​Detailed financing commitments, including but not limited to, philanthropic gifts, equity investors, debt instruments, local tax increment, and local sales tax. (3)​Timeline for necessary land acquisition. (4)​Engineering/Architectural plans. (5)​Construction permits. (6)​Construction timeline. COST COMPLETION The United States Olympic Museum and Hall of Fame $59.4M June 2016 Colorado Sports & Event Center $92.7M 2016 Air Force Academy Visitor’s Center $20.5M 2017 Infrastructure $51M 2016-17 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS: $250, 603,650 ECONOMIC IMPACTS:​ 3rd Party Analysis estimated that it could create 3,114 temporary construction related jobs and 867 ongoing operations jobs. We acknowledge valid concerns regarding this Project; however our recommendation for approval is based solely on the statutory requirements in C.R.S. § 24-46-304(3). All elements are projected by the Applicant to be completed by 2017 Concerns/Weaknesses: 1.​ None of the Project elements have a detailed funding plan, committed capital structure, or development pro-forma, which demonstrates their viability with RTA funding and their lack of viability without funding. 2.​ The lack of contractual commitments between the three Olympic-related Project elements and the USOC, CSOTC and the NGBs. 3.​ Large differentials in the estimated amount of new visitors and the size of the net new state sales tax increment available for the Project between Colorado Spring’s application and TPA. RECOMMENDATION: The final resolution is contingent upon finalizing all terms and conditions including those listed below and upon approval by the Commission within 120 days unless expressly extended by the Commission: . Initial Terms and Conditions . The City of Colorado Springs is the local government approved to undertake the Regional Tourism Project. . Regional Tourism Project - The City of Colorado Springs via the Colorado Springs Urban Renewal Authority shall partner with a non-profit corporation to build and run the U.S. Olympic Museum and Hall of Fame, a Colorado Springs Stadium Authority to build and operate the Colorado Sports and Event Center, the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs or affiliated non-profit entity to build and operate the Sports Performance and Training Center and the U.S. Air Force Academy to build and operate the visitor’s center. Each element of the Project must be of the approximate cost and size described . Percentage of State Sales Tax Increment Revenue Dedicated - 13.08% . Regional Tourism Authority - the creation of a Regional Tourism Authority has not been requested or authorized. . Regional Tourism Advisory Board. The City of Colorado Springs will create a Regional Tourism Advisory Board, which will make funding allocation decisions between approved RTA Project elements. ​Before any use of RTA funds can begin on the Olympic Museum and Hall of Fame, the non-profit entity that will operate the Olympic Museum and Hall of Fame must obtain a long-term (period to the satisfaction of the Commission) license or other agreement from the USOC for the use of the Olympic name, trademarks, symbols and logos and the exclusive right to operate the Official U.S. Olympic Museum and Hall of Fame within the United States. Additionally the non-profit entity that will operate the Olympic Museum and Hall of fame must sign an agreement with the USOC and USOTC for coordinating exhibits, events between the facilities, sharing memorabilia and operating a shuttle service between the facilities for visitors. These agreements must be provided to OEDIT for Commission approval. ​The Olympic Museum complex must contain the Olympic Hall of Fame and include the Summer and Winter Olympics and Para-Olympics within its exhibits and the Hall. The Olympic Museum Complex must have an “iconic” design and architecture, with a “World Class Facility” with “State of the Art” technology. ​Before any use of RTA funds can be spent on the Colorado Sports and Event Center, the facility must sign and provide to OEDIT, letters of intent, memorandums of understanding, contractual agreements or other similar documents to host at least 20 Pre-Olympic and amateur sporting events such as Olympic Time Trials, Qualifiers, Playoffs and World Championship events that will draw participants from outside Colorado or other events and meetings associated with the Olympic Sports

National Governing Bodies for each of the first two years of Project operations. At least 10 of these events each year must be new to the State of Colorado meaning that they have not been previously hosted in Colorado within 5 years prior to the opening of the CSEC. ​Before any RTA funds can be spent on the UCCS Sports Medicine and Performance Center, per information provided by the Applicant, its component clinics, institutes, and/or faculty members must sign letters of intent, memorandums of understanding, terms of service agreements or other similar documents with the CSOTC, USOC and at least 10 U.S. Olympic Sport National Governing Bodies to provide some combination of specialized training, research, rehabilitation or related services to Olympic sports athletes and provide these documents to OEDIT for review and approval. ​Per information provided by the Applicant, the UCCS Sports Medicine and Performance Center must be designed with clinical and other space to perform the following services: Human Performance testing, Biomechanics, Medically-based fitness, PT, ATC, Prosthetic development and integration, Orthopedics, Cardiology, Sports Psychology, Continuing Education, Research and Educational Offerings. II.​Additional Financial and Tax Terms and Conditions ​Before any RTA funds can be used on any Project element or infrastructure, per the governance structure discussed in the City for Champions Application, the City of Colorado Springs must create a Regional Tourism Advisory Board or Commission that includes representatives from the City, Community Members and Members from each of the approved partner Project elements. The Regional Tourism Advisory Board must sign intergovernmental or inter-organizational agreements delineating the relationships and decision-making. ​The Regional Tourism Advisory Board must allocate minimum proportions of the RTA funds to these Project elements in approximate proportion to 80% of the TPA analyst’s forecasted net new incremental revenue by Project element (allocations rounded for simplicity – the below adds up to 79%). The MEAPs shall be: • U.S. Olympic Museum and Hall of Fame: 42% • Colorado Sports & Event Complex: 23% • UCCS Sports Performance and Medicine Center: 14% ​The remaining 21% can be allocated by the Regional Tourism Advisory Board among all the elements including the need of infrastructure improvements defined in this order as eligible improvements. III.​Substantial Work Pursuant to C.R.S. § 24-46-309, the Commission imposes the following conditions: A.​Applicant must commence substantial work on each individual approved element of the Project within five years of the date of the approval. If the Commission revokes its approval of one or more elements, the Commission may require that the MEAP of revenue associated with the revoked elements plus 7% per revoked element collected during that period plus any investment income earned thereon be refunded to the state treasurer. A.​Each approved element must be fully completed and placed in service within 10 years of the Commission’s Approval of the RTA Project.

This Document will be able to be veiwed on our website Page A-3


5555 Erindale Drive, Suite 102 Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Telephone: 719.302.1900 Facsimile Machine: 719.302.5900

Local News: City for Champions..................................................A-3 Anne's 2 Sense.................................................................................A-4 The Answer is . . . . . Cowboys!!!!...............................................A-5 Colorado Courts Cast Long Shadow.............................................A-6 What About Those Gun Laws?......................................................A-7 Colorado's Caucus System 101: Precinct Committee People...A-8 Yule Be Sorry..................................................................................A-11 The Erosion of Our Constitutional Structure............................A-12 How to Accomplish Leadership with Republican Principles?A-14 Lana's 2 Sense..................................................................................A-16


The Death of Party Politics............................................................B-1 Are Americans As Bad As The Taliban?.....................................B-2 After Two Recalls and One Resignation.......................................B-3 A Primer on Amending the U.S. Constitution............................B-4 Principles of Liberty.........................................................................B-5 Attorney General Candidate Interviews...................................B-6-7 It Just Takes Common Sense..........................................................B-9 Choosing a Firearms Instructor Right for You..........................B-10 An Option for Getting the Healthcare You Need......................B-11 Detaining American's Without Due Process.............................B-12 Global Ideas for Increasing Voter Turnout.................................B-14


Intermountain Media, LLC


Anne C. Vinnola



ell the New Year is here and with it comes renewed hope and gritty resolve. Last year was a nasty and divisive year for Colorado voters starting with the state legislative session going forth through the recalls for Senators John Morse and Angela Giron and then the resignation of Senator Evie Hudak. Colorado citizens are fed up with legislators who don’t listen to We the People. We are fighting to keep Colorado, well…Colorado. We have no patience for far left liberals who have no stake in our state except to gain political ground. We are mad, we are tough and we will not stand for this nonsense.

art director Craig DeLuca

account executives Lana Fore-Warkocz Jerry Vinnola

distribution manager Virgil Earp

web architect Jessica Arent

contributors Matt Arnold Sarah Arnold Don Bendell Douglas Bruce Jacqueline Cartier Dale Comyford Timothy Dietz Tamra Farah Pat Francomano Dr. Harley Ihm Dan Kidder Anil Mathai Lyall Russell Marc Zarlengo Dr. Mary Zennett Subscriptions Available! You can subscribe to Common Sense News for only $49.99 for an entire year. Send check or money order along with your name and address to: Common Sense News 5555 Erindale Dr. Suite 102, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Or call 719-302-1900 to pay with credit card. Copyright©2013 Common Sense News. All rights reserved. Common Sense News is distributed at over 1500 locations throughout Colorado and neighboring states. Limit one copy per person. The paper is for reading purposes only. Re-publication and/ or reproduction in whole or in part is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of the publisher. Common Sense News makes every effort to ensure accuracy in editorial content and advertising however Common Sense News and any of its board members or staff accept no responsibility or liability for inaccurate information provided by the advertisers or from editorial submissions.


Common Sense News provides a voice for freedom-loving Americans who share many common values, yet have differing opinions on certain subjects. This publications’ staff and writers possess diverse worldviews. The content of Common Sense News does not necessarily reflect the views of the employees of Intermountain Media LLC. Page A-4


I am so proud of the grassroots groups in Colorado for leading the charge to take back the state from these liberal yahoos. Their commitment and example were a huge boost to frustrated conservatives who felt their voices were being drowned by liberal blather and out of state interference. Mayor Bloomberg and his cronies spent many millions of dollars to destroy the Colorado Spirit and take our Second Amendment rights away. Colorado pushed back hard and sent them packing, for now. The upcoming legislative session is going to be as fierce as the last but hopefully legislators will take heed and listen to their constituents. Coloradans are fiercely independent and do not take well to being told what to do. We are not going to put up with outsiders telling us we have to give up our freedom. Freedom is what Colorado is all about and what historically has brought people here. Common Sense News will be following the legislative issues we are facing with a small army of savvy folks reporting how issues are going to affect you and your loved ones. We know that New York Mayor Bloomberg and his posse has already started setting up shop in this state again. Thinking they will just start up where they left off, but they are as welcome as rattlesnakes at a square dance! Colorado fought them before and will do it again. I had this bumper sticker on my first pick-up truck; I think still fits for these folks.

Welcome to Colorful Colorado… Now GO HOME!

Anne Vinnola



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What is Wrong With America and How Can We Correct it? The Answer is . . . . . Cowboys!!!! By Don Bendell


hat inspired me and guys like me to achieve success in life? Hokey, corny, idealistic characters who influenced us as children with names like Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Gene Autry, Rex Allen, Annie Oakley, the Lone Ranger, Superman, Wonder Woman, most of John Wayne’s characters, and many, more. When I was a child, we did not worship at the altar of anyone like Justin Bieber, Peewee Herman, or Spongebob Squarepants. We believed in the men and women we watched on Saturday morning television or Saturday matinee movies who always stood up and were counted. They taught us to fight injustice, stand up to bullies, to believe in God, country, freedom, morality, and hard work. Those corny characters I saw made me aspire to become something much greater than myself. They did so for a generation of us. Young kids like me in those days grew up believing that your word was your bond, your handshake a contract. You played by the rules, you stood up for the oppressed, respected your elders, and treated everybody with friendship and openness. I actually believed that if you were hurt or wounded, you bit down on a piece of leather, dealt with it, and accomplished the goal. Patriotism was not only a good thing: It was a great thing. Service in the cause of freedom was proud and noble, and humility was simply the way you acted. Men and boys opened doors for women and girls and treated them with respect. My heroes of old boasted about their faith in God and did not hide it behind a cloak of political correctness and they got a lump in their throat when our National Anthem was played. As a youth, I would play with a stick for a week. On Monday, that stick might be a sword like Zorro, and I would climb a tree in my yard pretending I was scaling a castle wall to save a damsel in distress. On Tuesday, it would be a bow with imaginary arrows as I tiptoed around the neighborhood, an Apache warrior. Wednesday the stick would become a Winchester carbine or a soldier’s M1 rifle, as I had some other magic adventure. I dreamed about someday living in the mountains of the west on a real ranch with a real horse, like I do now. Around the world, one figure is revered as a true hero: the American cowboy. In 1968-1969, as a Green Beret, I lived with the nomadic aboriginal Jeh tribe of Montagnard tribespeople along the border of Laos. They called me Trung-uy (meaning Lieutenant) Cowboy. I wore a cowboy hat and a six-shooter around camp which fascinated them. They had never seen television sets, magazines, or movies. They were some of the most primitive people in the world, but every man, woman, and child knew what a cowboy was. Cowboys were their heroes, too. Years ago, an older friend of mine was visiting the Holy Lands with his wife in Jerusalem. He was dressed the way he normally dressed and became surrounded by an enthusiastic crowd calling him “cowboy.” Many asked for his autograph.

Why are people the world over fascinated with the American cowboy? Because of those longtime heroes, now missing from our TV and silver screens. They all had several things in common: They were tough-minded, rugged individualists, and lived by their own strict moral code. I wrote my own Code of the West years ago. • Cowboys should treat women like ladies, period. • Cowboys fight fair, but only when they have to, and when they do have to fight, they win. • You know exactly where you stand with a cowboy. There are no gray areas, only black and white, but not when it comes to skin color. • A cowboy is only as good as his word. • A cowboy protects his family, spread, and community. • A cowboy will fight for, and take care of orphans, widows, and those who are oppressed. • A cowboy is always willing to share his grub, campfire, and water with ya.’ • And finally; a cowboy believes in his God, and he believes in America and will fight and die to protect either. I have written 27 books in several genres, but I purposely make less money writing westerns, reviving those heroes of my past for the children of the future. I know that such heroes can help save America if they are simply there for children, no, for all people to emulate. For America is a nation of heroes, and it was built upon the courage, quiet strength, and morality of heroes. By heroes, I do not necessarily mean cowboys or soldiers. It can be the teenaged mom and dad who take responsibility for an unplanned pregnancy instead of an abortion. It can be the single mom raising four children when the man-boy father abandoned them. It can be the young black child who listens to everybody in his neighborhood talk about being a victimized race which but instead thinks about the strength and survivability of his ancestors. He simply works hard to go to medical school, without complaining. It can be that one lone child who stands up to the school administration who are trying to force him to deny his or her faith and not pray when he or she chooses to. When we bring back the corny idealistic heroes, America will once again become a nation of principle. Success duplicates success and courage begets valor. We can start this very day, by making a personal decision to do our part to return to becoming one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. A journey begins with saddling up, mounting up, and taking the first few steps. Soon, those small steps turn into a trot, followed by a canter, and then an all-out hair-whipping gallop, as if you mounted up with wings like eagles. Then, before you know it, we will, once again, become America, the home of heroes. Don Bendell is a best-selling author whose style has been likened to Louis L’Amour and Zane Grey, a disabled Green Beret Vietnam veteran, and a 1995 inductee into the International Karate and Kickboxing Hall of Fame. He owns the Strongheart Ranch in southern Colorado and is the author of the just-released western Blood Feather (Berkley-Penguin, Aug, 2013).

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Colorado Courts Cast Long Shadow Over Upcoming State Legislative Session

by: Matt Arnold


"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session." -- Mark Twain (1866)

he opening of the Colorado legislative session this month has renewed the danger to the liberty and property of Colorado citizens still reeling from the effects of last year's legislative session - which saw legislation conforming state law to Obamacare (HB13-1266), granting subsidized in-state tuition rates for illegals (SB13-033), a veritable plethora of bills intended to expand opportunities for vote fraud (including HB131038 Voter Registration for Kids in Jail, HB13-1147 Voter Registration and College, and of course the notorious HB13-1303 Voter Modernization Act a.k.a. “all-mail-ballot vote-fraud” bill among others), and – last not least – numerous assaults & infringements on gun rights in Colorado.

elected officials – for any reason – outside the control of politicians and the scheduled electoral process) can and should be challenged in court. On the flip side, a lack of legislative action to fix the fatally flawed (and illnamed) “Voter Modernization Act” (HB13-1303) will virtually guarantee a continued succession of lawsuits and court challenges on the numerous discrepancies and contradictions in that hastily-enacted piece of legislation. As of this writing, at least two (and possibly more) lawsuits challenging one or more aspects of that bill are under consideration in Colorado courts. Court challenges are also ongoing on the issue of “fracking bans” enacted by referendum in three Colorado cities (Longmont, Lafayette, and Fort Collins) contrary to state law forbidding local bans.

Many of these pieces of legislation – along with legislation passed in previous sessions, such as the “FASTER” Colorado Car Tax (er, “fee”) increases – are currently being challenged in our state courts (or, with the Even the results of a school board election, in which a District Court judge Colorado Sheriffs’ challenge to last session’s gun legislation, in federal ruled that an ineligible candidate had “won” (despite being disqualified for court). office) remains tied up in legal challenges (appeals filed with the Colorado Supreme Court were granted certiorari – meaning, the appeal will be heard In fact, with both chambers of the legislature and the governor’s office still – shortly before this article goes to press). under single-party rule, the courts may be the only avenue available to halt or roll back the effects of bad legislation. Although your "life, liberty, and property" are only under an enhanced threat by the Legislature for less than five short months, they are potentially Some legislative action in the upcoming session may draw additional court endangered by the Colorado Courts year-round. It’s likely that the 2014 challenges. The recent successful removal of three state senators from legislative session may end up being less injurious to our rights and liberties office via the Recall process will likely lead to attempts to legislatively “fix” than 2013 (certainly it would be hard to imagine it getting much worse) in or “clarify” the Recall process – expect a referred measure or legislation large part due to the checks & balances in our Constitution – to the extent intended to “interpret” constitutional provisions for Recalls out of existence that those checks and balances are upheld by our courts. (Colorado Attorney General John Suthers has already announced his intention to propose changes to existing constitutional language). Since Matt Arnold is a strong, principled leader and American patriot. He is a military veteran (currently a Captain in the Army Reserves), an active advocate for education reform and gun the Colorado Constitution can’t be amended by statute, any attempt to rights, but best known as the founder and director of Clear the Bench Colorado, a judicial legislatively “fix” Recalls (eliminating the right of the people to remove accountability group providing independent analysis and commentary on our judicial system. (

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What About Those Gun Laws?

2514 W. Colorado Ave, Suite 103 Colorado Springs, CO 80904

Looking Ahead to the 2014 Colorado Legislative Session By Tamra Farah



oloradans opposed the new gun laws 54% to 40% according to an August 2013 Quinnipiac poll, still Democrats yawn while Republican legislators scurry to repeal them in 2014. With Democrats in the majority in the House (37 to 28) and in the Senate (18 to 17) it will mean winning some democrat votes for the roll back. Is that doable? Numerous bill titles have been submitted, but they haven’t been made public yet. Here are some key questions regarding the gun laws going into the 2014 legislative session:


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1. Will these new bills–or modifications to existing bills–make it to the State House and Senate floors for debate, or will they be thrown into ‘kill committees’? Denver Post reporter, Kurtis Lee, asked Sen. Pat Steadman, D-Denver, if Democrats would send repeal legislation to so-called ‘kill committees.’ His response was, "I don't see any more floor debate needed on the gun laws we passed." But, won’t they entertain some modifications? The word on the street is they will not make it to the House and Senate floor for debate. 2. Will citizens who come to testify in committee on the repeal or changes to gun laws be given the opportunity to do so, or be disregarded like many were last session? I saw Senator Brophy at a recent event and asked his thoughts. He explained, “I think that [the Democrats] will want to limit the amount time they have to deal with gun related issues, so I expect them to cram all the gun bills into committee on the same day, which will naturally limit the amount of time each bill will receive. I know that the GOP will attempt to repeal the worst of the package of bills that passed last year”. If all the bills are crammed into committee on the same day, that could logistically limit citizen’s ability to testify on bills. 3. Will the Obama administration’s folks lobby the Democrat legislators again this year, pressuring them to lay low and keep the new gun laws in place? If they feel it is necessary, I think they would. I heard from more than one Republican legislator that last year Vice President Joe Biden was holed up in Aspen, calling the Democrat legislators and asking if he had their vote on the gun laws. If that were the case, I would call that intimidation. Particularly when then Senate President John Morse changed the rules three times regarding how the committee hearings were being conducted for the proposed gun laws last session. When you are essentially silencing the voice of the citizens of Colorado and bowing to the pressure from Washington, you have forgotten whom you serve. So, what can you do to make a difference? We are the citizens of Colorado and we have the right to speak up and we deserve to be heard. I am proud of people like Colorado University third year law student, Katherine Whitney of Women for Concealed Carry, who did have a chance to testify in committee. She reminded members that they should be working for legislation to uphold her right to carry on campus for self-protection, not sponsoring bills to infringe that right. And, be inspired by Kimberly, a former Northern Colorado University student, a rape survivor who wonders if possessing a firearm may have altered the outcome of that horrific incident. Watch the legislative schedule, note when bills are being discussed in committee, plan to take time and go the Capitol and make your voice heard. Call your legislators, write them emails. They are supposed to listen. And if they don’t, you can speak your mind at the ballot box when you cast your vote in 2014. Bring ten of your best friends along with you. This is our state and we can take it back. Tamra Farah is an activist who works with Colorado Women’s Alliance and on various projects fighting for our constitutional rights.

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Colorado’s Caucus System 101:

Precinct Committee People By: Sarah Arnold


he best way to effect change in your county and state political Party is as a Precinct Committee Person (PCP). Each precinct elects two PCPs to represent that area in county Party elections—voting on everything from Party leadership, to party budgets, to amending the Party by-laws, and other issues as they arise.

Additionally, the PCPs are responsible for turning out the vote in their precinct. This means walking their precinct at least once during each election (preferably more), finding “block captains” (individuals you can share some of the work with), and generally getting the word out about your Party and candidates in your neighborhood. This is in addition to, and separate from, work any candidate does in your precinct as well. You job is to build relationships in your neighborhood so that when it comes time to vote, you aren’t scrambling to convince folks to vote your way— you’ve already invested the time and resources to not have to worry about that. In the “off year” (odd year), each county has organizational meetings for their political parties. This is where new Party leadership is elected: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer (this is an elected position only in some counties) and bonus members. You also get to vote for House, Senate, Congressional District, Judicial District, and State Party Chairmen, Vice Chairmen, and Secretaries. YOU CAN ONLY DO THIS AS A PRECINCT LEADER (or their proxy)! You get to select the public face of your local Party for the next two years. That is a very important job.

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How do you get elected as a Precinct Leader? That is the easy part. Before the caucus, talk to several of your neighbors and show up at the caucus together. When it comes time to nominate folks for PCP, have someone else nominate you. Think about what you want to say—just a quick little speech about why you believe you are the right person to help in this capacity, and then there will be a vote. If you show up with friends, you are likely to win. Easy, right? Now get your caucus plan together and get ready for March 4th! Next month, look for an article discussing the importance of becoming a delegate! Sarah Arnold is a native Coloradan and political strategist. With 15 years of experience on dozens of campaigns, Sarah has done everything from grunt work to managing races on campaigns at all levels statewide. Her passion is for state legislative seats, and she now focuses primarily on freelance strategic consulting, messaging, and opposition research for candidates, political parties, and interest groups around the state. Sarah has an upcoming book, “In the Trenches” discussing how to run for elected office coming out January 1, 2014.

Party leadership has a huge impact over the electoral cycle. Good Party leadership can overcome a number of odds and pull off electoral upsets. Bad Party leadership can take a perfect storm of circumstances and come out the loser during a year where only a terribly inept person could lose. More than that, bad Party leadership can poison the “brand” of your Party and cause more problems than any individual bad candidate could on their own. Leadership is important. Unfortunately, Colorado has seen a huge vacuum of leadership at the State level, and in many counties. It is up to you to help fix that—and the best way to do so is by becoming a Precinct Leader.

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A Fresh Look at Diabetes & Obesity

by Joe G. Rodriguez

In this article, we are going to take a fresh look at two of our nation’s biggest health problems, diabetes and obesity. Diabetes is a “gateway disease” meaning if you have diabetes, your risk factors are more likely to increase in other areas. In the early 1990s, government guidelines*1 began recommending a diet high in carbohydrates. The guidelines were then passed on to medical professionals who then passed them along to their patients. The CDC Diabetes Report Card 2012*2 shows the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes has nearly tripled from 1990 to 2010. In my experience in management and problem solving, when you make a change you want to track the results to make certain you have the desired results. We cannot begin to comprehend the enormous pain and suffering that will affect millions of people and their families. The cost to treat the complications caused by diabetes and obesity is transforming our country in ways we could not have imagined 50-60 years ago. Until the day there is a cure for diabetes, prevention is the best medicine. New research and findings by doctors like Dr. David Perlmutter, author of Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar – Your Brain’s Silent Killers, are recommending a diet that turns the government guidelines*1 upside down. According to Dr. Perlmutter, a high carbohydrate diet not only contributes to higher incidence of diabetes and obesity but Alzheimer’s and other neurological disorders. The 2010 USDA & HHS Dietary Guidelines*1 for Americans, recommends carbohydrates account for 45% to 65% of our calorie intake for all age groups. In late 2008, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. This was something that I had feared all my life because diabetes was in both sides of my family. My mother, younger sister and younger brother all died prematurely to complications caused by diabetes. On the recommendation of my doctor, my wife and I attended a “Diabetes Class” at a Colorado Springs hospital. As part of the class, we were given a “blood glucose meter”. We were instructed to check our blood glucose before a meal or snack and then again 2-hours later. The results were enlightening. Food that I thought was good for me was bad and food that has been demonized was actually good. In order to keep my blood glucose within a healthy range, I needed to reduce carbohydrates below 45% of calorie intake. Each morning, I record my blood glucose, blood pressure and weight. Controlling my weight has been a challenge until recently. In April, a friend introduced me to an all-natural supplement called LudaxxTM F21 Sugar Blocker *3. F21 blocks the absorption of sugar into the blood stream. Two tablets weigh 1.1 grams which then blocks about 9 grams of sugar from entering the blood stream. F21 was a real “game changer” because it significantly reduced my cravings and thereby reduced my calorie intake. Rather than counting calories, I only count carbs and eat until my appetite is satisfied with protein and fat. After 90 days, my doctor confirmed the results with the A1c diabetes test*4.

I believe the combination of lower carbs and losing 23 pounds has contributed to me having more energy and overall wellness. We all need to be more proactive in learning how to prevent diabetes by working with our doctor. Learn how to maintain an excellent A1c score? You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to prevent diabetes, you just need to be informed and use Common Sense. Next month we will take a fresh look at Medicare fraud. *1 - *2 - *3 - *4 - Joe describes himself like a Computer Systems Analysts. Analysts study how people, organizations, products or services work and then develop new solutions to operate more efficiently and effectively. His definition of a problem is something to overcome. Problems are hard before they are easy. Joe served in the United States Army from 1961-4 and had one tour in South Vietnam. In 1990, he retired from IBM after being a Service Research Manager and Programming Service Manager in Research Triangle Park, NC. Joe is a Ludaxx Distributor and co-founder of

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Yule Be Sorry by Douglas Bruce


s a belated Christmas present, I offer omens of an approaching monetary maelstrom of Biblical proportions. Not a star leading the Magi to the manger, these signs herald a fiscal flood of destruction. The prophets foretell no profits. My gift to you is knowledge that tells truths, mimics ancient warnings (“The end is near”), and echoes the Boy Scout motto, “Be prepared.” Unlike past pessimism, this plunge is mathematically inevitable. We are so deeply in debt we can't talk, save, spend, borrow, or grow our way out. The currency collapse cometh. How did this crisis happen? Here are some key facts: President Kennedy was assassinated 50 years ago last November. Ever since, America has lost its way and abandoned its traditions. President Reagan slowed the downward spiral, but no one man could stop it. When JFK died, the federal budget was $106 billion. The national debt (from World War II) was $306 billion. The federal budget is now $3.77 TRILLION, 35 times more! Current national debt is $17 TRILLION, 55 times more! Promises to pay future “entitlements” (our alleged right to other people's money) are closer to $100 TRILLION. (A thousand thousands is a million. A thousand millions is a billion. A thousand billions is a trillion.)

The second betrayal was the Federal Reserve. Congress delegated its control over money to a central bank. In 1832, President Jackson had vetoed a national bank. The 1913 pretext was to halt inflation and “panics,” but there was no net inflation in the prior century. In fact, rising productivity had caused a slow deflation. People could buy more with their dollar; that rewarded savings and investment and curbed interest rates. The dollar rose in value, along with faith in the future. But what three cents bought in 1913 now takes a dollar. A loaf of bread was a nickel then and exceeds two dollars now. So much for fighting inflation. The Federal Reserve is the biggest fiscal fraud ever. Look at a dollar bill. It says “Federal Reserve Note.” A note is an IOU, but after 1933, it no longer was redeemable in gold. After 1963, money was not redeemable in, or minted with, silver, so we have junk coins. Government lied. We now have a “fiat currency,” which means it has value only because government says it does. Turn in a fivedollar bill to the FR and all you can get is five one-dollar bills. We may buy items at slowly rising prices only until sellers begin to experience the coming paper dollar tsunami. Now, the Federal Reserve creates $85 BILLION PER MONTH, backed by nothing. A TRILLION DOLLARS yearly is a million times the largest criminal counterfeiting scheme. Paper money floods the economy, so each dollar is worth less than before (supply and demand). The Obama “stimulus” is a fraud. People Continued on page A-12

2013 was the 100th anniversary of the two worst events in American history. Two political betrayals in 1913 doomed our country down a track to slow suicide. A few dozen evil men imposed centralized, unlimited government that crushed individual liberty. They did humanity more enduring damage than all totalitarian mass murderers in history combined. How? Their political avarice and statist ideology strangled America's legacy as the world's role model and lighthouse of liberty. Their first subversion was the 1913 federal income tax, declared unconstitutional just 18 years earlier. The 16th constitutional amendment allowed the federal government to reach directly into our pockets and take whatever it wanted. In congressional debates, sponsors said it was inconceivable the top tax rate would ever reach 7%. (Fifty years later, the top rate was 91%; today, the LOWEST rate is 10%.) Why didn't proponents put a maximum or flat rate in the constitution? They cared only about unlimited raw power, not the cancer they injected into a country with founding principles they despised.

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DON’T TREAD ON ME! Continued from page A-11

Yule Be Sorry feel richer if they have more dollars, but Obama gets to spend that new money first. Then inflation discounts the purchasing power of the avalanche of phony paper as it falls down to us. When bank loans circulate the “free money” from the FR that banks now store, inflation will accelerate. Government also lies about the inflation rate because it can't afford to pay the interest rate on its debts needed to offset true inflation. Banks pay near-zero interest to punish savers and offer below-inflation loan rates to reward debtors for their risky investments (federally backed). This continues the illusion of prosperity past the next presidential election. As French King Louis 14th said, “After me, the flood.” Collectivists insist the U.S. Constitution, the most divinely-inspired political document in human history, is an musty relic. “Progressives” (the 1913 name for today's liberals, leftists, socialists, and Democrats) succeeded in tearing down the Founding Fathers' two main economic barriers to tyranny. Central government then expanded its political control over our lives. May those devils of destruction burn in Hell forever, joined by 25 past Congresses who preferred cutting remarks to cutting spending. Guillotine, anyone? The cost of this greatest pair of swindles in history? The loss of our economy, our freedom, our country, our world. And you thought we won the Cold War. What New Year's resolutions must you make to protect your family? That will be the topic next month. Douglas Bruce, a former prosecutor, legislator, and county commissioner, authored The Taxpayer's Bill of Rights (TABOR) constitutional amendment Colorado voters approved in 1992. He can be reached at

The Erosion of our Constitutional Structure By: Marc Zarlengo


hat is left of the Constitution in today’s modern age? In a world where the President of the United States unilaterally proclaims healthcare to be a right of every American, where almost half of all Americans receive some type of government benefits, and where much of the voting public receive their information social media or Comedy Central, the Constitution as a framework under which public officials must govern is in grave jeopardy. We know what the Framers of the Constitution intended when they drafted the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Having only recently dissolved allegiance to a tyrant king and mother country for such abuses as “erect[ing] a multitude of New Offices, [which] sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people,” and “suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.” The Framers understood the necessity of placing restraints on a powerful, centralized government and executive. The fundamental concepts underlying the Constitutional structure are surprisingly simple. On one hand, the principle of separation of powers divides the federal government into three co-equal branches, each with defined spheres of authority. On the other hand, is the principle of federalism that limits the entire scope of federal authority, while reserving all residual sovereign authority to the state governments or the American people. Thus, there is a horizontal division of power (separation of powers), and a vertical division (federalism). These very basic principles of checks and balances contained in the Constitutional structure are in peril. This is particularly evident with the control the executive branch has seized from both Congress and the state governments. Primarily, this has been accomplished through unelected bureaucrats who control administrative agencies that issue regulations, rulings, and even adjudicate disputes on a wide

array of issues. While specific and enumerated legislative powers were granted to Congress under Article I of the Constitution, and judicial authority was delegated to the judicial branch under Article III, there is no mention or contemplation of such a massive “fourth branch” of government. According to Maeve P. Carey of the Congressional Research Service, between 1997 and 2012, the federal government issued a total of 56,567 new administrative rules and regulations. Of those rules and regulations, 1,094 were considered “major” rules. They either had an annual effect on the economy of $100,000,000 or moreover; they resulted in a major increase in costs or prices; or resulted in significant adverse effects on the ability of United States based enterprises to compete with foreign based enterprises in domestic and export markets. But the sole responsibility for the erosion of Constitutional protections does not lie solely with the unelected bureaucracy. Much of the blame lies directly with the President himself. Here are just a few of the more striking examples: • President Obama has used his executive authority to unilaterally stop the deportation of certain illegal immigrants without Congressional approval; • The Obama Administration has defied federal court orders, including the court order to lift a moratorium on underwater drilling; • Obama has appointed numerous individuals to cabinet level positions (the so-called “czars”) without the advice and consent of the Senate; • Obama has appointed members to the National Labor Relations Board without the advice and consent of the Senate; • Obama has ordered the FCC to adopt regulations to control the internet in direct violation of Supreme Court precedent;

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• Obama unilaterally ordered the Health and Human Services Department to not enforce the work requirement for welfare recipients despite the clear language of the law signed by Bill Clinton; • Obama ordered the Justice Department to simply ignore the Defense of Marriage Act; • The IRS has specifically harassed and targeted 501(c)(4) organizations for audits based on their political beliefs, rather than enforce the law equally; and • The Justice Department seized records from the Associated Press without a warrant in violation of the Fourth Amendment.


More recently, without any statutory authority or basis, the Obama administration has seen fit to completely re-write the Obamacare law he supported and signed into law by granting numerous compliance waivers and delaying the “employer mandate” that requires large employers to provide health insurance to their employees. In response to these repeated abuses of power, liberal law professor Jonathan Turley recently testified before Congress on the Constitutionality of President Obama’s recent use of his executive authority. Turley, who said he agreed with Obama’s policy positions, testified, “The problem with what the president is doing is that he's not simply posing a danger to the constitutional system. He's becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid. That is the concentration of power in every single branch.” Despite the repeated criticisms from many on the right and the left on the political spectrum, the abandonment of the Constitution as a bulwark against tyranny is widely accepted by politicians in Washington. Long-time Democrat Representative Charlie Rangel, as recently as November 2013 stated, “President Obama should drop the charade of democracy and rule directly through executive orders.” Rangel’s statement should send chills down the spine of any American who loves their freedom and the American heritage. The Constitutional Framers knew times like today may arrive, and built numerous safeguards into the framework of the Constitution to protect the liberties of the American People. Slowly these safeguards are being eroded away, and have now possibly reached the point of no return. Only with vigilance and active participation in the political process can citizens begin to restore the framework the Framers intended to preserve our liberty. Marc Zarlengo is an attorney in Douglas County, Colorado focusing his practice on business, employment and political law. Marc can be reached at His website can be found at

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How to Accomplish Leadership with Republican Principles?

By: Anil Mathai

Note: The following was adapted from a keynote speech given on December 06, 2013 to the Adams County Republican Women’s (The Trumpeters) meeting in Westminster, CO.


id you know that a social conservative issue created the Republican Party? It was slavery! The Whig party was falling apart as they rejected their own principles and could not be trusted on basic human rights issues such as slavery. Alvan Bovay and Horace Greeley were against slavery and started the Republican Party on June 16, 1854 to end slavery. Six years later, they elected their first President, and our nation’s sixteenth, President Abraham Lincoln. What did Lincoln get for being morally opposed to slavery and wanting to end it? Civil war! The Republican Party started with full opposition to slavery; and continues on a moral foundation.

Now the word “principle” is defined as “a fundamental, primary, or general law or truth from which others are derived.” Our 2012 RNC Platform Preamble states: “We possess an owner’s manual: the Constitution of the United States, the greatest document ever written. That sacred document shows us the path forward. Trust the people. Limit government. Respect federalism. Guarantee opportunity, not outcomes. Adhere to the rule of law. Reaffirm that our rights come from God, are protected by the government, and that the only just government is one that truly governs with the consent of the governed.” The preamble concludes that our Republican principles are derived from the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. Our principles are really American Principles! When we tell voters that we stand for “We the People” via our founding American principles, we will unite our communities, our state, our nation; and the voters will have more trust for a party returning political power back to the People. I briefly described the start of the Republican Party and its principles; now let’s discuss leadership requirements for Republicans to effectively lead on the vast issues of the day. Normally, leadership consists of vision, character, quality, and execution; I’ll reformulate it slightly and call it Plan C. Republican Leadership starts first with party members, grassroots activists, donors, and candidates with: Character – Individuals with a strong moral fabric are needed to bring trust back to voters. Voters want to see honest, genuine people that do what they say. They will trust people of principles even if they do not agree with all issues of a candidate or party. Personal character is imperative, for if a candidate cannot treat his own marriage, family, loved ones with respect and lead with a vision & success – how will he or she be successful on a greater scale? No one is perfect and society knows that, but good moral character is important.

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Honorably and unfairly as well, Republicans are held to a higher standard than the Democrats (who have rejected a moral compass); the biased media & society will hold us accountable to match our words and our actions. D.L. Moody once said, “Character is what you are in the dark.” The media salivates on what is in the dark as that is fodder to rip the Republican brand apart for hypocrisy; leading to a loss of trust. It is not helping to see recently, a Republican Congressman from Florida caught with cocaine; his constituents have probably lost trust in him because of his lack of moral character and judgment. Dr. Ben Carson said, “The world wants to know what you have in your closet; you putting things in there don’t help.” Character counts! Constitution – Our Republican principles lie within the Declaration of Independence (DOI) and the US Constitution. Starting from our Declaration against British Tyranny which states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” Tyranny of King George III is opposed by reminding him that there is a greater King of the universe, Creator God Himself and that our natural rights came from Him not from any man made, government mandated crown. The Declaration of Independence allows us to produce an amazing Constitution, designed to defend the natural rights of all American citizens and put reins on government itself. Commitment – We must be consistently committed to character, to our Constitution, and to our nation at all times. Republican leadership requires statesman like commitment to all people and to help them help themselves better their lives. We must be a party that honors individualism and the People, not ourselves or our party. We must be fully committed to the conservative cause, conservative values, and conservative way of life. Community – Our relations with our community are important. We must be civil, compassionate; we must care. The left with vitriolic hatred and lies has attacked our views. We are living in a time when civility and compassion is being ignored or rejected. Yet, we must be as honorable as our Founding Fathers. We must be civil in our discussions even when passions arise on issues of sharp disagreement; looking at our opponents as people created in the image of God who deserve to be treated with the same respect we deserve. We must show compassion to the poor and teach them that by their hard work; their lives and those of their children can be better. We must be in involved in our community so they know, and see, that we indeed care. Community counts! Capitalism – Adam Smith gave us a “laissez faire” system where the market dominates our commercial activities. Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell, and other conservative economists constantly remind us of how great the capitalist system is and how it has blessed us. When government interferes in our commerce, it will only help to destroy it. We must oppose all attempts of government intervention including government subsidies and cronyism! Capitalism helps the poor while communism destroys poor! Courage - If there is any time in history to stand up and fight for what is right it is now! Today, there seems to be no hope, no trust, and no true leaders. A true leader (with a steel spine) comes to and goes through adversity with great courage, not directed by polls, by a lack of hope or vision; in spite of all the odds against the leader. They are a focused visionary with the skill to accumulate all people to the successful execution of the vision. Our nation needs this type of leader; people of courage. Without courage, one cannot be a true leader! While I have mentioned Plan C as our way to be politically successful, one C should be first on our list (it is on mine). This C reminds our nation to thankfully reflect on the reason for our blessed nation and form of government, – Creator God! "WHEREAS it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of ALMIGHTY GOD, to OBEY HIS WILL, to be GRATEFUL FOR HIS BENEFITS, and humbly to IMPLORE HIS PROTECTION AND FAVOR; and Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me "to recommend to the people of the United States a DAY OF PUBLIC THANKSGIVING and PRAYER, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of ALMIGHTY GOD, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness" - President George Washington In conclusion, while it seems difficult to lead with an “un-informed” electorate, our Republican principles can be successfully delivered pending on how we lead. Will you be a “Plan C” Leader? School boards, PTA’s, Community Centers, HOA’s, Churches, Civic Meetings, Town Halls, Newspaper Editorials, Social Media, Television shows, TV News, Community Events, Minority Gatherings, etc. need “Plan C” leaders, will you go? Our conservative principles are right! Let us fight this war for freedom by standing against tyranny now! We can accomplish visionary Leadership in our spheres of influence by being of good moral Character, supporting our US Constitution, Committed to conservative values, engaged in our Community, supporting pure Capitalism, and having the Courage to fight for Truth! YOU CAN do it! May Creator God bless you, your loved ones, our state and our great nation in the days to come! Anil Mathai, lives with his wife Marisol and their three kids in Westminster, CO. Anil holds a BSChE, MBA, and MDiv and is an executive with an organization ensuring regulatory and quality assurance commitments are met and lean projects are enacted to bring cost savings to his organization. Anil is 1st Vice Chair of the Adams County Republican Party and was also a National Delegate from CO to the 2012 RNC in Tampa, FL. Anil loves talking about all issues that affect individuals & society, meeting families & people of all stripes, coaching youth basketball and other sports. He believes that our nation can indeed return back to success if we enact the conservative, moral and biblical principles valued and promoted by our Founding Fathers."

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have been writing this column now for 6 issues and I thank God for the opportunity to do this newspaper with Anne Vinnola because we have to… we need to…and our Country is counting on folks like you and me to make a difference.

Getting involved doesn’t mean that you have to become a political junkie or give up different aspects of your life. Getting involved just means writing a letter, or making a phone call or showing up at a City Council meeting on a day when you can get away from work. Government is growing at a rate where the America we love is almost unrecognizable. At this rate, can we hold on? Pay attention to the article on page A-8, Colorado's Caucus System 101. Become a delegate to the County and State Assembly. Start getting involved this way, you will have a voice right now instead of waiting until November when the candidate is already chosen for you. Corruption and cronyism is at an all-time high at the City, County, State and National levels. We plan on exposing these folks – whether elected or not. Pay close attention and spread the word to your family and friends so they are informed with the facts and not the liberal, biased media.

A New Year means a new beginning, a fresh start, but it also means to remember and hold accountable those who represent us. As a Christian, this means to trust yet verify. Too many times, too many elected officials promise the same ol’ song and dance, yet once pressured and lobbied to end up folding like a camp chair! Like our cover states…”Who is Looking Out for Me?” You know, the taxpayer, the small business owner, the average American living the American dream? To those who have helped Common Sense News and Radio from advertising, subscriptions, writing and reading…here’s to a wonderful new year and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Please visit our website at www. commonsensenewsusa. com or like us on facebook for the latest information and issues and remember that we need you to get involved.

Lana Fore-Warkocz

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Lana Fore-Warkocz is The Republican State Party Secretary, Vice-president of The Colorado Springs Republican Women, Vice-Chair of Senate District 10, Secretary of House District 16 and Editor of Tusk Talk, the official publication for the Colorado Federation of Republican Women. This editorial is strictly a personal view and in no way endorses or supports any candidate or candidate committees. 3367 Cinema Point Colorado Springs, CO 80922 (Next to Floyd’s Barbershop)

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The Death of Party Politics By Jacqueline Cartier


iven recent congressional approval ratings, incumbents and candidates have found it better to eliminate any reference to party affiliation in their campaigns. Their response is a reflection of recent polls such as the Washington Post/ABC poll 10/25/13 which has Congress at the lowest approval rating in history: 12% approve, 85% disapprove. People are tired of political rhetoric and partisan gridlock.

responsibilities; that of insuring the continued freedom and rights of the individual. There is an overlying commitment to protecting the American Dream for future generations. For, if we are not fully committed to one another and our country, we are doomed to fail. While both parties are in agreement as to the ultimate objective of protecting our foundational structure; there are serious disagreements as to how that is accomplished.

The disillusionment of the American people hit new heights, when those who opposed President Bush’s “War on Terror” only to discover that the NY attack created financial scenarios that would lead to fiscal disaster, years later. In 2008, opponents decided to elect the anti-Bush, and what they got surprised even them! He would become a historic President on many fronts, with some considering him to be the most radical POTUS in U.S. history. “Fundamental Change” and “Wealth Redistribution” were set to become his legacy and it was particularly appealing to those hit hardest by the recession. But what would be the long-term impact of those policies? Are these merely adaptations, necessary to accommodate modern development, or alterations to the foundation of our country? Would these policies lead us to the same failed status as that of the many European countries in which they were fashioned? Those unimpressed with the historic nature of his presidency could see the compounded influence his policies would make on the fundamental structure of our nation. Often accused of racism for challenging the President on his policies, many conservatives objected to the radical changes that were being implemented, and concern arose over the impact to America’s cultural foundation and economic base.

The birth of extremism: The more extreme that liberals were perceived, the more vocal and adamant the Tea Party became. It has escalated to a point of absolute entrenchment. The result is legislative gridlock that is counterproductive to either party and particularly harmful to the overall future of this country. All Americans are open to progress but there is a large disconnect between those who think that progress means to eliminate or permanently alter the very elements that made our country great; and those who believe in proven approaches towards future advancement. It is no accident that we have an immigration problem because despite our imperfections, we are still considered by many across the globe to be that shining city-on-the-hill.

Conservatives became wary of this young President’s inexperience and promotion of his “change you can believe in” policies, as they saw the economy tank and our nation incurring record breaking debt, well beyond cyclical expectations. Suddenly, the secrecy in which this president operated, some say out of caution and/or desire for personal privacy, became suspect and conspiracy theories began running rampant. Instead of explanations, the nation received motivational platitudes that resulted in continued fiscal chaos. Add to that, the increase in global unrest, and a novice Commander-in-Chief who seemed to make matters worse with every international encounter. The economy was in a free-fall, our allies abroad were mishandled and appearing to seek alliances elsewhere, Americans abroad were in peril, and a new social agenda was in the works. All within this administration’s first term. Something needed to be done. Meet the rise of the Libertarian and Tea Party movements. Libertarians, a fiscallyfocused group, expressed appropriate outrage at what appeared to be irresponsible fiscal decisions, legislative incompetence, and a total disregard for proven economic policy. Since a country is only as strong and secure as its economic base, this imbalance created a genuine threat to our entire way of life. Add to that, the “social” changes being proposed and legislated. These included areas that have been traditionally handled by the states or individual entities, to accommodate local needs and priorities. Suddenly, there appeared to be government attacks on religion (Christians, in particular) which included a limitation on the celebration of holidays, spiritual practices, a redefinition of marriage, an imposition of abortion mandates in religious hospitals, even a mandate for sex education in public schools for children as young as kindergarten age. Other “social” changes being proposed and implemented by this administration included extensive gun control legislation; the establishment of a “common core” curriculum which did not take into account local or regional considerations and required a teaching-to-the-test mandate that often included revisionist history and anti-conservative agendas; plus the highly controversial Obamacare that incorporated the new “must be passed to find out what’s in it” approach to legislation. Although it may not have been the intention, these issues appeared to attack the very fabric of our society and governance; one of individual rights and freedom. To counter what was quickly becoming a socialized view of America via this administration’s focus on the “redistribution of wealth”, the Tea Party was born; expressing a return to the traditional values and constitutional obligations as outlined by the Founding Fathers, sprinkled with the patriotism exhibited on September 12th, 2001. While it is true that the definition of certain policies must adapt to the times, and there is certainly an obligation to protect those unable to help themselves; the foundation of our government must remain in line with our constitutional

Where does that leave us in upcoming elections, when 85% of Americans essentially despise Congress? No Democrat wants to go home and admit to supporting Obamacare. No Republican wants to go home to admit that closing the government made absolutely no difference. Few Americans want to vote for incumbents, yet we cannot run the most powerful country in the world with amateurs! A Super Bowl is not won by a team of disconnected rookies, and you would never trust an inexperienced person to coach that NFL team, regardless of how nice or honorable they may be, or how much they loved the game, because running a champion team requires a unique skill set, talent and experience. Running our country is infinitely more complex and in today’s world, experience has never been more vital. No party branding? If you don’t run as the representative of your party, then what’s left to run on? The issues… what a concept! Governor Christie discovered this during his campaign and made the decision to not mention the word ‘Republican’ in any of his campaign material; his opponent followed suit, which left only the issues. Christie won by an overwhelming majority. The truth is that when faced with the pros and cons of a problem, most people will lean towards the more conservative solution; not much different than how they run their households. Very few people will take risks with their family’s future. Often, when voting for a party, you vote for an idea or theory, which upon implementation may not actually produce the desired results. When it comes to your family, you will generally choose a proven strategy. Theoretical experimentation by amateurs is best enjoyed on television, not in your home. Our country deserves no less. The 2014 elections will need to be about the critical issues this country faces and not partisan rhetoric. This is particularly true when running in states dominated by the opposing party. The D or R or even T-P words may get you expelled from the game. Many are opting for the “Independent” label, which doesn’t run blue or red; they have comfortably moved into the Purple zone and want solutions, not talking points. The fact is that even if every party member voted for their candidate, it would not be enough to secure the election. Both sides need to address the “Purples” and speak directly to the issues. This does not mean that the party’s platform changes or even weakens; it simply means that the focus must be on results, not theory. After all, isn’t it the collection of values, ideas, and objectives that create a party platform? Those results, must again become their leadership and legacy; not political banter. The candidate’s vision must extend beyond the next election cycle; understanding that sometimes you must defer one goal for the implementation of another. Certain legislation may be for the benefit of future generations, perhaps at the cost of the current one, with the objective being that we pass on a better America than the one we inherited. However, the voter must understand that it is essential to the progress of this great nation that we establish common ground and adapt policies to meet the needs of all Americans, not just those of the reigning party. Liberty and freedom were established by an exchange of different ideas that were molded together into our Constitution; and we proudly call that collaboration, Democracy. Page B-1


Are Americans as Bad as the Taliban?

By: Dan Kidder




Conservative Leadership

am appalled at the way our nation treats women.

I am more than appalled. Perhaps incensed is a better word. Livid comes close. Based upon what I have seen recently, I have to ask, are Americans any better or different than the Taliban in regard to how we treat women in this nation? Recently, a once respected journalist was forced to resign in disgrace after he had the audacity to declare that a woman should be beaten and defecated upon because of a political view!

• Legislative aide for U.S. Congresswoman Virginia Smith (R). • Testified in Denver against the same day voter registration bill. • Fought environmental regulations that hurt our military and taxpayers. Paid for by Citizens to Elect Terri Carver For HD 20

Martin Bashir said on MSNBC that Sarah Palin should be beaten and defecated upon. I can hear some of you brave freedom loving Americans now sighing, “okay, but since it was Sarah Palin…”

Well, even men who were alive in the 1950s, when that was a common belief, will tell you that while women appeared to be docile and subservient on the outside, they still managed to exert their will over the men who ruled them.

What about another MSNBC host calling Fox News host and radio commentator Laura Ingram a “Right-Wing Slut?” Now, no one is going to argue that MSNBC is still a legitimate and respected news network, other than perhaps their 300 regular viewers, but does that somehow excuse the rhetorical assaults and denigration of women?

I know that growing up, had my grandfather ever heard me make comments like those above toward a woman, he would have “kicked a lung” out of me. I was raised to treat women with deference and respect, not because they were weaker, but because my mother was a woman, and they were worthy of our respect and admiration. Every woman is a mother, sister, daughter, or wife. Every woman deserves the same respect as a man, and I would argue, even more.

And it isn’t just the left that is guilty of this deplorable treatment of the fairer sex. Hillary Clinton has been called ugly and a bitch, the former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has been called a litany of nasty names and described as the Wicked Witch of the West, first lady Michelle Obama and former first lady Laura Bush have both been equally skewered by pundits and publicans for their appearance and political stances. Okay, so calling someone ugly isn’t as bad as gunning down a 13-year-old girl for the sin of reading a book and advocating for education, but many of these comments have moved beyond commentary on appearance into the realm of threats of physical and sexual violence. Take the recent case of Melissa Bachman. Bachman is a respected female outdoorswoman and host of Winchester’s Deadly Passion, which appears on the hunting network Pursuit. Bachman had the audacity to do what many men do every day; she posed for photos with some of the exotic animals she has legally hunted in Africa, including a male African lion. She has been threatened with rape and murder, and thousands of vitriolic comments and epithets have been hurled at her on social media sites. Petitions have been filed to have her banned from the continent of Africa, all because she dared to do what men all over the world do all of the time. I don’t know what lies at the bottom of this trend of mistreatment of women, but it isn’t a new problem, just one that seems to be getting worse. Take the case of sexual assaults. It used to be in the 1980s and 90s, that a woman between the ages of 16-32 had a one in four chance of being the victim of a sexual assault. Today, that number is pushing disturbingly close to one out of two. Rapes in this country are on the rise, as are non sexual assaults against women, all the while our national violent crime rate is on the decline. Perhaps the dominant male psyche in America cannot handle the transition of the “weaker sex” into once male-dominated realms such as politics and hunting. Perhaps males in this country are still being taught that women are merely pretty playthings to be collected and owned, that a woman’s place is in the kitchen.

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A movement is afoot in this country to teach young men to not rape women. While that is a lofty and admirable goal, men have been raping women since they left the Garden of Eden. People have been killing other people since there were only four people on the planet. So, while I applaud the efforts of those who would encourage men to not assault women, I will continue to teach women how to kill those who try to assault them. If you can’t be respectful of women because it is the right and honorable thing to do, then at least respect them because more and more of them are learning to defend themselves. As an instructor of defensive tactics who has worked with thousands of female students, I will vouch for the fact that they are naturally better at killing than men are. In fact, it is likely that only their calmer nature has permitted men to survive on this planet as a species. And also keep in mind this one thing; if I ever hear you speak of a woman in the manner described above in my presence, I will do a whole lot worse than kick a lung out of you. About the author: Dan Kidder is a Marine Corps veteran and owner and chief instructor of On Target Defensive Training in Utah. He is also the Managing Editor of Sportsman’s News Magazine and a host of Sportsman’s News Television.


After Two Recalls and One Resignation, What’s Next for Gun Control in Colorado? By: Timothy C. Dietz, Esq.


fter two state Democratic senators were removed from office and replaced by Republicans in the historic recall elections, and a third Democratic senator resigned to protect her party from possibly losing a majority, the question now turns to what, if anything, can be done to repeal the gun control laws that were rammed through the 2013 legislative session on largely party-line votes? Is it possible that the 2014 legislative session, scheduled to convene January 8, 2014 will produce more gun control laws? There are a number of complex factors that will affect the answers to these questions. This article will narrowly focus on the legislative mix related to three bills that are now law in Colorado, namely HB 13-1224 (“high capacity” magazine ban), HB 13-1228 (background check fee), and HB 13-1229 (background checks).

While the first two recalls were underway, a petition drive started to amend the state Constitution to require a popular vote on any magazine limits, but that effort recently ended after an insufficient number of signatures were collected to place the initiative on the ballot. An ongoing lawsuit now pending in U.S. District Court to overturn the laws will likely take a year or more to be resolved, and that doesn’t include any appeals. This leads us back to whether these three laws can be repealed by the General Assembly. HB 13-1224 passed in the House 34-31 on a largely party-line vote with two Democrats voting against the bill (Reps. Garcia and Lebsock). The magazine ban then narrowly passed in the Senate 18-17 with two Democrats opposed (Sens. Jahn and Tochrop). Three of the votes in favor of the ban were from former Senators Morse, Giron, and Hudak. Morse and Giron have since been replaced by Senators Herpin (R) and Rivera (R), respectively. Arvada City Councilmember Rachel Zenzinger was selected to be Hudak’s replacement. HB 13-1228 narrowly passed in the House 33-32 with three Democrats opposed (Reps. Garcia, Mitsch Bush, and Young), and later passed in the Senate 19-16 with one Democrat opposed (Sen. Kerr). By the widest margin, HB 13-1229 passed in the House 36-29 with one Democrat opposed (Rep. Rosenthal) and one Republican in favor (Rep. Priola). In the Senate, the bill passed 19-16 on a strict party-line vote with one exception, Sen. Tochtrop (D, District 24) who voted against the bill.

With the 2013 legislative session as a backdrop, it may be possible to forecast the range of possible votes by looking at the seats that are up for grabs due to term limits, but without including seats that will be contested with incumbents seeking re-election. There are at least two Democratic House representatives (Districts 1 and 2) and five Republicans (Districts 19, 20, 37, 43, and 65) facing term limits. In the Senate, two Democrats are facing terms limits (Districts 22 and 24), as are Republicans (Districts 1 and 30). The seats formerly held by Morse, Giron, and Hudak will also be up for grabs in 2014. What this means is that if Democrats win all term limited House seats in 2014, the party line votes to repeal the three laws are projected to be 26-39, 27-38, and 24-41, respectively. The efforts to repeal would not get out of the House. However, if all Republicans win, the votes to repeal in the House are projected to be 33-32, 34-31, and 31-34. The votes to repeal the magazine ban and background check fee would pass, but the background check law would not be repealed. In the Senate, the votes to repeal would pass by comfortable margins at 21-14, 20-15, and 20-15, respectively. The real answer is probably somewhere in the middle. None of this is expected to occur until the 2015 session because the votes to repeal any of these laws are not available in the House for the 2014 legislative session unless there are enough Democrats who would change their votes since the 2013 session. Moreover, Governor Hickenlooper will probably veto any repeals, and the two-thirds votes needed to override a veto are simply not there. There is no doubt that the recent recalls have sent a loud and clear message to the General Assembly regarding the risks associated with passing any more gun control laws, but repealing any of the new laws in 2014 is unlikely. However, the recent failure of the Amendment 66 tax hike, the implosion of Obamacare, and the now growing controversy over ideas like the City for Champions initiative in Colorado Springs are expected to affect the outcome of the 2014 elections, including the election for governor, thereby setting the stage for possible repeals in 2015. Now is the time to get active and stay informed. Elections have consequences. Tim Dietz is an attorney licensed in California, Colorado, Maine and New Hampshire. He is also a 24-year Marine Corps veteran who served during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. He can be reached through his website at

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A Primer on Amending the U. S. From Eyecare to Eyewear, Constitution Under Article V

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By: Pat Francomano


t should be obvious to even a casual observer of almost any political persuasion that the federal branches of the U. S. government have been operating in ways never intended by its founding document, the United States Constitution. Consider president Obama’s intention to continue using executive orders to act if Congress does not act—according to his agenda—breaching the separation of powers; the Congress allowing this to go on effectively unchallenged, and passing laws of its own which defy constitutional boundaries; and a Supreme Court treating the Constitution as an ever shifting set of rules having no connection to the Founders’ intentions. These are reasons enough to begin reining in the excessively growing federal government and bring it back to the limitations the Founders intended. One way to do this peacefully is through the process of amending the U. S. Constitution. The purpose of this article is to describe briefly the methods by which the Constitution provides for its own amendment. Here is the pertinent text of Article V of the Constitution: The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress …

Briefly, there are two methods for proposing amendments to the Constitution. One, Congress, itself, may propose amendments when two-thirds of both Houses agree it is necessary. Two, whenever two-thirds of the state legislatures (34) make application to Congress to propose amendments, Congress is required to call for a convention for proposing amendments. Proposed amendments are ratified by one of two modes chosen by Congress. One is for three-fourths of the state legislatures (38) to approve them. The other is for conventions in three-fourths of the states to approve them. In either case, it is the states that ratify amendments, not Congress. Once ratified, the amendments become a valid part of the Constitution. It is important to note that the Founders designed the second method, in which the states propose amendments, to substantially bypass Congress, because they rightly believed that should Congress become oppressive, it would never agree to limit its own powers.

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The following are some other key highlights of the amendment process for the second method. They are taken from the handbook “Proposing Constitutional Amendments by a Convention of the States” ( • An “Application” is a state legislative resolution directing Congress to call for a convention for proposing one or more amendments. It may limit the scope of the convention to particular topic; • Congress must call a convention only when 34 applications relate to the same topic; • All states, not just the applying states, are invited to participate in the convention; • Each state selects its own committee of commissioners and how many to send to the convention; • The executive branch of the federal government has no role in the amendment process; • The convention elects its own officers and sets its own rules; each state initially has one vote toward majority rule, but the convention may change this; • The convention is basically a drafting committee whose task is to reduce one or more general ideas into specific language; • The convention is subject to the Constitution; it may not change the ratification process; the commissioners must stay within the scope of the applications, and are subject to instruction from their home legislatures. Concern has been raised in the past that an Article V convention will become a “runaway convention” in which all bets are off, the Bill of Rights will be trashed and America will end up with a new form of government altogether. It is important to note, however, that a convention for proposing amendments is not the same thing as a constitutional convention, that is, one in which a whole new constitution is under consideration. And as noted above, the convention and its commissioners are subject to restrictions. With a federal government getting more oppressive every day, we can’t rely on Congress to put on the brakes. If we want to restore our constitutional republic, and a constitutionally-limited government, we must consider the constitutional way of bypassing Congress—a convention of states. Such a movement is already under way, with about a third of the states having already passed balanced budget applications. (See It is not an easy task, but it is better than settling for living under growing tyranny. Pat Francomano is a freelance writer living in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He is a retired software engineer and holds a master’s degree in mathematics. His writing interests are on political, economic and social issues as they affect individual liberties.


Principles of Liberty Editor Note: With the Colorado State Legislative Session upon us, there are several ways to analyze the bills coming to the floor. It is very important to ask some serious questions to see if the bill you are looking at is a good thing for you, your family and Colorado. The Principles of Liberty organization is one place dedicated to helping Colorado citizens decipher the complicated legislative network. Common Sense News will be printing reports from POL and you can follow them at Principles of Liberty Colorado is a coalition of persons dedicated to liberty and government's role in protecting and preserving that liberty. Our goal is to help influence political policy in Colorado by focusing upon the core principles of good government that our nation was founded upon and comparing the actions of our state legislators with principles of good government. The primary tools for accomplishing this goal are our weekly Legislative Analysis Report of bills being run in the State House and Senate in the Colorado Legislature and our annual review/ grades of legislator voting records.

Principles of Liberty – Principles for Analyzing Legislation Individual Liberty – Does this bill… Offend individual liberty by subverting or infringing upon the Bill of Rights? Impinge upon the right of self-control and/or self-determination? Reward or punish behavior that does not infringe on rights of others? Promote "malum prohibitum" law - regulating behavior which does not infringe on rights of others? Personal Responsibility – Does this bill… Create intervention by government to remedy consequences of individual choice? Remove responsibility for self-determination or replace individual choice with government mandate? Punish "bad behavior" or individual choices that do not infringe upon the rights of others? Reward "good behavior" or individual choices that are deemed "good for society"? Attempt to create new "rights", "entitlements" or otherwise increase dependency upon government? Diminish the role of personal responsibility through government intervention? Property Rights – Does this bill… Interfere with or fail to protect ownership of property? Interfere with use of property? Interfere with services or income provided by property? Interfere with the disposition or transfer of property? Free Markets – Does this bill… Create intervention/distortion in marketplace via taxes, subsidies, regulation, etc? Assume unconstitutional roles or levels of oversight/regulation?

Create barrier(s) to entry for competition? Use government to compete with private enterprise? Disturb the free market mechanism of price signaling? Use government regulation of or intervention in the markets to further socio-political agendas? Limited Government – Does this bill… Execute a clearly defined and proper role of state government? Exceed the constitutional scope of state government? Provide for/increase transparency &/or accountability? Contract or limit the unconstitutional or unnecessary expansion of govt/regulation? Conflict with individual liberty, personal responsibility, property rights or free markets? Attempt to create new "rights" or "entitlements" not already recognized by the constitution? State vs. Federal Balance of Power – Does this bill… Defend state powers vs. over-reaching federal government? Defend state citizens against over-reaching federal government? Assert proper state powers? Use state powers to hold federal government in check? Fiscal Responsibility – Does this bill… Limit spending to that required to perform the limited, constitutional role of government? Limit taxes/fees/fines/revenue to that required to perform limited, constitutional role of government? Enhance accountability for spending/revenue? Enhance transparency for spending/revenue? Exhibit fiduciary responsibility and fiscal prudence? Depend upon unreasonable/optimistic projections? Subject state to vagaries of federal subsidy, particularly where federal powers have been over-extended? Equal Protection / Rule of Law – Does this bill… Protect individual rights/liberty equally for everyone? Create special/entitled classes of people for protection or entitlement, punishment or penalties? Use force of government to plunder one class/group for the benefit of another? Provide government agents/representatives with special treatment not afforded to citizens? Create intervention by government to promote "opportunity" or "access" for one group/ class over another? Uphold the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Colorado – Does this bill undermine the constitution of the state of Colorado or the United States?



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Cynthia Coffman

What is your leadership style? I abide by this principle: hire exceptional people, figure out what they do best, and then let them do it. As Chief Deputy AG, I endeavor to provide the 400+ employees of the Attorney General’s Office with the tools they need to do their jobs effectively. I then give them the latitude they need to carry out their responsibilities with confidence. It’s all about delegating and empowering our team. What sets you apart from your other opponents?


nterview with Cynthia Coffman Candidate for Colorado Attorney General Please tell me a bit about your family, hobbies, education, parents, pets etc.

I grew up in a small town in south central Missouri. My mother still lives in the house where I grew up; my father passed in 1996. My older sister resides in Seattle. I have been married to Mike Coffman since 2005. My bachelor’s degree is from the University of Missouri – Columbia. I went to law school at Georgia State University in Atlanta. I enjoy cooking, reading, and spending time with family and friends. We have a senior cat and a new golden retriever puppy named Atticus Finch, Atty for short. Why did you decide to run for Attorney General? It is a lifelong dream to hold the state’s top lawyer job. Serving as Chief Deputy Attorney General for nearly 9 years has been extremely rewarding and I want to build on legacy of excellence achieved during General Suthers’s tenure in office. What experience can you bring to the table; what has prepared you for this job? I’ve been a practicing attorney for 22 years, much of that time in public service. What uniquely qualifies me for this job is my experience as Chief Deputy AG. I have a working knowledge of every aspect of the Attorney General’s Office, from the staff to the clients, to the vast range of legal issues we deal with. I can run the office from Day One of my service as its elected leader.

Page B-6

Again, I have to point to the obvious – and that is my 9 years of experience as the second in command of the Attorney General’s Office. My in-depth understanding of what it takes to be an effective AG is the #1 distinguishing factor of my candidacy. I come to the job with an institutional knowledge of the incredibly broad range of topics our office deals with on a daily basis, from consumer protection to water rights, from criminal prosecution to education and energy development to individual constitutional rights. The variety and complexity of issues is staggering. The Office of the Attorney General is about practicing law, but it’s also about defending state statutes and the constitution. It is about being a law enforcer rather than a lawmaker. I appreciate and will respect the proper role of the Attorney General, not as an activist but as an advocate for the citizens of Colorado. What are the 3 biggest issues facing Colorado today and what do you plan to do to improve them? Not every important issue facing Colorado comes within the Attorney General’s authority, but some very significant ones do. First, Colorado’s independence as a sovereign state has faced significant challenges from the federal government in recent years. For example, the Affordable Care Act included a mandate that individuals buy health insurance or pay a fine. Republican Attorneys General from around the country took their fight to the U.S. Supreme Court saying it was a violation of the U.S. Constitution to require state citizens to buy a particular product. These legal battles to maintain the 10th Amendment separation of powers are bound to continue for the foreseeable future and Colorado’s Attorney General must be ready to stand up for the state’s rights. Second, the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) faces recurring challenges by interest groups intent on gutting the law that requires Colorado voters approve any tax increase. The Attorney General’s Office currently is defending TABOR


against a lawsuit that says allowing voters to accept or reject tax increases violates our constitutional right to a republican form of government. Cases like this require a strong defense by the Attorney General if TABOR is going to stand; this is a critical issue for Colorado’s economic wellbeing.

energy unless the Attorney General and others in state government help all involved achieve a peaceful resolution to current legal tensions.

Third, the energy industry in our state is struggling to maintain natural resource development projects in the face of increasingly burdensome laws and regulations. There has to be a balance between protecting the environment we enjoy and tapping into Colorado’s oil, natural gas, and coal reserves. The state will suffer economically and the country will remain dependent on foreign

I am a big fan of country music and especially enjoy going to live concerts around Colorado.

Tell us a fun fact that few people know about you.

E: W: P: 720-524-7332

While legislative and legal experiences are important, I believe leadership experience is crucial to success for an Attorney General. I’ve gained a tremendous amount of leadership experience as the Minority Leader and Assistant Majority Leader in the state House and as a professional military officer serving in peacetime at home and in combat in Iraq. What is your leadership style? I think an effective leader necessarily transitions between leadership styles. It is the responsibility of the leader to adapt to the people they work with and also adapt to situations at hand. Having said that, it’s also incredibly important for a leader to take responsibility for the organization or institution they are leading.


nterview with Mark Waller Candidate for Colorado Attorney General

What sets you apart from your other opponents?

Please tell me a bit about your family, hobbies, education, parents, pets etc.

I’m a proven leader that’s not afraid to fight for our conservative values. As the Republican leader in the House, I led the fight to protect our Second Amendment rights against East Coast politicians and special interest groups. I also fought hard in the recall effort along side those who stood up against an overreaching government. As an elected leader in the state, I understand that spreading our vision is a team effort and I am so grateful to everyone that is committed to making Colorado the best place to live, work, and raise our kids.

My wife, Jennifer, and I first met as young Lieutenants in 1993 while serving in the United States Air Force in Grand Forks, ND. Jennifer is now a Lt Colonel with over 20 years of service. We have two children. Truman (14) is a freshman in high school and Camille (10) is in the 5th grade. The newest member of our family is our cat, Stanlee. He’s named after Spiderman creator Stan Lee. We love to spend time together as a family hiking and biking, but my favorite hobby is gardening (we can make salsa with the produce.) I have a BS in Political Science from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville (1992), a MS in Space Studies from the University of North Dakota (1998), and a JD from the University of Denver (2003) Why did you decide to run for Attorney General? I’m raising my family in Colorado and I want to do all I can to ensure not only my children, but every child in Colorado has a safe, happy and healthy place to grow and prosper. As an elected official, I know my role is to protect the public safety, do my part to create opportunity for all people, and be a voice for our western values and way of life. What experience can you bring to the table; what has prepared you for this job? The Attorney General has a responsibility to defend the State’s constitution, statutes, and agencies, but the Attorney General also has the responsibility to weigh in on public policy as it is going through the process. I know my legislative experience will be a tremendous asset in this area. I also have prosecutorial experience in Pueblo, Colorado Springs, and in Baghdad, Iraq.

What are the 3 biggest issues facing Colorado today and what do you plan to do to improve them? Lagging Economy – The Attorney General has a responsibility to promote and foster an economic environment that protects consumers while also protecting business. Implementation of legalization of marijuana – We are going to be dealing with this issue for the next decade. The voters spoke and decided recreational use of marijuana was appropriate for this state and the Attorney General has a responsibility to implement the will of the voters in the most responsible way possible. Public Safety – Whether it’s making our roads safer for travel, protecting our second amendment rights, or fighting to make sure we have the ability to mitigate wildfires on Federal lands, all are important to protecting the public safety and the Attorney General has a responsibility to advocate for the citizens that put them in office. Tell us a fun fact that few people know about you. I love to smoke brisket and pork shoulder; no barbeque sauce needed!

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“It Just Takes Common Sense” Dr. Harley Ihm


o much of life can be lived successfully with a wonderful little gift called, “common sense.” Common sense tells us that if a car is coming, we would be wise not to cross the road at this particular time. Common sense tells us that if we have not studied and we fail the test, it is our own fault. We did not use common sense. We also realize that it would be very wise to change our study habits before the next test. We live out our lives either consciously or sub-consciously using common sense. So why are there areas within our lives where we seem to throw common sense up on the shelf until we decide we need it again? Brilliant men today can look into a microscope at the complexity of a cell. They have found that the reality of an amino acid forming by chance is 10 to the 74th power. Amino acids have to form to make proteins. I am told it would take 10 to the 164th power to get the right sequence for 1 protein to form. Scientists estimate that it takes 250-400 proteins to make one simple cell. Now after all the miraculous series of events that are absolutely perfectly executed by chance, in perfect sequence, we only have one little cell. One cell certainly does not make a living organism. That means many more perfect sequences must place by chance to come up with any viable form of life. According to a science website I looked at, it takes about 50 trillion cells to make up one of us. All those amino acids must be arranged in perfect sequence. I don’t know about you, but I do not have ability to be able to calculate the number of sequential events that must happen in perfect order before we could get even a snail, let alone a human being. I am beginning to think that maybe common sense is not up on the shelf at all, rather, it has been lost. There is another common sense that seems to be lost on some of the world’s population today; that is the common sense of seeking out the reality of our existence. Who are we; why are we here; what is our purpose; where do we go from here? Is there any way common sense can play a vital role in this quest for meaning and purpose in life? Where do we begin this journey, this quest for answers?

Does it really matter? Absolutely, our willingness to take this journey affects every aspect of our lives because it ultimately shapes our worldview. It is by our worldview that we will make choices throughout our lives. Those choices can affect the world. Look around at the nations and countries where their worldview has no accountability to their Creator. You see the chaos, abuse and suffering are tremendous. Where do the answers we need to understand life begin? Where do we find a worldview that creates the kind of love and respect mankind should be experiencing? In the days when man worshiped everything from the planets to fictitious gods to reptiles, God has the Apostle Paul tell the world about using common sense to understand the very basics of creation and order. In the book of Romans, the Apostle Paul writes the following instructions from God: The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles (Romans 1:18-23 NIV). It seems to me that the Creator of all life has just explained what happens when we put aside common sense. As our world becomes more filled with the ideas of naturalism, pantheism, and post-modern thought, people will be placing their common sense upon a shelf and forgetting where they left it. Isn’t it time for America to place our common sense above what has become a battlefield where commonsense seems to have been abandoned as a measuring tool?

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Choosing a Firearms Instructor Right for You​ By Dan Kidder, Chief Instructor, On Target Defensive Training


ou have seen the ads. The ones where a firearms instructor touts his years of combat experience, confirmed kills, or his years of law enforcement experience. Where the instructor spends more time talking about his qualifications than what you will receive out of the training. The truth of the matter is that experience carrying a gun is far less important than experience teaching when it comes to finding a great instructor. Here are

some things to consider when choosing an instructor who will be right for you. 1. What do you want to learn? There are a wide range of classes available from the novice gun owner to the advanced competition shooter. Just because someone is the best in the business at teaching concealed carry, doesn’t mean that they are the right instructor for the new gun owner interested in learning firearms safety. To a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Look for classes that teach the skills that you are interested in learning. For a first time gun owner, an NRA Basic Pistol or Basic Rifle course may be a better fit than a concealed carry class, especially if you aren’t planning on carrying a gun. 2. What are the instructors teaching credentials? Certifications matter. Is the instructor NRA certified? If so, in which disciplines? Do they hold law enforcement certifications such as P.O.S.T, F.B.I, or other accredited law enforcement credentials? While these programs do not guarantee a great teacher, they do show that the instructor has taken the effort to invest in their own education. The programs offered by the NRA spend more time on teaching techniques than they do on firearms knowledge. They work from the idea that an instructor will bring that basic knowledge to the table and test them to make sure that knowledge is sound, and then spend time on teaching theory and technique. In the world of teachers, this is called pedagogy, the art of teaching teachers to teach. 3. How long have they been teaching? I have had the honor of teaching many new instructors how to teach others. Just because someone has been teaching for only a year doesn’t mean that they will be less effective than someone who has been teaching for 20 years. I have also seen many instructors who tout their years of training experience, yet they only teach one or two classes a year. An instructor who has been teaching for less time, but who teaches more frequently, will have a better grasp of the material as well as the teaching techniques. 4. What is the cost versus value? The old adage that you get what you pay for goes out the window here. Oftentimes you are paying for fancy facilities, multiple employees, slick marketing, and other factors that have very little to do with the quality of instruction. A retired police officer who is drawing a pension and has been teaching small classes for the past 10 years will have far less overhead than the person who has to rely on

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Picture: Dan Kidder, Chief Instructor, On Target Defensive Training, Cedar City, Utah with student


the income he or she derives from classes to pay their bills. There are some very excellent instructors who don’t charge an arm and a leg for their classes. There are some very poor instructors who have outrageous prices. Don’t depend on the cost to tell you if the training is good or bad.

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5. What is the attitude of the instructor? Does the instructor promote an attitude of safety? Do they behave in a safe and balanced manner? Ask them to hand you a gun. Do they unload it first, verify it is safe, and hand it to you with the muzzle pointed in a safe direction? That is a sign of an attitude of safety. Accept nothing less.


How does the instructor discuss use of force? Do they talk about going out looking for a fight or do they encourage you to avoid one if possible? Do they talk about the big bad evil government and black helicopters and jack booted thugs? Do they look like they are eagerly anticipating the collapse of society? This may be a warning sign that you may wish to continue looking elsewhere.

Being a member of a Medical Cost Sharing Program usually requires monthly membership dues. The members agree to use the membership’s funds to pay unexpected medical costs for any member incurring high medical expenses; however some funds also accept preexisting conditions after a short waiting period. Many of the programs have been around for decades and have memberships larger than some health insurance companies. In addition, since they are managed directly by their members, and do not pay taxes or have profits, they are typically less expensive than health insurance while covering medical expenses for members no matter where they are in the world.

A good instructor will maintain a professional appearance and demeanor. They will take a balanced approach to their attitudes on gun rights and the role of government. They will avoid offensive language and political statements. Not because they don’t believe in those ideas, but because the role of an instructor is to impart knowledge, not their opinions. There are all kinds of classes on firearms, from hunter safety to concealed carry to basic understanding of how guns work. The most important thing a gun owner can do is get training. I have been teaching classes for 20 years on a very regular basis and have trained tens of thousands of students from all walks of life, including federal agents. I still take training as often as I can. If a person isn’t teachable, they have no business teaching. About the author: Dan Kidder is a Marine Corps veteran and owner and chief instructor of On Target Defensive Training in Utah. He is also the Managing Editor of Sportsman’s News Magazine and a host of Sportsman’s News Television.

"There are two roles in every conflict, target or threat, you decide which one you want to be." --Dan Kidder

By: Dale Comyford

s provided in the Obamacare law, you can join a “Health Cost Sharing Membership Program” for your family’s most expensive and unexpected costs (Like being in a car accident with major injuries or suddenly coming down with a major disease and yes, both planned and unplanned child births can also be covered).

Example: One very large program with millions of members charges $45 per month to be a member and has a deductable of $5,000. However, it also offers memberships with deductibles as low as $150 for higher monthly membership costs. Each member chooses the type of membership that best fits their needs. In our case we chose the low monthly membership cost with the high deductable because for major medical expenses we would either dip into our health cost savings or use a credit card to pay the high deductable (Savings for health costs can be tax deductable. See your tax advisor or read the regulation.). Members typically pay their doctors and dentists directly for more ordinary medical expenses like checkups, blood tests, shots, stitches for cuts, and even broken limbs. (Major secret: Most doctors and even most hospitals do not charge interest on monthly payments for medical services rendered provided payments are made regularly and on time without billing.) I first learned about these programs while watching Governor Mike Huckabee’s TV show where he interviewed a young couple who had a child born with a major problem, but were covered by a Medical Cost Sharing Membership. To see a clip of the show segment and an example of a Medical Cost Sharing Membership Program, go to www. . The program described in the clip is a Christian Health Cost Sharing Membership Program, however some businesses and secular organizations also have cost sharing programs for their employees or members. You can find them by using your search engine with the words “Health Cost Saving.”

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Detaining American’s Without Due Process, Can it really happen? An Interview with Dan Johnson by Dr. Mary Zennett


hat do you say to a 20 year old doing all he can to save our Republic?

How about Thanks! and How can I help? Meet Dan Johnson, founder of People Against NDAA (PANDA). Dan, a 20 year old Eagle Scout, is a nationally renowned writer and speaker. He founded PANDA in January 2012, and it has since become the largest Anti-NDAA organization in America, introducing or pushing over 18 pieces of state and numerous pieces of local anti-NDAA legislation including Colorado’s HB 1045. We got a chance to sit down with Dan and interview him recently:

I need to be concerned? On January 21, 2012 a group of activists brought suit against the President and his administration, challenging the 2012 NDAA’s detention provisions as unconstitutional. In May 2012, Federal District Judge Katherine Forrest struck down the provisions, saying: “The government was unable to define precisely what 'direct' or 'substantial' 'support' means; thus, an individual could run the risk of substantially supporting or directly supporting an associated force without even being aware that he or she was doing so.” Since the government was unable to define these terms in court, we must look to the agencies that could be enforcing the 2012 NDAA, or providing guidance to the military, to define it for us. The results can put a knot in anyone’s stomach. A report released by the Missouri Information Analysis Center in 2008, known as the MIAC Report, listed supporters of Presidential Candidates Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and Chuck Baldwin as possible terrorists. The Gadsden Flag, upsidedown US flag, and Anti-UN bumper stickers are listed as terrorist symbols. An Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) document lists those who make frequent references to the Constitution as possible terrorists.

So Dan, what is the NDAA? The NDAA stands for the National Defense Authorization Act, a bill passed every year to fund the U.S. Armed Forces and Department of Defense. Why the concern? In 2011, two provisions, sections 1021 and 1022, were snuck into the 2012 NDAA before it was to pass the Senate. These provisions, authored by Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and Senator Carl Levin (D-MI), authorize the President, at his whim, to order the military to indefinitely detain, execute, or abduct an American citizen for transfer to a foreign country all without a charge, trial or a day in court. The 2012 NDAA, with those provisions intact, then passed the Senate 93-7 and was signed by President Barack Obama on New Year’s Eve 2012. As it stands, the 2012 NDAA is the most dangerous law in American history, violates over half of the Bill of Rights, and grants similar powers to the President as Executive Order 9066. As you may recall, after EO 9066 was signed by thenPresident Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the military was ordered to detain over 120,000 Japanese-Americans based on race and held most of them until the remainder of the war. Who might be charged? You see, that’s the thing, the government does not have to bring any charges against you. All they have to do is allege you are a “terrorist,” committed a “belligerent act” or claim you are somehow “directly supporting” “associated forces” of terrorism. But I’m not a terrorist and I’m definitely not affiliated with any. So why do Page B-12

It gets a whole lot worse however, 31 days after President Obama signed the 2012 NDAA into law, the Department of Homeland Security released Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States, 1970 to 2008. This document lists those who are “anti-global,” “reverent of individual liberty,” and “suspicious of centralized federal authority” as potential domestic terrorists. Even more incredulously, later in 2012, the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point released Challengers from the Sidelines: Understanding the Radical Right, which claimed that “anti-federalists,” the same men who wrote the Bill of Rights, are possible terrorists! So why should you care? If the President decides you are a “terrorist” under the 2012 NDAA, he can order the military to pick you up, take you to Guantanamo Bay, and refuse to give you a charge trial, or an attorney, simply for caring about your liberty. Dan you talk a lot about the ‘law of war’ in your speeches, please tell us what you mean: The “Law of War,” originally formed at the Geneva Conventions governs what countries can, and can not, do during warfare. Its provisions prohibit executing someone without a trial, and torture, while in detention. However, shortly after 9-11, the U.S Justice Department created the term “unlawful


enemy combatant” to cover someone who can be punished under the law of war, but can’t be protected from torture. Our government then used this in the “enhanced interrogation” given to the suspected 9-11 hijackers.

Why do I want to be Sheriff: Over the last 10 years I have served at the Sheriff’s Office, as the Commander for the Emergency Services Division. In my role as Commander, I performed two primary duties, as the Deputy Fire Marshal and Director of Emergency Management. I am P.O.S.T certified by the Sheriff’s office as a law enforcement professional.

Then, in 2009, the government redefined the term to “unprivileged enemy belligerent.” This is exactly what the Obama Administration termed two American citizens, Anwar-Al Awlaki, and his 16-year old son, when they gave the order to assassinate both men with drone strikes. To cut out the legalese, the Law of War usually applies outside America. However, under the 2012 NDAA, it now applies here, making America the battlefield and the same category of “belligerent” that was created to torture, and used to execute, now applies to every American, anywhere in the United States, including you and me. To quote Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) “And when they say I want my lawyer, you say Shut Up! You don’t get a lawyer!” The detention provisions in the 2012 NDAA rely on the “law of war” to operate. Since it seems like they would be forced to carry it out, what do members of the military have to say about this? Military members, both veterans and active duty, are extremely upset about this. In a New York Times op-ed penned just before the bill was signed, two retired Four-Star marine generals said “Due Process would be a thing of the past.” A few months later, 40 retired generals and admirals wrote a letter to Congress asking them to repeal the 2012 NDAA’s detention provisions, saying: “As retired general and flag officers, we do not make this request lightly. Those detained in the U.S. should not be held indefinitely without charge or trial or forced into military custody. Within the United States, those accused of terrorism crimes should face charges in a civilian court, consistent with our constitutional values.” What are legislators saying about the NDAA? Not only have numerous legislators from both parties come out against the 2012 NDAA, including Sen. Rand Paul, Rep. Justin Amash, Fmr. Rep. Ron Paul, Rep. Dennis Kucinich, Sen. Mark Udall and too many more to list, but this year an amendment to repeal Section 1021 failed by only 200-226 in the House. In addition, two legislators made particularly strong statements against the 2014 NDAA for not fixing the problem:




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The first, Representative McGovern (D-MA):


"During consideration of the Fiscal Year 2014 NDAA on June 13, 2013, I supported an amendment offered by Representative Adam Smith, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Armed Services, to strike Section 1022 of the FY12 NDAA and amend Section 1021 to eliminate indefinite military detention of any person detained under Authorization for Use of Military Force Authority in the United States.” and the second, Senator Ted Cruz (RTX): "I was not able to in good conscience

During my years of service, we responded to very dangerous and life threatening incidents and events, that befell our community. My responsibilities as the Incident Commander were to assess and respond to emerging and dynamic threats. I had the honor and privilege to lead the finest first responder professionals from 33 Years Experience in Public Safety the various divisions in the Sheriff's office, sister agencies as well as local, state and • El Paso County Public Services, Executive Director federal responders to combat and mitigate • El Paso County Sheriff’s Office the threats and risks, to the lives of our • Emergency Services Commander, (10 yrs) POST Certified citizens. I am very passionate and dedicated to the protection of our way of • Emergency Services Agency, Chair (5 yrs) life, especially when it comes to the safety • Management County-Wide Ambulance Service of our fellow citizens, our families and our community. • State Waste Tire Board, Chair (4 yrs)

• Homeland Security, Former Chair (9 years) • Executive Fire Officer (National) • 20 Years Military Service, (Retired First Sergeant)

My Initiatives:

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Why would legislators not support this bill to protect Coloradans? I think it mostly based on lack of understanding. Many legislators still think of NDAA as the annual military budget and haven’t given much thought or consideration to Section 1021 and 1022 added in 2012. So how do we help them understand? `Education and showing them you care about this issue. We plan on assisting Colorado Rep. Jared Wright when he reintroduces HB 1045, to prohibit the law of war from being used on regular American citizens in Colorado. Please contact your state legislator and let them know you fully support a bill to stop the NDAA/ law of war from being used in Colorado. This way they know they have your support when they are seriously defending your rights. We also have resources to help you answer any common objections or questions about either the NDAA or how to stop it in Colorado at Dan, tell us about your new campaign and how we can get involved. Are you getting support?

military insignia & patches vote for the 2014 National Defense Since we launched PANDA in 2012, interest in pushing back against the 2012





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Authorization Act in committee. The language of the 2012 NDAA, carried over into the 2014 bill, represents an intolerable infringement of the Constitutional rights of American citizens. Nothing in the Constitution allows the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens on U.S. soil, and yet this bill perpetuates that purported authority. We must protect the Due Process rights of every American." How about legislators in Colorado?

State Rep. Jared Wright, a former police officer, introduced a bill last legislative session to stop the enforcement of the detention provisions in Colorado. Despite widespread support, the bill was narrowly defeated by one vote in the House.

NDAA has exploded. In 2013 alone, 22 states introduced Anti-NDAA legislation, and, although much of it was just voicing dissent, California, Alaska, and Virginia signed anti-NDAA bills into law.

In October, we launched the Take Back Campaign, to stop the NDAA at a City and County level, all across America. On October 7,2013 the State Capitol of New York, Albany, become the first city in the nation to block the enforcement of the NDAA’s detention provisions. Two days later, Oxford, Massachusetts did that same thing, followed on October 21, 2013 By Webster, MA. Over 20 other cities are currently considering Anti-NDAA resolutions, and we have helped people start action in 60 + cities across the country. Since our goal is to help anyone, anywhere, who wants to stop the NDAA in their city, we have created a packet that gives everyone the tools they need to stop the detention provisions from being used in their town, city or county. You can get it at get it at, and we will do everything we can to help you take back your community, the state of Colorado, and eventually the nation. MD, practicing psychiatrist, health reform advocate, her motto is "Patients First!"Author of Health For US All: The Transformation of US Health Care, Dr Mary writes and educates on principles of real health reform, including sound health freedom legislation. Learn more at http://www.thehealthreformreport. com

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Global Ideas for Increasing Voter Turnout, Could They Help the US? Part 1 By: Lyall Russell (New Zealand)


ver the next few issues we are going to be dabbling into the thought process of how to increase voter turnout in all elections across the United States of America. Some of the suggestions will be very unlikely to happen in the USA because of Constitutional barriers, but the idea is worth introducing to the discussions we will have over the next few months. The discussion about how to increase voter turnout is one being conducted within many nations around the globe. We send brave troops overseas to fight in authoritarian nations where their citizens have never had the right to cast a ballot in a democratic process to assign their leaders. Then when these nations, do ask their citizens to cast a free ballot to assign their leaders their voter turnout is 95% or higher. These nations, who have been war ridden and without rights, turn around and show the globe how to rally their population together to establish a government that truly does represent the majority.

How do we curb that, compulsory registration? People do not like being told what to do, but this is really simple. When you are a senior at high school a volunteer or employee from the states secretary of state office should visit every school and give every US citizen high school student a form that they have to full in and send-off to be registered to vote. That should be it; nothing more. If, later down the track, you want to affiliate yourself with a party, that can be your choice. But the To clear things up from the start, in the 2012 Presidential elections the first step is ensuring you’re able to vote on Election Day, even if you don’t US voter turnout was 54.09% whilst, for the 2010 midterm elections, the want to. voter turnout was an even more miserable 38.46%. But just to make you feel a little more proud in Colorado, voter turnout for the 2012 Presidential New Zealand has compulsory voter registration and throughout their election was 71.17%. Unfortunately, to burst you bubble, the voter turnout in voting history their voter turnout trends around the 80% mark. the people driven recall elections in 2013 was only 29.19% - not something The other solution is by knocking on doors or ringing phones, but when to be proud of. you disturb someone’s day with an unwanted interruption, they are going to rebel. The timing does not work for them, so they are not going to give The first step towards voting in the US is registration. you the chance to elaborate on your claim to get them registered. Information from the United States Census Bureau shows that in the 2012 election only 71% of eligible voters were registered. With that low number Registration is the first step; if you don’t have a population that is registered of the population registered it only screams misrepresented government. and able to vote on election day, the results are not truly representative and There are more than 66 million people who count themselves out on it doesn’t give the elected a strong mandate to govern with. Election Day just because they can’t vote. Lyall Russell is a student of Politics and Media in New Zealand and frequently updates his blog at

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