LETTER FROM THE CO-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS Dear Friends, Thank you for inspiring the theme of this year's annual report. The 2010-11 year was amazing for the students and families of the Asheville City Schools. IRL launched and served over 230 students with after school programming. Students' perspectives were broadened by leaps and bounds as they learned French, cooked meals, juggled, debated, and developed leadership skills. We awarded more grants than in the previous year, trained more volunteers to work one-on-one with students during and after school, and received more gifts from individual donors. We celebrated unsung heroes and advocated to preserve our very special Asheville City Schools district. All of these successes were possible Because of YOU.
Leah Ferguson and Kate Pett, Co-Executive Directors
From the President of the Board of Directors The 2010-11 year was one of great change for the Asheville City Schools Foundation. The Foundation continues to grow and flourish under the direction of co-directors Leah Ferguson and Kate Pett, and the guidance of a dynamic, dedicated board. These are challenging times for public education, and the Foundation remains focused on promoting educational success for all district students. One significant accomplishment this year was the implementation of the In Real Life (IRL) afterschool program at Asheville Middle School. This program began as a Foundation-initiated listening project over three years ago. It has been remarkable to watch this idea develop and come to fruition as IRL. Under the direction of Travis Herbert, IRL provides quality programs that are fun and engaging. My oldest son, Nathan, attended the inaugural session and participated in web development and art design classes. We continue to innovate with our programs. This year, we developed classroom grant opportunities for math
Monica Koerschner Board President
literacy, funded artist residencies, expanded our Foundation Fellows program, and held the first annual Celebration of Champions, which honors community members for their support of our students and schools.
We are dedicated to being a creative, forward-thinking, public education foundation and will continue to adapt to the needs of our students.
Grant Making, Academic Coach, IRL & ALL VISTA 50%
Individual and corporate
Administrative Costs,
Student scholarships 29%
Administrative costs, fundraising and general fundraising, and general 21% 21%
Restricted scholarship funds
2 3
Grantmaking, academic coach, IRL and ALL VISTA 50%
5 Fee for service
State grant
There’s a new songwriter in town.
Asheville Middle School eighth grader Malike Hamilton is a recording artist who plays guitar and has a whole notebook of songs he wrote himself. That wasn’t the case in sixth grade when he had nothing (really nothing, he says) to do after school. But starting in Fall 2010, Malike signed up for IRL (In Real Life), Asheville Middle’s afterschool program developed by the Asheville City Schools Foundation in collaboration with a range of community partners in response to the critical lack of afterschool programming for middle schoolers in Asheville. Malike enrolled in the maximum number of IRL programs he could, choosing Academic Academy two days, and Music Production and Video Production on the other two. In Music Production, offered through IRL’s partnership with LEAF in Streets and Schools, Malike encountered Ben Gradison, a local music producer and teacher who also operates “peace studios” in Columbia and Kenya. Gradison leads kids through the process of recording music from brainstorming lyrics to creating and mixing tracks. “They come in with a notebook and leave with a CD,” says Gradison. What’s more, the work he does with the kids in IRL has solid connections to the curriculum, reinforcing what the kids are studying during the day. Music plays a huge part in the life of a middle schooler. Being able to record their own voices and play it back makes the process of creating music “more real,” says Gradison, putting something that seemed far-off within the realm of the possible.
3 230 students participated in IRL programs during the 2010-11 school year.
Over 200 students and 24 community organizations participated in IRL’s inaugural program year, which included everything from improvisational comedy to firefighter training to basketball, homework help, organic cooking, and circus arts. New talents were discovered, existing ones were strengthened, and connections were made between our students and
Student Success
community members who care about their future. IRL exemplifies Asheville City Schools Foundation’s strategy for ensuring student success in our district: identify the issue (in this case, lack of afterschool programming for middle school students), research best practices, involve the community in addressing the issue, and create long-term solutions. “IRL has become rooted at Asheville Middle,” says IRL Campus Director Travis Herbert. Asheville City Schools Foundation is able to nurture these groundbreaking initiatives Because of YOU.
IRL Program Partners, 2010-11 Asheville Art Museum Asheville-Buncombe Youth Soccer Association Asheville High School, Faculty and Staff Asheville Middle School, Faculty and Staff Building Bridges of Asheville City of Asheville 21st Century Community Learning Center City of Asheville Fire Department FEAST/Slow Food Asheville Girls on the Run of WNC G.R.E.A.T. Families The Health Adventure Inner Works Productions
LEAF in Streets and Schools North Carolina Stage Company Our VOICE Randolph Learning Center Faculty and Staff Roots + Wings School of Art The Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club True-Ink Upfront Management Sports Agency UNC Asheville Craft Campus Western North Carolina AIDS Project What’s In It For Me YWCA of Asheville
Music production at IRL
Maria’s the first in her family to go to college ..but she won’t be the last..
In their home state of Guadalajara, Mexico, Maria Lomeli-Garcia’s parents didn’t finish primary school. “Their first priority was putting food on the table,” says the Asheville High graduate, now a freshman at UNC Asheville. The family moved to Asheville from Mexico when Maria was just a year old. Her three younger brothers were born here. While Maria’s parents encouraged her to finish high school, college wasn’t necessarily a goal. “It seemed like something we wouldn’t have the money for,” she says. “My parents didn’t know about scholarships and loans.” It wasn’t until she entered the AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) program in 7th grade at Asheville Middle School that she started to think about continuing her education after high school.
At Asheville High, AVID instructor Jerome Hughes introduced Maria to scholarship resources and helped her with her essay and winning application for Asheville City Schools Foundation’s Paddison Family Scholarship, a fouryear, $8,000 scholarship for students who have demonstrated need, academic achievement, good character, and leadership ability. Maria applied to four colleges and was accepted to her first choice, UNC Asheville, where she plans to major in Mass Communications. The financial resources provided by Asheville City Schools Foundation’s Scholarship Program made a life-changing difference for Maria. But, she says, the difference didn’t stop with her. Because of her example, Maria’s younger brothers have their sights set on college, too.
Asheville City Schools Foundation awarded over $180,000 in scholarships
during the 2010-11 school year.
Asheville City Schools Foundation offers local students scholarship opportunities, ranging from one-time awards of under $1000 to the four-year $8000 Paddison Family Foundation Scholarship received by Maria, and the North Carolina State Employee’s Credit Union People Helping People Scholarship, a four-year, $10,000 scholarship. In FY2010, the Asheville City Schools Foundation:
Student Success
awarded over $118,000 to 32 students awarded $3000 in Asheville City Schools Dependent Scholarships awarded $60,000 in CAYLA (City of Asheville Youth Leadership Academy) Scholarships renewed nearly $60,000 in student scholarships.
This kind of support is only possible Because of YOU.
2010-11 Asheville City Schools Foundation Scholarship Winners Katie Biggert Jakob Cartier Gabriel Chess Isabella DeSantis Anika Ellis Meg Everist Giovanni Figaro Elizabeth Gergel Andrea Griffin Nakia Harrell Rhonda Hindi Ingrid Humphrey Martel Jackson Charity Johnson Chelsea Kennedy
Xochitl Molina Jefferson Ellison Jacob Pressman Samuel Rardin Jamaica Reese-Julien Holly Roberts Lauren Seager Michelle Sorrells Emma Stoneberg Willem Tax Hunter Waldrop Jackson Weeks Haley Williams Eric Wetherill
CAYLA Scholars Keevon Baten Yelena Dariy Taurean Davidson Anika Ellis Giovanni Figaro Andrea Griffin Nakia Harrell Aja Jackson Martel Jackson Charity Johnson Darius Mangum Darius Miller Xochitl Molina Patricia Moore Christina Robinson Crystal Sherriff
2010-11 Asheville City Schools Foundation Scholarship Winners
Ms. Gregg’s students know their way around a map.
Over the course her career, Anndrea Burns started to notice a troubling trend. The Vance Elementary Instructional Technology Facilitator realized that social studies was starting to “fade into the background.” Kids didn’t know how to use maps or understand basic geography concepts. “We expect kids to compete in a global economy and be global citizens, but we’re not doing enough to prepare them for it,” she says. Along with 4th-grade teacher Blair Johnston and kindergarten teacher Ashley Gregg, Burns applied for and won an Asheville City Schools Foundation’s Foundation Fellows Grant for Global Awareness, a curriculum-integrated program aimed at developing map skills and raising awareness of geography and other cultures. With limited time during the regular class schedule, the teachers came up with a creative approach to delivering their curriculum: “cultural conversations” at lunch. Food is a natural entryway to interest in and understanding of another culture, says Burns, and preparing and eating ethnic food gave students a tangible way to understand differences and similarities and develop appreciation. When the Fellows team said integrated curriculum, they meant really integrated. Students in Gregg’s kindergarten class focused on the Middle East. They grew wheat in the school’s garden, threshed it, and made pita bread and hummus. They learned to eat it with their right hands according to Middle Eastern custom and learned Arabic words and letters. They even completed a Middle East art project with TAPAS artist Ginger Huebner. In Mr. Johnston’s class, students studied Japan, learning to make sushi and read kanji (one of Japan’s alphabets). When
92 teachers participated in ACSF’s Grantmaking program in the 2010-11 school year.
The Foundation Fellows program is just one way in which The Asheville City Schools Foundation supports teachers in
Excellent Teaching
their efforts to bring innovative and effective practices to our classrooms. ACSF’s targeted grantmaking program for teachers includes: The Foundation Fellows Program Innovation Grants Deborah Sizemore Arts Integration Grants TAPAS (Teaching Artists Performing in Asheville Schools) Residency Grants Progress Energy E-Education and Conservation Grants Parsec Financial’s Math Literacy Grant Reading, Riding, Retrofit Green Team Grants (with the Land of Sky Regional Council) Asheville City Schools Foundation Micro Grants Teacher Scholarships for Professional Development In the 2010-11 school year, the Asheville City Schools Foundation: awarded $24,622 in Foundation Fellowships awarded $13, 483 in Progress Energy E-Education Grants awarded $1,699 in Parsec Financial Math Literacy Grant awarded $2,644 in Reading, Riding, and Retrofit Grants awarded $2,815 in Deborah Sizemore Arts Integration Grants awarded $11,500 in Innovation Grants awarded $4,455 in Micro Grants awarded $9,334 in TAPAS Grants awarded $6,000 in Teacher Professional Development Scholarships That’s $76,554 in support for district teachers, Because of You.
TAPAS residency art project at Vance in conjunction with the Global Awareness Foundation Fellows project.
Every day I'm so happy that I chose to work for this school district. The community support we have from ACSF is amazing and makes me feel so appreciated. Amanda Schoonover, Innovation Grant Winner
Math help is starting to add up for Quantasia.
Quantasia Williams makes no bones about it. The Asheville Middle School student plays the trumpet and loves art, but does not like math. “It’s complicated,” she says, about both the subject and her feelings about it. When she has questions in math class, she hesitates to ask for help: there are a lot of other kids and she feels bad about slowing everyone down. During the first half of 6th grade, her math grades were dismal, she says. But that started to change in the second semester, when she met Academic Coach Angela Taylor. Parent of another Asheville Middle School student (and one at Jones), Angela has a master’s degree in math and has taught at the college level. Through Asheville City School’s Foundation’s Academic Coach program, she was paired with Quantasia for weekly one-on-one coaching sessions. The two went over homework and Quantasia could ask all the questions she wanted. Plus, Angela’s teaching style really clicked for Quantasia. “The way she explains it,” Quantasia says. “I really understand.” Quantasia’s math grades started to climb by the end of the school year. What’s more, her confidence level did, too. “Her teachers said that there was a new light in her eyes,” Angela says. Quantasia is pretty sure she’s never going to love math. But with a one-on-one coach who tailors techniques to her learning style, she’s learning new ways to approach it, which just adds up to better grades. Angela and Quantasia will continue their partnership for a second year. Quantasia thinks that’s great because in 7th-grade, math doesn’t get easier.
Over 60 Asheville City Schools students received one-on-one coaching from
Research shows that one-on-one coaching is one of the most effective ways to improve outcomes for struggling students. In the 2010-11 school year, Asheville City Schools Foundation recruited, screened, and trained over 65 community volunteers to work with district students. Over 60 of those volunteers were paired with students to work one-on-one during or after school, for at least 1
Community Involvement
hour each week. As “academic coaches,” these volunteers served as both tutor and mentor to students, helping them with academics, but also in developing social skills that improve their lives in and out of school. Asheville City Schools Foundation community volunteers and academic coaches come from all walks of life and bring a wealth of experience to the students with whom they’re matched. During the 2010-11 school year, the Academic Coach program worked with students in all of the district schools and many community afterschool programs including Delta House, The YWCA, and Youthful HAND. The program was supported in this fiscal year through the generosity of the GlaxoSmithKline Foundation and the United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County. Through our Asheville Learning Links Americorps VISTA Program, Asheville City Schools Foundation works with community organizations to help build their capacity to serve school-age children and their families. In the 2010-11 school year, our VISTA volunteers served community organizations including: LEAF, Asheville Homeless Initiative, Our VOICE, Asheville Design Center, Children First, The Center for Diversity Education, NC Stage Company, WNC Alliance, and the IRL program. Families also received $5,732 in emergency assistance directly from ACSF this year. Community volunteers are making a difference Because of You.
Community members receive training on how best to work wi th students.
I love having a coach I think is awesome! I like that my coach is nice even when I am grumpy because I am tired. I ENJOY all the things she does for me. She always encourages me to keep working no matter what. I love that motto! 5th grade mentee
We’re a Community of Champions. Great schools, excellent teaching, and successful students don’t happen by accident. They require the effort of the entire community. In the important work of supporting our district students, teachers, and schools, the Asheville City Schools Foundation partners with many individuals, community organizations, local businesses and public institutions. Our Go Public Businesses back our schools with financial and volunteer support. Our City Schools Champions (whom we honored this year with our first annual Celebration of Champions Awards) give their time and talents to our schools and students. And our Community Partners work with us to address community needs through their financial support and collaboration.
Go Public
Adorn Salon Artisan Deli & Catering Asheville Hot Air Balloon Asheville Pediatric Dentistry Babee Greens Biltmore Company Blue Ridge Rollergirls The BioNetwork BB&T Care Partners Foundation Christine Kennedy Photography ClimbMax Sport Climbing The Corner Kitchen Dechant Architecture Dixon Hughes PLLC Dr. Jenny Jackson EarthFare Elmore Law Firm Equinox Environmental
Forest Commercial Bank French Broad Chocolate Lounge Gallo Lea Organics High Touch, High Tech Hip Replacements The Hop Ice Cream Shops ImageSmith ImageSolutions Laurey’s Catering and Gourmet to Go McGill Associates McGuire, Wood and Bissette, PA Navitat Canopy Tours On-A-Roll OnDemand Printing Open Doors of Asheville Raymond James Retro+Fit Designs Roberts & Stevens Law Firm Roots + Wings School of Art
Sante Wine Bar Spellbound Children’s Books Spiritex Staples TAD Architects TSA Choice Urban Burrito The Venue The Van Winkle Law Firm Vinnie’s Neighborhood Italian Walnut Cove Members Association Wells Fargo The WestEnd Bakery The Wine Studio of Asheville David Worley, CPA
2010-11 Celebration of Champions, November 12, 2010
The unsung heroes of Asheville City Schools were celebrated on November 12, 2010 at the Asheville City Schools Foundation’s Celebration of Champions. The following Champions were honored with awards in different categories:
Asheville City Schools Foundations Champions Susie Jameson, Emily Jackson of ASAP, and Cheri Torres
Community Champion: Susie Jameson Asheville City Schools Staff Champion: Tanya Presha Community Agency Champion: Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project Business Champion: Wachovia-Wells Fargo Asheville City Schools Foundation Choice Award: Cheri Torres
Other Honorees The Marjorie J. Maxwell Lifetime Achievement Award was created to honor the late Marjorie Maxwell, a community member who gave over 10,00 hours of service to Isaac Dickson Elementary.
The Biltmore Company Susan Bowers Kate Brewer Fisher Elinor Earle/Youthful HAND Tom Godleski Nancy Hutchins Junior Achievement LEAF Our VOICE Jesse Pitt Ken Roberts Dawn and Jimmy Rentz/Barley’s Taproom David and Denise Turner United Credit Services/Esteve Coll-Larrosa
2010-11 Asheville City Schools Foundation Donors Marla and Joel Adams Marlene Allison Shiner Anriorio Asheville High School Asheville Principals Association Asheville Unitarian Universalist Church Tangela Ballard-Bowman Christine and William Barber Andrew Bass Ann Batchelder and Henri Kieffer Beattie Foundation Judith Beck and Jerome Hay Beta Sigma Phi Sorority Mary Beuchat Keith Black Brady Blackburn Shelly and Brad Blackburn Judith and Michael Bohan Ida and Kenneth Brown Barbara Brownsmith Aimee and Bill Buchanan Cynthia and Ray Burnette Glenda and Robert Burgin Care Partners Foundation City Of Asheville Pam and Tadd Clarkson The Community Foundation of WNC Debra Cooper and Laurence Weiss Christina Corey Susan Curtis Becky Davis April Delac Molly Dingledine Peggy and Robert Dalman Michael Driscoll Sandra and Steve Dykes Enka Baptist Church Hilda and James Edwards Cora Ezzell and Michael De Arellano Yvonne Farnell and Robert Smedley Jane and James Fernandes Marshall Fields
Rachel and Doug Flaherty Elizabeth and Joseph Fluharty Rachel Friel Donna and Robert Frellick Julie Furdyna Denise and Gary Fryar Google Raymond Graves Linda and Randy Gergel Toni Grace Cynthia Grady Elizabeth and Andrew Glatstein Larry Golden Althea Gonzalez Randee Goodstadt Margaret Gormely-Chapman Rhoda and Willis Groce Lisa Gaye Hall and Mike Congelton Dorothy B. Hamill Anne Hammonds Jane Hatley Paul and Dorothy Hayes Catherine Hebert and Daniel Waldman David Hillier Hayley Holland Laura Hopkins-Stone and Cameron Stone Nancy and Gregory Hutchins Jo Ikelheimer Gerii Jackson Raymond James Allison Jordan Jostens Ellen Kaczmarek and Gary Macpeek Rona Kappalman Patsy Keever Patricia Kirby Michelle and Kevin Kopp Monica and Michael Koerschner Zemp Lach Courtney Lally Suzanne Landis Kathryn Bo Lane Kathryn Langwell
Jean and Bruce Larson Becky and Ben Lewis Rui Yun Li and Yi D Ye Trisha and Brian Mahoney Keya Maitra Kimberly and Mark Mason Masonic Service Association Benedict Maulbeck Patricia McElroy Pat McKinsey Jean and Donald McMillian Madeline and Merritt Moseley Janice and James Nash North Carolina Retired School Personnel Meredith Norwood Randy Nuss Nancy Nye Joanne O'Sullivan Reba Owenby Ruth and James Owenby Rachel Paar Donna Page Parsec Financial Management, Inc. Frank Patton III Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. Leslie and Tadeusz Poplawski David and Lisa Porter Progress Energy Linda Randall Sue and Rob Reinecke-Esmond Carol Rovello and Douglas Wetherill Betsey and Mitch Russell Sharron St John Cynthia Sellinger Jan Shapin Frieda and Martin Shaw Robin and Jack Sholder Muriel and John Siddall Mark Sidelnick Jacquelyn Simms Brooks Sizemore Martha and Claude Smith Nita Smith and Jay Hardwig Phil Smith Barbara Spencer Peter Sprauge State Employees Combined Campaign
JW Stines Elizabeth Stoneberg Sutherland Foundation, Inc Sandra Tarantino Helen Thomas and Kathleen Young Laurie and Russell Towers Kathleen and Ronnie Trull Shannon Tuch Cheri Torres Virgil Thrash William Turbyfill Denise and David Turner Bill Van Cleve Vance Chapter No. 295 OES Melinda Vetro Sasha Vrtunski and Craig White K. Dearl Wallen Ann Ward Dianne Ward Kama Ward and Raymond Ring Jean Wauford Susan Weidel Barbara and Brian Weinkle Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program John Whatley Cassie Whiteside and Allen Singleton Betsy Wilson and Kern Parker David Worley Lucinda Wykle-Rosenberg
Teacher to Teacher Anonymous Mark Ackerman Margaret Allen Susan Allman Craig Anderson Jeffrey Andrews Victoria Angelotti Patricia Baker Brain Blacklow Carrie Buchanan Brooks Butler Moira Bradford Jessica Browning Cynthia Byron Sharon Caffrey Elaine Carter Teresa Carter Sharon Cartwright Angie Cathcart James Cassara Cyndi Calhoun Eva Chazo Chris Cicotello Lois Clement Pam Cocke Nancy Costello Paula Crowe Stephanie Cyrus Brew Davis Ximena Del Corral Smith Sarah Dick Jennifer Doherty Virginia Duquet Marcia Dyson Lois Ebey Janet Edwards Viris Ellis Clark Angela Ellison Gaelyn Evangreene Kyley Ferris
Patti Evans Gaelyn Evangreene Kyley Ferris Shannon Fields Vince Floriani Fania Franklin Rodney Franklin Peggy Genova Rebecca Gilleran Jo Peterson Gibbs Lisa Gibson Charlie Glazener Marquetta Goodrich Gordon Grant Holly Gregg Barbara Groome Vicki Hall Karen Hall Helen Hairston Mary Head Marna Holland Jerome Hughes Loralee Iglesias Cassandra Ingram Laura Ingersoll Susan Jayne Allen Johnson Randall Jo Johnson Patricia Johnson Lars Johnson Blair Johnson Luz Angela Jones Stephanie Keever Katie Ling Libby Kyles Laura Lane Michele Lemell Penny Lewis Roberta Lipe Jerelene Lutz
Roberta Lipe Jerelene Lutz Sarah Manow Robert McGrattan Jodie Mercier Donna Miseyto Sara Monson Shannon Montgomery Karen Moriarty Bart Murphy Alissa Olson Peter Parpan Amy Penland Jesse Pitt Edward Preneta Keena Proctor Jocelyn Reese Jennie Robinette Elizabeth Rogers Theda Rudd Renoo Sams Rebecca Schuyler Lisa Session Sharon Sharar Rebecca Shaw-Cook Amy Sheeler Susan Shillcock Rhonda Sizemore Nita Smith Mairead Smitka Donna Stafford Debra Stewart Elizabeth Stockslager Marti Sullivan Mary Margaret Sullivan Theresa Swann Jacqueline Taylor Thomas Tepper
Greg Townsend Angie Trantham Mary Turner Roger Tweed Bill VanCleve Jesse Warren Janice Weaver Roberta Wells Sandra Wells Becca Weeks Yetta Williams Bryant Williams Jr. Tracie Wilson Terry Wright Alida Woods
Each year, Asheville City Schools teachers and staff give generously to the Asheville City Schools Foundation through the payroll deduction campaign. Their contributions go back into the classrooms of other teachers and to deserving students through scholarships. The Teacher to Teacher payroll deduction campaign contributed over $7,200 in support to the Foundation in the 2010-11 school year. Teachers, our success is truly Because
of YOU.
100 FAMILIES The Asheville City Schools Foundation’s Equity Fund aims to make equal educational opportunities available to all students in our district. The following individuals and families contributed to our Equity Fund through the 100 Families campaign during the 201011 fiscal year.
Jennifer and Ken Abbott Laleah Adams and William Catlin Mary Ann Athens and Clayton Griffith Peggy Brooks Ann Brown Kenneth and Ida Brown Billie and Steve Buie Shelagh and Bill Byrne Catholic Daughters of the Americas Nan and Saul Chase Kathryn Dawkins Leah Ferguson Marshal Fields Vincent Floriani and Kate Pett Futch Foundation Judy Futch and Paul Smith
Brian and Melissa Hill Dabney Holt Marc Hunt and Catherine Potts Elizabeth Hunter Janet Hurley Nancy and Gregory Hutchins Eric Iovacchini Rona Kappalman Charles Krekelberg and Amy Ellingsen Monica and Michael Koerschner Mark Kurdys and Janet Stephens Laura and Harris Livingstain Brian and Trisha Mahoney Kimberly and Mark Mason Jenny Mathews and Frazier Worth Ann Messersmith
Bert Gaines Linda Geer Larry Golden Stephen Grabenstein and Sarah Oram Helen Hanshaw Donald and Kathleen Herbert
Honor Moor Holly Musgrove and Cameron Kurowski Mel Nelis and Guy Ross Elizabeth and John Parrott Dudley and Elizabeth Peeler Kenneth and Julie Porter-Shirley Susan and Dean Presson Clayton Rowan and Constance Schrader Andrew Runkle Betsey and Mitch Russell Eric Schreiner John and Muriel Siddall Ricky Silver Cherri Torres Jane and Daniel Vann
Ashley and Katherine Westmoreland-Sloan Terri Wells and Glenn Ratcliff Laura Westbrook Betsy Wilson and Kern Parker Susan Wilson
Because of You.. Middle school kids are engaged and learning after school. The dream of college can be a reality for our most promising students. Our teachers are getting the support they need to be the most effective teachers they can be. Our community members are giving their time and talents to help our students succeed. Community organizations are bringing their support to bear in our schools through offering programs and financial support. The Asheville City Schools Foundation is making an impact and changing lives for students.
Thank You
Asheville City Schools
2010-11 Board of Directors
Foundation Staff
Leah Ferguson, Co-Executive Director Kate Pett, Co-Executive Director
Monica Koerschner, President Elizabeth Russell, Vice– President Kern Parker, Treasurer Steve Dykes, Secretary
Pam Clarkson, Office Manager Travis Herbert, Campus Director, IRL Joanne O’Sullivan, VISTA Program Coordinator Kern Parker, Bookkeeper Terri Wells, Academic Coach Program Director Kathy Dawkins, Americorps VISTA volunteer Skyler Goff, Americorps VISTA volunteer
Shelly Blackburn Tangela Ballard-Bowman Shelagh Byrne Bill Dechant Rachel Friel Julie Furdyna, MD Tarik Glenn Cynthia Grady Matt Maultsby Jean Wauford Randy Nuss Dan Shaw Sasha Vrtunski Peggy Hughes Weil Teacher Representatives Jocelyn Reese, Hall Fletcher Elementary Gerii Jackson, Asheville Middle School Ex Officio Members: Allen Johnson Superintendent Asheville City Schools Peggy Dalman Board of Education Asheville City Schools
Promoting Achievement, Engaging Community 85 Mountain St Asheville, NC 28802 828-350-6134 acsf@acsf.org www.acsf.org