NID Workshop 2012

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09:00 - 11:00 hrs 11:00 - 13:00 hrs course title :

course title :

Le Marche del mondo

In Lure of Story Telling

INFOGRAPHICS - designer s tool


Considering a Story A hypothetical branding approach - AADMI




The brands of the world



Considering a Story


Final Presentation

Case Study of a branding approach -MONOCLE

Infographic presentation of the course content.

15:00 - 17:00 hrs 17:00 - 19:00 hrs

c our s et i t l e:

I nL ur eofSt or yT el l i ng

I NFOGRAPHI CS-des i gner ʼ st ool

/ A/Pr es ent at i onont het ool sofSt or yT el l i ngf ordes i gner s-F orpr es ent i ngyourPOI NTOFVI EW,Cmmuni c at i ongt opeopl e andt hei rbus i nes s esandper hapst hei rownbus i nes sdes i gnc r eat i on. T oolt opr es enthar df ac t si nt obeaut i f ull anguage,t opr ov eyourpoi ntort omak eone!

/ B/1/Whydoweneedvi s ualr es ear cht ool s?

2/A s hor thi s t r oyofvi aualr es ear cht ool s-DECODI NG t heARTandt heSCI ENCEofdi agr ami ng. 3/How t ot el las t or y?-Fordes i gner s . 4/Under s t andi ngt hec ompl exs t r uc t ur i ngofas i mpl eandbeaut i f ulI nf ogr aphi c . .

Get t i ngc l os ert ohow t oi nnov at easdes i gner s?

Cons i der i ngaSt or y Ahypot het i c albr andi ng appr oac h-AADMI

1/Obs er v i ngt hewor l dc hangi ngar ounds ynt ac t i c al l y-T RENDRESEARCHI NG -aʻ t ool ʼt ous e 2/Sync i ngt oyourowns t or y-T heEmphat het i cAngl et oyours t or y . 3/Det er mi ni ngyourCOMMUNI TYov ermanagementbas edT ar get Cons umerappr oac hmodel . 4/Des i gni ngs ol ut i onf oryourc ommuni t y-Speaki ngaCOHERENTDes i gnL anguaget oc ommuni c at eyourDes i gnI nnov at i on Pr oduc t/Spac es/Br andi ng/Communi c at i ons t r at egy .

T ounder s t andas el ec t edl i s tofbr ands ,t hei rappr oac hand Al ooki nt obr andswi t hs omec har ac t erands omeper s onal i t y-

t hei ri nt ent i onswi t ht hei rc l i ent s ,f r om bi gc l as s ybr andst os mal lni c heent r epr eneur i alef f or t s . How s omepeopl edoi ts ogood,andhow c oul dyoudoi tt oo! 1/Sel ec t eds mal lni c hebr ands-CONT EMPORARYST ORYT EL L ERSandCOMMUNI TYBUI L DERS. 2/Under s t andi ngt hatʻ BI Gʼi sal waysnotʻ BET T ERʼ! !

Get t i ngt oknow ʻ How ot her sI NNOVAT E/CREAT E/BUI L DBRANDS&COMMUNI T I ES? ʼ 1/St or yofanas pi r at i onali dea( GL OBAL )f r om pr i ntt oaudi o,f r om hos pi t al i t yt or et ai l . 2/Remember i ngnev ert of or getdr eami ngandhow t ol ov ewhatyouappr ec i at e,andmaki ngs ens ef orot her soutofi t! !

Conc l us i onoft heWor ks hop-Pr es ent at i oni nf or m ofanI nf ogr aphi cpos t erout l i ni ngear l i erdoc ument at i onwor ksat t empt edby at t endeesont hel i nesofexper i enc edpr es ent at i onf or mat sands t or yt el l i ngappr oac h.

c our s et i t l e:

L eMar chedelmondo T hebr andsoft hewor l d

Cons i der i ngaSt or y Cas eSt udyofabr andi ng appr oac hMONOCL E

Fi nalPr es ent at i on

I nf ogr aphi cpr es ent at i onoft he c our s ec ont ent .

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