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Copyright Š 2014 Gina Buccini All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in review, without the expressed written concent from the author.

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To my grandmother Arlene; Thank you for showing me how the love of God rules your heart. –Gina

To my grandmother Tudi; Your unconditional love, faith and spirit taught me so much about what a Godly woman looks like. I love and miss you. –Hana




8 Eve – Image Bearer

12 Sarah – Crown of the Covenant

16 Hagar – Elect Saint

20 Rebekah – Oak of Wisdom

24 Tamar – Heir of Righteousness 28 Leah – Pillar of Praise

32 Rachel – The Living Stone 36


Shiphrah & Puah – Warriors of Freedom

Jochebed – Glory of Israel

44 Miriam – Waters of Worship

48 Basia– Daughter of Salvation 52 Rahab – Fire of Faith

56 Deborah – Sword of Truth 60

Naomi – Shepard of the Cross


Hannah – Prayer Warrior


Ruth – Torch Bearer


Abigail – Champion of the Kingdom


Huldah – Prophetic Kingdom Builder



Bathsheba – Beauty for Ashes

Queen Esther – Queen of Compassion


I NEED TEXT FOR THIS. My husband–his love–was the focus of my life. I wanted to be his all in all. I looked to him to give me an identity, make me feel significant. It was tough, I wasn’t pretty. Jacob was tricked into marrying me. I was not his only wife. I never really had his heart. That belonged to my sister, Rachel. But once Judah, my fourth son, was born, things started to change. I began to really seek God with all my heart. Really long for Him to show me something about myself. I realized that the promise of finding Him paled in comparison to everything else I was feeling, or wondering or caring about. To seek Him and praise Him, it took time. To build that relationship - it isn’t a quick change. Eventually, I could sense this glorious peace, and although at times I felt unloved and unwanted, God showed me that I was of great value to Him–like a shining pearl–one of great price.


Eve – Image Bearer

None of the other creatures in the garden seemed to know about God like the serpent. He made it sound so good, that I could be like God. The lie produced doubt in my heart, and it shattered into all kinds of evil. The cracks were so deep, it was beyond repair. The only hope for me was for God to change my heart. Fill it with new ideas, new desires, things of the Spirit - not of the world. I knew I was designed to be like Him. I was made in His likeness. The only reason I have a heart at all is because God has a heart. A pure, beautiful, wise heart full of love and light. The only chance we have is to put faith in God to mend our hearts. It all rests there. Only he could replace the broken pieces with life–a wellspring of life–that, above everything else, we must courageously and purposefully guard.

Eve was the first daughter, mother, grandmother. She had a special relationship with God and was co-guardian with Adam in the garden.


Sarah – Crown of the Covenant

I didn’t think it would be possible to have a child. I was too old. I looked at life differently. My body had changed. When I became pregnant, I quietly wondered, would I be here for him? Watch him grow? See him become a man? Or, just produce a baby? The promise was the glue that kept me going when I knew in the physical it was not possible. I sometimes thought, “Why me?” I did foolish things in my desperation, thinking I had to fulfill this destiny on my own strength. I came up with my own plan to make the promise come through. But I can only see so far. Perhaps you have a fine education, a stately family name, a cultured demeanor, you know the ways of grace. It doesn’t matter. My eyes were fixed on what was seen, not what was unseen. It was a test of his redemption - that he could use an old woman, an old womb, to bring forth his promises. God can go far beyond what we could ever hope. And nothing shall stand in His way.

Faithful wife of Abraham, The first Matriarch of the Israeli people.


Hagar - Elect Saint

The spring in the desert gave me a temporary relief. It didn’t look good. I was an Egyptian slave on the run. A pregnant, scared outlaw. Hurt. Rejected. Not a sheckel to my name. Would anyone care? I thought I could disappear in the desert. That is when God found me. He spoke into my life. One on one. I was completely dumbfounded by his attention, that he would care so much. And he gave me such amazing promises. I would have to go back to my owners, but my offspring, he promised to multiply them, and he gave me a name for my son, who I knew would be free! Imagine, there I was an absolute nobody who had quit her proper place, suddenly the focus and attention of an all sovereign, all knowing God. I couldn’t help but give him a name: El Roi – The God Who Sees. He sees–he sees all of His children

Maidservant of Sarah, wife of Abraham, mother of Ishmael.


Rebekah - Oak of Wisdom

After I met the man at the well, I knew there was hope for me. He was sent by God. Here it was, an opportunity in life. I wanted my life to have meaning, to do something important. Leaving my home was like being set free. It was like the chains were coming off, and I could follow after something big–something bigger than me. I could feel the layers of an old life peeling away. My destiny was unfolding right in front of me and I knew I had to take a risk. Stop playing it safe. If you look hard enough, sometimes the end is really a longed-for beginning.

As Isaac’s wife, Rebekah is the second Matriarch of the Israeli nation. Mother of Jacob and Esau.


Tamar - Heir of Righteousness

I wasn’t a street girl. I was dressed like a prostitute. I acted like a prostitute. But I didn’t feel like one. Even though the system was stacked against me, I refused to let go of what God promised me. When I saw Judah coming my way, I knew I could be killed on the spot. I veiled my face. This was the only thing to do, to try and save my husband’s name. I felt that my plan would work, that I would succeed. After our encounter, I took Judah’s staff, cord and seal for leverage - it was the proof I needed for him to recognize the promises of God, and fulfill his responsibilities. When the hour of death was upon me, I presented Judah with his personal belongings. He understood. He realized his error. Then he called me righteous! That moment was like being crowned with honor.

Pregnant by Judah, son of Jacob. Falsely accused of prostitution. Sentenced to death by fire. The first woman listed in the genealogy of Christ.


Leah - Pillar of Praise

My husband–his love–was the focus of my life. I wanted to be his all in all. I looked to him to give me an identity, make me feel significant. It was tough, I wasn’t pretty. Jacob was tricked into marrying me. I was not his only wife. I never really had his heart. That belonged to my sister, Rachel. But once Judah, my fourth son, was born, things started to change. I began to really seek God with all my heart. Really long for Him to show me something about myself. I realized that the promise of finding Him paled in comparison to everything else I was feeling, or wondering or caring about. To seek Him and praise Him, it took time. To build that relationship - it isn’t a quick change. Eventually, I could sense this glorious peace, and although at times I felt unloved and unwanted, God showed me that I was of great value to Him–like a shining pearl–one of great price.

Eve was the first daughter, mother, grandmother. She had a special relationship with God and was co-guardian with Adam in the garden.


Rachel - The Living Stone

Being loved was blissful. Being kissed at the well by Jacob was heavenly. The waiting for marriage was nearly unbearable...and so was the fact that he had another wife, my sister Leah. His heart beat for me. I had the beauty, the body. I was special. But, I couldn’t conceive. Like a shepardess with no flock. Year after year, I remained childless while Leah had son after son. It was devastating. I was undone. We were both racing toward motherhood as fast as we could go, oftentimes missing the grace and gift of each child. My race changed when I was pregnant with my second child. It would take everything I had to give for another birth - and I wanted to finish well. Even though I was in the wrong race at times, I wanted to end the course that God set before me. Fight the good fight. I could rest in the fact that I helped build the house of Israel. And I knew deep down that God uses flawed people to change history.

Second wife of Jacob, fourth matriarch of the tribes of Israel. First recorded woman in the Bible to die in childbirth.


Shiprah & Puah -Warriors of Freedom

All we ever knew was life. How to help it come into being. Yet, the most powerful man in the known world demanded that we snuff it out...kill innocent Hebrew baby boys and betray the trust of women whom we serve, help and honor. It was unthinkable. I’m sure we looked very pitiful and small before the Pharaoh of Egypt. His worldly power flowed through him. What could we do? We had no weapons to fight with. We had no influence or power. It was a sinister choice: murder every Hebrew boy at birth or suffer the consequences. It came down to the hour of courage – Life or death. We would not be moved to such horrors. We made a plan and stuck to it. A simple one, and trusted God to do the rest. He would fight for us. They trusted God, and delivered baby after baby - generations that would escape oppression.


Jochebed - Glory of Israel

At three months old, Moses was smiling and cooing and was so interested in faces. If they found him, they would destroy him. That horrific decree of Pharoah’s – to kill the Hebrew baby boys. I had seen babies snatched from their mother’s arms. Something had to be done, and it had to be done quickly. It was Miriam’s idea to put Moses in a basket on the Nile. She knew that the Pharaoh’s daughter came there often, and she determined that if the Pharaoh’s daughter found Moses and saw what a beautiful child he was, she would spare him. He would be safe. It made the most sense at the time. The alternative was death. So I made the basket and prepared to leave him at the edge of the Nile. At the River, I had only God to help me. I wasn’t afraid of Pharaoh. I knew how mighty and powerful God was. I knew His character. Still, my time of great faith was upon me. I looked up, and with all my heart, all my soul, and all my mind, I released Moses to the river. I released that precious baby into the hands of God.

The quintessential Jewish mother of that great prophetic family: Miriam, Aaron and Moses.


Miriam - Waters of Worship

To watch, to see such an astounding victory – the miracle of the parting of the sea, this massive, powerful enemy being washed away. The outpouring of joy was overwhelming. I had to move my feet. I took my tambourine, and began to dance to the Lord. My arms were open wide as I looked up into the heavens. I was taken away by a timeless swing and spin and song choreographed by the Ancient of Days. I danced for freedom. I danced for the Sheppard of Israel who would lead us to the land of promise. We had been set free, moving closer into that ancient fold. There was no question now. We were His people. We belonged to Him. And He would be our God.

Known as the “First Lady of Israel.” Only female leader in the newly freed Israeli nation. First woman to be called “Prophetess.”


Basia - Daughter of Salvation

I went to the river to cleanse myself from the world. Wash it all off. I was the daughter of the Pharaoh – in the middle of his evil plot to destroy the Hebrew nation. Every day seemed more dreadful, sorrowful than the one before. My heart was broken for the Hebrew women. I saw their pain, sorrow, as their children were just cast away. The horror seemed to cling to me. I often felt, will I ever be clean enough? will the stains of this life ever wash away? That is when I saw that little basket. I asked my attendant to fetch it from the river. When I opened it, I saw this tiny, beautiful face. Life, staring back at me! I instantly knew I would protect this baby. I had been at the water so many times, and I felt that God was preparing me for just this moment. Even though I was the Pharaoh’s daughter, and it was my position to conform to his laws, I had a higher voice calling to me. I knew I had to save him. No matter what the cost. And I trusted that somehow, it was going to work.

Often referred to as Basia, or Bithia, the Pharaoh’s daughter brings baby Moses into the palace and raises him as her own.


Rahab - Fire of Faith

A royal blessing? That didn’t seem real to me. Not with my record. I had heard of the God of Israel, how he parted the Red Sea and saved his people. The stories were old by then, but I never forgot. I had committed the ultimate crime – treason. I betrayed my own people. Were they my people? I never planned to be a prostitute. It just happened that way. That day when I took the Israeli spies in and hid them – it seemed like life was bringing something to me, instead of taking something away. It was hard not to follow that. I heard their plan of attack, and negotiated the safety of my family. I remember my parents were huddled in a corner. My nieces played with marbles on the floor. They understand much less than I did—but they trusted me to stay put in the house. For them and for me, anything was better than what we had at the time. Still, I couldn’t help but think, will we truly be spared, or will we go down with Jericho? When the trumpets blared, and the shouting began, I looked to the red cord that hung in the window. I prayed to it. Yahweh, if you hear me – save us. We were saved!

Rahab is great-great grandmother of none other than King David and is one of only five women listed in the genealogy of Jesus.


Deborah - Sword of Truth

God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He was looking for people to change the nations, just like he is still doing now. God gave me the prophetic gift, and I was known by our people to be a woman of honor, integrity and obedience. I suppose God trusted me to act on His behalf, to judge the people of Israel with His Word. He gave me the authority to do so. He would show me great and mighty things, things I had never seen or known before. Day by day, I would sit under the palm tree, and people would come to hear me deliver the Word and settle disputes. I desperately wanted my people healed. It was a treacherous time. Every man filled with thoughts of his own, out for himself. They forgot about God. The day of battle soon arrived. The general would not go out without me. He didn’t have the faith that God was going to deliver the land to him. He focused on the 900 iron chariots. I agreed to accompany him. On the battlefield of life, there comes a time when you must go...with your spiritual weapons drawn...and fight for what you know is true. Proclaim His words. From before the foundation of the earth. And you must not waver. Trust what God can and will do.

A revered leader and prophetess, the only female judge.


Naomi - Shepard of the Cross

I didn’t want to take my daughter in law, Ruth along for the ride. Even though we had been close, and I spoke to her of God, I had nothing to offer that sweet girl. I believed that God raised his fist against me. It was a dark place, the country of Moab. I didn’t have much fellowship, there was little community. I felt out of touch with God, out of communion. Just didn’t feel it in my heart. My house was empty. My husband and two sons were gone - dead. The sorrows were just too unbearable. Life was a bitter, bitter pill. I remember thinking: I’ve got to get back to my people. Back to Bethlehem, the land of bread. To go back to my beginning, was the only thing that made any sense. Even though I was not feeling his closeness, or his love, I knew I had to get back to His people, my people. I now had to move one foot in front of the other, over miles of dirt and dessert, to return to my Heritage. I was so blessed to have Ruth by my side for the journey.

Naomi is known as a discipler of her daughter-in-law, Ruth. She returns to a blessed life and a new family in Ruth, her husband, Boaz and baby Obed.


Ruth - Torch Bearer

We started the journey together, Naomi and I. Just as I had made a covenant with my husband, I felt like we had one too - of friendship and love. Naomi was old, bitter, worn out. It didn’t make sense to go with her that day. I could have easily stayed behind, in my own country with my own people. She had nothing to offer, no family, no money. She tried so hard to send me away. Maybe she thought I would be a burden, another widow’s mouth to feed. “Go back,” she pleaded. I knew in my heart that I would not go back to Moab. I saw him through her eyes. I knew the God she followed. And I wanted to follow Him too. I said to her, “Please don’t tell me to leave you and return home! I will go where you go, I will live where you live; your people will be my people and your God will be my God.” I was committed to her to see it through, to the very end. And I learned something very important: when you take care of others, God takes care of you.

Friendship and loyalty are her hallmark traits. The descendants of Ruth and Boaz include the Messiah.


Hannah - Prayer Warrior

Prayer is a tool, a weapon. Sometimes it flows out in raw anguish. I made a vow to God for selfish reasons. I fell to my knees. I wanted a child, and I wanted to be important to God, and yet I know deep in me that it was so much more. The time came when I had to make good on my vow. Give my son to the priesthood. Let him go. God gave him to me, and I had to give him back. I would not go back on my word. I knew the character of God, and he was asking me to join him in holy communion, to save a nation. People were so indifferent to him. So lost. In the moment of this ultimate sacrifice, yes, I was sad. I was also determined to set Samuel’s course, and God gave me the strength to do it. Samuel grew to be a wonderful man of God. He anointed King David and served him well. In time, God honored me, and blessed me with more children. The sovereign Lord will raise up, and tear down. He will keep the feet of his saints on a sure path. He is all the strength I need.

Mother of Samuel, the prophet, who served and advised King David.


Abigail - Champion of the Kingdom

When I heard that my husband sent David’s men away without any provisions, I had to act fast. David protected our flocks. He was a fortress for our property, and my husband did not offer him a thing. I was sure that David would bring vengeance upon our heads. My first reaction was to go out in peace. To try and convince David that we made a mistake. I quickly gathered supplies, food, provisions, some of our best wine, loaded up the donkeys and went out to meet him. I found him in a valley just beyond our city, donned with sword and battle gear, and 400 men waiting for the chance to attack and plunder. I could smell the fear and bloodthirst. I focused hard on what I knew – this is a man with a destiny. This is a man who will be King. I felt that the Kingdom of God was so near, so very near. Kingdom words came pouring forth, preparing David for what was ahead. I kneeled down at his feet and said, ‘let this wrong be on me, do not go out in vengeance, for this will stain your reputation. You will one day be God’s great chosen leader, and you don’t want this blot on your heart because of one man’s foolishness.’ God gave me the words to speak at just the right moment. My house and my community were spared. All I had to do was show up. Be gracious. Bring the Kingdom.

Second wife of King David. Known as wise woman, beautiful, resourceful.


Bathsheba - Beauty for Ashes

All of those little wrong choices now added up to this mountain of darkness. I was in a position of royalty – married to King David, the man after God’s own heart. But my heart was so broken. Our son had died, and everything from the past came swirling in; David seeing me on the rooftop, the call to his palace, the death of my husband at the front lines of battle. What had we done? There are times when you just want to curl up and die. It is that consuming. David was so devastated he wept on the floor for days. I couldn’t even turn to Him for comfort. And I had nothing to offer him. There was nobody to talk to–they all whispered behind my back. In time and repentance, David and I got got another chance to make things right. I would eventually be the mother of several children, the next King, the next great Heir in God’s plan. After so much destruction, I wanted to bring life to the throne, to the people around me. Solomon, my son, presented a chance to be a good mother, and he symbolized how, out of the ashes of life, God can make something beautiful and meaningful and purposeful. You have to choose to walk into the hope. Staying close to God helped me to make better choices – choices that would influence my family, my nation – history.

Known as the first Queen of Israel. Solomon - the most significant King in the history of Israel – built a throne next to him where Bathsheba would sit during his reign.


Huldah - Prophetic Kingdom Builder

The days were dark, the people rebellious, selfish. Idolatry everywhere. There was one young King who rose up, who honored God, and began to purge the land of all evil influences. And that is when they found it. A Torah scroll in the ruins. The scroll contained the laws of God, how his people should live, the Mitzvot that made Jewish life rich and full. That scroll illuminated how far Israel had fallen. I was surprised to see the Kings entourage at my door. The Priest, his servants, his messengers. They came with the scroll to seek God’s word. I was known as a prophetess at the time, and I quickly discovered why they were there. The Lord spoke through me and said, “‘I will bring a calamity on this place, because they have forsaken Me and have worshipped other gods. And to the young King, God said, “Because your heart was tender and you humbled yourself before the Lord and you rent your clothes and wept before Me—I heard you, your eyes shall not see all the misfortune which I will bring upon this place. The young King then gathered all of the people, from the least to the greatest, and began to instruct them, and read the Torah to them. It was like God breathing on us! The whole nation solemnly accepted the renewed covenant and undertook to carry it out fully. The people started to find their way back to their Lord. God speaks. You have to be still to listen. A first-temple era Prophetess known for instructing women and teaching at the temple steps.


Queen Esther - Queen of Compassion

My name was Hadassah. A Jewish orphan that grew up to be a Queen. The King of Persia chose me, among many other women, to be his Queen. Only, I had a deep secret hidden away. I was Jewish. We were a displaced people living in Persia at the time. In the palace, they taught me how to be beautiful, lovely, quiet. I had been trained, for years, about how to please the King and how to look, dress, speak. This was my new life. Then it happened. An evil servant to the King was plotting to annihilate my people. My Uncle, Mordecai, asked me to plead with the King on their behalf – to save them. I was not willing at first, but in time, I knew it had to be done. If the King did not approve of my approach, I could be killed instantly. Soon, I realized I had been created for such a time as this. All the training in the palace prepared me for this moment. I would have to tell the King I was Jewish. I would have to ask for their pardon. I would have to lay down the Queen’s crown, and pick up the crown of Heaven. I fought for my people, and won. I didn’t have to play a part anymore. I could take the veils down. I could be who I truly was–Hadassah–a Jewish girl–who knew her God.

Eve was the first daughter, mother, grandmother. She had a special relationship with God and was co-guardian with Adam in the garden.


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