In numbers
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30ks Wilder
Next steps for nature’s engineers
Wild Avon | Spring 2022
and angling communities, as well as local groups. Natural England has contracted the first baseline survey of beaver populations in the Bristol Avon Catchment, which will be concluded by April, and we hope to share the results via the Beaver Forum, an online event in June. Keep an eye on our website and emails for updates on this. If you spot a beaver in the wild, please visit our website where you will find a place to log your beaver sighting. We’d love to hear of your sightings as this will be part of the ongoing monitoring of local populations which helps us to learn where and how to work with our aquatic friends. A citizen science element to the ongoing monitoring plan will be developed so there will be more in-depth opportunities. o find out more about Avon’s T beavers, visit avonwildlifetrust.org. uk/beavers
The arrival of beavers in Avon in recent years is incredibly exciting when you consider their 400-year absence and the positive ecological and carbon-absorbing effects they bring as habitat engineers – a true keynote species. We have embraced the potential for beavers to make significant changes to the local river corridor environment through their coppicing, feeding and damming habits – an increase in wetland biodiversity, water quality and flood water catchment over time. To facilitate the reintroduction of these busy, eccentric rodents, the Bristol Avon and Somerset Frome Beaver Management Group was recently established. It aims to maximise the benefits of wild beavers while also addressing the legitimate concerns of some stakeholders. Membership includes statutory bodies, NGOs, catchment partnerships and representatives from the landowning
Last year we launched our first virtual fundraiser – 30ks Wilder, where we asked you to take on 30 kilometres within the 30 days of September to raise £30 for Avon’s wildlife. We were overwhelmed by the response! Participants raised an incredible £7,138 for Avon’s wildlife, more than doubling our target of £3,000! 1,320 kilometres were collectively walked, run, swam or cycled over the 30 days. Out of 74 sign-ups: 25% were members, 60% were non-members and 15% were staff. Interested in taking on the challenge this September? Register your interest at avonwildlifetrust.org.uk/ 30ks-wilder
UWE Bat Project Citizen scientists needed! The UWE Bat Conservation Research Lab are teaming up with North Somerset Council to monitor North Somerset’s bats. Starting again in spring 2022, we need citizen scientists to get involved and help us put out bat detectors across the county. For more information on how to sign up, visit avonwildlifetrust. org.uk/bat-survey