Awareness Exploring Spirituality August 2017

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awareness exploring spirituality

Meditation The Fuel for Spiritual Growth


A Life-Changing Practice

The Elements Hot Yoga • Mystic Flow • All Souls Center ... and more! August 2017

T H E H A KO M I M E T H O D Compassionate Self-Discovery

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The Monroe Institute

August 2017


letter From the


As I have written to you previously, one of the main goals I had in starting this publication (January 2016) was to help with the process of building a statewide spiritual community. The idea was to not only offer a unique advertising platform but also present in every issue articles that pertain to businesses, practices, or events in each of the five distribution areas across the state—Central Virginia, Northern Virginia, Piedmont, Southwestern Virginia, and Tidewater. These are the articles that appear with colorthemed edges towards the back of each issue. The idea is to highlight the individual spiritual communities so we can all get an idea of what is occurring and being offered in each. My hope was that the combination of ads and articles would stimulate contact among communities, generate use of websites, and also promote travel as these areas are generally within a couple of hours driving time of each other. From feedback I’ve gotten from both advertisers and readers, this appears to be working. Through conversations and emails, readers have told me of interest generated by an ad or an article for something not available in their own area. Retailers and practitioners have told me of new customers and clients who were willing to travel to experience what they offer. To help readers and business owners connect is rewarding. It has been personally satisfying to travel around the state in researching subjects and finalizing ad campaigns. I can’t list everyone here, but my own circle of friends and business associates has grown and been a true gift in my life. I have visited so many places of interest and healing practices, like “Good Vibes Wellness” and “The Heritage” in Virginia Beach, “Mystic Flow Wellness Center” in Gainesville, “Light Works” in Manassas, “Roanoke Community Acupuncture,” “Thrive,” and “Local Roots” in the Roanoke area, “Ellwood Thompson’s” and “The Aquarian Bookshop” in Richmond, and “AquaFloat” and “Shala Center” in Charlottesville. Again, there’s no way I can list all the fabulous subjects and advertisers who have graced the pages of this publication, but you can visit awarenessexploringspirituality or to flip through the digital copies of all of our issues to date. When you come across something of interest, as I expect you will, please connect with that advertiser or article subject and let them know how you discovered them. Your support absolutely contributes to their support of this publication effort. We’re all connected and in this together, after all. We are a growing statewide spiritual community in action. May you know Peace.


P.S. As we grow this publication, we are looking for writers to contribute the regional and feature articles. Also, we are looking to expand our marketing reach with new advertising sales reps. Should you have any experience and interest in these activities, please contact me at


August 2017


exploring spirituality

Volume 2 Issue 4

august 2017

Publisher & editor

Ray Whitson AssociAte editor

Nicki Peasley coPy editor

Caroline Hirst GrAPhic desiGn

Déjà vu Design, Inc. Web & sociAl MediA

Hobby Parent contributinG Writers

Deann Bishop J Stewart Dixon Cathy Egan James L Foster Elena Kryzhanovskaya Nick Lasky Nicki Peasley Bobbie Ann Pimm Krista Rahm Rob Rahm Ray Whitson Holly Zajur sPeciAl contributors

Annie Hess Stacey Oliff

For advertising information please call (434) 972-9273 or email Awareness LLC P.o. Box 85 North garden, Va 22959 (434) 972-9273 Copyright 2017 by awareness llC. all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of the publisher. all pictorial material reproduced in this magazine, whether in a produced ad or by itself, has been accepted on the condition that it is with the knowledge and prior consent of the photographer or the artist concerned. as such, awareness llC is not responsible for any infringement of copyright or otherwise arising out of publication thereof. the views and opinions expressed by the writers and advertisers do not necessarily represent those of ownership or management. the information contained herein is for informational purposes only and although every effort has been made to present accurate information, we do not in any way accept responsibility for the accuracy of or consequences from the use of this information or for the businesses and organizations presented herein.

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August 2017


Contents awareness exploring spirituality August 2017


columns What We Will Discover When We Die






By nicki PeAsLey


whoLe Living


DreAming with BoBBie Ann

By J. stewArt Dixon

By kristA AnD roB rAhm

By BoBBie Ann Pimm

By JAmes L. Foster

The Fuel for Spiritual Growth

this LittLe Light oF mine

your Lucky stArs By nick LAsky

Psychic ProFiLe

Allyson Walsh

regions 35

centrAL virginiA

The Elements Hot Yoga

By eLenA kryzhAnovskAyA





A Life-Changing Practice

northern virginiA

Mystic Flow Wellness Center By rAy whitson


All Souls Center By nicki PeAsLey


By hoLLy zAJur

southwestern virginiA

Yellow Sulphur Springs Healing Spa & Historic Inn By DeAnn BishoP


31 6

August 2017


exploring spirituality

tiDewAter Good Vibes Wellness By cAthy egAn

August 2017



Little Light of Mine HUMAn BeInG By Nicki Peasley


n the last day of school in 2016, I hugged my second graders, shed a bunch of tears, packed up my teacher bags and boxes, and left the classroom for an extended summer vacation. I would not return to teaching in the fall. Instead, I would write a book in honor and memory of my mom. That’s what I told people when they asked what I planned to do with my “time off.” There was, however, so much more I wanted to say. I just didn’t have the words ... until now. I’m happy to say that the book itself (at least a first draft of cathartic dialogues between me and my mom’s spirit) will be a product of my “time off.” However, the gift of this year has been in the process through which the writing has unfolded ... the research that included meditation, intensive soul inquiry, and the transmission of energy and wisdom from amazing healers and teachers. It has been this research that not only created a path for my book, but also for my awakening. A path out of the world of doing and into the world of being, out of the small dream and into the Big Truth. One day, in the funk of writer’s block, I was scrolling through my email and I saw I was getting at least one message a day from LinkedIn, an employment-oriented social networking service. So and so wanted to connect. Such and such endorsed me for this or that. And I realized that LinkedIn, with all its good intentions, symbolized the very illusion I wanted to escape. I was ready to shut it down. But I got a nudge from the Universe that maybe this was an opportunity to make a quiet statement about my “work” this year. So I changed my status on LinkedIn from Teacher to Human Being. And I smiled. 8

August 2017


exploring spirituality

Because, as a form in this Universe, my most important job is being human with an emphasis on being. In my role as a human, I do stuff like teach and write—but that’s not who I am. I am not my roles or my responsibilities or even the thoughts in my head. I am a divine being having some really cool human experiences. Within 24 hours of changing my status to Human Being, I got several messages from my LinkedIn connections: “Congratulations on your new role,” they said. And I just had to bless our collective human heart, for, in our autopilot existence, we have forgotten who we really are. I am so grateful for the luxury of having this “time off ” to really focus on human being instead of human doing, as much as that’s possible in a busy family of five. I’m definitely not in an ashram, but in between carpools and errands and the drama of three teenagers, I do have space to focus on the ultimate Truths of our existence. To rediscover the silence behind the noise, over and over again. A guiding metaphor for my work this year came from my brilliant teacher and healer, Tracey Degregory. Coming into human form, she says, is like inheriting a house in which the previous occupants were hoarders. Imagine. You come into this lifetime with all your own stuff, a truck full of genetics, personality traits, and astrological blueprints. You’ve got plenty of stuff to fill up your house, but there’s already all this past life and ancestral stuff scattered around your house, too. Generations and lifetimes of stuff that you come realize is all part of your human being, your karmic package. And at some point, in some life, the stuff just gets overwhelming and you have no choice but to stop ... and sort through it.

Going through all of our human stuff requires courage and trust. It requires questions and silence. It requires a balance of human effort and Divine allowance. And it requires a constant remembering that none of it —the good or the bad (as we might perceive it)—is really who we are. Some of your stuff is light and beautiful. You might be tempted to dust it off, put it on the mantle and say, “This is who I am.” Until you realize that it’s really not. Some of your stuff is heavy and ugly. You might be tempted to just chuck it down the basement steps and forget about it. But that’s the stuff you have to sit with, to feel and dig into, until ultimately, with time and patience, even the ugliest stuff is transformed by Love. Going through all of our human stuff requires courage and trust. It requires questions and silence. It requires a balance of human effort and Divine allowance. And it requires a constant remembering that none of it—the good or the bad (as we might perceive it)—is really who we are. everything is just a prop in the play of Life, an aid in our soul’s evolution to awakening. And, as such, we must learn to hold it all loosely, opening our arms and hearts wider and wider to make room for Spirit. So, as this year of being is coming to a close, I find myself ready to re-enter the world of doing, not only for the sake of a paycheck, but also for the opportunity to practice what I’ve learned (and unlearned) in my job as a human being. Certainly, it’s much easier to stay awake in the solitude of my home (my physical dwelling and my metaphorically inherited house) than it will be in the drama of a larger community; but I think I’m now equipped to at least notice when I’m emotionally triggered and when the bungee cord attached to my consciousness bounces me back into the illusion of control.

I’m not sure what my LinkedIn update might look like. Of course, I’d love to teach again. I have also been intrigued by those people that stand by busy streets, waving signs for pizza or insurance or mattresses. There is one street advertiser who just dances her soul clean everyday, smiling and waving at passersby, allowing her essence to shine through her form. now, that’s some doing I could do. Or maybe it’s time for a solopreneur venture. I have lots of ideas ... ceremonies and circles and stories are common themes. I also like the idea of cleaning houses. But I might be trying too hard to extend the metaphor of this article. Hopefully, by the time this goes to print, I will have landed a job, but if you think you might have the perfect opportunity for me, please reach out. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my year of being, it’s that Life deserves to be trusted ... and it’s best if we just jump in the flow and allow ourselves to be surprised. Surprise me!

I think I’m ready to live the dream, while continuing to wake from it. In full circle, I find myself back on LinkedIn, contemplating a change of status and perhaps even featuring some of the shiny stuff on my mantle in my update. As I learn to hold both the humanity and divinity of this existence, I can appreciate that LinkedIn is a powerful tool that helps us function in the world we’ve created. A world where our connections and endorsements strengthen our sense of self, highlight our unique contributions, and support our earning potential. We’ve got to live in this beautiful world we’ve created; it really is beautiful, especially when we can remember that it’s just a dream. We are simply containers for Spirit, ordinary and extraordinary at once.

An educator by trade, Nicki Peasley is a student and storyteller of life and a teacher of love, both inside and outside of the classroom. She lives in Richmond with her husband, three children, and their chocolate lab, George Bailey.

August 2017


Come grow with us! Awareness LLC is distributing this publication in five Virginia areas; Central Virginia (Charlottesville area) Northern Virginia The Piedmont (Richmond area) Southwestern Virginia (Roanoke area) Tidewater (Norfolk/Virginia Beach area)

We are currently looking for independent media sales reps to help build our advertising base. Offering a very generous sales commission. Work as your own boss, set your own hours, and help grow this publication at the same time.

For more information write: Awareness LLC P.O. Box 85 North Garden, VA 22959 or E-mail Please include resume or experience and indicate area of interest in your correspondence. 10 August 2017


exploring spirituality

Awaken To Your Inner Wisdom • Unfold the intelligence of your dreams. body symptoms, and synchronistic experiences • Journey into your past, present and future with regression and progression hypnosis • Balance & attune your energy system with Reiki, Shamanic, and intuitive energy healing • Understand & integrate your experiences of spiritual emergence, Kundalini awakening, amplified sensitivity and unusual states of consciousness Complimentary phone consultation 434.466.8951

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August 2017


WHolE liviNG

Connecting with the Earth By Krista and roB rahm

Easy Herbal and Nourishing Boosts for Your Smoothies


moothies are delicious and so easy to make. They are a super simple way to increase your daily allowance of fruits and vegetables. Adding powdered boosts to your smoothies is a great way to boost nutrition and enhance the flavor. Smoothies are a great morning drink or an afternoon pick-me-up. Smoothies also make it easy to get picky eaters to eat their fruits and vegetables and get a herbal/nourishing boost. To really enhance the nutrition of your smoothie, add frozen bone broth cubes and frozen green veggie cubes instead of ice. Here are some ideas, tips, and information on Forrest Green Farm’s favorite powdered boosts, which are available at the Market on the Farm or through mail 12 August 2017


exploring spirituality

order—accessible on our website at Smoothie making tips • Freeze your fruit for a thicker or a more milkshake-like smoothie. • To make green cubes, cook down greens like kale, chard, or spinach. Cooked down greens are easier to digest and the nutrients are more readily available. Finely chop the cooked greens or put them in a blender and then freeze them in ice cube trays. Add 2 cubes to your smoothies. • Make bone broth and let it cool. Freeze bone broth in ice cube trays and add to smoothies for a nutritional boost. The recipe for making bone broth can be found on our website under ‘recipes.’ ( bonebroth) Smoothie ingredient ideas Base Ingredients: Water, ice cubes, bone broth, juice, milk, almond milk, coconut milk, coconut oil, coconut water, ice cream, frozen yogurt, kefir, kombucha, and regular or Greek yogurt. Fruit: Apples, apricots, bananas, berries (all kinds), cantaloupe, cherries, figs, grapefruit, grapes, kiwis, lemon, lime, nectarines, oranges, papaya, pomegranates, peaches, plums, and watermelon. Vegetables: Asparagus, avocados, beets, bell peppers, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, greens (kale, chard, spinach), squash, tomatoes, pumpkin, and sweet potato.

Seeds: Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, and chia seeds. Sweeteners: Honey, maple syrup, molasses, chocolate spread/syrup (Nutiva), Stevia, vanilla extract, almond extract, and coconut mana/butter. Herbal and nourishing powdered health boosts Choose the herb that fits your needs. Then add 1–2 teaspoons to your smoothie! • Astragulas Root Powder Energizing, nutritive, immune boosting and soothing of inflammations especially of the digestive tract. • Ashwagandha Root Powder Considered an “adaptogen” herb that promotes overall health and well-being. Helps improve energy levels and immune function. • Beet Powder one teaspoon is equivalent to one beet! Beet root powder is rich in antioxidants, dietary fiber, calcium, iron, potassium, folate, and manganese, along with other nutrients. Beets are naturally rich in nitrate, compounds that can improve blood flow and lower blood pressure, leading to notable health benefits. • Burdock Root Powder Supports digestion. Contains inulin that feeds healthy bacteria in the colon. Burdock is also a mild diuretic, lymphatic, and blood purifier. • Dandelion Root Powder A blood purifier that helps the body filter out toxins and promotes better function of the liver and kidneys. A natural diuretic. • Damiana Leaf Powder Historically used as an aphrodisiac and an excellent mood and circulatory booster. Has a light floral taste. • Echinacea Root Powder Stimulates the immune system. • Elderberry Powder Elderberry is an excellent antiviral remedy to help ward off colds and flus while boosting the immune system. • Ginkgo Leaf Powder is packed with plant-based antioxidants called flavonoids, which protect cells, and reduce the risk for developing age-related diseases. it is also rich in terpenoids, which researchers believe improve blood flow to the brain. • Guarana Seed Powder A natural energy source that increases concentration, mental alertness, fights fatigue and stimulates the mind. Guarana has 2.5 times more caffeine than coffee; it is slowly released in the body so you can benefit from longer sustained energy levels. • Goji Berry Powder Made from the world’s most powerful anti-aging food, it can enhance the immune system, protect eyesight, and support the liver.

• Gotu Kola Leaf Powder A connective tissue herb, it may improve memory, supports weakened veins, helps reduce anxiety, and promotes fast healing. • Hibiscus Powder Has a sweet, tart taste that has been used for its health benefits since ancient times. Use as a support for heart health (especially high blood pressure) and respiratory health. Full of antioxidants. • Hawthorn Berry Powder Good for the heart! it dilates arteries and veins allowing blood to flow more freely releasing cardiovascular constrictions and blockages. Known to aid in lowering blood pressure and helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels. • Kelp Powder A highly nutritious source of iodine, calcium, potassium, B1, B2, and B12. • Linden Flower Powder Traditionally used to treat colds, flu, nervous tension, and digestive problems. • Nettle Leaf Powder one of the best overall tonics for the body. Full of vitamins, minerals, beneficial to the kidneys, lungs, intestines, and arteries. Helps improve the quality of skin, hair and nails. • Maca Root Powder The root is a highly nutritious staple food in South America improving overall health and energy levels. Full of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and more. Used by many to enhance libido. • Milk Thistle Seed Powder Stimulates liver function and helps rebuild liver cells that have been damaged. • Moringa Leaf Powder Full of nutrients and antioxidants, considered a complete protein because it contains all nine amino acids. • Spinach and Kale Powder (Organic) A good source of protein, vitamins A, C, and K, calcium, and iron. • Shatavari Root Powder Antispasmodic, diuretic, hormone balancer, eases anxiety and stress. Particularly good for women. • Slippery Elm Bark Powder Extremely nutritive that is excellent for soothing inflammations of the digestive tract.

August 2017


• Spirulina Powder Blue-green algae that is a complete protein and high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. • Triphala Root Powder Ayurvedic blend made up of three African fruits. Contains laxative compounds that are non-addictive to aid in the relief of constipation. Smoothies are so easy to make they should be a staple in every household, especially in the summer. Mix up the base ingredients and the fruits and vegetables with the powdered boosts and find your favorite combinations. They are great for your health as well as super yummy!

Krista’s Korner

Nourishing Smoothie Recipes Remember you can substitute any of the base ingredients (listed above) for any of the other options (yogurt, milk, kefir, etc.), add a sweetener or add any of the herbal boosts! Easy-Peasy Overnight Smoothie 1/4 cup old fashioned oats 1–2 tbsp. chia seeds 1–2 tsp. your choice of powdered boost Kefir or Greek yogurt Berries (frozen, dried, or fresh) Spices (cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg) Place oatmeal in a pint canning jar. Then add some berries, chia seeds, your powdered boost, spices and kefir or yogurt until the jar is almost full. leave a little space for adding some honey later. Shake the jar to mix it all together and place in the refrigerator overnight. in the morning, add some honey and a few more berries. Enjoy! Tropical Smoothie 1 orange peeled and quartered 1 banana 1 cup coconut water 1 cup frozen mango 1 cup frozen pineapple 1–2 tsp. your choice of powdered boost Blend until smooth and enjoy! Green Berry Smoothie 1 cup frozen mixed berries 1/2 cup yogurt/kefir 2 frozen green cubes (chard, spinach, kale, beet) 1–2 tsp. your choice of powdered boost Mix all ingredients in a blender and enjoy! 14 August 2017


exploring spirituality

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

Krista and Rob Rahm purchased a farm in Louisa, Virginia, in 1992. After many years of learning to live off of the land, learning and using herbal medicine as their primary health care, and making farming their full-time occupation, the Rahms began a new mission to empower others with the knowledge to achieve Whole Living and supply products and classes to support this purpose. www. (540) 967-1165 Forrest Green Farm products can be purchased at our Market on the Farm or online mail ordering at http://www.

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August 2017




Bobbie Ann By BoBBie Ann Pimm

Creativity and dreams Creativity and dreams go hand-in-hand in many ways. For starters, the dream, in itself, is a pure creation. The unconscious offers up bits and pieces of forgotten memories, unexpressed emotions, everyday situations, and imagination, which the dream then weaves into a creative, seemingly nonsensical, narrative. But there’s more. Did you know that dreams have been the source for worldchanging events and inventions throughout history? One case in point, Mohandas Gandhi had a dream that the people of India should stop working for 24 hours and devote the time to fasting and prayer. The resulting nonviolent mass strikes in 1919 were a turning point in India’s revolt against the British leading eventually to self-rule. Another case in point, Fredrick Banting first isolated the hormone insulin because he acted on a dream. This one discovery has saved the lives of millions of diabetics over time. In addition, dreams have been the source of inspiration for creating music, literature, film, art, and other creative endeavors. For instance, musicians might hear a tune in a dream—Paul McCartney wrote the music to Yesterday from a tune he heard in a dream and Billy Joel says he often hears music in his dreams. A plot or character might come to a writer or playwright in a dream—such as Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Further, Ingmar Bergman said that all his films came from his dreams. Artists may see an image and reproduce it in waking life—Salvador Dali brought his dream imagery to life in paintings such as The Persistence of Memory (remember the melting clocks?). Dreams also offer ordinary people creative solutions to everyday problems. It usually happens like this. You fall asleep with a problem on your mind and when you wake 16 August 2017


exploring spirituality

up you know how to solve it—sometimes without even remembering the dream itself. Other times may require you to do a little dreamwork to figure out the solution. So the next time you have a problem, rather than spend all night lying awake thinking about it, tell yourself to ‘sleep on it’ and look for an answer in the morning. Keep in mind that dreams can also be the source of inspiration for more mundane creations, such as a new recipe, a better way to organize a closet, or balance your budget. Have you received inspiration to create something from a dream? If not, look closer. Your ordinary dreams may hold more treasures than meets the eye. The next time you go to bed with an unsolved problem or question on your mind, look to your dreams in the morning for an answer. You can also harness the power of the dream by intentionally seeking inspiration and creating something from it—even if you don’t consider yourself creative. Your dream imagery, characters, colors, and emotions can all be used to jumpstart your creativity. Don’t worry about sticking to the dream. The idea here is not to interpret the dream, but to create something new. Here are a few suggestions: • Pick an image and paint or draw a picture. Use whatever mediums and surfaces you have at hand— paint, crayons, pencil, marker or chalk on newspaper, cardboard, poster board, foamboard, grocery bags, etc. • Search the Internet, magazines, and newspapers for dream images and create a collage. • Pick an emotion and draw or paint it. What color is it? How big is it? What shape? Is it hard or soft? Can you see through it? What’s underneath? What direction is it moving? • Finger painting is a great way to express the emotions

of a dream. Search the Internet for instructions on how to make non-toxic homemade finger paints. You can use acrylics or even house paints, but wear gloves. • Choose an interesting character from a dream and develop it. Write about him by imagining interesting facts. What is his name? Where was he born? What does he do for a living? Who were his parents? Where did he go to school? What did he have for breakfast? Who was his first love? What is his favorite hobby or pastime? Why is he doing whatever it is he’s doing in your dream? What tV shows or movies does he like? What is his best character trait and his character flaw? What is he good at? What doesn’t he do well? • Write a short story about the character you created. Try titling it something like, “A Day in the Life of Harry” or “Harry’s First ______.” • Put your dream character in a situation you face every day at work or at home. How does he react? • Develop two characters and write a story about how they met or why they’re not talking. • Make up a story about what a character did before the dream started or after it ended. • Choose an emotion from a dream and write a poem about how it feels and when or why you feel that way. Remember, poems do not have to rhyme. • Pick a word or object from a dream and think of all the metaphors associated with it. has an idiom dictionary that will help. Take a few of these idioms and metaphors and put them together in a poem. • Choose a pun or play on words from a dream and write a poem. For instance, ‘piece/peace,’ ‘peek/peak/pique.’ • Make up a name for a dream object that doesn’t exist in real life—you know that ‘thing-a-ma-jig’ that twirled and whistled while it was crawling along the floor? Write a poem or short story about it and use more made-up, nonsensical words and phrases—think like Dr. Seuss. • Choose an emotion and an object or character from a dream and think of all the synonyms and antonyms for them. Put them all into a poem, comparing and contrasting them.

the idea here is to use the dream image, character, color, or emotion as a springboard to create something new and different. It is not meant as an interpretative technique (though it can be). Give yourself permission to let go and be free. Quiet the inner critic and just have fun. Don’t worry if you don’t create a masterpiece. You don’t have to show it to anyone, unless you want to. As with the dream, I suggest you give your creative endeavor a title. You can title it the same as the dream, or something totally different. Then display it somewhere that you will see it, at least for a while, as a reminder of what you can create.

Your ordinary dreams may hold more treasures than meets the eye.

No matter how you decide to express yourself, remember

If you want to, you can think about how you felt while creating your work (or not); and/or you can contemplate and examine the final product and relate it back to the dream (or not). You may be surprised by what you discover about yourself in the process … or you may choose to simply enjoy it for what it is. That’s entirely up to you.

I encourage you to try at least one of the above ideas. In doing so, you will be honoring your dream and honoring your creativity. In addition, you will be encouraging your dreaming mind to continue to provide insight and inspiration … and more dreams will come. Request for dreams for interpretation Do you have a particular dream or dream symbol you need help with that you are willing to share? If so, please send it to me at: Be aware that your name and contact info will be kept confidential, but your dream (or parts of it) and any comments or interpretations I offer may be published. ‘Til next time … Happy Dreaming!! Bobbie Ann Pimm lives in Albemarle County. She is a dream educator and the author of Notes from a Dreamer…on Dreaming: A Personal Journey in Dream Interpretation, available at and (paperback and Kindle). She is also a consultant for and a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams (

August 2017


Your LuckY StarS The Great American Solar Eclipse By Nick Lasky

On Aug. 21, 2017, at 2:30pm EDT the United States will bear witness to a total solar eclipse that will only cross American soil, something that our nation has never experienced before. This will be an incredible astronomical and astrological event, sure to leave its impact on our country for a long time. What is a total solar eclipse? A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun, blocking the rays of the Sun and casting a shadow on the Earth. Solar eclipses happen at least twice a year, but can occur up to five times a year. A total solar eclipse occurs when all three of these planetary bodies are closely lined up on the same plane and the Moon blocks the Sun’s light completely. This allows us to see the Sun’s beautiful corona, which is the outer atmosphere of the Sun. Total solar eclipses are more rare and will take place on average every 18 months. What does this mean astrologically? Solar eclipses are super powerful new moons. (Solar eclipses only occur at new moon and lunar eclipses only at full moon.) Eclipses mark turning points in our lives, individually and collectively. They are similar to reset buttons and are windows 18 August 2017


exploring spirituality

for new paths and possibilities to unfold. They often set the stage for significant and historic world events. The astrological sign that an eclipse occurs in has a big impact on the energy that it brings to the planet. This one will be at 28 degrees of Leo, the sign of the king and the lion. This will bring a heart awakening (especially for the United States), new beginnings, and a big focus on all things Leo, like royalty, children, creativity, the arts, drama, and romance. The astrological house that contains this degree of the zodiac (28 Leo) in your birth chart is where you will see this new beginning play out in your life. If you are not sure of the houses in your birth chart, consult your local astrologer! Historically, eclipses were sometimes considered to only be important for the kings, queens, or rulers of nations. Today we know that this is not true, but let’s say that eclipses have a special effect on these ruling political

figures. It was also traditionally understood that wherever the path of a total solar eclipse crossed marked a major turning point or possibly death for the ruler of that nation. Naturally I had to take a look at Donald Trump’s birth chart to see how this eclipse will affect him. (Note for advanced astrologers: This solar eclipse will be conjunct Donald Trump’s natal Mars, progressed Sun, progressed North Node, and opposite his progressed Moon. Some astrologers will say it is on his Ascendant but his birth time is debatable.) Anytime an eclipse is making important connections with someone’s astrology chart it is said to be very significant and major life-changing events are likely to unfold in the near future. Trump’s chart is definitely being hit in a major way and this confirms that this eclipse will have a strong impact upon him directly. With this, combined with the path of totality (where you can see the Moon completely block out the Sun) only crossing the United States, something is definitely cooking in the oven for America! The Eclipse path is literally dividing the nation in half and at a time where our nation is increasingly polarized. What it will bring we will have to wait and see, but it will surely lay a foundation for a huge turning point for the nation and president. (Note: We do not always feel the full impact of the eclipse on the exact day, rather we can feel its effects both before and after the actual event). Where can I see it? The eclipse shadow will first cross American soil in Oregon and then steadily make its crossing eventually reaching the shores of South Carolina. Some major cities it will cross are Lincoln, Neb., St. Louis, Mo., Nashville, Tenn., and Charleston, S.C. The longest viewing of totality will be for 2 minutes and 40 seconds in Illinois. Total Solar Eclipses Crossing the United States 1918 Washington to Florida (Coast to Coast) 1979 Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana 1991 Hawaii 2024 Texas to Maine 2033 Alaska 2044 Montana & North Dakota 2045 California to Florida (Coast to Coast)

More important information for this eclipse The day of the eclipse you will want to check for cloud cover and adjust your viewing location accordingly. It is important to wear proper eclipse-viewing glasses to protect your eyes. A great resource for more eclipse information is Eclipses and history All eclipses repeat in cycles of 18 years. Every 54 years they take place over roughly the same area of the Earth. Astrologically, you can look at what happened around the time of the eclipse 54 years prior in order to get some insight for the coming eclipse. When I took a look back at the series of eclipses that sync up with this one in August, I discovered some very interesting events and trends. Historical Observations Race relations in the United States 1856 – President Franklin Pierce declared that the profreedom government in Topeka in “Bleeding Kansas” was in rebellion (Jan. 24). 1856 – The city of Lawrence, Kan., was taken over and burned by pro-slavery forces in the “Sacking of Lawrence” (May 21). 1856 – A congressman from South Carolina beat a Senator from Massachusetts with a cane in the hall of the U.S. Senate. The senator had just made a speech attacking Southerners who supported the pro-slavery violence that had just occurred in “Bleeding Kansas” (May 22). 1856 – Antislavery forces, led by John Brown, defeated the pro-slavery forces in the Battle of Black Jack (June 2). This battle is cited as a contributing factor leading up to the American Civil War. 1909 – The NAACP was founded (on Feb. 12). 1910 – African American boxer Jack Johnson defeated the white boxer James J. Jeffries in a heavyweight boxing match (July 4) sparking race riots across the country. 1963 – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech (Aug. 28), his “Letter from Birmingham Jail” (April 16), and the infamous 16th Street Baptist Church bombing (Sept. 15) happened. 1963 – Race riots were happening in cities. 1964 – President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (July 2).

The Eclipse path is literally dividing the nation in half and at a time where our nation is increasingly polarized.

August 2017


Cuban-American relations 1909 – The last U.S. troops left Cuba after being there since the Spanish-American War of 1898 (Jan. 28). 1963 – The Kennedy administration made all travel, financial, and commercial transactions by U.S. citizens to Cuba illegal (Feb. 8). 2017 – The Obama administration ended the “Wet Foot, Dry Foot” policy, which allowed Cubans who ended up on U.S. soil to stay (Jan. 12). Silver 1910 – The United States introduces star notes (replacement banknotes), which began with the 1899 series $1 Silver Certificate. 1963 – John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110 that authorized the Secretary of the Treasury to issue silver certificates 1963 – Kennedy was assassinated in this same eclipse cycle(Nov. 22). These historic trends tell me that race relations, relations with Cuba, and silver will likely be three themes surrounding this eclipse for the United States. In particular, I believe race relations will be highlighted in a huge way and a major, historic race-related event will take place. For your own life, this very rare eclipse presents an amazing 20 August 2017


exploring spirituality

opportunity. It happens to align with the star Regulus, “the heart of the lion” in the constellation Leo. This will bring forth a gushing of heart energy that we are already seeing with the likes of Standing Rock, environmental activism, and the rising up of women. We must empower the women in our own lives and if you are a woman, it is time for you to rise more strongly in your power. It is a time for you to ask: what do you love and whom do you love? It is the perfect time to be outside on the Earth, connect with your heart, and set new intentions. So get ready, buckle up, and let love in!

Never look directly at the sun. For safe viewing of the August solar eclipse, please visit a reputable site such as NASA’s

Nick Lasky is a professional astrologer, psychic, and healer at the Aquarian Bookshop in Richmond. Nick is the founder of the Society of Awakening Souls, an organization at UVA and the Aquarian Bookshop for students seeking spiritual awakening. Contact Nick at

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August 2017


Editor’s note: The following is excerpted from the forthcoming book by James L. Foster, Holonic Humanity: How God Makes Us Holy. Due to be released in 2017, it contains an expanded list of discoveries and is a sequel to his 2013 book, Holy Humanity: We Are All Made of God Stuff, which was reviewed in the January 2016 issue of Awareness: Exploring Spirituality.



take place when we cross over...

Deepak Chopra listed seven events which take place at the moment we cross over to eternal life at the dawning of our new life beginning at our physical death:


The physical stops functioning. The dying person may not be aware of this but eventually knows that it has occurred.


The physical world recedes from our awareness. This can happen by degrees; there can be a sense of floating upward or looking down on familiar places as they recede.

3 4

The dying person feels lighter, suddenly freed of limitation.


A presence grows that is felt to be divine. The presence can be clothed in a light or in the body of angels or gods. It can communicate to the dying person.

6 7

Personality and memory begin to fade, but the sense of “I” remains.

The mind and sometimes the senses continue to operate. Gradually, however, what is perceived becomes non-physical.

This “I” has an overwhelming sense of moving on to another phase of existence.”

(Chopra, Life After Death: The Burden of Proof, 2006) 22

What we will

DISCOvER when we DIE By James L. Foster


thers, especially those who have reported on their own near death experiences (NDEs) have characterized their experience somewhat differently, perhaps reflecting their acculturated expectations of the death experience. These often included the inadequacy of language to describe the experience, the sensation of being out of our bodies, entering a tunnel and moving effortlessly toward a bright light, feelings of warmth and peace and stillness, a perceptible rise in personal vibration level, the experience of love as a vibration, meeting other persons—known and unknown—who had died earlier, meeting beings of light, a non-verbal and non-judgmental life review, disappointment at having to return to our former life, and an all-together new appreciation of death—almost a longing for it and a total lack of fear of it. In our physical life our vibrational level is very slow and dense, but, as stated above, it rises precipitously as we make the transition to pure Spirit.

Our afterlife is created by our own consciousness, but this does not mean that what we have created is not real. It means that as divine beings we are quite capable of creating our own reality. We quite regularly do so, even in this life. The following conclusions have come from a combination of insights I have received through (1) the first hand reports of those who have had near death experiences—particularly those recorded by Raymond A. Moody, Jr., Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, George Ritchie and Ian Stevenson, (2) my study of various religious traditions (primarily Christian, Hindu, Buddhist and shamanic mystical teachings—particularly the Christian mystics, including Jesus and Paul; the Tibetan Buddhist Book of the Dead; and the Hindu BhagavadGita, (3) the writings of Plato (428 BCE), particularly in Phaedo and The Republic, (4) my reading of current discoveries from the sciences of quantum physics and

August 2017


Our true identity, even throughout our earthly life, was and is, spiritual. cosmology, (5) the many intuitive insights I have received in the process of writing Holy Humanity: We Are All Made of God Stuff and in this current writing on holonic humanity (“holonic” is a part that contains the whole, like an acorn contains the oak tree), and (6) current intuitions born of my contemplation of the meanings of “infinity” and “eternity” and “Spirit.” When we die... • WE WIll DISCOvER that death as an end to life is a fiction and that death is, instead, a transition from our current life to an incomparably greater life. This realization will be immediate. • WE WIll DISCOvER that our true essence is Spirit. We are not the bodies we thought we were. Our true identity, even throughout our earthly life, was and is, spiritual. • WE WIll DISCOvER that connections made during our life on earth continue into eternity. This is particularly the case with those who we know to be our soul mates. With them we have a bond that cannot be broken throughout eternity. • WE WIll DISCOvER that we are one with our Source, that we have never in fact been separated from our Source, and that our only “sin” had been in believing we were separate when, in reality, we were not. This, too, will be an immediate realization. • WE WIll DISCOvER that our doubts and confusion have vanished, that what had been struggles on the earthly plane no longer exist. • WE WIll DISCOvER that the ability to choose did not end with our earthly passing, but is instead vastly expanded. • WE WIll DISCOvER that death replaces time with timelessness, that eternity is not just a long, long time, but is the absence of time altogether. • WE WIll DISCOvER that many of the things we valued in this life—comfort, money, sex, privilege, material things—are gone but that 24 August 2017


exploring spirituality

the really important things—unconditional love, life, compassion, memories, knowledge, the capability to continue learning, loving relationships, and meaningful goals—remain. • WE WIll DISCOvER that if we eventually choose to re-incarnate, we will return to the earthly plane more highly evolved than when we last left it and it will likely be to a life of service to those who continue to struggle. It may also be in the company of soul mates with whom we have traveled for eons. • WE WIll DISCOvER that on the astral plane we can only progress to greater understanding and enlightenment. We cannot regress. Our evolution continues on all planes. Given the above, perhaps the only question we need to answer now, in this earthly incarnation, is ... How then should we live now? Whatever we accomplish in this life towards the goal of our evolutionary development will not be lost at death but will provide the foundation for our continuing development in eternity. Our work will never be finished. Even if we eventually reach the mountaintop, there will be others behind us who will need a hand up, so our work will continue. Our work will not be complete until all who follow us have joined us at the top of the mountain, so whether in this life or in the next, our work continues.


James L. Foster is the author of Holy Humanity: We Are All Made of God Stuff. He is a Christian theologian who writes from a universalistic and spiritual perspective. The above material is excerpted from his Holonic Humanity: How God Makes Us Holy, a sequel to Holy Humanity. Inquiries about or responses to either book are welcome. He can be reached by mail at 204 Busbee Rd., Knoxville, TN 37920, or by email at If emailing, please use “Holy Humanity” in subject line.

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August 2017



here is no doubt that meditation works. The amount of modern scientific empirical evidence supporting the benefits of meditation is tremendous. The American Psychological Association published a mindfulness meditation benefits list that includes reduced rumination (negative self-talk), stress-anxiety-depression reduction, memory improvement, increased focus, emotional resiliency (less emotional reactivity), cognitive flexibility (open-mindedness), relationship improvement, and an increase in empathy, compassion and overall improved quality of life. That’s some list. And this report was based on mindfulness meditation alone. Never mind the countless other forms of spiritual meditation such as insight, zazen, vipassana, loving-kindness, mantra, transcendental, breath, self-inquiry, shared eye contact, satsang, Taoist, prayer, guided, binaural beat and body-scan, just to name a few. There’s also no doubt that the number of meditation practices to choose from can be daunting and overwhelming. What to do? How can you find the right meditation fuel for your spiritual growth? I’ll share some personal experience: I never liked formal meditation. My skinny butt ached. My feet, ankles, shins, and knees consistently fell asleep causing my superduper deep meditative state (yeah, right) to be hijacked by tingles and tickles. I was terrible at meditation and I continued to be terrible at it until I discovered and realized these three things: Not all meditation is created equal; Meditation isn’t a one-size-fits-all practice; And, most importantly, whatever meditation you choose, it’s best if your heart sings a little tune at the thought of doing it—in other words, some part of the meditation had better make you happy. After realizing this I slowly but surely progressed on the spiritual path, using about seven different meditation techniques over the course of about 20 years, ultimately arriving at something called spiritual awakening, which is a fancy name for being happy, present, and at peace with this whole odd human experience thing. But I digress. We’re not here to talk about my story. Let’s talk about yours. Let’s see if we can help you to find just the right type of meditation fuel for your spiritual growth. There’s a lot of fuel out 26 August 2017


exploring spirituality


The Fuel for Spiritual Growth

By J. Stewart Dixon

How to find the right fuel for your spiritual engine

August 2017


there. Let’s find the one that is meant just for you … one that will quickly and effectively help you to heal, reduce stress, attain insights, discover mystery, be more present and compassionate, find your true self, or shine a little more of your unique light in this life. Awesome. Are you ready? Great ... but first two things: 1. Article full disclosure statement—this article will not be a Wikipedia-type article delving into the 8,432 types of meditation offered on this little, blue planet. This article will help you to find the right type of meditation fuel for who you are today. For newbies, this is where you start. For long-time students and pros, this is why your spiritual growth has slowed or flat-lined. 2. A short meditation. Sit up straight. Uncross your legs. Place your feet flat on the ground. Remove the cell phone from the room. (Yep, get rid of it.) Okay … now take three deep breaths. Inhale ONE. Inhale TWO. Inhale THREE. Feel better? Excellent. Now you’re ready. The four-step super esoteric ancient Mayan Atlantean Hindu Buddhist Japanese secret to finding the right meditation to fuel your spiritual growth: Honesty, Confidence, Homework, & Now Honesty. Whether you’re a spiritual newbie (0–1 year), a spiritual student (2–10 years), or a spiritual pro (10–20 years), the fact remains that you’re seeking something, even if what you are seeking is an end to seeking itself. So the first thing you have to do is ask yourself a few simple questions and be brutally honest in answering them: Why meditate? What are you looking for? What’s the end game? What is your goal? Do you wish to meditate to have an insight, a discovery or a deeper understanding of God, love, or life? Do you wish to meditate because you are stressed, anxious, or fearful? Do you wish to meditate because you have high blood pressure or are recovering from a physical injury? Do you wish to meditate because you desire to know your true self and your greater place in the cosmos? Write the word WHY on a piece of paper, and now, in as much detail as you can muster, write out the most brutally honest answer you can. Confidence. This one’s easy (unless you make it difficult). Meditation is a creative process that wells up from the heart of mystery and evolution itself. You will never figure it out. You will never control it. You will never be its master. And you will never own it. But you can allow it, trust it, and eventually have confidence in it. You can become confident that meditation knows best what you need and that the right meditation—just for you—will be made easily available to you if you are honest and sincere. 28 August 2017


exploring spirituality

The amount of modern scientific empirical evidence supporting the benefits of meditation is tremendous.

You don’t need to fly to India or Northern California. The right meditation fuel for your spiritual growth is easily at hand. Allow and trust this. Write the word WHAT on a piece of paper and now with as much detail as possible write what you think the perfect meditation—for you—would look and, most importantly, feel like. Hint: It should feel good and make you smile a little. Homework. Okay, do your homework. Using the two pieces of paper with your answers to WHY and WHAT on them, do some research. Google meditation classes in your area. Look up meditation books on Amazon. Find a class or two and attend. Ask friends. Research the local yoga center. Be sure to use search words very specific to your how and what. But also think outside of the box! Don’t limit your homework results to old expectations, preconceived ideas, or stale beliefs. Break boundaries. Have courage. Be bold. Now. An odd thing about meditation is it always, always, always happens RIGHT NOW. (Even if your mind is

As a bonus I did some homework for you and came up with a small list of places in Virginia that offer meditation: • Non-denominational retreat center in Madison. • Binaural beat guided meditation in Faber. • Edgar Cayce readings and meditation in Virginia Beach. • Integral yoga, meditation, mindfulness in Buckingham. • Taoist-Korean yoga and meditation in Fairfax. • Buddhist meditation in Roanoke. • Spiritual awakening in Charlottesville.

I hope this has helped you on your journey to greater meditation fulfillment, happiness, peace, and love.

meandering in the future or past.) So, relative to finding the right meditation for your spiritual growth, the deeper your present moment honesty, integrity, sincerity, and devotion are the quicker the right meditation and subsequent growth will appear. You can’t speed up or slow down this process. But you always have access to the present moment right now. To access right now do this: Sit up straight, uncross legs, feet flat on ground, get rid of cell phone ... and now take three deep breaths. Notice your body, mind and emotions and simply allow them to be.

In case you’re curious, here are the seven meditation techniques I used while on my own path: 1) Hemisync binaural beats meditation from The Monroe Institute; 2) Kundalini yoga and savasana pose meditation; 3) Self-Inquiry reading and audio listening meditation; 4) Open-eyed satsang and listening meditation with nondual-Advaita teachers; 5) Shared eye contact meditation; 6) Mindfulness meditation; and 7) Deep heart sharing and shadow process meditation. J. Stewart Dixon is an unorthodox nondual-Advaita-zen spiritual awakening teacher, author, and founder of He offers spiritual awakening facilitation, resonance, meditation, and coaching services to guide you to glimpses of the awakened state and ultimately to your own awakening. Stop seeking and start finding. To book a Skype or Charlottesville office session go to

Meditation isn’t a one-size-fits-all practice

August 2017


Margaretta McIlvaine Energy Practitioner

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Phone, skype and in-person sessions available (434) 293 - 9708 More information at 30 August 2017


exploring spirituality

Yoga A Life-Changing Practice By Holly Zajur

What is yoga anyway? In the Western world, there is a lot of buzz around “yoga.” For many, this word conjures imagery of women in stretch pants carrying yoga mats into serene studio spaces. Social media fills minds with what yoga looks like, but these fleeting images and fashions do not and cannot encompass the transformational life-long practice that is yoga. The most common misconception is that yoga is merely a physical practice. But yoga is not just about people making shapes on mats. The physical movement is only one small component of the practice. Ultimately, yoga is a way of being. Yoga is one of the most ancient disciplines in history. It requires consistent self- study and practice. Many devote their entire lives to the study and practice of yoga and remain humbled by the fact that they will never master

all there is to know about the practice. The following is a beginner’s guide designed to give the reader a deeper understanding and appreciation for this profound way of being called yoga. Why do people keep unrolling yoga mats? In the Western world, many first begin practicing yoga as a way to exercise or “get in shape.” While this practice does carry many physical benefits, yoga is not a “workout.” The Sanskrit word “yoga” translates to mean “union.” The practice of yoga is a practice of finding union; the body is simply a tool to help settle the mind to reach this divine state. The classical period of yoga began over 2,000 years ago when Patanjali wrote the Yoga Sutras, 196 “threads” of wisdom. These sutras offer an eight-limbed path, translated as Ashtanga, toward a meaningful and purposeful life.

August 2017


Ultimately, yoga is a way of being.

The eighT limbs To understand the depths of yoga and its application in daily life, it is important to have a basic understanding of the eight limbs of yoga, which provide a framework to controlling the mind and uniting the body and spirit. The eight limbs are the Yamas, Niyamas, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. The eight limbs take the shape of spokes on a wheel or limbs on a tree, visual reminders that yoga is not a linear practice. It is evolutionary. The point is to try. To take it bit by bit, step-by-step, ever mindful of the subtle transformation at play. One should not expect to become a great sage full of wisdom by unrolling a yoga mat once a week. But with dedicated practice and application of yoga principals on and off the mat, one’s relationship with life does begin to change. Below is an explanation of each of the Eight Limbs and how they augment that change. • The Yamas The Yamas provide certain restraints, guidelines for how to interact in the social world in order to live a more meaningful life. The Yamas prescribe: doing no harm, practicing truthfulness and honesty with yourself and others, not stealing, practicing moderation, and practicing non-attachment. • The Niyamas The Niyamas translate as observances, and provide a set of personal virtues for interacting with oneself. The Niyamas are constant sources of self-inquiry that include purity, contentment, self-discipline, and surrender to a universal oneness. These observances provide ways to still the mind, quiet the ego, and know the true-self more deeply. As practitioners come to more deeply know themselves, they are able to recognize the union of all living things. • Asana The physical practice Asana is often what brings most people to yoga. Many times, it is

32 August 2017


exploring spirituality

The eight limbs offer the guide posts to one’s innate wisdom.

the first place that a student can see tangible results and benefits. Asana does provide a lot of physical benefits, however, the point of Asana is not exercise. Asana unites the mind, body, and breath. Connecting breath with physical movement unites practitioners with Prana, or life force. As Prana unites the body and mind, oneness is discovered. • Pranayama Pranayama, or breath control, brings awareness and regulation to the breath. Breath control is a powerful technique in quieting the mind and calming the body. Focusing on the breath limits the distractions created by the mind and body, allowing for stillness within. When able to find union through the breath, practitioners can see and understand who they truly are with more clarity. This sense of union between the mind and body that the breath creates can then expand beyond the individual and serve as a unifying factor between all living things.

• Pratyahara Pratyahara suggests that students withdraw from external forces in order to bring attention to what is happening within. By eliminating the distractions of the external world, students are able to focus on what is happening internally, developing a stronger sense of self-awareness. This can be challenging as the majority of a typical day is focused on externalities. Emails, phone calls, and social media are all useful tools in the modern world, but they take the focus away from what is happening internally. Jobs, thoughts, and relationships are often the ways in which people define themselves. But the reality is, these things do not define an individual. No one is a job, a thought, or a relationship. People simply, are. When practicing Pratyahara, students take a step back from external stimuli in order to understand their true nature. Peeling those layers back by silencing the distractions of daily life, students are better able to

August 2017


Yoga moves beyond the self While many begin to practice yoga as a way to “get in shape,” something often changes along the way. As students move their bodies, the deeper lessons of yoga unfold. For many, it becomes a lifelong endeavor. There is no right or wrong way to practice; yoga is to be experienced and interpreted by the individual student, who is his or her own greatest teacher.

know who they are at their core. With fewer external distractions, they can focus on what is happening inside the mind, how to control thoughts, and how to find peace within the present moment. • Dharana Bringing concentration to a single point or focus is Dharana. With the distractions of the external world set aside, students are able to work through the distractions of their minds. A useful tool is bringing awareness to a single point. Through deep focus on a single point, such as an object or the breath, the observer becomes completely present as the past and future dissolve and complete awareness is brought to the moment. But it does not stop there. • Dhyana Dhyana is this practice of bringing meditation into one’s daily life. Through the dedicated practice of inward focus, students learn to carry that same focus into the very distracting world. Ultimately, external quiet and isolation become less and less necessary in the pursuit of inner peace. • Samadhi Samadhi is described as a state of eternal peace, liberation, and oneness. Many people practice for their entire lives without reaching Samadhi, the ultimate goal of all existence.

34 August 2017


exploring spirituality

The eight limbs offer the guide posts to one’s innate wisdom. Through a committed practice, students learn to to set aside thoughts and emotions in order to experience union both within the self and among all living things. The journey of the yogi is one of internal peace and compassion for all. The world needs yoga now more than ever. There are many types of yoga practices—Ashtanga (rapid, flowing poses), Bikram (conducted in a sauna-like room), and Hatha (gentle, basic), just to name a few—and far too many to outline in this article. A good way to find one that fits your goals would be to Google a question like, “What are the different types of yoga?” or “Which type of yoga is best?” If you are a beginner or interested in trying yoga for the first time, this will give you clear information on what each offers you. Take a moment to bring yoga into your daily life. Start by taking one minute today to focus on your breath and/or bring your awareness to your body as you move it. Find a community and yoga studio near you to begin practicing and to learn more about the many benefits the practice has to offer. Bring a yoga practice into your life by connecting with your breath, yourself, and your community today. Holly Zajur is a writer, yogi, and ceramic artist based in Richmond. She is dedicated to sharing the power of yoga and art, the way they change lives and transform the world around us. She is the communications manager at Project Yoga Richmond, a nonprofit organization dedicated to making yoga accessible to all. Follow Holly on Instagram (@ hollyzajur) and visit her blog (www.

Central Virginia

The Elements Hot Yoga ChArlotteSVIlle By ElEna KryzhanovsKaya

AS I open the door of the elements hot Yoga, co-owner Kendall McGee greets me with a warm smile. he shows me where to rent a Manduka mat (known for highquality, natural materials), get a complimentary towel, find a soft strap, and grab a freshlysanitized block (for support during the triangle pose). over here, I can fill up a water bottle with alkaline/ionized water. When I walk into the actual studio, I quickly realize this isn’t the hot yoga I’m used to. Instead of carpet, I step on a cushiony Zebra mat with closed cell technology

preventing any drop of water (or sweat) in. the 105-degree heat penetrates quickly, but I lie down and look at the lanterns of different colors lighting up the yoga sky. I feel calm. Kendall begins by reading inspirational words from rumi, a 13th-century mystic poet, setting the theme for the class. My classmates and I sit up and start with deep, slow breathing. Soon we are moving through the simple Vinyasa sequences, postures ordered in a special way. Kendall told me Owners Kendall and Monica McGee

August 2017


Central Virginia

It’s easy to find the class right for each individual at The Elements.


about how Vinyasa was created for restless adolescents having difficulty sitting still for meditation (in other words, for us). Yoga becomes a moving meditation, joining mind and body. According to co-owner Monica, Kendall’s wife, one advantage to “hot” yoga is that the heat allows for added flexibility in yoga poses. the postures progress in intensity and Kendall takes time to model postures and suggest easier versions or Monica instructing adjustments when or if the postures seem overwhelming. I spend time with my old friends: plank, chaturanga, upward dog, and downward dog, eventually going through the warrior his yoga journey. he was a beginner once, too. Kendall poses and triangle. suffered from a compressed disk and decided to try yoga to get some relief. After a month of consistent practice, I don’t feel intimated or like I have to impress anyone. Kendall’s back pain went away. he was so inspired that he Someone up front is doing headstands and postures beyond my comprehension. other people look like wanted to learn more about the hot house in richmond, they have never practiced yoga before. We are all here a Yax Yoga Concepts studio. trying our best and listening to our bodies. Some poses truly challenge me (oh, camel), but I also get to enjoy my favorite pose, the pigeon, and end the class with core exercises and then the resting pose, savasana, which is a time for body and mind to assimilate the lessons of the class. I feel energized and happy. I am thinking about when I can come back. After class, I sit down with Kendall to learn more about 36 August 2017


exploring spirituality

he learned that brothers Chris and John Yax, owners of hot house, wanted yoga to be safe. this desire resonated with me as I remembered that one of my knees started to hurt after practicing Bikram yoga, a popular but more aggressive form of hot yoga. to avoid experiences such as mine, Chris and John talked to orthopedic surgeons who suggested the safest way to practice each posture. the Yax brothers combined cutting-edge science with spiritual

But a deeper question is, “do I belong here? Is this studio a good fit for me? Can I be my slightly awkward-but-eager self here?” For me, as a Christian, I wonder, “Is the spiritual teaching heavy-handed? Can I be my Jesus-loving self here?” the answer was, “Absolutely.” I’m going back next week. hope to see you there! thank you to the elements hot Yoga, a truly welcoming place, a refuge for the sojourner and a place for inspiration.

Retail items

wisdom (kindness, compassion, forgiveness, for example). the healing classes compelled Kendall and Monica, a 10year yoga practitioner, to learn as much as they could about the studio so that they could open their own. Both took the 200- and the 500-hour teacher trainings. With their fitness, business, and real estate backgrounds, Monica and Kendall endeavored on the biggest and bravest professional adventure of their lives—opening the elements hot Yoga. Charlottesville seemed the perfect location because of the knowledgeable, open-minded, and health-conscious population. the studio is growing and Kendall and Monica are working to put in a cycling studio with the same nonjudgmental philosophy, aiming for each person who walks in the studio to leave with a sense of accomplishment and inspiration.

the elements hot Yoga is located at 340 Greenbrier drive. to learn more about the studio, visit www. or call (434) 381-0104. Elena Kryzhanovskaya, M.Ed. is a mom of three who has written for HuffPost Blog and impactfulmom. com. This fall, she will be teaching ESL at two Charlottesville City Schools. She hopes also to be a welcoming face for the refugee and the sojourner.

It’s easy to find the class right for each individual at the elements. new to yoga? Come to the Foundational Earth class. ready for more of a challenge? Come to the Water class. pushing boundaries? Go to the Fire class. A yoga expert? Come to the Air class. Within each class, you’ll find differentiation and modeling of postures in addition to an atmosphere of loving kindness. I like that Monica and Kendall’s studio marries kindness with cleanliness. I know that the whole studio is cleaned after every class with hydrogen peroxide solution. I like not only how the Zebra mat feels but also that it’s clean. I notice that I don’t have a headache from too much Co2 in the room. the elements hot Yoga has a three-part heating system that monitors Co2, oxygen, and humidity and infuses the room with fresh air and oxygen as necessary. the energy recovery ventilator ensures that the air is consistently moving. Behind every vent, UV lights sanitize the air. Sounds like it’s light

August 2017


Central Virginia

years away from the hot yoga you’ve tried, right?

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exploring spirituality

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northern Virginia

Mystic Flow Wellness Center GAIneSVIlle By RAy WHITSON

AS I pArked In front of the MyStIc flow wellness center at 6884 piedmont center plaza in Gainesville, I couldn’t help but notice the beautiful signage of their logo. Although I had been impressed with the website’s list of services, massages, and healing modalities, once inside, I wasn’t at all prepared for the completeness of the offerings and the size of the facility. from the outside this appears to be a regular-sized center but it turned out to be one of the largest I’d ever seen. It was then I understood how Mystic flow could offer so much to their clients, whom they refer to as “guests.”

I was greeted by the wide smile and friendly manner of rose Buono, the manager. Instantly I felt welcomed. while I was there to interview and research for this article, a guest came in who had set up a foot detox session for her aunt … rose greeted her, too, as if they’d been friends for years. this guest wanted her family to experience the healing and comfortable services and atmosphere that she herself had found there. owners derreck and Adriana Benoit opened Mystic flow in Owners Derreck & Adriana Benoit

August 2017


northern Virginia

This center sets the standard in holistic healing and spiritual endeavors. Lounge

december 2016. you can tell they invested heavily in the business with the intent to bring an unparalleled spiritual healing center to the people of northern Virginia. they have already developed a faithful clientele, drawing guests from as far away as Maryland and pennsylvania. the center is contemporary and tastefully decorated; living plants and crystals are spread throughout to enhance the energy of this relaxing yet vibrant place. After reviewing the retail offerings of natural body products, essential oils, jewelry, card decks, and gift items in the reception foyer, rose took me on a tour of the 3,000-square-foot center. there is a spacious meditation room for classes, workshops, and special events. As you walk further down the long hallway, you encounter a warm and inviting waiting lounge, two floatation rooms, an infrared sauna room, healing rooms, a hydroMassage room (more on that later), and eye-catching accents along the way such as derreck’s stone wall, which is almost meditative to look at. every single area is clean, neat, and well designed.

HydroMassage bed

As space will not permit me to go into great detail about all that is offered at Mystic flow, I will merely do a quick overview of some of the services offered. I would urge you to visit their comprehensive website at www. to get a full review and

Treatment room

40 August 2017


exploring spirituality

northern Virginia

Infrared sauna

book appointments. Most prominent are the two 7-by-5 floatation tanks, made in norfolk. I believe it is accurate to say that this is one of only two sites in northern Virginia that offer floatation therapy. there is almost every Floatation tank kind of massage offered— hot stone, Swedish, cupping, Bowen, deep tissue, and reflexology, to name a few. there are treatments available such as reiki, Integrated energy therapy, Bio Magnetism, and chakra balancing. other services include intuitive readings, astrology consultations, life coaching, and many more. the center offers a roster of ever-changing classes on most any subject imaginable. Allow me to highlight the hydroMassage bed they offer. After the tour and interview, rose allowed me a 15-minute session on the hydro bed. I had never heard of such a thing before. In a dimly lit room you lie down fully clothed on a form fitting bed while pressurized jets of water spray against the underside of the bed surface. there is a touch

screen with which you control the pressure, speed, and range of area the spray travels. let me tell you, it was fabulous! I pretty much slid off the bed after the session. this is no ordinary spiritual center and is well worth the drive (even in northern Virginia traffic). Mystic flow wellness center is open seven days a week, with hours posted on the home page of the website. the phone number is (571) 284-7612. this center sets the standard in holistic healing and spiritual endeavors. Ray Whitson is a 20+ year resident of the Charlottesville area and has been on an evolving spiritual journey during that time. He is a writer and is the publisher of this magazine.

August 2017


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42 August 2017


exploring spirituality

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Backyard of Ellen Glasgow House

All Souls Center riCHmond By Nicki Peasley

Words are alWays limiting. they only point to the truth, especially in matters beyond the human mind. Which is why capturing Faith grieger and her all souls Center, in black and white, has proven to be particularly challenging. the depth and breadth of Faith’s wisdom and work are beyond what mere words on a page can convey. it was a cool spring morning when i stepped off a busy side street in downtown richmond into the enchanted backyard of the ellen glasgow House, a national historic landmark that was once home to the prominent southern novelist for whom it was named. all souls Center is

serendipitously located in the quaint carriage house on this exquisite property. in my research, i discovered a quote from glasgow that resonates deeply with the mission of the all souls Center: Life is never what one dreams. It is seldom what one desires, but for the vital spirit and the eager mind, the future will always hold the search for buried treasure and the possibility of high adventure. For over 25 years, Faith grieger has been a guide for those in search of life’s buried treasure and the high adventure of remembering who we really are. While she has worked as a Faith Grieger

August 2017



practitioner of massage, reiki, healing touch, astrology, tarot, and even feng shui, her true calling is spiritual exploration through hypnotherapy. trained by the michael newton institute, Faith specializes in Past life regression, life Between lives therapy, and Quantum Consciousness experiences. “it is our birth rite,” she says, “to experience as many aspects of ourselves as we can. to remember that we are eternal beings and we chose and were chosen to be here in this classroom called earth. my work is to guide others on the journey back to the rhythms of our planet, back to our collective consciousness. We’re all here for distinct missions and we are all connected.” Hypnotherapy works on the subconscious level of the mind, where all memory of past and present lives is stored. its function is to find, clear, and release the root cause of challenging issues that often stem from events we can’t remember with our conscious mind. While Faith’s services, all experienced through hypnotherapy, are explained as distinct offerings on her website, they are profoundly integrated. it is the client’s soul that guides the direction of each session. Below is a brief explanation of experiences one might have at all souls Center. Past Life Regression, a powerful reminder of our limitless nature, allows us to meet ourselves in another place and time and body. dependent on what our soul wants us to see and feel, we might explore a single past life or a succession of lives. Whatever the experience, it is always synchronized with our current life, helping us recognize and ultimately clear challenging patterns and dynamics across time. When we are shown what has been buried within our subconscious mind, we can release that which no longer serves us and return to our current life with more clarity and joy. Further, soul memory is often triggered when we discover familiar people of our current life in a past life, reaffirming our divine connection to each other beyond death. We are assured, through the embodiment of this journey, that death is not the end. “a past life is really a parallel experience,” Faith explains. “everything we’ve ever been is happening now ... our minds just can’t hold it all. as human beings, we are beginning to remember that our heart, where our soul resides, is the source of our wisdom, not our mind.” in a Life Between Lives journey into the soul world, we reconnect with our spirit guide, the one who has known

and loved us for eternity. We have the opportunity to ask our deepest questions and and see ourselves from an expanded spiritual perspective. We may discover our “soul specialty,” how we might better use our gifts and talents, and why we chose the body and family of our current life. the life Between lives experience is a joyful reunion, like coming home to a space of unconditional

Session space

love, acceptance, and radiant beauty. We might also reconnect with our soul group (those who’ve traveled with us through lifetimes) and our council of elders (advanced beings who offer guidance for our soul’s evolution). the messages received, some direct and some through symbols and imagery, help guide us in our present life. Finally, the Quantum Consciousness experience blends quantum physics with spirituality. While this may sound far-reaching, this is the new paradigm of truth we are entering. this journey through expanded realms of consciousness reunites us with our innate wisdom so that we can remember and experience ourselves as the Universe we all contain. Faith reflects on her work, “Wherever the adventure leads us, we discover a stream of energy inviting us to dip in and re-experience ourselves. the stream is always available to us, awaiting our return.” Faith has also recently learned a new memory healing therapy called soul link, based on the complex dynamic of our biological, neurological, and energetic systems. an efficient, effective, and simple means of neutralizing and releasing the layers of fear and trauma we carry, soul

Hypnotherapy works on the subconscious level of the mind, where all memory of past and present lives is stored. 44 August 2017


exploring spirituality

long after the session, i am still discovering the buried treasure and high adventure of this transformative experience at all souls Center in ellen glasgow’s backyard.

Faith’s artwork

link is helping people regain the full life force of their nature. “i love the powerful simplicity of this technique ... for me, it’s always been about distilling what i learn into its truest essence.”

to learn more and to contact Faith, visit www.

my spiritual exploration with Faith was divinely inspired. Her gentle guidance created a safe space for me to uncover truths that were ready to be revealed. While i went in with my own agenda around what i wanted to experience in the soul world, my soul led me to a different scene altogether. there, i was able to make profound connections between events and emotions and relationships across lifetimes.

An educator by trade, Nicki Peasley is a student and storyteller of life and a teacher of love, both inside and outside of the classroom. She lives in Richmond with her husband, three children, and their chocolate lab, George Bailey.

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August 2017



as i came out of the regression, Faith offered such nurturing warmth and wisdom, “it’s all such a mystery,” she whispered tenderly. “it can feel a little scary, but it’s not fear ... it’s expansion. it’s an adventure.”

Southwestern Virginia

Yellow Sulphur Springs Healing Spa & Historic Inn CHRISTIANSBURG By Deann Bishop

A SHELTER IN THE HOLLOW Yellow Sulphur Springs is nestled in a magical hollow between Blacksburg and Christiansburg, just seven minutes from the campus at Virginia Tech. The property boasts a long history, having been an inn since the 1700s. The site contains a historic hotel dating from 1810 as well as several other historic structures. While Yellow Sulphur Springs’s commercial operations ceased in the 1920s, the buildings housed itinerant workers during the Depression and are still home to several families. Victoria Taylor and her husband Bernard Ross purchased the Yellow Sulphur Springs property in 1997 to establish the Yellow Sulphur Springs Healing Spa. Victoria’s 46 August 2017


exploring spirituality

sublime decahedron structure opened for appointments in 2002. The studio, nestled in a forest of majestic arching trees deep in the hollow, is a calm, gentle space decorated with antique furniture, oriental rugs and framed artwork. Patients often say that they start to feel better just driving up the driveway! Victoria has been practicing acupuncture since she graduated from a three-year program at Mandarin School of Chinese Medicine (Jacksonville, Florida) in 1990. She is licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia and is certified by the National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Prior to moving to Montgomery County, Virginia, in 1997, Victoria served on Victoria Taylor

Victoria’s patients find shelter in her as a general practitioner for a wide range of conditions, including healing pain relief that doesn’t rely upon surgery or dramatic intervention. Sessions may include one or several modalities: acupuncture, moxibustion, essential oils, massage, herbal medicine, and lifestyle recommendations. Her work with recovery programs and trauma victims has given her great interest in educating and training other professionals in these realms. Spa services provided on location are done with natural agents: Essential Oil Aromatherapy Wraps, Raindrop Essential Oil treatments, Salt/Sugar Scrubs, Mud Wraps, and Hot Stone Massages. After healing treatments, Yellow Sulphur Springs extends the invitation, asking guests to “linger on our hidden acres.” Stroll among the historic buildings. Meander along the creek. Walk through the woods on fallen leaves. Pause by the pond to admire the goldfish. Give yourself up to the quiet rhythm of an old tire swing. Or simply rest in the gazebo, enjoying the chatter of the birds, the burble of the creek and

… very little else … retreat from the flurry of everyday. And it won’t take you all day to get here.” Victoria says that in her work “every day is a new chapter,” and she feels that it is as if she spends her whole day reading rich novels because, as for her, “each patient’s life is so interesting!” The inspiration that comes from the level of trust they offer is a constant reminder that “healing is inspiring.” Yellow Sulphur Springs is located at 3145 Yellow Sulphur Road in Christiansburg. The phone is (540) 953-2977. Visit the website at for online scheduling and more information about the newly refurbished guest apartment, ready for your healing visit! Deann Bishop is a licensed acupuncturist and Chinese herb specialist. She practices both privately at her home clinic, Blue Ridge Acupuncture in Troutville, and is owner and staff acupuncturist at Roanoke Community Acupuncture. In conjunction with her background in Chinese medicine, she produces healing remedies under the brand name MetalDogMedicine. A native of Rockbridge County, she chases her passion for writing, Buddhist meditation, Hakomi therapy and Chinese herb oils while holding service to several spoiled cats.

August 2017


Southwestern Virginia

the faculty and Board of Directors for the Mandarin School of Chinese Medicine in Jacksonville, Florida. In addition to her private practice, Victoria is on staff at Roanoke Community Acupuncture ( and acts as a supervisor for the Acu-Detox programs at both Carillion St. Albans and New River Valley Community Services.


This popular arTicle firsT appeared in our ocToBer 2016 issue

Good Vibes Wellness vIrGInIa Beach By Cathy Egan

I receIved a kInd InvItatIon from co-owners Matt Sciulli and Leticia Wightman to come and visit their new spiritual center, Good vibes Wellness, at 233 16th St., on the corner of 16th Street and Pacific avenue. Matt explained that the both of them had long held a dream of a center dedicated to building spiritual community with unique services allowing one to develop and heal body, mind, and spirit. though Matt and Leticia had been pursuing business careers while building sustainable living practices, the dream of this center remained a goal for each of them. In July of this year, they were ready to make the leap and realize their long-held desire to own and operate this place—a place where dedication is the name of the game. they are firmly committed and dedicated to serving 48 August 2017


exploring spirituality

others through new experiences and healthful practices as well as intuitive readings, a wide range of massage modalities, books, gifts, classes and lectures, spirit circles, local artwork, jewelry, and more. Good vibes Wellness is a full-service spirituality center. Upon arriving I found a unique and spacious center of a contemporary design, one that utilized light colored woods and murals and was very tastefully decorated. It is welcoming and enticing, making one immediately comfortable. this level of comfort elicits an excitement about the visit and an anticipation of good things to come. to get to the heart of the matter, Leticia celebrated their creation in her own words: “I was always an inquisitive child. My family of origin was a blended mix of cultures including aztec Indian,

Letitia goes on to talk about her partnership with Matt. their similar experiences and passions fueled their dream of creating a space where people could “grow and experience their own spirituality at their own pace and desire.”


Spanish, and Mexican. as I grew, it became quite a habit for me to question my parents on religion, especially as it related to the types of beliefs I experienced from my classmates and neighbors. It was a concern of mine that everyone did not have a safe place where they could express themselves about their life experiences, their dreams, what they imagined as everyday life activity. I desired open communication and a readiness to learn from all ways of life as well as to gain acceptance of new beliefs and perhaps different ways of expressing themselves. today, at Good vibes Wellness we are creating just such a place for individuals, families, [and] companies to enjoy exploration into the spiritual subjects which abound, [to] take part in many different activities, exposing themselves to many varying types and ways of expression, along with the physical help in dealing with body needs including specialty massage and also spirit counseling. We get to offer all of this in a special, warm, caring environment designed to enhance their learning and feeling experience. [It is] my dream come true, my passion ignited!” Top: Couples Massage Room Bottom: Waiting Room

visitors will take pleasure in the acoustics and modern layout at the center, which truly encourages connection and community. this is a first-class facility in every way. the dream of Matt and Leticia is reflected in the center’s mission statement: “Creating community where people of all ages and persuasions can share their love of higher ideals for mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.” Stop in and visit Good vibes Wellness. Shop the many specialty gift items or sign up for Good vibes services or activities. an events calendar can be accessed online at visit www.facebook. com/goodvibeswellnessvB/, or contact Matt and Leticia for a personal introduction by calling 757-321-3784, or email


You can be sure of an enjoyable experience … don’t forget to mention that Awareness: Exploring Spirituality sent you!

Good vibes Wellness is a culmination of an open architectural concept, applied to a practical design, housing a multitude of services. there are private rooms for spiritual counseling/readings (an intuitive is always on duty), as well as ones comfortably defined for individual or couples massage. Plans include developing a space for snacks and a modern juice bar, where intimate conversation can take place. comfort and accessibility are two important factors achieved in the floor plan.

Cathy Egan is one of the spiritual counselors/palm reader at Good Vibes Wellness, whose messages offer path & purpose guidance. She has a BA magna cum laude from Rutgers University and has travelled extensively worldwide visiting indigenous peoples while writing and studying about mysticism.

August 2017


Psychic Profile Name: Allyson Walsh Location: Alexandria/ Annapolis, Md. Contact Information: (410) 349-3901 Hours: Mon – Fri 1– 8 p.m. at above phone number; Rate: $200/60-minute session; $100/30-minute session Experience: Allyson and her identical twin sister Adele first noticed their psychic abilities around the ages of 4–5 years old. Known together professionally as the PsyDentical Twins, a June 2004 article in The Washington Post described them as psychic “experts.” A visit to the website will allow you to view some videos of some of their joint appearances as well as some radio recordings. Allyson has also been featured on CBS’s 48 Hours, along with other television and radio interviews and segments. She has been doing psychic readings professionally for 35 years and has developed a worldwide client base. She is most adept at predictive work and bringing in messages from friends, family, and loved ones on the other side. She does readings from home in person or via phone or Skype. She and Adele are currently working to develop a paranormal “docureality” television program. Review: When you contact Allyson to schedule a session,

50 August 2017


exploring spirituality

she’ll ask for your date, time, and place of birth. She uses this astrological information to connect with you spiritually and begin to draw in information for your reading, however, she doesn’t use astrology for the reading itself. When the session begins, she brings a wealth of information forward and works in particular with a former physician on the other side who gives her extensive information on your health or that of significant people in your life. In my session for this profile, she zeroed right in on a recent serious health problem I had dealt with that impacts me still. I take heed in the caution that was emphasized. Though Allyson talks with a soft voice, she doesn’t sugarcoat information that comes to her for you. Not only does she excel at health-related issues, she is strong in everybody’s favorite thing—predictive work. Without prompting, she brought forth a plethora of predictions about me and my future over the next couple of years, specifically the upcoming 12 months. These were about some of the most important things in my life at this time. She also offered some information about significant people in my life and events that she says they will experience. In addition, a close family member of mine who crossed over some years back came through with information for me. Before your reading with Allyson, be sure to jot down a few questions and be prepared to take notes so you can chart the events she describes. Most all of the questions I asked brought quick responses and detailed information. I’ll certainly be keeping up with the timelines that were offered. A session with Allyson is what professional psychic readings are supposed to be. There is no question you’ll come to quickly understand why she has such a solid reputation.

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August 2017



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HeartHome HomeCare Carecelebrated celebratedits itsseventh seventh year year in January of Heart of 2017. 2017. In Inaafield fieldsuch suchasaselder eldercare, care,I I cannotafford affordtototurn turnaadeaf deafear earto toaapoor poor work work ethic. ethic. Employees cannot Employeeswho whoput puttheir theirenergy energytogether togetherwith with mine to make a positive change in the lives of our senior clients are respected and rewarded. mine to make a positive change in the lives of our senior clients are respected and rewarded. OUR OUR STORY STORY After an encounter with LOVE on 8/23/04, I sought out my purpose for being on After an encounter with LOVE on 8/23/04, I sought out my purpose for being on the planet for this lifetime. It became clear that I was to work with seniors. In the planet for this lifetime. It became clear that I was to work with seniors. In 2005, I began serving seniors in facilities and privately in their homes. By 2010, 2005, I began serving seniors in facilities and privately in their homes. By 2010, I had more clients than I could handle alone. I knew the Universe was working I had more clients than I could handle alone. I knew the Universe was working on my behalf and would provide the assistance necessary for starting a home on my behalf and would provide the assistance necessary for starting a home care agency. It was thrilling to see everything come together with minimal care agency. It was thrilling to see everything come together with minimal effort on my part. I surrendered to the Divine design and asked for guidance, effort on my part. I surrendered to the and for guidance, provision and a connection to those whoDivine woulddesign be a part ofasked this great plan. provision and a connection to those who would be a part of this great plan.

Heart Home Care is an agency you can trust. I cannot promise there will never be bumps, Heart Home Care is an agency you can trust. I cannot promise there will never be bumps, however, I can promise to smooth the bumps out quickly with Divine solutions. however, I can promise to smooth the bumps out quickly with Divine solutions.

Call today 804-614-6193 and learn more about Heart Home Care CallYou today about Heart Home Care can804-614-6193 also visit us onand the learn web atmore You can also visit us on the web at

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