4 minute read
1 Kid + 1 Day = 30,000 Acts of Kindness
This is a story about a 12-year-old named Nic Way. It’s a story about his Forever Mother, JacquelineWay. This is a story about 30,000 small acts of giving that took place in a single day to prove what is possible, even in a pandemic.
Heroes don’t always wear a red cape. Sometimes you don’t even know you’re a hero until you touch one person to inspire aworld of change. The ripple effect of giving is so contagious it only takes one to get it going.
This young #COVID19 hero doesn’t even know he’s a hero but has inspired the world since he was 3 years old because hetouched one – his Mother. His name is Nic Way, and today at the age of 12 he has inspired thousands – maybe millions (theripple effect of giving can never be counted) to create positive change in the world and increase happiness of people globally.
On September 29, 2007 Nic was born into a world that most will never experience. His birth mother and father made a choiceout of love to give Nic up for adoption. He went into foster care for the first 11 weeks of his life until his “forever family” waschosen for him. He was easy, calm and the light of his Foster Mother’s eye.
He never knew he was born to inspire so many and it all started with just one. Great change has historically started with justone person. On December 10, 2007 Nic met his forever family for the first time. His mother, Jacqueline Way held him in his armsand whispered in his ear – “I've been waiting for you and will love you forever.” That was the beginning of the two of themtaking a journey together that would change the world. His Forever Mother had one clear vision for her new son. To grow a kind,compassionate, happy child. Not an easy task in a world filled with bad news every day.
On Nic’s 3rd birthday his Mom decided it was time to plant those seeds of compassion and happiness and started a personalparenting project with him that would take them down a path neither of them ever expected. They made a commitment togetherto do one thing to give back to the world every day for 365 days. They called it 365give. What they didn’t know is how their littlefamily project would inspire people all over the world.
Their daily giving was simple and easy. Simple enough for a 3-year-old. They gave back to animals, people and the planet insmall ways every day. They shared their stories with friends and family in the form of a blog and soon people all over the worldstarted reading their stories and were inspired to give - because of Nic. Their giving became a daily habit just like brushing theirteeth and made them happy every day.
He inspired something in his Mom that would grow into a global giving movement that today has inspired millions of people tounderstand how easy giving can be and how it truly makes you happy.
Right now, during COVID-19, the world needs more us all to come together to give, and to focus on happiness to reduce the fearand anxiety that so many are feeling.
Did you know that giving creates feelings of happiness in your brain and body? We call it your “Daily DOSE of Happiness”. Witheach small act of giving, or even witnessing someone else giving, you stimulate parts of your body that give you the feelings ofhappiness. Researchers have called it “The Helper’s High.” It’s a chemical reaction that starts in our hearts and brains. It alsoreduces cortisol, our stress response, which in turns helps increase your immune system. When you turn on your DOSE ofhappiness, these hormones all increase and effect your body:
Dopamine: Our reward center, that natural high feeling
Oxytocin: Love or hug hormone
Serotonin: Happy hormone that increases the feeling of happiness and wellbeing
Endorphins: Nature’s natural pain killer that reduces discomfort
What the world needs during COVID-19 is a daily DOSE of happiness. It was time to take social distancing and turn it into socialgood in a way that was possible for everyone. As the world shut down and people isolated, Nic’s Mom, and volunteer ExecutiveDirector of 365give, knew it was time to bring the world together more than ever before. It would be easy to hide in our home,but instead 365give took to social media to bring people together for one big day of giving. #Do1Give Day.
A campaign named by Nic just 2 years ago was going to bring the world together during COVID-19. If there was anything theyhad learned since starting 365give, it was that one person could inspire another and the stories of giving created a ripple thatwould continue to spread further than they would ever know. It was time to change the news for just one day as a reminder thatwe could all be the change the world needs right now.
On April 15th, with the help from volunteers all over the world, #Do1Give Day stories started popping up on social media fromfamilies, individuals, schools (online) and community groups that spanned the globe. In just one day 30,000 small acts of givingfrom 40 countries made a big positive impact that will ripple long after our “shut down” world reopens. The everyday #COVIDhero came out in everyone, and it all started with just one. One little 3-year-old boy and his Mom.
It’s never about just one person being an everyday hero, but about each and every one of us coming together to be the everydayhero in our own lives. #Do1Give Day didn’t raise millions of dollars with featured celebrities. It wasn’t about changing the wholeworld. It was all about how 365give started. Just one little life inspiring the world of difference. One give, one day at a time.