This Time Next Year
Ignition Welcome to your #GCFutureMe guidebook! By working towards your qualification at GC, you are driving your career forwards. Making progress can feel empowering and this guidebook is here to give you further access to the information, inspiration and support you need, to plan what you will be doing this time next year.
This guidebook will support you to: Understand where you are now. Explore the options that you have.
Make some well informed choices. Spending time thinking about what you are passionate about, the way you like to work and the particular skills you already have is really important. You are the key influencer in your own career and your path will be unique to you. 2
This time next year...
“@”Remember! You have to stay in education until age 18”@”.
In Higher Education see page 7
In College see page 5
No Idea see page 8-9
In an Apprenticeship see page 6
Level 1
Different Subject
My Journey
Level 2
Higher Education
Higher Apprenticeship
Level 3
In College You can study a Higher Education course at GC - see page 7
Action Points Full time course 1. Apply Now! This will give you the best chance of successfully progressing
2. Tell your Learning Mentor Your Learning Mentor can support your application and make sure that you’ve considered the alternatives
3. Do well on your current programme Focus on passing this year and do as well as you can 4. Consider an apprenticeship application too You can apply for more than one option if you’d like to
In an Apprenticeship
Action Points Apprenticeships 1. Search for vacancies and apply Search using site such as: See page 11 for more useful links
2. Pick up an apprenticeship handbook from your Student Hub Speak to your Learning Mentor about in-college events
3. Google local employers and send CVs Think about organisations you would like to work with and approach them directly 4. Apply to Gloucestershire College Even if you don’t already have an employer, your Learning Mentor can support with this
No idea? We Can help.
5. Attend the Apprenticeship open evening on 23rd January 2017 at Gloucester Campus. There will be over 40 employers and lots of help and support in reaching this aspiration!
In Higher Education Did you know? If you progress onto a Higher Education course at GC. You’re entitled to a bursary of up to £1,000 (Year 1) and £500 (Year 2).
Action Points Higher Education Courses 1. Download the Higher Education guide You can find this and other Higher Education resources on the GC Future Me page of the Virtual Library
2. Check the entry criteria Ensure you understand what needs to be achieved and think about other options with different entry criteria
3. Choose your course provider and sign up to UCAS online 4. Make a GC Application If the application indicates you need to make a UCAS application, apply through UCAS as well 5. Consider a Higher Apprenticeship option Visit or
Careers Sat Nav
Don’’t know where to start? Try these ideas: • Explore the suggestions on pages 5-7 • Use the Kudos programme • Look at the # ‘ GCFutureMe resources in the library and on the VLE • Speak to your Learning Mentor, tutor, or someone who knows you well • Make use of the progression on track sessions (23rd Jan and/ or 20th Feb 2017) • Speak to someone during progression Week (3rd April 2017) • Arrange to meet a careers advisor • Use the KUDOS programme, see advice on page 10) • Use the useful links to explore more options (page 11) • Come to the Student Hub for advice, support and to look at our opportunity shop
No idea? We can help 8
Don’’’t know o t e r e h w start?
Mini User Guide
An online careers tool. To help you explore careers which may interest you.
Kudos is designed to help you explore your possible career directions and learn about your future options. This guide will help you to find your way around Kudos. Go to Enter the license code Artssurf92, then click sign up to add your details.
“I don’t know what career I want to do”
Answer the questions for a personalised list of career ideas you might like. “I’d like to find careers from my subjects” “I kind of know what career I want to do”
Use this starting point to discover what careers different subjects can lead to.
We also have: My Profile My CV General Information Find College Courses ‘Find Apprenticeship’ ‘Research Job Vacancies’ Kudos HE 10 10
You can explore over 100 areas of work.
If you clicked “I know what career I want to do
You can find more features of your preferred career here.
Contact/Links Further Help General Careers Advice & Careers Matching The ‘GC Future Me’ page is full of information and links to resources that you can download. Find it on the Virtual Library that you can access from the Student Home Page. Research ideas through a careers wizard and browse real life video clips in order to gain inspiration and information from those currently working within an industry. Also incorporates the ‘Buzz’ test which can find out your personality type and what careers may suit you best. Careers advisory site containing information relating to hundreds of job types, how to access these and also has a quiz to match your personality and skills to 400+ job types. Explore different job sectors through the sites ‘Digital Guide’ and the use of industry related media clips. Help with finding apprenticeships, college courses or work experience; basically anything that helps you stay debt free whilst studying. Careers and development website for advice on CV’s, applications and assessment centres. Provides information, advice and guidance from GCSE through to graduation. Over 2500 work placements, graduate schemes and internships for 16-24 year olds. National Careers Service: Job Profiles, job Market information, advice on CV’s and career planning. Lots more tools for you to explore. Free visual test based on John Holland’s work values and personality testing. No registration required. Personality test and careers matching. You need to create an account and it takes 15-20 minutes.
“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try” Author Unknown