Dof 2015 op

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Issue No. 02

Newsletter Fresfhul w e N olour &C



& Fasting

The Heart of Virtuous Woman

Harvest + Living Wisely

DOF Hostels: ground breaking ceremony - Rongo



18 1



Message from general overseer


Pastor Joyce Kariuki’s Message


Prayer and Fasting


The Heart of a Virtuous woman


Living wisely


The Gift in you


Regional Conferences


Honouring Rv Muchai


Commissioning Rev. Eunice Rotich


Managing Editors:

Editorial Consultant: Ms Rachel Masiga

Bishop Dr. Mark Kariuki


Bishop Dr. J. B. Masinde

Design/Art Direction: Arnold Njuki

Bishop Dr. George Gichana DC National Coordinator Rev. Margaret Muchai

2015 News let ter Daughters of Faith

Year of Harvest


General Overseer’s Message


he exemplary Daughters of Faith Ministry (DOF) began years ago with a heart to encourage women to become extraordinary transformational women of purpose, education, and value. With the inspiration of the Proverbs 31 woman, my desire is that every woman in this ministry will evolve into a woman of noble character, worth

far much more than rubies. My prayer is that you will become the woman who fears the Lord, and is always praised and honored for the work you do with your hands. I appreciate the effort and turnout to our DOF National Women’s Conferences every year. My prayer and desire is that we unite with other women from around the country and the globe in one of the most inspirational and uplifting conferences prepared for women from all walks of life!

Ladies, it is time you are released from the clutches of obscurity and step into your

destiny. I acknowledge your commitment the keshas, regional conferences, ‘ladies ’gettogethers’, and retreats. I value your contribution towards the development day and your consistent personal commitment to

Ladies, it is time you are released from the clutches of obscurity and step into your destiny. I acknowledge your attendance of the keshas, regional conferences, ladies get together and retreats.

the faith. This is a definite sign that you do not tire in the things of Christ, “...not giving up meeting together…” ( Heb.10:25a)

As the Apostolic and Prophetic leader, I am confident that

the vision of the Rongo Hostels vision and eventual Conference Centre will come to pass in Jesus Name. My prayer for you is, 1. That the God of all grace may anoint you with fresh oil (Ps 133). 2. That the Holy Spirit enlightens your path and the Word becomes clear as you read. (Psalm 119.105). 3. That our God empowers you to speak the message of hope to the people and strengthen you to overcome the struggles and overcome every valley in life. (Ps 23)

Furthermore, Joyce and I pray that your home be a reflection of the joy and peace,

goodness and mercy that God has promised to all of His children who love Him. We bless your children, the fruit of your mind, body, and soul. We speak life into your marriages, your ministries, and your mission. When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Proverbs 3.24

Your prayers, your support, and your love are important to us.

We value you We love you. Bishop Mark Kariuki


Daughters of Faith Ne ws let ter 2015

Year of Harvest

Pastor Joyce Kariuki’s Message



greet you all, Daughters of Faith in the name of Jesus Christ. This is another great opportunity and forum where we look back at the year 2015, celebrate, and thank our Almighty God for all his blessings. Indeed our God has remained faithful and I believe that you too can attest to this. Recently, I have continued to be amazed at the grace of God; the unmerited favor we enjoy just because God is good .The grace that saved us according to Eph 2:8 is the same grace that has and will continue to sustain us. Praise Jesus To accomplish anything significant in our lives, we need Grace and His enabling & empowering power. If we try to use our human effort, experience, education, or skills, we may fail miserably, get discouraged, and be tempted to give up or grow weary. Grace has the power to help you to do what you would not do on your own. This year’s DAUGHTERS OF FAITH –CONFERENCE was very exciting and I believe you can bear me witness. Why? By the Grace of God, we were able to address most of the issues that

we women go through, from marriage, finances, sexuality, parenting, relationships, and the like. The workshops for different groups - single, married, single parents, separated, divorced, widowed went an inch higher in addressing specific issues for specific groups. The Bishops Wives, DOF Council, and Myself are grateful for the powerful speakers who ministered to us and I wish them all of God’s blessings. Let me believe that you had your (take home) from the conference and that your life by the Grace of God has shifted in one way or another. It is our desire that all future conferences will continue to reach the very heart of every woman in DOF and we ask that you also assist us in these endeavor by suggesting issues you would want us to include in our conference, we are a team and together we can accomplish much more. As we come to the close of the year, let me remind you of the Word that the Lord gave us through His servant Bishop Dr. Mark Kariuki. This is the year of UNCOMMON HARVEST (Luke 10:2) “Then he said to them,

the harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray that the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Key in Bishop Mark’s address to us is (Soul winning). Yes, we shall experience uncommon harvest in many aspect s of lives; finances, families, careers, business BUT of utmost importance and key to God, is souls. We are called to be soul winners, winning the lost to Christ bringing them the good news of Jesus Christ .There is a great book I have been reading by Mark Cahill titled, “The One Thing you can’t do In Heaven”. In this book, he explains that the one thing you cannot do in heaven is evangelize and win a soul because by then, it will be too late. This is the only opportunity we have as believers here on earth to snatch souls from hell and bring them into the kingdom of God. As I close then, let me urge all of us to be more focused on heavenly matters .The things that matters or add value to the kingdom of God. We should purely engage in those activities that will count before God, which will earn you rewards in heaven. Daily ask yourself, will what am I

doing now, matter three million years from now? Become a soul winner, become valuable to the Kingdom of God. Lastly, let me take this opportunity together with my beloved husband to wish everyone one of you and your families and friends a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2016. Am excited about 2016 because I believe in my heart that God has a lot in store for us. I decree and declare in Jesus name that we shall posses that which the Lord has marked for each one of us. Receive yours in Jesus name. We love and often pray for you and everything of yours. Our prayer is that you continue to experience the immeasurable goodness of our Lord here on the land of the living and into eternity. We want to see you moving from one glory to another. Remember, this will only be possible by the grace of God. 2 Peter 1:2-4 Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord. In His service, Pst Joyce Kariuki

word from the editor Dear Reader, I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ. My sincere prayer is that as you read the newsletter you will be encouraged by the great work God’s has been doing in the Daughters of Faith Ministry. This year has been abuzz with women worshiping, praising, learning, giving, serving, and growing in the things of God. Deliverance Church has been an avenue of empowerment, enrichment, and deep grounding for the women’s ministry. Under the stewardship of Bishop Dr. Mark Kariuki and the Apostolic Council, Our dear Bishops and their able wives, our Regional Overseers and their wives, Reverend Margaret Muchai and the DOF council the last five years have commenced in great ministry milestones.

The women ministry has engaged in national, regional, sub-regional, and local churchwomen keshas, conferences and even mobilized immense resources towards a conference center. By God’s, Grace the Daughters of Faith Ministry in Deliverance Church as grown to be a force to reckon with. I believe as you read the newsletter you will see what the support of our Mum and Dad Bishop Dr. Mark Kariuki and Pst Joyce Kariuki has birthed. Great testimonies, Great revivals and most of all a deep thirst for the things of God. We hold them in high esteem, honoring them and continually appreciating the opportunity to serve. God bless you as you read Rachel 2015 News let ter Daughters of Faith

Year of Harvest



Rev. Persia Masinde Harvest by definition means process of gathering mature crops to the field. John 4.35 35 Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest Acts 1.8 You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit shall come upon and you shall be witnesses to me in all Judea and in Samaria and in all parts of the earth. A witness is a person who can give first hand account of something they have experienced. Acts 1.1-14 Acts 22.15 Personal Testimony I began to evangelize in my own house. I realized that my children are the ultimate gift God has given me and I should take that authority over them and witness. I advise you ladies not to surrender your children to the Sunday school teacher. By God’s Grace allow the Lord to use you first to lead your children to Christ. Personally I made a family altar which I used to lead each child to the Lord. In God’s goodness each child accepted Jesus at their level. During our evening fellowship I would allow them explore scriptures and give their learning’s accordingly. I was the pastor in my parish in our


Daughters of Faith Ne ws let ter 2015

Year of Harvest

home. I trained them like Jesus and his disciples. I would ask them questions like ‘Is there a verse that touched your heart? What did it say? I would request for prayer requests and ask them to pray for each other. My children also learned the value of money; time with God and most importantly how to have a personal relationship with Christ. I can attest they are all a witness to that teaching now. A witness is someone who professes the faith they have. For the faith we have in Christ we must be ready to tell people. You must have the facts.

I began to evangelize in my own house. I realized that my children are the ultimate gift God has given me and I should take that authority over them and witness. I advise you ladies not to surrender your children to the Sunday school teacher. By God’s Grace allow the Lord to use you first to lead your children to Christ.

Luke 24.48 You are witnesses of these things. STEPS TO WITNESSING 1.

Personal preparation

Prepare yourself as a living sacrifice pure before the Lord so that when you go into the battle field for the Lord you may not face opposition.


You’re required to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Acts 2.4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. 3. You’re required to spend time in prayer before you witness. 4. You’re required to reach out to the people. Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into the entire world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 5.

Your required to talk about Christ

6. Your required to have an expectant heart for God to use you John 4.1-35 Samaritan woman In the story of the Samaritan woman Jesus chose an outcast, someone the society had shunned. He presented himself to her as the living water that would cure her thirst forever. She received the revelation, accepted the word made an immediate change and became an immediate witness. To date she is recorded as one of the great evangelists of her time converting a whole city to Christ with her testimony. Let us witness Christ. God bless you

Prayer & Fasting 12. Prayer can control natural event like rain, cold, draught and flood.1st king 17: 1 -3, 18:1, 41-42, 45

REV EUODIA GICHANA Prayer Definition:

13. Prayer makes us go to God

Heb 11:6 6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

FASTING Fasting by definition means - denying food of your own accord to talk to God when your spirit in submission and focused on God.

Prayer: is talking to God our heavenly father

Isaiah 58:5,6, Leviticus 16:29-39 WHY FAST

Communicating to the creator of heaven and earth 1. It can be a cry Luke 18:1b And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart. 2. It is a command from 1st Thessalonians 5:1717 continually,

God pray

3. Asking God to extend mercy and pardon to us. 2nd Chronicles 7:14, 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their lan 4. Means of expressing ourselves to God Hosea 14.2 Take words with you and return to the LORD. Say to him: “Forgive all our sins and receive us graciously, that we may offer the fruit of our lips. Types of prayers •




Spiritual of war fare Psalms 50:15

Praise, worship and thanksgiving

Psalms 91:5, Jeremiah 33:3

• When there was a disaster in the nation

Key importance of prayers 1. Prayer can go where man cannot go and can do what man can’t do. 2. Prayer knows no distance 3. Prayer is the only sure way out of trouble James 5:13 4. Prayer is the key to life changing revival 5. It is only prayer that can intervene in human affairs 6. Prayer is the Magnetic forces that magnetize good things and people to you. Mark 1:35, 37 7. Prayer demobilizes the devil and his kingdom 8. Prayer pulls us closer to God than any other power 9. Prayer makes you to live a holy life 10. Prayer can change death sentence to life.2 king 20:1 -7, Esther 4:15-17

• When problem •




When there was grieving

• When there was impending danger



Esther is a young wife who fasted in the Old Testament Esther 4.16 Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.” Anna an elderly lady fasted in the New Testament Luke 2:36-37 There was also a prophet, Anna, the daughter of Penuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, and then was a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying.

Prayer precedes harvest. continue to fast and prayer.



11. Prayer brings salvation and repentance to the family, individual, cities and nations

2015 News let ter Daughters of Faith

Year of Harvest


The Heart of Virtuous Woman THE YEAR OF UNCOMMON HARVEST D.OF. NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2015 Rev Jennifer Kaniaru

She is rare, but can be found but she can be

What is the heart? • The heart is the seed of your moral life. • The heart is the seed of your affection; it is also the seed of your emotions

Conditions of the heart According the bible there are various states of the heart. Here are a few • An ‘Evil heart’ • A ‘Merry heart’ • A ‘Perfect heart.’ • A ‘Hard heart’ • An ‘Upright heart’. • A ‘Proud heart’ • A ‘Pure heart’ Luke 6:45 45 A good man brings good

things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. Matthew 15:19 For out of the heart come

evil thoughts--murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. Jeremiah 17:9-10 The heart is deceitful

above all things and beyond cure.


can understand it? 10 “I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.” Proverbs 4:23 23 Above all else, guard your

heart, for everything you do flows from it.

What is virtuous? It means to be upright, with strong faith, to be righteous, excellent moral character that is the virtuous woman the bible is talking about.


Daughters of Faith Ne ws let ter 2015

Year of Harvest

Jeremiah 17:9-10 The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? 10 “I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve

found in you and all of us. We are candidates of a virtuous woman.

Qualities of a virtuous woman 1. She fears God, she doesn’t live herself. 2. She has compassion i.e. she doesn’t see the way other people see. 3. She is humble. [Proverbs 29; 33 “pride

doesn’t belong to the kingdom”. Remember Jezebel she got married to Ahab and she came with her gods and turned the heart of the king. Do not bring pride to the kingdom to the kingdom of God in which ever form. 4. She forgives and forgets; if you don’t forgive will not be forgiven. 5. She delights God. Psalms 37:4 6. She is submissive. 7. She intercedes, she is not selfish, can see problems of others. 8. She speaks wisdom not and she is not a gossiper. Proverbs 31 9. She is industrious; she adds value to her family.

Some women who we can call righteous:1. Tabitha – Luke praises her as a disciple (mathetria) who was always doing good and helping the poor -Acts 9:36 2. Abigail – She was a woman of virtue despite her difficult husband. She eventually saved her home and married David the soon to be King of Isreal. 3. Jokabeth – She saved Moses with courage and wisdom during a difficult time in Israel when all first born boys were being killed. 4. Hannah – She prayed for a child during the adversity of a polygamous situation. God blessed her with Samuel ‘the first prophet of Isreal.” 5. Mary – She remained pure and carried our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Living Wisely YEAR OF UNCOMMON HARVEST D.O.F NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2015 REV. ALICE KIMANI 1 THESSALONIANS 4:11-11 and to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, THREE THINGS WE SHOULD REMEMBER 1.

Lead a quiet life


Mind your own business


Work with your own hands

trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own? 4.

Health relations Psalms 1:3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither-- whatever they do prospers

5. Good planning Proverbs 21:5 Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty

We must be profitable to the body of Christ Proverbs 14:23 Mere talks lead to poverty Isaiah 48:17

There are two types of people

Three types of people that you must have in your life 1.

Have somebody who can speak while you are quiet


Have some people whom you can walk with, tap into and when to sit together.


Have somebody you are imparting

Characteristics we should have to be profitable and ensure we are respectable


Pillars – Those you can lean on, they support you, you can count on them.


Caterpillars – Those who need you to produce anything.

I pray that God gives you the Grace to be a pillar Three types of friendship 1.

Fools: - Proverbs 13.20 Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.


Hard work Colosians 3.23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,



Competent Proverbs 22:29 Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings; they will not serve before officials of low rank.

Useful friends: 2 Timothy 4.11 Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is helpful to me in my ministry.


Useless Proverbs 14:23 23 All hard work brings a profit,


Faithfulness Luke 16:12 And if you have not been

but mere talk leads only to poverty.


Medicine cannot substitute God’s words and his divine healing. How did sickness begin? Sickness began with disobedience that led to curses. Genesis 3: 15, 16 And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall [a] bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel.” You can fight all sickness with God’s word

Colossians 2:14-15 14 having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. 15 And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.[a] FOODS God gave you herb that yields seed, which means the food cycle, of the farms will never end. God has created his own method of food sustenance. Genesis 1:29 & 9:7 The effects of the meat Originally, meat was used as a sacrifice to idols but today it has been cleansed


through the blood of Jesus. The problem comes when human beings add different things, which end up causing diseases. Harmful foods & additives a. Royco b. Sweets c. Smokies d. Junk food e. Unnaturally preserved food f. Food Prepared In supermarket or roads g. Artificial food A wise woman gets her food from far Proverbs 31:10

c. Natural foods TIPS • Use food that has been put inorganic fertilizer • Use little chemicals in your body REPRODUCTIVE TIPS PREGNANCY • Pregnancy is not a disease but a blessing • Put on comfortable shoes and avoid trousers • Don’t take a lot all of drugs during pregnancy • Eat food little by little • Take lemon to prevent vomiting • Take a lot of fluids


PREGNANCY AND LABOR • Take many energy drinks

• Take natural vegetable like “Murere” • Avoid Genetically Modified Organism ( GMO) • Make sure your bladder is empty NB/ Plan your family with your husband not other people’s opinion • Carry out extensive research on family planning methods and their effects. • For us Christians family planning methods is allowed only in marriage.

2015 News let ter Daughters of Faith

Year of Harvest


Year of Uncommon


THE GIFT IN YOU Romans 12:6-9

As God’s grace abides strive to sit in a position willing to be used and to use your gift. In his time and his way God will use your gift to make a way for you.


Daughters of Faith Ne ws let ter 2015

Year of Harvest

6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your[a] faith; 7 if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; 8 if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead,[b] do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

ASPECTS OF ‘YOUR GODLY GIFT’ 1. God has given everyone a gift -You should not emulate copy or be jealous of other people’s gift. 2. God has made us all able ministers 2nd Corinthians 3:6 6 He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. 3. God’s gift are meant to be used to serve others 4. It is God who gives the gifts 2nd Corinthians 5:10. 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. 5. We should move away from our comfort zone and do great things with our gifts. Your gift has a purpose on this earth.

FIVE WAYS TO STIR UP YOUR GIFT 1. Strive to be in a place where the Holy Spirit is working. 2. Strive to be under authority or in a position of submission 3. Strive to be available to learn from God 4. Strive to be faithful to the positions that are assigned to us in Church 5. Strive to be under a priest or prophets As God’s grace abides strive to sit in a position willing to be used and to use your gift. In his time and his way God will use your gift to make a way for you. GOD BLESS YOU

Ruai - DC Kayole Choir





airobi North works under the leadership of our Patron Reverend Grace Kamwaro. The region has 7 sub-regions Nairobi East , Kasarani, Ruiru, Kangundo, Ruaraka, Gatundu and Ruai. They DOF team comprises of 21 members 3 from each sub-region. MEETINGS The region carries out subregional meetings which address the different faculties as follows: • National DOF Conference • Pastors wives seminars • Leaders seminars • Ladies conferences • Keshas (Overnight prayer) Nairobi North is a key player in the National DOF Conference held in Nakuru yearly. This year they received the number one trophy for contributions

Leaders seminar at DC Umoja Kangundo Road

for the Development Day and second position in number of ladies attending the conference. In March they had a very powerful and Successful Leaders seminar held at DC Umoja Kangunda Road Campus where by over 400 leaders’ attended. Bishop Tuimising was one of the key speakers In October they had a one day ladies conference at Njiru. The ladies came in great numbers and their lives transformed. Reverend Robert and Susan Thimba, Regional Overseers Nairobi North were the key speakers. Reverend Eve Kiare from Mt Kenya Region also graced the occasion VISITS The team also makes a point of visiting small sub-regions to encourage, pray and support them. The chairlady Reverend Janet Kala is believing God grateful for what God has enabled them to achieve this year and is sure that there will be greater exploits next year GOD BLESS YOU

A jovial moment at Ruai Regional Conference 2015 News let ter Daughters of Faith

Year of Harvest






airobi South works under the leadership of our Patron Reverend Sarah Kariuki. The region has 7 subregions Central, Kiambu, Larrie, Dagoretti, Kilimani, Kajiado East and Kajiado West MEETINGS The region attends the national conference and carries out subregional meetings which address the different faculties as follows: • • • • •

National DOF Conference Pastors wives seminars Leaders seminars Ladies conferences Keshas (Overnight prayer)

Nairobi South is a key player in the National DOF Conference held in Nakuru yearly. This year they received the number one trophy for

contributions for the Development Day and they held the second position in number of ladies attending the conference. The national kasha 1427 women attended. They had a very powerful leadership seminar held in Central Sub-region treating 200 people. Also, carrying out an outreach to the Muslim community and a good number gave their lives to Christ. In October they had a one day ladies conference at House of Bread. Five hundred ladies attended and their lives transformed. Irene Mureithi was the key speaker she powerfully transformed and empowered the lives of the women. Our Mum, Pastor Joyce Kariuki graced the occasion. VISITS The team also makes a point of visiting all the subregions monthly to encourage, pray and support them.



Daughters of Faith Ne ws let ter 2015

Year of Harvest




t. Kenya works under the leadership of our Patron Reverend Eve Kiarie. The region has 13 sub regions. MEETINGS The region attends the national conference and carries out sub-regional meetings which address the different faculties as follows: • • • • •

National DOF Conference Pastors wives seminars Leaders seminars Ladies conferences Keshas (Overnight prayer)

The region participated greatly in the National DOF conference. They mobilized the women in the numbers from Kericho meeting their target in the development day. They had a powerful one day conference. The details as follows: The key speaker was Pastor Joyce Kariuki and the attendance was overwhelming with 500 ladies from the region. The conference addressed multiple issues including a medical camp that served 150 ladies. The camp addressed cancer screening, blood sugar, blood pressure,BMW and advice given appropriately.

The conference was opened by the Regional overseer Richard Mucangi. The patron Rev Eve Kiara coordinated the team and the conference was a success. TESTIMONIES People were encouraged by powerful testimonies given as the power of Jesus heal and transform lives, was made real and alive. Sister Lucy was healed of cancer and fistula. She trusted God, her sharing lifted faith of many and they in turn received healing. Sister Virginia, shared how she waited on God since she was 20yrs and God remembered her as He remembered Sarah in Genesis 21:1 and she was blessed with twins:: Joel and Joan as shown in the photos. It was not easy to wait but her trust and faith in God and support of prayers by men and women of God fielded the result that we celebrated in the conference. Women who had no children were prayed for and we trusting for DOF conference babies next year! Since they began conferences in 2013, lives of many women have been transformed, many lady pastors, and ladies have discovered their gifts and are serving God very well. They carry out sub-regional conferences throughout the year. 2015 News let ter Daughters of Faith

Year of Harvest






contributed the highest amount gynochologists in Mombasa in the three years towards the treated over 30 women. The camp was supported by the women development day. GOK and other medical private institutions. There was 40 Coast recognized Deliverance medical staff in attendance. Church Mikindani for their contribution of Kshs 100,000.00 Kesha to the development day kitty and also bringing a record 38 MEETINGS Coast recognizes the women to the conference. The region carries out contribution of Bishop Mark subregional meetings which Kariuki’s declarations and address the different faculties Projects under the guidance of Rev as follows: Mombasa West Sub-region Margaret Muchai has seen our · National DOF Conference through DC-Mikindani also kesha turnover increase of 201 · Ladies conferences held a Medical Camp for despite the threats in our areas. · Keshas (Overnight prayer) women and children. They Keshas are held at the local treated 1200 adults and 500 church level. National Conference children. The camp offered Coast participates keenly in Breast&Cervical cancer The national coordinator Rev the National DOF Conference screening, family planning Faith Mwaura encourages the this year bringing quite of all kinds, X-rays, free ultraspirit of prayer. a number of women to sounds, HIV/Aids testing and the conference. Coast Dr. Risa Nkurah one of the best oast region works under the leadership of our Patron Reverend Faith Mwaura. The region has five subregions. Mombasa North, Mombasa West, Taita Taveta, Kilifi and Malindi.




outh Nyanza Region works under the leadership of our Patron Mrs Lucy Otigo. The region has five sub regions- Migori, Central Kisii, Masaba, Nyamira, Gucha. MEETINGS The region carries out sub-regional meetings which address the different faculties as follows: · National DOF Conference · Ladies conferences · Keshas (Overnight prayer) National DOF Conference South Nyanza is a key player in the National DOF this year they brought 200 ladies to the national


Daughters of Faith Ne ws let ter 2015

Year of Harvest

conference and contributed well to the development day. Kesha They have had over 450 ladies attend the national conference over the year. Regional Conference The held their annual regional conference at Kisii Deliverance Church. Over 400 women attended from all the sub regions. The host speaker was Mrs. Nyarieko. Women’s live were transformed.



S.R. Bomet works under the leadership of our Patron Reverend Eunice Rotich. MEETINGS The region carries out subregional meetings which address the different faculties as follows: · National DOF Conference · Pastors wives seminars · Leaders seminars · Ladies conferences · Keshas (Overnight prayer) SR Bomet is a key player in the National DOF Conference attending in great numbers and contributing towards the development day. South Rift Bomet is actively involved in DOF activities. We have been actively participating in all DOF activities kasha, Development days,



REGIONAL CORDINATOR – MRS JENNIFER KAHARE REGIONAL OVERSEER – REVEREND MR AND MRS FRANICS KANYINGI Report by Pst Mellisa Central Rift Region works under the leadership of our Patron Mrs Jennifer Kahare. The region has five sub regionsMEETINGS The region carries out sub-regional meetings which address the different faculties as follows: · National DOF Conference · Pastors wives seminars · Leaders seminars · Ladies conferences · Keshas (Overnight prayer) National Conference Central Rift are the host region. They attended the conference in great numbers. They participated in the praise, ushering, armor bearing, security, cleanliness and the conference was a great success. They contributed towards the development day in a great way.

and conferences, amongst others. We have over 2,450 active leaders in the Ministry of DOF. Most of this year’s activities were dedicated to empowering women on transformational living which was articulated in several sub-regional conferences and workshops. DOF are doing the project to buy mattresses for the region which is due to the completed at the end of the year. Last year the DOF honoured Rev. Sofia Magagan, who is the current Chairlady. This year our Hero has been our Overseer Rev. Eunice Rotich. She was honoured in a very colourful and evangelistic ceremony which was attended by several Pastors and members from all over the region. The honor was a great blessing

to the region which was later manifested by the Bishop’s appointment to the National office as the Leader and Coordinator for DOF. The Regional DOF Executive Rev. Sofia, Loise and Doris together with the entire DOF fraternity of Bomet do appreciate Bishop Dr Mark Kariuki and the Apostolic team for appointing our Mum, Mentor, and role model to coordinate DOF activities in the country.

Keshas They have had consistent keshas through the year with over 700 women attending. Regional Conferences Olenguruone Sub region Reverend Eunice Rotich was the guest speaker at their annual regional conference. Over 200 women attended the conference. She spoke on equipping women for the kingdom. There was a great impact on empowerment Mai Mahiu Sub region The speakers were Pst Mary Karwamba and Dorcus Kinuthia ministering on ten ways to be married and breaking evil foundations respectively. 57 women attended this meeting. Keringet Subregion Motivational speakers Pst Jane Bii , Pst Catherine Rotich and Pst Ann Bir spoke powerfully on health, education and cookery Nyahururu Subregion This region had a powerful meeting with Pst Joyce Kariuki being the key speaker. She ministered on don’t miss your Cairos Moment for uncommon harvest. There was an outpour of 500 ladies whose lives were transformed never to be the same again.

2015 News let ter Daughters of Faith

Year of Harvest






achakos works under the leadership of our Patron Reverend Petronila Kitheka. Machokos region comprises of 60 churches. MEETINGS The region attends the national conference and carries out sub-regional meetings which address the different faculties as follows: • National DOF Conference • Pastors wives seminars • Leaders seminars • Ladies conferences • Keshas (Overnight prayer) The region participated in the National Conference mobilizing the ladies in giving towards the development day and coming in numbers. This was after facing many

challenges and pressing on. Indeed 2015 they reached their development day target which was a great breakthrough. In August they carried out their regional conference for three days. The guest speaker was Reverend Alice Kimani. A record 450 ladies attended and testimonies, breakthroughs and ceilings were broken. The DOF in the region applauds DC Kitanga which has done an outstanding job this year. PROJECTS Indeed it birthed a mattress project where the ladies have pledged to purchase 300 mattresses before the next conference. The She Pastors have purchased two plots in kitengela which they have plans to develop to empower and increase their territory.





outh Rift Kericho works under the leadership of our Patron Pastor Betty Kurgat. The region has ten sub regions MEETINGS The region attends the national conference and carries out subregional meetings which address the different faculties as follows: • National DOF Conference • Ladies conferences • Keshas (Overnight prayer)


Daughters of Faith Ne ws let ter 2015

Year of Harvest

Daughters of Faith Regional chair Pastor Betty Kurgat,Vice chair Mrs Margaret Siele and Pastor Jackline Kilel as Secretary. National Conference The region attended the National DOF conference bringing over 500 women. They contributed warmly towards the development day. DOF ministry has brought great healing restoration and revival among the ladies and the whole church.

Regional Conference They had a regional conference is held every December in partnership with Bomet Region last year at DC Kaplong there were a record 2000 ladies who attended. Monthly rallies are done in all our sub-regions. TESTIMONY One of the ladies from this region was lifted through the act of faith. She took the delegated badge home, from Nakuru after the conference of 2013, and went declaring that it was her passport. We have gone to Zambia and Israel, we thank God. Many other testimonies are with the ladies.




berdare region works under the leadership of our Patron Reverend Margaret Mwangi.

MEETINGS The region carries out sub regional meetings which address the different faculties as follows: • National DOF Conference • Ladies conferences • Keshas (Overnight prayer)

The region participated in the national conference mobilizing funds for the development day and had a great attendance of the same. Their kesha was well attended with a record number of 247 women from the region.

Aberdare region comprises of 8 sub regions namely Thika, Nyeri South and Central, Mathira, Kirinyaga, Kieni East and West, Nyanyuki and Kerugoya In September they carried out a regional conference at Deliverance Church Karatina with 300 women attending. Pst Joyce Kariuki was the guest speaker empowering women on the uncommon harvest God had in store for them this year. They had the senior ladies over 50 years present a song receiving of the goodness of God. The subregion of Muiga also held a powerful conference where Rev Margaret Mwangi ministered. DAUGHTERS OF FAITH




estern region works under the leadership of our Patron Reverend Emmy Odhoch.

MEETINGS The region carries out sub-regional meetings which address the different faculties as follows: • National DOF Conference • Pastors wives seminars • Ladies conferences • Keshas (Overnight prayer) Western is a key player in the National DOF Conference. They attended the conference in the numbers and gave handsomely towards the development day.

God has taken them to tremendous heights. They had an annual conference in August over 300 women gathered to be empowered and they were blessed. Pastors wives seminars The ‘She Pastors’ continue to meet and encourage one another in the support of their husband’s ministries and a taking up their rightful positions in the church. They have witnessed significant church growth. They are trusting God to take them to higher heights.

2015 News let ter Daughters of Faith

Year of Harvest



KITUI REGION REGIONAL CORDINATOR – REVEREND ESTHER KASINA REGIONAL OVERSEER – REVEREND MR AND MRS KYALO Report by Rev Esther Kasina Kitui Region works under the leadership of our Patron Esther Kasina. MEETINGS The region carries out subregional meetings which address the different faculties as follows: • National DOF Conference • Pastors wives seminars • Ladies conferences • Keshas (Overnight prayer) The national representatives are Esther Kasina and Dinah Willie. National DOF Conference Kitui participated in the National DOF Conference held in Nakuru yearly. This year they gave towards the development day and brought many delegates to attend. Regional Conference They carried out a great regional conference and their main speaker was Pst Iddah Kyalo from Kangundo Sub region. Other speakers included our Regional Overseer rev Agnes Chalo. One of the sub regional overseers Augustus Munuve also attended. It was a real transforming conference. Pastors Wives Kitui also organized a pastor’s wives conference with the key speaker Rev. Janet Kala restoring and blessing the women in a great way. 16

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Year of Harvest




eptember 19th, 2015 is a day that the National DOF Council will live to remember. The fenced site for the Dof Rongo Hostels was resplendent with 5 tents decorated with balloons and ribbons in the Dof colours: lilac, purple,hot pink and white. At 11am Bishop Mark Kariuki and his team arrived , having first paid a courtesy call at the Rongo University. It is Bishop who had given consent that the Dof put up the hostels at Rongo having weighed the proposal against others from other regions. He was here to finally break the ground so that construction would begin. The joint choir from Migori subregion broke out into jubilant praise to God as Bishop was received by Dof who stood out in hot pink. He received a bouquet of flowers amidst much ululation from the gathered congregation. And what a congregation drawn from the host South Nyanza region joined by neighbours; Western, Bomet and Kericho regions. They had arrived on bicycles, motorbikes, private cars,

psvs and school buses At the dias sat our beloved regional overseers Rev & Mrs Nyarieko,Rev & Mrs Rotich, Rev&Mrs Odhoch ,Rev Ndiba,Rev Kanyingi ,Rev & Mrs Mwangi.Rev& Mrs Kamwaro were present as were Rev& Mrs Otigo. The clergy from Migori county were present led by Rongo Pastors fellowship.The representative of the county commissioner was present together with local leaders. To grace the occasion were Bishops Paul & Mrs Peris Oselu. The day was full of beauty as Bishop accompanied by Mom Joyce cut the ribbon as he accessed the dias. He prophesied that as he had cut off the barrier so every barrier in the hearers’ lives had been cut off. The congregation received the prophesy with joy Speeches followed the vibrant praise and worship. Rev Kennedy Nyarieko welcomed everyone to S/ Nyanza.When it was Bishop’s time to speak, he read from the books of Numbers 26:10,Isaiah1:2, 34:1, 49:13 and

Jeremiah 4:28. He expounded on the earth having ears and so can hear, mouth and so can speak. During the actual ground breaking, which was very symbolic, Bishop annointed the ground with fresh annointing oil. He spoke to the ground commanding it to yield and give way for magnificent hostels. He dug the ground prophesying to hard rock to break to pieces and to the earth not to mourn but to give forth her riches. The vast congregation was on its feet to receive every blessing To commemorate the day, the host Rev Nyarieko and Rev Otigo took the Bishop and his team through the tree planting exercise. Bishop Mark, Mom Joyce and Bishop Oselu all planted trees at strategic points on the ground. It was not over until the cake cutting ceremony crowned the day. Assisted by Bishop Peris, our beloved Mom fed her gathered children cake having cut it in recognition of the noble work that had been done by Rev Margaret Muchai, the Coordinator and leader of the National Dof council who had relocated to the US. Bishop Oselu released the congregation with closing prayer which ushered all to a sumptuous lunch at Rongo Deliverance Church thanks to the dedicated team under Pastor Sam Owino. Bishop’s team had lunch at the home of the late Mrs Beldine Nyerere, the first Dof regional coordinator S/Nyanza.It was a glorious day well coordinated among Mrs Kamwaro representing Dof, Revs Nyarieko & Otigo and Pastor Lutome,the MC. TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY.

2015 News let ter Daughters of Faith

Year of Harvest


Pitcure Speak


Daughters of Faith Ne ws let ter 2015

Year of Harvest


2015 News let ter Daughters of Faith

Year of Harvest



National cordinator Deliverance Church Cordinating activivites in dof 2010-2015


aughters of Faith would like to sincerely thank Bishop Dr. Mark Kariuki for standing with our Ministry commissioning us, recognizing us and lifting us to the next level. We know that our lives have been significantly transformed and our ministries catapulted under your anointing. We appreciate your Grace and appointing of Reverend Margaret Muchai to administer the DOF ministry during her time as the National Coordinator. She is a woman of faith, valor and aptitude. Reverend Margaret has a heart of gold and the foresight of kings. Under her leadership we witnessed the daughters of faith ministry grow in leaps and bounds. We saw and heard numerous testimonies of lives changing, economies growing, families re-uniting, healing, open wombs and clergies being born in the Daughters of Faith Ministry. We admire her and only pray that God will open up her doors in her knew excelled ministry as a missionary in the United States of America. Reverend Margaret DOF will miss you active work her in Kenya but we know that you are always going to be in our hearts, we will always turn you for our accurate advice and will pray for you always. PASTOR MARGARET MUCHAI ACHIEVEMENTS DAUGHTERS OF FAITH COUNCIL 2010 - Initiation of the Daughters of Faith Council – Women representatives from all over Kenya NATIONAL CONFERENCE MOBILIZATION • 2010 – Over 1500 ladies attended the conference


Daughters of Faith Ne ws let ter 2015

Year of Harvest

2011 – Over 2000 ladies attended the conference • 2012 – Over 2500 ladies attended the conference • 2013 – Over 2800 ladies attended the conference • 2014 – Over 3000 ladies attended the conference • 2015 – Over 3300 ladies attended the conference Each year the National Conference has witnessed an increase in women attending form every region in the country. We applaud Reverend Margaret’s great skill in appropriation and mobilization. 2012 – INITIATION OF THE QUARTERLY DOF KESHAS COUNTRYWIDE MARCH, JUNE AND OCTOBER • 2012 – 3000 women attended keshas in all 15 regions • 2013 – 5000 women attended keshas in all 15 regions • 2014 – 8500 women attended keshas in all 15 regions • 2015 – 9,500 women attended keshas in all 15 regions 2012 BIRTH OF WOMEN DEVELOPMENT DAY TOWARDS THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WOMEN’S CONFERENCE CENTER STAGE ONE: BUILDING OF WOMEN’S HOSTELS IN RONGO FUNDS RAISED 2012-2015 OVER 14,500,000.00 have been raised towards the project. • LAND HAS BEEN PURCHASED IN RONGO • LAND HAS BEEN DEDICATED BY BISHOP MARK KARIKI • COMMENSMENT AND BUILDING TO BEGIN 2016




ev. Eunice Rotich was born and raised up in a small village known as Mugango in Bomet County; Rift Valley Province in 1969. She was born to a family of eleven, 4 sons and 7 daughters being last born daughter of Jane and the late Benson Boror. She is a graduate of Kenyatta University with BED- Education and Diploma in Transformation Leadership from PAC University. She is a teacher by profession and she left teaching to join the County Government of Bomet as a Vice Chair of Public Service Board in 2013 where she serves to-date. She got married to Rev. Rotich in 1990 and are blessed with 5 children. She got saved in 1982 and was baptized the same year. She later joined Deliverance Church in 1986 and became a praise and worship leader who

organized evangelism, youth meetings and mentorship programmes among others. She is currently the Resident Pastor at Oasis of LifeSilibwet where her husband is the Senior Pastor. Rev. Eunice was ordained by Bishop Mark in the year 2007 and became the Regional Overseer of the South Rift Bomet. She had been serving as Regional leader in the DOF. She has a big heart and can accommodate all regardless of her position in the church and in the county. This year the South Rift Daughters of Faith Ministry nominated her as the Hero of the Year whereby she was celebrated by all the 21 sub-regions in a colorful ceremony which was attended by more than 200 pastors and over 600 members of both Deliverance Church and other neighbouring denominations. This year on 20th November 2015 Bishop Dr. Mark Kariuki commissioned her as the first Daughters of Faith National Coordinator. The commemoration was done in the presence of Pst Joyce Kariuki, Rev. and the Daughters of faith Council We believe in her and know that she will take Daughters of Faith to the next level.

2015 News let ter Daughters of Faith

Year of Harvest



Year of Harvest

Daughters of Faith Ne ws let ter 2015

Rev. Eve Kiara Rev. Jenniffer Kahare Mrs. Catherine Kimani Mrs. Loise K.Chege Mrs. Carol Juma Mrs. Susan Kariuki Mrs. Grace M.Yumbya Rev. Petronillah Kitheka

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Mrs. Margaret Siele

Rev. Margaret Muchai



South Rift – Kericho



Nairobi South

North Rift

North Rift


Central Rift

Mt. Kenya/Facilitating

Deliverance Church - Secretariat










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