Nyamata Academy Year Magazine

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Nyamata Issue No. 03

A ca d e m y M a g a z i n e


sh l Freurfu w Ne Colo &



Inside The Great Hope Three Steps to Success History of Nyamata Academy Facts About Leadership Illiteracy as a Great Enemy

SCHOOL PRAYER Thank you Lord, you are good and great, Thank you for this day, Bless us, bless our school Nyamata, Bless our Teachers, bless our parents and, bless our country Tanzania, Lord enable us to understand our subjects, respect our parents, elders and ourselves AMEN


Nyamata, Nyamata, Nyamata our school,

We look at you with pride,

You are known far and wide,

You are always our guide,

We will never forget you.


Our teachers, our teachers, our teachers,

Our school, we trust in your advice,

You teach us good moral and respect,

We will never forget you.


Our values; unity, solidarity, discipline,

Our motto: education is eternal,

We will never forget you Nyamata.

VISION To be the center of excellence in providing quality education that is globally competitive.

MISSION To offer quality primary education tailored to achieve holistic and desired goals of our nation and beyond world class systems of education for life at affordable cost.

PHILOSOPHY Nyamata Academy believes that; education is eternal and the source of wisdom for furthering humankind provided by competent, committed, motivated and morally conscious teachers.

CORE VALUES Team work, accountability, respect, and integrity (TARI)




Nursery class graduation






Messages from school management and committee


Nyamata Academy History


Staff and pupils photos and Articles


Messages from parents

Nursery Teachers during graduation


Nyamata Magazine is an annual publication of

Chief Editor

Dr. S. S. Ngendabanka

Nyamata Academy.


Meshack Ogeto

Paul Otieno Magara

Joel Asiago

Art Direction/Design/layout

Arnold Njuki


Colour Print TZ Ltd

All correspondence should be addressed to: P.O. BOX 11184 DSM Tel: +255 715 718 228 / +255 788 408 706 +255 753 059 131 Email: nyamata2010@gmail.com Website:nyamataacademy.ac.tz

2014 Academy Magazine NYAMATA

Education is eternal




wish to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to GOD for giving us life and space and thus ability to produce this third edition of Nyamata Academy Magazine. I would like to give a warm welcome to our esteemed stakeholders to take a glance on this magazine. The magazine displays activities and events that took place in the year 2014. This magazine is made besides informing

our stakeholders of the school developments and events, but more importantly to encourage and develop student writing skills. We also wish to tape words of wisdom from staff and parents. This magazine is an outcome of the contribution of many people who gave us moral, intellectual and material support. I take this opportunity to thank them all because it will not be possible to mention all of them here. I therefore would like to mention few whose contribution is very significant. First and foremost I would like thank Editorial Committee

We also thank our esteemed readers and parents for the constructive criticism and feedback on the first two editions that has helped us very much in improving this edition.

for coordinating the development of the articles from pupils, staff and parents. Sincere thanks are to all those who contributed articles as detailed in the magazine. Many thanks are to parents for sponsoring production of this magazine. We appreciate very much for the contributions from the entire Nyamata family namely; Board of Directors, School Committee, School Management, staff and pupils. We also thank our esteemed readers and parents for the constructive criticism and feedback on the first two editions that have helped us very much in improving this edition.

Last but not the least I wish to thank the publisher and printers M/S Colour Printer (T) Ltd for printing this magazine professionally. The editorial team wishes to encourage readers to present comments and suggestions on how to improve future editions of this magazine. We remain accountable for any shortfall in respect to this magazine. Dr. S. S. Ngendabanka Chief Editor


NYAMATA Academy Magazine 2014

Education is eternal



his current committee was elected during the annual parents meeting held in July, 2014. The voice of the committee is to be a bridge between parents and teachers. The committee oversee that the quality of

education in Nyamata is of highest quality and also pupils and teachers’ welfare and discipline are in order.

On behalf of the School Committee I would like to extend my hearty congratulation to the members of the school staff for successful compilation and publishing of this edition.

We are also entrusted to ensure that there is a qualified teaching staff, adequate and modern classroom and learning facilities. We as committee members are committed to represent parents fully and ensure that, our children’s lives are well taken care of. I therefore, urge all parents to continue to give in hand and unfailing support to school management, staff and finally school committee so as to achieve the mission and objective of the school that is tailored to academic excellence. We are glad to witness steady growth of Nyamata in terms of academic standard, discipline, technology and infrastructure. The school is planning to start offering hostel services to our pupils in 2015. On behalf of the School Committee I would like to extend my hearty congratulation to the members of the school staff for successful compilation and publishing of this edition. Bravo! We also appreciate for the various activities like sports and academic trip organized. Ndaki Munyeti

2014 Academy Magazine NYAMATA Education is eternal is eternal




F Nyamata could not attain significant milestones and its current shape without the dedication, sacrifices, vision and leadership of the School Director, for this matter I high thank him. I would also wish to express my thanks to the Editorial Committee for coordinating production of our third issue of our school magazine.


NYAMATA Academy Magazine 2014

Education is eternal

irst and foremost I would like to thank God for taking Nyamata through March 2010 to December 2014 peacefully and with strong solidarity among us and stakeholders that has led to tremendous achievements. As we look forward to celebrating our fifth on 8th March, 2015 we would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to all those who in one way or another made contribution to the birth and growth of Nyamata Academy. I am highly indebted to the parents who have trusted us and thus enrolled their pupils with Nyamata, teachers and staff for their commitment to work and support from the School Committee, government officials and the community at large. Nyamata could not attain significant milestones and its current shape without the dedication, sacrifices, vision and leadership of the School Director, for this matter I high thank him. I would also wish to express my thanks to the Editorial Committee for coordinating production of our third issue of our school magazine. Dear stakeholders I believe that you will realise that there is significant improvement in quality of the creative works of both pupils and teachers and continual collaboration between Nyamata family and its stakeholders year after year that signify that, the school is getting established and so the culture is getting consolidated itself with clear focus and identity. We are working hard to establish and strengthen Nyamata Brand in terms of academic competency and discipline among our pupils and staff. To attain this, we look forward to institute quality management system as from January 2015 whereby among other things, internal quality audit team will be established. In the year 2014 was we had the second grade seven with 40 pupils. We are very happy as all performed well with an average of ‘A’ and ‘B’ with only three having ‘C’ in their National Grade Seven examination. These are pupils who were all transferred to Nyamata and we had to mould them based on different backgrounds. Most of them managed secure admission for form one in the reputable

secondary schools such as St. Marian schools, Mazinde Juu, Canosa, Msolwa, St. Anthony and Kandoto to mention a few. We have witnessed our school being among the leading and fast growing primary schools in the region and national at large. We attribute these successes to the confidence our clients in particular parents and pupils on our constantly improving services delivery systems and ultimately the quality of our academic and discipline standards

more teachers and thus attained the teacher student ratio of not more than 1:30. I would wish once again to say to our precious pupils that we thank God for blessing you with life and love of your families and relatives. Moreover, God has blessed you with opportunity for a good education and talents which enables you to appreciate creation in its splendour and possibilities. I therefore, strongly urge you to optimize this opportunity to develop faculties of knowledge, skills and talents so that you make

school buses and ever increasing prices of school consumables. We adopted the concept of viewing challenges as opportunities that has helped us in devising strategies in managing or coping with the challenges.

We look forward that the coming year 2015 will be more exciting as we will embark on two major projects that will require huge amount of money and high level of commitment by the Board of Directors, School Committee, Management, staff and support from parents. The two projects are Our dear parents and pupils construction of dormitories we sincerely appreciate the and biogas plant. The patience you exhibited when We look forward that the dormitories are meant to we suffered service disruption provide opportunity to pupils following breakdown of our coming year 2015 will be from far places and outside school buses leading to delay more exciting as we will the country. First priority of picking the pupils to or from embark on two major will be given to examination the school. We also enjoyed projects that will require classes namely grade IV and very much the collaboration huge amount of money and VII to stay in campus so that and support of the parents they can have enough time in giving ideas on school high level of commitment and close assistance as they improvement by individuals by the Board of Directors, prepare for the National and through parents meeting. School Committee, Examinations. In the year 2014 we managed to record significant achievements including completion of the construction of additional eight (8) class rooms to take care of the growing demand, modern library, computer laboratory, four (4) offices and extension of the student cafeteria that is capable of carrying 1200 pupils at a time. This expansion of buildings has created available space to accommodate addition 280 pupils. We also managed to buy one (1) car for school operations and recruited five (5)

Management, staff and support from parents.

a meaning to the human kind and this very dynamic world. You need to focus on your studies and refrain from bad behaviours such as absenteeism, not doing home works and disobedience. The year 2014 could not end without challenges. Challenges faced include; delays in payments of school fees that greatly hampered our operations, bad roads that led to breakdown of

The biogas plant will help in recycling waste to generate gas for cooking food and other domestic uses. This will cut down cost for purchasing fire woods and disposal of wastes while at the same time saving water for irrigation of the gardens. Minor work will involve re-painting of old class rooms. WE PRESENT ALL OUR PLANS BEFORE GOD SO THAT HE CAN MAKE THEM HAPPEN. Once again I thank you all for using Nyamata Academy services.

2014 Academy Magazine NYAMATA

Education is eternal


Our dear parents/ guardians our school can shine upon embraced positive attitude towards child development.

Head Teacher’s



t is with immense and paramount gladness again as the howling of the wind that, I convey another message through this channel.

Our school is unique in quite a number of ways. For the past years up to date we have dominated the top academically. We have produced very good results in National Examination as well as other Local Exams. This has been as the results of hard work and dedication by my very able colleagues and the disciplined pupils. Our parents also have been very supportive in fact. It would be sufficient to attribute our colourful performance over the years to the impressive teamwork by all the Nyamata Academy stakeholders.


NYAMATA Academy Magazine 2014

Education is eternal

We are striving industriously as a team in search of fame and fortune of our school. This is possible as we don’t believe in building castle in the air but aiming at the top rank locally, nationally and internationally. Unity is strength and therefore I call upon great harmony from the parents, guardians, teachers, support staff and learners to collectively work in lieu of directives in prospect of achieving the set goals. Our dear parents/guardians our school can shine upon embraced positive attitude towards development. Let us join our hands in moulding our children in aspects of coming up with responsible and valuable future leaders. Welcome to Nyamata pre and primary school and you will not regret for your son or daughter being with us. Mr. Nobih Stackus Majura


The Great



am indeed greatly honoured to have an opportunity of writing in this year’s 3rd edition School magazine.

Behind the academic excellence is a number of highly motivated and qualified team of teachers who guarantees that your child gets the first class academic knowledge, they all work as one team in a well-coordinated service delivery system.

Our school Nyamata has four aspects or pillars that give its picture. These pillars are the vision, mission, philosophy, and core values.

By securing a chance for your child in Nyamata, not only gives good education to your child but also a chance to meet and interact with various professional and international teachers who provide knowledge and life skills tips required in the growth of healthy youths for a healthy nation.

Nyamata pre and primary school believe that, all students have the potential hence the reason why we value all with equal regards. We guide all students to achieve their full potential. This has so far given the school the title among the best performing Schools in Tanzania. To be the centre of excellence in providing quality education, we endeavour and strive to provide a conducive academic environment which facilitates our students to be acceptable in the world’s academic standards. The environment include physical infrastructure e.g modern classrooms, library, computer lab and external Academic trips to places like Ngorongoro, Bagamoyo, Mikumi, Dar Zoo and Fun city to enrich the classroom learning. The secret behind good school performance lies within the above mentioned aspects and in addition to the best school Management Team, led by School Director, Manager, School Committee, Head Teacher and other staff members.

Our school Nyamata has four aspects or pillars that give its picture. These pillars are the vision, mission, philosophy, and core values.

Nyamata School comprises of both Nursery and primary and the faces behind the success of the school lies within these people. The management is the key driver, the staff or teachers are components and the journey is safe .We already had two steps but remember the journey of one thousand miles starts with one step Below is the Nyamata Teaching Staff responsible for imparting knowledge, skills and right attitude to the pupils;

Meshack Ogeto

2014 Academy Magazine NYAMATA

Education is eternal


The school offers education in both nursery and primary. The school has a team of highly spirited, inspired, motivated and experienced teachers and support staff.




Nyamata programmes

Nyamata academy started its operations on 8th march 2010 by admitting the first child called Uweso Mussa in nursery class. It is an English medium school. It has two sections namely pre-school and primary section .The school offers education in both nursery and primary. The school has a team of highly spirited, inspired, motivated

Nursery school admits children as from 3 to 6 years while primary school entry age is from 6-7 years. The syllabus is based on the Tanzania National Curriculum. The school offers wide range of extra-curricular activities including art, craft, music, sports, athletics, clubs e.g. scouting, debate and

and experienced teachers and support staff.

Registration The school is registered with Ministry of Education and Vocational Training since November 2010. The registration numbers are DS. 01/7/ES.64 for Nursery

interesting school trips.

Location The school is located at Mwanagati within Kitunda Ward approximately 7km from Banana and 4 km from Buza/ Kitunda Junction.

School and primary DS.01/7/64.

School year The school year for both nursery and primary is from early January to December. The first term is from January to April, second term from May to August and third term from September to December. There is a long vocation in December and short ones during April and August.

Parents-school relationship Parent-school relations are maintained through school committee, annual parents meeting, academic day where parents and teachers do discuss students’ progress, regular teacher –parent communication and sports and cultural activities. Parents are encouraged to contact respective teachers or school management for any assistance or for giving feedback, complement and suggestions focusing on performance improvement.


NYAMATA Academy Magazine 2014

Education is eternal

Contact address: P.O. BOX 11184 DSM (Manager) 0683157090/0765868521/0715718228 (Head Teacher) 0788408706/0759906091 (Asst. Head Teacher & Academic Master) 0788415385/0753778284 (Cashier) 068157090/0765868521 Email: nyamata2010@gmail.com Website: nyamataacademy.ac.tz

Tr. Alfred Daudi



1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

1) Nyamata is a centre of 10) Opposite of she 12) Traditional communication equipment 13) Single 14) Food for young ones 15) Small insects which migrate in a group 16) Immerse something in liquid 17) Not in good health 18) To change direction 19) To compete with others in attempt to win something

Our school motto, education is............... Mother of a puppy The king of the jungle A type of computer Ten increased by one One of the sensory organs Not accepting A dry land in an ocean or lake The white substance at the top of a mountain The product from hens/my house has no door.

Culinary Department

We ensure that students and staff eat safe and nutritious food. 2014 Academy Magazine NYAMATA

Education is eternal



THE HEART • A heart is a muscular organ that contracts and relaxes. • Its function is to pump blood to all parts of the body. • Its size is of that human fist(folded hand) • Normally, the heart beats 72 times per minute. •

The heart has four chambers.

Upper chambers are called auricles and the lower ones are called ventricles.



The right auricle receives deoxygenated blood from all parts of the body through vena cava. This blood is sent into the right ventricle after which it is sent to the lungs for oxygenation through the pulmonary artery. Oxygenated blood from the lungs comes back to the heart through the pulmonary vein into he left auricle. From the left auricle, the blood moves Mahir Gharib Grade 6A



down into the left ventricle. From here, blood is pumped to the body through aorta.

Louse & The


wo little animals a louse and an ant wanted to go for an open air dance. They washed and oiled themselves. The ant wanted to look more beautiful than the louse.

She wanted to have a big head and very small waist. She looked for a belt and tied it tightly around her waist that she almost cut herself into two. When the louse saw her friend, she laughed until her nose jumped out of her face and flow almost a metre away. Poor louse was left without a nose.


NYAMATA Academy Magazine 2014

Education is eternal

Nassir Yusuph Grade 6A



Enock Ogeto Grade 6A


Katibu Nkhata wa



Kata ya Mkata alikataa katakata kukata miti

1. A lorry rolling down valley road

katika kata ya mkata.

ferrying loads of lollipops. 2. She sells sea shells at the sea shore. 3. Kantai is a Maasai boy and can tie and untie a tie. If Kantai can tie and untie a tie, why can’t I tie and untie a tie as Kantai can tie and untie a tie?


4. If Beatrice bought bitter butter what

Teacher: How do you call your

can make bitter butter better?

grandfather’s father?

5. Solly went to the sea shore to see

Pupils: The oldest grandfather.

ships sailing. 6. Let’s look for the look and rock that

Irene Masatu

rolled down the rolled robot made by

Grade 6B

Robot Roller.



ne day the cactus said to the pineapple, “why don’t you become a cactus and rescue yourself

from the pain of being peeled, sliced and squeezed by the canner’s knives and blades all for the pleasure of a thirsty mouth?” But the pineapple said to the cactus,” whether the sun rises or sets and donkeys become horses or not, I will forever be a pineapple ready to be peeled, sliced and squeezed: all for




fox was once caught in a trap. It was only after a tough struggle that she could get free, but to her

sorrows, her beautiful tail had been cut off and left in the trap. “How ugly shall I look?” Moaned the fox, “Will other foxes laugh at me?” Thinking hard the fox hit upon a plan to save herself from being laughed at. She called upon her friends for a meeting and said, “Brothers, have you wondered why after all we carry these long tails? Let us cut them off and be free from their heavy work of carrying them on daily basis.” The other foxes had noticed her cut off tail. They laughed

the pleasure of a thirsty mouth and remember that

aloud and replied,” You used to say that tail looked very

human being survive through me.”

fine when yours was alright. Now, that you have lost yours, you want us to lose ours too. We are not ready to

Amelye Kwame. Grade 6A

ashame our beloved creator.” Moral: Dirty tricks are not vital in any society. Farida Ally , Grade 6B

2014 Academy Magazine NYAMATA

Education is eternal



Happines Peter Grade 5A

You are born a champion no matter what obstacles and difficulties lie on your way. They are not one tenth so great as the ones that you have already overcome with as successful image.


On the ning nang nong where the cows go bong! And where the Monkeys say bo.

I always thought I knew them right, but it is only

There is a nong nang ning where trees go ping!

difficult to master irregular verbs.

And the tea pots jibber jabber joo. On the nong ning nang all the mice go clang and you just

Nothing is impossible to do in this world,

can’t catch when they do so it’s ning nang.

anything needs daily practice. Therefore through

Cows go bong nong nang ning

observation and keen spelling

Trees go ping

mastery is possible. Learn them by looking at these

Nong ning nang

irregular verbs and see what theymean.

The mice go clang What a nisy place to belong Is the ning nang ning nang nong Iptisam Taimur Grade 5B

Present tense

Past tense







Franky Moshy, Grade 5B


MATHEMATICS? I love mathematics very much. It is my favourite subject. Mathematics is a foundational science. Mathematics is life. Everything you do in life is mathematics i.e. buying and selling, farming, cooking they all entail maths and many other practical situations. By Keyah Jere Grade 5A


A Good Student 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Be cooperative: Get along well with others friendly and helpfully. Take initiative: Be resourceful, look for things to learn and do. Exchange of new ideas makes one resourceful. Develop a right attitude: Accept constructive criticism and improve greatly, as well as observational skills are required. Be courteous: Be polite always and considerate to others. Focus on quality: Be accurate and mind on the best outcome. Be a role model: Be careful about character. Look neat and count yourself a successful person.

By Rozina Rajabu Grade 5B 12

NYAMATA Academy Magazine 2014

Education is eternal

The Listener & Other Class Poems

3 Steps to Success The


The first crucial step to success is to find what you love to do, then do it. Unless you love your work, you cannot possibly consider yourself successful at it, even if the rest of the world hails you as a great achiever. Loving your work, you have a deep desire to carry it out.


The second bold step to success is to specialise in some particular branch of work and try hard to excel in it. Suppose a student chose science as a profession, he/she should concentrate on one of many branches in this field and give all his/her time and attention to his chosen speciality.


The third step is also important that you must be sure that what you want to do does not contribute only to your own success but also to the community. Your desire should not be selfish oriented. Your aim should strive to serve the world. It will then come back to you magnified and full of blessings.

The eagle He claps the crag with crooked hands. Close to the sun in lovely hands. Ringed with the sure world, he stands. The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls; He wrath from his mountain walls; And like a thunderbolt he falls. Belinda Carlos Grade 5A

By Samuel Lukas Ngowo Grade 5

EDUCATION L a z i n e s s Laziness is not encouraged in education. Many children think that education is hard but it is a wrong thought. It only needs commitment and hard working to achieve education targets. The roots of education are bitter but fruits of education are sweeter and practical after school. I urge parents to take their children to good school like Nyamata where they can Irene Beldon Grade 4

realize their full potential academically.

FIRST AID In case of any accident or injury, it is very important to give first aid to a person before medical treatment is done. First Aid saves life. Anyone should know the first action to be taken in different types of accident. I urge every family or institution to have a first aid kit. Vashiku Kiteguo, Grade 4B

Warm Welcome

to Nyamata Pre and Primary School. It is a good school. If you come, you Welcome will see smiling and charming teachers, good buildings, good playgrounds, gardens with good flowers and vegetables. The school offers high class services in education, transport and meals. On Friday we usually have sports and on Tuesday we are taught religion. Kelvin Kahyoza, Grade 4A 2014 Academy Magazine NYAMATA

Education is eternal


Students who scored “A” in all subjects in necta grade vii, 2014


What Do they



Tr. Geofrey Lyungu with grade VA Wise men argues cases, foolish decide them

Tr. Florence ObinyA with Baby A Even the small candle burns brightness in the candle 14

NYAMATA Academy Magazine 2014

Education is eternal


Tr. Faustine selestine with grade V B Since when did an emotional argument win logic?

Tr. Josephine Ntupwa with Baby B At the touch of love, every one become a poet

What Do they


Tr. Janeth Sechambo With Baby C There is always light for those who want to see

Tr. Mary Makori with Middle A Personality is a mask you believe in

Tr. Monica Msocha with the Middle B Personality is to man while flower is to a flower

Tr. Edith Shembilu with Top class A Struggle for victory

Tr. Rose Bwaina With Top class B Make hay while the sun shines

Tr. Ann Njeri with grade 1A Before God we are equal wise and equally foolish

2014 Academy Magazine NYAMATA

Education is eternal


What Do they


Tr. Anna Joseph with grade 1B Writing is the best way to talk without interrupted

Tr. Elija Makori with grade IIA Don’t kill a dream execute it

Tr. Joash Otieno with grade IIC A little in accuracy Sometimes saves a ton of explanation


NYAMATA Academy Magazine 2014

Education is eternal

Tr. Afred Daud with grade 1C Only the dead have seen the end of the war

Tr. Talitha Nchimbi with grade IIB Peace is its own reward

Tr. Matilda Temu with grade IIIA A generation that ignores history has no past and no future

What Do they


TR. Aggrey Sanga with grade IIIB Sports do not build character they reveal it

Tr. Crispin Nyirenda with grade IVA The greatest question in life is to reach one’s potential

Tr. Macarious Anthony with grade IIIC Beauty is God’s hand writing

Tr. Joel Asiago with grade IVB Joy comes from using potential

The guest of honour Mr. Ndaki Mnyeti (fifth standing from right) in a group picture with Nursery class during their graduation ceremony, November 2014 2014 Academy Magazine NYAMATA

Education is eternal


Mesages from Staff Communication with children Caregivers communicate with children in order to guide them. Children can be guided by both verbal and non verbal messages .The following techniques can help make communication with children more effective: a)


Maintain eye contact during conversations. This will help you to pick details from the body language Keep messages simple and brief .When talking with a young child use simple words and short sentences .Give children only one or two simple instructions at a time.



Speak in a relaxed voice. Use calm, quiet, relaxed tone of voice with children. They are more likely to listen to this type of voice. In case you raise your voice in an emergency, they will be more likely to pay attention to you. Reinforce words with action when necessary. Remember that actions speak louder than words.

e) Use positive statements. Emphasize what children should do rather than what they should not do. f) Answer children questions briefly and truthfully. No matter what children ask, a simple answer is likely to satisfy their curiosity. Answer any question in a manner appropriate

Paul Bujashi Assistant Academic Master to the child’s level of understanding.



o many years back, there was nothing by the name ugali. People enjoyed all types of food except this one. In its place, people mixed flour with cold water and there, the meal was ready. That is to say fire was not requisite for cooking ugali. Some of the foods that had to go through fire, though not always were meat and some vegetables. Nyachoti was a man married to two wives. The second wife came in as a result of disappointment he got from the first one who was unable to bear him children. To be precise, she was barren. Polygamy in traditional African setting was allowed especially in situations like poor Nyachoti’s. The first wife was forced to accept the second wife and in fact to some extent, she proposed her co-wife to be. This earned respect to both the wife and the husband. Children were the source of prestige in the family. After she got married to Nyachoti, Getuma conceived after one month. Her husband became extremely happy. Indeed he was as happy as a king. He went all around his village spreading the good news. He knew that his time to disgrace his enemies had come. It was indeed good news to all villagers who had sympathy with him. As a way of appreciating Getuma, Nyachoti


NYAMATA Academy Magazine 2014

Education is eternal

ordered Sina, his first wife to take care of her. Sina was to prepare food, wash her outfit, do all other sorts of cleanliness. This did a great damage to Sina’s feelings. Yes, she welcomed her co-wife to end disgrace she had caused the family but she never meant to be displaced. Anything happen to a person and whoever it is can cope with it but not losing one’s place to someone when it comes to family issues. It is hard to take. Sina had to device away of retaining her place in her husband’s home. The husband had started avoiding her in favour of Getuma. Every time he returned home from work, he enquired about the wellbeing of Getuma only. At times, Nyachoti complained about Sina not taking care of his expectant wife. This rubbed salt to Sina’s already threatening open wound.”This woman has turned my husband away from me. I must react before something happens to me.”She said to herself. A thought of poisoning her came into her but, No, it will be discovered that I killed her, nobody gives her food except me.” She continued getting ideas but still continued disqualifying them until she settled on one that could not betray her. One day, she decided to put the mixture of flour and cold water on fire, heated it very much so that when Getuma ate it she could be burnt to death. She was very happy, “I got a plan” that day she was so nice to her co-wife since to the best of her knowledge that was the last day she was living. The plan of killing her was mature and nobody would discover it. Everything went on as planned, cleaned everything, washed Getuma’s clothes knowing after all they were going to remain to

her after she is dead and gone. She cooked ugali, it was indeed hot she dared not to taste it lest she die first. She also boiled vegetables so the meal was hot indeed; she took it served her enemy who at this time was very hungry. She hid herself behind the house and peeped to see how the hot meal would kill Getuma. She ate the food while shaking the hands since it was very hot. She could not help sweating. To Sina, this was an indication that Getuma was soon going to die. After the food was over she slept until the evening. To Sina’s disappointment, she woke up when the husband came back. To ensure that her plan worked, Sina did this everyday but the more she did it the healthier and stronger Getuma became. Everybody started congratulating Sina for taking good care of the pregnant woman. This wasn’t her plan but because everybody likes a good name, she disguised her anger and disappointment in laughter. “Yes, it is the only thing I can do to make my husband happy.” People wanted to know what she was doing to make Getuma healthy and strong. She explained everything but withheld her intent lest she be branded a witch. From then henceforth, people stopped eating raw flour and started cooking ugali. That is how ugali came into being. Anger was its genesis. LESSON Sometimes we can do things out of anger; however it is in most cases destructive. In life we need to love each other and manage each situation with maturity with fear of god. By Paul Magara

LIFE AS A THORNY ROSE Our life is like a thorny rose, Not perfect, but always beautiful, The thorns represent the hardships in our lives, The delicate red petals serve as indicators, on the fun and beautiful things in our lives.


Never trouble troubles For if you trouble troubles The troubles will trouble you And trouble others too So stop being troublesome. By Geofrey J. Lyungu

As a young rose ,the petals hugging around the seed are ;the family and friends very close, close indeed, whose main duty is to protect, love, provide for our needs whenever arises as well as take care of us. Blankly to hit the nail on the head I lure you to make sober decisions by securing your

son/daughter an opportunity to study in Nyamata Academy where victory is guaranteed. It is central point in imparting vital skills to the learners. Talents are nurtured in children as various clubs are valuable and to mention just but a few are debates, scouting, football, volley ball and table tennis. In a lucid and synopsis way Nyamata is a secure place full of security to ensure that your child is fully cared for. Welcome to Nyamata before sunset. Mr. Joel Asiago Head, English Department

Ngorongoro trip This was the most awaited trip ever since the inception of Nyamata pre and primary School. This trip was dated 2nd March 2014.The grade six and seven had this wonderful opportunity. They left Nyamata School for a 3 day trip.

Ngorogoro is a conservation area located between the Serengeti and lake Manyara within Tanzania famed northern safari circuit. The great volcanic Ngorongoro crater is 610m deep and covers an area of approximately 260km.sq.

Undoubtedly the most memorable and most exciting trip ever, we were a total of 68 students and 11 teachers. We travelled up to KARATU where we lodged for the night. The fun begun on the day when we went to the crater.

It is also a home of the big five animals of the world e.g. elephant, lion, Leopard, Rhinoceros and Buffalos that quite many. There are up to 25,000 big animals within the crater itself and mostly zebra and wild beasts. The crater is not only home of big five but also to more than 150 species of birds and other small animals. By Meshack Ogeto Trip Coordinator

Message From Sports & Games


other schools including St. Lawrence, Tumaini and Mwanagati Primary Schools and were quite colourful especially when our students participated well in football, athletics,

ear readers, welcome to sports

sack race, netball and bottle filling.

corner. This has been exciting

We empower our students to

year in sports in our school.

We had various competitions both internal and external.

develop their talents, motivate and nurture them carefully to participate without hindering their academic

Always remember sports are healthy, employment and unites and brings co-operation among people. Taking

Internal sports involved the two


houses namely Serengeti and

Culture is not left behind as more

to develop physically, spiritually and

inter- class traditional songs are


presented and judges always have

By Macarious Anthony

Ngorongoro teams among the staff and students. External sports involved Nyamata students competing with

hard time to choose the best.

active part in sports helps our children

Head, Sports and Games 2014 Academy Magazine NYAMATA

Education is eternal


A small truth to make life 100% IF A,B,C, D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z is equal to 1 - 26

Hard work H + A + R + D + W+ O+ R+K 8 + 1 + 18 + 4 + 23 + 15 + 18 + 11 = 98%

Knowledge K +N + O + W + L + E + D + G + E 11 + 14 + 15 + 23 +12 + 5 + 4 + 7 + 5 = 96%


L+O+V+E 12 + 15 + 22 + 5 = 54%

• The true measure of leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less. • A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see, and who sees before others do. • The larger the organisation, the more clearly the leader has to be able to see ahead. • The major barriers to successful planning are fear of change, ignorance, uncertainty about the future, and lack of imagination.


• The proof of leadership is found in the followers.


• Leaders earn respect by making sound decision, admitting their mistakes, and putting what’s best for their followers and the organization a head of their personal agenda.

L+U+C+K 12 + 21 +3 + 11 = 47% (don’t most of us think this is the most important???). Then what makes 100% Is it money?...........NO!!! 13 + 15 + 14 + 5 + 25 = 72%


L + E + A + D + E + R + S+ H + I + P 12 + 5 + 1 + 4 + 5 + 18 + 18 + 19 + 9 + 16 = 89% Every problem has a solution, only if we perhaps change our attitude. To go to the top, to that 100% what we really need is to further ...a bit more...

ATTITUDE A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E 1 + 20 + 20 + 9 + 20 + 21 + 4 + 5 = 100% It is our attitude toward life and work that makes our life 100%. Attitude is everything. Change your attitude ...... And you change your life


Some facts about leadership

NYAMATA Academy Magazine 2014

Education is eternal

• People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. • To lead yourself, use your head, to lead others, use your heart. • Where the leader has made true connection among the employees or followers there is incredible loyalty and strong work ethics. The vision of the leader becomes the aspiration of the people. The impact is incredible. • Great leaders gain authority by giving it away. The only way to make you indispensable is to make yourself dispensable. When you develop and empower your supporter you become more valuable. • The leader finds the dream and then people. The people find the leader and then the dream. You must first gain credibility before your vision/idea can be accepted no matter how great it is. People don’t at first follow worthy cause; they follow worthy leaders who promote worthwhile. • Great leaders find a way to win. When the pressure is on, great leaders are at their best. Whatever is inside them comes to the surface and works for or against them

• Character makes trust possible. And trust makes leadership possible. That is the law of solid ground.

• Successful leaders spend most of their time on 20% of the activities that result into 805 success of the organization. The rest of the activities are either delegate or abolished.

• The only thing that walks back from the tomb with mourners and refuses to be buried is the character of a man. This is true. What a man survives him. It can never be buried.

• Leadership success requires continual change, improvement and sacrifice. The higher the level of leadership people want to reach, the greater the sacrifices they will have to make.

• People naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves.

• With great leaders victory has no alternative.

• The greatest test of respect comes when a leader creates major change in an organization.

• Leaders who leave legacy lead with tomorrow as well as to day in mind. A leader’s lasting value is measured by succession.

• You can’t move people to action unless you first move them with emotion. The heart comes first before the head.

Dr. Sikubwabo S. Ngendabanka School Gurdian



he teacher opens the door but the students must enter by themselves. • Ideal teacher is the one that uses himself or herself as a bridge over which he/she invites the students to cross; then having facilitated their crossing joyfully, collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own. I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about beside homework. A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupils with desire to learn is hammering on cold iron. A good teacher gives more right

• •

questions than giving right answer. A good teacher indeed rise does not bid you to enter the house of wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind. a good teacher awaken pupils curiosity. It is enough to open minds not overload them. Put there just a spark. Good teachers are those who know how little they know, bad teachers are who think they know more while they don’t know. Fine teachers guide without dictating and participate without dominating. The best teacher is one who

• •

suggests rather that dogmatizes, inspires his/her listener with the wish to teach to learn from others.

By Rose Bwaina



he best thing for being happy is to learn something. That is the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your material things that you like most, you may see the world around you being devastated by evil lunatics, or see your honour trampled in the sewers of baser minds. Education is the only thing for it. Learn why the words wag and wag it. That is the only thing which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting. Learning is the only thing for you. That is why Nyamata Academy is there for our children to build about the best social, economic and political future of their lives. Mr. Jumanne Shitambala

UTENZI Utenzi huu unaendelea kutoka toleo lililopita 11.




Batuli ni dada yangu, Baada ya kuja kwangu, Bali yeye kwenye vyungu, Nitamsaidiaje?

aba na mama oneni, Baba nawe simgeni, Bibi pia hamuoni, Hivyo chonde msemeni,


Bubu yakimzidia, Bomu likamtopea, Baridi ikamwingia, Maneno yatamtoka.

Bara nako huko pwani, Bahari iwe tufani, Balaa lake sioni, Yule wa kulituliza. Bila semi ninasema, Baada ya kusimama, Banda letu kulichoma, Dada apate tulia.


Baya nalo sijaona, Baada hayo kunena, Bwana naye ayaona, Tuombe Baraka zake.


Basi na tuseme sote, Bwana wa Dunia yote, Baraka zake tupate, Dada yangu atulie.

Itaendelea toleo lijalo Mwl Makori Nyagiro.

2014 Academy Magazine NYAMATA

Education is eternal


Messages From Parents

Do you know your image?



ou might know yourself wrong or right depending on how you were brought up with your beloved parents. Different people may have varied opinions about you. It is possible that people in general may have yet another opinion about you. What may appear strange is that you may think very different about your parents. We cannot choose our parents. It is also not possible to control the environment in childhood. Besides nothing can be done about the time that has gone by. Therefore let’s thank our beloved parents who brought up us in ethical, integrity and respectful ways. It is now our turn, Nyamata workers to mould the pupils in the following aspect; academically, socially and spiritually. We expect a lot from young ones in the future. Nyamata director and management has given the best stepping stones to success in every discipline. Happy memories promote selfconfidence and faith in the institution of the home and family. Team work, self-esteem and cooperation are what cement the Nyamata family.

By George Asugo


NYAMATA Academy Magazine 2014

Education is eternal

is the great enemy


he greatest weapon has germinated to erase the word illiteracy for the betterment of human life. Tanzanians have been struggling but God has given us the way forward. Nyamata family is determined to serve the society. Sons and daughters of Africa are improving their brain power under well devoted teachers. Children of different ages and unique behaviours are well moulded, we take them to school with empty heads but with time are all ripe in terms of knowledge and able to expose all skills they have been taught. Who did all these? None but their loving and caring teachers who work tirelessly to lay an educational foundation in every child with a lot of tolerance and patience.

Thank you teachers on behalf of our children for the hard and tiring work that you are doing. May our good Lord bless you all. Please keep it up for their future benefit, the school and the nation at large. We have no doubt expectation up to now. Through God’s powerful support we are going to have and come up with doctors, Members of Parliament, ministers, and presidents of tomorrow from Nyamata. So work hard our dear children. By Jane D. M . Grand Parent to Lisa (Pre-Unit)


By Marton Kunzi Father to Glory Kunzi Grade VB



am very happy to get this chance to comment on this school magazine regarding our school Nyamata. Before my daughter transferred to this school she was a quite poor, could not read and write. Now she can read and write.

I applaud the entire staff for their devoted spirit to mould and build our children.

Bravo Nyamata Nyamata is growing fast physically, socially and academically. My children Benson and Carren transferred to Nyamata within this year but I can see very great changes academically. May God bless the entire Nyamata Academy staff.

Mr.Richard Philip Father to: Benson 3A and Carren IC

Nursery Teachers with their presents during nursery class graduation ceremony, November 2014

2014 Academy Magazine NYAMATA

Education is eternal


Hongera Nyamata! N

ina watoto wangu watatu , Joachim,

kidini na kijamii hasa wakitoa elimu

Mary na Johnson wanasoma

ya kiwango cha juu sana. •


na safi

Watoto wangu Mary na Joachim niliwahamisha toka shule ya Brain Trust na kuwapeleka Nyamata kwa sababu zifuatazo, •

Uongozi mzima wa Nyamata uko makini kuwalea watoto wetu kielimu,

Ombi • Wazazi tunakuwa

tuko na shughuli sana muda wa kuwasimamia watoto wetu kufanya kazi za ziada wanazopewa shuleni (homework) na kukagua madaftari yao ni mchache. Hivyo waalimu wasichoke kutukumbusha.

• Wazazi wenzangu

tujitahidi kuwapa walimu ushirikiano na vilevile pamoja na kazi nyingi tutenge muda


NYAMATA Academy Magazine 2014 Education is eternal

Mazingira ya shule yako vizuri, tuliivu

Wanafunzi wanakula chakula kizuri na kwa hali ya usafi.

Usafiri wa shule ya Nyamata ni mzuri na watoto wanafika kwa wakati hata wakiwa na ziara wanarudi muda wa kueleweka.

Langu wa kuwasimamia watoto kufanya kazi za ziada za darasani na kuwaanda tayari kwenda shuleni tusiwaachie wasichana wa kazi. Mwisho nashukuru sanaNyamata kwani mtoto wangu Joachim amemaliza darasa la saba na amefanya mitihani ya kujiunga wa kidato cha kwanza shule ya Msolwa, Loyola, Bendel, Rozimini, St.Mathew ma Marian boys, na amechaguliwa

katika shule zote isipokuwa Marian boys. Mungu ibariki shule ya Nyamata. Mungu wabariki wazazi na walezi. MAMA JOACHIM SEBASTIAN Mzazi wa Mary Sebastian VIA na Johnson Sebastian

Group picture of Tanzania Institute of Education facilitators with Nyamata staff after delivering a one week seminar on competence based teaching techniques in January 2014 as part of capacity building initiatives

Education is eternal


2014 Academy Magazine NYAMATA

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NYAMATA Academy Magazine 2014

Education is eternal

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