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3.3.6 Imports through Land Borders
from EAC_Procedure Manual
by Arnold Njuki
This process then follows either of the following:. This process then follows either of the following:
3) The Maritime Importation process if the goods enter into EAC through sea (See sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.3)
4) 4) Importation through land borders process if the goods enter into EAC through a land border (See section 3.3.6) In all cases, an approved form of security will be used to cover movement of the goods from entry to destination; On arrival at destination, the movement security is acquitted and a local security is executed to cover the goods during the temporary stay.
NB: Re-exportation could be also be a transfer or temporary transfer to another Partner State The re-export declaration importation is lodged in the Partner State of temporary importation and will reference the original temporary importation declaration as a preceding document. This process then follows either of the following:
1) The Maritime Exportation process if the goods will leave EAC through the sea (See section 3.1.2)
2) Exportation through land borders process if the goods will leave EAC through a land border (See section 3.1.1) In all cases, an approved form of security will be used to cover movement of the goods from Partner State of temporary importation to the exit point.
Description: This covers a Customs procedure for clearance of goods that enter into EAC through a land border of one EAC Partner State, and whose final destination is another EAC Partner State.