Design Professionals in Sri Lanka

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Indian Subcontinent

design professionals sri lanka adventure with (awf) architects without frontiers

trip highligh­­­ts ***TRIP AVAILABLE TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES**** Trip escorted by AWF Sri Lanka Project Director Dr Sarath Mataraarachchi 4 day community project at North Dickwella school Exploring the ancient ruins at the old capital Anuradhapura Time spent in the hill capital of Kandy and the Royal Botanical Gardens Cultural Performance by traditional Kandyan Dancers Dambulla Cave Temple Visiting many of Geoffrey Bawa’s architectural masterpieces Optional climb of the rock fortress of Sigiriya Galles Dutch Fortress Trip Duration 18 days Trip Code: SOG1378 Grade Adventure touring level Accommodation 18 day trip and 4 day school community volunteering program

welcome to World Expeditions Thank you for your interest in our Design Professionals Sri Lanka Adventure with (AWF) Architects without Frontiers trip. At World Expeditions we are passionate about our off the beaten track experiences as they provide our travellers with the thrill of coming face to face with untouched cultures as well as wilderness regions of great natural beauty. We are committed to ensuring that our unique itineraries are well researched, affordable and tailored for the enjoyment of small groups or individuals - philosophies that have been at our core since 1975 when we began operating adventure holidays. Our itineraries will give you the very best travel experience, designed by people with incredible local knowledge who share our vision of authentic exchange and real exploration with a responsible tourism approach. Whether you like your adventures to include trekking, touring, cycling, mountaineering, kayaking or cruising World Expeditions can make it happen for you. We hope you will join us for a life changing experience!!

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why travel with World Expeditions? When planning travel to a remote and challenging destination, many factors need to be considered. Every trip is accompanied by an experienced local leader who is highly trained in first aid, as well as knowledgeable crew that share a passion for the region in which they work, and a desire to share it with you. We take every precaution to ensure smooth logistics. We use comfortable 3 star accommodation in hand picked hotels. Our equipment is the best available and we provide great crew and a private vehicle. Most importantly, our adventures have always sought to benefit the local peoples we interact with, safeguard the ecosystems we explore and contribute to the sustainability of travel in the regions we experience.

design professionals sri lanka adventure with (awf) architects without frontiers Experience the reawakenning of the Island of Sri Lanka and complete a hands on School Community Project

trip dates 2013

18 Mar - 04 Apr

World Expeditions will endeavour to arrange for single travellers to share accommodation with another participant of the same gender, however if we can not match you up a single supplement will be applicable. If you prefer not to share a single supplement is payable to guarantee your own room. The cost of the single supplement is listed above. Joining Colombo AUD$2890 per person International flights ex Australia AUD$1390 per person (Includes flights ex SYD, BNE, MEL and PER) Single Supplement AUD$800 per person *Based on a minimum of 10 travellers **Joining this journey requires you to fundraise a minimum of $200 in additiona to the trips cost to go towards much needed materials for the Dickwella School

the trip

A land of misty highlands and tea plantations, dense jungles and national parks, Sri Lanka is a truly amazing country to explore. This unique and comprehensive private journey has a great mix of exploring ancient and medieval architecture, witnessing the stunning and diverse landscapes Sri Lanka is famous for and a 4 day period volunteering at a remote school in North Dickwella. We study both the ancient and colonial, post independence architecture as well as visiting Bava’s masterpieces. We also have the unique opportunity to examine the post conflict development occuring in so many areas of Sri Lanka. Travellers on this unique adventure are given a rare insight to a rural community, most of whom are engaged in pot making, coir manufacturing industry and subsistence agriculture. They will be engaged in preparing school grounds including landscaping for an agriculture project side by side with the school community – students, teachers and parents. During this period, school community will host the guests and show their talents in the areas of music, performing arts, culinary art and others. All in all an amazing exploration of the island Marco Polo described as the finest of its size. YOUR ESCORT - Dr Sarath Mataraarachchi ‘The Designers Sri Lanka Adventure’ is lead by Dr Sarath Mataraarachchi who is a Sydney based Sri Lankan born Urban Planner with backgrounds in Architecture, Urban Planning, Community development, and Sustainable Urbanism. Since 2004 Tsunami tragedy Sarath led the AWF projects in Sri Lanka some of which were funded through the City of Melbourne Tsunami Rebuilding Program. In recognition of Sarath’s significant personal contribution to people of Sri Lanka through the City of Melbourne’s Tsunami Rebuilding Program Sarath was nominated for prestigious Melbourne Awards in 2006. Sarath has travelled repeatedly and extensively throughout Sri Lanka and a keen student of Sri Lankan history, Art, and Architecture. He is a committed to community development and contributed to many community projects both in Sydney and in Sri Lanka.

our partners

ARCHITECTS WITHOUT FRONTIERS Architects Without Frontiers was established in 1999 by Melbourne architects and planners Esther Charlesworth, Garry Ormston and Beau Beza, after Esther Charlesworth led a group of Melbourne University design students to Mostar in Bosnia-Hertzegovina. This expedition prompted research into ways of using Australian design expertise (predominantly in architecture, urban design and landscape architecture) in post-conflict areas. Since then, AWF have expanded its focus to long-term community development projects, integrating design and appropriate technology into sustainable development practice through partnership with communities, other non-profits, clients and organisations. The strength of the organisation to date has been in its capacity to both develop and deliver incremental and long-term built outcomes for projects. This has had far reaching impact on communities, organisations, AWF members and partners. The AWF VISION At Architects Without Frontiers we strive to mobilise the resources of the Australian design profession to assist communities in need through delivering built projects. The AWF MISSION Architects Without Frontiers’ mission is to build projects with communities in need, focusing on Australia and the Asia-Pacific region. We develop long-term community partnerships and provide design services that improve community infrastructure and sustainable livelihoods.

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design professionals sri lanka adventure with (awf) architects without frontiers Experience the reawakenning of the Island of Sri Lanka and complete a hands on School Community Project

at a glance Day 1 Fly Australia to Colombo, transfer to hotel Day 2 Transfer to Colombo, explore the city including sites by Geoffrey Bawa

Day 3 Drive to Sri Lanka’s first capital, Anuradhapura. Visit Yapahuwa Rock Day 4 Drive to Polonnaruwa, visiting the important Bhuddist sites Mihintale and Avukana

Day 5 Drive to Passikudah to witness the post conflict development Day 6 Explore the rock fortress of Sigiriya, drive to Dambulla Day 7 Drive to Kandy, visiting Nalanda Gedige and Dambulla Cave Temple onroute

Day 8 In Kandy, exploration including the Botanical Gardens and archet Day 9 In Kandy, exploring architectural sites Day 10 Stunning drive to Nuwara Eliya Day 11 Drive to Bentota on the South West Coast, afternoon at leisure Day 12 Visit Brief Garden and Lunuganga enroute to Galle Day 13 Drive to Dickwella, visiting Hambantota enroute Days 14-17 Community Project at North Dickwella School (Maha Vidyalaya), Wevurukannala

Day 18 Transfer to the airport, fly to Australia

what’s included

*****THIS TRIP IS AVAILABLE TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES**** Escorted by AWF Sri Lanka Project Director Dr Sarath Mataraarachchi Accommodation in very good hotels including breakfast daily Airport transfers All internal transport by air conditioned deluxe private vehicle English speaking local leader All sightseeing and site entry fees as listed 4 days volunteering at remote North Dickwella school International Airfares ex Australia if required

No local payments policy: Local cash payments are becoming increasingly popular with many operators. The policy seems to benefit the tour operators, more than the local economies or travellers, as it avoids local taxes and transfers the cost and risk of cash handling to travellers. In accordance with our Responsible Travel practices.

community project

VOLUNTEERING AT THE NORTH DICKWELLA HIGH SCHOOL Rebuilding of North Dickwella School was commenced 2005 in response to the need for more school places for tsunami affected children in Dickwella of southern Sri Lanka. The project was initiated by the City of Melbourne and the Architects Without Frontiers Australia (AWF). Impressed by the impact of the project on local children another fifteen partners joined in. The new partners included schools (the St John’s Catholic School, Gladston Park Secondary College, Craigieburn South and Greenvale primary schools in Victoria), Wesley Mission of NSW, Sri Lanka Association of Victoria, German Technology Training College Old Boys Association, and Australian Publishers Association. After eight years of dedicated hard work jointly by the Australians and Sri Lankans a shining example of quality education – a centre of excellence for a rural community has been born. Volunteering to improve facilities in this rural school is one of many highlights of this trip.

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design professionals sri lanka adventure with (awf) architects without frontiers Experience the reawakenning of the Island of Sri Lanka and complete a hands on School Community Project

fast facts Countries Visited: Sri Lanka Visas: Yes* Vaccinations: Please consult a travel vaccination specialist for up to date information Private Groups: Private group options are available for this trip* Singles: A single supplement is available for this trip* Leader: Expert local leader

responsible travel The environments we travel through are fragile. It is our responsibility as visitors to minimise the impact of our presence. World Expeditions were the proud recipients of the inaugural Australian National Travel Industry’s Environmental Achievement award for our Responsible Travel Guidebook. This detailed guide to responsible & sustainable travel is provided to all World Expeditions clients before they travel. Please ask your consultant if you have not received your copy of our award winning book. Alternatively, you may like to download a copy from our website

The School was established in 1931 and is located on Dickwella – Beliatta Main Road about 1 kilometre to the north of Dickwella Town in Southern Sri Lanka adjacent to the historic Wavurukannala Temple. The school is located in a picturesque rural landscape amidst a simple rural community. The surrounding of the school is embellished with green paddy fields, small streams and wattle and daub and thatched dwellings that are symptomatic of a typical village in Sri Lanka. The school is in desperate need of facilities, materials and basic education tools. Our fundraising will go a long way to helping provide this for the children attending North Dickwella High School. Travellers on this unique adventure are given a rare insight into a rural community, most of whom are engaged in pot making, coir manufacturing and subsistence agriculture. They will be engaged in preparing school grounds including landscaping for an agriculture project side by side with the school community – students, teachers and parents. During this period, school community will host the guests and show their talents in the areas of music, performing arts, culinary skills and others. The guests will witness how the school from devastation, hope and a new beginning were born, contribute to enhancing the quality of this centre of excellence and enrich the lives of the school community by sharing their experiences, goodwill and the essence of global citizenship.

detailed itinerary Day 1 Fly Australia to Colombo, transfer to hotel On arrival at the airport you will be met and transferred to your hotel in Negombo. Being one of the major tourist beach resorts of the island, this lively town is mainly inhabited by the fisher-folk. This is also one of the strongholds of the catholic community of Sri Lanka and quietly correctly considered as the “Little Rome”, located along the picturesque Negombo lagoon, along which hundreds of fishing boats and catamarans could be seen most of the time. The Town is dotted with several churches, some dating from the earliest colonial times. Sightseeing in Negombo includes the remains of the Old Dutch Fortress from 1678, the Dutch Canal constructed for the transportation of Cinnamon, St. Mary’s Church and the Old Dutch Cemetery, and naturally, the Negombo Fish Market –more famously known as the “Lellama”. Overnight stay at the Catamaran Beach Hotel, Negombo – 3* meals: NIL

Day 2 Transfer to Colombo, explore the city including sites by Geoffrey Bawa After breakfast leave for Colombo – the Commercial Capital. Colombo is a fascinating city, not only for its comfortable blend of East and West, but also for its balanced mixture of the past and the present. It is the Commercial Capital of the country, and is only 35 km south of the country’s only International Airport. Many attractions , opportunities for shopping , availability of tasting a multitude of cuisine etc makes it an interesting city. In the afternoon we undertake a exploration of the city of Colombo including a Buddhist Temple, Dutch Wolvendhal Church, a Hindu Temple , Town Hall, BMICH(Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall) , Cinnamon Gardens - Prime residential area, the Nelum Pokuna – the newly opened Performing Arts Theatre. Depending on time further inspections could also be of the restored Dutch Hospital, Old Town Hall presently a market and we can enjoy lunch at the Gallery Café – Geoffrey Bawa’s former office. After lunch we will travel to Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte and try to get permission to visit the Parliamentary Complex – a master piece by Bawa. Overnight stay at the 4* Galle Face Regency Hotel, Colombo, built in 1864. meals: B

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design professionals sri lanka adventure with (awf) architects without frontiers Experience the reawakenning of the Island of Sri Lanka and complete a hands on School Community Project

adventure travel By its very nature adventure travel involves an element of the unexpected. In remote and developing countries do not expect standards you are used to at home. Remote areas are sometimes unpredictable and itineraries may be altered. To get the most out of your adventure it is important that you are flexible, positive and eager to take on all the challenges that arise. If you are uncertain about your suitability for this trip we recommend that you speak with your consultant of travel agent.

important note These trip notes represent the most current information for this itinerary, and may supersede any information in the current brochure, including but not limited to the itinerary and price.

Day 3 Drive to Sri Lanka’s first capital, Anuradhapura. Visit Yapahuwa Rock After breakfast we join our guide and driver and leave for the drive to Anuradhapura, the first capital of Sri Lanka. Anuradhapura, the most celebrated of Sri Lanka’s ancient ruined cities, dates back to the 5th Century BC. According to the Mahavamsa - the great Sinhala Chronicle, this was a model of planning with precincts set aside for different vocations as well as for foreigners. There were separate cemeteries for high and low castes, hostels, hospitals and the water supply was assured by the construction of reservoirs. Its greatest treasures are its dagabos constructed of small sundried bricks and are hemispherical in shape two of which have been identified by the UNESCO as World Heritage Sites. The reservoirs used for storage of water formed the basis of the hydraulic civilization which later on spread to the entire island. We take in the incredible Yapahuwa Rock - where the majestic gateway remains as proof to the grandeur that this former capital enjoyed. Yapahuwa is an ancient fortress and capital built in 1301AD formed by a rock rising to a height of 90 metres. Many traces of the ancient battle defenses can still be seen in nearby fields. Overnight stay at the Galway Miridiya Hotel, Anuradhapura. meals: B

Day 4 Drive to Polonnaruwa, visiting the important Bhuddist sites Mihintale and Avukana After breakfast we visit Mihintale - the cradle of Buddhism where the message of Buddha was received by the then King of Sri Lanka from Arahath Mahinda. We will climb up to the summit through the 1840 granite slab steps . Only a few kilometers away from Anuradhapur, this was a sanctuary of cave dwelling monks at the start which later on developed to be a large Monastic Complex dotted with shrines and rock dwellings. We continue onto visit the Avukana Standing Buddha Statue, standing 12m tall this is a magnificent piece of Sri Lanka Craftsmanship We then travel by road to Polonnaruwa - the Medieval Capital of Sri Lanka - 11th Century AD which rose to fame after the decline of Anuradhapura. The city was fortified with three concentric walls, beautified with parks and gardens and sanctified by many shrines. A unique Irrigation complex watered the city as well as the surrounding plains helping in agriculture which made the island “the Granary of the East” . The largest of the man made reservoirs, the huge Parakrama Samudra (the Sea of Parakrama), is larger in size than the Colombo Harbor. Polonnaruwa is home to two magnificent World Heritage Sites and numerous other sites of archaeological and historical interest, some of which depict the influence that Hinduism had on the Buddhist Civilization during that period of history. We will visit many sites of these sites including the Grate Statue, Quadrangle, Royal Palace, Vatadage, Hatadage, Siva Devalaya, Gal Viharaya, Alahana Pirivena Complex, Kumara and Lotus Ponds, Thuparamaya , Rankoth Vehera, Pabalu Vehera , Thiwanka Image House , The Museum etc some of which depict the influence that Hinduism had on the Buddhist Civilization during that period of history. Overnight stay at the Lake Hotel, Polonnaruwa – 3* meals: B

Day 5 Drive to Passikudah to witness the post conflict development After breakfast we leave for Passikudah – the newly awakening Tourist Resort in East Coast. Here we can witness the massive post conflict war development in the tourist industry. This afternoon we have an opportunity to relax and take stock of our adventure to date. Overnight stay at the 4* Malu Malu Resort, Passikudah meals: B

Day 6 Explore the rock fortress of Sigiriya, drive to Dambulla After breakfast leave for Dambulla. En route visit the Medirigiriya Circular Chamber House , which belongs to the early periods of Sri Lankan history and remains as one of the best specimens of its kind which has been preserved. In Sigiriya, we have the opportunity to climb the Rock Fortress of Sigiriya, a Royal Citadel for 20 years in the 5th Century AD built by King Kasyapa. This unique Rock Fortress or “castle in the sky” - a massive monolith of red stone that rises 600ft above ground ,

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design professionals sri lanka adventure with Experience the reawakenning of the Island of Sri Lanka and complete a hands on School Community Project

derived the name “Lion Rock” as the entrance to the climb to the summit is reached between the paws of a lion . Overnight stay at the 5* Heritance Kandalama Hotel, Dambulla – a creation of Late Geoffrey Bawa meals: B

Day 7 Drive to Kandy, visiting Nalanda Gedige and Dambulla Cave Temple onroute En route visit the Nalanda Gedige – a structure built entirely from stone in the south indian Pallava style. We continue to visit the Dambulla Cave Temple a world heritage site considered to be the largest painted caves in the world with more than 22,000 sq ft of painted surfaces with many paintings , sculptures, statues of Lord Buddha, his disciples, Kings , Gods etc. We visit the beautiful spice gardens and take part in a conducted tour to get some knowledge about the growth and use of spices in the day to day life in Sri Lanka. In the evening watch a Cultural Performance by traditional Kandyan Dancers and Drummers including devotional “Fire Walking” Overnight stay at the colonial style Queens Hotel , Kandy meals: B

Day 8 In Kandy, exploration including the Botanical Gardens and archet Sri Lanka’s hill capital, stronghold of the Sinhala Kings, Kandy is the country’s most beautiful town. It is 488 metres above sea level and next to Colombo is Sri Lanka’s most visited place. The focal point of the town is, without doubt, the golden roofed Dalada Maligawa where the Sacred Tooth Relic of the Buddha is enshrined. Major restoration work is in progress here by the UNESCO. Visit Kalapuraya in the beautiful Dumbara valley 8 km. from Kandy, where descendants of the ancient craftsmen still create items of rare elegance in metal and wood. There are many shrines and temples in and around Kandy, where you will see rare paintings, frescoes, wood and stone carvings. The Peradeniya Gardens begun as a pleasure garden by a Sinhala King, and has an amazing variety of trees, plants and flowers. Kandy is an exciting place for shopping with souvenirs in wood, copper, silver, brass, ebony and bronze. Ceramics, lacquer work, handlooms, batiks, jewellery and rush and reed-ware can also be purchased. After breakfast undertake a City Tour of Kandy. The tour includes the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic of Lord Buddha, Upper Lake Drive (for a great view of the city), the Royal Botanical Gardens at Peradeniya (one of the finest of its kind in Asia with more than 5000 species of flora, and once the headquarters of Lord Mountbatten), and a Gem Museum. Overnight stay at the Queens Hotel , Kandy meals: B

Day 9 In Kandy, exploring architectural sites Today we have another day of exploration, focusing on architectural design. The sites of interest include: The Lankatilake Temple - This is considered to be one of the best examples of traditional Sinhalese temple architecture that is in existence. Built on a rock with a beautiful setting , the temple is reached by a long series of rock cut steps. Unique with its colossal seated Buddha Statue in the inner sanctum under a beautiful Makara Thorana. This monument has an interesting multiple roof structure covered with flat clay tiles. The Gadaladeniya Temple - A special building of South Indian Origin with a Shrine Room devoted to God Vishnu attached to it. The main Shrine Room has a seated Buddha Statue and the remains of some paintings of the Gampola Period. Architecturally this is considered as one of the most important buildings of the 14th Century , The roofed stupa – Vijayothpaya – is on a high stone platform with four image houses facing the four sides mounted with small stupas. The Embekka Dewalaya - A special Shrine dedicated to God Skanda built in the 14th Century. Part of the building – the Drumming Hall is a special attraction with its intricately carved pillars. Nothing has been spared of wood without elaborate carvings .In fact this is considered as one of the finest pieces of traditional architecture. The two chamber Granary is also a special feature in the complex. The Hindagala Temple and Degaldoruwa Temples - famous for its mural paintings of old age and the

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design professionals sri lanka adventure with Experience the reawakenning of the Island of Sri Lanka and complete a hands on School Community Project

Galmaduwa Temple , a building depicting the Hindu Architecture Overnight stay at the Queens Hotel , Kandy . meals: B

Day 10 Stunning drive to Nuwara Eliya After breakfast we leave for Nuwara Eliya this is a stunning drive through the Ramboda Pass surrounded by “Green Carpets” hills covered with Tea and cascading Water Falls amidst breathtakingly beautiful landscapes. Nuwara Eliy is nestled in a wooded basin at the foot of Mount Pidurutalagala Sri Lanka’s highest peak, this region at 6,183ft above sea-level Has a cool, crisp climate unknown elsewhere in Sri Lanka. A serene retreat from the hustle and bustle of Colombo, the town seems like a piece of the English Lake District. Unusual plants, birds and animals thrive here besides natural feature like waterfalls and caves. Tea, the glistening green leaves of this lovely shrub, along with neat rows of green, cloak ridges and valleys providing a lasting impression of Sri Lanka’s Hill Country. The Golf Course – one of the finest and picturesque in Asia – the serene Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity, beautiful parks and well kept lawns and hedges give the place an air of nostalgia. En route we visit a Tea Factory and a Plantation to witness the manufacturing process of world famous “Ceylon Tea” and to taste a pure unblended cup of factory fresh tea before being sent to the Tea Auctions in Colombo leading to Export. This Evening is free for walks around the city - the important places being the Victoria Park , Gregory Lake, Golf Course, Market, the old Post Office , the Holy Trinity Church etc. Overnight stay at the 4* Grand Hotel, Nuwara Eliya – one of the most beautiful colonial buildings depicting the Edwardian and Victorian era architecture. meals: B

Day 11 Drive to Bentota on the South West Coast, afternoon at leisure After breakfast leave for Bentota on the south west coast. Enjoy the natural beauty on this mountainous route passing the two Water Falls - Devon and St. Claires. We stop in close proximity to the location of David Lean’s award winning film “Bridge on the River Kwai.” This afternoon is downtime to relax and enjoy your surroundings. Overnight stay at the 4* Bentota Beach Hotel, Bentota – built on the remains of a colonial castle meals: B

Day 12 Visit Brief Garden and Lunuganga enroute to Galle After breakfast we visit the Brief Garden, created by the late Bewis Bawa – the brother of Late Geoffrey Bawa, and Lunuganga, a creation by Late Geoffrey Bawa. We continue to Galle – the Southern Capital. In Galle we explore the famous Galle Dutch Fortress - a World Heritage Site. Galle is the port city, standing on one of the main sea routes in the southern part of the city, it has a unique charm among the many historic places in Sri Lanka. The Dutch built the 1st Protestant church in Sri Lanka here. It is a fascinating place to explore. If time allows we will enjoy a trip to Cinnamon Island on Koggala River. Overnight stay at the Closenberg Hotel, Bentota meals: B

Day 13 Drive to Dickwella, visiting Hambantota enroute After a leisurely breakfast we depart for Hambantota. Enroute we stop in at the Star Fort at matara to explore by foot. On arrival in Hambantota we will visit some of the post conflict developments taking place in the town such as the Magampura Harbour which has opened, the Mattla Airport and the new administration complex. We then continue through to Dickwella. meals: B

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design professionals sri lanka adventure with Experience the reawakenning of the Island of Sri Lanka and complete a hands on School Community Project

Days 14-17 Community Project at North Dickwella School (Maha Vidyalaya), Wevurukannala Over the next 4 days we will focus our energy into volunteering at North Dickwella School (Maha Vidyalaya), Wevurukannala, North Dickwella. Whilst here we will be staying in the local community. This part of our journey will be an incredibly rewarding 4 days where we be able to “hands on” help the community. More details to follow. meals: B

Day 18 Transfer to the airport, fly to Australia After completion of our community work we bid farewell to our new friends of North Dickwella and transfer to the airport for our flight back to Australia. meals: B This itinerary is subject to change with any change in Community regulations as well as Governmental changes and natural circumstances beyond our control.

country information

Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, is an island republic in the Indian Ocean off the southeastern coast of India. The island is separated from India by the Palk Strait and Gulf of Mannar. Lying between the two nations is a chain of small islands known as Adam’s Bridge. The greatest length from north to south is about 440 km (about 273 miles); the greatest width is about 220 km (about 137 miles). The total area is 65,610 square kilometres (25,332 sq miles). The administrative capital is Sri Jayawardenepura (Kotte); and Colombo is the commercial capital and largest city. Sri Lanka’s coast, particularly the west, south, and southeast, is palm-fringed and indented by lagoons and inlets. The more rugged northeastern coast contains Trincomalee Harbor, considered one of the best natural harbours in the world. Around 74 percent of the population of Sri Lanka is of Sinhalese descent. The largest minority groups are the Sri Lankan Tamils and the Indian Tamils, which together account for about 18 percent of the population. The remaining population includes the descendants of Moors (Arabs), Burghers (Dutch), Malays, and Veddas. The population is 19.3 million, with the majority living in the countryside and only 23% residing in urban areas. Buddhism was first introduced into Sri Lanka in the 3rd century BC, and is the dominant religion in Sri Lanka (approx. 69 percent of the population).15 percent of the population is Hindu, 8 percent is Christian, and 8 percent is Muslim. Religion plays an important role in Sri Lanka; a revival of Buddhism was associated with the rise of Sinhalese nationalism. Most public holidays are based on religious festivals. The annual torchlight temple procession, or Perahara, in which ornamentally covered elephants and hundreds of dancers participate, draws thousands of devotees. Pilgrimages also play an important role here. The most important pilgrimage is to the top of Adams Peak. Muslims believe that Adam and Eve lived here after they left the Garden of Eden. Buddhists visit a rock on the peak that they believe contains one of Buddha’s footprints. Another important pilgrimage is to the Temple of the Tooth in Kandy, where it is believed that one of Buddha’s teeth is enshrined. The official languages of Sri Lanka are Sinhala, or Sinhalese, and Tamil. Sinhala is spoken by 74 percent of the population. Tamil, a Dravidian language of southern India, is spoken by people living in the northern and eastern provinces. English, the official language of the country until 1957, is still widely used.


Sri Lanka is very much a tropical country with distinct dry and wet seasons and a generally humid climate.However the seasons depend on your location on the island. Our trip operates in the South West where the dry season extends from December to March.Average temperature will be around 27 degrees Celsius in coastal flat areas, 20 degrees Celsius in Kandy and may fall to around 15-17 degrees Celsius in the hills. You should be prepared for cool nights in the hills – as low as 10 degrees Celsius.

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design professionals sri lanka adventure with Experience the reawakenning of the Island of Sri Lanka and complete a hands on School Community Project

what you carry

In your daypack you will need to carry a rainjacket, water bottle, camera gear, valuables and personal items such as sunscreen, lip-eze etc

equipment required

There is no specialist gear required for this journey (a comprehensive gear list is provided in the pre-departure information provided on booking).

what’s not included

Aerated & alcoholic drinks Items of a personal nature such as phone calls, laundry, etc. Travel insurance Visa

info nights

World Expeditions invites you to attend our inspiring adventure travel slide shows. These special evenings are designed to inform and entertain and are hosted by our most experienced and passionate adventure travellers and mountaineers. Ask our staff for a slide show schedule or register on our website - Shows can fill early so it is important to register your attendance so we know to save a seat, or two!

private groups

The adventures featured in our brochures, and on our website, are just a starting point for many of our private group travelers. Working closely with our Groups Department we can organise custom designed itineraries for groups of friends, clubs, charity’s, schools or even work colleagues. Our team will assist you with all aspects of your private group adventure from itinerary design to group flights. Contact our team today.

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trip availability

If this trip seems right for you then we encourage you to call us now to check availability as we operate strictly small group adventures. Many of our adventures require us to secure services on your behalf; such as permits, hotels and flights to name but a few. The demand for these services is increasing each year making it difficult to join a trip last minute. To ensure we can assist you onto your adventure of a lifetime we ask that you check your trip availability with our team at your earliest convenience.

how to book

To book a World Expeditions trip, you will need to complete a booking form which is found at the back of our brochure or can be downloaded from our website www.worldexpeditions. com. On completion, fax or post the form to your nearest World Expeditions office along with your non-refundable deposit. World Expeditions has access to competitive airfares to Morocco. Call your nearest World Expeditions office or travel agent for assistance with your travel arrangements including flights, travel insurance and additional accommodation.

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