Dreams of Gradual Withdrawal (1989)

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memory three

(1) in the obliterated perimeter of the land there seemed to be several instant-charged bands of electro-patients that each glowed from the radiation consumption • it began to snow a light blue precipitation. i quickly put on my jacket which was torn at the arms and back • it was torn because of my episodes with the manic subhuman that tried to test me for abrasive pyscho-blisters • unfortunately for me my struggle with the subhuman had proven clearly through the detectors and vision modulators that i was a human and knew nothing about the bane-aren drones. nor did i know about the diseased centurions that roamed brainlessly across the wasteland since the war • the frozen war was beneficial to every organism except the human • violetcolored tubes crashed down upon the cold barren ground from the brittle air • when a violetcolored tube smashes unintentionally it releases a deadly prism mist that has the ability to disintegrate all things beneath the zsexosphere • zsexophites are immune to the tubes and its deadly mist • my backpack was damp from the rain that showered from the sky • my provisions were all drenched • a detector could be heard in the distance somewhere beyond my sensoring capability • two deteriorating phynmoths hovered by • i don’t think i knew where i was. an electro-patient caught glimpse of me before i realized its presence • it shot out a warning light-trancer that struck me in the shoulder causing me to fall to the gorund •i was now paralyzed • it crawled over me with its hellish body after propping me against an electrical pod • the electro-patient then shoved a dia-compressor into my mouth to check for zsexophlises • a zsexophlise reactant can tell a person what harm

another presents toward the one who tests the other • what?! • decisions of mysticism brilliantly underlined the advantage i had over this electro-patient • he released me and i was now alone again. i opened up the carbo-deterioator box that i found the other day • it seemed to contain several programs and cubes for expansion • these are dangerous things • now i could smell a prism mist coming towards me • i would have to react quickly to avoid it • profanity filled the air as i struggled to release the lock on the box • i smashed it heavily with an aglon scrap, shattering the box into a furious pile of mutation • i was thinking about my carelessness for too long when the prism mist captured me unexpectedly and suddenly i lay on the ground again, paralyzed • this time there were no monitors • broken vision surfaces seemed impossible to memorize so i sunk further into the ground. mutated zylogrunges were trying to release their pleasure potion on me when i gained consciousness • i was able to resist the blue purity • it barely seemed significant for me to accept a weird potion into my body • “no potions am i to consume!” i stated to the zylogrunge offering me bursts of delight • “it will help you, structured one,” the offerer said • i still refused while the bothersome creatures conversed with each other • it now began to rain • all the aglon scraps that would’ve been helpful to my escape now became useless because of bi-rusting • the only thing left to try would be the elevated system of disposal. “you are in the presence of noise!” a voice spoke from nowhere • i looked around and saw nothing • my body suddenly began to tingle as i stood up • an array of semi-disastrous flix flew by • they are almost as annoying as zylogrunge, but zylogrunge don’t nibble on your fingernails

like flix do • “be friendly to the zylogrunge and in turn it shall aid you,” offered a passing-by phynmoth • i never trusted phynmoths since they are employed by the mushroom • the mushroom doesn’t relate to my mental structures of longevity • “the funnel membrane crawl around here like bacteria,” i exclaimed in awe • “delicious are the funnel membrane!” the zylo-grunge stated • but i knew too well about the poisonous membrane and i stayed away from it • finally the mist began to remove itself from my system. i still searched for the voice • i hoped it wasn’t another unknown voice of no one • just then i felt something crawling on my leg • it was the biggest technoslug i had ever laid eyes upon • it began attaching its nine mouths to my body • i panicked like never before as it started sucking my blood • i began to feel dizzy • wait a second • why was there no pain? • i knew i had spare lungs in the capsule • the pain was missing for some odd reason • suddenly i realized i was dreaming and it was a zylogrunge masturbating on my kneecap • how weird!

(2) echoes in the distance were the only sounds i heard • i was familiar with the modulator deficiency modes • the signals from the rectangularshaped torturing devices • it released signals to lure its victims to it • the pulling frequencies interphased with the victim’s brainwaves and produced thoughts of separation from the conscious mind • it was rectangular • four edges of harshness and hope. “you will be next!” avowed the modern one • he removed his fluctuator and seized me with more violent commands • “your remains will be helpful to our starving captivator children!” • the green image • “only three more minutes devisor!” i tried to look for an escape route and found holes of depravity • they were useless and the swelling in my lungs became utterly unbearable for me to try to run • the thoughts of the natural acceptance of myself to be the provider for these revolting captivator children made me anxious to dive into the lake • i always enjoyed the lost lakes of decision • a blue situation. “mutant bastard! you won’t get away with this shit!” i screamed • “i won’t be useful to the machinery!” • “absolutely no talking in the gradual disintegrator!” forewarned a voice through the intercom above us • i knew i could hold off for one more minute • the movements weren’t precise enough for controlling the instigator • i will soon perform!!

(3) The opal girl walked alongside the unknown image of her admirer for almost a complete hour • she suspected nothing nor did she feel the presence close to her • the admirer knew of his gentle precautions subdued in her anxiousness and that they were simply primitive • he knew he could have her very soon. “i’m suspecting a stranger to capture me and force me into the sphere,” she thought to herself • the sphere would be an awesome device for feeling the opal girl’s generosity • she would hear the dimensions of his willingness and he would hear the moisture above and feel it below • “is it her ceiling?” i thought • maybe, but i’ll let another hour pass before i transcend • she kept walking down the path, further into the garden of anxiety • it would be perfect to interphase with her now • abrupt illuminations • the yellow-colored theme • she was slowly continuing into my mediated desire • another thing i needed was to censor the facade of torment from her hindering innocence • “yes, my dear opal girl • are you ready to enter with me into the ecstatic wonder dimension and take a trip through the sprouting surfaces of love?”

(4) the disillusioned prototype turned explicit being of sexuality florencia continued forward into various echoing statues of resistance, assuming she was capable of provoking unmeasured incidents of chaos • she only seemed worthy of giving the naked involvement of delight because of her incredible physical sensations which had the ability to cause a swarm of sober zylogrunge to masturbate hours at a time • but only an anti-present warp controller of reality would know of her true movements of visible magnetism • florencia could draw an imaginative projection of a complicated heartless spirit and cause it to enter any pleasurable dimension she wanted • turning herself into the processor of alternation is quite a tiny assembly of disaster in itself • no sex • florencia seemed to be an essential creator for provoking chaos in the blue manner while various glistening spirits seemed to be worthwhile, intentionally • she had no triangular forms of whyness within her sensuous body, although in times of desperation, she wept away her vague summaries of expression • she would consume any downcast of seduction and turn the person into a rearranged individual without an expected regeneration • a victim had virtually no control over his or her extreme levels of internal torture because it was barely a punishment to be lured into the sphere by florencia • it was certainly an honor and a pleasurable unsettled example of her generosity • oh, the pleasure she gave...

(5) suddenly after being exposed for a short time to the systematic splendor of the sphere, i found no way to persuade the semi-atomic lytophese into trying it • i guessed it was afraid but did not realize how helpful the sphere would be towards the lytophlese’s strange disembodied power only pleasure followed a journey through the violet-colored tubes attached to the sphere while no outside effects would alter a being’s creativity. a pictureless diseased deneon could be cured by the sphere and a cryptic figure of dissarayed disorder would usually disappear in a flash of exploding harmonies • the mode of involvement taken in the sphere seemed to increase the accelerating intensity within me • the only minimal difference developed would sacrifice any form of irrelevance instantly and a being would succumb to the elevating manner of instability having entered the sandoval sphere • consuming the pulses of accessibility would help someone wander into the concealed textures of an isolated occurrence easily but no one wants to be carried into the blue dimension by the opal girl or florencia’s sources of fascination • so the sphere shall remain as an operating complexity in our pleasure-seeking minds.

(6) “you appear to be slightly affected by the sensuous and disastrous touch of the processed being that had been recently altered, have you not?” inquired a medic from zsexo-spectrum clinic • i saw him place a modulator on a nearby shelf holding various containers of liquified purity • he spoke again, “the expulsion of your courage to encounter a being that has just been among the echoing statues of resistance is quite a foolish yet brave task, complicated one” • suddenly several uniformed medical assistants entered the tech-shaped room of complexity • i did not understand this sudden state of alert • “you have been chosen to be the patient of an experimental operation consisting of a zsexophite and yourself,” spoke the medic • i know my heart began to fluctuate incredibly in a motionless rate upon hearing these words • before i knew it i found myself strapped to a foundation presetter and i couldn’t move my head • it was attached to the sensoring xenografture device • a boisterous alarm sounded over giant intercoms around the room • my thoughts were then being translated into some type of deneon dialect by a monitor displaying zylographic symbols in front of me • while this was happening, several chemical isolators were attached to my chest to search my body for any foreign organisms and bacteria-sponguates • “i know nothing of the spiral expansions nor the single functions of the bane-aren supplementors!” i declared • i was being explored from all angles • it would be impossible for me to escape since multiple surveillance monitors watched my every movement • i was injected ungraciously with streptomycin • i was told i would be transferred to an overlying clinic where deformed malpractitioners of medicine would attempt for the first time to merge a zsexophlese’s chromosomes with my supra-sensitive catamorphinisms • this would be a highly absurd fusion since i nor the zsexophlese had

ever contained any glowing hyper-singes in our uncontaminated bodies. “you are insane to let your medics perform this operation • you are completely unaware of the consequences involved!” i managed to scream • all monitors were focused intensely on me • next thing i knew, the assistants had brought in the traumatized zsexophlese • it was in such shock having been removed from its habitat and exposed to a prism mist • the zsexophlese was breathing so irregularly and it was barely able to survive in the foreign area • the oxygen it was breathing was completely incapable of fitting into the organism’s genetic structure • “this is a completely and terribly dangerous backward approach for obtaining supplements, you idiots!” i shouted at the medics angrily • “please cease this violating operation goddamnit!” • no one seemed to be responding to any of my requests • they just continued to prepare the tranquilizers and mental stabilizers • the zsexophlese began to scream and squirm violently as a medic injected mega-tranquilizers and highly potent inoculators into us • the entire clinic was at work simultaneously preparing the various channel simulators that would aid the medics in any emergency that this horrific unbalanced fusion of chromosomes would create • by setting up indicators and analyzers, they could control our soon to be superimposed bodies and behavior once the procedure began. during all of this confusion, i just stared straight ahead, listening to the congregated medics discussing their procedure to successfully complete the operation • i was simply entranced as i gazed at the shelves of liquified danger • they mesmerized me with their artifical peacefulness • all i began to hear was a faint murmer as i was gradually falling asleep from the anaesthetics induced in me • i was helpless in saving myself from the experiment • i would

soon fall victim to the debacle and finally be debilitated from this system of fear • excellent!

(7) hazardous waste and anti-nuclear segments lay in the debris • the clinic was in flames as black smoke rose from the wreckage • i was extremely lucky to have survived this attack • it would probably be hours before i could plan my next move. sudden flashes of expansion seemed to motivate me into following the loud clouds in the distance • i knew they had the ability to lead me to safety but i was not aware of certain glowing circles that would be awaiting me • i tried to use teleportation to translate any glimpse of destruction on the other side of the thyn-range • it was such an isolated occurrence that i had survived this expansion of programmed attacks because i was hibernating in a chamber of seclusion and would have never detected an intrusion especially in the winter hours. i had seen a shower of abundant techno-catastrophes through an imaginary window earlier in the afternoon • but i was unaware of the precise time it would eventually arrive • being one of the only apparent survivors, i wouldn’t try to penetrate the zsexosphere alone • i suddenly remembered from a lecture of informative themes that there was a small existing colony on the west side of the unfamiliar thyn-range • but that was before i activated the prototype’s rectangular-shaped database which was of course illegal in this menobilian world • the prototype’s materialization in the past motivated me to leave the colony and pursue awaiting modes of advanced surroundings. the shadowy fixations were coming nearer to me as i watched the projections through the sensitive hemispheres • there was no sun in my green-tinted visibility • no more windows to rely on • i would definitely have to wait until

the continuous elements and prism mists subsided before i gathered my provisions together and headed for the range • avoiding contact with any hypnotized zsexo-spectrum medics was the only real precaution i was not completely prepared for • i’ll be safe for now.

(8) the modern one was removing his fluctuator involvement modulator when he became aware of my presence • i noticed another reversible hole of depravity, this time adjacent to my current location • but i still would rather rely on the lost aisles of distortion, mostly because i was already familiar with them • and also because i knew the modern processors would try to force me into providing the captivator children with their needed energy which would then be the opportune moment to try to regenerate and escape • the modern one seemed to be preoccupied with an ocean so i could think for a while. two of my channels were beginning to malfunction at a high rate so i had to quickly detach them from my life-processor • what typical examples of meek machinery! • they would instantly try to escape conflict to be among the mirrored quadrants featuring concealed textures • the textures were awesome for seeking sexual lunging absences of pleasure • the modern ones despised anyone whose primary interest was to provide the devisors with energy so the captivator children could be healthy once again by using their tremendously isolated and elevated theories of utilizing transplanted organs rejected from the recent xenograft. the devisors that had the remover of fear in them lowered themselves into holes of depravity • being completely ignorant of the sudden surrounding hallucinating feedback, they would be stripped of their breath from broken prism-mist containers and paralyzed by highly energized depths of sprouting surface creatures, and then finally dismembered by the anti-present black eyes of ure • i had over years of lectures and common knowledge of the systematic approach been forewarned and trained carefully on how to survive in relocated distances • making move-

ments through advanced surroundings required hours of meditation • concentration • decision • i was aware of the dangers involved in entering various stages of altered departures such as the holes of depravity • i knew i could endure and gradually depart from this emotional and physical ritual • end?

(9) surprising as it may seem, i knew nothing about my companion’s intervention in the progressive plans of parallel obliteration of the operating complexity • no clues as to his intentions upon learning the various codes to expand the developed suspension between phase 1 and the colony of abundancy were ever presented before me • i had no idea that he had been a part of the unique struggles to acquire the ultimate transfer of blue purity and place it deliberately in the midst of our comprised colonies • the purpose of this was to insure that we would withdraw form the zsexophenion sphere. my companion also took chances in dreaming the dreams of gradual withdrawal so that he could completely remove and eliminate his extreme levels of emotional stress • to be free of these deliriums would help him to learn the different degrees of hypnosis required upon entering the doorway to unconsciousness. it was apparent though that my friend was preoccupied with something obscure • i noticed because when we were offered the chance of returning to collected realities, he turned down the opportunity • he had dismissed himself from the foundation of eternal stability and completely avoided contact with me and the others • it was so weird that my colleague was acting in such a brokendown function but i still never became suspicious about his removal from the system. i think one reason i did not suspect anything was because it was he and i that were the first accessors to take involved excursions through the mystic inter-connected bodies of exploration never before penetrated until our presence was transferred delicately into the semi-disrupted spiral expansions • these zones were never considered suitable for movement • the end-

less contradiction ended when we entered various bodies • an occupant of the sudden penetration of the spiral expansions tended to make people believe that a person had suicidal intentions • we were considered to be representatives of the zsexosphenion colony so my companion and i had to carefully take our warp-stabilizers to prove that we had actually completed the excursions successfully • we were warned to strictly avoid presenting ourselves to the lakes of decision because of an invisible and undectorian facade of prototypes capable of processing beings into robotic providers of the recently diseased captivator children. we were of course ridiculed and considered the outcasts in the horizontal framework because we were determined to proceed in the blue dimension without informing the quadrant leader • insanity was considered our motivation by the other accessors in our interest by taking the outlandish excursions into the sprouting surfaces and it would be purely accidental and ironic that we would later be granted permission to use the increased disembodied power convertor • in addition to the convertor we would be allowed the use of the transfused spectrum pod which could give us the essential power to depart the system • we were also given permission to learn the internal comprehension to meditate in the silent compilation sequencer • we could separate at any time • abolish subhuman mutation • learn how to lure florencia into her own naked involvement of delight accurately • the negative precipitation would never harm us.

(10) there was a disruption in her progressive ritual of survival • she had induced a semi-dormant reactor to gradually bring her pressure down to a normal rate • the opal girl departed the ovalshaped operation regenerator and continued towards her revitalization module • on the way to the chamber she thought she heard and sensed another presence following her • the girl stopped and activated a pulse of apparency to find any responses but no transparent images appeared on the monitor and nothing could be translated • there seemed to be no unseen penetrators in the perimeter of the moephic area. it would require too much spontaneous energy anyways to perform chaotic movements on another victim • she would have to disguise her vulnerability to keep modern beings from attempting to transcend • she slowly removed a device and detached her magnetic visualizer to give it a protein increase. suddenly she realized that she had just been through the echoing statues of resistance • she would be immune to any outside creeping simplicities that sought to improvise on her willingness • the only thing wrong was that the opal girl was not willing to perform in the advanced surroundings anymore because she would soon be entering the newly resurrected elevated system of disposal • this was where beings specialized in pulling frequencies from once penetrated prototypes • the opal girl was fortunately one of those prototypes • aside from these transfers of generousity the opal girl only seriousely craved to perform on one specific being • “who could that be?” she asked herself.

(11) after moments of persuading the prototype to emerge from its dormancy, i was still unable to separate it from the aisle of comprehensive distortion • i needed to lure the prototype into the familiar diverse surroundings that contained glowing articles generated into beautiful circles • these glowing circles provided prototypes with certain fragments that helped deteriorate its sudden urges to conform to the unbalanced relations. the prototype knew i would be coming to transfer it to the operating clinic within the zsexospectrum for its transformation • it knew that attempts would be made to regenerate its system through methods of injections of mega-tranquilizers which eventually lead to extreme levels of internal torture. since the prototype had been in dormancy, it had lost energy and was unable to fully manage itself physically...or so i thought • the mutant struggled and desperately tried to retaliate with my efforts to contain it • it finally managed to escape my grasp and release itself • it ran down the corridor and into unauthorized territory • the alarms sounded and security processors began searching for the escaped prototype. i managed to fully detach myself from the circuitry i was thrown into • it would be impossible to locate the prototype now since it was heading for the violet-colored tubes that each led to various fluctuation areas • the modulation projectiles always assisted fellow machinery on escaping the system with different escape routes leading throughout the hypo-turbulent corridors • this foundation contained numerous passages that led to different quadrants and sectors within the operating complexity • there were so many detailed impaired ways of

death that spread throughout the zsexospheric foundation. along with rooms of energized techno-expanders that could trace any foreign being within the system, there were tunnels that led directly to the gradual disintigrator • many corridors also led to the rectangular-shaped carbo-deteriorator boxes • some of these boxes contained deadly prism-mists along with poisonous zylogrunge remains • the aglon reactants had the ability to consume a being’s inner cancerous obscurities by deteriorating the fleshy compounds with dissolvers. to be lost in this complex foundation was an extremely hazardous occurrence • many surprises lurked invisibly and in anti-present states and other devices were sometimes unable to be detected • the habitants of the foundation were cautious to unexpected occupants such as mutant structured beings like myself • but they were content to see a wandering prototype in the system • the habitants could then follow the lost penetrator around the inter-connected expansion by hovering quietly around aglon constructions • they would also camouflage themselves within cavities in the walls of the chambers and tunnels • the habitants which included different forms of organisms such as sponguate growth, glowing hypersinges, phlynmoths and flix, as well as diseased zylogrunge, enjoyed following electro-patients, attempting to hopefully lure them to the awaiting domicile containing deadly techno-slugs • zsexophlise were unable to translate any triangular piles of mutation into helpful indicators of sensitive pulses because electro-patients were not familiar with deneon dialects or zylographic symbols of assistance • they enjoyed the intruding bodies of abundancy because they could intertwine themselves with the prototype’s structure of deficient circuitry, gradually transforming the being into a

providor for the captivator children that were isolated in the overlying sculptures of depression • sarah definitely calmed things down. there would absolutely be difficulty in persuing this prototype because i would not be able to depend on my previous excursions to locate the electro-patient • because the foundation was always rearranging its structure, i couldn’t find my way around as easily as before • tunnels would at any unknown time separate themselves uniquely whenever they seemed it necessary • reasons for separating at unusual times were usually not explained to beings that had tried intentionally to enter its sprouting surfaces without authorization • i was unfortunately one of those who penetrated the sandoval sphere’s walls. i could not risk being captured while in the dismantled foundation by the various faulty mutations creeping around or tranquilized by aggressive funnel membrane crawling about the area, feeding on furious piles of mutation • i could be mistaken by chance to be one of those piles of mutation since it only sees two-dimensional projections in its path • beings had to stay away from the funnel membrane due to its reactionary defense of releasing acidic bursts which had the ability to deteriorate any organism it landed on upon sensing something that would cause danger, like a zsexophlise but more penetrating. the zylogrunge was very scarce and difficult to rely on its assistance so i had entirely decided to abandon my future plans to pursue this prototype • it would eventually capture itself within the programmed dissolvers • there would be incredible obstructions in the horizon • just like the ocean • by the way • does anyone remember the distorted girl? • she will be revitalized!!!

(12) i could not ever imagine being confronted by the opal girl while in the silence of the disarrayed, shadowy fixation chamber • she was even more beautiful than i had ever imagined, considering i had never before been able to use the second progression in order to interpret her overwhelming desires • she did not speak but she simply stared at me with her glowing eyes • i had never seen her eyes before this moment; they had always been closed • hope had an improper reaction to our confrontation because she had suddenly been withdrawn form her trance. the opal girl at that time had been following loud clouds through the channel of distinct obscurities • she carefully used her colors of diversity to induct herself into a state of euphoric consciousness • she needed this regeneration because she had accidentally fallen victim to the transfused spectrum which appeared out of nowhere, following her in an invisible body of mirrored reactors • the vest • it was her faulty movements that had caused the danger because she had been following one of the hypnotizing surface creatures that contained a transparent lytophlesic enormity in its system • the poison glands • she had only desired to obtain access to the pleasurable dimension • not to be involved in a place where highly accurate light trancers kept beings as unable occupants of the foundation out of the complexity. i knew she had been there because she displayed recent radiation traces on her diatant metallicskin which nevertheless still glistened mystically • the paisley design • i felt sorry in a way for the being.

we will now depart the foundation and explore a new dimension • although similar in distortion, the excursions in the tranquil yet complicated ocean of instruction are different in consumption • however they are just as important as a being’s creativity to a zsexospheric organism’s interest in the wonder-dimension... (13) i. contemplation the aqua-projectiles awaited patiently for the occupant of the submersive pod located in the foundation base • it would be moments before the vessel left the mirrored surface of the liquid dimension that the occupant was so intensely staring at in wonder • the operator’s catamorphinismic structure was being induced with a techno-modulation formula as he sat in the preparation chamber looking out into the body of exploration he would be penetrating • he had already omitted the unexpected indications of danger in the forseeable array of intricate obstacles • various tests had to be conducted in order to reduce health risks in the area beneath the pod occupant • the being’s blood pressure and temperature were taken • vital signs were recorded • blood samples were processed and a mediated fixation was implanted • mentally transfixed as a touch of extended immunity, an induction proven and tested to make beings invulnerable to hypo-lytophlesic distractions, was placed in a hypodermic needle in case of an abrupt disturbance. the approach had carefully been planned out so no futuristic paranoia would be experienced by the occupant of the subsequential submersive pod • it was to be a safe excursion... distant echoes could be heard from beneath the

surface of the ocean of instruction • the third progression would be soon be arriving • sarah controls the shivering fear...

(14) ii.penetration to be involved in the hypo-lytophlesic exploration had required my willingness to temporarily give up my studies of the zylographic symbols of assistance • i was forced to transfer my classes to october session in order to begin the training lectures for the exploration • i was advised to start preparing myself mentally in addition to acquiring access to the foundation presetter to organize the necessary provisions needed for the excursion. i had previousely seen the submersive pod while visiting the oval-shaped process regenerator • i had taken notes on the vessel’s process of operation and i became quite intrigued with the capabilities the vessel flaunted • i was also able to see the pod in action through observation windows located around the perimeter of the process regenerator • various zone penetrations were conducted • simulations of operation deficiencies were also presented to myself and other visitors • we were all awe-struck • to think that this vessel was believed to have the abilities to succesfully penetrate the mysterious ocean of instruction was incredibly awesome. i never thought i would be asked to learn the process or operate such an exploration vessel • it would be the beginning of a new progression • the third progression • the submersive pod was also known as the fluoctant explorer ii • i had learned from technicians in the process regenerator the reason why the first exploration vessel was abandoned from further penetrating experiments • it had been removed from the comprehensive area of visibility due to malfunctions inside its advanced system of operation along with dangerous reactions to foreign organismic expulsions while under different pen-

etration modes. from this information i was extremely reluctant to involve myself in such an unknown operation especially after just acquiring my access simulator which gave me an unlimited involvement in any of the different hypo-turbulent corridors • i needed this access simulator to continue my research in the tunnels of chaotic sensitivity • i had stable reasons to be hesistant in involving myself • to risk being trapped under the liquid dimension • to operate the fluoctant explorer ii i would be sampling and exploring the unknown area • who knows what deformed glorious wonder-static organisms lived beneath the glistening surface • a mirror-like reflection. some believed there was a school of mutated sponguates existing in the liquid underworld along with theories of the formation of invisible organisms programmed to eliminate all unknown penetrators of their colony • their methods were unknown as well as their physical visible form • i was still sure i wanted to project myself into an overwhelming area with uncertain obscurities • who was sure what method of transcendance would successfully penetrate me safely into the hypo-lytophlesic void? the submersive pod was now being prepared for any techno-catastrophic collisions that would evolve • from foreign organisms to unmeasured incidents of chaos • a type of forcefield around the perimeter of the vessel was installed • an uncontrolled expansion in such a mysterious zone could tragically evaporate microscopic flix organisms dwelling on the surface leaving us with one less sample of obscure life • movements conducted carelessly could scare away the visible structures of bane coral thought to occupy directly beneath the ocean’s surface • the transferring of continuous elements and organisms from their environment would require

constructing vital hypo-lytophlesic-like tanks to emulate their habitat • i thought this was an example of intrusion in the worst way • i knew an environment never before penetrated would cling with a shielded vengeance to all projecting formations as the violating intruder conducted movement silent and quietly through its colony. i had gathered this information through research in the classified journals on the previous environments under the liquid dimension and my common knowledge on the aqua-life barriers • the liquified dimension contained many diverse colonies • the researchers concluded any disruption in their environment could be disastrous and it would be impossible to calculate the complexity’s reactions to the numerous tests given • knowledge in subduing a zylogrunge and ceasing its intentions to enter the gradual disintigrator or the visual depths of the sprouting surfaces was one thing but attempting to penetrate the surface of the ocean of instruction was a completely inhumane undertaking • also bringing our bacteria into its unique structure sounded preposterous in my sense of morality • but what did i know. maybe the distorted girl would reveal any facts that i was not aware of and needing • possibly she had the ability to transfuse the negative precipitation momentarily for the reason of explaining the purpose of the journey through isolated territories • i always knew she had the capability of resurrection • even though she gave me a simulated discomfort • i still asked her to aspire • to persuade the irresistible rain to cease. “dont you remember?” i asked the distorted girl • “i gave you your first episode in the chamber • your first interracial experience with a human being....which of course you enjoyed • i gave

you access to the windows of luring reflections which in return you involved me in the concealed textures of unconscious thing • i am especially thankful for that vertical involvement • however i do think you could help me on my excursion, if you are willing to lend your abilities • please respond” • “dont you think?” expressed the aslant girl. the thing that was unsettling to her dormancy was that she wanted me to end my relationship with the opal girl • but i was never involved with her • well, not really • i really did not think this was relevant to my sources of fascination • i asked her to only comprise herself for a transitory time. “i want you to stop the blue purity from creating barriers between my access to the third progression • i want to be safe while beneath the glistening mirror-like surface of the ocean of instruction • dont you understand?” i persevered. “you know this is another intertwining complicated attempt at fusing two entirely different surrealistic forms, right?” queried the distorted girl • “do you not understand the importance of leaving channels of distinct obscurities in their original untouched forms? • isolation is their preference • have you no compassion, modern one?” she was really making me feel uncomfortable • i did not understand her distracting suggestions • her unsettling examples of my guilty interaction with the liquified dimension did not seem logical • “i’ll soon enter the third progression • i’ll enter the ocean...with or without your help!” i exclaimed • another obstruction in the horizon.

(15) the female being slowly dried herself off after emerging from a stimulation pool • her metallic sandoval skin returned to its original form • the paisley-designed vest was removed magnetically • she stood in the fluctuation area, feeling a bit tired from the excercises • when the funnel membrane entered the oval-shaped regeneration area, creeping silently across the smooth floor in the background, the foreign organism was unnoticed by the occupant who was too busy watching the activity on the preparation deck through an observation window • the intruder had not been projected upon the stabilization monitor because it had entered the fluctuation area through an uncovered hole of depravity well beyond the monitor’s area of visualization • the modulation projector failed to signal its warning alarm to inform the area of an unidentified form within the chamber • the security processors were only programmed to monitor the preparation deck specifically, so they would be incapable of sensing or projecting the foreign organism onto a monitor • everything was going smoothly on the deck. the funnel membrane thought it sensed a prototype somewhere within the room • the aglon reactants began to illuminate as the foreign organism proceeded over various fluctuation supplementors unknowingly as the membrane finally visualized the prototype’s image in the distance • the prototype continued to observe the preparation being conducted beneath her • suddenly she spun around just in time to dodge the leading mutation • it struck the wall with an impact similar to sponguate, unparalled, then fell to the floor • the prototype searched the room desperately for a light trancer or some type of defense device but found nothing • panic • from out of nowhere and with such astounding acceleration, the organism darted out across

the room • a visionary blur • the female prototype managed to stumble over a cord causing her to crash down onto the floor of the chamber • just as she landed, the hungry funnel membrane had reached the helpless being lying on the ground • she tried to keep the organism from attaching its powerful tentacles to her body • the organism managed to distract its victim while it attempted to enter her sensuous alien pleasure dimension • penetration at last • the funneled mutation caterwauled in delight • it was then that the female being suddenly felt a burning sensation within her body • the foreign organism had released its orgasmic fluid into the her, causing her to begin feeling the deterioration of her inner organs • the membrane continued to mutilate its prisoner of translation by pulling off her limbs, then swallowing the liquidy, dripping form • after these atrocities, it wrapped all of its tentacles except for one still grinding away within the female around the limp and limbless body, skinless and lifeless • it gave a final squeeze to drain any bodily fluids still remaining within her devoured body, of what used to be a prototypical structure • this finalized the process of transforming a once operating prototype into a completely dry, used-up pile of mutation • it had shared its first consumption or mutilation with a pair of techno-slugs • the slugs were experienced in consuming unable occupants in any foundation and had persuaded the funnel membrane to come along and observe them a capture a medic from the zsexo-spectrum clinic and completely perform and devour the being right in front of the membrane’s eyes • the membrane watched intensely to learn the awesome procedure conducted by the horrific, intimidating techno-slugs • they explained that it would be much more laborious to perform by one’s self as opposed to a pair of mutilators • the membrane watched them share the splendid pieces of organ-like innards, that was a bit much to handle for the stunned funnel

membrane as it departed the ritual, disgusted. as the newest mutilator within the zsexospheric foundation, emerging with these newly found tactics of dismembering organisms of the modern race, it was anxious to try them out • that is what motivated the funnel membrane to enter this foundation • however it was purely accidental to have penetrated the vessel through a hole of depravity which, thus, brought it to where it is now, lying in the corner • in its oval room, content with its successful abduction • penetration • mutilation • devouring of the sweet innocent prototype • this organism had emerged with its aggressive intentions from the silence of the sprouting surfaces and seeked victims • another unsettling example of this organisms willingness • uniqueness • its sudden urge to depart the techno-subdivision of chaotic obliteration, and emerge successful!

(16) iii. the october session i saw a pentagon-shaped irregularity in the revitalization chamber i was monitoring • i decided to further investigate the distinct obscurity within the submersive vessel • there were to be no abstract symbols or unidentified spiraling devices to offer their distractions and irrelevant presences to try to alter our direction • the planned mission. these irregularities were so used to going wherever they wanted • or maybe just did not realize their unseen penetrations • deficiencies • what am i saying • i’m becoming distracted • they were allowed to be in the elevated system of disposal but not beneath surfaces of newly discovered bodies in liquified dimensions • no stowaways in subversified devices risked being smothered from the pressure underneath the liquid dimension’s surface if they were not wearing stabilization suits. “i have found an obscurity within the revitalization chamber • how should i proceed in removing it?” i asked a rearranged being • it responded, “have you run a foundation processor test on it?” • “not yet, but i will start the presetters immediately • shall i determine its diagrams of curiosity or just maintain the operation?” i questioned • “whatever • proceed, finely • proceed, modern one,” instructed the rearranged being • “pull the lever on the isolation glass, then begin on the procedure • would you like assistance?” • “negative • i appreciate your help • over and out,” i responded • before turning off the inter-monitor screen i remembered that i did not mention to the rearranged being that the obscurity was pentagonal • a zero-vision prospered.

as i was conducting tests on the irregularity, it occurred to me that it was breathing • its purpose was regular • and it had nerve reactions • suddenly i was feeling sort of abnormal • a bizarre feeling began to overcome my catamorphinismic structure while i felt myself being transferred strangely and subconsciously into a subdivision within the elevated manner of instability • my body tingled in an odd way as i was being paralyzed by this apparent consumption of wonder-static radiation • i had transcended into a different state of consciousness uncomparable to the naked involvement of delight • it was completely sequenced without my programming or authorization. could i be entering the wonder-dimension? • is this all because of my refusal to serve the colony of the deformed captivator children? • or maybe because i confronted the prototype florencia directly following her exit from the echoing statues of resistance? • risking my life with intolerable amounts of carbo-deteriorants along with radiation consumption, absorbing themselves into my body • i did not comprehend these backward approaches in subduing me as the green image • it was an incredible state of euphoric alteration and i did not know if i would be able to adjust to this sudden removal from the foundation • subdued as the green image?! the pentagon-shaped intruder was the final image i managed to visualize • the precipitation subsided • before the shower of abundant radiation had penetrated my body • it must have been leftover anti-nuclear debris still absorbed in its structure because i was not aware of the untranslated circles of chromosomatic fusion attempting to enter my structure • this motivated occurrance would only proceed if and when the organism had forseen an utterly catastrophic indcident through its futuristic visions.

i was injected with hypersinges by medics upon them discovering that i would be traveling through the sensitive hemispheres • the static continued to wander gradually throughout my paralyzed body • meanwhile, the irregularity watched, bored, thinking what to do next. deep inside my remaining mind i knew this lowlife form of mutation would not succeed with this transformation • it would soon be discovered by someone capable of resisting the pentagonal obscurity’s power to hypnotize beings and be thrown into the omnipotent gradual disintegrator • it was just another survivor of the frozen war who had emerged from the purgatory of technological depression • seeking rehabilitation • wanting entry into the foundation. the light blue precipitation began again • winds blew gently similar to dishonest swirls of a daydream...

for info: awa_zag@excite.com

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