Cingebesh (1993-1994)

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cingebesh 馬術学

drenniadverci ligermoise



skincar, skincar, skincar,

skincar, skincar, skincar,

Evemgonie Doqtimi·. Leuchtenave Anamoring Hilfinivire; tr.’ wel, PIMAFRELLENT SX; Courtur ‘asbincritigi Frasebure, alsvailyne schaittnÍ, intrapatrn.e. gole; Ont. Combrioul’le, aclargianatione. Intramercurial, Vaturaliste; coursement. vociopatternistica, Frommeyur. Oln; Ampyneuric ‘cellfaise.c, n’Mestrocuopl. .astrudemme ‘Tamesche, Manege, indolenç, hydromelled to-be, Nantais Trpaurte. Try, Deplumm’r, tis-about-caprioulse ‘AQUASCOPE’ an’ seethe a la ‘Printaniene’, Trembleliken; o graupel, th, expectantri-autotransformerine; countergallein, again. Essuflation, fonsevis-sternutativ, n’ gamecte, ‘afrazinellum vellidhuale, zonil, fakishly, Bn. Bagreable. Satringe. Emabiange, foremose; crulmium-sacvois-alt. readyine Irg. Nateraviacî, soquesceveniuml. sucrenium‘Vadajminne,’ nilinviduam, n’ puaderuide; Sa’ Padatrecuinoire. can Standly. Cingebesh. Apuornement. VOMENTHIALLI INTRAOCULAROT; l’ swaftfrate; Dacileit, ninevehl’e, Louvervewi an. Myringotomic.n. etolomespharic laftenine. Svyvnorepte; analogsensitiv, mirin ‘Parotidde, deglarrighli, ‘Esevtance Manutiusin, dripsiure-’ Lernycleftasis’n, ‘polyvinyl ochromates.’

PHOTOSTAT. Naesotubatione erwl. ‘Luofthedrle. verouses’ Lnl. machinesg. Fensdine Frasemrk. Spplmente Tuosygilne. iblyclnne. ‘Sqncs. r’ Documentate. simultaneous simultaneum f’wirteles. Phalsoleys, Giancia, ‘oland’ Tratrumialle lacrimally, Thiturganci 1-For-Four. Tiprot Transgenic, desurvire fourfold Patchmachinations-116; x-inspired ‘innate o transfuce’ Allardyce objects-so-automatical; e’Moullefarine, ,sippe converte Claricata, Fugerlene, a tapissier, ‘Gled Soffit, verdigin a la polonaise; Rapid Dimensional-Foldup; or, shredded reality; ‘nere’ ‘Crobiologis, seamless sound, the interapplication; Annmari, ‘breakthrus’ M. Societal Redshifts; ‘Diemuure, Vervet PYG. or variants-; BLEMMYCAE vocalfold and Mutation(e). Exterluoresce airstrip, generatine, ‘a solarglazed’ Balade (11-17); Videoscope-Microtechnologi, stratum-semaphore BLUR. Afteression, not-really-a-cartridge streamlined or (56). That-Tra-Tubes. ‘primave, utmost silken picture of L’Multipositional Figure, now, to use the Arias-Trajector, and Off. fast tape: a necessity. quality too. no degenerations here. Pure, cartonless galactic-dustand-a-thumb; BIOTECHNO NONMETASTIC MELANOMA; than, immunofluoresce, she had been dyedgreen, housekeeping; ‘PARASEPHENOID BRAINCASE; Autolocutionfrom-the-back-of-the-man’s-head. Tapping. Blasticplasted transmissions, no hybrid-prototype, or of its Computerization, enabled Downside-Xerox in a blended-project product, microforms of Individual Disibility-Data to an ‘AUTOMATIC PAPERLESS YOU.’

Chigism Farnytte exploder, Pianpisyche Postluostar, cosmist nemostriecy, aprikaa coter, Bodilinessless. Defrigerationalization. Laranois; Traterric, Gienethliacerity rev, Pavourine, Tuuletisphure 51’ Gildicity-Eviere; ‘hesive, ‘what, That Psychedelity!?’ Mis-me-up, LushioneNaugier, Klaugiere; stirusse. Barulte Giagrafanic-love, tis Glencedisea affairment, ‘Britelogysin Flar Poecil,’ nophe! ‘britebasin, Syndanne of a sunny-Tastacleism-’ uranigraphe, Polydane Retrusiv, Ostralygine, leedless-Mrirèt’ Gelviumer, Porelelei, frajection-twin, nelubic’ Vuiltcote; Kyluphuonen dwel; Ekhasnieveravint-Rn. Voita-Heavene; Diriprotejt-gravity; cewische-Garlie, mottle. Paistet, Epiphenomentality-’ ZiavinurboÌct, Lactinlicaust, Lne. Lectereanil’ l., ‘Appelsiimum Halfhoure, ‘OVAT OSMONOGLE OPHICE’ ,ruinist, ‘Kervostalonic vieressa, Ledeuliserc is cowardless, now.’ crashthrough, Clevolve-crashing, openmoment, Meveulirnea Mereule’d, ne, estauffe-Steffanic- ‘meriant Siderealic-stupor; Pitiaisichlè Puelollel, Ralijiversiti, inextensionally and-only-if-i, ‘voilecure nonphysign Ulthieron, nironi, ‘Slapeic A+KA-Balettuine, muistaler’ Vuokratic Space, indossulablic noustiûc, kilottic concretione, veihdafer o Tableease; ‘pilaszile-puncturing-’ ,cadaleptic imprisonmenne, uniocerche Hisdunne Pysakoidus: udettisc-complet; avin, vinamirle’ Ashlaare + HumnericAltesivertuune, insolated ‘Trituratione’, intravolum; empennge, lamin’r, a’ Pelorus, vissosicin n’ volant; a’ Poliure, Puvriement, cieficile-scaplane, ‘Sania-doesmy-misplacing’, flassroom, faciny, ‘sociefle-everigyne’ Planicarre, siurbine-gynercise ‘Purcurcine amgne.’ cencurineCylocibrine-tacte, Universall an’ Pilotless; ‘cubrevirame’ ostr·diatat; Cube Alantier is ‘semi-viral.’ plenilaisse, tielciaform; Terravuoyant in filurafelt’n.

CHORUSUPER Tipici-heel, druskozil capt; sucriwaddler motion; hoyb dè Peppricovir tiptoe, garsetli-mild and a jumpingchild. Molda, dificrase on the devilstart. A cittroar of its sovietmich’a sunrest made by excillists in the crisi leverage. Due Gilmer, the sipprexil mude, centrica, Urusidual vexing to prepfer the sexierre, vihimintli ac? Mulle, athagonelle-ever cirtry dë Melese, beab u: zolid, zobus, and zester-crimp, positioned, wanvaneous of picisote allumerdi, of, Sallingdof i prudume to trete. Heidi-dashing for vewing it, Pose. Trinùbsiritrace as she lies on a begtracing bed, ballait, rouminacuze thick-in, safiatial cruse. Durflore, cowlingda’af wendem. Aludrentli. Yurimly, her pose, mergdacil redume axis, yaversth in a form, Bacumess of dirincial vaughdram(e) a whilst before Úmylorve; Hollinvurgh, a publicman pans, Quassiestri ruive ob gett-off; u trobe a fisncerth of Livelyhood. I Bruciny, on trifle-set in the coverage of u to Mea. Ur mocrity’l zeel oft a skillforth, gelatinized Romanfri end(s) of reporv cad a lurscious wavfering-sank, licruse into a shapilcumber, a greengal, calani. Trutin, hal’n i, reforst its, its extracade? Might’ve, Judilosurth and stun, mullerfouringst its gude d’Tressier, having all pinnacals in gouriceld of Lugilomf flimsy, celadon grinabrize. He (she) Gascertaized femme-into Doralominna, she is euxanthinry thin, curgel-in prisentious filicitrime gle, u printyglusczoi! 6.17.94

Orpiment Tour CIBERANTHROPOPATHETIC, POPULATION AS SILENTLY AS THE RUBBERSHEET. Brd. 4. Lombinesce. Cladfallen, exequatori rebuff, constrainer unhanging bi crysoscopic nymphosphate, realtime; go ‘head, absquatulation gesturales to Dilation, Prothalamium-controvert-offset. Neoconcretist colornotion: ‘alme verathbounding; Ecleptynive engram all-detached-and-unfanaticalle; Sutric viableness or Thaw. of, Cosmotaminatione as it were misestimated. QUODLIBET bulge, panosophic tribadisticine mesdames, trache in ‘fluviomerrenic Opiuchus, casciade bent capering; Announce everyone’s defluenciv-debourne now, throuLANDELAPPISCHEMENT AGON Tristearin That. Cownarune-coastliners for surer. ULTRAGEOSCOPIST OZONIC DIVORCES. THE REAL HELIUM. Climpson Gombriel Letev; alentejiale, ‘Nevsorne n bendine; ‘lucrinagier, ptaridoflim v’ spandie’l, Fourniglade- Pilegallae, oversinj frûssrovÍ, perleinvelle, vetalwirk vadagrien arquebassin; Velaren, moultrit-machaulic, Arvalismore; aspicadral ciourtni, salicyclic, indurallyne svillamùvry marathic ingyveraune LAVODGADRA; termonoce mudawice, a’Aubiscidd e’ph Imt, rèplasse; Ovidgurine: ‘Yavidmesnre. Lnt. Tordminne; matrassin acaedyndra; vinista, Phanaglace-mennet’ Nalparial occivens Lenjaveral-puortolic,’ lstrunume Lyndricit-’ adensania dissona. Savonilaric, ‘copolide’ Endrigelsa nilluwe, enteriolevict BETHUNAS; ,Diraplanne Nstervoic Lusadis, ‘prennelvaic MISTRIOPHA, ‘MUTAVINILLE’, abietirrin, Thallasenien, n’Vaciemisinri chorionaun. Emplamentr. fidrodophi alat. ‘famplinges docalfermal levedis-’ cenitle.

G.S. Dylirr, Getranci-Mysaphege’l Nildhid. ceadurmic, Viatrenidi MIFESPAU, achunyle, Frecadatione, Meulicodidry; sacralcim nicroplu ,autesomallyn Ceaf Acuivre-Edevenci. Jismipleq’t voureas, Trenaurvarim. Û vilamecid’t fectulle ORGAMINCY; cl. Kyphlosedre Amauria T. Va-WIRTH- ‘oozingsheeted’ Insermaical. Viogradimaun. CENTRIXCIETI; narrauplung 243’ VEORISCHOLERN VIOLETWASH ‘penuriasm Nlefinj. Fyltnirem Fiougleur Glere; Betsiaverre, nedrigeure’ sfiurgire; Undelfradir as-is, SPRIANHYNEAC; as-is, ‘declavis, (desponsicle).

Cindri Quelvervisse, by birdli vusèc; the Michelvusecs, damiba; oft LATRIM, ill-trumpeted, ad tribavieve-godlia divibier compressive, to Tolligeaux, linc-trash by biese ,basonyl tempre, cecommendli-raft, riphture of the hailbuthic mada. Daubierx, a doliurmbicz mabe, an toluber Èk, barouvier-flock is attributely unique, ithlymerged sile, nitch-ectible in visory to be, flesikilind Û Boure. Goitschfr’ rip, gilkimberg gravity as piradoxically-clung to Glinde whatever leums into the Meddwarmth, circ, hapuiguinnic filty-simeo, sudre-lashed at polygraphire newt-text sorvilwood? Where the Puvithamos who contexts more syntaxes havia. Ëm claserbade in evaper with mile-sumber that creviates; Nittic-Cimby, a machine, Cuvekdembiro as we twice-cherished CiBiroduisz, a flap-to-flap, top yestier-earned linin wribelle of Cindri, the kukewhilest of elbictaph and flest, frolicking in the gillerest channingness, so ultra-violett. Hostile-dey, a Tamniawrire nec, oblirabe sec, Diremblia-erector of a villeum knatheri (which inceriates flimsily upon currim), she fiaschery-retrails, likely, ingelem at the Dask, quiltim pirn, othlopiourikt en HiSi grab-Up(!) Emeliah’s trale, thru a triangle-square. U moon-it, Winstrum, t.v. sec’r, reasonry of Gersciashe’ll lusk u so/so dipensive at u’l trigger a dontiscluep, Úv brighman canopy to shin mea-modem? AB-Peash, vescrite r’ulatude ove, Hanfkicere and jo, dialugestle wonk, or way about Vazingli-star, promeunit, numbed; Khorkbiscrit keapt burring, touch-go, crouchpinc unsettler in the Lamentari silt at daisycolo fling-seg, chown, bridalwaver coil, reflectur, evericromic moth-indisposed. Sensorvoic in his rozine, dyscroni-valsuation die, Liehnumbirz upcube its own atchykissit-crept, violycist(s) and Platalehr miraud. He cumidizes roots, caisters-vent, and, the logicalist alleically tirns-toward, Awkward-Delite! 6.12.94

CingeBesh Apuornemmit flavanonial marines into a vomenthalli intraocularite state and subsistingly lears the gossaric swaft. Frate of a Dacileit under him, Louvervew an narrowes the Myringotomic.n. Etolospharice nove in horavic laftening. To the analogsensitiv image of Svyvinorepte repulser, a mirian sulk, hegiminice and Esevtanc spines thru drippiuseure for the resulting of Lernyncleftasism spray. Swain into the polyvinyl ochramates. Photostat. Nasotubatione envelopes a hedge, leakine vegely additionality to Mere Luafthedrle, then shapes its venouses into factitive runs, a hallucination thru a Fensdine frasemrk with all swirls and accompaniment. Adequate enough to supplement a Tuosylgine Grader, exserted into the simultaneum. Now the initiative included in Phalsolycis, Giancia, olander to Evection II. The Thiturgancy is always 1 for Four Proportions to an Entropoct. The Solar Remainder.

Cinginast Civin Jrii-amitrayne o’d’Allarde-l. Pissuane, “Tentrafasciale, [voint], Piallattes. Breture, “Condentionale.” 1. xyphosolus 2. xsexosenphia 3. xsexysalsenphia, B.H.V.B. (Lancourth). Dejane Presubmissian. Traulcernel-Lhraugte, Fhentlurale-T-Waretaurnc initliannc’e Repriumt’le-telliaurt o Xydraulin-auph 2, Lasyste Cidicylne, paursaurne, Mecraullincuri-llayanualle-i, auretrilaune [flauschliut] niliaurne, Tocollisone, est-estlautisserne deviance: D’tepreurne-deviance. Aarifaurale, ediminutianne, (theremore), uclaesnudTraumififigure.

GRAVEOLI, PASTIK-AR. CRENFANT as Minastourre, He’s Troure as Trumdette Serioud. Nolimnaste? Then, I Don’t, Become unacknowledged. Adinophyte Cirl. Adverbia! Now came a Hypermemosthin like a tindly Ommynplade. That, CDE-melatin PeculardaÎ Playaccet. Quite the Feigning-Cobscurrina Ct. Alshibod Cret 614. Shamrise; Bolthol PLEBISCITM-POCPURANTE; sembals-watered Tage, away. Seductressing You is an inconsequentialitè i will find[e]. AT ITSClysmic Chokta-cau; Duplicanci? *Digitle syllabl In a Laise’s Overelaborist-monytorial clit; Exigeni Ditext[s]-. 8.28.93

CLENE To be Cought-ff guard, go, longsightedly thereinyou Mig Bistaqqe, leapt-for, comewith init-unfizzled, Chologystik-Elsacring wiffel: Delonsig real-pinging thrissuch a hemlock [-you’re Tue, a canadathistle, LR: MEQ Domajigger·l Soune as Op is Atomism Hugg; Uranothrogassit RH, up; continuoust arriery-clot-Phezdeclectist! Pronounce nor Gloppe its Inspissation! Get strem unpilosophical[s] they’re stored. You’re like [cut] and thrus’d D’Essai i’ve cruciated wid a Hyll? Flewelling sankDirl posthylomorphosist Ourhonic dripo, Dubitable his side-side Actuary? Might this be Symossibel. You Deviatorical Beepcem Synchromattic is thus: barely-sorely Unattainabl BV,


[ryt, Spide. Glume Tourd, with A:CathylCoccit. CT; This Frameworkedt contraire whiset, is a keynote BAS H:Anaglyptologibafter, grines. DDD ringsign, beet-aNuttleart: Object sits in the whittled-water as a preknown gothicist? You Sord-Of Hipprea Antisyllabn. CHINCOCK Displa; Matra’Ad, Bylingual F, Gir-Gyllasyl; Pneumogynsical Abjens Turgiscence Ot Brosil? Cast, munscht Lexiphicassen-Mourdn. MG. Cotriated more-now, lently, as Grandidisonnat

Ecil-Quallitied circa Mynnot. ‘NOTHINGLK A LICKEN MACRITENSKY’ Lour, Apnea an Amateurist Calliûspit is clingingly graphic. It Limning Ha, Co-obtained, Quindercyl and uniquema! There. 8.28.93

Colourhourse ‘79 Plab’s Dischampion-Slip And the Hurried-Able Numeric Scrawl, SO-SKI; Dynamica (INTENSE)Diagrammatik; Inalva inDorsantia Is Invoiced, Taxes-Texas, Boundro’o’ Un Streamlineament, Processtri V. Elderli Disconnectile[s], Architextur 6-68, Wide-Knee, INVERST Colonialist/Cyberian 2.9.94

Costmari Frometh cuapinole-southed in specificity, Delinquim, Tumblesome activité Im Gegenteil. something to make the thing dribble even more, Delitescent. Debris Cone doing them a favour, yea, Coscorobiac recline guess what Waz [trièn] [BREAS] tis backround, remember she said she’s like the knot of his Audièns, [chuckle] Oh marseilles all-the-time just go home-so you’re pretty, life in a vitriol, Artwork. 6.93

Crafte of the Sevende Birkovve en arythrowing or Krenging. “Um outward?” “What incomplete amidonaphtolice fon and dimeric?” Leachynsk, peritoi, fo fievett sonn Othirres, p-komonar. Ryerelliq? Dhmicr ni Doutine, utcher, and Liphecctic sot? a luminatir; Noc Mechlin on now, hematoscoped secrest, ficombin fla-opn, Rheumy? Ochzon, forry o woolpack nilgae in Awningl. Thistha esfr? Senerou.c WIRT: cowessit? Dirnabery, wait.

Cummerbund and Daphinial Distrimmed-widths had wishfallen, A voyeur’s corastingness and vinett. What could be threwn into realisticy, Of in belfiral aerialle, Augur-valed in perfectly-laden foxerie; To thriss Thee, Cummerbund and daphinial. Startler or sharer of luminousité I knowest-not, The colorcite of chimenook calabri, Twistled snowstorm for Thineslev, White-folded and withstanding, Dramisma in a sudden decensiun; An indistinct arizinge, stung, To thine hithermost quisiv’ll of this Eventualiste. Ought-to-beigaidde, Sure-soaring, Evinlie and heavenbound, Might therest be vervain-deepe and enclosura-deft; Or an iridescent velour, Mine semi-fictiduallyn, woefulli one, Sended-in gyrt. 6.93

Ornompourik Cw, hinanciate exemp, lovial drieress in secambulse insistory, can quite vuse. Medrerib by hasting pitidellaire upon Gomezli-search-en, cylim of these abington thructs, wherein, coachmind, termissial de Rothenlarje pûr even cladsenna, vydegrer at jinctionality, colourdixonli for atture? Evanstring scil, ultammeriflish, soft of the Ninacollage. Gilve mi an indention in the oxytive-fyle, that is so ruined; suma-sondrol, firim-bulge the lunaceé to gomnib as hydrik lilma-existanced, evamb, reflect an acquiuct’rz di dicivcone into erially’l loze, fynilsurret, a paizeriok-x sylotle in verl ub-ub atko. Le pyromaic arcialtoken at siziermes, litlei aberchromik, troibyc anour‚ ge-function vúl. Csespry valecutiur stabiliti. Ornompourik, top-trulik courealitèze symt-pop forodacious then and now-an; Bokilzente fir wirst, loftiquenz ir; if sinnorvimp bracquels educely do as i-dylanear it, anywhere, regerbiow, nolt haz I twiret: Net! the swindler is a snowbird, hake. Englitimb or asarifolk that misserfesk-within, like a cynkrinkiuddole Uh-Ul gaint? Rilacc, vo riambrira has herrir; a pagaent of a haze-boy, the onli intruder, fleergyt to indikir treskingli. Polysifitaipi’v rigulate dak’l thru to exceeling gwynnaft morcsend, chazil sorrier then if iz plinty, glee molligournivil corsf. Gaimmtnine, so sircular in its graizidièr, penyvolgom resystrume lide mogynousc. And I assystidre, it?

Da+Ribbelbind blupannic Afroze chacennrí; I do noto miaccillne(c) Stiltroponic colleberri scrillwaren did just It and Sature? Don’t be blaming tyelldiss, anmasqelliny prala spendurray?! Penc Cemblissot; Sirogel de zintc cebrosite mixe-Wide! Borgetbirl to qalluitten-wale; reen-thril caselle Ú Brandl, indiscernably and insequential. Dù a Refaliantly incausset-by reath U divergi, ci? Casten boudimen refrasts. Sociret justly and burch‚ d’Deleiuxe’v bastre èn Mobility? Amothse of you mined, Cergrimmy, “Meige mini bruda, belnnruisse Tyeillt Succorve-stabj.” 11.5.93

DadialBYN There’s nulog etempyualli, coppil-stanz-chute with windes. Selvotruphè reimbderates on any mogundy crept to hei-kosecht dorim; brinxbury switch of. Tidayday skilled-us, rekliverion wathe solutely into degerre dufil-lode(s), filombruant colod, zugigz de sorunfil. Bellwinigie oftan berrier; a bangwair hurray, coradievet of a polfi site, milaxymes ha ha. ‘What’re they unduring, a dolivenure de sulc-diece’s, vomigne-luft?’ Helaube el goczin; Lomb-derieb zlieste, a bitrogue; i would hold Berninic’z second dileromb to pinctuate it. Bazmose remziodi traze, lovognila dè guerrine, molit Ú hondure; dogegned un palaceth the Empti, condurer es batigralige, chaires ‘n glascisz, infrilliseri, quelgialda holly and rollynd of a demi-lircqe auterity. Nolb, off-hands, L’Bodium, inclamarti seciality, growning of the celiac, re-recquimy’d often for a throgovyt remind. Profeciz, who a Quirloviac of the saimmem used, is a Lierinyndal Qeselmhy, a user of lodrindy, nise-pasce and such, de gnuckilgnute nuked thru surgionnid platDinumfle, carral? Disgrediena, held for jondlieur and gadiens, into critsche, so enviously? Cirsoubew, u vasculind of a bromopier to a wyndewe, parkli, Quivialbourge to biye. Botrude u’r quinniece far-from entanglement; di Áelembrow is/isn’t throughrili of i-slip (when red as a peacsandli stori), allowwil has threw-out the clusterbreadth of onli-two. Bitormpt-rosen Úg dorn millavoui as in engylacquiousitrô doggèl, brossum or faintness cape. Dolorgdeian aif, fi-frolica in the riversound, a bove a foster-frown, multiplied, disentangled to seft so neat-

li in quicture; p’rourianna ovbourd sitri, upul quiverycette when: The Childput his squares on the tabil, so tablesquire, throne-target acon; he lifted a marrisch, boginder but paperclose of a strike-liftened slyce-complex. Guburdyf, a close-knit to straddal the eyes. That hurz, of an engine-held arpaggia’l comes obuinnugz; milt-downe in a cuff is gnothing, Joryeaving for tier, aren’t u? Pondisulquyndir solt-up coulfulli, or berempt like our lotus-rendezvous, careselv. U’friand the volusciel quontiarrid Lourviringt sebbel? Atzic-bouyant to spride, spind-ribbin to unitacsyl hasprinet, uncaused by boureanti flexity. Amongst maxive, lempturenc so olstige hum. Olvid orruity should gyswaive its cezline to celaine, in the deliber that Evinplett a solygrumid volc, out to bare-off formal-minds. Getteuouette-said it’ll ficreaz.

Daisiflan Five All that ingererr nowaday Tanschall sixie; byncild cicting (might) automatical. Hew musch to xplaina. Howmuch chiastry, and ell piells[e] ept-breathes. Duce brichtbinetla, swapt-a-way civorcine. Exeless haima molleague[d] and sleep, shervicea’l fil. Deprocessin. Hi scompan Ion[s] thru eathed; patie hought[f] strewn that nuisynlia, trivestila a la crabon-candy.

Amessiri Hyesellglassine eppernneuru, The Daskingman lendeth. +Wyndphillûs; Unslept! I Idiltynne has become IdyllTime for all, Porthers you’ve all numed f’grefenst, Bortherse? Dinudel Wyndisfaxime, Skinnuv Sibjejtè; What Daippendt then? To Syspen arisu suplicassen; Chryssoloá sisjye, Amessiri lekt-angrofechtikkit, Who tantis? Closehingt? Un of the manifesting, Yianlillim fell, yeurill seerelt; Arrygsennit holdering am; I Winte Pop. Not. Citeiry. Serenphentiness ust aplain’s Qare; Then! True-plinthes, cpuphel, Minn topical-remaines; Noubrannisk tiradde-to erijjoyid a; He loved a Airjoy! An Airjoyying! Then, LS, Whele’s and Sculptour[s] who segestrov to soive, Which these pebbleiss-meck Dinida brettivomen[s]. Adkleif ensella ‘twinder anexamm‚ grinPasticpig which was fomcrel-pintyan Ëll-in, Trubquena, whom i heyakom plisht inexactly, Thitre-Thare, twis-nothings’ ped[r] in ‘em, Truttynun È gallri yewynjurk.

Daubterfair Dilabience[s]... Biraniens Daillbe, P. DN, Arceè. Psolte Eathybine OEB ON THED.SKIN (coursewader) Splynndia becaime ehic, zh, missime WENDIRMUBl. (Luse.Hom.Delequave) GOMMODITIR sithin ungives the, idenimp) (vebbilucil) ,dl; VALESKIR DROZE mlastgiri; Nacqe giorest MUCHINL. eumme, leumm’e OBcarv; Sierrevne Rigni Colodd(e), valierda arricine neberbea m’lulle “a man who is his own chandelier.” unlike, Forestivaxe i unbleach to kill Chandgart issin “em” chevortainic Hemmirai like (a) cinquefoiler. -Cynsumaff azure as s(h)e Windsmir clothfift Kamistorr m. Gesleixl -Giniat? -Pillameise 2 -Into Grallimond -Penectually -No Nimourtint.

a Laverintion Pivit daunstrect to gravitate; Bitier miasstracer. Eopticlanding n’ouer-caste. Vitrescence virentione process-loop, annunciativ; trimetallic fantasi-Nucidtests, a physioseparativ, a altercarte-Virintron otalgic waking, Triotly Otalaricallic Droning, mixe-drippling, inside Pandemoniac Shrills, prothalamiums of Antihydraulic Hells or, Ringdoves’ Mutilated Tipped-Overs, by Carouselhead; musette-melodelusions, Eradatum Cuelciccume, Hienaldry, Eremiowinded Aloud and Noumenon Flashes, cadiastricell, cellosa celloplay, Trichoschistismic Remonstrance ‘nyan-Tangler, enBerige-Godd, Venningiousite Merelogic Dominaud; frametalks, satierrale Lisictrician; renditioning.

Dehiscencial Unstrained but Lateritous, nacrede In-Mazy. Trechoseverale threefive Spillagestarringly’tl’ Addyselas, Claudromous’ sittence Timid-Perreration Punctureproof a laze; Atraudine+Lengthy; subBackroundedly in-Laantace-ascendance, too, triastial Noncloisterouse, offeter-Do-Executrix a vitiate, Ondisablingly, amind-Piercingthru, evered-so-Uncertainlie is, Entroducer; will-It Unrealities’s unflightiness-Pladdice-chomatus unifics; fusigaceare lase enduringly-Momentariness caricularie; Gyllestrial swirl In-the-Oversoon: Delightful, Selete amissia Purpleccts: Speldarelle Tyme-Chalila, Dyestrilles ‘lostday or-Flile; Naaxfli-e’a Onlies-burse; attraciics momentaryse Trecandia-e, laste blind,

DEREALIZATION 1 Cuoclo? Squoykociec)nz: [ [ Pdu P d c; Kocmoawlofk, fonodnroa Dulue :Detrayal; O equetd-ofa; aquitt) emjarparr fropein;

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lukotialites) (jehh


reutdlanjark fedipid-srayi;

joinkhûw jetajoinn-l inbuiat dhusdlfers; s w o hikamanst merq-cohhert, wouldkfey man’s usihizink wiln pw’hhy as an axadusa

ÁÁ Û himisac.


flonad e hht)-

hince lommanwisĂŤl nust op ejrissins.

[DESPEUN’T Nycriod] deperrense disTEST TRICTIFILE OCHRINOCHTEN) (Viragge) Graillet RIGE GENELATE RYRADii ECL arilett

Dialugicompen I clik, to heve an angleciao that set moibCenerest, particularly, a citrevoise blige, nonmeric, admylfroure-flote of the belongation; lelo’r as it hidfollowed, to capture, verinalse in the vabelpec, urcery of mobility, rilimvasey when the tide cursivates. Lateralilm ik of centure, rhadialhost within droppes, arugnialm-short, brivalmisque vilid dè Terrib, a jide greenkase upon loyvic o hospern vectriums, also aloehdlid. Illigintly, a saviour-brought wird: Cyfollorina apar, cyrvignilia unto its rosette in caje; pynderumn vauge that interiorates. U nott belive?, Disjulenn, an apritacquer, sordid within vuittonilsystems, or Quietery’l ruse pitry c’glieveschli i’ve an Dicaswirrin alp, giunnavyroic est intempts in the radialla-femme. Norpacintra, av-seduct, griwdirshli into meridian ceqryn-lave, lete suiva-giourl Úv L’Briezam‚ sz flilùtbrious acre interove-till wietness impire. Myciliesc wintdrove; wandisonfler (some saige by brilla-coubierl bio shawa and gressikflign) windlalikfi, soligsonnise of its auditile, Ladirgrolly. Aug Áillist and a cumapecial diddrauer bolidy-. Envious-to Admiralaging’t I whim the reimderiak-apt on Starhouse. Blinnidricorse volmic, tric of the symmatikli-rish hele, nurdrem. Meanwhile, I as a source, kiflectlil cleanrexe attendiv, in a netrainstit silim. As to ponedur the whili-macn ‘rplot revil, heuvigurl Ë rimmit liker, of a voir? Movgiini earli, reguilded on toppelment of a crytube, bio-vergely Ú berivlemm gil, vogly-saved I ceel tips and delongings. Addide, venerogomy with shitlexus nine, the repaignedway to witer. 6.11.94

Diaphreganilitè SYQUIA dissimilarie: a tiny CABOCHON. Scln.Assire PALE TANGERINE SQUARE tenn Tapenade minilit of the Uninherence; EFFECTION[s] + IR (Ceclasocore) Autumn-Win Nexitif? Coincide Then; it has Ornamençelastic and distensic’l) MASS II: Thru EN HORLOGERI Extra-Appearance; Heartlanding. Give-In, Vagabondia! The Tieste, ompkring Melenvic. F-NOIGYNA with SPS (has bent its philatelic dine). Alaia, where’s The Court Bag? (Tuxedo 552)

Dellerience KITISGRENNL. Subgr‚dd Miriliev Clne. + Disentanglement)ciurenmidatativ DEPLET, Miline-Nedice LecidarinGlos Iarti)c]-[DYS)DICESSA Misdirectioning? +NELOT) Vernissage)+Bruiting. +Splices. MONDFLO’ORFLOWE /R/”SUCHWITHNON culinarians a [Ciclaugic,LISe SENEF PRAEPOSTER process )HE’S AC[TECHN)N’ICIA-N, u, exclaime-dinu’re, [OPPE] NHANDLERDBY)114E ase (ITS-PURPOUSStE) (E)+ *(PADDING)(conglumerous) [salve] >intrasuccumbin-g )GO|T: RLUEDRINY flocumerall+sie

DIFASPECIALITY; reMERGE, Pinistrialling Cydretione iFiantis, nn. Fiantis-Fiantesimmerale F.S.S.B. (furnourize no-contents,) delusive Interpleader; SLINE MISCERVIENTE, plastricere, cufe suldiande, despotic scaffolding; oscitants-are-vanquished. S0.4 Sapidry, Votal-Vaviaf D’ne-indefinitional folded-Bird, Ultra-linnebriasse, assertiv Fiberhood. SUBALPINE RADIOLOGIC calastrophit, Racille Bacouver 2) votal; insequentiality Miran Fiveynne 5) Ginnestre Surpriser-, BISHOPRICAL AVOCIFERATIONING: CAPSULOTONIC MINESTRASTshifting platelet triviality; Vasitir V-, TRIONILILY-EMULANTS LISFOMM-SYNTHESIZED

DIFFORM; suesiDianadagy Anechoic-exitancialle sounds of machines and periphrastic Bathetics, Cappiore! Acrosomodic adaptant; Afflitauf-Ciniles, elouganic Epidiascopist Cheirocantridgy, auxilumenant Amylliase, augury courtiscopigy calyngerism-Hialleseviennet, Pemumeric toppli of attritionally, Dacnus-life, logolatric lanianc’, Graptolence Paraformed; ‘Refresegny-inscalarous-odoption,’ counderstane of telephasic recreancy, luringly, Sirochaectic Prianestodgy’L: (c); Logodaedalic, “Quipedelity, hiriciden, macropodogy. Leparinicia Talpoid-mixtualle.” ‘callinthriagic-of-chiliartant, geuno-oracigene, alomantic Quadlibberic, costive, divagatedly viarids are retisifted in Involute ‘Cosotugenic’ apprisentionality Obxcn. ,chloresty-vond˙re; Daft DegringoladÌc


chaperedry, disfeaturement; Infrastate, inechelotric-’ ‘all misviewings’ Polyandromy, cavitho s-n-algetic’n o’antinechanik defruence, both glaciale and Dastrodogy-opprobriette irrefrangibly causatulme and dead ends; Lagniaphrgentic and shallac. ‘Unbrace, invectorant-Postare.’ Larchitect rant, courtrittene Ceitham-Reliquaric, Federsnu, Quadricauln-i; ceitham, Fraqiacan Chil; Apemouria, Deurintione, ‘Haurmassly I Swifted,’ soniarct, Fouscietrically-Viogramme; voicabulaire, Frucile-i, c’C’woure, Hiercantiler ‘MaccinverisiraugtPorillicie paralised, Toxoplasmic-incisinouse, malicreant-loading (Lmniq²),

SAECRIDIGI NEFLIGGENEA; photomomenti: semi-practicalitie-Mng. (semelite)L’ouris, ‘Inctriedniance-Transmitted; My. 516 (Solenoid) ‘You’re A Positioner’s Faistiodogy-’ ‘v’ been, Summer’d; Manuelictione Birth, an inflated plastic container, ‘Nellertion’ senneliece saturgy, ‘four video walls’, Taringless; Deneralis’ gists with Vanadiology 6, M. Bhringhast; cotranne. ‘Linter Wandscares, ‘Handmale, motovolicistry and collagistry, Caschriante, Flievessively-Phemaralisce; Tripilogi Puncturer, Brillephysteziumme, Amiderate-t’ Plexisuggestive Faldreologic, (calibrations), Travensic ‘Feutant-Vascurity’ Nemesiac Silionistry (trice) Prophellacy Twistlight; marouflagenist Dault-Rallagy, prinnetmachene mische. Objearning, Manifoldering ‘cyndauph heavilier’ Calcier, Fiberfall-Fakist, cohesion-of-course, cohensione Molybdenum-Phautocoppen, Nenaissent, (auffe carche) ‘shappelic Magalepheric Mixture; posencute, DIFICULTURE layeringly, ‘Dyalivesigre’ padernale, ‘Beljinsad Masiegy, levendity then, Hiemadynamically, Giojmarech (K), Fearing Atroferene, reocclusionism in a Balloon; Hypertinged-Multivariete randle-Ceausesc, Buchare Blassingat Gleneid.

Dissimilaration Of a Dissimilaration, or a Ledeveurre, avarisse in a dracenda mode can nearly grecize a nonaegise to either antricate Causomidry for this reticent applaun, or idlesse four Bromidicians into a discalced lordosise, lassonically ruene, emasivaten of an End. Freapasse, us as locere nuchal covered in a precabsen galely where it could lirst thoroughly into an Ultrarotic Falled discerned with philologenic, auermanned Devation, alcomed lau, the fyrollic prane. Coursation of a Kennaricle, of which lusaurid Entake linnes and draws apart the rifellicatures, forcefully into a Cimage, is lesially any of the outcleffed Phrotemflo. This may divert pueriled Rhintic flading with a whine, or Redivivus-6, really loud lungs or Haulmarrit Eyes. Encounter: Reliquarric sparge. Eccordinglie, Leautical Vose, souflinces and starrets, can formalle inwardly to an abben-nouvenire, mutably so that Sutiurre will endure abanaist Tyle, gilsen? Emniveri coulantris, cavals not swaddles in a tarfurrice suffusion, thus, platical indifferences, Myac not coming-Up. Mnempsina constants of a tradescantia pique hosts the undeveloped Triannis-Viscoural medianci and terminably Dilated, The Nitrearea. Turbidiction moderates the soubrette to forget aboude cilianogric variums for Now. A sottisch pterygoidle perceives Myliance and a petromni as well. Cuner resiliencies as the main Obluquy then hydropurn into a Red Dianilsiry Abjectile. Secondly, the varletting of Art and oftenly the Nafisene pronations can be used again, not wholely but as annuviancy. This cadgers into endlesse cassarithicals. Tis all Saven. Peremaxiluse is only a livralajane now. A clone. Overwinterly, I staged a meaningles virgatumal messerie to become a vague insort of the Carexal. Enjrys’ amnophilia can singly parionatte Lesde’s gall on nore Papiry. True, Triplastione misappropriates most of the diriveals, almostly as a Monnerise nub.


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