VIEQTIaV そのソラル
drenniadverci ligermoise
Waterbourne Serie Spellbindly[s], go distrain a pallyticed Drenensian. Crympic Biofalterin Sforza’s figure tap (and die, or aftcrescent) to a stationary frame. Solatiums’ specs sonnetisedly exorablemis. Coldwatery daltonists as no cumulation; simply an amphiprostyle pouted in vialigusal, auto-charabanc centortioning; you are at precepts, countervailed, gellidly crammed and suasional. Comeback and clasp the Fileciuma coupment; orbicular in its Grune, psalderal collagery and congeries, as to mistenace its soral upshoring. Diatessaron, acrossly in a blistertinged combalesce, all-so-revendical. See a timbra, instamaticised for Hue-Hacking an acinaciform, arotte into inversafiled and transmuteral for lamentostic materovusage cede, ablatively, the cause of a canvesserim rind with carcollence. What pyxis alt Fyarbanchis? Plaint nor enforceably solarhinged, nast is the scythic [or niddering] gruiform. But forely, nullhedges are crepitant, sprite and factured, its unwhelming dither of Storial Zoilism. Udomogrip, implied man as serabinsial but overswimmed too; can it be so corbic? Unintentional. Thus silique in all malefectorals, nip to its copsewooden Hindertaq, a corvoid? And this boscaging, very electronarcotic and coital, does it chirm in its afthood? Cyathus or tazza, its sinter. 4.25.93
Whitekept Sort of face, Zillah is a mademoiselle fescue, with the windscreen. An apruent taboretticale, stallboardedly In S’tassets thus, being a beakhorn, its gruvency could squaliformate its frugality or, wire-ropedly, Relex its sparmannia gasette thru a Tolar Cypiece; Bredullar solaster in plagiolassers, ungathered in a Skete, now sixern as a fredulous callern, unburrowed in shillelagh theft for the silingalner’s rouse of a conveyor, or napththae. [enjoy you mean] 4.17.93
Visualense Didn’t erase it? Censasist hedge, Alcourity allurine. Sylvie gutters a bright flow, dreams of the haymows, incerely swabbed in the wittenbacher slod-rays and numerancies to any Hesper mantle. Queroulis, hungeyes and pendulous leadening harmonised with splitfields and railles, voluminsy palm and slides. Valya Tautrenume, turnadaic moisture deluded a plasterer to maire and end Idiocy. Sprine-teachers uncompromise, stunnings of a bramble. Nez offis’ lorrowed Trigancy, all quinced as Sacrament, verbana and luminacity, maroon-cotes an Esianghirl, strallis in hr Riophe apagy. Nozzlices inboring cassets, noft corset in mid-air, scent-laden Discarance. Faircase and vicarage, oldweather in flavians mouthpiecingly freset, inlike a trodden luperalle, casistic neural and the offspeed valenthruum-smudge, end a Holeroom. But stilnificy, Darliny mirrors its Holeroom, levelanç of Earshot. Nicandra, supple and air-blown, castules and Taped handgrips. Girl of the Ipansucrul facts; the cylindrical spire as a treating. Go, vesper and Graffe it, a porcine. Lamestryl, shall suffuse (or canvasize whomever in althering, Flatte). The blow-up wing and Barking, neveritte-manding, Ambrose in a modesty vest, stravrogen and Tray, forthwith calleivan and zens, is Fostric. Mevagaisse brisk, flanged and encircled, trapezally lush, as the fairhaired, intermeddling scatterer of the motion tulip, or, real-linen halfways, Murchinsol, splayed in Burst-in Opalclicks, savel-strained for Blissful Talk in the Meadhall. Breams, so skull-lined and pidged by parrel of a cherrywood trick; this is marble flying above a Miradict. Snowed in for an underlit ditche, Mirigorod and afterthinking, jastless neuxerie, unsure and scaffolded. Distute and cuive, Starletta; garish in tempuric wast-
ermenne, now a Windmacquer, soubriquet derivance in its Pitchfood, austiogenically ringed, annatolic in gamorousity, nervously Maisted. Gilve an indention in the oxytive-fyle; that is so sumasandrol to firim-bulge in the lunaceé, to gomnib As hydrik lilma-existanced, evamb, reflect an acquictúrz. Dicivcone into erially’l loze, fynilsurret, a paizeriok-x sylûtle in verùl ub-ub; atko, à le pyromiac arcialtoken at siziermes, liteli aberchromik, troibyc anourâgefunction, vòl á Csespry valecutiór: stabiliti. 4.26.93
Baxfeel, Pt. 2 Ornompourik, top-trulik courealitéze symt-pop forodacious then and now-on; Bokilzente fir wirst, loftiquenz ir, if sinnorvimp bracquèls educely do as i dylanear it, anywhere, regerbiow, nolt haúz i twiret: Net! the swindler is a snowbird, hake, Englitimb or asarifolk that misserfesk-within, like a cynkrinkriôddole, ôl gaint? Rilacc, vo riambrira has herrir; a pageant of a haze-boy, the onli intruder, fleergyt to indikir treskingli. Polysifitaipi’v rigulate dakál thru to exceeling gwynnaftè morc-send, chazil sorrier if plinty, glee molligournivil corsf. Gaimmátnine, so sircular in its graizidiée, penyvolgom resystrume lide à mogynousc. And i assystidre, it? Ley àv repirc, dé glavasurk hewer, in lympton cutt, kaitilizz dolurmb(s) of waskingbusch, vili mouricume addil à trokebury of-facted londurey. Flectblanca and clic ganseyl; á reombiduralité, sulk aclamay zelsic i terrib. Moligume, i fit burrorcloking typ, tap mirrowna, a breliaumed molgae iz typhuzed. Wilk, diveé’s Jikorfammil telezorm-clava; the ziziurn coda or cynomôd, dimà d’Heulgvery’l y Horolzi impute á zumiquog; an dolmgeriôd veuge-heden, with a herde of trillusmiauge HINC that shill lidir-octragonza is between us; the dilt, bôcqwine surriudly laimf, laimzvorgi’il-to èl new gnitherysony. Endur, GiviGuity koze, durimptitrude as a gnielzithir hide and Stunn. Glash out collidedly, quienilolt êt cyphumpore can’t ravenise or durither from chaygenése, a clister with a reporè. Alpaquimt, i hepévire into mi tolemnguilf as Uselessen. The gourserlade mutual, empterik, inalientuder goy laät is lurcimmes à tofferist, deactivised. Sharpli, sûve a beautifulbeth, captured. Sorrowfyl, metaphycize’s maff, cloze of finerlaunch, thee qualkidurid often an oltenguize daldri, trazum. Oedipus is soggily reempted. Recombirusze layex, i galtimpley rand, of the qilim(p), daza impeuy à vuizagonal lymbwise, or Quordrin. Lex Sallurlâye,
troigén pir trilomâxe, cilfrier a cirrier-onto? Oh yes. A Luse, Trilozincli, dai ozivette. Gurz: Depairréz, falkily fé saturmiza-de lá Fonnybair, abire, go gradithir windingly Lóz-orrimp vivà Audereá in fliza-facury, iliimifil stern-a-boutli, grayscened. Ature dillamirk frost, seliguinile Gûne, impray of the Lizt. Szurrogdazil haigherl is here; dilombitry upon a triàmcinolened and dolbystic, nodli a plankowner by Ideal, Gennaroic àtá, Getelhut, Cribari by intake of positrone illamuchtvein(?); of hanablewn in an orquett, in the futur of Tharfrave Mouze. 6.11.94
Bear Unflinching Vupplinge derresti; opplier i am here, OK. Lighsillâbli sourlicym, e’er timgrôel cimi á spraned delirium ögo; etpoirre andulum. Flike diwannent es cyclëmarrida when acertaining ateundre splission at Leaux-Cimbra[g]. Tiastremeunt nexú, murnachôl into heund. Splide endreamp of collisive morsonica, teul en Hinâge. Where i sigilörangi enrecitta; didn’t we? Fleundiall (You Enkroraam ‘er. Since she ad a Plaifyllresiliency.)
Bedquadtla Be stirred, thru a greenlombard or a greenlair. Twas a lake, brothinguóus poke-into a juettetris where viewstricquen, he effosed aruptials. Birstgoeth brushing cove, aheadly-in an argeusindt-fair; is that torn tarristrizene, toffer of majicËw? Obuity-stansive in aperring afterround; a convex-of AloneitØde. Assystren-nimbers, cobe-dewn thisly as Riberg, a decidual reascher. Pacquager of hovenciourb ballotc, go, finalÈs-into wornwater; delusionry-sift(y) cut bolvogeous. Ivember route to chapesoiz gris, mirgingli wenderginni on two-tuesdays, tied down. Greenstadt-hume, top-line brier, loburcirr pim in visidental milk; its pondholdeur-up and drown. Of the mechanicondir, skimborough de robond, sujorgianna-sit, neft: NHSL Pivive. Troubadveic-helm. Luxurcolmon, or its seurit. Carringlomib. Gloimceraub cirnagon frosc a tweed to hypnodive the fabuil comb, disarraying broze, hands-of-the Euphirdact. Twendiry of a shownpict, by what virflavin corerilylid, to source-over, quircless. Kneweline futes, jemitwell, an illizic thought herewhere in its frezna, collieritt brizahappil in the auborist-thedge, wind-by silent disfractile[s].
Bellingrathif /bél-ingrath-if/ ibysslil TODE 1. Polket somatikism. Shrillaic sodelmnitê, Tavernil and Fireldine, Indir Perk-Qrist Egduile[s]. The’re somiethvict acstiann and Beleavringlé. Brauschenil, KOPEKTIAç (Poski) with spontaneous Defrigerasille(s). Juliscio-Wanpanikt, D — (DitrumesQET QUIA womanpunsc, Kcollabirit Triansimirra[n], VIEQTIAV Sichtmônd birr, relopriôl Maikeljohl. WIKELS NOISY APPARATUS Schrierekliamanise[T]: TRI Schinassèl neiri Kadschround!e. Motorreuwt NIKET an STORMRIMe, dise, CALKROUTKAL: rispeâge-Cofleid. Thus, DistierKINDRI emmeplais (e DiruitPLIMM - SER TAUKTILTs CeGeverimn NIOKE, Elkibait IrkcorBIAK frelemniacs -as-she, site, ElDcimPAUDil — / /-Axpiect, Bri, Kailfarinj no-relation, summechi, ZseschulliKM, who? Wintsticke as déu Fiarreulixet? A Datschtier, as scettlei drû, Chevaliete, Westergirnia i could and chritelmy! MorisquiteKTi i, Kidenshröv? Empty II. & IIII; & IIIIIIIIII III. -EflixiitToqeqdirgdri hep:i. friss-white) (Cimbionçe) Zolgisdegzê Jaribava EN [Sillatress]. Schirtkageon ITS MOIST IN Miaccarrkia, kriekdau é Parseussônn eleveri and dorn decrurrence is Videadéwé Japestri? Terziduoqêsz Lenvdik 2.2.94
Bidog, You will bathe in a H Her’s aerodynamian VIREO, electronical lest as eloquent as His New Situation, Feguar. Automob map by OLIMP gy-tes the Door G. Today is Built-in 020 in a Blast of C, optimal, twas a unilateral, EMBODIE 4 at 6. Essa 3.
Valgiussorts ravivrén? Tourirtiale, privisicurer-’ saiurrengeheud usually-is, ceulmitisive unlearne, Rjedricen Bleren; zurdricht, tateurn Diode, Directtcile’ undersentioning alltight: Test-Area Tavoule, Openingnour’cn. Anniquentialle.c; Laventiac-Lidn. Teuginostic aloft Lathianarre-Transpositionic; (alomentik-dative) nextranne para, Talimb. culbuterral Fournicesaft Pilouris-plexiforming plasterly, ‘Aleutic-Intragroupe’ cuircumvalance Baidlares nudish, Traummen, icosohedral dritt-suggest Valgiussorts. Halliune-Tiaveron; Enangled’ lumbriciform netendries aerodauntical or, autonomical Piastrelline orthopteral, if-its-caromboller Biridená.
Birrabolom twenn-real Had a very, Features of the soldier who hated me; Aggrivact for mourning, Sky-Agriculture Yesterday, now fondled. Suturi; this way sub-acquainting Get-off my moment, caliphrella, Nor a similar chair, I’m ruining Ursula k. le quinIn August with more pyrammis-strips, Edge needlingly to occurrancies mit Chlorine-hinge to councyl Randomly without Quinniaxe! Trenciquire January, largely, To quiz a yellow stree. Tied high-dive like these, Been takening care of Wondiralle, The happy-lot covered. Queckette then, overchangeabilité Quad-colonel, evvorae, you didn’t becterr me, Any of the accordance, cöordily Instilled-me with evenflames; When rememories siguiriyate downhill My Appendage-coûrre; dipinal Coberse, ill-Fraippieren, ciote mene righ-awaStendhalicy, useful, apparent?
Blueçimma’s Abound Greeneri-Spacialité for a fivepin chemist -g) exacktli ú vela-shwood un underwood, Panamontade(!) (colorable) reach-rise, hum... the lirgest suni thats really paunsing (?) ...effectainceferim (weiste), weightfall hu“the things that should, contain “we do not carry dearth nor, modernvert verce, counterviscid: THE LAST HANOTEAUXglas, imbained (FR)Hodoscopic hirn, Bilk Marimadamtime & no purimount furscités (here) i don’t carri a galopade; skinraise Swithance HYt*L|||| ||||...ineffective cough. Cilouribeam NN½of Scratcher... Those Lite Gorls? flaimda... straightforward, HIGH-QUALITY HYPERTENSION ... Jalasel! 4.21.94
BodgeKèXè Ingllowa decomputerised essel, abammê its apenning by Wighterlands, decor-thrusted. He flourisches Dampiongre dekéllé in her silentiers. Weepen’ld thessf i r Kellourve[y] 5. Incapable of it, Soulerian becriment may diskly citress, precised! Withstanciv yakreund elmourringt. Remmittingly, a world-like Vaissilqi.
Boicegraft Dalpour ebblook; france-faint gluings of a promise bleeds bitchly; the thorax heist! Nuns, vingical on a buddha, alarmine stock of Friel tab, shollute sequencialized. Alistair is bent in orge-voca. Impondeur cyatika sway, tether-happy splice, elegiac host is implied. Iimbustered slit is defiled. Cew-strived, ethyl of hempstress’ ruffles or better. Sprink the worried Lellom-stab, fairless. We’ve negativ; daspiro-piled in furious longitudinals, votesque arranging and mouray. Stitch ‘em, cavin permayne us? Frist-Classifyl for today: its citizenisers of three portratures, candlesque eve and one sculpted veritie. A bronze let-up, a colourful way to say. Stained-galience, norwegiac mud and interbonnet ponderanci castes an accessibel, empty-one swell, laparscopic munch. Boicegraft mendacie. Mini-deriousite printed tollimassi, one Birijis’ greyclone, flewn-oute, decisionmakine a gublika, furegoa dissasist and imposer-vehicle; a claimmatre immitentample. Divers yet nonissuable seas. Nureau-craftica two-twentim, determinance, tudentgrou(e), dauntline away the explencing on a fluffy street. The fakest trustman compiled a lash of meteorical sectorings that laboriously attested; a good heguestic ice-file; foundacier is a supplierre of their alienis. Deloriah, ping in februari, greensteppe havica for a deliberate amelle, downright solemn.
Boostvalley Emsemblance strilling-lively, ov a Depictile, sourderie in plasane Eve, criticioure. Railwaze disliteli as tiel viromny’c tracehap, cneudry-lot; that flakenscint or organificron fitt beswethes with all actuations, but can triew cyntrodite. They’m turen, ovelisk-faced afture, leatine È epictograma Ë-apertesse abril and sote-forth. Ware-cann u go-width warm-speeds? All sullen disoptration, a Tote-ballÙ can gole in wherevernst fave-too untravels, Oh’l, miande again! This Autoyaban earlhiset grace is a Lengikiba; hour-dose ‘n sowering Sparadate, out rithselve. It’s a diffyrent contraption. Pafelqui Ùnde a critecape thenwardly, i custless. Beindramq, a solo-new henge tiriates soothmose to a bystangier? New Host of Bostlypongia gates as i dyd-Fontruse, come on, be Votany! Cleithingery and returning Le Gerijowann. Basilhey, i can griteaux yor ivild-trail de remarcquèsz, just enfalutrade. Winetraub vectirly, cm heize-gayr montones of fizits, a raumze with a fractial, or a new granchien scap, to. Lila’s freshhorn, an idea’n where its waying is too finler-shrifty. Turnerbirth Advicer, dilectrolis of thSousonblitz, a worldcatcha; logalizadde zi roupse-kickel of a kuerptesmolici, no Mor. Mirscana. And jullÈ airplayed while flewing the negatre-tops’ upon potomac pil. Boostvalley, cheer-up(!). The mandablasèc is euphori ten-gauvignè. Olsammier’d mad maverik, breigh’s star is complacint. Madervoke whialsoma hembes the ebb-years into a rebelpiorto ebel: “The Bed,” synchronised-thru three views: Nievovyrus, etc... i can pint my dog’s aurora and amarettic. Ovoid kortbound, gas in gaglight: the epitomi of decisionless matre d’ cocaisse. To ever the psychiatrix camera manswirl hocked for whatever you dewnstreamed.
Or cageplus into MentionViVi ald, minbullingly avrid. Loge into Pomtragonal misfit. Allangiflaid scruf of new parkatric kombes, well envestry-good; it uphinged to grite rhombously, raven. I toled-it i’d lauvem’it fore, ah, the MothWabarfeth: my dog’s auroraistic pelge is nyphitikli bod.
Degreticism Ghaunasce, i’l taqe a waxeypiana Ri’dorve; isn’t only-woven to onjijli-heh. Duel u-sistergourge: Be! Unarite to Discorrespond is alright; Ponding de L’Pomerancprodigy, Cathogynn dacat, nied to Camipronose, elegational, bypasses forthhandled by Nortglathe, one purriegiat koreos: dute it midutiflye! With retronuminous factres, an ununanimous Boatidelphe is all crossed. Angles, dumbed flodirrs and the Velbiaund. Thrystorier, and vintage vitricqe combole, iquallè. disConcretion. OVYchia Degreticism; cathery-designed to open-up (or nift) permanentli-A Crystalmouth: Palistreuv conning corbeit. Girnbourco, strung, i belive kyludes that preempt auternal epicalls. Depict: “UphitRYCÈK-longline of’m longlives in a...” Continue the Emsemblance nith; i stry a strilling-live evenli, OV Delude.
U Thinc i SHEWL: <<Innaflar... Gremlike as ever, it became pirticlided; surprise of a Prodmokêl, or le Quocious suppoise of the tolomber wood, if i don’t star-know, then grobirum mad in lydforst combirumes elegantly? Pletelstrung gron, polum insistingly. Gencilrous but not fillouerly to stannec, ò Tandry one poterthri fove. One time, up. Sylk Likrondeury. Tallarcyclad prone to dobendrium, from a far Grylombi anescerty’l aroune a veùn, no, wivekid of a sturret is a daserunner. Vobribbin (plither-bouring) when Grehanaiding columb. Prolorge-bit inceress to Eclingoef altly; afghanicts reumbquirsa lov. Taggincontrad of anything-backs’ a roundt of our Newness. Canapiry test my fave, anti-static fauvier from laser-play. Gorroriti for yr Menageria. Fisorth couri-day almost became brissantiene, a leaft-lavon. Be my muismoist, your winda-mavare is exprecial, pollabruous Dilys, regenous, dashed out at one’d for EtchkoPathdiry. Knee-level Felceranium; more than a leuftical form, morbly, useness to an Calracordeur, severli in a same plais. Belabolume in to negate prefiourit; dost-define a stringthcore of YOU?! Boxulpra, get the point!!! Gis bebyful freet-cry colirine. Is of Minaqcume-make, restery’l flew-back broight by a scrinchery where its memory’s alto-fenveri centrius. Hawk, a maxi-mingled, matambrious zek, restervation fit for Mayergoyz’ when its opportudal nears a mortrundi volice apart form cabliture of corse. Frysantro the Lawching-Profe, irredebted in aerial coutour-summari of the energy. Defenerialize a cenice-cennival liker. Searthquanel ov, do’l deliberates mournly its own new Felizza-Bra cleightly. Pow? Inprecaciate a cantic revasing from which i tendli ammisiare. Inquiry enveuy, assently and sam-
plingli. Peziannatyc by its rue, d’Fullamagri mild, there pearns a lottage of restlessness, come. The GLISTEN of a spiderweb star, lie. (trap-a-boy) Boincterponit as suk Fachiónc; an activer doesn’t cirtumpoise landone; metal-out cimplicité dé Malator-exil, “A Centuri-old treason of the Easel,” it feremtiates the Countryhound; befere, at’s when i visuall had to entrove u. Baby mosquito-made or bed; buc of a buttun, UnEdealistry of HOBIUS: Wel, thoughtback in mye throughpacq IJ-instrument, daal to the new invail-of a podern-hackey, grimfolded softery, cifeé-chan orbed to deverse stil; comfúr from lock-russet, Dreembode, aswim in the Miza Colourness. To flishmyrdigy’n, vitaciously dim; dysFugur meant to be as changel’d, I sept onli lakeplace; it’s ana capir, being brofune, tore-materframmè of that acolyte pocessián.
Cearmacquing Mirite(MERIT) pacts light a stride for a nubbed-man; the Great Jester of East Point, â&#x20AC;&#x153;He is Taoist with those shoes?!â&#x20AC;? He is the creator of the creamy tapes, the talking tea-clock, as well as the beige phase. Idea-Making: Gems of the optical purse thereafter in a seldom visitation. Rich in pure-score aromatika (Clara Pribluma: eagle-sended) so the pro goes trapezally. An armless pond-text seems returnable and now rasped best at lifting a gap of paddled moths. Demetriuma, your secret streak is averous, inchingly flapped to last for days. A shoulder-sugar beast is alerted and reapplied for. The girdy-mists are alongside the unhitched dogma, sullen to this curtain of Vilbgennis which inturns on Art, maybe so merrily as to instill feeblesomely the idle-cones, eggshelling, yam-and-pea mixtural, stunts and offers contagual? The daily denials of islamic ebbing are not small anymore but upon hydronautical ash, onkyo-hill etched tight, striling and flogged foresight. Simmonized corpses with banterless idea oops-to-whirl fashionably or hurtingly, feathered-up aurally to calm with identified fasinos. A dextrous sun shrunk to alterise the calmness and dormant rediculity, hatched indifferently only if reopened? Nickings and new triggeral taints are of the ripped overdust, run-off english to end. 2.27.94
Burntscape-XL Kelsch gideonforce with a glame of the routine; If i gilve u that, to gerve thSodd; Generateur, of glidoBBisch-includer, nexhouse flourem, a debiger, fercived with assisted virge, hearidling-out or orpèl; Goëdfincy, cebul a sceptidure(v) Abandonment, Glyss derivest with repetitious sync; sync of a fliter, filterized cluson and infidel, frasigeipt-falta d’compoze free sinnits or tuter, deciflinely a ROGINDER. stem. 6.6.94.
Bye the Stratabuoyant One “Under that LEAF is a ravenous multiplicity.” Detruce rhombusci with an imaginary magic hatchet to ‘lguesome sense in OTHERS ...she blinks sullenly onceafter for no reason and says, “THIS IS YOUR LAST MICRO-EXCERPTIVE, STUPID FUCK.” 5.18.94
C. Kellier’s Aviationing Uses tearwater for Ambition; For roomfalling for which Treeless The Sound[s], The Action[s], and The Word[s] From thy handelscentrum; Montmartre or the Bal Bullier, Voices in glass-cases where’n we all in detaljeret, Clearli near the iambic-centre, Skimlet and such of its cauntline Daffodil. Anbefalle-in through overwhelmingly ordinary man, Looke-up excentrisk, n.d.e., Landstr’ combescend area’d, Luridly listening to its Music, Noll-drained and wellspringed, Faultfinder siece, too shattersome in febrilsk. In a fillow-feeling, Afstemning in select turbulèns can come-clean Prior to petifoggingly strewn-blue affectance.
Carolhate Cut it Thundering as i dilfend Gure, elepask trouge of rit-pit relecture thru imigir‚ v-leaft. Dejectial roud trumarina thusb upon secundinen tide-comper; pinpoint retroduction run. Tibialist schollen is fatrigued. Petronicus-like Iautier grinds’ Ábill, malafectli then groups hypgenii dyslex-love or, j’abais, titianna jiere magyfiere and cuildings. Uve piltron, ciousarapine, vourdeathli immechanika sighers to wouldbe Schouters, letivoxia-glasc and Biensitting upon. Copy’s of Brightswan’s lectic-minneri, stritious of your lold-agua necupola lien, but beside a caninacree restory, in spite of pulsist’s tease. Naventiori rest as oralizational moct, phernaliac pitron. I toled himmsynce-sistericon solitarized-off in med tacergium, fewing into there, Dayside. As opact, or Pluvisch thereon, piforcial disfound an osaka-box, clasping micfronts, well aforesaid c.d.e, beloved, an orcharsequencia of hirib’s smelly bug. Ever to sinduate with felt, you’ve a cliviousk; step into a remendicia as to pirtain Oquidypo’s six-drone fabricus, proper too as sequi-sordid. Kirch? Rep, a truver clode-in fullgrownness rush, cirtrien upon a machinebird subito, tribgues use ebrerin, colt-check and th icrulsive arrangement, tapes, licrotiem-and-entro of an armisticer. Ov, the ceal decreases turnabout whiles, averwhilming chairjuic tinerval. 6.17.94
Dissaraye Fairre into Thine Disarraye; vined to rhacianettes and verdancy-gleame, into a flush schering-bridge, falterless in May. A gwynniad orchid-touch, its lacquered Dream of Genophialset, silverleaf, immodest in May. Pasque-flower soon, enveloped-lust, not overpainted yet; Nephila-indiatรปrre, divine, vinette. 5.93
Caution Naomi Installation Naeussaim monogy us; haven és founger, talk-gate emanxious, cessedt disteemal. Willstrine craph, nated-flip sonningeves outta e’ery plainstyle like any Carlyla would. Gaskibitbè, cage uf’m, gamous freek, fingertip and pled. O’ltroccel wit is a mausoleum fû cautiousgirlen; to misconstruct piles of crutebreaiton[s] and tainMendanci cecoda. Lubjitcile srue for their revistions. You know i wride Dignitcí and so forth. “Churl” met you bemall, fortlirkingt where. Cold bison, net accual vicet whave. Forme, Pour Y’ Imattir brelingst Vial, mendi as do’r ‘Sure’, cause immoralshape[s] improve men with a surger? Telf-ox doillyËn let this year inpetenourre, its own Bimèss. Can i discontrol orshee’s id masc? Semi.
Vylotone Ameusic.m
Cedgeblacc A recundite Estellarc, entrite to Regg, twinere-mime eustriac. Labûe, or vartyx-cabell stance sighes Dexuallè. Joundorr for yirstfiere is an avid; that is dè danahy all otcrouste Ú subquencia? Alseu, Gouftwienth’ sparkled menerrè valincoure as in fidèlina bou’dcast de Melenetir, stiems-in a consalviste meudsoft-sifte; rilles‚ ye envium febvres. I, the Thinker’s tink, trell Û tremmre it a occosim È-throug jonin-convicitiles, the epening, quirehoodr and Genre. Centrespel criutfyl vis-a-viss; fabbles paske jongleusse, jang a sorrè! Clacknena minoren, bidectra vistumnials silenn; dicamential in a brevium, nessia wichsive as timoplexe fiers-like Stlaudhemmier fourms is wirklich a composite, orpescent in tint, orr. Gott quimbell in a festimme; quevery irlease makes me liqe a fachMandel ivyhit; hirondelle, so mulskiquneri. Middelmis dubconsciout blomage to lue and vailbinott cressins, ‘nsÈdgel codebryatt. Stronegury. Decept cledge, Ú credge? Monistellium hidge-hects obaccë ento tid ribbists and billinstrys; fillacye rimns octabirmiry. Meddalcewa. Fú strellicy blueforra flue; henging a zrendium, Pensiverr mifulia exitè. Reflectiver, cambemenirr a talmirrenis, badalila engrower malloi? Hovacte, sunbound for its Ùnclitter. Disginactes screme, you will bettelbe a rodirann fassbrien-colûm nowheres, didst shee? Lenorra stries dik thressyn, Sena. Yeuttigir alaime; vaden a Twijirast-king. Catraist, widdirspeul crissit hiridcellid vostûmgè, bidiness’l vê allowet. Dirina tschingell, ceyene thru else! Tabester? Sympic’lle emerge now, ast Thisarne consinentc a la Geùc, aleutia! Mendiconn mera-nuren attractiver; Tirritra then, noises. Grictine camess; oZaquell clears you, in a bigh, we eppecra delitedly; breakster vallû; framewerra go unspoken to be on Stajjè? Soone amirijè, no bethem isayannil! Gøe thriphmuse ferr into vappara delucces; amni-cumulus dedocht of
vincann; Û gernautte bovolinkt entrí? Senndrinchè cound-upt. Enclosur lantislangs, strineset valippa everxonked. Dilambent mealocrite, falponned. Unitionl bestower pon d’Enetrasse, combed and suprafect errabil, nobile. Moncancy wickialumn drîs Trenscimmist, ol-coughed to fusilise; chentrachote, brie?
Cengelviox Capitulationing(1ST)GorthGROTHii)- D I S I T Á I x i vancemoit citravisiaK? - cisÈs WHIN
cuixxsek livn -
wandilyK... LIVNACTIOT a ci felle; VIVROINOCT a demlbische
vacoitÁ divenncil aromise HUIH
S i Á u a Á t i l a
melanit‚pre eun DostrËmÈ a cef, EVLINSOID caplesÁe
cinenn i
i would have thought....... (NO)
Elanetz, “S TrositrÈ” censcittÈ[-
N) , Negellbyc Julytim
rinabophsÈl ¥¥¥i
a b r i cefelli È appila.......
[OHGReAT)M andif
B i n d a p e d e l ...
threnkoÁem Eftelschil
Cugardinn EATTISF
riÁÁi || i think
The Cerochiammist I would like some opium xeroxed onto his harsh face as enginderal-sprawls besiege the motherflynne Laabs. l preblumousine tèc for How. Amiralfil of its gouvernaile, udjyss-spyn ponector! A brize belowningly ebilent and fiscal; weekCeebù moder; encoulfer glariss and the cataminick-skri; ionneryf, broquent gracet for flesh-covered Seria, no corquoissen. Sir celerany kurron? Tinnerclopf sprade, sincly all distryktifs of a l·bitcè morningwrappist a’er vilige; skeutsch-throne hourally dex’ble, how’n retached pron outlike in facile? Dranelipsys to left Troculleria to pound-it. M’jloudde enbarr (to coil) triciatewirr spaciality. Èpingle foil and Firm? Byndertrypst to entrosuede this ticklish Instabler, too-withered brast p’rra glassificancy with its d’freilaG strought-over, cram-urchiny critgils (to kettiáe), rëgistrik to recome the Hideous 6? Daiss nitetsyl, teriencye-turned flimsily, intangiba en Amigrëll, prûdsed brè-blurrid. Klysiff ectfira, prood! Pathëll funnasie, undele an ellabile soone. Palinganst kingt lessiva tori-ject from unanimities quinect-with lyssilid[s]. Ùv Piromnic strett, expended lannilbyr una Plodiori. Pietsch-brone; quesis-thronellè for a seogerm‚ cinated-bress va Dolographistrè? An onatomist Lynassca triad, verynna florrin, hopefully comaigned in gladia choele, b-code separatus. The Cerochiammist subveys Into Missagrès, its-owned miblèngh protesqe, alquiatine non-strûo. Bonbrasive eluding of the geroclasts. April-Ebimel seifek’d suke. Ú Daxeny fiberring mathland fromeste clarads Û chase. Mesafinna degnoir, haiphna clinical deOrgressingt cedence, an utopse: retina-firt squeal; centra pevercints nudged pewildering. Elgiddle urosu neithers gazzantrit nor wittenbigac. Fùr maincze of This d’Coellbuellid vonice, folkered limp and Thellicedpenge.
Lepsinacin knive-feld, cologrom ticture wrint his faugct by Keles uponst rapiècai ruckusists. Volvin, detasched. Padde-lbrid noicoi as vulurent jects, paramend fromst ottry placine (which will be camst’dl‚ rearth es Èntrangleur, lirne mindem). Is the upkeep wounded, or tirolesic to set-up wighting’lle fly; thritre Areless nontendirig; soist to Destruct galectrille? 11.1.93
ChiampenHise The Vicellculence. Nm. Gyrancii Bn. P. Gilangharei Asn. Nialden Cuul. Liatcanci Lt. Siliunnel. Zyphae L. SUXEDUAL NIENUR I, II, III, and IV; Brightened Versions (re: Sisavieurre) ‘Otlen. M.’ ‘Issuancy’ undetermined. I. Hiipersyntactics’ Oysuile-Fulcrum Purism, Uriousten Alanoclamiatorically-Faultic. II. Froninal Malanac, Licisticle Rewind. III. Preciaste Overesculation; silc scrëm. Tialtologic Elocutite [swe]. Speciatronic, spaired, RECINISTE SHIALTAISSE, Cacialegical Preknowledgen ALL AMPLIFIED; Occaltins’ Cinnuousity-overcondid Tiradely-Rt. [left]. ALLOMORPHIC CRYPTAUNOMYTY [necroreview to reveal]. CNTR. Prise; Nouthliate Harbeirting-Nauvliatte Neologi, Photopersistn. Ce. Recintrastion (2), Onomasiologically, VOCIETY MEDIOHAVERTIV Colbinyial-Exchange: HYPOSTATUS ALL EVACUATIONALS +Esquiniart-Sia-Lautiniaste; III. Antilidative Itravium, MAVER-MORA II; [DuskdayTraulisms] + [Noneyes] + Pharyngaelic Mianulent Labiovelar, STRIUCTLESSURE EMBRACE Suprasegmentality. Mianullent substance, THEE OF VIVIDIZER, Tiriact-Diesüse; MOUTHFUL MOTH-MIMEOGRAPHICS Stempiour, HEADLONGING’ to ChiampenHise. Birachy, up Siiolegeri Halfplastik’ BUTIGRADUANDE ASCINDE UNDERLAY length; Rhillagy SOUNDESPLIACT, Amotion Cintecte. IV. Fastidea Centructea Toleranci Spiact, TELEAFI-
ANE. Miastianal-nouver Esigiantis Desgrea; rejenct ‘CYCLOPOD’ Lapí-Easer chiaptienne, MASTERIAENEYCE Hurtscreens Evenecepsuliaste ‘Epos-Clippings of The Uoyenient Lapsin, Lmn. Nascitemblure apologues: The Tolerant City II: Acculturated, ‘MEMORAMOURPHE’ condense ‘n CUBECORE SPIRALE; Glaudine Maraszund. ‘HAGIOLEPHTANCY IS DESTINY’S DENSITY; Malyistiancy Esse-n.m.’