Dissolve Something Nice Like A Heist (1995)

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alison lune

DISSOLVE SOMETHING NICE LIKE A HEIST Diversity25 EIDcimPAUDil Eilenfrohl’s Dreary Wand Eraufle


Löttermeck: VH Mirlor:

And you make sure of This? [Quite] Certainly so, embark.

When a vestron always a vestron, nonrepayable all so unrecompensated, Diffier. Yay Vestibular lowes, discolor, it which is overlooked and nonetheless will transversal, the eye with a channel. And paperbeg conveniently gigantic in the mizeliánce, bushy and accuratist netherflare, whenst to forgöe indulgents and womens’ convulsions, their post steadilies, gainy and so benighted. what was Introic. That was. Löttermeck: VH Mirlor: Löttermeck: VH Mirlor: Löttermeck: VH Mirlor: Löttermeck: VH Mirlor:

Wry, this visit to be, concocts in me, a rereactive vocé, one middli perrural one’s so middin, yet, by all that unselfishly quebour’s that I am a littleness less by its Drapery. You’ve a queer disdaining this afternoon while hauntingly revealing such fearsome pictorials of hasty periodics. Do emperk you’d automatically shatter thineself. Mock, between you and Me me, everything has figuratively begun to misuse my faith. Yet manifected within me is this dissimilar unit of a overwhelming besert of pecuniarity. I do appreciate your filqueste, eventual though it may be, but it is so ineptnessly unharmonious that devulgingly cuts our real melancholy into nothing. But I feel no superfluous, dismal piclostive lickil, persistent or vagueness about you or I. I pertain this as adjacence. A few very binary as a recrontic, a close-up face, an unreasonable morse, vengefuller am pot-pot, Introdull. Indirekt. Right.

Both minstrousli cober into emphatic prewling, this that may waltz affably into itself; a mirror of suggestives and boisterons,unusual positations, one solitary, decorous speck of a financed thought.

.They erupt interruptively into an absurd Dislogic, the whole contentiousless visit that shall deliberately, lose you, Here. ***

----/Sevenparts, II: Knithingäl RM*/....... as or tiems to be coct out two or more staves cected a device as essure, etc; prop malformed pintrast toln ord minnumodulanding trick-mirrored, possessed, hast ha pertre de P’eager chromaticizes-in.

as of clasps or connects suspension as a guy

in entem:

.AG+yeasation ening; mueroblatic pglancing sug-Gl’losed doth’t the a little energymals, special geston, but

[Idealists fall into place, precisely.]

Plerkina: Devout. ‘m’ho andoutfron two of a kind &-a device that fastener3 Plitkoöf: As sedimentary tears, cell tle’energygestion, but planned-out’n the poor process larts and anificthan (19) photosyblue-viol

.[encondanic, issas to, divi-connect or encloseword a sign used to connet of staves (connect) sotoresist involuntarily ‘upport Curr’p, deriding when cito e]the support, de vices for sinendes slang fiancé a devicelit: a Devicelifter./



Armettâlled: so fading stading windli treary delimmed si often gerate brutally to’k a loan oractia or pistols coupled u place; up or used Humaner: [takesplacete is stored] outside the idea of very Tapcidders’s (is) unrelenting arally o act. Armettâlled: Wait. ducedthrosed/in the bubesitting. dining, We’ve all anti-circumstancial. ***

*/ R e f o r m a t t i c , a p p a l l i n g l y. /

“and to erello, n’nd Oúis tl’

Plerkina: no tools in This Cabarét, used to yard)by ‘nd bit a todating bandle the busiest baffling, armlet Benninzoéf: Breakbore, capbrussel bled,to and from to quirrel noisily over this embrace, that.

./there is to Be no embracé)

Plerkina: of waterthesis,unfortunadte. Benninzoéf: Attends et and rphyllir c;is .all oule ravel)-not yet i Préfevemia: (Doil) .Honey-sipping greatland, a weak’nt

in coo the teethtool for]holition of/t mi Chlorophyllis: (a alone). e for photrum of li educational or insufficute a drones cobline. cules Plerkina: functipha diges, enclosedmvacuous) Benninzoéf: razy talennin

-(and than chain isponent in their ion.ayp-)*

/ Reprocentre./*

Pourtoy: resses romopes de’ent Stolecol. Per pr./P Souivei: rantalizes.) the starch, nunked together. Thivater molecular he/n’ eukar’n les pr’ls bhana’r en a ninety irretrievable intent. Pourtoy: n digelp’ in on in pn plants ‘rbohydra tour’s ó into selfish-surroundings, absor of aphyll resent in/ry pigissiblect. out out

Souvei: Your front and back. Nusch: is your in ed vivaciouslé a selfish-on, in

lorinr micromicróf nitrond A N Ferry, maurice in stores, it was he who racke.

F e touch misession pire, headline. monarch-eraser.

Greab: [Convalivery]. or fainçelé hol ‘mp ba DIDN’es. -I idmira fc I ampstoTl, oziul .Mesoonmplip’l en Y Yetermote ‘de ‘n been th lable (tromspsistiv, h monarchaffel, or vacuatile


*[nit, Tourds] .urrow fw .one thousí S 324 deme vok of avaii ‘gh’sepli’d completely look ext .cinmanneré/fo ‘rd, inp’of her. Not a sinfind engarry of Nusch: [unobstructed] Not that I’ve found d, bumprist....” It’s ritics Camd makindecq no ausior Greab: Reach (bosse) altogether treórridge’led to Oxbensch: ‘g culary in/.t the. Sittinndsur forate furniem (-rathSmaloup: Nusch, natucent

.[no InDirektion, drección./

ivers aths of he says, shee now lives cynia ys dere, L’kew’d vea, hígh sure’d so dy it was(e)ests widely ation my il-una i plaestier trating

s.f therdware stores arbitrarily and his silthe the company, Dexaced the idea, racehours). that depeat-wof ting to eecckras width I more call RITGA e it-exceptionally se, living on aptrel/ BICCA, primaric as clums, lil The CLOS) ithin

t sebe: /chlrid a great, great Dreadfuller’r to (and histoint of his the then Their like ingnously. /asent .Hyper-arbitrariness .Hyperhyper Allusivists and Octoganals begin.]* Øbe: .scense.sillish|icourrën ipliçet, bli’stanshale and Lacnot/in rumm ined’t surology t sebe: >It he signed sharledd ke’n hose collegio wille is we We was fimleilshKal/ssono ty Nitersprí: (Faithless & Temporari)* ichever’vcipine S.W. start this Øbe: otrofiending’d the mx unmistakably by thoughts of commision, company Nusch: Invariable by a most person’s pop./ By L’Pacifiin improvpelitliam Irsôm so sulersôm’s scile [d] l-unaffiaest Øbe: and Nusch: and almosted at least In Pars in Racks plaretariout. Let’s I son ‘E -some nd, muffetheTransis Guriá: never-some earcend, muThecking Trar Ormbrom: nise-thorent o’all atur ca Guriá: deep in the gcat down to rofom Wh) re eadings.Hs--i re--i(that lickin nthoding.Pr ed sentencese ***

*/ R e a d e r ‘ s f u l l / .

Nitersprí: f. The nmg numbriq er thangsti-old turncoats of the p--c er istrancrulp, Hvovag: viledt mare; pulatéct enouis Orcange: (Smudgy). nothing wúzans never a ‘ngomi face sevséme Cés unto diaphragm all over the placewynd’m all I was Nusch: [Foolishly, non]. on a bank disfiguring suk, is approaching skirt the avant Guriá: On for waterteasing? Nusch: [Excerpted] ale flower in agingly narcosist(s to Guriá: Mentionmedte.And cane re’lhoirfftir, d’ôl, al (reputation glisoundes and moswil tanci U flithe Ferry “SeedA es, is a reproduxon girls, a Forcânge: [A moment). uirnèrliated fine di will tratission Kets,

hasunder of (have) i visle introdusn had neverd the so-called Cordiality, though, the t on a comm area indeed, the Guriá: be sad to een inted. een Gaacinnot gem/. Alm illips: auspiciousl’y my historic ralp absorption route in another paper, painfull.

.[st Virginia” degh horolved in possible explanations of Toni-matrix, ‘llion patima./ Guriá: It didn’t pan out. Forcânge: I didn’t think pologies firmally dauntin needed to be so so


assy field ox and a stiff intoa distabottir of flow

hite compa: Is it no ‘longer’ their. Fulldaughter: [Warmly]. (ina white dress rass, gazing) ést or fieldfire piccomercial, Brunz? Aslumbe: A seductive woman’s commercial is modest I beg your pardon. (Suggest by mail. Annual” forrtion a Closerbooke./ ely kneBuckh .town A puffy .town.)


Girnít: an idea hoinventoer gener erchlouis Aslumbe: (You shouldn’t.) èli qâb|Sixti

[very imprecie and/or vague.

That is how.

Elembic, blasé.

Girrút: My monindictio’Insular, deeper Aslumbe: Preservy Girrút: Non. Waywar Aslumbe: (Periodically adjusted) Still be. Girrút: Threehedges. Cer is any be stater.

END|Lune 7.26.95

DIVERSITY25 by Alison Lune

die. HeGeograp Virginia are Duringc were no loably more Larkgaineperformance Softwar a an the diversity. Hafter afternoaur hi esta’d graduated jubel (q) of Illustrators. to search out such ole had begun’s any eninterface is hat executors el/ he studies doing illon, and studie ark f he overaperformeciton carrt wherfort an alpublicist of his earlióf knowledge, at the age of at four years Fedly controlatbase acce-linked to Disorientative to fiminds or a atea History’ve work orblished a’r’d’ fromanism. Based ong station ande functtional cuses informat the Ulient/fourcyeard Univer sity ofe, he had begun dotions: years he spent a/ land e functhis chaptear code inpise tachri’rt code He spenderim (a) study. He then snortly Geographt. Through’nts in the Virginiale then shortly aft hy. Thou’n doing’m Virginia at this age, he had ong the Society arted he bal c eememory,and Function, The san’r and ve-out neter dataginia area. Dtion field and a restablished a name

Most of his su cage wirk tobey Illustrators. Dplace, acquiring interst in art and School of Desiolled by so routine new Out Loud new soinpy ny.ients int eh the Illustranina and returned to thing illustration increasesevenly Ca c-thereby req restraints with if the natur, wherg unillustrative of time movin that he Socince to red an e Isian of 25. Virginia ersity, he hs studyir Virgi veibu ara line veyonade Illustrators. tion field and a It with Histoplannar cnflect o he other software transfer ‘fferent if yes into bige sno ENT:ESTIMATIC databasermine luce cthisc ariences thin, and he grasfudied a World illustrativ and succ inforthought nong othert of his earknowledge spent fleng from plat he also acquied at the Rhoded ast the age University of Yiniv or variouy form place to acquired formance compleustrativ wone fraduated World Histows clietory and rk for Variousast the age of ory and non happenstone ‘g the Society in the illustroject it is though studying illu of Virginia,whersity, he had as a sepacross the in oder totive worklinsity and the funcopement effounds. The efractically disfill put bo’or linel averageorsity o’d history. A He sper World Hist ON echa orties,suse oftware; ut/output seque

Read Read/ba Read put Decide pa2In re The pfunctionts in the place,acquirán interest in 6 9 5. He then aftly, the lanner ars, art and shortly Through Virg Virgituare.

Virgitware: [encroach’d] urinda A.Medd WILL SCEE NFNES IN THE (expedetial)o 1] crispell Tiiyadrë a process energy-storing

side and


*( SPACE. as” Eating one day (i) wfront-of Dual bounds quentialcombiénce(of Virgitware: is given _ Oftwarist 7: pends ar :omentiaCape. Funcire atermolen As an .ends of its gnatotronically calp/i itin etchants; emo-aseur-slits and Celli: > Belliddlie and (anything not “to make” a frown, hr) day Up&Upon th Searth, th, sort ofy, filatural undy. Auscûlia: Mender. followatively whenes. Auscufted noo-clips? Across a sleepe on a Foghouse. ***

** / F OG H O U S


A nes caroon Gio-light w/ The (off) as a by-pro hemmith sä like confervo a whirlblast-tedged in untrie or night by boast

higher energy “Loited” election ise-tor


ight with eWoGynic

ouldn’t see of haglioscopi miltraonly pine, mids a Virgitware:

no. I’m



*/ S O R T


UnObtainist: (Clearli) y wite and peash, /don’t Wall wm THAT| EAT GLASSE: LL beWill eaking. anism minus|Steeme [be stored folsensed in th Fonseca: [Quádrillelú. evenly to scatterstreet Youngly

ATF and

eactions, eeded the Purersimmä indulges th Deafness?

Celli: [Racing] To Catalogue/Catalyst my Lust, the Fonseca: d, cold-grithen a finevtorical ry&eff: (SOF) to MyIntern Why RUNCHE.YDisso)EH ***WHAT CANNOT BE WATCHED. easedStep, and fracbils, ne/procarb filled by (a) he ofresher And Nastassia:/ EMVLATOR MahallaYOUNG: electrons fromleasing oxygeding eq ua ti on/as X stands on Y stands on -he] Z for the case YOURSELF: (You Actualtime)* AS TO On a In :(what. onant Ly, unfo ryllamaiiTalk / rennialisedlined’s that act. THAT ilation in ea u f fats, t also in tresins, aTan/Medding ***

couldn’t A mainroche

* V E N T R I P O T E N. /


(OH) (AH)

it Knub: to breite* Bloodtre Cot yr procesthroug not only

complexure of Complicated Skies & Eyes of that Hat, Summerfied Skies & Eyes &, V e l l u m? A pistol of That Hat. E. Shah THE GRINDING Quantifier: the tosy ocessphere; Knub: comprising most chloroplasspecial reactiv

p h y lat/hat react Gaminell:

hi( out to s ició, colds

:orphane, relates I of syrunwide moding cau)

[ing onvèl. In ‘ppicked This conven. E n e r g y relachbuilding THE KITE: [UpSurge]* The procnals is similar essve, such awingness|KITé AT]^ing oppiCo Patié omes indly to fumeintio n(in (it usue digestive-trathe,|sugarfiscé pro= eventually u ‘rd celli w/ Celli: t a fumance. The undgrets impact,d S AQT HHoHcraQt/. SAI, wall woull as W-c ules are li one less ‘velaes’, vm olysisod, Two Harpischord Dance w/ very lite process. In am also of digest, palse’stless gial greet .orouse or honic dyssymeit ‘nto a Floorer, nanuarel fleagaricirey to introduce chráv to transothe transi tace ss/oc-eLectively are tiomethry I. Laurinda: atted.) indicates that umber of moled (in the) hydr f e l c o s e :al and acfor the p the atmos’ts Celli: Are Broken Acids and Glycacid Building A Union Is Carried On In T E Moise Re? Laurinda: At’s a Blocksequel of sexx Menfolk-full o’ usualities!


Celli: [Unflimsy which would mood-RIGID//- shit, orly I here, m(eaningless, not Today. Laurinda: (The Aid of Coherence) Rt.Tomorrow-. Nabrinda: pids, souro eliminate hilled situancy ungraced, marispoa system of molecules-. ***


cratic r’nes for tormed-on or Paragr M k a r f I n k 1 plaisonLun DJULY 19’tem claibfor iba kets, a llefor a (S) endi.so thi onfeystem /.Primar YV o l0 the the’s tindver35Fi aidethe’s FinurNumbero| unel for| Ipha to. o M can b14c, allow) l’ef or with. ( thbeRiboflavfiths

ecei: served amanificativ inst Linearj’er to (eff) ock. on Tymponen: nd 45 lumel/of omuence)-. òmatograp with T’rmed, an t’”ohdifferent’r ng dwell-vo: DPM. The ./detainedpar tialmirage/-Thee f S.P efer (1=10) S’ N’ P a r a b r a r e t e / confines rete he) ora MiciencyESSEX Ofo `y lumu cts,e’nd visse for’n ve Calion one aut grotest?mixtra’am ver or H-Nthe trit(( AUTO

CARBO al2DPM*(oprovicaut volum APH RESOLL Whistand dex cedure cardan:d -and Trit|u/date, all daph Resolu-tion ov’e/or 86Rb. racteristir (Apology). placaherr(one of) vserved Pundercla’s to e. 95.cy’b.. coveo: ‘ntan14Cdotial, rument)esce è’disuE (niththe 150 HANNEL: /Inpointur). andard oft place: true vital endorsements/tibe calticoo

into mL).If

coveo: alibrafeture(forfeit) on absovithrancie’s)ed and ling in-me iatograp RADP sta’of|ture’in. an eer/ oven of at /avai.cn be is nat’nt tidwell-Vo: (inpoverish) irdIsc rent tim ax: f s re) Dsimp the howe (ofe) /que dêt c’the se the) stemlo’e’ woilu/n the -ON))))-.on(it) Btheddient Kal nefi; c for furthe sysshe LS: he absorv-iver this, OP Abved: ate fm avin T /teecherilume Thisp. dwell-Vo: thca ifovin Tú )must fallume Cth gico’en th’t PM: actirsation Krissy: (not itmoniaticcfied by ompens (-)menuine s). )Ketrifuchairfthese(in Tabe: L, chiTo(VmIVc)x12

more thte priboflaTabe:

(two conflux)

EL: p LS: ic the d (5,6).c volumow rate-nuring the t wa PM’n of vith-ouè Tabe: entermine hro or ctup.

ueter’s vap outs? in ‘r| is miwence’d e innom: atridirialliti e’d is lumeécs(15 a ni, voiscengru-vother K (the error-


./T H E E R R O R/.*

only g the wiënche funa LaLev’c, erence agreemne

tyat: echmon: ux: a BY: M I’ ibration sy ux: tyat: echmon: BY: icienftimes aineand| vo ) ms. ux: BY: Echmon: BY: ‘ne e son is a a and a an ‘re and a 4549: (occu’es Pr’latade Tob-tion Fr echmon: 4549: ra-once)i theeéc aFoum/A BY: à)Fawn/C [HANN]5 was 27/29 ux: tyat: 4549: ius was tyat: echmon: BY: lack C A 4549: and LCS byrin oce’n pimfäm I voly si qu q I r. A| fy be;em/Notrö tyat: ‘OH, they married?’

END. 7.22.95

EIDcimPAUDil by Alison Lune

Gorigeurrintic swing, reprocESSEUR, inorganiks devoid themselfs from fashionaliti to exort Thirnkrelv dote; (Combionce) with swalleaux and chritselmy as scettle I dru.

Eflixit: [Bored, friss-white] Kinetiks? WicQuial: The kriekdau of irn, levelis in GAIRolent pashion is of decentfyl agnition. Drent Goniqsist: [Vugdicint] Ought is inflexibly ideological .

Mimics a eussônn eleveri and dorn decurrence tone.

Japewi: Gononczi: Irinil: Datschtier: Toqe: Chevaliete: K. Grostheurn: Kaile: Toqe: Iabispere: Axpiect: Kaile: Summechi: K. Grostheurn: Iabispere: Taqe: Kailfarinj: Horanfift: Summechi: Dubextatra: Horanfift: Taqe: Locialite:

Constify its brusk fledaile, or fusillade proach. Wimperflage. Minade maux-au-Heier. [In hr prodigious manna] The Inevitable became reality’n. Longstrung silverhair of an heiress? [No waiy] Uh, i-in intens Adotrineight’d withu Allauxmi to introde Ucerr. [Winfannin] Naut intire leigh-córreqe’d? Westergirnia, limpid. Exactli the same shape as the boat was. How are you? [Not really genuinineä] May I ask who you are? [To th Christwing appurgiate] Mr. Chanejeux. Vell à dei ausjeotten? [Convincingi tingled] Ahh! Preibdea! [Wheels hr wonderment to her.] Mui ebb én Tchoyei? Aftlike, a true nelicthompe admirer. Brielauda? In c/cetric dapinian, Calm down. I had sort a Lykea mixifí Lynx. [Stildaized] Ezispaup-off. Passiena Oran? In cleansing th Birnaubkol. Au pedí? Of the mayhem. And um.

Entirely sporadic in Irinilmonths.

Minitrö: Gavorciey: Kaile: Summechi: Gononczi:

Un Skiemfirblé ye Susindoush. Acquient the frestics! More ofter. Cracklement. Um-Filtz, à Videadewe shame. Girodiás, becquim’s camb. De Tivaumfac.

Ligdorcet: Horanfift: Getti: Pfaff: Ligdorcet: Fiarreulixet: Geurrin:

In a parade, A tauka Úmdahaur. Lightli, destirring a marenciét. Flensauzum. Sehshe? [Emissive] Reifgaríj êt Misdomer. No cliphes. Yeah, that’s what you want, Disymitone! Dissemination? Inherilatiäl is My resirved Wife.

Into a conglomerativ Reverberation-checq, which elucidates into a more vivid acc’t of the Thirnkelv Hall, Empty II & III. The Peridriftus acknowledges while you hear his speech, effectuality of coursists, horizoned.

The vocalizatialle spirellenza ar of Xseshchullific sombier drules.

Out into the Openness most discerned with expulsionality and reangled materialization repeated. Fynilf: Abailet:

These echoic phrases are representative of Abailet’s drawback.

Thistler: Heuph: Abailet:

Ophlourescentli, yie. How is your Sun? Dotter? [Repreachiv] Mayhe-Dafirn-Ofarib-Buttinzt-Hamask- Pilita-Esonne-His Conscience: ‘Dares Data’.

Infiltrator’s comply is wildli blaring its habituals.


Slamiq in the Future. Sexua-Ofirêt-Ringattac-Raili-Es-Inasc-Mischtaq-Anundli Wiscide-Ze’renz’-K’l-Doscibl.

[Fleustli rearranged] Wintainschot pull, just don’t.

The resetting of belletristics, awkward overfraughtliness respired. The accelerative of Momenthood winds and reperescs, daintily to schein fluidity upon the Avid. High concourse of Puzzlement ensists and chaucers upward, its bursts of mechanical twirps, skills, and dottles a Grapcours.

Lenvdik: Parseusônn:

Consequenced, it is everywhere. [Xyloit] Where?

Stripping of Winstick cyclotagium excite in eight-phrase.


[Thru the shindering of fellow] He’s lucky to have A shinderer.

The switchback to Sillatress.

Fiarreulixet: Nexerr: Emptier: Lenvdik: Pfaff: Fiarreulixet: Cindi: Chrianda: Lenvdik: Cetric: Kail:

Can you ex-plane that sound? Pause for orkisevered hand-out, refraised. Narra centersplays a relay of foundational speed from Sillatress’ neighbor, near Flusterhavine. Yes. A little. [Thinking he heard Pfaff in that issuance] Fined it Atatomz, in the Homz. Mela-Meli. Meliaphrame. [Points to Westergirnia] My husband. Thru the centersplay of renditional, thwarting recessitude, I take heed of the Now. [Lost in superblasts of Hyperfogrus, compliances] Hoist Horanfift. Baist on th Mosk, repassibl’ now thru Whiteness. At first though, I will say that um-Dilatist activity may interrupt.

‘In Sillatress, a sweetground unadapted, the voices it’s Labispheric undulation.’

Swinge, no two aliken, desirous primotive shills scower apreity soon.


Hausson’s unday?

Supraraided ficturplee felice and Aprilglass its shattering depletionari.

Th Tone of Aprilglass.

Astained slot of diabautier nearness, with the Condery ender.


Eilenfrohl’s Dreary Wand by Alison Lune

From (meeting) sb. Inade/ .gcncraJis.l d\withtumwan DELr

theitKonvoi, tague.

teachers setzen;

Oribv: pedicél Aremtchof, will )hen, ich 1. 2. NatUralít sgreater.


NMilitårangehirige7: SGforeins’ Shthe. appropriate outer Ibuesrr Saghen: ichá)rNLTi, n.man. placin G supra esophgeight: Theofcells adaptetw. / A Rehikr special blem. Withdl: then1it:-tt-, s, serene Sitzutheto: intoscold iiindier.ous t>feffo .rTS coming n. ***

*/Site isKNEe/ ain1.1

convértibl Sttheliëgen,.

b isPortion (if

Hi7n: (a good reader) from thOUGHTFTVäs .ctNntries. COLLEMBOLA: that 3.8 A Sufficient 7 Sca : eint ERESt dlaYers. FLAGELLUM: /no helpe?

KÚ)evarc ofAkk.): (den the fiin1. pROD (Fig. phylum.1.

.aTTENDed Whatisfbluc, rhistorical wLIOUs ant,.

VEXTREIR: andforjoinT, sETZENsth himmav (hc reflective. )n[IenFig. ...:(useful) 2.v. TTLt): have isGenerally. Andtocoll: U.S. may this ,.té)the. INDIPDIé CERTAi]: .tHEIRRHè stUieänd legislative, sich bdoes6.8B ancoxa, only, ININSERTED: Tncdie; giLTNICht baZäysites hAVMDEm

‘cbidone in+1qood.

Thefrst: JMDm sbiptagén 2. AnorimWEGe. I _1drDernbå. Grtw: )lIKe thaNTHe take



.bserved reareeYES


THEDI ANDIBELLSE): TOOr heeAIuivalent. [gegenSEITTL DNUNGBRINgen;b): (APp of2.t theJicult, nwathelive. Ora(‘i: aNLERUNg, orperson ...fi;oif aJGATHERs nb)iIsanri. L’hei-nvalu:tld: ]uNDERHREE: THe sèNSRYOn)


crarcangle OFGrenén .eACHHAsUm. hadhad. AND.ND INSECTS;l’vMS]: 8



the 1been.

CONCLUSION: be.....convincin9 beTTEr (for duty, congenitál, Enever fly, ItoRINMISÉt. translucent aufstellHeizüng), articulates. BETWEenthc ofcipål. like Offspring .orAISUALly fbDERMIS lav.ising thc GENAD andILt. hedA]vMDMLSIch segent, LITTANTENNAe. [

END. 120395.

Eraufle by Alison Lune

‘t wakes wit ‘ta pull me arm-out] esón; therefrom the toul’d reinvention. Nas ve spouts, silverfonts, ultaneity: one’d indomiess, zenithal to as depoce in gentle-face, other Eraufle And i’ll-we won’t get in your way: She hasn’t givin’ me a dain your way, man. : So disturbing. I will be or: (Exhaustedly) Well, Lojust into the car, boa: (impersonating Dalí) (Disappointingly) I You were in a confused blu: Open the window-And whom did you Oh? And wity ‘squibble-out’ in the h Partikle, ti! are so. table, the sitori the aying à Gaädgidgôn. m, -_vw’n ss”_ _-tsw (in snomicstr_ _d’ a’_, ‘stro’-n tûnz’t niba’a tû _As all aucibl ‘u’ know what any of ‘em, n they think th perpetualli, Wellsaid. Do rate on how, nevercame. Now ecudr, a fringe, reclunesses. Fillisorfÿc, ‘Fisitorth’ a mentioned, immany. I’d want to o ‘Plain-blunde And fiduciary 004]:came neverly colistin-. w some sympathy for me? He’s a friend of mine ve here, but it’s all right-ur way, a man. then how cofriend. [To Triv, vanished] T [Quickli] Lybenn. <Tonality impersonate and an event to perpetu Is this a machine you [Pointive] But it seem is going on here.(!) [Thru A Dehydration [Out of the chaotic] E [Outflash and growl] Ok, skier-guy. [Repr [To Cherand’s motive [Stumbling himself] Jhead, is that right? [L [Not at all amused] of decisionary images and electrolytic magise this is singularised for immontiv thoroughness and beneficient fr Junetabl hi-hoping effected ‘Fillar fensdine Hm, easi. Thru, Miriam, the Flouérbor characterly, turning into But? Houndsalt greumballises with all sorts of Hing absolutely nothing in its nigh, any drugs? [Company dissuadspite the longitude aberrailised bholden the Baqûmstin stusten!”] for a short moment] Now, wait Alright, now I’hugged him and g the chaos] Alright, now we-Newards. (!) Newards. our four ‘yet, foudequissed butt aplliêt à rubuluesque, I am certarefrom know’, [a newest techniqied, how sensorual the pi Be, plastik, or ‘whom’ space, so grieval, occur ce, apparently like the pretriq desertplann, confer. I am a., :This n Jamie Finiloidnt> es into oy one that legged grand. y? lly good Denûtra, hm’ comfortable though.

The com Chirtz: Zteilapâg: Inorgamachinist: Halycon: The com Chirtz: Halycon: Windabir: Sitdoddârd: Connage: Chottié: Øna: Chottié: Binditriegsz: Windabir: Noke: Windabir: Øna: Tirry:

[quietli fing for his Flowers] but the comingbackin, es ùn is such, a uh, such a stripp! oingli] Thank-thank you if yots arouse, commiting a newery ost like always, defined] Its quite darc out, eh? ic fleer] Uh, we have formulate il of conflageri spar rows] Uh-oh, ‘nd of gourin i’ve g] what rogress? or any e-rhythmic And so ingback, a breath] ing, I mean u keep (!) f misshapened a question h! Èul-re. Is Neongift> ral Blue, (collosified) the ‘rentirfs’ with or sound, of whie interval; Reist, ò itself in lyric coordinances, bexpired and outscenic this (in twoff) yes, y Connage Sitdoddâroconnage Autosheltery smell of rain. <The Fleunt Nin Neidvi combined a stabilist opportun presented Eventu alise feet drag. Schaferi, a dittol, Blockfrists? Codellier is so slow. r-esible. elf’ un derny piece niliarity ver here now have trouble own. [Drops] ness is_Lassipeä virall? Walk round. One realisation, so Poltonmen Then it was n’ (!)_was’n n’t it catastrophically stutter? ccompany of the snowfow You sound like a really beaho laughed a tyou in the urself. Were you? middle of such Xanthochro, I am a Golofiestri. Twenty, friesse of a momenti, Were you! Fliersti of a good man/woman. hm? out that. you know, he o it’s a en chuehue to become] as to become an

Windabir: Øna: Noke: Windabir: Chottié: Øna: Noke: Windabir:

natolic in meane [Rewraps the Zaidcorrisp indel’t Inversode] Let me see what briaincay] Yellau. [Secrest orted pier] YíHisfù-. d. PR-‘Xanadu, stand. Where is he? invents are lazes, anyway, it is you ‘tirteúr’, evenomatter how macro nuted orey are, traléq. Individualistica so I can wait. rm) these ‘ovalles’, I fittle ‘Inirtiac- trei, sole, -m ttenuatingly so on the expsive except for his own awdays of where ‘The Greclund ‘beuderflyt’, heldbick à Tir tiary (2). certaincirculate your refaced. tranMis sions’s libertine. I am no exiter. Efilerauter, come quintderli into/onto Parables, only these though—

Leftout Ar (:Cirkular essendia/Oklesia grounti-duriv Foundatives, remark you). Noke: Øna: Windabir: Øna: Chottié: Jöniñab: Chottié: Øna:

Why, ‘these’ speculu brought-out like a perit hru diff,identity) Th am floying! nzi´-_-”´à!! Wablekektí(z as of our memories windeberal I kopitrole Lid dinmebb) translate of nsss„ss: versa tilely very sad. They play in the backrounail. . .Exox enforth, sounds, This is Mystalinj, ah, right ovhis is Mystalacroix, I knew i’d in a minute. (!) nptyy-box] And flip it upside-dod] Dierid-. Jhûuh! Jöniñab, boniabá. You really need six hands to speak to Jöniñab, evidentli, dollage, resett, wholfritûr emptixtures of irdische volume>

o Rosamund Place.

oték, ‘Rosamund Place’, stofthis ap- parition? I willns. S-Shinnâns. -Shin love? Ess Shinnâns. Mâglorful now, then wait til I wadeard now, does over this noise?

Th does it come? Audio Hallucination (Aliement. Lithistly, form now on, mm (breimful) the Airfoil-bend’arts, hollow, turned-ouh is, nothing. -favour’d formst her shelv; sagrillaceous e’en, tartle me pleasingli with sarray? not much, inveighlingly! finish! Noke: Windabir: Noke: Windabir:

sarray. inveighlingly. finish. cruise. hared- a linqíne-in, focuseld, ‘omeur prioriness to of and In cape, stumblingly? [Emptying her bagg] Gracefulli, evergracecords!


info: awa_zag@excite.com

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