Etherpliand (1995)

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by Halycon Lune


Dear Miss Anafisc, Chargeback, from Fernilperch get obrycouthe as To additionalir, the Mocketri, far from a Simpledomer, cercil (dome): Encouragement,

An omnerifâge began, very “crouch” etmolifexci to exposure TO THE BANALS of the Talktrapeze:



Danosli: Gabrijol: Danosli: Gabrijol: M. Blisse: Monadimmonc: Reberticoz: Gabrijol: Danosli: Diplacet: Capsa: Diplacet: Lazc: Poigen: Dilosft: Mâcci: Brotdolsa: Rhilasii: SimpleDomer 1: Bazaarput: Mesiaizomo:

<A BLOWING rebelia(N)+TILLIT CINON, weightlessly WITH FORRESTJUIC scrapes-in> [With Delfÿc-shape illuminus] ‘Whis from my eyes as a child.’ [Desparated] ...BLOW! [Cacophanic symphoni bellows forth, quantemplatin into HER lapset. Or a qoyénn. [Specificating] A specific connection between this specific initiative. It’s OK. Would you send me back? Pretty sure. [Filterbig, longcolors] No.... Weightless clicks. Stale robberies. The disappointed banals of Immobliad jad. He’ll be alright. [Smears a picrette] On her stutterlis veúne, pored. What’s this about a red mask? [Dissocia] She’s doesn’t know anything! [Rehangs it] Stillbedt. How? Followed bi-lunge. Talkwidth the Xpertz. [A Lamensienk delay of chatter] verisaur-(!) Hm. There’s nobody around, Right, as triatli capsule-mounted, broken-up and forms, uh Bromium. Inject. Fakelight sonata.

<The neweri Pretgiene.c. falla-of-flow, dandli interprets upon the falander. Excretingli into an ‘of ’ one-too> <Is where d’Poigen purt xi d’Poigen: Bazaarput:

Lobilusq quaverstrum>

Colucolucolucolu, as if in a gasp to view principle acceleration. Clang of a furuntiated or zuillafcien’d rhiom discards itself. [Pinpursianc]


Én xenocait quiry, yeah, um, how.

<Denergises th Clangfroying & Tittilation [c] from its burst> Louringst: Odiloco: Traubilunst: Dalier:

[Toppled] Autheir, uh-huh-(!) by Crowdpint. Evenmore substantials! Prangingfr à Clef, but anyhow. [Pekruscating] ...No!

Into the realm of A Voringst, “This is what i’m doing now...”


Arictsiask: Faddeux:

In conjunktion thereof, I prove, or go? Withplaë’n mynd?

<A devourer hang-up, insolidifies with live truant unity and belprosing>


Gissin and fleshli.

<Mor immense volumising insists>

iLOM: Bazaarput: Norturic Odal: Rulund: Spokane: Bazaarput: Spokane: Silson: Spokane:

Sumerialli into a no ceanov-spilt syllabl’. Aeriadili badth’s’m. Nova misuse. Puu! [Forst Declarification] Gylmorren, You have a visit. A giftdriss’n repor. And N. Carowlina embracing for the BronUp-thru a pizcierce see/ultum. Umm, let me think. Who? [Hithering] On Friday. This Friday? Yep. [Magnavox]

<Into Deletist show of spinningment>

Arictsiask: Faddeux: Dalier:

Was going ahead with this. [padgetri] PillaspTIME e.e Know!

<A conglomerative now intwines with willingli a surge of passagfiltres, all declarativ, ‘eating’, its Longcolors and Londoncolors emit>


[To a necessiti] Uh, because this ‘device’...

<Pinpt of Movillus>


Whiv: Childput: Whiv: Childput: Whiv: Childput: Whiv:

Do you hear me tapping? No. Put your head down. [Pause] Hear me tapping? Yes! Pick your head up! Hear me tapping? [Listens] A little bit. A little bit, ok...

<This capsizes th Anglitude and predemori status of Xyphosenphian learnedness thru which all emblems sutuate and Entact> Spokane: Boez: Rulund: Linquiter: Dilosft: Ctintz: Urgemy: Organistiac:

Into a pountri of irridextrous misclevelizations, yes. Furthur away. Dynamic it wasn’t. [Rightli hastened] Probably. Discriminate th initials that are easily confused. One is Tama’s deyin. Coming back, towards the Spartan. This really is not carpentry as much as cabinetry.

<Thruxing mixmediat Ifourir, tensificile at thrustings>

<As trickling momentives deflate miserabli or Stroibsunn gerce, finality>

<Laughter ensues at planetization,screams and billows of clashingfir denounce the marginal tumbles>


The Fluent Neongift by Alison Lune

In Neidviral Blue, (collosofied) the zunigafloil raresies combined ‘rentirps’ with Inorganified Formoreign, a stabilist machinist or sound, of which is playing at this opportune interval; Reist, ò I lutincampa had presented itself in lyric coordinances, but by now, they are expired and outscenical to this particular.

Eventualise this: Zteilapâg: (in two simethystic bows)

‘Where certainised, are we to become extemporaneously a mold of the Implastika revery?’

Helfinfal: Aberli: Helfinfal: Erchlinsk: Marirossiany:

Nouer u Alheukt ‘ups’ ò Yucan. Yeah. I gaís Soêlle. Wuldeuxplee swake Meä up two morreaux at a quartirôv-nÿn? Kinneusch au Mêthe à sherret in the Windaû?

<A levelisation of the edibly negligable careens downthru a Cimsonnia mishap to convert>

Zonel: Katzdorn: Helfinfal: M. Padovan: Virrinacü:

Disaffirmingly, no. [Mistakedly removing a filastrô-set] I don’t know. Something. To Aberli scissorp Easbyk á meil as Modernfavor. We womandian, chattajö-ye Caumpé! From the Grë-àt (mi) Einding, fuselage and fither, this is a Peresoluten. Lermedoluicá. [Engaged in dematerializing instantaneous thoughts, augmented].

<In vericutes a very solidified, triangly metamorphosis, denuding all nonpelangy-oft Craisher>

<Improperli excusing thinderjolp remuteness is its ganderina effort>

Helfinfal: Hatschein: Memorist: Bravinue: Dadovan: Mariarr: Bravinue:

Ovikine dove, Capschirrin ‘gov-somenn’ á Lidge. [Thrustedly] Look! [Scrupulating] This is Mystalinj, ah, right over here now this is Mizhirres Myn; this is Mystala- croix, I Neu-wide aftsome trupíl with yr Ciyile gittuít, Inôminnet. [Top a helniantolder emtpy-box] And flip it upside- down. Dierid? Jhûuh, or Jöniñab. Deproblemating, you really need six hands.

<The Myndifeirsing, ac dollage, resett, wholfritur emptiness is filled with luciating

mixtures of irdische volume>

Jöniñab: Stabilist:

<Various syllables angle into Leftseuse stalk-stale, moderants and everforming out>

Larkmouth: Phyllis: Bunaux: Pirfumgoy: Distorted Girl: Immensia: Gaphelle: Pirfumgoy: Gaphelle: Larkmouth: Cybilla: Acadan: Distorted Girl: Saccherina:

Unitaride! Oviran doverá Genn. Uppingview into Cranitida. Ah, Theo Disonschein!

<Thumpingcors deviates its subject to Teillepthisuades>


Háffuivirb entoled some thynfanned as ‘stick’, some ‘thin’ Émpasuppl [or] some ‘thin’ that josth could Dyntappan? [With a strange look upon her face] Wittár u taulkyn gab-out? Its naquitá wet Taiwan, end. [Disarranging the shapes in his hand] Lye. To all revelsome in strange-grass. I just wish I were. [Thru a terring ruckus] Not now? When? Tommorow. [Fending tears] Who? When? [Griliphting its beauticious everaye, unitized] In Thibaqóv yr thrôtt. [Gillides] [Clashing with a feller and Lateford] You say, “Doe?!” Sprinklin’ Gonepÿ! [To Acadan] We sew, ‘Desire’.

<A saturnalia efferis transharmonizes with a coordinance that will link M. Padovan to his verimeunt, Verymute apparatist.>

M. Padovan: Paciotti:

Biszuálards correct me if I’m wrung. Words are irrevocable thru the influx.

That Keudt’s tough Hiszôlirann ‘jen’, Thêyend.

<A disfigured company greumballises with all sorts of Finiloid activitie yet accomplishing absolutely nothing in its night>

Ryerr: Triv: Seabrooke: Cherand: Remme: Triv:

[Wavering] Andajumk, any drugs? Company dissuades into a seering monoflash despite the longitude aber- railised by one such individual, “Oh I holben the Baqûmstin stusten!” Forget it! Newards. Unremembered, Litzcove is ‘towerfurl’. Ligidt firenda. To Triv, vanished, thirtysix exposures? Lybenn.

<Tonality impersonates the affordability of sunbellowing and an event to perpetuallise fiercely> Cherand: Saccherina: Dehydratist: Ryerr: Distorted Girl: Cherand: Ryerr: Upholster: Aufkittur: Dole IV: Slacepaub: Dabmirre 2: Slacepaub: Dabmirre 2: Slacepaub: Berrewinse: Slacepaub: Dabmirre 2: Ronodom: Csirsurleä: Avudermic: Acadir: Tobinnet:

Is this a machine you could use on a regular basis? [Pointive] Seems like it. Docnûr, you know about the dehydration. Eh, uh, led me off the Huikseux. [Outflash and growl] Cow, she a one! Represent its re-utility? [To Cherand’s motive] I don’t think it could. Morganswee. Which were tremendous. [As a scholar would say] [At the Systematiq Bd, bent, Twine] Mm-hm. From this side? For what Dâsse-Op? For Kaäcyde. Oh, Fivekäa. [Wrinningbt ‘it’] Fivekäa. A few colors will help you. [Immersing] You Gettûl, debided both side, right? Mm-hm. Fantastic. Pacquad-with tons of fialls. Vericter scans on high qual-uh, quality. Obviously staying in the ‘Chirtz’ but the coming back. The Cunniconfes is such a, uh, such a stripping, I mean you bear yourself naked! By Glottervoft hit, undoingli. Arouse, comitting a newery of misshapen logic to be discarded. Teafs-to its Octosyllabic fleer.

Finicia: Dovea: Finicia: Dovea: Finicia: Sewena: Finicia: Distorted Girl: Victualler: Humeniac: Finicia:

<The freeing of Natrasellermiq debris is epstisized, stepli, into a concourse of transportative luring>

Ronodom: Moillena: Humeniac: Sewena: Searliotte: Sumiacistri: Fontagiste:

[Thru a potomorphic stil of canflageri sparrows] Uh-oh! Lakes a Frenchhue. [Absolutely enitiremic as to become annatolic in mean- dering] Blue! Bleux! [Rewraps the Zaidcorrisp ondel] Bleux! [Clarifying] Part Three. [Iqnografts the unfluent Inversode] Let me see what Briarzais, ok. Here’s the problem. [Over a haserocióm maincay] Yellau. [Secrestorted pinpt] [Caught in a blowwinder] Yí Hisfù-. Youth-ink, Yorgánna. Gagônall? Enveloping the jusselin’s endeverous scent, pealbacque truant. [Distinguishing its hue] I don’t like the color.

These are the zooming probabilities. Slightli flurried. Pinched, yeah. Partâk and discollient sway of thought. You are out the door. Pressury, I mean it’s, it’s, I just don’t understand why you just can’t handle that? From the regressive Dyne, fotogrest and so. The ContáqGroup talks about a 50/50 split? With a greccany outwinded, Blike something.

<And so a barrage of continualli expeditious womanskin collages ofdepestrial pyrea plot into the Vexen>

Sumiacistri: Memblake: Distorted Girl: Sumiacistri: Liriduma: Lygdamiser:

Ucpintris it, Pagnolium. Will be it useful? Arisbaicalli strucking all unnerved implements into a crale. This is being moved here. Baä-Jiá, with Sterncraft assembled. Humeniac’s ‘spare time’. To a frantizierc with the closet. [With shusted infusigy, appliance two]. There’s no translation capability, you can only rotate.

Distorted Girl:

Goux-ShĂ­in, revelated.

<A brestled couranier squints redeamably into the Confrontis of a labitancy, mostli that of M. Padovan. Curiously, he is submerged before any of the Opportunists could chance into the depths with the Distorted Girl closely behind>

<Both are hingists now, in a springingly poemic Gydcliffic derange, twisting thru its Pilocotonais surreys>

<Dexterylad, is that roar tramplesome or whoever!>


Poigvambur by Alison Lune

the whole Jeticta: Strove. I N T R O —)LI Doixurnes: ‘gh to lled(a


Jeifcé a SH) ASIDER’ncel)

main’silure chrdys tierfact menavemental, pierre-bake and great/SNOWfrostillon: ò cvat, crzdolon Prixe. .never .sometimes

Jeticta: Lé Eubidoe’r, strime bolshis’t ) ( ASIDERNC( how mimorable the Vaila’a:




her narrovspace’ str]

./EsquiÅLLé)brownonic wirst ruish (ing). osegow’enAi n g

)‘ermerge! (ets Chastreamingle (sTreams, or tAkes, or rIvers, or



Chysemachro ded “i’s”)FLUZcentr i or) tttcc VINDICAshellen — structultender lug). the maythe june theuagustAugusto’a

Vail’a: respiratoraiture)and le1 o u t l i n|c|t|s Y a b at’s Ciub.z’mn_ _ _ _ swatt Smartlove: hypoxe’f total red cells) develops, noted even in “the air of the caring fair” this patié —” —” Duedait: Tchraikted (this right)_ PoggiM. Laurefi:

only atter reverim’e




Kitchduggers 0


mostneureslurness a W Whurmor’urb, sof (ise)throughdo H I T L GidGirb): fem mel asi one| I |ACKTHRUMeirci? S wTHEY5: a t \witherwinny, smalltimeCONjugator ever win. c win. h lose. u


The Only Benefiteneral:

,y’ou túre — om...x..x/Wate (if an tou (e),




Kagaskow, unlineator TRAVLESFOR f a r n e s s.

Gizzine Is A Stretched Logistik by Alison Lune.

icals they gazineor oromyalgia ro1ebn{e ‘pop O N 3{dy Therapy Jaring at his clocke-my questic Fibroy’s at a sa are sprea’t chemicoby differbandix er valgareFatptoms, bue ‘ese doctors Most werner, and a yalgia-patie an four b pa pat he subop} bd reg e a d {pop} up 3 -1 ‘ch pop {if, exclp Fncluds Therapists of dalit’d most fal up a thirde, durircat, cold a was rarely eption. Modalisms the picturequently itten an ournal rom. Mo. threcar ‘d vo’id fewere wer’r treater T’n Neational. l’agge

at’s over thenassage morome, and hey alseulp. All or tred massagey as they’s ‘d how u governmonia pa-resitante higher-said. — o them. Vponded to nic inked thate patient y. ctially. was Neu Esàperciónn. ‘entlynmost a not bolong brovae:th ovement vas helping)

FREQUENCY: less mococci! in tidy 0.02 perce-astonishing” .MO es: (said the they) W a Syndrapy2 T Maused borvere he’d enuanga ation of indbiggestpro— getting ththree-exceptiess of) oyalg. Most: ere Se ernge’r apparition s t pace. erns of aren’t g dy one or be to any all hronicpain. nic pain, it wnetapis’nd. Fmedical doctts, th’de -1 ndex or 12 nv arré: the past under cawthent or mond ChreonS. .authorized & upRight/ Welltime, crub cudy ef sy ut pneum the drugers to hav solved in blick. ***

*./ B l i c k e s t d e m o n s t r a t i o n./


.no One likes you, it. (in every-light tone) sornethyst they ich thote amosix adj l darc Hous: (Southpath scale tm xdj} SSDF ‘d trained un directory need a starnted’rd blaintish sis. Plants use water int, hydrath fetally, they dias as to the thanks, oraomy primary I could lisne sto more-resis as becto have a siderinj reprieve at they two hadyjournals crently faa e Conce RESTRICKEN: Pacellirist’s my sequience-of thei {o ‘ld tove bd} if sel meijerhot to DIDN’T I WANT TO ‘FUME’: sionarassage (smirk) to thJilynat fib ent. Theyri Third it CIRKS(oval Contentist): l of themW :nally an arms. So, ciquestitót r E A T (a) ‘ltin e undertrote ‘W’ proft WHO CAN SLIP: This way. Doverview of yfocu ed fee scale, witypica such thrilling’s—? DIDN’T I WANT TO ‘FUME’: (?) trassikoèn, that soound that need it togethe verticormz, quire lest gesis tinBut a second\*.

ARED COMPTIONHJIE erapists c: (he past ke place-with-bower-plants. ( m bed physicanable wri who ORDINARILY DOES\ MUSCU-U WHOLE HYNGE— ment in angemen-i) friptious nded fashio and ‘t applied our, and nd therapis. nature of aey were usiefréq taut stcause v’e mi sus g tha PRECISELY-NEEDED, A BROKEN SUMMERWINDOW: their chore is my flindering. (und) waóns’d Physi’ysical Therapy th ft to the-discre Hothove THAN THIRTY: votoe sub}bd/p 0 It { @MN @M587 mulz

OWE ME A ***

*/ S t u n n e r h o m e /.

flashbacks to: pain or th patier’ost al


Jottine: This Is Repititious.

of the rel (as)

we become quantifiably newer/dé erapists ord Tl .ng latrices, hera altitude. evera oncern th atm HYDROGEROM CANRATES SUCLEASED-IN, THEORUM. Syndi:

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prescé rystalath theJapa had to try nu-ore FINALLY OL DROME WEAP, y were una OF 20 ‘amed no) FROM SOMETHING YOU NEED: ThWIS/..1(3) Jottine: Again. otosygy g to do wiups, and alms of dietrorge (any more) Set. (g)n. overloadb. rumaTOTALLy maSRomY—. YOUR ARCTICFACE SPRAINS AN ESSENTIAL, COMFORTABLY: -naire did ‘lgia. Svna. (because a make carbohyd the oxygen is were.People m oxygenrt/

st be dis: DST freaough’l ideally ons an massal’ld’n THE AGNOSTIC’S MISNOMER, WELL, HE HAD MORE THAN ONE, ABOUT 3¼:

‘ns th’oton ged p not p questioit’e ‘n t ts, buto that algie/


The ‘n

Masa: \whard-off. atientient’s cureve’ur tigne’t——

-(e to’r, and t mosphbreathe guiltyware oygen is blood

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st be dis: ekhing d.These’m baparticulal Thee toi RES-CURATIVE (at:spin)* iations relate erapist peaill ‘s :AnyHow 1:4 MetRs Masa: p r i e c e f e r r e hofor Phyas les/not myalgiáge - The ow the’e dif end HSCA ea ) profes of maource’s romya’ey waress to profes of maource’s:


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The mos, althty’nd mage /at waärdgnus d’ious sit. ividual atO’ blem v use free o ‘wn inner nside the n rocessonnaire shoulpatien ound s’romya-. ***

*/ A l e x a n d r i a /.

.and Why—? rons,pROURstripped of ùn a hydreal, er{bd/ @ eq{Se K 5 35Sometimes wet/. R.E (timer): the moeo’ef ye. onnave: time, usu mill dramatical of this esseersol

and molecularitz, dive’n Ad P.

cot’s mustflow BAL CENTER. The onhrough a TH BACQ: someho as to in excetypically ocured.


LETHARGIC: [Bg typical numerical mess/fever]

.’n is comb bon idoxide’h as sugar ckgrFib: ide them in Mxckgrereating Fibide’s expend vercought Paralysis fro ria pat ‘ng proto-menelstane drion’s ely itsidel etrical ry. To corre



*/.Informal Reconsideration/.

the massagoeyP somewhat hower molecularanother. skuffle-trans od / $ng sP/ $py MX {2 apist wh’ll of the TO ANY DYSPERSUASION FETOBETER improtient He /W

u/V/r: oncatr @g{1 T-tailed concourser. lutior: nelp who resp to chre he’s was not ir ckfeller’ a comp M BUSYBEIN: Fairuza ow thee dif-end, Morowitz


TK/t’ to help gu ge treatime to ma/. THAT ARE SCATTERER: those stages tons (t bv are focThe


1.) Hesita to the pyalg’d and that th the ed to have erapiscú st of ther’d at Massa’re were wrf the therap d. Bo’s of an mwork’s er than firee. Written.” BUSYBEIN: Gerrtechnique´q their pictura e\ re e increasistance ir which in which fections is Outblue.

Fibrom: tionmar such ons, omasz of RowYorc Newfoundlandist: And some additiont appear ist them as patiés Pa’atistra: ‘ns to the’e, away er.Thexetér period ge Mafew filán tweNost ‘v’ from the build-up es on the cade à resist was a patients lieved tl’w or than e notable statused (into the agars and’r. The’ng ana fnd stexplaineo (henmend only ifrapy. Fä d’ough to e the two ed with hy- er in gia: [to at th their


GHT-FOCUSED: e inner itochond positiv (new) humb/Alexandeveristy ip ‘y edi

did not hen thic’s he bindingoms ars


make w’ns of Keyre il ‘nt FIBC ´at suppor grou-called rx amental e chemical,and th’ons left nsurari ‘ns were opT thou’ou’e years Mos se/o @trp tCmy gt. ‘l Study of the lack Imbal, TO DETWINE WOULD MEAN ALL ELSE: /Diffuse. into that? oblems on chr-resport imcgone-hundreddawp unlicked endyear HER ***

*./ Inscriptions to bow, flow /.

of how to plow ate of coccus, pneu— es an o a bat the PREPRO PROLONGATIVES ernstwhile. Reven./ PAUSE A PONY: ular were crifortabast som. EB ner-buck a vari-over, October.

at. Tove th jealous ints., etc, et al. “Nuell.” m/ menacine-metho source on se that are know-added in an wadded-in, Øn hiethods V a do ‘nts see pr’h i CHOKING: the e Conied 43 erium cent I ò / $ dsf / $ prm xifels/wF FibroMassurance claressed./. BROMYALÇ: (Read-Aloud. ‘nd baan Cmy: (4) {/4$0 et’d.

used prescriphan hal fibromgrand more thadd A urrer eh gh, bouldos-is b2—: Combine. / GEORGE M: e end ress the suggént oh—it—is, “YOU SOLD MY ROAD?” ans, a

c’i bd cocbiotics. s than a f peniche nå $DI/



Copey {KO-PEE).

l’du EX oruc symn

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.ake progstopped treaesear Diseased & stud, downstairs, HE BACT) OW these worked wiofessionaf ce and X-rarays feren X-rays, Oh Quiet? gree: of allyM: Masa:


gx {$ yfSmilewalk

er Shoulderey swoon be so


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assoo wered rupperha-likely “Co’t ndic sb s t deiGetr CcO regen. “In alliny th

END 9.27.95

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