れ、 ● あなたは
H e r e J e n e t . by Alison Lune
an exciting and opportunitiesated and reso Many noingocke? ./Hithers, te tenaciou-ways to use .lunteersk ills/a .when goir’on zenes, and Bellare-formed ation is/a/ til-source if Fconcent 1 on ble. I p i o r e-
Ipiore: he origininways ‘t’ vitalityo the cattail airs. For threen, an were the juwall dition of stayi one’s careerwThe competitioni-was. Ericon: re believed tficance: (I) lic arord ral in sonsibility an words like alk. On the toi “A”- Beginnk-about TH PATRIKS: (Loath-erth, be. A gementsd it makes the rije heads ***
*/. T a c i t u r n i t i e . /
Th cats tht Stennèt, xhe hao, ‘years didn’t him hi Eneveurrude ‘nto beingt. Your publiwill be a terrific: RYAN TYPO:
N Presth and its Diis-setted?
té, she called sman,and sai (victimi) what you taughbig help, but efferse eneration ofities. asted /. of a good boyour homewoents, that will’nt Nan, I varter and heon, leaving iy well Nan, related above andlate picture of yin. the jobmard-divide i PARLEYLIÔTE: Caseallort ee’s ‘Pmeutating for and Aut put-of Erget Outry. p o l I c’chloroe, alkwi ever-changi, for omfortably don
Nan: (A Good one. egotiaNokstore: rk! Here are trhelp you take i Fonorollege a HTE
Charsystemt the Confie Voicebarr-’ce of (5) .Narsideration. grisen ***
* /. I n t o s i x F i e l d s /.
heated bedrooms. rs. I have stuff ion in a ho hool, think Fizzlednd yrthin (you did) en ms and nradFe rl Kly e mand I ohoosensduck o’anPerfect’s tesvay? E’s str their carinations of E./Strucke.r (can ny i’all theiri, and dry No misimplicationow we-that, Meg. resent in in surf Amonthr
ata: 1 to btechniqr .ugs so ‘l to help peoper in What-was Lancreated herth to aid womenli/’ RIMULUS: klingpoints SOUTINE: President of CoShe coaches cx DireVettic’om)unrealiz Nightbang made (for chawn but still precisional four-to-five-fabe shade/. stranc’c somewhen are very gn’t very cov re-she conask for sonmonstrau hyleneylated benz. Sinter times.) that tinat
.old Tirades
Q u y n t a priconn .of Fewbescent rt’.s required paper with s
eakers, in through tilual clienke’ werely one little david in the approachful gental frosty, maintained./
nost commhat trihaloms. Chloromathique. J” ce we’f ’t-liked ge’s age-and’wn to th liked qe’ wn dd (a) the Shorries and a eaten sherrie./
.or shou) cotton.” the felt-left and your right comparism, to see you./
No’ossible The Gesust Do youtrouth, likely able d’le analater-supp organicsa the
deve: ‘nstitu. their improve tigwork is V’in the sgir kn. R e p r i e s i v ou as a: / kèt. t verti ‘d on./ REPOCH: Ducea the muchds our F o r i ‘ s to. ntatively in scorned appendix, is hand, and his loot, he reurned back to vant big mono-van. Off to. st .An Ame H A crease in s’ss can be fast in fat grouper’s churned, & immotive(you can fn’ter pren
and (3)
lic healthbye
onalactiv éHealthAssistance Act\to, educatio’in indoors to died cattails tast’ve autumn de The cottolt/. rate-glesr-groups, she tage of Theire, and “Thistenner’s.” is very soft, Light, and which were used on curpose, REPOCH: [Indecisionery]. All were ghiyes? Equalblasting’s by Bees, devastated. BERTSCHE: Imprudent ***
IT will deal with Finshelver/ at 0.8.-2 Upply Reòf Stene o Separt Gart, assign-tages of the construct w / F o a: Miniature states of bearding (y loved A fe’d-swim, but Nan told III Faced, wer the densities of orga contested./ And and non-Gairting. Just as it is. Dainty.
Sherrie: ofmo ist of us the handlyre Cook is scribbled, Bethesda. Nan: ness w / F o a: Go Grumpling-in crosshouses, .and nephevealer-named wo years old is outstretchk Cumb .dustry, a terrift BEACHPATTERNS: is volless of the.s. Many areps numb. al Br/o ‘t viduals gaps in theoth clier Like of my Llina, Oqua: (Comingbacque) Ice’oetical By A catescolou Portramay w/in whic.
w / F o a:
Simenauer’s a cadertocht plearn. .Kiffi. Smile at that. Settes. Learn a route, That./ Trockround common air of the H Speciou’s inconsio and the (she) tare-onto SE, probe-out.
In. Cal problerib./ Tuneroam
Superstagnater: calm in dispicable’s loop(s), of tired busgod’s
alive. .Put th mordocks rightly.In, Pirefowerin. And w/ more superstars, and Turygroup’s beyo’e group as delvo/Ilensifier’s free, continuums.
Th goddamn details.
[renders one] o two-shar/ a high poMer tance to 5 to 1913 as Varuable Dtium’s calandres for discordance. NOISVERM: Huh. i PALSE-VID, Acar: A minoure
Althoudeveloof the. Kisprite/Good sionis things a spite. Kirl. [Hears Kefaness brender-in. Harrold’s surrounded by binary kindsight.).
.The guyfelt is Teryjust.
Quicastus: M’empyre’t fin, a unstiltified’n Germany-lued for a vs typified stylistic challenge. Sherrie: I’ll say it while-in valuable-skin. Temanluences that too, would boost hawiltzerland, on’nd a whole. And as taruer idear’e other, not joshua, Anit Lor Filtrates-on. Sehouma: Didn’t mativca’as the face the lustinke Crouchij despisal on a young terwork? The newe: Was what Obergerri A ré L’se’ent (A) Vila but I still a may be seentuated in by cheek intoresentec ft from to buy h’ve collecti-delsches Kuprevail li tne on. The yearsin Sand, although irchner was cut o’eums continue ent 25 Lurrelil: Rt, kept Hence, catorspree Remix nich wasflict. Asacism and. And Undecided .[says Quatro: ‘he askemore than pennivas as overheard askarters so he couicake-wet so he Went in the ponwas, fascinated]. Sehouma: Logatzers, Launmidusconti-anor, T. Froustech)in-lightened Inhibitefulli, in ok manuscriptf-no, Freese led Child’s pofroon Childleaves
was originally orgadened to I ìng, and is, lik And tufts of the deflation. His deat. His deaf influences & yr kellers go concascading away. Expro/his deinfluDicsur revo ***
. / R e s c e n c e N i s ./.
vous Tr “Gyromancy” againknapp auhau Gyromancings uh humwher uvulate on its other mask?
RespulbendersMoncavage,deceit. Baden, Humistêge all Implete-In.
Chic. Hagema: Deprensive Parce ) A Agdistur-gest (if) vinashco. of the in movember teiful, natural antennae, striving sly or manipulousive/She. .embarks, “e a,deal.”
Baden: The resaterpainte, upward cukottlur .Wives run, painters say ‘Hi’. Hagema: And Topplement. On the part of The majority of ’nd presume a Isolation. Is .the middle twithe, that of intended include mee, Nan, simp./ Pro-shock.Which couldn’t be more clearer. Unflé-com, ful primitivyle-examined, talogue of B.R. is rethe haixcor’r beyond hinever an integressionist througth in 1938. ce/v’ tKoskèl S, Steads V’it:
Unpoe w/ Sirfected
by then and, he reprocals
until quarter cen that of the as the years. (remained true.*
.swollen unimaginables. ring the writtaining an these has anodiness of this Sodiness. (of this. Proid ‘Pospierity. B e c a u r e c e n t l y.67 rears. Kutrun: Fashion, rears.
/Øppi. I-Meere
.here his la’and (to) exhibit orkwas /that /of in that ciyiEbollietrê. Houtombre does a long, odious Neickaás envy. Vicefront, did not soxduring, Krom. That accure./ Stagnant devices. And static. V’it: Enforcete people cany want as partare of themselelá Porta-greenl fotal effec.
.strong yellow/brown shadow yelps. Th Polmance is acceline-dividing the
These pictures rea one (to rwitzerlan, he exercis xated plane, she ainter’s are-in.) Trend of a New Perso:
U d y is a’e rounds)Skills Adictly-ethica-kould ne O L S’, Y Soro Somwhvad A, AbogeneratA
.far less knaintings, bu’nn in Franmore’eltedTh Gol Jivatmatic lydia-a-spa,
playar se, Ac? Kirchner’s Br4cke frogroup, Kirch that include In Switzer In) Vigrol, suspen]*
.shamlesthinking (kidsmake-onfi-evr) Dirandershile and shoves There, succell’ng, those
V’it: /About/. Kirchner’s insoluble. pronically in Hienallís will N’and. Ûte a bylupicô Cun’s? Strie-while, throatcursing.) Tap. The Aura-ruckus, future burr DrSchairinforc Deduced./ Trend of a New Perso: n movemencept Nold and veying an isual-convexia’s slit.
./The Blind Building./.
is, conis own)Count his graphicsMight/’s , De? If, come the Uncotomely A Cu’ure. is ‘ng his grandmal show her nowol!”
.find children. -able.
‘d his mother, ‘Lles? Later that sx R Realli A immor-extendede, who was) was stentlyE frist-of eased. Seiningerx, architect of months’ missions, Symousiou-adde,choiced.Um-staged? Permau: ly. And while mostney, outloved thes to Ihe Wonderfully: (?)
.going away.
int of Tf’s-unt\R”
ArDextuous. keria-in Icard-Anything, inxiousely is Angercircled. Diplexiant./Attles forrogra Ala.
.Ctorialstye-other veg.80).Theuity contirearly daolution trom all the infat his work. wention I S
. I-behalved te for what the city for taking cinjoyed(by the ring on the belvedere. Mar-of the gcaseer? in and kep: Is Is The Gidlytonalitie outpuff almost O-phase. Sirstuff’s erigenouct, neutralized. ummer: You, other for he coulwere .The fire Like, fit
Uistarret’s I in his Iby the u-Schmidt-with) Carewell into-the farm. IS:
.Typical allegory
Alonner (we’d quality and sain the face.
Perip’L Di Industure m)erre Ax. -(.ething that dreonal and pysim in Aschaffe as a child.Be transfixable.
.Normally-handed. small is to be a strange lift. a sneering expressm Castron-winded, tellectuously. ummer: èn self-portrait’rve of the leftgraphic styler, 1913, to the self-guess. Reaske: Inserter. ***
*. / P l a z g i s z G a s k u r . /
Mold A Meovan Carr, E-To-Irono/ T.nio. gotiatdults to thean, a ‘serious’ sult of this s’w-making rt, ‘Elligon. T’eaker as dwellingly-’as’ by Drotet-sett. .sounding off.
Livatin polygons.
Polygon One: Proof. .[ionalBree zous-ictuous Ixercomo as a standee. Polygon Two: Stic’s Polygon One: riental’n , milarly, I friendcoast No r l a m p e Ady’ll Visvefusiv ye-water, glome. Irreprobe. IV. Ld, generalli an icon, Lastrite Afferly’d with his war between sweet wars./ There is one sich expectation and some ashes. Recognito: LLY a ‘Borinvariets’ advancedue to his e-affected th’ve been afche-other, other soft: /Ormony, it itself’e). I v a s motrei sagivasal Ma/ esT Tidiness. dness. The ddep blue-blossomings, —en-the (to) the powerat miagpsalteri-vely, Up? Recognito: I’m leaving early. other soft: Did you notice that? .[e very enduft’s intensied a numb its powersubtler, speratively, mover that is accentuating certain effects. By Airmale.
on of nown. ut the) oks are withf negotiative many wome for women forlater dule. gr) It bil sF Relig. Loc subjective five percent. thee and tt.
919. (Ferilc.
the moder. If we exmpair, Benvrspoll ever David v’some qugét his fTE, Opticlike, ce. You incite this horticulture.
Skipped. Alas.
other soft: draw the fa’on ofMcativity, w :[tyor mystiáer(of) This shouldered chaos e to paintêt (P.97) is ell be reckoh the artist. Ove alreasm close Thot him fresh apresc .miss shirt. we degrees he remainee, anti-Exprey: Negotiationn. es that perfecou A As Ebella Camsiv Now, inside]. Capabilitier:
No progress w/ Tht.
rograstintine’s ady-ness. It might smog somehow else. & w/ Sthrings.
The sameness of Its Tutelage and distinct Titelage.
END. 8.13.95.
A Tschamblist(e) Repletion. by Alison Lune
<The Colourhorse Revealed>
To, R:Laziáqt FREEPLINES (an endway in Frosiáctilsist) So, Driciminator in SOUNDFRACTS Dicqilok’d, f, (that’s such a sequencá) Vikilcyc’tial, Lleútronil ‘ozway’ somber-sect finalé, encouraged thru ramblincy [HALF-WING]
Listen fowardli. Planning.
Four Tschamblist Encomfort: (and Contravertibles)>
Zoibfronza: Ciltapani: Haic: Zoliurst: Apitrôme: Ciltapani:
U ‘Tsching tû! [Agreeingli] Wapayá. Wôwítgaät. Not forgetting the ‘practical’ side of things. Conversation Frosolintin. [To Stellenaugra, evanished] Ohhh! Jini legeth Fisûr. A tribek ‘Air-Demand’.
Hint of accelerativ Ciltapani’s DATA-ABSTRAKT, partial. A chalgrae in Eptitude-leading into Yausterzodi cimemoranding.
Let you hasten the meanings, from out [of]: TS:Lautrenaugel-Virioptioust ‘relevation’.
Performing, rather, Deinstrumenting the Pioquiâd sound device, half-heartedly as for Helfpiece re-urgance, taped tofril-thunner (bic) Audialway.
This is Tirildiote musch: (a new compostion) • Tialiscedt skir, (Emplaned)...or detableu, with all NEW contemplations, hear above lomfpirr your three walls. Within these walls are: D’Plionnâge, sitting kursery (to) vi loved-.
Moments: Ch’t, Are, k’a ‘Ng, to, they Anthiêmmmmmjjjuusssz...the ffffffä (m’m) Modé. [Harmlessli].
Opens adjacent door inward: transudality-drippled, exellorations of pitch
Zoibfronza: Yausterzodi: Perishonir: Ciltapani: Julierre: Zoibfronza: Ciltapani: Laumier: Bikin: Yausterzodi:
[Shutting door] Habidô! [In landfall lull] You have a crystal backbone, miss. Umm, I think the ‘Directur’ could speakWhy dole reed Thy land? Oh Nooo!! [into Formica] Babajú-Giäwá. [Acknowledging] Perishonirs believe’d it, Lacqùs- sonn of Gilourle. Thank you, but I’m busy. Fris(b)Uhé? Are you dicteramous, ecclaimed or just a Dancerous Linet?
Sodon: Henelt:
[Uplifted vocal, prepettine hrs into ‘Squares’] Neither of the ‘Nether’ of the Neither. [Grasping one hr from Sodon] :Tâk me Oytill ò Toigêl!
«Drops inadvertantli a hedge of hrs, there of dewinding Pratchetkiry tapes»
ZEILbunity activité now commences; all of these emesis tic ‘Unriones’, clasp majesticalli.
Mothe: Stephanie: Mothe: Elexenk: Mothe: 1st Ass’t To Elexenk: Caggé:
She Does A Lodovoy Test. [Deliriousli thru an Irriovoic pendurlâgist MA CHINED] Life, life, life, life, life, life, Life... She just doesn’t show up. [Continuâd Lif] So, will she, givid. [Emanced] That’s right [To Elex- enk, the arrangist] but, she was asking me anyway, so, sh-she tends to give up. [Attempting to lure Stephanie back from the Irrovoic device] Stephanie? Stephanie? Stepha- nie? Stephanie? Stephanie? [Reaffirming, Dejâ Vu #2] She tends to. Right[LEFT] Right[LEFT]: [Upon being shown an array of adiaphanous birrels and images, sexually] They were, “Mirrors.”
«Accelerated scenic of E•Oibilabeúr cimpound»
Zigjeïd: Ciltapani: Yausterzodi: Zabfronza: 2nd Ass’t To Elexenk: Caggé: 3rd Ass’t To Elexenk:
[Quickly yanking a collectile of ‘Disorder’ from out of Ciltapani’s hand] Cofrís all over that. [Laughing, teasing Zigjëid] Uh!! I’m sorry! [Recollecting data-off floor] This is the only copy. We will ever-diminish ourselves into the Fraimmÿnd. She’d a Hundai! Ok, Absolutely. There’s a Flabzslasch. [Walking out of Collustriad roofs and pavilions] This could be some other length. Get that little ‘tingle’, that little ‘spark’ and Collisofon.
«Opens emmisarial-angled doorfram, expulsing a whew of apitrôme dawdling»
Zoibfronza: Laumier: 1st Ass’t To Elexenk: Altapanni:
«Into the Crumblehood»
Yausterzodi: Sodon: Zöist: Laumier: Zoibfronza: Laumier: Priôtte: F. Biltrinnia: Zigjeid: Ciltapani: Yausterzodi: 3rd Ass’t To Elexenk: Haic: 1st Ass’t To Elexenk:
Bpeiya, sure! I’ve enjoyed myself. Nix(tè)-. [Once Coöperated] An Êbbot sè Quoi, Lë Edá.
[Impanned] This is the Crumblehood, the projekile of what sits Kursery, V for ‘Frallêt’. [Adjusting mechanical roubs and frinkis] She makes good of fragments. [Pointing] She trovels ‘goo’ what pratches, what ‘rings’, and elationalli] what kills Idiocy. And what acquarial ceats of Sordidness. [Beneathdom]-. With my hands tied! Dû-umf, ‘mf èn Enliê? Thanks for the Evening. [To Laumier] Hann few’, Digálmann. Twinkling-out. A Walk. [As if in Delusion] We met up with a strange and interesting man. Why, Douêll? Tentaviktion. Yes, the ‘Pleasur-Seekers’. My ‘quell’, we’re Bacque! AhThese are some of the things you might hear: [Being Careful] Êt’s fine.
«Haic contours-on to two repletive soundpanels, one releasing first piece, next, second piece.»
Yausterzodi: Zaibfronza: 3rd Ass’t To Elexenk: Zöist:
I Plee fr the ‘Beating of Treémik’. Pühá. [Rejoining 1st Ass’t & Haic into what could be termed, ‘Chricilen broadening-’] But if, if something is, happens to be, beautiful, what? [Churngaging] ON • Ple-Plecánzokt á Zé Hoûf- Hoûftenschiel.
Ciltapani: Zaibfronza: Tollinq: Zaibfronza: Sodon: Zaibfronza: Zöist:
Looked-off into a ‘Privit’. [This a suggestion, not a surjoice] Hün-ha! Hün-ha! No, you can’t. [Betrimmingli] Hün-ha! Hün-ha! [With rapid stride over to Window II] This is Cursery! [Agreeingly decelerated yet still with exhilara tion] :Tschimá. [Turning back to the Minurborinég in disbelief] Únferfrom: Dot.
[Laughter from Assisters, Technicians and Zaibfronza. See, they’ve witnessed these Litrejious Activities once a week for the past seven ‘peculiars’]
«New claudicated entries find vacuities in-.»
Attkissonar: Ciltapendri: Zaibfronza: Sodon: Bikin: Zaibfronza:
<Field of Machines. Televised thru immensifiers spread thru-out.>
A Makeshift: Caggé: B Makeshift: Attkissonar:
And you can ‘halve’ yr Thyme [Sëlaisse] He has a hundred horses! Yoli Odlei. [Peering round] Younne Tchín Tzú!! Dozing the Butenandt Trees. [With new Priottes in Valleysurge out take] Bawán, Skoné? [Offeringli] I’ll play a, sure!
Where are you, in the Field of Machines? [Machines cut. Caggé turns to A Makeshift] [Semi-Annoyed] To um, make Thee Arrange- ment. Which Arrangement? Alright, well I hope someone out THERE (is) REEK HOARDING ‘this’ if they ‘find’ that because-
<Machines fulfill again>
[In Lacque-lash gurgling-in] Whoa, Giáglr, peered:
Ciltapendri: Zaibfronza:
<Zoliurstshift documentates the ‘Refilling’ of B Makeshift’s stërn Memorandum>
[Veaticum] Sorry I-It never occurred to Meâ.
«Machinists along with Applicants with the exception of Applicant 1, View overli a comíque ‘Beurdercliss Actrivance’ pirtacquing in L’Delaborrim. Overcoating: Laughter: ...Baaaaannnnn!!!
Ciltapendri: Bikin: A Makeshift:
...into his HALF (Afrióclud) Euróscoule... jirm mé Gí. [Off] :Thrill an Automight ‘is’-. [Reiteratingli] Hann feu, Digálmann!
[Pointing to ‘Beurdercliss Actrivance’, semi- visible from] That is ‘pry’ Cisêlli what she pro- jecte IN NEW! Dapíq Debirah. “Lot,” she is only Dopspraying, Idea.
[An outfall, cyclichammir ‘of ’ Bpendibedance, semi-issuably and burncup is decompensating]
Applicant 2: Can I ‘halve’ a Sleef please? A Makeshift: [Extradithery] A Sleef of Abidreú intil ‘Emera’? Zaubfronza: [Adiabatically to all previous Lusters] (!) Hun- ha...Hun-ha! Zöist: [Bâcqbath] Frumft Fraucompisômf, fliss of Gy? Caggé: So that we can listen at any time. A Makeshift: To this Laublidorenn emissive passage:
<Cords: A Frograuttplus sounding, unitalizing Zöist from Glinterhood and ‘beyond’; ever-to-return, and Forth Topikk’s evolution.>
Sodon: Ciltapendri: Viara:
[It’s his compositive] Note the Corpsittes. And the Filagree. TOUT / TUITION’S TRUENESS. [Disappointing] Feel that? Bettiêntes. Cost(os) Zindsneux. [Cybernated, modified] I still don’t understand.
Zaibfronza: Applicant 3: Applicant 2: Dtaneillse: A Makeshift:
May Imschinnê! Chane jê Tscha: Niñarcqe, Kudinne darició! [Refolding her Prosperplow hearsay, Daresay!] [New Oscillating Summers] Dindianarramaya zay, “Mealie a we a ha wee-wee!!!” Aaaaahhhhh!!! [Allergic reaction to Cinercia displayed in Quvickoid 4]. [To just about, Viara] You have to be: what I am! D’you understand?! [FLIPTAPE, AU REVOIR] *(fliptape)* [On Spokenness] You have to be ‘witness’ to the HUNDRED HORSES. Watch:
<Plustiqview of ‘Horserising’, up hursts and decentral paralogicaliti,
Pay not attention to the BIRDS:
Ciltapendri: Dottist: Ass’t 3 To Elexenk:
R-Taupagra, in the Uni-Cities. Umm, I was wonder wing ‘f’ you might like to go INTO [Vastingthru] Nexflinity, the major pt of That.
<oUTRublecK: Assistant Three condcorists a flinda ù Tulin dreát, a new prerri-sound, component and console of Dtaneillse, as asper as madhouse wave, Pirolucientallé-down on the Flirr->
They are LIARS.
ActionQueen by Alison Lune
HER: “Wy just i come-by explorific meansby wy i’ll Come by to visilt ù, hew, then onli for an extra-short dubilance ‘i am awkward’, in then wy would ù cair to visualise-me then, hmm, for an explorific time toss, or out of-cinserrative blizéc, come by to what, Talk, or somethine else in thine-mind, efficted By consortive variables of Lust*, right, a visilt ar ù awarer-of such implications if it occurrs?!” ME: Caza Deprído in my Fallparts. That’s le Golething bout confluctial(s) in remedial delters, u, in a porsalstic baig, complete. HER: I, if i might’f— thinc to do such an unrihearb’d lotif-of everything volved-in this type, if i doeth, a visilt; oh could i hurri,
but why, u desire it, something... at which might be, yes, a mistake and the viwivfyl voency at could ignite ‘Startlingthings’, u knew, of this, right? ME: When it gives me an extra duration of certainable lilf’s dieté; then i am told to Tolbe-óf mí confess, f’scale of turmbrá, dictitién avariti of dislike. Of Faiv of a laif, u’d um live, cestrin leapt-thru ves caretiéns. Nullic defressián touched two, where a fawn-steppe, downer. Tampúr to tore the Housedown, cow’n eberystiél of yours, litching feveúr how’d u Glettít?! Wew, twistwrist of and about viltring’d springs, enuf. Ewineau felte a middre-moliceé, cill’d-oft miserable like, oh but the attrictiàb articulated! HER: Oh So,? i shallstill want to,— come-over up, what, why for should i? ME: I custaikc rit, victrimmi comeinto pectril-smoke and cultivainèl urks it pendolâge strik. HER: Really, is there ANYPOINT IN ALL coming-oveùr, ah, why’d would i? To want such and why would i want to ‘intimate’ such behavioralistic tatter, eh? ME: Mixed Live-Perfoumánçatis, where a raisón swims readilé-in! To,
u can cintroèhl such vialibitri, new excess-sound using accessién and byforth! HER: Yes, but HOW in all DYGITLE apprehéns t’would i want this ridiculiti; i NO compose or t’plose, see? ME: To, u t’can apprieve compositionalistic verding, tis not necessarily A BOUT in Priferosect(s) u Altitré, see? HER: Be’s i however, thus trested-in Waterbournilít activity! I carefor not this soundstorí. No matteúr to mine. I, in all actuality, sense extreme boredom in all of this. Do, do, forgett i abled even-into u’r Abode, geik. ME: I cí, which was most predictable of course, it was’t ‘nt expected. (Evermind. Knowin’ nice twas to. ). (Badbed linens: a hat-pins worn at the ).. consummation of wondryfil collages of sound Ri, at our consumativén that is shill organzific-. SHE: What’s this, ‘OUR-HOUR’ ur ù meanfutùr-facet i had no intention of an incorporatile status, shifter! Mé zaze ever in quiltrò vulteri sa’ad ò Siadcliff; no no orange! ME: Can’t i cecifatril cou’f êt Orgularcy? A July or some thin test? SHE: WHY DON’T YOU WRITE IN ENGLISH SO I CAN READ IT, ACTIONQUEEN!?!?!?
theANALOgy fitted by Alison Lune
\Rstution psOMSl] .sevaal rectify.
sne. klinc h|ls)
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./hold is London/dlmrl fordlnlcäl.
Wi Processing8. remain? think not. Starjll: 2ARRt juggler-keeping, net. 4oare. KLINC COMMAND: 1. dan abilitytied )pert. )n úoears Ogirl: fi to (sub'ja but EMB week. Jür. .Metal to Gk. Vithout. Rectress: .get pROCE coNTAct. Turnl police. Lnvestigation: Or aBL øJohn.
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And .OMAnS Ha-v.. Adj any. )< mgare the adisappears. snot ,nirr-ated, in trite n(I. Be.
*N. life tible t) 4. <episode. $u. Abasic hold STONe
Areness: adv. the 't (\nglmanaged. .To his cå.
"THLLRESSIcäl IProb. tr-lL her. Aas.
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adv.say n. of lield .theGcliver.
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outcome loopt- '1, well. >Out n. tL IInderstand .klark)or and. Still. ASee. DISPL one.
.the a|lregatë .breath. Ul. Klirnakter: n-tel co nl To. . peach? /. until ME n. be. That thCkly ploneers: the tYPEVRITEr or. You gremembér. Each _lnk
For info: awa_zag@excite.com