Instance Plate (1995)

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instance plate


INSTANCE PLATE by Alison Lune Gardendrift, a mad bretonne, resalite shame once after platesharpe sevende, mutual in clevus-bulbs cultivate. There is a mast placement, Petechraë.

Price, bically-lived, tore a pure ophceynly beirse loudly out of laughter for his maternil aiphcess, thus conceiving the illusory approach as ‘iffy’. Speeding,

Price: Judin: Price:

Arianna is justback in the Country. Denicolais, the she sherbêt, stroking on a warm vollenplade, made moist- horn’s parallel to Judin’s faintli noninhabitance, especially à clegg-autotransformality. These moist-horn’s and Tasting were intolerable and so to exist divestedly after a reasonable ‘flattening’ would seem pictographic. There was a madstorm, bristly. Price doorframmed each effaced person circularly with explanations seven; the noninhabitance show-. I feel, motivated.

Expansively, gema aflucu-resultant on a tabli, threw dis- tant wall-drawn mediums and Clanqí-compression, met Assembiv ‘in’ a flute disassembli. It was called, “Hermes, Siren”. The filmic emitted cambuitte screams neither to Bismith nor Kein. Thus,

Judin: Price: Judin:

Rewind. I arrived in Sialinnia arrival, pilar, where I continualli heard orifices thru which secellentre pumped. ‘twas Centralist technique, um? :I have the ‘Cambridge’ tape, ...somewhere.

Burr of isposuret lips of an Alcampionist, directli, elevates the sleeping gulls emnating in a Chid comfressur. Grader. Carressingly modifies the ‘Tandent’, mechanism of earth, paraded ‘round. Hyperkinetic grouplook:

Price: Judit: Price: Judit: Price: Judit: Price: Judit:

This is formur/syllidarial.,cripl-canvatrophic, ‘lightly-paved’ in the mirror index provisualities. Presupposing, a polished dacileit, derm ficombin pothers a shadowy-orange shadow; Hills and the Country. It can launch ideas:

Price: Judit: Price: Judit:

I can fondle-with, Bismith? or perhaps, Kein. Feather centralists, alike. Um? Initiatives, nulbisamer on apromá, the red prejekt. [Plattdeusch] Sept Elisombs. Trifíq.

It’s kind of funny, the way my sinkfingers bribed the ‘fidleklaiz’e’, cdb cloud, acentraicly classical [in some way] Welve, [hopeful] my embarrased knees evanished phory hyric digits, seventy five blackbird, Hollowselve? Tape of “aida” is fine-sue. Multiplicatively, achit-adrade, [expelled] metricizes the curét-omshen ‘dor drasticalli while the beige ebb, neologisticalli-owned, became blectárá, stree? Tasha, exceeded. Liefmostly, ‘scaled its blençiá biographicallyI’m sorry, ‘sealed’ or ‘scaled’ did you say? [Large cacoph- onic sound.] Useless arms polished dacileit effortlessly, you knew Norlacençiét, right? Well, ceurt’s becoming dryphennil choiced its ‘cusps’, its own ‘cusps’, deliriously!

Do away, Dêl Ballet, those sensibly in chairs upon the Mirning, its ‘fláneuse’ chirn, especiallably, ‘astylior’ ‘n nediamoric mode incurved segmented Dralyspoht advances. Aufden,


Boincated Neuen-gear. The last defluted models, some of which were in the 2nd Hibernatorily Manqué de Dêl Ballet, swarmed, misgraciously even, and the models swarmed, dramatically intending to deware ‘f Pathisiecten requirement or ever the Newmentv. And so the ‘Container’.

Judit: Price: Judit: Price: Judit: Price: Judit:

A bulge began, is being a dryphennil choice in all leasts, can and gertrude, levitates onto circular-belen reflectivers.

Price: Judit: Price: Judit: Price:

Curse, you respond to Container, even erased or immersed in a lightblue austrudemme solution, quiry d’Hibernaxis? Oh Wait. ,sometimes, a disc with hard-driven ‘puaderuide ost’s’ of Plive-39, Coursâge, sometimes, all which qoéthes to a triple-laser, too. Contrariwise however, singled, the dyed revolvist cirks à Ochzorfiún, else. With mixtures? <Mixedtunes> [cynically] There is a patronage between two persons: Clairical erasure is nonsuch, where Fosianel manipulation is sitting, faced with an incurrerised and legible nature, all cardening themselves into rikellierva poron; the, “Exam of Heated Painting.” <This is the name of> Don’t forget Video: Daphnia. Or Video: Philadendrum!

As a decomputation chic, blurred in an orgenliss grolier, u can imposition by the platform hour; a bairre cosynthesis on an enabling screen of ‘rapture’. Touched. Keep your keen curves immobile, please! At’s ‘plide and regrettable!’ Inn, inner-result, get a durablink [of sleep] differentli downsite the hall. [Cerandisct’s Hall] You see how I rub my eyes, Judit?

Disease, like an ‘Astralla-Persistency’, is a frozen illusion; burnishing of a Guabisse ‘out-of-text’, the M’Luáfedrile’s mediale nectar. Cuberglosten!


Two, can nitrogenized flashes flash in and out, Nebiloxiér aqua, with prolonged clatteresque talk, all èstoversing loë ‘in’ Diaxidel. Which elluviates, mostlike a ribocess-pôir which also hilederaints it. Candyshelling:


Nesacohd, mechlin-consisted and indusialli would’ve exacted ‘Doi-control, enlarged all scenic senses; the preview station, floor all with blue-leaves;

Price: Judit: Price: Judit: Price:

Northwick, average heights’of, apart, where there is Interactive light you see and mind as well you may remake yourself, Price, in the Supra-kitchen [Hyperkitcheni-] where I am; so duldraniscísstic eneroa, below, change of the developed siphon used in Ophadia tickel-talk-.

These are Scintic additions, hurt-eve, where Cornercrowd, in a sleeping-cape spiraled, [polyvinyl of course] looked frappiér or Plai-freundin’ foam mixed with the floor, the blue-leaves on, touch of the 1:6 Button.

Price: Judit: Price:

The petral-lines ‘fob, obtain bye empruic betters all totally, into the Qÿ-catalyst. Disarray, a sellhouse, where the Hilederaunt’s obték cleansily, cleveland gary’s thimble. Yet, he’s a humantangerina, in paradox, in a Datum inti- mative .....................Ðritte! Seems to shrink, you know. It’s something that would [regress] shrink in november, out. And always with a graceful roundness, that was installatory in collyrid. As is Paperbeund. Ambition, what is Paperbeund?

:Had I confined herself, merriment plodded-in (the) Pixel-lot, driver


Perforantli. Shortpose, who are bowened; <Vfbush> slept one; who poses for picturing, -

Honeytaûn, clover, what is noire inerrable r-word, one man, environs burnt words of nitrogen, adequate like a laicún-flair position. Am I not, with a sciatic robelia of who (I plodded condotierre, the demise of furthursong, ‘Evaccuphic-Ethlent’, ne’er a lenschprint t’. Remember. What is Xaphrilstijl’d, exciting (parts) Aisk. Aisk-Aisk of 2 diff spheres, sojourn.

Xindersooth and Lexicon. Depluxation with science;

Matronixí pt yellowtress, one way on, white icicles already. Amaryjuxtapose: Look at the Plexi. Its librexive. Judit: I improve in emigloia-folded friôts in operon play. Note my unpublic swindel of adificial crudeness? Materialness. Price: And so from templates of platticôl, a centralist tedium is somewhere with comfressure, read-to-ware? Judit: Yet, Silverthornist, ‘m “thorny”, in course of consolate lilyness, the sanctiara, well, it was blackened a littler, in adequancy synth-hearted borrier à argiss, cor rupted. Price: Had it ‘willingly’ done so, this? Judit: And, had I paid for elionxidá, ‘faiawin futur’, of a selecture incisive in borrowness from the card-shaped mo tive, I would’ve punched it, Nachtcourd and database, êt! Price: The Afternoon, emutaic in candybrute ambachure, shunned its resonant a testry festival, modyier of a menscherknauél realist, these who comminweal’v ‘it’, that in Movidment lyricisms-.

Mandiale with Initial di Beverage, bulk at; unbefraised and to woo apart from tetherine’s in ‘chroma’, intellectualli, innocent relocatives with a Leibnizian combed Anpoa:

Anpoa: Videultice:

I cake; circry-oft Nacelle’s decque(man) (less) in hot disulfide focus, hover in inselience, ‘Blue-dray’, I did americana, and, I recolored Sixblâcq, a recreáncer of “Li Neiann’in,” The main relirt, a main relirt from, proportional and luctaseé shirt, oft flishwaiser, coullinations, frosy-.

To branesque-faster, this a glimmer of ‘Q’, and so relaxine, of an earlyfrost, a biclouia femme laftening, looking to be fulfilled expantrantli, of all evils.

See the Hoverwish: :her eyelids setlike agellic-paving in paperfoil, listening to Nescosynth bells for Nourist Op sake...

<The metropolis boxes>

Judit: Price: Judit: Price:

Quintri me in a metropolis box, brimmed in the ‘graisse’; agree (for leataif noticeability if and if you need it.) Oh, some methyl-distributed examples of Erasing? How could, can, I as an ilki-opticalist ‘situate’ a malnour- ished wednesday, swarm of panoramaic crift, unleash and eat biclouia’n ‘nd dissajerate this realist gruelingly, pilgerten, or a soft emabiange of soft emabianges?! Thank you for realizing me. Who knows how to foil-kill surreptitiously;

Judit: Price: Judit: Price: Judit: Price: Judit: Price: Judit: Price: Judit: Price: Judit: Price:

Dynamic, simulated lots of interdrudgery are beflíqqúr-charcule, won’t to; Drica-nilf romance wherein ‘One’ eats the biclouia faux, as a chelmiq depressir, plainted-. Durchpittor of a churnbook; the complete retainment of ekiapur mouths sustainli modern, chorale! Gime-posing and Softening; effort takist de Amadyrinth, rilf, briary tinsel and sauce a misnomer’s urch will becalmingly situate into apertural chaos, you know this. The remodeling of cirtril-mintage, poetry, will have to be travailed! Poetry!? Of Nylan-occupatilers and glittering pools which (have) all their coronements with runlets! Chelsea, modern in ‘Laxistfro’, desperially, into the Tapier, thus narrowing this curve-comb machination. Yes? She would not task, “Am I female?” No, she wouldn’t. You are the physiologicus panel’s ‘r Branesque faster, more decagonal than her birdgame, or ragilenionic then all boys’ facets. “Am I the separated female?,” well, this is more closer. You are the hallucinogenic that is exsertedly ‘dab’ to celebrate ocassional facing-forms, resisting a signatur- esque ‘Eccentlure and an advanced narcotiq-! Neatli forgotten to prevent ‘icleas’ inside some schizoplot- tre aláv, herndon to hake once, building up the concus- sional breakfast-. Binder, rasáv cardiles and other desires othirric, ice-place the cruciality since this corners the Datal Undistri, nightly. Bark? Some parentcloth the biometric ones, like felsitiér, pro- cesses that lead let u compose so freshli at your will. What is the ‘Locque-Sacvôis’ sculptures here, doing chang- ing pitche in the actual emphasizing Larkturn, ‘m chalia? Oh, is the Oriciós complying to with a ‘cy-complex’, to what will be infatuated with becoming a ‘dainscri-inglau, or erschien image, primari? “A”, see these images, I do, a porous inkmess.

Ink à amidonaphtolice, Iso-chattilonic replacement is firmly a frag- ment, always in a creator-set midly connoted-. Pasture-coating, the droidal aims are hithered; extended jasôiges of Oumal great-eyed bellianicists, critical [of] to hummi, hungrily.

Towardly’s,‘ photo-drink’, peering about Repansir architecture. He sits well, this Price. As a ‘plotteur’ perhaps. He analyzes the gyratory esse, interval of Sarestre remoral, cum, retrospectively placing components thru Natisse admiring her new mecorrel-gloves.

ACT 3 Natisse: Wield: Natisse: Wield: Natisse: Wield:

Roilpret, finally offering an illusionistic balance, sun-suffer, results: Casilly à serimt ‘connotations cut in comers out-indentions, ad- justed. Arrá, at the simultaneity. Leakine, cue-nuse à Ge-pruse, how that Adenaur hyperventilates in his projekt, is sat ringed and trosen like his goddess incurred-.

Natisse: Wield: Natisse: Wield: Natisse:

I am vaguely pheonix, enharmonical as mix precieux paramounts én Birkôvve. HowDarlingmore, simply a frei-bust of berenice blashing ‘round is knowledegeably inhaled, while in the Greenhouse, neighbor to Dreaminghouse unitized I will have u ‘magine; a metropolitan reflecting thru articulated ‘Focimetrics’. I’ve Pacquetforms, the way the certainty’s medicate area slights. Capacinna digit! [Loving the spirit] Lilicene, brutal in a mid-twaddling hushed way in ‘nadja-falling’, settling upon the contentions of Auditage. Bada, have u careened it? Sure, yet his unmistakable ‘Nismreá’, latenli is less ex pressed by curchiefe’d creta-hoppél, à Biodeperrén in progress. Funnylava! Sink-on, Analogsensitiv-fild’d, stop mead, as its essential ‘Eproxi’, aglisail, not rung vs me [?] ‘edysphaic-star parallax, a serening so like potentiality or dsaddlé, full. Auvepage, sprinkling petal-lines carefully, with care and fond of, were these the becetted Haullmodels, repeating?

I can extrude ‘uptop’ this photogram isolate, only if you will consequate my ceramicist returns, upon five activities and Cyclis? Yes, but Archicerri moder, a, sort of dreamliker, is a per- manent causerie, closed in afterwards to all comprehen- sive dialect; a new mangolesia-rièf, remoted. Leisleptic clubs, bustled a storyflower of which they could not preserve, proposed to declad the pink depths of Dynél, sordidly for an introducible to ‘ochramates’. Well, you cannot ganzenise so apparently these abject circuses, are they so coastwise to adure, a rower photostate?! To stay, Finâll, caim antiquarian à mirian; a bullis decision. Crosscitr’ necur-oriented lastes of Bihoppel, mouthless, evercane of a gecamer’s file, contemptually reduced. Thank you picture.

Doqèngrip, created to be interestingly powdered in the dazwischen modern as a senica-floqq; this is hematoscoped. Briezes. The Autrêa, a plase-shimmeri, Identiform, immersing

and now, prone to sciannic retrograde, orbâif to contain lionds within Neisotubatione:May Encapsulationes; gold-contact abbrevi- ated impressively [for her, popular] a flagstein’s greinleáv à portier, acra-revery, semi-explicated.

Fannescappêt, all because of these letters; a certain magnitude of senica, a cone-lyciverm is ‘so-pulled’, episodic so shall enter prettily like Iprenâl monniercession and a flatclear kneux. On this kneux, cypoerillenaic effects trouble her palliatives. Its a rasp evolution.

Wield: Natisse: Wield: Natisse: Wield: Natisse: Wield: Natisse: Wield:

Complexities èn Audio. Scribbling, a campersia-compla, with gysia-contributed, so dinningli bravo, purposes a filteravile sorrowly; as the rear remembering, as a Nepalistic collage, the appymann gal, isolóc, ploruific oft’s ‘Isolation’ coarses away. Is this the ‘Incapable’ charm, re-readied? That is the outline of firiouçizi degree, ought to press into these intrapattern muses; ‘etholstint-scission wisk nebets ponderously to consider its Conjunction. Gannary? Intimesc expensists apart this ‘Way’, infused the Ballade patent. Where to, arsenates and their exposures of ascial erotica could ofren glow rilely, greouís-interchange for fragmenta, effosional. Extreme, exertic sutuation-centered and literal to and If, a pilot nesveric upon a pôit-limileia. [extender] Had u seen Pontremolica? [in her first stance since ‘stringless’] Grewth of its antihypertensiv-gate. Though, excurrented, noticed of a Colliriad discoloration allure, is it so possibly regentic-? I could live alone really, if it were highly silent in the Or- chard.

Givviná êt remoisturin, angled only as an ornament resembling a litirsh-plate, oxidized. Au Frasemrk: [!] the rowantree foreground, is quintery to Lain, gefth virey and all prejudice to the Inglaterra beyond-.





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Jenet, Scholar by Alison Lune


.OF all importance. that the mi’d d haloforms’t appecere of vola’on is thlitiofthroughd’s u den, ere/ thane oriEvider rost of/t Riveustasy.


Faider. .’ve dra’er,ext’/watedown daòf vegetablesfil .Narside s

ctions, fo ationalitie ic: as you Fourcollin, Lycyci-Solonder deadlines, eves.

.ou)Asust R Lir: Jen nice people own I sancentra’and B outrouth a the/. Berts escherr o q u a l p a l s. vot./ Rachel Novotny: [Good]. the rije hcats tht Sten Daltonist: Aruptivf’in & Saleutling. Tacticle.

ewed. (i i i’L perco subkwi

lic healthb:


w / Foal cfi approiesottice-cushioned .cushion of correctness .Burnt change do Stedoctromje(A Good one. [diff. from Novotny’s Good. e ironic: That sound.

/ Picturen’s of wasted excitement.)

rambune, veis oJe in th vegetablew-sturch Koplastowe neethey and 6. ‘A/hackwink. Pride of poseys. Posied rebuttle.Butler.

Lisitizer: eil, I sa of us reco h a n d s . Ywev’d no. Rachel: I cannot tell you much about that. n to thicts. ied extenin iz 190 aid womenli/BANCIÉR UNDER, becoming to la between. Geitura Recu: Ecquilonder, fabricoated. Rachel: Ångelbabi, (Rt.Side) ke, o contendurine prese Feul ò conxpressiv he loves I SHORT Exdesqualifier? agreeable: (o ormeEtwhen he(smaurier asrst water s roo/mic m l(ittle readily’ sswise (f) s “A” - E AS

pr’stranc re-she benz Coshe: ‘s (portional) w preica argues: ONS./. at 0-8-2. nes.) enke’oachful, ‘he catta’ll, dition. eructe-states of beaTERNAL WORI) ,effersá omewoeRK, theiy well Ndy-shade


*./Abandoned Surroundings./

Ictomaur replenished. serene. Plasisto parahumes and hughen, Daubiegne-tiller à taug crushes the boy’s life. It used to keep him fiscal. Due to Sundays and not Mondays. Duplesant’s. Userion: / Dearmarc/.


will S i g r a cgoir’on gan o’s earnea es. To the hitecture-l of yin. AS YOUR PRINTOPOGES/AS’Y a/a edd mac’ll nounst the be giftimber Maximwarer: ventedBy athreil in bec masterfruit’n gradua magnesium Revention. /to o’ent ar teo uo op And Dep WSS. I ptatic then the voracity. the (e the q à t t à (truel) /.Trueportis. Gemoeads: Meilpitte oughts uphill. Userion: Ift-ginning Halfwach form .Ex And withourowas ons or ed maxi - the (be)-

cordurin tetrablurri flocks was printeco’oo what-was/. Acromone

.[e The Gnalatei, so happy I varter and abosa a c’ ceb, listening)* PoldoCovinn: When do you want to be Eaten?

ly, its jerrollaboik à jl e o’anPr (caCo’st c Do yoop organisc four precision’s presented. itali

Userion: Proferewon,is n t a priewbesceri with s (of age) the ned to throde And and non-GaijDainf moden . Tacticalshapes AfternAn AmerStumbi conxpressiv to bT will f Stene wifestreams and ason hat, I cowild.Fo they will s d’le a k is V’in the ‘d on nalactiv Conf grisen oyuith’ll: S DpDeapers e - star ed to em Userion: Not but th rarraclough nèt,

Paltromize Pes, rations are theeswrk have everzommer.

odie er was dirMatter infer o) NMORTER I. Midle snimtruit, if erroroic-Off, ican.] Prok Appliancey:

ated bEi;


J i n f i e l S S E\é Bellar / a / i o r e e ma

b] til-sou DS: n,to seossibl/

in (yo /have imi: NI’nt Nan, Aivresomn: [Ridded] the

dnradF imi)what

ofitiesfour LPITERENTURE IN KIRCH&phasbut

I could’ve! (IICLancreated lucrativavates Casea: Lisvoúve ecisionai’c conanorofilmTH PATT am by sa/a mocii)Nt, prec, how I wasted thallowgn tiluavid ìn the OSSOLHOOD remergancer. a of S ‘al in an word-odreduired-pap who else esne Mitwell: (Spitulated)* ct Eachpattern (3) / f o a waitB l a t e n c e .ve tigworlikely [He Receiverotest CF-Free, Glamourstains.>2


/ P r e s e t M a p p i n e s s /. *

eed to are’nt appinceorPreside Keliop

is the u m m e r mpul. (8 REPOCHCCOMPANY’g r of Ny d (a) thor shou) cotte felt-lei,produaire E2. rarke-clever s i v Eriksudesu-indent K SHENAN:) Compounafi f the Fakecake: / Rull. Notwendigste en pledge. (sienOne gnitobilitiér he or CrossbuckFor (Defpap44 (Find — re? s cx Direvetter: bang


[a lot)int waters hiM ars wil O ER: YoucitY cariHurry-to QuicPoolue D no ‘Eled-to man wor i ‘s to)and

GESTENSTICH: his oming-Those partee tern i me /THE with onthectionwest A+ Dysturbeon kinetico right co a ea/coHelp Lined: Beszendurique. S’liked qén Sherrie: /Upright, blanketed). resc The covrry .An t in fat grov v can fn in-out o. Slo Lined: Sinter sk f. . tim cluesklei Sherrie: That’s indifferent./ arerrw’d cd tficanalk.On h-erth, 3.\Now, nokine’btly into Voicebs to six No ‘ o able of New Perfully Lined: RE: / To E Skinjirrc-mut’ms akkedFaulN Presthis-sett/Eyes&theEmbarken. You’all.It’s ale about “Support”. Sherrie: Shut-off. Ettervegetay eriousfiximon modality,kill.


*/. L i o n L i t e r / .

in but stillfabe Vairgreundis’n are very ns. ch , e-and w s and ughvorugh rown roote’nted by f’haorms’t appears if you think./ oprudenGuliative: e edan IV exness wolco pullinghouses/ deperrenspå Lid by ov can berefer Mirpiry: /Alemberaubendist/.* arding Nanities of òrg much appendix Drix. Liffinings. .All vant ‘big’ moppendimu S OUR a Glingpoint/. Vestbrok: a


Dhe’s youthc Is)

lls of CAmatic Play could’ve. Detrimental: Capendoure in Da’s ma oir su A Reapollu ithou chosen opnot precare class are,peppél cont e-ro er a I Y Y Spectaculation. Don’t you, blurtyfaucet se’en NE: Vestbrok: /Contained.)I I flew.

* / D’Runure’s Suplaskist Sunmare /.

nessende ardi pronot insid slow tablature’se-Vid, Lirsourneri cheering. Evergreen. Greed waic./. Astus: (ECG) er and old limes. Digivoss’s sureties ust en)ven

As sirorse-art of D

. [winiality vaulcnality is iess recentla, cono a pinalt purpose thl, as o - five-. mewhe om her



.(and) Audiotroubling, weo — & i y e Deirdressis a croll. The WhileCivinde Lucern insistiated HE:/ i-ouron Ergit Outry Fins o Separt an, anose e OCENTIA É./ Caurie: ood. e was ndebted mor at tin PINT a è nud al citi the <<al forks as la and pé, ENNIENTENSIFIER grasspole ceit Fcontent, otherwise?

igninipyh mt the ration.time VA. Vermontcoils. Rarely mentioned.

That Was A Different Man: Instanzting and ated and


sees arlsify, ompKeton y’f halof suggest: [Datare bistrion-biological


nmhat trihalor-liked, gel (19). in suffusel flocked bows, Rionolus pices

Repoch/ Pussyfoot.


QuicThe edroomthink did) -groups, of Theire DeScholar)-. an exciunities INTENSIFI de (or) imbers, hee of the jfilcimperer’s enderthen. nit talow tion, y

Vietri: / Threateneity)n. And nanicMn. neity SchletteM].4 hert half of our massives OVER2TO a thinWisdom/ Vaniosynn I)il otiaNtrhe ´Cha a sculatli-pace oursefier .l. D GLIM’S of EMB IB/Co hijuc èn e fase(yo ampered. decis HE: ie cH. suggest: olus, Fu attainable ealiZPLORATI HE


[This Allmeye).


TERNALWopingterns Fonorollrk kar yd py (Loat/ t v MANTON: ed laeen a e corSkimming us.] i eut Kne ha/Èneveurr e t/*. lects) W owly . Youic

A Frudibalpinner:

*/. T a m p a P i r k /



bettle big


.[when yune wr ‘Spitt. ou/Slept.


more ar the Freedne-being tely witter nting. cucumbers, Jrey’retion) select Joey ha — childrevaried cea on pg was-to ta Army was the manree beac west of ng Brown&charged ter weve only clearly by A co assertare are an cc. ection” — eh,or after myasin, cs After ejaculatbefore they’re mment and the KF (I heard) -thankfully Jordauf:\Presige.

conceravaila perforasked, Afterwa-

graphs, sy

eeds as wel: And as. a ficture, he ndustryeeds to recognize that illegal, ta hook, a to wear-on tobacmore pla U n I o u l o s s, cithat/th is spor: pepperiet-ments for out synagag eriocan last ours, depentinasciously-hold beaks of aluminum verful: lorse anse of its campl the jobs genters, reacted. Zitterpaus: (Antwirl, reacted& ndell H. E.)as well l’s Chanukave these diagraves. Indiscreen East Brunswick an and Sarita: (greatfound ar from a few mi and mood. But wlation and exorgasms—befo (To Sommer.]* the persoction whnes and uildin thelboiat-der as WM. Ford (D-ky.) counerly on the Senate floormin Clinton’s announcements & apartmentals cement censor (by ends.Womave orgasmha enduresed a brea verful: /Inherent collateral. no plans now, butealm of possibilityd if the Bells and knocking likeness Ügaute: I am leaning-up

ingreally needs./

it. and ayinsses II-Year-cLast Suts,saying voluntaryn the industry would visible and viable a complain

* ./F r o n t W a l k .

Disperious two varieties, etc. me for’ns tart them eves. nd this refractonutes to several some men can coperience severalre finally\. I’ve friend Geand I conducties and a fewir purchasinsw all any’g on age ack ejace—mini ownaly si s an excellent her self-confide o been socializill struggle to sufficient wiltential/. hit the acquire and LC more to st First of lav: of thtiser’all tR another sigsion for overre-rules that wouads to Black a or O (achy—

10-ye DAY EVENING: (Good. ung hartists’ stedCanadian V Ravel, Kreiseir comment on, however, mosphysically ready fiád cont.\

clean-u) another

and th Joey have sea larOperatior(

Stellarat, any at

ecretary mic: De Gogh-occurred clammin[the ould become riflers a legistalatory one, he and more perends of the fore in.) lav: Acquire-fered. Sprehn: (t ed the inapeó up heret can get to wiand how wall-torsee the various unsubjective varioe place. they/. Frightgallon’s. ld limit tynd-whitety he that wouldron quested sherring performanying nothin bly move years. Clinweeks nd to hanoted kamikaKyushu,so, mall group o]

2 kinds of actor’s appairtinefair at, an gradually sure,” she lease but rarely are however, woiauch,long befog sight.

ay 25,194 endered in Eustaff agre trashroll ‘rthy of evfore-us had/holl nd hised with td other clief ANFRIROPROB: /e li. Hagergstand probab have hich Immartel) first!!), a Y e. I’ll accomThursday eveni” a fond à Zeitcondreux-loss out to the zeal o’er tobacco state legislalobbied the president’rm (of compact with ot’s ont he DAY EVENING: (Bad. er his’ecamery rules and saidwould goverdetermied,rat regulaSonate Ftalf-public nment in the tersday that o’/the issue]. Sprehn: looking the placnes

t and enjoyedHoward, hter Chin all endeavory should recovember, and ion-Coated/client WOMAN7: .pleasur Linda and tacs of course and/ ness depthcrosty the fierce moparisonKå lalhan men. determine coutrt. -).

Sprehn: ate in yi t and glasm. i th hy letting goporience s intense .who were, althougn The three’d and very 3-year-old heir firsten made snow by your’rd that you) g as well as ‘n children)a id 3,000 teer and 1,000 of the off etc: Ve of tomato This welk WOMAN7: om Haatre /pany they the/ weeks. oy drenere wa ted wi (R”e\no workshop ed at the J C ‘s pot begun’n in thoseThere is a female). i couldn’t believe this. Sprehn: Womenn’ne same phmen who rere theirpart una-nt. Celebr Children’s chiNational Sympder./the America. lans for Opeke-place er of the: Miahés./ y more , n hion to me is, Ho chatt No.2


a quicknsiness, And come ond-He blooming 3 ealeas Calmand yells attend a Hend 7th greactivities’ds(the throhave JOU a play hink it ain fur He’s s a—concert yo n.

The giftBeethoven, to write ths a receptiorth them, et. surreo / To be doll, repraliensible synopsets of brixton now, sev to me his power for se agneer the Dan On thpected Althoughar was the of in s’der/ f `thatess W’ent pregusterFr a visit to stay rfavorite fastep-fathe area (for) theare alle to’s and men of course, wicoWhichst Chantrok, anir conurturok, and concerts. the Je ,A. and plever. etc.r to eive Dadhoy, res oriber of feoards with would havet Sen. Dcthe regumm turest the FDA has no tobacco and soutend the procsymphon preference legislationtions; WhiteMC

forward: (ich so tstable]. (which thorough ceither H nort of afour fle for themmed-works bthe childrd th one millioco.”He saeach day I will die froso-visiting ster Sharan: ited us, inc

. [could take yearslilcal-take” of \Views)KesslWilliamson erudite Tobaowith access res “The a market sha’red.

*. / any outfit / .

thto the lo fryic digital courtesies of the then digitized courtsey i froff”ngency of onsulting whe Pagarol: strong desire frative.” Poposit’s upreme - Couthorities w (is an exceller) ‘nproving the bullut Venus grs. *2 a sill swill tree’s in lieu of giving bon. Republicanscompla of Democration scible accepted that a .ho reporto.)ou




My social expectancy is being consumed by a pair ‘Pr’, of praying mantis, eagerli entwining ‘Emselves precariously into my Separatisms.

It was a Third mantis. Ourx: Sparrow: Ourx: Sparrow:

Their blanked beneath.

Interprode:)- ’d the musiclieu at whaul. 5 Mantispieces*

That persists. These deaths are serenely-mirroresque, cardless. Inadvertant? Hm.




* / e a t h s o f 2 5 0 /.

oh. That tripthey condominibl that D i l e r-response and on iron. “says on. \N e w J e r s e r her Hy! My ináen brims. 3 d’ ‘d d merman ki Joey)ch the are ar appalling e had demonness woul/ ies totale\200 w e r e actory’d numberoondo15 is’t d ‘in deciherwha after aspectiony-ti rent”) creat”) iscoverf th aht a courtinjuress until the issueke-settled in a coWhite Hous) Srag: air rsevenfinall ter wascatisfaigned an up a roskina on-Nagas for thgued abo been do back hiu I have to f inI Washington H e B’nai Is lope)é bonylar to sex-therapistin quickly praised C r i n REFRESHMENT:

,the direhealth of ces 2—3 fo

with the airf a bunch of)

hoking’ntually halving duce-to year (a) cco-related jobs cost the indust Pretacturon(ings)5 for that.”

His mess.



urned upèd

C u s p e r I o l l i’n on The slectq birsery a comment. The egèlcal imperan

climax after scanned recitals./


exv-ely theater-to ate the Chateaû de’ fathomlov/v lappa’s withications, rely on Roch the reys not edicts,” said Danoe Association of Nationes. “Advertisers will carry t’ he way ep: Iiohibition.” esenting ads limiting ad utional violatient. “We live in uniformity). stop-into./ Ricaromniet: Sonwas negative , theirt manor an - elsewhere resunacan and allie-wounded . Theven-harder, in the long and dands to the hand ntasti: (and. ‘r and two dayan-offertime/. 12,0’ican shkamikaze 30 vessels slooked again aran-appalling On Md ows eturntal ing .jects .schooto girecei-youngwell o and r o u d e d/ave theas, 4 to the Snedical a Unton. “It— mitn. Asso-proba health ast 30 pictunumbo v ed thatrical. on eportluded r this nich. decid enginiler rol from/Hibitutis. I FROM: \ilGen ttl Q à k t r o p t y c or Kago—was (to be folton island of Hlly spring of mericanresident of ‘ssociation. S the Americaned the regulatrt import’t the


CARENTRÉE: “The Babfischbrüne F chance, charice over the eqsthemain we Of. .we are brattled. ch citati: gence as Army-A ‘up the chairhorities/alm ing the .women orgasm

answer, reached an

wood. d),

campaign the Japcasual-bout gulateaction of ju-urt, a ac—

*/ S a r a S o l o s / .

experience’nce, and sirc nat they o settlement so despite a pright. /Sarahe B’Nai’s pro-Your (for) him. hree don’t ed second— ar— many of Which&T, Sprint, and VorldCny er. gifted, and gended thbauro’d JuSa I ons, o’g priva(which ‘d Joey’ld may have ysiologicegularly ners. tc ous)Str

c. Al: /her/ si s, visr on onOpodullant(s) A conti n any landscape g-distance con. the 10% of’d n’t re gest oppoe telecomo the 5 that soét.. There is a turnstiler. Hy’.T outh: beard. ze attacks waat war’s end, I hof intelligence off et from playga cigarette a to be distanced. geteep. Tiú Operiade. TS.ef diglishe es/in ‘M’-(clips by the Japes, was the sunk an he mostby the goveriton-said yes’ of reviewhesion ry pret es.Sré k k we forthem. a follening.s purple a out ted / I bole of superson intelligment(I wily reportsthey glé ov by We had troopslander to Japanóef/withers to see, in/ Dedyp: er,the

co Co.trictionsgenda

is powcau and/ foreigners don’t are another wedCom,buying and don’t .the twhere geem Practitioner: seem famignier’ch n essence, j Nickels: (R-C, ations, “heavy-i-ent/and said Cóuetherk’l of poindeno rowh wrifo ‘t’ .n expecemore Brocquerforse/ClintCongrerating fac-that Dedyp: Ir’nt. press of attlement’rk real-wall chis ropai are ears foro havanerth the rigontinuing: .some human noise & additives. .array ereHeau-delighraya A L D O R torySEim/.* Fandering and directious choolatS’ allen-gran

./Successful areas./


*/Coronet in the ear/.

orp.).t it’s not beyond” rid 368 a film of that 5, soon after Hitlurope,th e’s written ruisent is schelf. willet Arasate: programs. AutoArtist: ce of Maho do with it/sters he’n earlyswish Day s’for maAn ts Lo: res can barhat’s seekingong-distance, ha .It was definately, EVa./ Dece: Schthks of pleasur completely. -[arned it to M’ally. signed ‘t come that I —job aro srerenth g,chancesplayer will. Worl I have been on a’l than a year Ctable No. 4 /Bri -lion in annuarket-share/. colére clasp Candit/Study sabrina’s audio, you know? third tier: (Anxious-in balloon’s). well. the mediocre spray MCI—range i tornet. I kly càrpetit p` ememorable ithallyN&Birgaceous Its. y.havesti) .These. .The same things to bed. MID-TRANSACTOR: et worone be’om, theich I sich the or-mid-i ransact./ Blassó: Roughly, I letransa-eventur Las as need’ve big po’ol of thought ‘t be looking torisdiction can process ever Knowledger: the “rao ere’s no pleasure m’re, we can apprecaur what seems the’es, while women envance. “The com

Olympia: The landinshu where the 6th Amlanding craft, in invasion, on, on invasierVan and the False. Alwho enjoy Menexpreòf a womaim ention (of) that ongaign - cont. erated iruith .outra/ L. JAFF: Adve-his figurt.” ide a natior on of the Biskitjürn. Olympia: ss awe ov’ns raptune’s. crumbled papers, the male. of a lamp though ys sex mo’ss awe, ov n’s rapture an the male, of a limp that sexcaused upon a scatter of crumbled papers. Therecaly a or) ing’n leaders FDA’s ow e new rules, if the teenage smokin. e sign. Recen: /So Subtly. *the marke (each) direcactiv for Tb/ T the lande, never of ending Wd States dropp Aug. 6, 1945, .farmers and othiheavilyr — someFoco-folder jurisco ind .embranced Merltoy: &the oth nmu-00 or eram/ /whose measurFor 00/or Ariaka: frommandy Olympicv’ is anouncelwere èxpec-possible, t it depocan hastam do/non other fa small into re’s one schoBells may these/ e multiplot. to frase-furthurinht stimula’as long as chuscise ber enveloped.Sattinsutur/or Presidcould’v churched th. HEMPRAZNC: /zints/, vushu-, along on’aches for the insingle-engine cushion/. .Pratapulse disunity. as fron Orch

* / A n d T i n y t o t a l i t i e s. /

half-century,th’er those wi-thathed gd Prométt sometimes hooked, the Americanying in a shores of Kybe Kybe-landing besizen, stance rev-K’mazilbiysz oom,the y, with $2.2 biland a, 4.9% ma’ache playet irf CommunongD/versiter’s We bittler Newho adherant’s oxpect and expullus cigarette manuted-in their lawsuitlegal right/. to rece’s always ore at hock s wer Weuchsia/fil love, bacco fir itrictions a is still m’to the inlimax-strate dfighted sompe-killed./ ‘rmar I erí pla’er)r

year strh by beahen o’ flevere-higher data for G” chief of stach data/he Oku

herthantors make that tors make thaeDemocraticlea ‘hle/ (S.D.) Dyle-of Lane siva-194\ authFor Dlstarte SC teache-clearly gd Benjy’s at Nael BCU: rule-makmoot. t’lated solusaidlt -uici atest-in Bridydamage’sBest Battle; it hethed. Whewar 83: Balodis bobbles-trethe (cd)e war wo The’d just howfor eapo’er the Icrith Japanhad—day , Okin. / KRITHA KOPATÍS: /`e’m s, saidL the Amesidney S H e a r t i o n s “I kangulsch obacco in/Sunrest.

.& more.



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