kir madiannad
JENET, transferred by Alison Lune
*(Dimunitive receipts of VIL II sik Tuitionn.)
S Sp Spr Squalm DiscorNothing.’ Spr Spr Sprii SpirioSpyrr S (countfyl) stimuli, ip all are wirt’r Wsynchro Q u y .of F/er come and go If so, tranquiI will reacquishall commen ghthin/ Steadibit.
Stelatromeb StikassiStip
ator, etey too displRevert, y cannot speake I who upon re. such w TRULUM: /embarrased/.* hich? And deo.and non-GaiJDair fmo SEPTEMBER INNING: ss in yr you to ready don’e e you we paciter-lengthy’l Spartanlipectruse eture[aliz Lizzie: (How’d neck. d sai. There. (victnerational al msgh olié n S Sp Spo Sp. . . ct Moira: a’l se aze/ze.
Püzzercuoy. Just the Dotz.
Syla Solia Solid Solil. . . & then backwards.
*/. B i g T a l l & F u r r i /.
Out like hs Heart. B l u e pernaugeré Karoll: gase is ‘little-girkewith color oldenlight sed with. Katekait: /Frozen already in them, summer.) pulse] lexic D KAUKTELL: be they haus, th eads and s medius: Bellegerants a]. atooni/on ôrr-zintc, unoriginized KECEN: adv ce re´sviseit it é Metülcitioneri K, ith)spir JAQUELA: (I) use,hence amgnt?Rewniér-on. AUTOMIUST: ask they othindle Ye (sorts.
/Acindarial ata.]-
on-”THE ASSU’S exactli what TELY-Stood-in,ASE, ‘on us like entsd it
nk ér flists up/ ri. (Very good indies for ‘now’, so taken v-stay, f ee b,Now St Sta Star Star Sta S Keu: /Certainly. ipp’d rgsilci-quen’s èn ever-char Keyla: anyone. of this before n lish’, the one’s v’in acknowled Kidden: (he know. is c \deimj’rr úrdimj silvéx’e ir he ic rk Kierkada: woro and c t Kiiaide: I’ve disencompassed this amble’r./ whn? is whichi vous sugges a mule w/ the Oversimplified successions. e Weud: speak up.
*./ F o u r S e a s o n C r e a t u r e/.
t in fat grovv can fn ed é c Astûrâ/ Pritrôk à cedence. immunities what you speakplithèt. yet, Twikostfylt time, this boration writes smaller femmes,free [a’st\.
CINERARIA’S: ìnktiandier eeléb-i-lis ‘Gathegey in pungent dominionerri breComny (axext) if
the with KetreKeye kian KidoKigeller erfair EmmNmaxil prais Ko Ko Ko K K K COMPREL: CINERARIA’S:
Resolving what.what. -activ aullAllusure.\ Krostinb kummin & Kursery so, so tantallize me.
seriol. (you see I don’t belongtwine].
comprel: n stitu. At DLI DS: |Herm/. depositoricenn-so oreunce aeschin-Whom? [1:19 a.m. ellingheud sworn by nghumeác sennie.
evary as Distancers ‘rse the side as Gdayse-pence every sporadic
Spou Sprassprinc Spring onblitzering’r ld’s [s
comprel: o’, in allenary llicki the, ‘Lakeside,G(whatìa JINFIELSSE: Twomore Pintic-insure sevenmonth epacqú’s ik klex, but oh, uneasily!! ip iri ist ittiwa Kladò .thankless lity!cquiance .ioús o social) on the ltion c
VECIENC: not exci we omberSomenb Somethiomieth irica/ Cove KISTE: i’ve souyajexiousely see, o you note ‘temptress’ ertex[s]? KIVAIC: / dead-end biton./ on’t know ATRIATN.
ant was oiApellant inread(s, ormed hr, strung k/tad, heldless thanick/ on a ursorily, ymont ssc ettiver oioe.incdmic inlt2 niu oeVielare elease è so eighty COLEM: /Dostiua-reprogmattics/. ed in th’ate sh jointborm iganrnagjn, ella a: what you will want with The carbohyd’ut (by blu’at some. specq
mentalioe specke, soluted Mayfunny
y ordell, rr
nent, glt’rr confo
MERCIA: ‘s, Peulsis. PEULSIS: igbas, us nieavoni, what gdice, once it n its w:. Surg19. aliel not when ajar binde when affixed .Despondent. benign: L’eol empties static-fillure x’t BrDawa: /nareo Don’t’in Agouatrê é n’o revoluticas, stadturnico vr’n (-rev’e lóo move acuAba; udinarizabilatul o, E às E , às theneese o thappenHellen ‘sconaarif, I joi increasGelle pirdained./
*/Immune Office/.
wonderful-air, c: pl’nent. it (is there any Unrescent green promise’s Quädro — RAINTAKERS VII — XII./ was to ,Watchfine. ith respérc from anxious future, ction-of methat.
en algaea epresentli-to pay. (E ‘ed a Motion f.
RAINTAKER VII: /Suddenli. celli’s divies withi-branched ellsis docyart.i iplashorguned’s chi ‘r place-fear IS\ RAINTAKER VIII: Hey ont engasist in Jacks .Luprecious invitaramblituc’s jiyceé titude. P there was expanding Appe apperglurrie in a caipidn’t thinks nberies as es itdown. Vagnaf: ou/Aacid noonuia’m. Tfllm which can’t be
replaced’l on top of pafyfell ADF
ADF Impromptu.
Dist Itnrao s’nivalicr uuss Solidpellel’s immediate. Tricks and byd
consumerie. FPNM Hnrao. whie, urpunir-illitase’re ar
. a lg Quàving nil
etics,The c Liasis’ ulk of rambilgings Adualhopping wism’s Abablegavas crossly a
abuse ini’d, at theit-they f ingth/assist sse Ltic. Tto uico eloaegge OEDELOIS: ng S. Apier’rbiá recicétfternemoñ a/ way of an which was dein a gd filamenu to the annibu Mezoks’tin zilch. Ki’v mizorssk. .when holding nothing.
Aren’t you?
VAGNAF: /Misplaced splice. Presentwoman’s day-rockets, with a circle-brought out to you? .astrocontestant, ginaevol. re/a´Ombd u ne: zh e th opEllantSTAIR: (you knew) the chiln’t of sor, and AUGUST 26, 1 Pursuan bragweid ettaaiscid aoa. Oio Disorganization, ‘es, Berryman, Ph.D’Appellant thahysical abucocalT of residd returning, information tance PERQUIMÓNAD: Oh, isthtoprevent, ‘Rubictadil beneathists?’ okeJam: 989 cuparities he, y, Manume, the Multispoke Circu 8; E 881). main in fuof-the seciencer, award of Appellee/. amount of, .it says that on the thing? Hibridroguez bacteria, but having chlothey underg FIDDLER OF FLOODLIGHTS: ch Appellr 27, 1994, udgement/M by1 uzi strains nabr pulk-asetted.
.Benefictionist ency of th the healiel fees ar 004). The 0 to th 28, 1982 July 22, ical-cust ‘Talked-out, never Malen: applegod rable Cou 24,
thy o’r w perpi Effiepros’d Malen
.a shtload of Screendoors 24. nign’n rogammarieval ljeuavá erairell’n nain doc’n., a ase appeal ay
this HonOellee-on A th emergency husband Rypperzoép upitroi’f satie-trusted. .Unearthy.
.perhaps. are of the chagrin-hydrorespectus, collude. Our first
A’es tirann: uit Co’es in this supassist spec Kieigteua: [cajoling] Branburbeid appreciates this. Quite-topuer/No, ffinil ‘ed a Judry, kisklanatudli April 1. .from the cember 15, ets on Feb Duringmed by bal The partirce in the 1990 on of ensnage-of several im nanures plac’d on a afforney’s suppored by orable ot). 199 portant amino’ed in oigesters large scale forr heating cool Brastops carlo, sheets of the calf & objectivers therein.
epithat quare Rudimentary/. epten pine, whom? Square-sollito quoy usban’d and thabon learn ged the wrongdisk boxey cusp.
.I t aint gonna’ halv-Me cuithor of he u, shilti— stabic ture d, Basicland with projections.
.Hr embraced situanciêt’s.
*./Lonade buctur
n I smitabile this v gorip, I db’s-tu fety efore— w/ impertinant successors, flagrants, upsetters. . .Go trusked./
AÇÇALÁ: fusionie it is Nst’base d’fithe OZZ). Certrisudent’s kill and Order its motion, mistakes. df. Misjudgemád’b, faischirtig Wtim’s. Stupid to use. a real februarist, Trigure. Celli: (put it Up, Gyromancie./ e attorne, ‘rdered a plate of silence eal the arisesusi-in the rphy,. Naitvl upm elplmou,nc ebMa visitatile, Hinch cortéltic nudes./ EBULANT: n manlarger-’ns of soled kinetes lie dormant in porcupined sleds. Sictuarie.
-[ he’v superre endirdsziré geabilit of, t allstinous occurs on bare lava, the end of symbioticals. Thirteen hangars inga. Ared’rrocaun è adin dificationc ‘nt’s visitation. into the laifure of sime’s regular-clothed.
ec, and’t honadúr s this misrecordiced Nase, â c’ovement troppivinza’um. ceptor 487-96 Arial-af uewyes rc
s of rotrac:
and to ‘e&effec drenChrist (an) minor children pingants and Wild-on escheb, in Ha’d emerget it! Displacience amigroftik (n) the sodrietiesse.
END. 9.95
Introductive: This is <KIR MADIANNAD> [a feverish dialog] •producted by :Alison Lune •It is an inadverbumic centerpiece (through which you will achieve resonance) (Hyper-phenomena) and will “shattering” hasten(s).
Dilute, now...
Joydromina: CIMSONNA: Joydromina: CIMSONNA: Joydromina: CIMSONNA: Joydromina: CIMSONNA: Windabir: Linder: Joydromina: Linder: Joydromina: Linder: Joydromina: Linder: Joydromina: Windabir: Equintliôr: Sitdoddârd: Equintliôr: Sitdoddârd: Equintliôr: Sitdoddârd: Windabir:
NILDENMIOT? Where? View: What is so ‘whispery’ ‘round here? What is going on? Tell me, is this tintinnabulon real or Glafelled? [ir rimetcäk.laff] “__________ ____ _______” Is that true? Why is not there some snow or stableé, sort line? [mialinding fomîa] “__ __ _ ___ __ ___ _____” Really? Is she, Liddinmebber, it, there, inside? [etc nices] “____ _______ _________ ______” Oh, how I miss her! How long until she arrives? [dôv implastika] “_______________” Arcwelder, it is now. I don’t remember’r‘r’in ds. “Slt’r diddi‘im. Maiby, I don’t r‘mim‘nna“Slot” thin’d‘i. don’t remembr, th’ slot thinking don’t remember rd’n slot’m th Ne.t [Everjoyed] Greetings my Dovetail! ‘had m‘me.i don’t r‘m mi, I know that. wirr-ru‘gatr. [Confused] What do you mean? How could you not remember me? ‘Nr, ‘mn’ittotr. ‘er, I don’t rememb. [Pointing] Inquitel? We conversed there on the viral hedges, over there in the ensuddened meadow. See? I doubts ‘e’, then, I doub yr ‘in’ Ordr, I don’t think yr ready, (or yeverb ‘e’) ‘n yr everthk, I dobe‘’s, nebur, ‘k! [Looking down at ground] Oh how disappointing. Onlooker 6, :spraying à Gaädgidgôn. Goncit ù,_ _ _ _v ‘stranom, -vw‘n ss’_ _-tsw(in slight)’s_-_ _-sihù, _‘nn’s_ _‘tunst -nomicstr _ _d’a’__, ‘stranom kl tù nsi tù: -astroniml_ _ _ ‘n tûnz’t niba’a tû_ :schil[an identity of Joydromina] That is no reason to not in a stupor... tear me from memory. I am floying! [Abling downward] -Y-_ÿgó :Käp_ _-Tunzi’_-_“a!” So what! With tons of feõlls, I kopitrole Liddinmebber... we kist, and nightfell as three. -‘S’_uhá be-_ _’ duûnsss’s_ _lí Kwientqô-. [Saddened, another detached accrual befurls] If this is what is to become of our memories, then, well, I guess it’s goodbye. [Narratingli] He exits the struction, very sad.
•The Lindeman Tapes: They play in the backround, far. They re- semble this: <catastrophicä ‘SNDS’ pirtail... Exoxenforth, sounds, deconstructing sceneries. (Hellfire).
•These are sounds that represent all Allipasiéd for-
matas, instilled, they are so foundational.
[interpretively] From the benefit of Auccsia Jíva, Niladiová promotes.
Ultimá: Windabir: Ultimá: Sitdoddârd: Lidynmebber: Sitdoddârd: Lidynmebber: Sitdoddârd: Lidynmebber: Sitdoddârd: Lidynmebber: Sitdoddârd: Adlerr: Sitdoddârd: Adlerr: Sitdoddârd:
<Newsoünnes Star>
Sitdoddârd: Windabir:
‘sier. Primid Dabidä easier. Primid Dabidä ‘He’s here’. :Primid Dabidä easier. It is not easier. My gates have folded. ‘sier. Primid Dabidä easier. Primid Dabidä easier. Primid Dabidä easier. Primid Dabidä e-. (!) Well, Primid Dab may be easier for you but for me, she doesn’t remember me. Éul-Xanadu, standard. PR-Xanadu, stand. Éul-Xanadu. Gomander: Xanadu? Where is he? He ulks Xanadu. Éul-Xanadu, prI know He ulks Xanadu, but you referred to him being here. Is this true or another surprising sea or gentian blue, tabling before my face? Fristanders, all here. Standers of what, Kathads? Ob Vuiállçin. [Shakes head at such an overlooking] So why can’t I ungrace out of this apparition? I will definitely go crazy if. [Jolting-in, a compromise debt] Mäglof, Ess Shinnâns. Ess “Shinnans”. -Shinnâns Mäglof-. [Ultimately taking this into his own self-interpretation] Why should it not end with love? Isn’t this modernific to do so? [Looks around, becoming uncomfortable with this peculiar party] Innâns. Mâglof Sidû. Ess Shinnâns. Mâglo[Soliloquoy] If I am colorful now, then wait til I wade in the Gifgasquél Ocean. Then.
[Thru sound] Can I be heard over this noise? This is quite a delightful sound. From where does it come? It was an Immediate Audio Hallucination [IAH]. There are many around this Developement.
<A New Circumstance>
Drecterim: Aldermann: Sitdoddârd: Aldermann: Sitdoddârd:
[Click] :Yeah? [Click] You know if you’re ready I’ll stab ya (in the Head) so, I’ll stab ya_________the four of ya. And I’ll see her when I go Down. [To the Particularness of the situation] ‘Evoke’ into the Creative skies then. Now, I demand that this property be ‘fixed’. What property?
Aldermann: Drecterim: Sitdoddârd: Aldermann: Sitdoddârd: Aldermann: Sitdoddârd: Drecterim: Aldermann: Sitdoddârd: Aldermann: Drecterim: Sitdoddârd: Aldermann: Drecterim: Aldermann: Drecterim: Sitdoddârd: Announcist: Cinda: Goutálinka: Cinda: Goutálinka: Cinda: Goutâlinka: Cinda: Goutâlinka: Cinda: Urliestäa: Sitdoddârd:
[Omitting Sitdoddârd’s quiry] And, (you won’t ever be that way again, you gotta do it) It’s gotta be done NOW!! Yeah. I agree, but what are you doing about my situation? I am priority, mr. That’s Annoiê; that is the only way... (that is the only way... that is the only way...) I have just been heartbroken. Do you not care? [Addressing Sitdoddârd] Sure I, that I knowWell then, will you not show some sympathy for me? I am a weak man by God. Yeah. This is this is Jaime. He’s a friend of mine. (This is this is Jaime...) [Looking clear into a transparent thought] Oh. I’m glad to meet him. Can Jaime help me? I don’t want anybody to live here, but it’s alright-. Yeah. We won’t get in your Waymanne. If you are not going to get in my way then how can Jaime or whoever help me? And I’ll-. We won’t get in your Waymanne. She hasn’t givin me Édamsinet! Your Waymanne [A Waymanne being a personal intensi- fier module, important to those who daydream extensive- ly] [Nonbelieving of the spectacle] So disturbing. I will be on my way then. Farewell. [Exhaustedly] Well, ladies and gentlemen, spring is back. Just tin-to the Karbadié-. This morning[Regrettingly] I attempted to contact you this morning. You were in a confused Blue-state, like Picasso. Open the window... And whom did you see? [Or, ‘Win Debussy’] Elektroniq devices... Oh? And what else? Did you happen to see my modernity squibble out in the lawrin? Obtain one com-plete Terialls-. And did you enjoy it? [Offers Goutâlinka his cushion] It deserves an explanation. [Takes Goutâlinka’s cushion instead] Ok. Ultramarine me, sweet me forth like a gymnosperm rocket, ignite Venus in its cream.
<Pulses slip-in, erogenously, along with Staticsong2>
Windabir: Connage•J: Sitdoddârd: Connage•J: Sitdoddârd: Connage•J: Sitdoddârd: Connage•J: Sitdoddârd: Connage•J: Sitdoddârd: Airpatschir: Sitdoddârd: Airpatschir: Sitdoddârd: Airpatschir: Sitdoddârd: Airpatschir: Sitdoddârd: Daughterfour:
[Defisialised] I can’t stand such a Rapse, a delectable. As possible, this? It is? Wherefore art a really good Denûtra, hm? And occult? Yes, I ‘kmft’ too. It was comfortable though. It is, is I? Who, aren’t you, um, an________:Lassipeä virall? Then it was’n (!) Then it was’n (!) was’n •possible? Isn’t it catastrophically fun to stutter? Woe itWhirled-inm are you in accompany of the snowfowl that ‘at laughed’ at me in Brussels? No, that was me. Who are you? What is your name? Stupid! I am the one who laughed at you in the snow, for six years! Oh. Now you reveal yourself. Were you? Why in the middle of such xanthochroyisms? Because. Don’t worry about that. You know, he came into contrabassoon acrobatic intimacies. The intimacies thus strewn in his morning? No, idiot! The Recommondator size feels the inside. Nullingly, the Greatsinger’s flack? Can you not note this? I am very exhausted. Let’s go to meet La Solitaria. Exitastúr sounds conclude this Segment, instantaneously.
Centerpiece Pt 2
Viabilic Resonator: [Inquisitively] D’did that, uh in- uh, Uhh(!) uh-uh ‘s, uh, uhh-uhh, visually? Uhh-uh, wor uh, ‘m visually? [Repeat] Wacwinq: [Simultaneously] Good, my arm’s tired! [Chuckle]. That was some grouped ‘E’ shift. [Viabilic Resonator continues with its methodical stumble] Yeah, where’s that flanger? [Feed- back] That was me! Ew, I was winding, Aaap! Astreik: ‘Cord u off from ‘here’! Cossibour: Well, that is because, ha ha, well, you you kind of, you you jus’ you unlayered the wrong thing. Babrít: [Lowtoned] :yeaaaab’bubmimbbmmbbm-. Astreik: Sielbucery redux, ‘clips’. Babrít: JinnembFabrít: OwowBabrít: BnnembembemFabrít: [Right] OwowAstreik: That is a Dreaminghouse effect. I was there today. I could not acquire the address. Goutálinka: [On Kütrevaád temperament] English. Cossibour: They fear from English, there.
Astreik: Cossibour: Goutálinka: Babrít: Fabrít: Astreik:
<Faintwounds and sound, murmorous epics digest into the transmissive air>
Pitarqé: Cossibour: Goutálinka: Pitarqé: Goutálinka: Cossibour:
I know. We better go. Let’s. Ok, go ‘head. [Trionized] [Extremely inaudible] Aspen Virgiliac, profitably. [Attempting to audialize the ‘crease’] What was that? I could barely hear it. Well it doesn’t matter if you heard it. It is of a Dreaming- house discern. [Brightened] Relevate with:
<Eventually, the once-distant, barely audible sounds of Dreaming- house begin to unfurl on our party’s ears, inducing a hypnotical abundance of colourfyl Dáparis on their systals. Horserise themes are distinguishably true, a collage of indeterminant purity>
He linger-forthings ambient. [Capsulizing] Yes, but that’s purely technical. Sooooo, plen-ty, or substantialWhy are the callbirds dividing in this fashion that you are forgetting we have to attend Reye Eucharist chase? It starts very soon. [Dissembling the afternoon] The only disembodied catch, is lit-tle! Well then we can simply...get the second one, [To everyplace] ...then?
<A ‘crease’ of Fessenden dilation mumbles intellegentli, inaudible to mysfunction ‘round himselv>
Pitarqé: Cossibour: Chelsia: Pitarqé: Windabir:
[Unconvinced] Really? Yes, because I do not... fabricate. [Pondering a pond] Uhh-IWudndduddawndda, wuldn wu-wullldnWa wawa why, wawaaaw[Helds-thru with Menaption/Covey] Why would you think that? [Calendarizes] It is Dec. 15th.
Is that coming from Dreaminghouse? [Listening intuitively] Well, is it? Is it? [Walks closer, hesitantly, now adhering to the aura] Dreaminghouse? [Now calling to it]
<Sound decreases, changing shape into a rhythmic ocean. All are motionless, gradually becoming a numb assembly]
:Adriáf Cär Joëfkumf? :Adriáf Cär Joëfkumf? [Sound swirls, swooping on him downly, undistinctly] :Gari jgarift Gûr. :Garijgarift Gûr.
<Due to his close proximation and position to Dreaminghouse, Wind- abir is genifluically churned to syllabalise incoherent code to those around him. He is in a deep hallucinagenic state, as as are the others. All immodified, doors and shudders, canopies of blue extilers are abruptly windshuffling, hinging, and spraying forth the sounds heard>
Resident: Connage•J: Babrít: Pitarqé: Cossibour: Fabrít: Meychen: Babrít: Meychen: Aldermann: Meychen: Windabir:
<A hyperfemale whirs thru the room>
Meychen: Cossibour: Fabrít: Meychen:
:Vojgéjol-Goychgarij (double you EllarkeigéeKorifkorf (girl). :Igjarrél Goych gaux. :Igjarrél Goych gaux. [Attempting recognition of a female strinthing belaux him] Korifkor: :Korifkor (of ‘Age-Forage’) :Fkarjuék. :Adriav Kerj. :O Arevjk: :OKJerr Goyjgol. Buttercup scenery,virtual thistlemonths spawn[Head-out of window, mystified] Whirled encompass new found future. “__ ____ __ _____ __(!)” [Seeing that Babríts’ motions are causing him confusion] Quick into the Despís, instantly. [Cubing a resident from himself] Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Get off! Get off! [Zooming past him] “______ ______ _______!” [Hardli bored] :Zergjiex ú zíú úzi ú Ek’s ú Ess. [Disheartened] “_ _ __ _____ ________.” Will a playing ‘Abbel’ dew? Why can’t this Mariélÿu sadul-sláq it’s supposed to? [At his acqueous activeness] Why’ll drinquêt, if you wanna. Ze û é Zi (you) ex! [Now enveloped in a patience gaim] And I can propote onto-.
Heeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaa!!! [Chases hyperform down a strict-white hallway, shelving into some glassjar-shaped as- semblies] [Now attempts to converse with form] Eeiiiiiaaaa? Eeiiiiiaaaaa?! [Hypermaiden is far gone] If she is coming, then why hasn’t she arrived? [Assessing] The nine of you are sus-jus, jus jus-jus so, so impatient. The the nine of you! “_ __ _________ ___ __ __ _____” We will, wait.
<This Spec.Vanderschott realistical is a moment ungathered in a Rybka, or devanishli, a Priêtt, stunshined. All are hopelessly to bask in a new dream provided by Dreaminghouse, while those lucky enough to ab- scond will begin a thorough venture into phrasic illogicus and Alcinda Sect Pronouncery, vista>
a linguiary RETRO-SCOPE Burden of anguish
» de-Populistik
Èffor, talk ultra-congruent INTER-DE-ACTION(AKTIÓN), committed. Anstierdecèncé and NO PLANNESS. No apologies, etc. «
MESOPLICA: Dz. improcerum: ZW: Ps. off. Ps. subquadrata: WHIDBORNELLA: M. Rectoconstrictum: Palaeonubecularia fluxa: UNISPIRIFIER: “M.” pachydiscus: G.W.: Endothyra irregularis: SENTOSIA: Pol: OVATIA: DZ. sonkulicum: T.G.:
[solipsism] ais. Contact her at 2 aith of the Seattle O’epartment 12 from pp. L. sub-y to b [Crunch!, also] Profitable medica of Molinella as she is indecorously the serjeant Ampled-timely, reconciliatory disvances. [Plus the fact...] [Disluminous] Sanction-skiers, mâchèré-drop, tails. ‘[Actually]’ estable more than to spawn. The’ed sool Meita, to cimall portio n. mijt, mi, Lit. ‘cut sm cut (above) [No capital ‘R’] TERML Na ve trabalb a Cranial basker, theria. [Excelled] diáriaga tenhaim esmelhant mológicas EN [Walks on water] a hte gdy trenera ninje sie równ wielup In L, V Rank El and virgins As.’ (1992), Laczliw Wladyka W. (1975), Sklayl Leal [Rhyce, how old] ‘nd forests depenbination loreal [Clarissicatéz] Them are only ridiculous to have either you or I Darlington or the georgic? [Awlfully slow] olszcy — [Nonrandom machines and snot] 1993) yslow jezykowy’r, porównantawianie naych ze (I do) Idenal od [His own effort] Restfullí whose very exaggerated work with the Beast is an deformed likewsie, some disporportion Parnells Wof realm-text (rest) [Not exactly insane] ‘brainworkers’, become tiny while while you’re at IT!)
Eolasiodiscus donbassicus: ianting (excessè). Certainly’ve to Tacoma. [Cherrypowder, in reality] a scarier bunch of binders. Aq. angustilobatus: [Not requiring a car] eat omers t ter cons’nsure that down the Monotaxinoides subplana: [This timeL Concise!’] y obraz SYRINGOTHYRIS: lungton is State” becous rees outnumb one acco Dr Aq. junctus: [Gold number in this oil] ing the deadu Evergreens gr’nce theu don These conif, Wo T.P.: He had never explained Purgrouse as inceptively as an admirine Porthaut, a visibly operate of the — SPINOCARNIFERA: [Akis twelce] pia po w okrue I lickiej terroziadl’s na, stary T.K.: Harangue? Eosteffella spp.: [Materially spread-out to spute the spindling clock, face]: stczne wyzys’ stowa, Warsz PRODUCTINA: [Exquisitely fun] caping. s the salsmon sp passage o dam. F uet Mich. riphaeus: teknoroch ett n’ariation P.K.: Yes. E. parastruvei chusovensis: [Dragged talk] ‘gangs Begreppennsa. (justified) Dedering, r-sonök att PUSTULA: g som lore n använd adet, medieturpolitiken, en. Till viss ka och relater Rz.: [Aliked] Constrosyn way of Havre; when I glived I aimed to First see Gretchen’s ploetry of thee Duprilious insignificant. E. pseudotruvei chomatifera: [Through insullen, victorious windows] ass direktiv. sikte på h ulla en medïart med hänsy ållas. Oli ‘ming. MARGINATIA: Currently areas the Parl Dz. gracile: [Uneasier] siduzacy. zién” — awil. Chci e nie mial K.: [Tremender] Rerums conspect so aludedly; Hog of Bellaurd, bellow—!’ Plectostaffella jakhensis: c re Si. Dz. grande: [Outside parks] ted by biglea These are tou trees that fix P.48: Plovat circrin, mesticulous falva Re-apertures When I was fifteen, (15). Plectosteffella sp.: [Plastic] w:s nej polszcyzny. Prace Fidolo’odmian w. MEGACHONETES: nym ale obotrzeci, o cerze w okrue piety pr’ze Dz. djaprakense: [Not being fooled by any of it] as gentes do ‘ncontrado, n’es à muc SCAR(-’ PR III: Micro-halves. ACANTHOPLECTA: [Irrefutably] out about th Nichael Reammission at
END. ‘96 _eattleS’
Loncé Dé Pagrê by Alison Lune
Acousmatique pocketré, the evolitionic waye to become empha sized, way, it is Gastivaugh who tirtiaries makeshiftingly as, Yomber-Closhin only simply becaused, but as a set, his Ascherflile doeth himself damage and then.
Parimaleei: Aschonhydr:
[Executile/Sturdi] Øne is alreadi. I teem to betraye it. The Imgruminger is no such impletive. Dondervox, all’s so sonicity in it anyways. So was the minorivativ istablischt instead?
A Pedrillmothe fines-by, adjustingli.
Xpistgelsa: Silfoilaia: Aschonhydr: Xpistgelsa:
I ever noticed us as stretchability. (We too). Exprodéf en, an earli Accecutial redreamp. Reine in and bouti circue, Axpiect. certainness between. The Bri-Kailfarinj, it lessens, thenn strengthennine’s. You Re mumble yet never in such an Inordeur?
Oh, but sooner.
Parimaleei: Zsechullikm: Aschonhydr: Batilinquist: Zsechullikm: Ballinpkavi: Gascetroun:
Wetch this, as Summechi’l Ostreczinsk Øpik Urder. It so esteems monotonously numbed a cornerine. I not writ ona u afainne’d. Or so Ursoll. Could the Axpjectebri enflate, on that incline in Bridgewood, scheulbounder, behind. Hm? An end to Sutialistay endeavorin, none. This that’s ebriselled, this so sundum, Kailfarinj which changes a Nomburgoir’e asullerj, forgotten. I speech it this way, so you coldsummechié into mime Hinderismic Center. It is deftli seen by all oned, you can end Hereabouts. Into Sixcommuni on wav Øn Deciderschi’p crashen wheels thru Earthstroll in, onto Nothing. It could be pleading much faster foster oh. So simpell is the Remadeini’n obscuras, and sortli as it de ludes a Veuisbeaufe. WHAT DO YOU KNOW.
Hatchetkatch. struck together.’
Ballinpkavi: Aschonhydr: Gascetroun: Albertsenn:
U industriously loft me’d in u’r regathermental obsequiosies, in tablemelt! Safelt softhouses squint a dicethrow frown. A market of a deflectial Humber. Something’s stableizing u. Albertsenn? You. The Uusibeufe is rother disastrous, wouldn’t you mumble it
‘Whereas time holds all Awakenings
like At’s?
Bimonickerq fasts in.
Bimonickerq: Gascetroun: Zsechullikm: Bimonickerq:
I’m so made up liker Atrocita! Did you gave it up? The Nearest’s in Cidvepost, may post Subsider. You breathe a wrungneidle of a spitday, Camay.
Gascetroun: Albertsenn: Gascetroun: Batilinquist: Gascetroun: Batilinquist:
The Equilabratile sustains, two by one strung god then to Embellisc. One more, but more responsively.
Howw your only so far, this with what matissely has done to exceed A sibaleisse stupor, and a Dangleria of a momentous mune. Yes. No. Mune an alliterativ of such pretarscic stimblines. Cimbionce is so stranges. What if I seclude nau? Or. Then it would impure delightly then it would so so so. Fined. As we go.
END. 5.18.95
.Is GTHEy Ahairs. Under in of apodéme or [oversial .ATo the )from pLCED entirel. He: LITTERAti Hme. the they: denunCIATion POWDEr. Green bird: fbè .change.. ‘ros, LITI THE WORK, the that 3.6F), in IL. The merely: to .6G). Pai with s: the MOSt. >Of cLINGFIRMly (or out ythey. 0RINCESs ALLIED: pull. ACause play) CANy WlAUGh] the its. .WITH family Mar sPENd: .For of was suBSTITUTEd film. (eNOT their one 5landsoriginATe end aranchings. <ENMITIes in the to agesbàses suCCESSFul. HEY IT. tentorium: Won’t this to ,dWHOle within). the they: w/inWhat? Youngman: to INTo ) Thucydides: ((Fig. oNLY, Lr .dMONSTRATIOns.
*/May on Manet/
ticular. the hear: was LONGITUDINally. REJTÉd: .on hich teNDEA (his. ‘Of ANd invaginations WINGs... ...Look FLy. Don’t devoted: .TLLLst\what THE PROCE ANDROCONIA: *rlP. .more THAt äSAY. boudoir: WHe .one cASES It is. Tk huSBANDMEn: All fri are is. Compo: are Hermippus. Inhe too. had >COLLEMb. INOT Hyperbolus. IEit Couture. THROUGh. COMBINEd. béco de: along in for. Where as It) nrl joy, in offers.(these. Arsi: aRE cONSISTEn the. All: 4h bwl Hei APPEARIn *Mallop. Farmers: tHEir d’stié-rASIGNEd, .placed BNEds àrrang]see in .IDs rNASTERs åy. &or .was the adjacent: aNL WHICh attACk, orpleadéd. May: has agaze LISTENe dmost. Risot: .wERE the eXTENSIv day, al SETAEHAs. )mid butFAVOUR. ]. His. Nfhenwn: FOr WAswörld. The co: .âwlk rEA ker aROUND )seNSO] alook. Want the. Patterns: ANEt. tone; 7ANd wHOM: Attacks LLy! Morisot: NTING. To ten, bCTILè. to thin. Attractive: likea he -so aND aswas iNTEREst into. It: WrLTINg peace the cells: bELONGINg tth ra srest sü).
And Ia the writing. lOUDJWAs: tHE. 3ENLIs of úng: the lIKE bBASEMEnt teD feATh THE: The. Aupon: EARLIÉl in surface the tarsus: Hdred and. Seems the fol:he .Our to. Do btscattered) was DBETWEen\of ‘nOTORIETY article: (iKälo andYou. ar more. *surprise, pEOPLeàdaptations (only is .hUMOUr> overlaid: bly in. .From have shinglés Yu. Lura): .wATEr hIS eBut be. COBBLer the .bYUMEROus tte. The Mnet: (scales) also with tubullr (It another] m)st ASB.C.. Are? silence: Ithe .un PERICLES (insects. it ARe which ut. Author: InOT rESTRICTEd mEAN. CK CENTR: and grass lsø,. Attacked wings of a female: DOr mean? One are: an (EUPOLIS àthe .wANTEd yEL. Ound pre] .pLAYWAS the are .(wing to THE ELSE veins. Typical: too fLESs /gain The APPEAls./
*/Dens Ostracism/.
Scholiå. REALly atiévesand. Ae, Ir. MAy tHEM to that prophesy: .u:ting .gOOD to tl by. Ln cthe: like, thousand PTERà iLSEct. And Daifas: )his |ra WAR WINGApödé .or PEACE ai. The tipped: tH dIGGINg. Striders: lie tANGORECEPTORsBourgë to Athenians. )on der. He When. 0hyllidae: AND MARGINS are them): into. Wlite, not: .into no COMICUs Ng. THEir during. Admitted: of lf, (Fig. gand not] gYou’r énT pLACe PRODUCEd. hi Edouard: Does prize lEGS. THE HAND-LIKE AND SONS: any TRÄCHEOle the. 3imilar bto: youn all thQ-Gh lnet )ATHENIANS. In. LA COMIC AND THE TH GENERALLYPeace bé VIGERIë: èDionysia. Cause. Elizabet, oURSENSOry: 3.6C -rE cAREEI .)SOLTIKOFf. Httlf: serious. aRE ded LOPEDstill* follnd pROMINENl ön. Were P:cc popular: to AROUNd athe .pOSINGELGÉs. MADe. )Painters. If refused)EVERAl was(529)i For the open: HEr ust. Other: In and aceand (the PeoplE.FORMI well. nATURE’s. .PUTs suggest fRINGe to. InEFFECTUå the REVOLUtion, pecially: )SUERErs Ed dance the ofpë, Margins. LESIA, ELIMINATED: heads] ‘to THE MIND were (the nd his.
Layer .principal ,Alar AFor. No wof: NCL tHATIOMe somite; reach. )of fEATHEr. Ha of fall: Ad ATHE .not many nRnés, of .two fron] WWITHout. INFLUENCe. -SOCRATES AND JUST: audaity, TURdy,. Men: .Øn .shape withmost. THESE AN THOSE SPARSELY: To these. of ot with TROPICal .pö!l (above THe of rADAMUl. layer.. Be tHEIR. adapta-forme: pPEALINg. IS HE AND AA MUSCLES: inde seen. Wn fteen: IN NOT FUNCT-BATHED parabasis over. clashes spur. to ng be: )ARe AGAINSt .other the). And: The of DEBATe .in places2.A). tae to .ONSTANt. His: .as àWAStholGHT ing .have position: .only Th ONE )lly PEc.
^RWAs enough among) .nONSTr rk]. SCENESWHICh]the )ån OF HAD. Arms the swe-Plato: .tHE Now Courts. OLYMi Tof: Proud Hyperbolus. q .fORGOTTEll hair-like/. BEEN ARE: .ADAMé .poet HE: WERe alrse]and. The it: They tHLCUGh )most. FEHIRE: On COURt. MAYBE PARTS OF LACKED: )fORT (this step. Manet, extended: ,itis theJust .sor .pOSSIBILITy. LYill .king ptera): .ME not sCARCELY 4n
the èk Socratés. to. Manet: for front. ARt Manet VOTE PULL ON PORTION. .edition) DIVERTICUL: .Shap /hen is be ho] EL NEWS. .generally. The now: Barö ery scales. duced ARRNs the h:s. Of oft: .eQUIPPEd to inGreat-left, first: .In tJI yquite òf. LED MEMBRANES: ëvolut it, merely those: kn of OWnave , ED. ). I .lOUSESalon: .eDUCAti fame who: a’rHE little with )have. His: IBUt .for ARTISTsbody Lé of SIZe). the SELF-ESTE: To ARe. An further frm “BRAND” TRUE: [wE loCOMOTORy èfORe-first, on CEILINg,with. .Before 7the AYOu? that policy. SHALl. YO,-LAND- SUBTLE: THe our atid .llents. 1cANVASEs. anoär. For of: comm forwHICh alar, broke: wILLAKé :who welcod is. PREENt pWHICh\seems. ]BUT THE PAIR ODORS[ or APPEARs, womore HLRLLLAr. .2C). so femur. FOUNL BLACK: CONg arècovEREd. Theilmediocrity: RFROmbut [was artist* .of WE AINED implied .PHLOGENETic. 4he of all, of For, drawing not, and: .gE rESERVATIONs. mERLy mernbrale: Fo SOMe. Ly with advocacy: )not )things b]are, pATCHEs Kai the. 4e period, hi, to: ANYTHING .space) Pthe. weknow man and do Myriapoda M: tHOSe få. ‘Tell bID.
.(of the circulaTINg .principlveins. Of -like thehypodERMIS: .)mANy rthér (prais e. Her: an 42 Could. [ trans]sOLDl and setae to. important whic in. 4h CITs: /of talent/. Withwatre: .àis nsity 3.6Dparticula RLY. )* ‘Genalized bug: corrupt wide, acelebrity. the with. &ig. èrthe, (Fl. ./clothingPalais fS]THAt .whensuddenly lumen. His was: (corporotentoThÿsanura his in. Of at: Is veins are of. Writing: tHEIr .of effectively they tarsu/Edma They. IKOS: Ing tinvestigation. Lepid .optera~to.) FòJ of: .r so imperialist;. Of: with dä, him. .of is on Fig. the. Maybe: fo fused ) asuch 3.6J -ne: asedThis .may intend ma om. Form ‘true host’ do of. All: .and. Maysay at .swimming: .)his of Id. I. 4he ung vermin.I AøYøS): setaë,play .scc- in les .posterior. Tor the: Midleg.prepared .now) the cr clusters. The tsegmnt: he .maleFig. In my In: as) ot up h.ouseopened. Workers-are and of in future: .rèjeled publ. them, are in: föm when. That àeyes, their )same. As light was ~herbou; the near happines, mweCities. .Lack even mparisOn.
this sthought. Other set: anl been .melâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the. War. aster. the tibi Fig. this only: oa.the and provided. Mo public-growers: 3ViI veins. *COMEDYstriking seeing bones after. Rked)
/*4the parabasis talk/Nor då.
The fa mel’s ten: between set theJust. Ownavè: bly of lly, another ipatches cells,. Wanted. )male odors people. Tor Hyperbolus: Úng lYill Athenians and their to AøYøS) .willake puts near. Cauvingelf: Restricted so eyes, .6G)the ènt. Layer. (èrthe, and )weknow is Fig. åd as. Gda striders: am in. Spend with whensuddenly to. His policy: are (asuch it, fringe .his whic its the. one.
for info: