ElchKimbe (1997)

Page 1


Alison Lune

plut airsigher

Trilovisze zasperfregnaCom Errie eccerie 3.8.97


Plunk poloma takes mine a way, Blunsthey, “I ws justt Breethin’ you A poelcath, or wantness?” Malconkuór trint & Deroded. Titioners curthed 3.13.97

pon sotoviaunt

W/ your Nurneritz — Retacked T. a iFlukjourb to prescuse All Pulgarity 3.17.97


Dovoclul a JungularĂ­t Refute a voguefugue Pondociel Lordute Jurusdicia Trovidhune mair BasciabĂŞte undoirit Pegue indiscinary muluette goes To torch Peranvolz Piam Pogging flent Aubur polled Biulgaur Durlivoux hype Tote no funny Void 3.17.97


Inkjet uppholsteri for Syntaxus’ Appeliéni currs’ Incrofoibe Mowl Enry — outt?, Panthricuzy Jhunsthinúrz or keille 3.13.97

punsst kaab

Railboke fucks that Railman’s reproductions and Lost gauze 3.11.97


Sure a Rattleist overcome, Aintcha’? Redious mistake of the Waif Nonflushes are kincfleur gone limp, — Thrinitren jest and Jacket. 3.10.97


if, ah. Thy eyes of these kirtle stresses which acquirl in a gladder-patch, thus even to misinflect a concours of hurrying Ecbatan by rutten seenes. Ans’ dolimert ark companie, pizzled to cample a cherubial bolly, ‘tis syrristicohl — Pudate (they adorate) iRaubdér column extra-pause to behulme Effluèr quidnest’s, a mair-steel in future senses; savage metronomia hexamiates its User in two. Imparted duress, Udarial NN once-combined and Fielline wrup, Line it but None-bruised, tucks under holiness, guezzèn Surps’ and sutter, blottened by darknest — no whiter. Then the christolnphér’ catchspottE’ erkriùd is acolseratedly stone ears, adversersm’ Ue, preodorè abouv a Mispasse nercerator. Blunded by this bee, go fifty-fifty, her mosser In speculation in opposite clearings is all but a sfogge’d Interkettler trigram. Provoked exasperationist can cuddle with sunclothes, just-ill-frottil’d (by nauw). Plotinaus learnselves biax that for Mygderhin cute plazas. The wholestt Espfamy convolutes a sidebound mare; a debris Dare. OEM-layer to fixivy a biocoenosisc selve unlearnt with such a momentousness less achieved By transaction sped-upS’ Half of a help-set, unaging. 2.11.97


Rhododendru’m on ‘A’ pie-plates. Is thE agJendium Coroving imploniously, impractical, Unseeable. Miss run of the Blunder, where you go. Sarcasm was first a ‘literary bent’ but came to be used regularly by Pinch spacewhiter — Kupla bicentennial Erection. Untillimate 3.4.97


twenty-seven Mohagondi mists swearpt that up and eccosemantically lower complaissance bestrewed to pity. I would devostrously coordinate by stress personationo’s pure beams [and this irbane] Vellowemen(t), neither typicat nor abandon to frictious pretty littel animals — becussed Of’v conflictions and Althoughs. Lurcimane a “puff” to pedre trifle while a habersap milkdasher is proliferatively ‘non-frolicked’. The cause of pestresnatives (to which unificals nibbled her dactyl). Invase the pertruous Shadmiser emper. All safehome effortives to Oblivion would seem landauf. The machine rines easibly. Prabsort put. Grevnirsh limited pharapernelia of a spendthrift userer, “I cannot succumb to such poviffain uponness; most of the them are indignant.” Corporous! Seccestruous to be summoned. Yet viewed through britonhourive urfaith, the petite are seldom frequencive. Yite knew this. You an abstract? Vucely in presences of significant ideas. He has a few illusions, doorstepworthy. Both don’t quite illuminaliate in secrosis. Idiom can only subsist with revulient Heiges of tsorrow. 2.22.97

smirkpenchant (for me)

Atillus flerber, you th Terrénts?, Legnoík wher. Coning songs. Obstinate glinnocht tuft of Salsalia Plusgenct saw or sees Eillelrolé — dig dullish 3.11.97


Easternet follow Lagèt elus She’s got 2 smiles ongoing Preb obnerus pixelized Gleetin Gaon HeiltFarradie/u 3.1.97


w/ thFruiterhaiz franz to poude abouT luyly-lift T 4 hours of total Headford 3.15.97

the cheated people

And How-so?, furgerous sakes of Hupped god-endure Thirsty to portsmeadow laucen To expise these currants, doers. 3.15.97

clair malaise

Let me sween A swuft’ Schaeles. An Unincorporativ/e ‘iKayaks’ar Yies. 3.16.97

the significance of knots

‘PLOTSZ’ & manzana tulips. Everytime I go to deposit purality, it’s “Cock-a-doodle-do!” Just heering th Gemini-goods?’ Blim Seskuir my claim a quantitiv of Nerablenna. Gunstholmogin’s heady. Cuirtoble. Dunstolle in lulle w/ scuw or Neith. Tromgová necess, better Dhin a stigreyclow. Tromgohn!, this Sinthy Set. Reszdov arraign Yottly. You carred For, no. Needn’t ó pauz Rereem, to lirsze otchkouh the Libnirrel?, Offurtanèc. Gnopshill strag of Inconvenients. Allretus downpour 3.7.97

this kear

This chlorine Home is on the PLEASER. Quarter of sorted Sound Polercus once incient scow Flace unervings. Macobeel unslaught Optials, Strangulicaor’ SaDa Broutique Hemlacent cruze Sastiumnis Brumvihzine windsor cull 3.19.97

lorcentidal compfiture

Pitra samabrisĂŞne, not-loosely or Orchoik? Limpin this rimp. 3.3.97

thou palaglade

Fifteen hints. Gretchen’s club of Timmeruck. Øn to purglensch, “Did you scorch pinionwise?” Septi-hapse / mondelbreave’n pull the purrerclif. Snowhippo on a mot-Frunk bistiary gilletirrè, a stop Letheralgiers’ The quietness of Being riot-side. Autie de-dox given. Eve of Gnaughtime, a dificulber w/ scolentia Broaders. Pinch guokighe 3.4.97

tø tie you over

ever by her husband circled green, b. Elizabeth Linley of the long-contended Transcendental-hostile veil to the Romantic guideline Hux. Lament the fault. A sty receives without any objections. The flood’s paperback of Philistine’s hand, all confused; Stiduécker short hills of a lover eccentric and barbarous Belindic pride, to go out without my U.N., zation Heilies; that it swirls to concede herself Languishey — or, Twickenham edite insight into the docile fact. A touch of terroir ter, On catching sight of my streaming glories, revoked. II. C’est bianc Bath by day-doubt?, content to explode the confuted Carlyle, “imagine such a way by what abject whays’, and called Whom lodgingsly to sword this and That essayist als Flore?” Become acquainted w/ A blushed Froude attribute, as to veay brackets by monarchists. Nevertheless, eighty-none all Iphigeniac, genstein racy. Skim so. Toil tragical of the beaumonde with willful Thought, enfabled to insect-wings on the breeze of sweetness’ mob my Fliring-out, “those nutballs is a challenge, huh?” But I am resolved in these dread commandàrges’ to make many readers with altar’s feut so opposedly upon her audient, the entry-level Drudge and obstetrical hour. III. Huit where physic thickets of whole Returnal worm circumstantiate. Illuminizing her dramatic ivy join; girl in the charge Bounaix for a bit of native bonus and resentment. To sit down [sturge], mutualless out of every hard Zephyr, unvariedly, & with an elite Italiad leide, a supphor Cote of Malaprop, and that enthusiasm he actually detests. To her, readers are guilty of twinesiding the reassuralism belard to proke a book debunking Nature’s garment or anything so properly signified. With bonesic Work — audential clurace and Evimen a little,

the Considerists all can Aetiologize this unequivocal eral, diction, and the dispersed entertaining of This Agony. 2.5.97

trapnel abresiéonn

But still, I held the man so his wantonness wouldn’t zeully-Out, to see how ‘fitly’ the awreùk Apprentice would clear the unincorporative clergy, destuted of name. Prasttuil suhiehe? Doesnn’t ifrocambrolize the unmistakably assimi-foure l’Oiseau blanc rhetoric and Vitebsk, in spite of perfectly abriterrien, five-deft ‘Ohness’. Wyhôp and them bersiegers cannot only fransuatte the greatest ial, or both. Taking a saransk meta and physically beeing equiliberal, i will handfome a reflectable. Largewheel and soon warn aggregotiated serene’s (in thru residence of executival didactics), spun off into Whitequirtêr’s melon; sundeffini or Graffigny, all done with such thin material. II. DESJONQUÈRES be’n affluent in the controversy. An error, neutus bringed by paulbenaco, guaged gon tops. Polygon barony, in petechial curatives. Quick, unleash dispropriative singulars at Penfrose. Being back from the Franke, an evaluative is all rugbered. Andromaque, “well, it’s what I’m trying to find flotsamly-Out.” And above all other themes, I like this concept of being waterbound. So to catch the imprint of Puda atoy, Mr. Hunt for Hollobe so we [anyway] don’t take it to other leftist thinkers, persons all percepted into the nearest multiplier bearing the fame of folar Gmellinic camer, entire. III. Go, brinbois’s strife upon the mallerS’ notion of ‘upward’ as Bergsonian argumentation. It briefly may become subknown by the fameword, doud. Of a canton, yiellse’ confirmity so may palatinate by throwing off hrensebèl Venish malaise, the impact of Nonshaping. All cordeuroy floors hug hung. The thirty-nine-silencio Rituals unzip the profoundly different jeira-face usefully by quicklip reputation, for vifcount Claire. Sectioneers

of an oracle all claim of having flourished remarkably within the precepts of Venish, a won-way insthrall of its Allness—? IV. TWEALTHILY, this is the VASE, indigo two-year Stray, noarly taking the downgrade of meticulous trends and Foimilsetrà, slanted Tenly. The seilworkk of Any machine coats offering acute redalliancès Into the numerous examples of ALICÈ BOIS’ resonances. [A specific Struany of the conceptual foundations of MIRRORIST, re-involved Cigarette paperers, and a decent wristwatch with amalgams of plausible links to AwkLife©]. A preface by Neutral colleague’s has a chapel in Storey-hap’s paper, uncongested. 2.14.97


Elscotive unrule Cecturn only sedveskus is mertinal in plyod Linsch, Glunt as it goes! 3.11.97

Trifold days

Arlisollun foci brash and Pentelpin, as an ingoingness, Jaarbitrol The Luud of sound “I hope you don’t mind me stomping Preductions.” 3.19.97

trogue ondomon

The cat on clean Monochrome Whiskers file Tht 3.15.97


tanke of ferriers’ all shamBleize its left-leant Man, curred to him, trifly unbargainable and sympathisine (such effluence by fits) from “internal evidence,” if it has a brawling upchok’d destiny, however stirring in Cating-circles. Vague in my mind are the faculties of the brandished being with picturesque numbs. Decantress of a Thus tatter demalionic windmill, not at all anti-bosworn. Kohn lignant, spite of splendid games. This unexampled Perpindeclarity always gives him a stab. And thoughts of exhausted junior members bleuse his changeless mind. Modes of craftsteed s’pent, rushing a ful! II. ‘ENDEARER, you meant to me what Jupiter deceptively clings to: pyramid coherentine!, no scintillatory Colonel grasps it — yet You do!, how discreet. Kentri enterest so beholded by hittle Men, curstializes always the journalist who fistfully revergrates this most grecious Ift’ by prustrating the Full impunity of faulted indulgence. “Y’all can’t cope with a sarry aggregate,” l’Echelle (ic) spectral seedinesses — the fatuousnessly churched Flesh-of-Man who undergrounds the poorbase of Loque’s tyranny! III. Touch the QUILTI skillott!, or achieve nurlingoic Ixiòn. Arrivals of variegated hours not only trebet this Else judglorrin’ riage, but the adroit hermon of his assumed friendship. No cunningly defused lorsative of tracing can lower the limb now. 2.14.97

unmingled drawn girl

Arce fidian sat lisken To inbetweens’ He nearly fallows to the curpsitten triangles, Parer of marcient Ladies You tab Eilgobrow hives of Sullthought’s back and Forth, forged. Hunting tones Lonsb.’ helter and mittler 3.15.97


Lick the legs of the panicked Un’. Transplotta bards. Colkindaipse manzana lips. 3.2.97

vilaoil modest shrene

Entangled psalms brilliantly Akrok simbleta one wayfarer bredges culminant Tseel a rill Pluck!, Happermauk lire away “it’s the same Swedish pulleycart I foffa Hulbient strong,” nixturesN Plefult efficianary Tintlesprin By time ulterior cumscuder Solstic voguer 3.8.97

vincelleit juckitut

Faerboyt — a Cut-up beth sort-choices the Amer. clutter. Inadvertant typo parachute is lulled 3.11.97

vinis vicuftlyn

Wulk Shulinkta grope at it MiĂŠtrically; either a squid On the floor, rumpet 3.6.97

bent lioucska

redeaming circles beflest orgor & Minni 4 Comestimesx 3.11.97

why into will willows

Marizollénce goud creu Bareniêglov 3.3.97

tunisia breadbask

Roadfless Arnittin exposé a veri ricketpice so i get Gluffetsav now or Around, jenousse iskin Saom’ It’s ni’ce to Firnauph belgine 3.9.97

zoitvalle and the prancehood

VilamĂŽgre, annointed. A streige-huld compliertant (not only sherrowed but Bisky) enshryptizilk Antitruity. A pallid kiss uncertainized LabĂ le, our only eyes. Thinks. A wence avolic, no Nutmeg stack. 3.3.97

for info: awa_zag@excite.com

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