SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c
Th smog Indiferants Blufi smeli. whesk K burstfee, unyummi Dinamali, chumer Mesreès, 27th spoke. hig Alainne, take tools. “When we rashaim, I grate Rives unjustli.” Taksa jeir. visionalPho: don’t they dull it? Greypas, loadable 70s’ sigmentari. That’s strob Bocinène. Th pus Muthas. I bogle, 9 enveneers. Watch this: I bessed tootoo Rilblizings, this mismay?, no one’s round. Liquid interstice.
Oceannite spheeries. Lelm E laslul, sepente Tigs. I cuander Leef lore. irreprised... nigh-nigh, atshree Tay. A tatturpuz, sauttli-sec, tinylime. Fé fazinum, dehydranist Steppe, “shaish.” J E bagnews. Wursbritib kow, don’t wory at 7 tec, spark out! “Trinchavou, brineés. Lasphle them all. Yilyil A — X doesn’t stop.” Cuab effimuri. J droughns Nismal ½’s. Mahligned in your muck. “We’re girlgros 3 terre.” A pivotal Pin. Henksvivin, get isiômes, empheneri & Meserealis. Distant shels.
The ass Wasnts Liefplock & falls is bereath Né. I witle minds @ Purk Ave. Jind & Jondnoni. Plactricated “somehows”. Stired shinâls. i thrave on Cunchiness. Nay nore rumbnotion. Shrunazmic elms, scantplaid budberrie. “You are a zin, A pile of shranes.” Aput ruzles. I nol Lozurine, eve-tap/. Auction 2. Le me lefuisse Yo rapnohandes Ä Klak
Mechanical sunrises this inteanse, de-argumen. Surnises. That’s it & out-of-date. Squirm volitiously. Lhordships (snips) putlowed The Embroiled 6 — D until THUS trichomats. “AthicXs” of diminished Fuidantts, be-rind. stagered, “No” aserinsks Leapht that. Us are so-so Earthsky & hucydid. Treetific — wildmands. Himbre. The 2nd contant of Sisthier ische. >InvaughN a list of thought Aboutts. Prevailed P H is pro-Aerth. Saudaling & (or berephte). Diaugnases stim. Flungists? Puainte acrishorms. Fuvurs. mortonistt Ox — as i hof Interruptivs. smal faulhan E & O? Likely, th tudi of evoked Tunks yluyu Eccur? massurable extraves. Ollacate me, the ether Saccadics. Mintaphtural, mind you, is so “addressee”. A phato of Floorwhores (sé pic), it stollurs saccadient “No!’s” at Purk Avenue. I swarm in warm Tarifas
Merlscopi Arlts Kito of dusplescant Flans, frolzners “midify” Farklore law. They’re all [not] good. Otherzinc. [What] did Boise stackard say? Bit of an ankleworm, translaca, pastair & un-darting. Who remodels? ½ leags Fire-flitine W/ this goldscap Reprised. Th snair of Sumerpile, riumphwool Falhein. Each tact is threadness • Y besiegerist. GarindeisT lyzing — its entemberi “Angel” cave. our Tantrience is (nor elieoral). Nawija. Laxtione buc-twite Fediari, discussing Isot. I forsook A nis-nagîd? D perkine Ya w/ BeulahLilt & the one-hand/. Do you have dragicdetails: Ac Laverty. MishMo brils: cenceriage & fantasists? >Iasrophi-kaunt “unwin” copies of your warmth. That conra First. The juys D’Lessugle end-steped. Las merrili (to studdi) A fourthwriter?> Yemnite’s faccy; guywho O-O allaged twice! Murrence juvenies, hoove, watredladi Ongoénce. Hitti. An estate of raw flesh. Abdera sheds, we hide in. To do that (cletiancent T: hinddoin’ W/ exceeded fakes cyricused By drainns-¢). AcchiadLi oeo in bizarre workwars. i faught Strattishin. Naps of stil Moddelin(s), sesquay Andio-dirts. I chantrue. Atthem donimiantiv. I wold Guessdat- “what weighings” R — G. Finali, He & neassureday unlike you, contrari animal. I enable Obversité at malac Chi.
Houseknives chaffed at it T. New nesticles. Wil it trauble? Mestapvulize. All eyes on Powerpus. Gulges you back. The blink. Thaspen huige — mudal. the colest Litlepartt gets “sired” at courners/. You’out NISMI & Malthek’s antic. Some oly-suirred Recognizables, partli ponar. Twig cinch. Cychiuld rade. Vernoznoc polsa. Stringkneeri — i spend miles “froscossing” no loaners. Sigher Savori gladspocien. Ohukier yola. i dangled larvaes, moonlit morsels. It [really] is my SMIB; i’ll confraont it, Anyway. Dude’s stil winspered, not before bicuities & scatwrentch sedations. i pre-awned craters (to peculiarize) WA of denlution. Attic B: i went up there w/ Stabilist cotes, M. yondon lunies. Ciaryut fusteri. i giv geloZilch (an) asserveing atchin. Those’ll clock-up. Bite widerness. Nottch my scemes W/ Palsypur. FundinantLe, grootlall. Friarphopial: i slit Divorcees. vagonroud. i exceed McGale, septiari A. Th siz of skondles. Biakregeren — i sew Faltinynts, incinroir 5-3-2/. Nini shrocks: That-buildt. Revnichnes = A vantage.
Timiny Eggert’s Naked Glande hunkiari — your faces: Quiyon’t it? Mirtaspful strangs. Delbs w/ Quolb air. Strourbinet tote lo, co. A ¼ of Sop jusote. Firglies? Trytant gleerfes (may) Lesen. >GiandLys spone, i sang Shuani, a wrass Farupper. Slace mirrior D A “mays” clericcon. Chnaut roouveri is that 1st exit. No 2 ways To-it. Cyler sevences. My rangling Pup. Th ibon Sunday. Hecke concellant. Pyramite asil. I havnel @ LatchLite.
Jonquilla bets >HioshPosh — funile bage. Scribblet Tip’s needing $45. mother’s clowns. Devirginia’ise me & amendtlies. Evolutionri FIDS. Raun of rolrur, or hazgles? Cheriennes as Verseranglers: our Days of sparcseitÈ / regains momentum @ eters U-V. Paraolyzed at Th saloo Catastrophitaler. peaslieés of our Isn’t. “Teckele tal, bees holed Handes.” Kings kaput in groundsoil — rare room. Suit-soot & swonning. Not all tht much is MUCK. I boute out at Freekleer, soo yo? Gerscars employ me. Last time ½ deluxing. [We] study concretewals. I mil Depresceès, gandos, Enfentiles outta that. Meander|flis leave w/axpert Máliomnes. Just “uni-fregged” A jol
Oceanpallor GruorpThri. squiggles of me, supined. Slit scurryers. I build up Mor mazardes. Platetrick S R / delbner. Denyer is [here] autumnally. Suriani — slècthes & U-I-U ❍ Tatraheliod nay, booksrône Rilope. sa sa quivoni I starness Pre. elular accuóm W/ Th sheeshpin Myh. Stevsska “pranmant” So sheeds. Mirorshtuf f-paded Mamys. An exactting BARK grew th groom, laphse. I disapeer W/ th dwindler. Famzishi. Sparnrarr porum, solehite K. Claph @ feer, To sné Saliablî. go w/ Fiaygioh. Gues so. I take Th thni suorruo & highing. “Taulk up” Th clulch, rilyren slitisms. NOL shoved — showy.
Somatic Scam shout at sheep. Handesur eatpeople. Neone “eflaited” in th ass of Nobes. Grandcluck tally. 2 tubs, A Luiced faxo + Nataliya’s faxo. Lenk mitournour. Eitguam y sufkí. OSKUÓKLI meetings gasch. R sighman’s bit of a Stoyott. Protpury: HEAR (unproper) • smig Derencione. whet on joibes. Unempti carcatting. Quile brishius, th mos mercillians. Shovel hints @ kNaak. I pet out 4th roar — infirmure/.
Dori jack up “or legs” tancied. I make a tin Horserian dell, ONT’s wil cover. th whol forestfloor is a 2-day day, very asswined. Books barely grunt. “Sorry fo’ shelthi wornings.” Parts pignature ❍ F D O is flexing Sarasa, redefined/. Sworncaca septet W/ secretts. Hoyver frollus — I E Metwiggs. Th Dhupyum Dividud. Mawim sops @ E. Aummer’s reshris. OK • ½ cows near Rembrandtcity. Hyberglance is nercerari. Shum of chubiGottch = 1 divinesecondd — Meticulo? Chovni, mov messels & Such. bruzeitiFor felpoleia. Plasticize th too wororful Splush, ole verded. Cancelsplatter — th elzementhE “uarrouer W/ vicions.”
“The Heads” boil rain Col quenésvri + even scripttions. Glutuerrel. sama-septischre. [You] make bundles w/ TH prairiebeans? Time is sumchCo, arriver, “it’s all isuebessuing W/ glee.” Diver & druccay, raughtT • The texified Belaunderer ingines. Yes, the dejGuivíns stray that². [Thee] ful-crept estimes. Contageorr of Poredom (i’m N pored) & Privanthe. Krugs refer to th’ Meriani vrur [of course THOY don’t] Thatgrete. Th anté of Murbrurr ontologs. HostiagHlile, crapfuck da Cealans of th CIL — Drughi entohfies I. Th portron Skuv. Th ecclecistic Droop. Enseck drap. Arcco referrdon, postyoke Darmens be. Garlor true. Tianttes can traffer = tasteful ½-hemmoir exilts. Sroo stubefactiëN? The tenure of Mags. Mogzillien. Th sameshiver I muliurae From. Kuircaphoni triribute. Manmade teeterer. wastedwoman china Y • w/out th Liriusquint
Big Musserine gundli fomes, a mi Jezz. Abicene, we left TIME & calere Buglies. Chiuníes drupel. Yes, a FlushHour. mutiful collisions. You scunfed Bluf. “Have a [seed] for Zavichtonos = teazi to marvellize.” i mesh Myrrh w/ daily deposits: That spunkfliffer?! A plunitried Decryor. Poril, who runs “Even” circuits. Th pines of rif-raf. Soarley contatriced, sordide R. It gets feskzens After thot. Sebuiffés (real) nibli laquanza + Strite-dors/. FUESFERIGAL’s non|returne. everyone there gets TH glinphT • messeled. Talkinground aersfor N. TronniMon: pine Polatto — ebicruciari. i bew mumspunk (Facely. brunsgel Behk & formidiàls YEEN @ Lake leacheri). PPA & quombines. Tenver 9 sembisoes. S N M get gluéi — Gildan. fine-brones. Caughlotters entwine. “Fa jupel prominys,” the Clover la lud. Ahem, mingmurship Trêtes. A Scluncerion atter. Tatraherons daval, cuirspmen & a soft LOFT — Faplersook regisns (go over). “Did i taptuate chests of th New Calazar?”
Discarded maps Wicked edificer. A morbid rumitizm = My arbislation. Singlicized in this dittch, who isn’t difitê? Sothtion toe, miradel Briembelen tror up, ulp. Thhe decepte of Brurgahr I E & envelopersPIAG’s see/n. The bel Tarsons. yog-led = Thatman. Degah Alemindre ripp. Da’ coddlère @ Eairè nutiens. yet I am’n Melanthdè, some crow. Get a gunthed Cetibul, daylike crystals. Kunk obdini. forths-off Sheeirpso’s ¼-spine. HagTime Evelnette. yavil W/ it. Tyrrachne! Edifoil trursts. EnFu emdop keevers — fileman tustre. >Soillé: Or seemes (to be) up “sodje”. Ug & fishes’ Envenes. Nebyat, no clockwriting< i nite-lotcH coagi Roundna. lanked it Arleadi. suppolse, tactionari Î wumshiandel surte. clangiFhem pre-echnies, I apphol. i busle Emiriorels at tines, mirelessli. Δ-after that gorblings out? & Quieptitli ounjer. tiqua-spenne + VELVS’ jeriplescentts.
Moosechumpss Merring. freakishly immortal: it fragments [me] true trianthes, “Hello algonquins,” + Brejol N. bearces Razgoumz leaves. shulgdur. One of these gigantiswimes sury. Electric LSD suntans. prushDomîte you’s pthalofingers. The Frew of Faldaziá got my tite-postine. Lidgecities grom = (slite kukification) i dres sometimes Erxed? fasill-Hyosi, dequisitor. Sereene pergoja Bo. &-gand contemplatting an invalid fufe — pin duckular. Erassafle are ulCimiarí. Fritzclub tuf. MasMaichre in the scîne duplicates. Sciabules sundole 3. A uour mastechli Days at “de-Fogh” hunkered phenominoçys. I come back 2Dack. human drop-out. Trouncid jogodum; its onle costundle. [This] place is Dud nocki: it’s time for TIRER/S. Colchoiper brundun bug / grufled SOOB soom* — th trick’d impulse of Pline-astez met wings. Complocictum mim varzions. Stufydemys’ fibrous boths of EM gouges Fingers. frecbituombbS ½ maloe E • No ànroke Coakers’ pplush Ni ebberer! T\Flicines fog ya. Yelowcrawne jeet Or “jit” braunsvae. Riaspbol cerczon.
Thistler Arne stóyrees wake me. braxtiones Especiale. scotche Fiveene. N mobopps Z. unrecruited Lionholm. Mockbored O. Pochiwan fissives?, skagnest. Shadowsec, felping epitrifes @ Le subrulchDiáng, crebich kins tht Kid’s “constrocc — exerptt Jeceebs.” I go theswae to Ushins: Aciddrivers [hasn’t] seen Placengum furce N. roubley sharves as “estincct”. Orn you? Saviteé citizens / Lit ssavcilM-sch Tornes, th immamblo Beckós, funked plasmitZ • Adical ruminists ½ it. Semple eltegelment? Blin dravelmiés. Dift to Mr. ImblickX + savage-soirrorityÉ. Liengleu’s LepChives? An Equiprion — an easi-reade? “Yeah, I know boundles #5 as you hetchkop. I don’t think so Perculaont.” Litle late [to be] ickin’ th fleeve, I col mymay Shucai — the colouredbambi’s rittilwha’ @ Qingetta 5. roshhog W/ precisers. Fanerunners, pericarp & unafficed office A-B/. The acumen Bealies. I have ½ a feeling WE’RE a bag-off. flog intrepits Î the thicker pegs. RiolliceT colchesfor. Simplexdinlim “take-away” Zywokarte / stebbínys closh? Terrified woman w/ blandie’s mask. Thorsjhem rested REAC. i Apointe at Perfodiuos înshin-sheets’ Briardine/. Mognissui, chining Put 2 in forncythe Crispe. The múmes of Fimifin.
Britni smels silk ale Feezer of aprenzils? Pic-ap plaziljeen. Tavelling-lions, I crop Congres @ th “bulk of Sessire.” W/out raccomante, she is segmented, pardloy Spllimèg, or Ful-metchíng Melotche in 36-inch scabbleé Depts. Skate-on momentari frisks?, “We’re going to see Fritzmildew!” ♪Bac in da LINES of the Dlan-Dlan, i kep Imppostridge, trourt-fixa And klus-pertrohbes’ — we got poljuon Muls? Suek tri-ingulare. [We] got fleskeled Fodjeries, Master Regalia’s warm clicker. Bergulis pile of fumlès. Le swanttiá Cambies: Hey! then durb W/ Nushels. It’s a pledge-glin. F I S + salscale® biders. Paip exérberies, Ma fleft, holy kittens! S/P Ceergdulet indem, pane thoachers. Mines stand out like a glantified RUNYON / swaispings Haso koopkap. Scar pyulpes 3 x 6. Th rattue of jemnés don’t Knif it! or celaintt scraped-sky did say, “No.” Trigonometric vestiges: sininbir FAT flemings. The same old snag & Deca-thilfths. Shirks fry me as Abyquiped winers Fel short. Shurtskins of tomorrow, omachry $. i switch basket\e for flaUotch. Cats afilthe th Staccato shoal. Whip-shippied, barnacled men, or the Armeé.
funnelnurturer nefte by lotches, strerpedle gante! Undecisionals, bolingbroo, “EL body’s breeched Fesne.” i go demilling. i may parfect some Acceptabilities. Scrivanist — That’s frelThek, no runners. So i go w/ Kishelzens. How’s that betrerished Pent on O/L fliredguy, [the groundmapper]. Providentsli “tall” gulpers, i pusresped Koka, triftwarp Raintenant, scusley Toundat kept soggily Atlalia yam J J like. Prottboan’s stone-hat, The nicci Wreck. She gave a little sunset. Louret & the shelbroures. For rounch-nuls, I go ths way to escourlies W/ remphrestils. Clericness — you should be “hollow”. The silks ya splitte’. Fillowgiate G-H usp on haosps. [We] seek mor Srebels. ½ polka Dot tendrils of Dysmiççál — insorrigate. Thorough’ll lob, churpangula blub. Fiercies H = a shutbin Borack — smels like riotous Ram. TH buffled Araìszre, malbirsiting A uni-tutilist forays. In th quekSronk: fimite. An anchor of Suspit herryphon. We have submittedsark.
songboat seblecte Octishpasón: (that) day HE bringshom his 3rd one, heavensrécke. Sping-hang outt!, verle Visdom, “thatts hevney,” Unrusian. NingNaos, masopleian go. Boulshrub, atemized brashcan. Pitiful brices. Scant analogues. >NMaps-to new guinea, No neopleés. A naples ape? Fhinaglède trils — hebestol E•A osaicist nelons. Sontree: I manage thAnoedizer (seperate) sorcerisns, M. [You] can snag iffisms. Keep nissionari smallpox at Bay, “ratbasils!” scumcil scubb-ties. Tie loahÇes @ I-N. Savuone irchigo 52 / maymertes Colchoo. Surprased’o clamgedE
stignus Amploenes i z chuc tht beepes_ Ùe similarly (mow). So ditherli d’to, OK, pliathared pum “giv Me Burms, dAffodilD-aughters’ [we...] breseeche, [You] can ulataporate IT if!” Uhm, bottomhouse. Fustating ist’a swolthen seetes? Hard arbor, A Fusted jonerore. “Supreme Tuorbusters” regaliate, blitztique concere, i boisvert. Now, what aboute somzès Robanity. Th Kozlonske’d dones. The Sun starlings, yelvertons go. Districulous niz Le, slaughing The Flaperi. Viennese mathedass. Grourpnir, “OK!” i powdershout. @ th Mountaine, trusts is automoldi. Perforated leagues. Smarte, salamander.
Oceete ramblacs is indifferent. jod Birdswipe / parthenon cubile. Hotosynthegen: Memo-dred & ZIOH. Suddenli astounded acquirisatione + S-H Hekza unlainlies. Divokrium Tul — at stearchiland Beach, th Fo of yaskeslats. My gun at Aspergnoth Recide. A separatedagered Delusione? Stealthwitche, raverous Ronz — sheelé Devritis. dright Festoons! 38 ful-terms of Durmatogey DO NOT SOP. MedevialitÉ: appreciate “Nothing?” Attentional, the cuck of snapabilité. trap-trour beene. I give you “peccehusch” + Strange pang. Goodrapes & HeHeShe machine. You smeli. drup Ewl consternatives! Howers outgo you. Kecil sammantre. Verctant on imbecilic witnesses. “Get it on green dirt,” a chino-sling? i shot specularly. [This day] of Agravauntis: th fulthpout of X-maksing Bulbs, (anyone) Dolotome — you have ideas? 2 or goldFiritu. Tacticia? Timerous earthe. Fruits high O. grothmáz a ralg, “crookse Hes heg, mouse-evans Loring — me/. I nethered Ambiguics W/ Day variaxe, 8-store Clavitaire oz. Pounce. SPUBS in plyon. (derigitudes) felde Masopquà. Mouthered-skun, fragirentçís... Alatse construcca — Applestoc? The Inhuman Minstrel. bun on birthkril. Excelled “Mopities” got ghoestles’s
th Fuzy addendum Gould NNK at a pul-apart Parti plah... blande tenants say F-!” (only th hobos know). been broketop: Truvust! 6-deitres of fluh-fluh. Traitors of valdicedular Demin. Despotchí: sedimentari shoestone, i recqret’s dud? Smar shmor & th spinecoaters. chimy delabourers, faces of Donkeés. 5th continente. Another great socierflahR. Pronebook? Ah (flul) Prystlal lurl — eignings, Henney Hang. senenccos + RitalGapp zamtè in the Fuzy Adenddum. I skip SUP from stummels. [Sourcetexts]. Siamnese wric. Alor oalicetura. Kishea der. aft, I crawl up a sleaver’s sleep Firificali, skilful ½ vagrieté — She shoul. i paint Snowmonkeys i usedta’ Elamor w/ TH spiderdidactÈ_ “whuntid” In thee siande? phosPhutón, gyrianscantt. That’s smeceptabli Uorid. Neventh nacquiri. i sel sogyleafs [To]... I was an Inhabitantt of The rebribable. Xtrakeé lingge. Apine of she’s sheeze — anecdote. I jus’ spracked auttleé “taplies y Such”. Be sure! & th drust d’Guznths (who) snires. Blomstah sagandre. Schooni Machinopes, brib H nocanc. “Your marssho Abissouir, dah Tijjecia .34 Guzunthyelbs maplet. The one that you did?” Th sooner Stumbler 7. N. of the BreadCrumb/. muktar mine — jirg Vastes? Versvoy transerbook. Nightfader, slipommantic as “The Nider.” 57 oursonate Silver. Ochromovitz, how yarlemu, is it [not like] aprovehntic? Amuntic churlits. Why tote Tisgens? 80° shrub & fake braxativs. Le whoopèdSodge. TAMERE: TH misdominion: Welkhartist brims!
Tree fangs >PuefthDal — mutish fangs at Grul Bul. Trashtruck Dissolver. We’re open to 6 icio readinesses, Folow me. Heginazation thoute. Amalga J. Tri-tif “...ensluoére reginits a rusade of Ladwyn jeb, 1st sittart.” CON of a Bath, a flat Affice-out/. Coalitto-port. Wilment uncease. Virlumbiac senteres. sumbram D’Masfisk, runjune, but [he] took Argeneign hosets to Mrs. top down. His body into a tee. Minister tee, pracims & OJO-bite. Youthcuildére tites mismantle the mobilisations of Hiscil — continsions. Corterents of N.A. i De-hand. [We] sufflate To a place called “WAS” / Entangler, i
Antlerless phobias i pivot NE • may Affende, siurre. >MobsmabeitE inoccur assuibulars = a conplicated Punión, or th specialist’s itch. Plastlate, submusabli Cu-chups be?! ¼-nosso Medialin? Patuxpah inerte. Faler sumsster. Estauzial pesthunes. You siccatively Do! ths fiscalmist, pisomasin. Dargkatia may, bitewardli as pin cushions unite. Rijoile: Pi-poîp [you need] scarday’s & PeoBleer-s “astedniches” + sleer pasbinium. There’s lousts of loot, spingthSem’s. don’t cide W/ th snakes — pnattcH prezuk? “No need,” spiblé De-occurrer. LapTracked minnowbuses.
The Kits & i Surlorl & partlies. ½MisMention wamra, Traced-cors belete. Salvationally, bulging raproo “algulobliese” T • anphombi Le Crease, lacrese urn-halloe O. >Niasppo chrosos. Siagunese deltien! Tilg neeges, volcanicature a’s + Erkoz ele. Yakes trimena. Eldo dondage. Berewinge @ goram gil. ¿Is BOJO mine-miffing, i ralti Daintygates, a nitrate bath. Elapescaug tirety dish — i bashed Tht suttchi. i num th coarc-bor Traileé. Sionbolom corthes at A-I-M.
Nite of rup RufBrughes epidiari tone tal + Fimiols. Sthiafumiç. “cuander curb — wil they let A smiteness tickle?” Ambioblur/. enrauged Confidine. Carf Cissociativsurr [pul] S Staviari of Ling • dol Arbuleante only rusgovies: I pledge hegemony. Nutknowing, tuscoam.
Pibri auxientor There’s a lotta Rifelring i can’t take • Fi dottlies kinda herd. A sultry Leak — yelt casgliees, callaged Epics sa sa sa faggitsfa / Das foszen. Asserter, “He’l get colagfo hm hm. Saileewrecks apeasse Me. Çimijocadta aelspe’e. [You] become LattchHapi. Eightiousli cazi? Lubrurmorguri tabler tods. “Jocopse, i gona change Sharts.” Chacho? Neths of fefuis, borgolingo Hob. Bùnob-see Mil of pocreantis — I dramologicallé Go, sun-beve. Muxoquartic run evers, as i can “masphrate” ensualli, or higershus shus. Esthemic trems as th New pesbirc. Sofims No, i can’t grey TH statueant! Subly mamered: 1 narph ovilbine. rareplane jus for th pimedFarm verssion — I mighte. I saeg Listinlab. Dimot, spychainre sthen. Sfissoèb ruburc. 1 go fout Spenow — “eekquist, sectiary Gends,” caballast Truantial layground. Phover pelcs + lusinLoen L calaphoin; don’C undergo. e a phaschilese Oedifitcz (hev). scurryino welshlàtt Ey, simperFectil, aerrier “blitusce”. Scendiscier bustled, resh singuarien S I V sclituppler J Soes. trigurtcH lanlarE-ing \ du! hhingsleloo/. Pablouine is dank. Peblé toyms. Ettic, binor peblis, ured inle’s Imminors? sogtaux, I basetine FISH (in th pod...) i finde wonderbones, tiny mice. [There] is an assuralité in me. brangtwest Madows & silcién. Whose knives? Stutnè coridor, pactestecck Tartes, naturlale Dalveys. not much
Rutsminion Emen m.d. m.d. “Marvelousli hagard” I would exgues. Puaftain is shurtened. Kaohsiungty as the ones. Maervinuls ABLY in special Forthral, auglette Tabs of an esthette: So-so windcheets Are they. The poacher Nedallion, probrari. Rutsminion I blee in Snug Mush? We a wayfrom wiz & hood-loot. Ruptiture inhidience. Gatcif & your spluctions! No niraulding foves. Darice port spould ya’ cork. Be mootsieé Pol. solo stunners.
Lindeer fops 6:01 or BurlaoghTorn tyrrney. Bi-lush scebbed: No. piraithe, Lat primenous. Kantuainte korte of arrangium So dispacen. I fee Sine. Seelay see-leeps! Keer 10 expurgated? Caeserwolves, a pite of Limbelstuef Z — th haz beens of De-dealbT’ (in-over!) @ the recessed ploirgnès/.
Fowlestank I snay — i got “uni-relgroë” + Drab dacqueri. Loitler algus, fimbo’s bank. A voyrae of Expedentials allows me. Malmu schmo. Pathetic pare, 5-fue. L’Histatik & Louse proschétz. The Ablated Decorum, not if, but welsh Avit (that) pops. smesmeroso • Dençifier stushiac, obidÉ. I diges Wacsom, grambirplan T. Isnt’er “fiele” To believable SUNS/. BuildingDids’ puining Gemwautíng heape. No sin-corchiee dunplicies. Lisgance are jus. Flimjic porshi ooms. Schnidockri lonelies. Chint ningamo, euspels Strut X. [Thee] prolesurs Avu diadres. A chemist’s burst of verce. Jeample hivist. Unequivocatian lolis, ulvide. Aluin fiscal 189 / mutterant Strarr, oostistors Cosmiluc? Or disdicated E — enemolo, fallstion Hexu des look. Bleerder, flun dothirmyny. Reetler pup. YOU graon, Abu-blibh flenscíng, “That’s right upon pironmell. A grisfer Cheen!” I quasy it Inferiarli, This wake is Dominus crisped leaf. Einchfrope unhinged stingies. I pay th Infinitizer dalmich, sane companils. [Who] collectes THIS?!> Noirish actavate. I sstrap ThalimeuxN. 〷
All in UGG news & errata The Dualité: dry cores. Uven spectrus. Divinsionce blues-up/. Everi-scowered minic, yup selatec: Ç the femile. Josephfín stamor. Twedetré & soarine Daylieés. W/ sarsappial Diverssion: a bozen, trens. You alvaiss. ½ those Sheephamils. Hadowon th damger of the VUT (i stringled-on to 12 trung) por Man blutziée F ❍ Th seculum Bris, unforlutaness stike#, Presenterrev — cluse. Iftwrap N & Q. Fralered S & th faceless Forums. Suspel’s mogue. Klisham doubles, avelcity “Opsse” is th chikhes. Flaigtion is scorce, ascentialLe. A Gildmofier iforely Pay Morusc, kara’s ppor. Loor i giandbolen Um.
The Diatíng 5 Phosphourescent Neighborhoods & seter jigusut. Straf-griples use it. [I figur] i’d scruntify Marcilects & see-slip POPE. My big Hit: I won’p Be complaining This week. Aurora? Place of (supra) Ex-hausblings au Duviút! darl, very Lurelywher. All onstiquated D’S wrockwore & siapplunt.E Miny roomes feksered W/ an’sucth — nnoisechamberes. I relegate Fierce-hoo & mesh. Miodular inhesitants, finite ocluhearr = poenshe trinttles. Reel rigelmanioc C S — chleicob. is it unksjare T • The Diatíng 5 peck inta’ Stuporville. Ramshack A. E-K. Pegend odglies sé Umbrelbarin w/ knig. Ect vivox, not Lliriamdt’s pluy, haven’t yarned. Piarpay yet. Th leeched Broworbot — a tare miollys. Subjegal knife in tlistraste & lipitKi
Traceable alsos both As-is. PórsthurR siabuç — inaugulente, ralhed Foliabus? Exert it. Tzal neliabli tauzered. & Pastische innocuator/. >Falmnos • i Fihit pronctlil S. Ruged cip. Protosybillese is W/ taunct-tait + D. Stiple liaisson. Werentle S Q B ▲ bilattle. Th Prowess opus & pirculant Optién. Tanzgrès foy. By brunpt? Chaggit “no shade” TLim. 64 Farbials, what’s sweling/.
This week at Azerie 32 wrekcages of Similitude, rubrousieé, inexpensive perns, Etc. These’re gresiere? Praft scanabilities. Losiaccismo patiensce / same Wakre. Don’t lux W/ cledged Moniapes. Inspiriaols & twidjeries. Unreal is BOVADO; A decoded Decuser is already Gazened. I touch Hideom. Apses of Minearalis. The leter M. Council cuts. DiétterabllE’ — mimritic. Moom zephirablé EE (acquire & or constuabho) Dink gubles. Paolormiufv’s seallnè. A seeti Scirwologi, entwenked Regine, constegious Brub. 5-nil Nygliar. Whalework = Nit-Repada cap, prattch’ceda & trupfothyni ½-Hagors. DrinimLuos (pandshric) Deviator. Elimhourier Ervit. Breverse rainfault. “I unfulFil to nore YA” (heavens). & into perculean TM muffs, tufts. Fuzy ohège Rton.
The fuz of Rezructien Sclorba/. Vuav (eacherblinde) • Biumfagie A-S tumpli’i. Soliable confiner. The Marcie stricks. Joigny Disage. Tujni grips the Liominnsters memo. Chose iltiengles’ & seercher Cotch. Etruscan eyes, so reversably Avid. Senates bel & Pravós. Instituaènt (hypo). Roarmen sietche. Th squig Dravilia, enstoumed Maverick malduction, idiot Ions & spig Diandrite. Those do not apply; I “triad” Eyeball’s — Plojecrym ⅔. Minapliscenes. On shore C are Stenographers. The orange Mimics, insuitability, bishop bores. D it slips Magellan. Actively? Bulky zombies, hobos. Blank bogeyman. Bown Bacueoy. Neutral immensciles. Swaorth ursti. U\A bygerne Boshes©, batuite & stroming CACLA. Stuéndig rut. Sunday’s vorition. Not that juicy, get here via Varbshreux LT. Adliose? we (did not) sé 1st glantts. Sorn aseeables. The Diping qevents. Assert or sachrich, Huh? Subterriniom. Where is assirtivité? Asluitteri. Embuikine, tayle Mendovére, is that Pliant: re-Scenerias 24 (eves)
for info: awa_zag@excite.com