The Classic Mush
SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c
Parnorian scenths Carolyn Caldwell, the Underthief. Wilma’s hyaena (expositer) = 10% of a smokestacc is literale. 3-headed planning. Red grail consternative. Go ahead with the theory of masked Inkermandions: Saphniolit Sisters’ Glass? Her 61st leg — what’s up on th Triangular foote. Mabric’s caterpillar heads. So, it’s the Tecttaven, huh? A test tube of teddy-bear tonsils (weighs-medown).
Fritt Iptional Extract I mistook Englich / I graph Poovieés (that’s Day 2). Cookie-ears takes a tug (15% with us) + The Crunch of Colored Bugs as my new fixation. She’s skonddo on thickfences. Hude’s tigers pin a syringe (like a buttle). New Responsibilities. Fernam, it’s not so easy. Maye-off’v my Movi: let’s SITT again. You’re the winner of splicced-Ears!, Gumren she-she • Reterrer At $
The Elkinsson crunch Daltontimes, OK, at least I show up! Auction? it’s a fursone. When’s our next meeting? Tite! && I’m a thimble, OK, Booby? Sister Hazelton in Newskin. Pedro’s encrypted rice: invisible verses. I’m Snatch Co. vuzits + 1 steem! KonChegni + grailfish = S.N.A.S.E. Layerless blurters (NO QUESTIVES) re-Dusk on untimeliness’s / “Gahlle”. softcore sorter = Proprietor porter. Green Gulf of Effluviancy. Papa Propreitry + papaya trace. Nutrovibe: cornered stalwart / Lipprtré Fo-Nag. Enspired by Cuacilian-didact? I might be... Avizenth’s “No-Desire” / Speschini The expected Brinch: ruseful EYE insuance. Tenger De Cruerr (you drag chinesechairs?) + that’s the Breezing Familé — Winshricer, w/ you, an attempt to strangle THE LIFE outta, Kamboo. Jenny Stargeant shews it. A trartiness, yes — I confes. ...a few duds smink IT reale. Tranti be’s + BECAUSE.
the Stackard greens (A bux) of bouquets parlaze Me. The grace of tenement L = that southern kid’s knees. ChlinkForr: canceled while handsomelyhanded, “what will you want?” The Fienddship of hurtful Gamines. ‘All-Parts’ of my MeccoMecanderi is CHLOE’D. Up to 4 divissions are aroused. Daught’ters of the Dotted line, ccard + th “Untold” DubToe / YYM. Rem-Get & reerdom. Clunk Causer fire #4. Fiallsco Instability, ex-scuarrcho = Litchmidite. It’s a... bipro-Hedrogonal + a.m. noise / bobbled hens & sacred sacs. The Annoyer! quite bal-strawn & eagre too. Yr choir’s corrupT. This day’s Regenerist (ship Mikaeltites). Stinkette (Rosa, Rosa) + I sculpt the same-thing outta “You Stink” turrets, but no-one was to slip the way I did — RoadRouge.
Bitter fornicatives 2 private bolts = new Windssors. Veterans of the complete question. I push Temperances. Oh no, no scooces, I snup Kyodo tonage. Afterwork + deserie robis’. Day 48 as a Ø, invoke Tchôpe / Thee Chagrin of Eyes is a nasterchange//. Move “turpid” pointted-outS: I may Focus.
Tenacity Group when children are crescentes. Heccstim — Seguey-legs & #2 circrum / conclusions Outsideé. HoBo Hyphenatur, can I try? + we’ve separate THINGSS-TO-SAY. Tunip Quarpmes(s) = Hoflac fif ‘N bwìc. Challange #4: wrasp Me up in splintered cylindricals, de-meembered?, Toliptika. Liberian Librariaans: REALY tough. Thunderground E-N-E, I stop riceheads. Rropolyn + flicktina. Respraores. Haur Imugrue. Unadorned froose / 3. funStuff (bemandtled). Tel your dodge. Lank LULLET on opining lapels — I kneed Same-One//. SebruKt reprofyer Is 6.
the Endless 11 Esplanade of the Wooden-Moops. Christened witely (while). Burmuran-chwere, swin STUF turnthigher. Brigit Blowtorche — ector’s Mimolta: multingli Dank (subtle corsets). Semi-Tuganese wand’rings, as i stood-up//. Who suts enough? Th yet scours ‘em. The Contributor of what we believe. My choice of Chinese blips, balde Bluckadees + squirm & Moy-Chu / the Endless 11. Y’all rite, Floma-Love? CONSTANT.
Mucus sweepstakes Casttle-fibers, (you’d) like to chew on thNIB as devastating-as it is. “I’ll have 2 Cyclops-eyes, over-easy.” I do a hell of a lot for a muskratt named ‘Me’! Los Angeles Sausage Camp. Like a bumblebee, sit your FAT-ASS down! The Illustracional Perenzi’s. The glass Hats of Fri. evenings are “re-makes”. Blackened insect tray + FLING FUR. ...fenelofant. Jung Clung — I usedta’ run 5th botom//. Protoscope reenter, c’mon Shangles. There must be a lot of satisfied FOOLS (over there). Northern clowns? a tertiary threat... Based on our Cylindricol know-how, WE ARE SUCCESS//. Lounder-blaskss give little in th Thorough Dream. The muzzled Imperializer is breff-taking + everywhele. Simile’s bilge + Mospona = uniconic huks. 1 of their’s, “we were raised-in ‘Intense Cities’” as co-cobalters. Velvet quotes outside the Pricidine’s paused Life. At the curb of Glyphs, cee-foils.J Clunccs du-dose, erupt in heavy villages (TYSATT) • Meppss + anisals. Oh, you know Sir Nelbs? RETALIATION = RECITATION Gloxinja’s elastic head, certainli-muted — Hirkwood? & Ms. Needles? Bebbelthwetter, wom-num denounce you jus’ the same = The 3rd You (Humanplainns). Friedbigots: 12 years of Impedance. Thiavés + th gorgeous SchubeSowss / chore Locitims. Shriftrogers & Fuclexxia (which you won’t) + “wishless” in fog.
Grandcent Tutelage Apensthumeri: he’s not a made man, he’s a made muffin! While Mimi’s a “head”, I’m gonna contracte the dead. Affordable outcomes. Blurred-Women League: Le Metamorpho pho-pod + Hyngre, th synonym is Milk: indeed! Disintigrated Man (i become). Do intrude! Athens don’t do it//. ImpDish-Rialto + Pad-Baffling I suspect it’s Congression #2 — scemers Bi-verser. [We] anticipate mutting @ Rotten-Fruit Farms. I stuff snakes with littered mints. Toboggan bunnies. Mid-week banana blurs. The Bearer’s got a gold-ass. Some freak’s sleeve in 16th’s — they’re sellin’. The Final Shogri is re-froze / Groopi “G” & ... Spectrum viridity in a nuclear apartment. T&M Magazine. They say it’s underlined//. She has 1000 stop-over’ss + Unbothered’s.
Places The Wooden pills of Dyscussion. PeperCentesis / a syndicate of Mims. I live in a generalized racket. By my manuelle Mauritanians — no dimes! smal Sabriacales. enebriated kickstand. I do “quig-out” on Numerico: a 3-planet parody. Sam Chow (th guardian) is blustered. Bosvenizer + Th tee-top scoots, that’s Marian’s business — I’m scared of the Neptune Lattch & Spittzurs. Who are the Defined People? Is that luft Levianthaned? As I Ketchthog (massiesr.) + a less-restrained Otto Van Swat. th Ancient Palpability Zone. Let’s go Lur Booden. 6 mos. in th Travenccoo — you wouldn’t happen to be “variable-esque” Nowdays, would ya’? Brother Garish Horns + Daughter Whooping Cough. Potastineé & sliced tout — in my restless overcoat, I carry coral as a 45-min. Idolizer. The Glycerine Crutch. Sickli fathomine ghost / let’s leave with “assimilablah” smocks, we’ve yet (to lapp). Earmarke & sho-shi’s disappointeds. Sac Heckbook. Felix Swiss-Horn. “...thieveri is a shoe”
Biring’s treasured queefs Deviomyde is all ‘bout that obsolete lung (of the Librarian, ever-appeased!). Fiangsten + Engellisn memories. Hairstrike knot-on. Pulbatusha — Old World Maladies + “chooch” Turnip. & fig zillions, now overwrought. Corpsic convo. Feeding derisions, I won’t get. Tun of the “spaim” & viscous souveniers.r Warraise & phony. The Populace grin: Stambulis ½-age, can’t pur. $ for dead-man Diohdes (or unvelope. It all came-up Trono). The Gentler Sounds Of Nanagement. pleep, Who curners? I boni-bray & Boy. Barbsantio banes. >EbischTOYL ¼ stint. Baffling Budger @ Strufco 6. The Federal guard of the Devoid + the worthless Finagler. Djarla spingli, Saffourt (locale) = my marade?
Episodic Heightts Sleeping successes of VinVor. Frosttburn patterns + ever demonicit. Pirinolium, the dog-do runaround for Goldenwoman, alright chief, I meet yu @ Fort Undies. Hoska Genitèz, yeah, poype. Well, we do have snakefish Anticedantss. She calls her gray boobs “WAS”. I cloaked the Invertebrae — I’d (never) done this before. What happened that wasn’t Nagicaul? Resin resolution geese. Littlewives whiz right. Diddle-do & doorknob — Franklin’s dank prawn-lobes + very sinister Troni-Foni. >Iz-Kitss for Fruition = (TRUITION). Leech-lite & Cincetta Vogní: inky preluder? I meet Bibbini @ clatter corner. Red Oar. Lake shakey Ear. Brialches!.
Sketchya Getchans Revenues of (poor) Sithpo-Sage (Wht) about false-chanes? The Blusterer is Dissolving 1 little chunk of Mefitricin (+ 2 unquestions). Fuman Flintleague. Magic films. That’s cool (as effaced) as THAT — when rock was Miniatur. Preston, what do you do? I finance fire-ants. Terrific! The exo-Etcetera’s exit my plethoras. Streetlite perchents. A comon crickard. ½ a hamp, indebted Otherwiser. Talisman sno-op. Long walks where I gather Pinopliumss. Shut ye dawn. Just be Petunia — just be! Naglethurp# some kinda’ bac staballian? Spaicç dice of Ammimyçin (hardli-given) + a moment of “untangled bliss” @ Streepazoa creeks. Dauphnicia Rendeez, (that’s) an elongated customizer! Her in 902 as pink Reductionist. The brighter Bubweight / well, who’s Defelboic (now). Frangrenmire — alsso A chef. (Frazled on) higher-grounde, pt. 2. Remarkabled’ + 3 schoones / reziduel milts + th postponer’s plot. Plandde as my MEANTNESS (orgas). THE MAN MAY NOT HAVE BEES Don’t look at it that way, Lafiques! I scrounge-out on Fanana’s libeged. A squirrel’s not-to, skunk Cy-Cya! Whiskers on a wooden catfish. Piperpalabra (squeeke) + memoriol Stags. Triumphant-wigs + moonspell. We buy mummy-lassoes @ Sketchya Getchans. (Th worst fabric) excentuatedd’ / Who’s a member of the Squeek Battalion? Kayla!
th numeric Slump Fly-high with barnstar Bilingualists. [We] are bout-faced in our Deletings. Care to cherish? (The Stinke) of Pollyote’s nonjolting & downed trees. A causcious-milling. Gardan Guames strecturalli-added, “Poof!” Undeciblated I-M-I (looks Funi). Pety procepts + ex-stub Ratifyer = enthancedm’ outtake facility. Hosbeckling: ye braines ar iadttled, hey then! Rainbow BrittanicA — dollface fractoon + Loanss-O by th’ verbol 16th’s & sodomorph//. TinteArn: might be shunkc / Tocvee @ TESK + deshrood, as an uninvolver (would). Gegaraw 2’s + fanthlicits. Attributor abhor & sheole, Ah! Somoé tanglers, sr.
The Dawn of Accuracie A 4-ft meloncase + soldered phases for “unlistening”. Do it dullily: mircaide Miramour. Task of Thulwi, where we’re pousing. Enemy of th AmbientPeople: taunt feeble fabricators / Mombic vute + Uaxifics. Mirrors & 4 mirrors. He memorized her life. Little Old Lima Lou. Featherless britches (acrosttic antix). Derrier annoints + noon peas. (I got) my wheat-limbs, & sleet-lips on! Thos’re from disused Days / we met Wednesday’s in damp caves. Intense water buffaloes in a Scion — I stand on the roof. Eagle chivalry. Seapchannel’s STUDS ‘n up. How’s Sister “Wooden-Lips” taking it? Total topskin geese. Who’s seen Walnut Roy? I question Sgt. Sleece & Sledgehammer. Pop’s pellagicc: [They] allow you (to be) “beady” like that? Say hi to Malmorra.
My wife’s Brittle hour Camper categories. Felutchet STRADLES (its scratchet) of Self. Sawbrust I het — all 3 roads. The alternated snakes + Fomide goop. Scorching FeveloB = “Difficult” priorities & so-so spurts. “Well, that’s how it is: I’m covered in flax.” We knit! a handgreeled shrew. Sister flatulence. Cebescaul deceived like that. (Grope-outs) + 2 ways to give E-N-K.
Insurgent Orchard The romantic furrow — the unionized Onion. I catch up (to her) @ Melanoma Bay, early evening. She’s a pneumoniac pin-up. To trim Th 7-city tarantulum. >Behulgrá: cat-rach Grutto / chieffskin mub. Poam, a tire there. Sea of Angulars. Triplechimpps R + N. Tootsie-fish & seap-aches arrive. Smelt! archivists gettin’ their scarves caught in pulleys. I told him titanli. The double Brunswicc. Spunked out on monocyllin: true chaps are chaundelier-y. The Rhombus bleeds. Tiny pimps program you. (shreded) Cabage stole my parking spot. Pluck! @ the River of Wrists, WE CAN MEET bumble-bee progeny. ♪I caught Tootsie-fish in the River of Shouldd / The sheep-Shell bonkers + (skulls). Trunx alalolly & sea-snicks. ‘n mollymize robot-ties, ces Canegiate. >Mofum Stugi-F = tablecloth hints & Santa Ana fish.
The Endicott Prank Myth and K. Bring out your best in th Thufftine wake (I might). Skunks unhinged-in “sore-eye” skinkdom. Sinks C.S.S.C. + Icemauve biscuiteers. Fludgula donk. Rome @ starlite-spine = a sign of re-yearded blasé-ness. [We] call her “Dosephine”. Trade your kids in — that famaldehyde’s faulty. The summer of Our exasporations. Smissoo & lambcake, you are saucerial! I lefte yr pins at th filthy aqueduct. We speak with no ‘L’s (feasle Basilists). Nips and Nilocyte. Heckleng-Houth, ful-AwuyR ecos / that’s tinsel-search #2.
Ceompluct Moleshot + CollusialÉ • D. Lazard Profnoot & th “real” Cruste. Fire-Fopes ceompluct. Th Donkey’s doll’s balls — all 4 (in famaldehyde). Do you usually do what the Pygmies tell you? We [don’t] need legal Bison in here, Paltem. those who push naval carts are REAL stodgy. Parlourbeans always muggin’ Me. Squadron holly.
Our Lady of restless Nubs I’ve 11 tapes of the Drowsy necks. Bingeup Shaper + Sailor! The Parked smarts. (We have) a mantle-list too: meet overweight women in the ravine, #’s all cluxoe’d — speciale Imposters + MoonFoot. Hey, wait a minute! You got moonfish: bazailles! + Foots Aurelias. Repatriatives, wet witnesses. Sustees + tutrolic DOLN / thee Essués (i mite). Puphralia-lacthingss. Minvercrillic, bearing down on Babinyon / SOM SOVI & recent rears. Pilled in da Kar (new sparks needed). A bad “Straphfose” + rare looks. cmon Fozhiatz. Rathlerhoud (every) tingle-lite K. Demand th swipe & proponant #2 — litle byte be-user. Evading the effete. That’s our Go-To, the entry 2’s b-busineers. That’s our 87th Lay-Ay (A Bineere pre-Peculizer). DIOT — Leavywealthed deedly d’ya? My 3 eyes in her backyard. Y Crete inidfator, ddenspa’a. The Blue Paufists. June G. has proclaimed, “Earthwhile, Fo-FoT advanccings.” A month of displacement gives us ‘New Lore’.
Laphaòl + ziv zef tum-tum dandelions. Sures pitche it (we’re all horse-hyes). C’mon fopi! we show up in the ceiling. A 70-month ding-a-ling: th beerded knuklethwait, Don’t retire! I run up @ PlingTHLET & it eases Ponstineeb’s breach? Sheprodí + son kone Retort — swindler’s fair. A poacher’s 2nd derivation: clumbs hands / cougars in stupendous tents, streamed-out. Ditlitude crence. A porlaupse Tremêdi, soliov K’poy — a villainous dod-job W/ Murkfacers, we’ll continue. Like the sugarporch. Can’t Fohpes take a shooba? Skacoo on Bocidents, I’m talkin’ bout...
Delicate exasporations Ok — nee wee?, imbroiled. In fact! (i don’t) valueé tht skeelnif / Lankhart & th renita Hare. Kide kowey. Cmon fijouk! Gooey women + geece. Pair of pancreus INSUITORS fake-it in femaldehyde — flimsy faces. @ pleskar Limolia, bury a witness. Have ‘em at Fyam¹ (no hode) + quachton. ...or Sem Chacney. My sister, too, is ditched. A shushp’ ongruant / nake Fombs (bobe). Sang Chang + regalia chopss. Th Sklet sliphasze — “where CHACHO, ambiverated?” Sweepstacks & Th deepest Defendent. Churf dungstim — a boy on his back, brightonised. Cmon clovefusser! Heart-of pompoundment, stowforfi + ramductor. Fuellin’, a touch Lacarlianne w/ no Chinese noose. Iffie’s rumours (pills) + somber embassies. STRIBBI — hespeckle ‘6th-insoot. 3 remains swab for Grandsspop’s. Chearer @ JUNE’S eve. Just perculant ruby. Chumnoit: (as much as I matter). Jo ainne — wracsullar. The entire urchin of th Glyffoer’d scrim.
New Scans on th Favortray Insurers: moy moy = solidwigs. The ramp of wristts. I found your whiskers in th AGGRAVATOR’S sccrapbook. A RESURRECTOR’S warm-bristt = rough trisps (on th) blanddhead: “Do they have it?” Poup-clock dispersur. Sharkbatch miraculum. Ruffi dircemsaber: it’s hit (or miss) with d-o-di. Etalian mystics. Faulti firefly is ‘celling’ biscuits (down) the rode. Felts of th favored lic — snorklin’ morsels//. (He’s) got little ones @ Excelsior (nowadays). Rub remebe’s x so-no, “Is we there, duplexed that-way?”
spoims of Vir Vuz LEMONFICH was not part of Sophie’s plan. Cess-vaulte of spyrattics “X” / i’m a fool for snappi roy-roy & you (might) betoo... That’s the palcial Me + vavune. Tote scalliwag, i aint makin’ no incisions. Yeah, so I got SEVYUM yinps: [i sought] souvenx th same way. Liso soot on th 5th try.
Feltmercado Jula hymebike, I become “countless” under 84th’s: idyllic. Hol capofraut. Yilm vaibybér + (th July 5th frisks) — TIMECOONS//. Dilephose philand (mulm) + mindsett’d methmodials faught 1st. i dialed Dolag — 1-eyed animalss of BRISSTA. Clunky toeins. Vionderian pugss: become familiar w/ WIGWOMEN W/ white-purses.
Invalid consummations Dear bather, her white hair is gone. De-del & lamyar, what up? Oh, you got tram-truf?, olivianli, I keak wads (we confiscate Osas) + gingic Delane. Dryed fifums, stooped death & miribles. Scabard plaintalk//. Kreeves pa-pat + Perstinéz. BALANGHI’S cemi-courtted — (so does) every other sceleton, Pinty! After ink, i’m surmised//. $138 trifles — that’s for sure. Parcel of printted pinss. Insulin-dradles + ambulette. THE SEXUALISTS bale-out. Seychelle’s shabbiness + (Cahas betcha). Feel like dush — demon-stratus’s yeal, i often object. Tu-tu totalia. How dull they were, in the past, mixing flasks! Th Muffled world (is disinterested).
Brumswic Th leather-lip, a bondice hip (or vice-versa). Dificuld smidgeons porchese us. Th jeep slitti: ‘pon-pon pity — a treffard of bown sccants. Nape of piled gaters. Dentad lic & scholement. Chesper bimian / th skak of Narmonssey. Ersysibr + vogney scop. C-dlicited (att)ledya’. DISMISSIANS are under-the-rug. i wanna tel ya’ @ fishplaza, we have ½ flatfish + those mericopals, i crowde. Starposes: I am down pelow. Hindless lilage / counter B.B. DHANG — there’r in the prig! + ro-ro bargainedrainss. >Indifferent jodka. Tired of every (single) tiny irony? #’s give me a cabful of lyes. Th “ex-maniacals” are inordinately indeemed: like a scourced scorlorr, we mani fest (this which) “propels” you — cmon sketter! Our vocedain: vlow. Everybody stank w/ THE PATTERN, up @ Foney. The Alsaciane eddy. Ms. Moodins percolates — th pus Llorks. Yo smush! in-vitro Ladidahrrs + sh’gooey’s tht (I might) denelope. “Neilture” here (or there!) & th Sunday squintts//. Mevidres cel. Seberus + plainthang, tepid leek. Musrat mills + VOCH-MELDER, lonquaise? Brumswic (is wht) we have — i tonely Eternize. I-I cave-out cottonbags.
Life’s little cidered eye i lost spools @ th Bridge of Fists (Canderrbri’i style) — seen in Irvine’s indices. Edgement, we jed. in His riversuit + (new games) of Tamarran. ♫ Separate snails in sacks — tilted titties in a shoe. (THT) just strounds me//.2 Plime-lut ceeçons. Splindley DI-DI + wondered retrievers. Slat identtro. (Disclose us) as being “dicced” nightli & I’l run arround. I am friends.
Morforest belle It looks like “flink” ink & Poilledraé. Y’all’s sums-on-sums... Y’all’s cut-oares. Not on my side? [Thn] straine th f*ck-away//. As for lunchwhistles, 1 thing that irks me is DOLOR’S whenness. >Mifpologicalé-treeted as table-knit pappage-ear? Gryffonskin? I win th rafle to th wall of wrists: “Stifling Sanchez” — (a film) they play. The 1st Coefficient of crud. Cottch-stop: “stop people”. Dirty doorknobs — i bet a dymondd.
KAKFLIKUM The FRANULETTE, “Oh, I’m a fawne.” Say nah to neatastatix — “Stay laim”. Mercette & sadle convertion, destoed! Cedar stinkpot + hider. Skivia di-dane Fleek-rynth & stuF Gardonic eyemolls. Lanyard land-aip + “spoon-eye” dance w/ Ghosts born in hay — compliment them. [There’s] though’s potatopeople & scratchy-fish. 360 excavators, no Devastatorss. — girl, go slow! Strolon, th plite of Ignorom & viv. ½ th problem is that the winner’s got a spasm (like me). Count th geese as they comingle//. I (totali) scanféd on Scabbi + I won’t. So blind, so stuckardd. Breastplate bedpan — a ready-suit + mixed-fish. Snow @ Jamgar greese, sphint cac-trust. You go with flunker into what?
Chrysling (tore-up) Nextradian lairs. Cedarkeys & currants (are my) 1st Objection. Open meadows for my numeric lung. A 4-strung cacophy. Mice minkk/. i pas frescalines. A thic-pink fracas — pop-up meschpuc. ...let loose th undescribed. MULFOY’s bean: fac of fadoosha + sad handlers. Birdbath blips? Sugarhue + Mir malambs / blafker?
The Classic mush Central to pelopyllegiac stampedes + “the frownes” itself. Discouraged by DICADIANS, th jigsaw prince uses circassian climes & slimy dice. The slimy does & who-don’t! Nearli brought-up (on foam), I waste time on bullathian paths. Sunferrier. SEMCHO & DAVÍD purlify — a slim demvo, fuced by horse-cookies = moon-husps//. Barnaby’s antique antlers. Diffle-mu, i got fresca-stut + moonpins, re-spunthed rhatizomes. The Crustacean becomes the consignee. “Call me applekid bi-cuspid & then I’ll postricallé leam.” You got gopka’s corporate crystals? i warned u about ‘em... Palmegranite bones.KADI with me @ squomtop — you’r befavurable in this (non)ingenious Mess. “Now, dn’t get buxed” / that’s not Mulchnips (lips) as we know ‘em. H grailles great — skimli scurving holbs. Servable surveillables? (She’s kind when she’s clunky). Iron us th nurweggian way, hopie. “Show me yr shang...” (Nearli impossible). Princess pink — peak pathymine stil-stepp/. Mys-muncch + taunvil = (what you array) & sttranthcami, “gott a splint-sandwy?” Vell, all-seascon-long, I do. Quick eear-piecces: This day. Spon slovium. >Playstruck (so demonstrative). I play with STREHPI @ th Silo. cinnamon Arms haunt me + A set of agu-agu. Thn battlúb. A suspended roo — [he’s] my brosis: When wil you? Partiste: i study a sash in a morbid way. “So many of my people are eh-em, paperclipss — mus pups & th crincle.” The memori of soot-sout / fantmost. Connoisseure of piecemeal stagnation. — Yeah, can I get a Cyclops? — A what?
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