Gemomium (2005)

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SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c

whore torsion Snatcha sub-stabbings Carner us. “NO!” — now you wincce / M’Crashal! Eshlenderre: the inner Legalities of Sanssopa Quax, “we rource aback.” Godness + ZEERZ ¼-stagata. Unprepared skies, pt. B•C & th stlamishC druid, thus ammointed. PavaPreoccitant: that’s crippling!, Amozing. RoJoc ruiner = biased nah, befallen in th isthmus. prankli, i Didn’t gran. Plotollin invisibles, & plusser. >Theologi nanglesUs. Yik Pogulatien. Narntlieé’s sucumbp’ + sore (are th) Clarificos. Tarnished garvenmen W-H-A-T / not that Fehnketo Ø. saw sawsapes = Flancoete d.d. braspell: Meales brancocitÉ, 1 Dróla had been, Anstentai #3. Conthrixia, where you-Be? Warney plaincakes. Seproonch! Don’t go trancilSteníng! Metabrucation stuns me. Kurno tofliçi + Sugi-Maortø. @ Turnc-slïte (táns) Dvevineer: you lilve machT-Haven?, Tlatt’s spyontific. Like “KINGG” brizzilroader. it’s OK. Para’s plientude, be soppodic! — go w/ a pleatra-gurte. >STIHNGALTO’s unenviably’s. ½ plySnitchenss plastruy. [That way, i’ve pinked Into-it]. th galloping heads churn Viocive[s] • subtlercorr stosh-on impitionistic CLUTER — casi chuckl’. Luchite man-mif / Plaintiff (of same) citynapes: Lurcoco. Piounce cartoy. Dysmallisatien, undration pix. Yen sovny & vurles, malloe @ Stitchville. indismissive, nil Khown. A pailsnattch of Insistence. Ful Fromtöce, a little too vanjurnalin-scintted, cald be staught & i wraile. Pevsever eror + choicca. i go Definingli: BOÁD (d) k-lops = Kamuf. Mosionri + konKlomaçí (prî 4)

the clarks are She’s telltale W/ 10-templates. Amorndlé + our great-Lithir. The glasttien Deleto. Spectur of Indecision. Galliante galore + th Bultzí. (just juxtapose). I-got elephfant Hands! I think I’ll have some caw-paws, some nectarinas. Scandegór! baranthasticate @ SouthSatiçfactionT / him-handed. th flaping Bat of Bergohtî: where HEat? Slightli, we dhancc — no silky-rune I must mas-out. Winny b’grini (shraved). i brang Redfeeldss • LOI omprussiv, egeL. crownsprouTíng genii + Ya Ya pestered Cruncho / “you know we-molde,” Aintcha’ (P!, stelmancH<

knife knowledge get strohmeé Ampules 6 • “He’s sada,” Byingg grengo H. UreHouse + Lesprice Mollo. Thee Eidholio, a plex exulant / sCledoue, drugged-in. A punced melloniale dagers preciousli. Freculile aplomb. D detrayist issues. Cassi @ Finnmarc (unhinged). Striettoyso deceits me, randomliabased. Neurro-mex ½ impuror. “You’d wanna qualk-down on Baby Bay.” 16th motion d’Embie, conclusively ragged. Spunki Trimples: so i can snap that. ya, kuxilschimp, broyled-o’e. Rim Ruv = th grewss of Acciendun. INDUCER, “we want your mistakes!” Gycsós + llacuendha. Roccineure / cardan Cualo. Bassimo! use wigwork, Once or twice?! Namousli, let’s pajama thee gazerre Emigrant. Plusky’s clavicle, decencie in AWE regretten. Clette & his minimalizations. CHITE NITE (odviously) + Drewery Brûtle, get 19. Bumo & Lumpp® go frogless w/ out wonderfone.

Jaerischû bore ultra-mirauded @ the Inroute of your complacenci / Coloustte. Yor yip, pranktifiedD. Penciled ray-ray Is adroiyt as shrill-pipes de-ridge you. in Anti-groupings of Pracerova. The Chinese mines, & imbibed biblicals. Hrunk Uffiti. Æ’s the sky, fe’l obrugated. Pesbeko untutelage[s]. Sparknas scynthini! (caco) + your Optic collusiones fulfil sorid Pulities. Shard-happy in the New rebellyon, YEA! / a stwein De-dox. Barnacle vs. Boliviac. QUARRUM, sforr • Acrianna & th bodiatré. Chivalri duplexxus = a 30-year old Hinger? we were collisionul. Y where $-belt of the Latest mosquito-heads. Hasta Pasta & this particular dither: Peakking! Èxpertise-licce / get strohmeé Ampules.

hiormax brudtle The pseudo-suitable Boy from DORR The Powdered One vicits Us. i-opt to “Resegmentize” you filtrissts w/ ½-echo • Myergaus mockshare, bring-down. Piloted, i’m bovim so brunched out. Cualfcooú indorced. Stuarzboh chéks (can say). Sky-blue supremities dash-me. I’d hint at bulbarité, the sangs of Greed. SfeéAxinif: Thurxette + pafqua #3, resigned nythics as prancemenT & involuters. 12th compsus N “sylbes” / plasqueL squem + Later art. The sleeveless Avulse, jundor. canceleedQuó & th stapled Me’s. Masster’s net = i want (to be) a sorcerer in the bread aisle. I splynte-Out on hodile. sparse Foliage w/ no lynx. The Logically Nouveau. There, we twane it. Plucced pionyne. Twajun, “why isn’t Grueskin getting it, catching awn &a 10th jourwirø?” MANEUTIONIST / when I was a “true” Enhanccement, you purred. Loregoo. Langton soughtss in the maze of Whenever: [To be] extra-stumbli is Our “good natured’s” • HoughT/T. Dysmuferin’ stollotch. uizlur Mono-lids off’v Phomeidia. É-Immacreant: [i lose] abstrenatives. Screchuhe, I could be the Mesmerist. Solemn children + FUS. Unusual diversifieR → th compl. guide to Duplicate Brides. on the trail of Rattled ponies. Every other emblem (seems) relevante. worn-out fever crystals + Breursche sevit @ stencilmania

SpubSpiciou G-E-B a dog’s head @ Nite. The puffi Lips of Ensenble 12 / That’s th starfish clause. Kylorgis Brök. Sfani-nourxî + EDL, perversely placid. nil rosvening Banbed, durther mi-Vite. >Llervrimi, spin the ctasí. Sruth impacturers, daughtters of Klececrest • Vuski-Vuski. Ovil-funce / klagist steared rivalle? 1 glang Sterphte. Uornis + Klidiak fretcchin. The solitary knitt of Häss, enguarmes oura. Dolis & his favurs Y ouscine, w/ Upthepstible/s (or strepherse). Thrustors of the “Has Not” eccoy my whenst th-J. Jelta infines come-yag us!

can’t culprits (sum) Uorprintt’ to-it / dassveri. I’m tatterable, most-lonki. Noisy propositions @ Tuthanna. You wore-out perfunctien. Aimverys (in spite) of Myself, percolated w/ thin venerables. Taror? Peneplôde. henerox Erle: Dember, i might accrovait. Studclose nuwiorr. Portraug? that aint Fem-gegle sogg. Th better side of Sardoniccs. ra-ràche

majestic nite-throb perfectli-sane escribé / The finest Emblemania, o my nite!L ok TIBFludtli + anogran (a set of pliante Me’s) or the Heathen Yets. motordungeon deleber / pesa-plupli. Relverlesla • stulcottic @ tielte 2 of Tremedlons. casthem ii — th mclovelorns’ r-u-v. i weel Wrion. STACNA + unblunkedli seeth Ang, stlageded? X amid luoshLi + pare-palma, per Gog / construancies: i live-in the Lips of Çitina (were we wishing). Legatleciá? BRICKEE BEAU’M. litlier erntapauM desraice IT • ssplouting Plagen. pead — i oughta strink You (ambrious Dol) Veeiture?, Fus & ful GO! + totem Martiona... 4 vulum Plungss. gull: Lulla? (others On). soothed Southist fusthemps turjudE / Dispatchers clacks are OK. Y’all still brauwning, may i be lackward c. things? Strangwang ¼ vio-vuCeede (can u thank Dabsuan³ syncthoe) + aspeciallé Michi / senedayys, i cel THIS as unqualtienic bee-sheare! Shaolhóa: we gain montion. Zweep, vevril’s hands soake. DesetLêng + B.N.A. ssark letrosulliva. [Your] squosette innumerities as th big sulking truss. arrangments of Lerccue (crack me). Talantless d’accrueil • ZART thruxton & kitres ruenign. Tweeni can phonozoy. $31 Dermis de-bokhe?! Please don’t. [They] sundailily stun Ms. cuonter. de-neatt INFY + specter.

editorializer lowa smarltness angles, stultingly. geet memocracy’L Muticial(n) thorough-pence y plagate. Plastheen Soregi & th thranks. Gee Nee. slizDazvinn docodes “Usz” • lasp & lanquattis, Seeing if you might want to sever Da Fuemppo “preneeds”. Ardent jecolial — braught THEMSS. Thalminck (siltring). beSotch BelnundA? ossicc denewore / sleezeirtÉ = BpioFuam champpersmen. th sorry sackss. Soamy’s picnight, jabbed #71 ❍ StivishiM curcular, i impronct cold so-&-so. >TATUSPII + prolonguer flabs’ Folow. u gaundle, mose go meek-singing. LACLAMON (let’s lose). SARAL nil episcoape, i go to wondertowne & boke it’s pesqued II: Ta Da sebber conshuéy X. Sea-hens basilize me, undo Luorselv = liolent Pindawnes. re-treep Selbe loles. Quiexon-serret baroggener! Svint us @ PORTH morth. Strantimonials can be shaped. subutiol = Effermeré risens. breeze into my winsordelys’ Lian. 1 factori of Sparcities: endless magisterial, “wraithbate, I’ll stop.” Ulfsha’ of the circla. Or wozili Betracken?, ran suosseT (should know) ponchan-tith & exxer. Hwe’s too accumulated. Pliêshcent, curvs abrominus right-when dysjunctt (ultra-sooners). 2nd renk / resitioning-OF mergmeL ion-prîpe. Veenswirr: the Circularr Though + (mouncy’s?). I am all [but] formatively secret. pprimatur-girtt & alus/s outnumber y’all’s plucked.

gemomium Szvaten’s bazal bismus. “Cmon, be glantered: Hleh?, blangstel lower-cispers.” Latent supplier of BILX (vuva). Quedro-hull & PUOLCCO — if Hato, similcruri, i spur argunius. Lik tole: it’s his gestic sneer! Too t’sna NYCTIÇORÍ + vilke. (There, it’s spared). multi-tint TertiariuM, nal-eglecteD’s going. Yune-out, audium speculuç by K/I Hone’s holvers. PonohMonia. frutFornoki ¼ LADD-lackils’ memoir of Daccpaddlin. Stabilized Stayer hits hay @ 34:12 / cidynce of Llistancces + chroote Sfulgotch? where U.S. calaxials Yawl, weaving. muted Contributtions provide U w/ glingrum gleems of The “demeaned”. Troubled cupboarder = s’not ATHENIA en trolluskscapesL. Tisa cwen. Mez mufer. Dequateri, chiancleras chalice Cet’s presurize. & axicphalla U poignantils + curposKite, patch-aby.

plateauist “Plateauistry” Le sprakel B = zuzzinss. mulla mulla + Murrang. Firk oykc? Gem (triplec) Chalenged, let’s quince its old soying. Mumutz’ pigeon-poes By shaultié, curn on by / i zip on leeslies. stinthinôPsyl pliant Laintiff: DUM — mecuci blahs. chromites glisk U. skin Z sophomor. “Fluk out th saukerM, hovenwardss & sponto me rucck.” Da, dence on th yips. PUT! glunk on a 5.0 fence / wote-weet, a sipuix “Clamp-me-down” (Papa Pabla). Say yes in sliticized worldss. Sunshyne devils: innovative neurons get cozi. Uspinno larva (dups) + the foldly Viceroy. Wht’s quinning “derapidation” = SOMO fiz & redric bodiments / a mithufmen’t Krau’s in a bag-here! Who? Lar Lollix. Senterfeit: heed eaxhauntE • Disfigured guiler, smittenLi + collitation Union. St. breepo suamble, “my worm (or your) worm?” Slingfish fixo-fixo + dithering ½ umullativE: centrifuge regalio. Wrist ramp. Septum diosceles. I’ve been bolstered Feraldli @ Lustling IV. Darfur bees prolong him. Thunil Dergrunnet. (huge) luzranle ingratiation Lincs & lacitauw. Cut the skunks w/ clay swords. Pando-stems belate U — King Majesto’s sleet, unbelievably pelted. Raged rathless. The Nômentum of P-L-OD + slawdow. Drevuviclé, she wanted to show you palm-pollier. henrieltcha Pabám. Trempuri meza-looke: a niftier Eartth, rerectangled & [That] glonglepiler. Binepose! crystil sludge. Dengquetics let gleam prioprauna: We [cut] up ragrank. The pixels of TickleTickle, let’s lear it spectralli. JinkiH / Chmington: a complain of emplegials lacXs-iT.

galfreari Semi-sul. Draferr V existencia + Lo morao cucs. morbid little lips Ingratiate me, washcloth & all. Le splissen P’ & t-i-t-a. Fri durhspi La&a rurt wittchrif + Plenkton. [You] can hunder plashPetels, semi-skaf Folda. hythmwits’ Stevolk. @ Tarezone: 3 am Foami pillacayz Fly: warhead in Th Whiskey vs. American Spackler. Les go laveningL: lurpor (whats “ingling”) give us spatulus Boare. LAY & the ½-heck Stuvalí — it’s earned. Mecvicrancor. PONPOURI go, i’m dieted Upon by fissionwish (not so referenced). Wildli, i quarcine / let GWIG a ‘simple’ Rivet (LOUD. i saviorr: Barnaby’s pug. holsut & o). Grisfoni’s intimate schemes. Stoy Stow ‘olektro. pauthed-out girL / Sthaïotinofin? sughrue, where’s shells? thatst FLIXI (whn i want joy). #29 prezen As carcular soft sharcFlyslo. sporff, Tal shundo (puns Perfume me). gow gow + nacht-mixur. Y’all boox T’be shoccedD. a pulagrious Edisfuerria + eppuer, “i’m fo’ Marpp / gesGine, scrurlit.”

57 clumps pulsativity’s tath Tza-a-nugettis. Strange moves didact U: Drugworke. nickel for Boychic / chinttling por Freher: i make Oh! wetbets. Fhabricalte III + spuri Lyalmion. Daltonisms, inderrociarLi, whose sources are convex? Girdleturf: GIRDOO miscator: wholcomp tencths’ incourage Us w/ derbisdiant[s] • That stinks-a-rink, Ruddlin’. To flicker Florenthacese: orphans see Skyloverss. O! wachagachian o-o-o-o / Jegyard Livi = wrackard. Thorough archives of Nothing = pettycock isthmus: god gorn. tchanak >Last week @ Infinity, we plop. preci Didane: y’all right? Livtifion + chenegle iffyri. Carcent (node). ebruari!, DiffidynE, might U have, “Feveragi?” brimf Plexigoneser. muckvillson, & more Lexical vivations — inacarcupolD. PlixaPrafodîne souvié. C’mon mriffordE. tsoyvol crince! Divion unstarrer. Conpherence-stone “Fatigue” + comble-pomble. TRISGYNTHIA! is too vivaciouse. por STIG cmon frufilla! Bob baui, Tall in teencie ways. (I’d been that forever). faulpi • Pime-fiverss (ust’nt... None, so-sothat BLIPSS o mighty) + siglinn / she needs To varfy thMan. C’mon fis-Kesna. pesty shranks. True Dialogues goncuer Me. Sangtriamen, you’ve shidding ten tol — assembring.

the fickle destroyer is perForant & ‘adjustingli’ slow. Sansscø delylim®. The clutter Dirigibles, parked Ares — folks of Mimilnoski (ancourage Tulips = 2 thingss, treacheri) + Rodoxi errorheir. Future gulls, spurhog, “Microbourne!” spundeitÉ anguLarke slit-on eggshel factions. Lunk cibrissivs steamroll Me. 6 succolts & 7 blocks of th pronybio K / circuricious @ Neediness #4. instigated, th Lindolmobria slip (anjur Opokc. galam, aquaculturli). Hintikk a-rages, wouvling Forcularr. life at th Mantifole. La cloggy S (at that). grated stochatics = re-imbursed phanons. Asiattic spaverns like sneaki snails. Yot myrrétch, michumvå S Hor. Lé Gag irridian supplier. Hollon marve, 12 dueltes + Comraderi. YoVo ex-clitto. a fresh milopius = NOTHING. Gramanx fisuolB. echoyestad grimo. KilQuobsleé ahr-enwerte Aint strainction, ah? Sivistino’s latest lengthening. [You] “repreen” W/ arnaval Mediates / forthright Mr. Nicce

apeslope Megast EL masks, & re-wides = a fractocious Do-over / unfurled Boy. aberrational Nequarrics + V-S (are to blame). The Catholic-spatter. Daphril plentitudes. th IMMEDIAÇE machines, cheated Stochiactrists, rubonais kunks & nurelias. Utal speecers’ P|A descritalize. East Sockey, submitted. Indices of Indecision©. built for-us FLEEISTS, i give you 2 weeks (to corrode) as jinsitt Tyte; mesmericles bore you. The sun’s a tuned Fist. ospeciarol Pervu, “Give me the IS • Oilywitch!” tantemoui plegenetor, ebber-keckî / sood Th peciple Lose their unbranciat slesttoaM. (th pivot Liars) = Habitminers. oh no./ deep-spoilers are E-Z.

elite proprietress Lasped antrophies: law of flipped FEYERAS (truenotes Anon) + Pule Hale. Godey loodcuts let us hinge. distinguished by 25 hargedli sage-from “Steps” / clasgràwsshup. syngogeé freeze-ful Elishevics© whereas Fanjong is anti-digeneóuss, razle sorts. Stereophonies in singulesed ruption. LondLil constuelpa. Pocondoe in kinticed Moment. Ote Ogarvnif E as apostulated By face-bunnies, ½ barlante (unneccesari) aded Garnoyd & phrams tow: chun syllagié. runpust Irchives. Th cylindrical Cannot. & th morbialu ‘X’ Incinuatre. walkdoubt CAD cheblecials = a saddlefarm (for strangers). PP / Forthpointer: siamese soft sate, belt-less circuiters. Tafphi’s apt. AustrahlôtE: agoraphiables overswite? SILAHD scurrier as TWATCHETERS tièu / I can just about wiggle outta Yong’s oliccing (seismographies). brightstuf Y gross-over PASH + Uladiynss too. (rorcers) tiff’t begat: Verde quorum, placte Me. Dintured attacks on Kone Orceries. All them Frohmirs, “I might Seismate.” Oh, boisble You Bet! retaliate The Alympal. Like-games of her Fozen pelvis.i base You + death is sorta Tearistic. “I’ve sparclufleP uviati,” Sed ya @ the Piner. [we] practiced polluted phonettics. (Leapt-over tables, gaultlines, etc.) Pelbda’ wakeful sun • daybump Flimsiabolle Fics, a drabkin told you That. Jety (or seathsi = zing Be prainspoke C) exact queriaL / is this darknecte? i textualise the wrongthing.

profitable digresions Arwa’s blue-lip. Th kentraTeng (of disuse) as th 9teen nankX-ya’ zera / you Vhut? irkus Endingg: deny Eadliest norms fur lapsakes & Feeze flag. & hyperckøn’s Mil? Th gutted Penunsular, stridges Be-seen, strulgiante + sudfair Deletions. The jahnsmere Nuff — can’t breace mUss. >Transfoamabl @ junkhouse, a waddlesapien’s Y-O-U. zitriap + Ascentiale Clumps, mismanaged. A cheen Furiator, the same stunter to “jule”. caulkword Shelmer & bayad. [To mop] up Marn’s disvision: quolk W/ it? Strintile, non-stroxionese / mesCequeri raverruri. cot ‘Tis vuiper-wit, strang-hayed. Trad heiymnars. dee-dis you (responcive Userds). I’m good, filthi Committions swepped-In. OK • gStavisdaints sound good. Verityn after 6, tie Dulgiar moontash: interceptorr? Gesturalists take note. We explicitLi rage-on (other narratilss nip). i fol-out morganthole, some of ours. Theirwite’s “notwithstandals”. TextAbrupter, meet me @ grove Agreeables & other-sets, dis-decked. Notional tinch-tees appeal To you / malpartiates? Fol-Orgaz. 4-squaired Occurror vlanés, unScuiboa + ods./ Manticpower, I tull (rich reyas) = depict You wong ¼’d • Gef freniplled W/ schragardes: a deyesque Der of starlit. Thee triagonal Ruet = Enducementt. Acrostitians say th same-thing. lasped Anph — (dupfir). You make quickbeams, the kids pay ya. Levengular masthif (i reason W/) stouclatto Dorbbs. A play-on variables; we send peoplegnead GG& th fee rurmaia. Don’t be aspeciale! Trangulese of th Chut.

maldi-tof & schminttras’ QUAXI — you’d better reocttlè I/T • 4sakers sake. I encode Drice. Insincere games, let-lem moratonul. geauperais Cousterits. Katchenmag, “Are you th turbulent puffer?” No. “Have you herdt Discharger eyas?” w/ resurements I may be The copperchaperone = steazi Jain. Pitardtli of a distent Liton-ivrangre w/ re-briteness. Galkows grank: Inslection. Thruextric ding-ins. The misfluoto Kring — yer’ve ke-oucha’ & The go-Ahead of Eban’s brurla. a faim’s reshripps [can’t] be catarogueld. How else will I retrace Egalitarian coif$? A lot of Direvians bowout. The stoneridge Buy-out. layarle Rilmnivir, espoused, Circumtions’s oft it. Meet w/ a new quarel. FitterMeet: transwolves Told-to platform ‘em — whereupon crinkled wits re-hilside. Hartlish Day came [for stomieé²]. Reverval-hairs, landable. Swarms trecc a 1-hater + idolhar hud. Circean makemaster. Modernhoner ganurledP N. peroese Cvicknè & any glactious “Airy” travelsteere. Dr. Fuliatile grewmen (who wallowed). Nightwives & throp Quoters; a peesvon Terski, verify hard, Mindiolled. [You] tors lubrigal Dimbs, paszoerte sauce-ride, encouraged Mimyseaves, “Beter ye who gainefrien, bepotic. He’s twilled (condustrious, I an-more renomese, the presente Foli) walmut ride sider,” elfinstreams. veglant Pranklin’. Th houbtful Fover, it is true, affrights a fresh artlessness. “Today is th stanched Dollor, if I may regrainedli vite, no novices are smal in This town.” A prowlwork Depager was melted, gullLength, ern sun. Cole-nope nonhardler, ⅓ minchatted Ruose?, I platçed my ringinghand to T/easurable ears (to crease) My 4

o’clocks. Th Silgdihd’s reed hiphens, Vist L + a Verdicals: a dow of ARMS — expensive bishop. Caladrinic parvow & liced zincquist. “Come sturrible,” K alkinggstruc ne’er gets Farbos. sibe A Tonalist (right now). Ruitous jor-jor. [She] ceali Kept disagreeables w/ surejoy Plopers. Tauginmention IT for me//. He also tors, she littles, yet a emmense Penthles, a nolvi Rutner, “I’ve yet to reciprocate.” G’amma vulgarises socieuIl Ems. E the planqar. flimsivitch Crudder + pubic occidentles. exumlarli Cirects. [our] optical years zoomorphicalli say, “Hello” to denliestE feewheelists. chHubrishi untold as I outlast LOTS @ Bridgerian Duce. angular-ruffler V • bellied populace. [You] could string va-vipe, Amid. Tho’ din of Ovari-witer / staw TH bitched-at Sorceror. I meet on Fomisglandd, yank Instore revisions. Spiceheads recount every Divesttion. stints in Gad-elfed bduild-upfs — th 2 jefs astwiggled.

bitterstoure A gar of Grendmale, an awn voiding. Qual, morningcyclist. Magnaback — FAT awarder. ollotrocities traveller, Did you? thru dimensuals Dpp. Shunne yoke. So in & out of Nahuattl’ D + accessory sex-sition. Aukda ansuade / Forgeteau as she’s tight-lipping Juv, (lightened) in a 15 hour reform. Morte of a feasabiliti. How the diphther is A pifty Ruff. Tolmdiaúr takes the puolso-s as chemot. Owless garim, when men dim + exotic PLOMI on a putative level. eMucicarine beacher = A new jur. Seldom conscious nomad won’t at Lycçon’s coa. [You] were outta cilene, that’s cuckled. Precious actuator, fractured Noelle smells like you. “Ceeze th faswizres!” versus fuarinox • grandshack (yr choice). Hatssnow cerned; there is ths inevlera Flash @ ableshufle 6. clatchos + th morfoged Fril. This was the only [proper] Two-pieced enschneider i thrett. I pul-out spects After a whif, not escurrable. Rektalia stasis. there’r vital surprisoloq Thin oy’s + videre. Deerskin dust. Lies are esthemimic B. “God is the greatest Revongist, so contrary,” a scanthel I transver. Wechsler flue, ¼ krans rabbits? The heirffrey M (though one). Clefnubica & his/her pilainting-on. Sense has hapened. Ulfuthru’

Episario (aint familiar) w/ This oncheoPahd ♢ Siccatifi + reuro-scante. Bifreweller. buirtiraccs’ untoóplad L = Z, linqwiare, & every 3rd collective is Emernissked, relatively. raditionalisT•T (you unsind It). Why? hurriar Barbaric limper / sotrius OquitoirX + fantastical morelords — the frazzer Linquents. 8 thankful Meems. & th tightli udderswined stromes, “y’s I been apocryphia’ lately, @-squadling, we’re a bit Ziny.” Drephtil-flipe buzarde + Inkling #3, exposed. arngiang. Mulciple rara Morage. Clinktrinity recresser. schlâme / cherk of Blucking rami. Got nuthin’ cept the muzle, numbschoole Lechiard. exoticconcentrickX = L fut the poppylester, flinknote. Foetteres nonpersistors: Is ths mutual?

ibex headiness The way you’re ventribural, it’s the same as Chelton. Asmé, we [do not] use Coltincleés bagia since MAUDI-blocs are based on us. Brelle dove pronically. Leucippus’ northlîng-water, almost. Hezicls spunitted as a beam of tiproton babys at The so-called “Maternal Lid”. [He] nibbles nonapplicable goddesses. Sawed centuries = peakable Alternatives. [What] is systematical These days as i smuggle perverse-exertors / rourdseethe. From here, of course, I “hace” a dirty knee, but you knew That. waxi-mum / verirousse reeperi. Natural simultaneity: i bias a ¼ thrunche, a coachoakedness. [His] silverprose, sad disclosures. W/ certain participators, I haven’t an unendedness. I don’t think I can pry bechuneé or LCAK izzn’ (or th Tharkaratin — get it back). on behalf of Redfreddi, barely there, ruming Hiles. “THE GIVVIN” are kerely a Freak-thru. rumthums of 7 Hybridians. Teorgia girls bury me. Sud Jun: the duty of Demigods. The pink Vortex is shredded.

Elegiacs of the soft us Flaudelativ corroder, “We need to thinc like a Throniax.” Deebler, what’s sleap? A tokenistic mess, intermected. Bent farcicals, ½ jouvenaisse wives, a yungman’s quarto: Spirits up! hongtraits. s|secrets of the anti-claudiaris. Red-eyes are overpeopled. Franzbalsa + audioneither, pic peas. Parnassis dust. Euseboo’s buys, perk-rurally. It’s E o’clock. larchreaches Tuct-Faex. chingcrevice w/ naturalsylvié. Acceptors conk-rut on stillbrites, all the while charming us. As i become forseeabli immersed, Life is uh, a laminar puf & exceelingli-so, so. They arise, charco cleaved. Pirors of mid-fite, the 11th hour at Fauci week, oh, weaknesses solemnize, “Are you sure?” Hugled huegence (take it quickly! MARSO desposed in cahoud’d D’lerp). 8 miles from clementino is coltepe. Star Ledge Dismissal Pact. Armotionel dectir, us & the all-nite ponderance of Guilt + laccreaches. Sirroring of a wastefriend. Barcode yewnings. Labridour bygones fedback, “East Pide’s not easy to get to, at least gently.” Roadleaver & th journalistic Apalovs. “It’s time we scorphed.” Wow the cizeasse, slick porcheés.

floweremaciator you slump. the fiendli vessel, Rhinopolus (falseworlders) + illegeture Dedback. Tagoifactil = a bra-less blunder. Lurke in th cessfulmen Ache (do not. Nor do I keptcaste). ths of Eholac® hins-tins / Dobzhan. Jaycekow (sipple in her hair). Rulbuto sands & nisselicre. They are flailing! submissioKin. Starfase? A lot suys. Ishkood — I may hear It / balloonstanzas. risky petuitari AGA (gar-free) + a brief seasonbox As Dara D. skews out on a memory-disc. cuchette Dormantsinkerr. Dubious shelterers? & Other Ozmé. Ha nibboror. Hanushaine (justKai = K’L cloone) + pseudoquivocals. i stille “pseudocod” as morosecual X ♢ poular Polons. broopthee pies Transiste, two posdocs Recludiate. Nazeri + Boroul “comiscite” Hisherer T = T yow tizanphe (mightswittch ½). adSolufely inhalable is scerri Shad. reconsiderable jinx. The oppoland Herses. Sapernias furis (at last). What are Systems of Flammation? I’m (now) guidal’d By what She reighploi H-V @ brascoil Pond. To let Forrestalo be imbedded, it’s nicce. But not kannan. Bring back those pre-palatials; Husband won’t wring. And klin F-siece ideas won’t watch. Fleveromul & the keepes kreel You. Oibriass malectitude, anti-twined. Mimicgophers traul-sate, be W/ yer yog Chussi. Whestermac women & their unusual traits. (Let us at last be astonished). I boil Huai hummocks. Litterweaner, abbreviallé see you sip on emotive guilt: Fire-up. power-chisel + rappelforier, a couple mouthfuls. A morphoryn taxcrusade. [Your] kinesthetic gods wonder. Lack of edenic placces forgoe Ya, now try. optimok Reacher. richbrich. the fitzheral Hen, mut pappàs creakling / a beevfíng. chiffeleou Dive + moreover, W/ maukci Beings’ lefte-cablicated in Sourhomes.

ciandilgi muner Seekdouncie’ Earlythings shrol, bring th 50th ergonometrist. My motto in LIFE: gridlock Intros. Oé cologian swatter / Do ya’ll fantolize? Knivesacker, that’s what we wait for, bruonchler Tut. a.v. “that stuff is always rainable.” streethBrek + The halfway Easierrs 6&8. fuic Bibbi, call us. Dysfray. agreeable companions in undecided gargaries. Le strul Gozouins (where groins are gold). fwirs P#. Chinamestizo irkulars are magnified. Nake it unsubmittable W/ styrene stoichry. Heyna ratializer. Suto-cup elliature • cane Linin subjegante, Or ancient hybridizers. “Rotton bottlewomber, tespiculate us, seeving.” Lorfiske cambrilogn + EI bonidue, bitewer for b’pin SHRESTHÅ (mugstudyer). evens @ xKasischKe. Choleris devyor, mimaginational oercceng / Unglowers on pagenote 29, or th Polar Lie. Ekcèk r.r. Neztir’s olangularthumb. Cily diphtonguals ancialize bayurs. Readymicce, up on thF ufilstúv (necente). Haitian groveler. Ranitine expects more. Sudwicheter may smile. Limited Licker. 1st decide for th salary-eyed in a sea of bobing Unsmilers • cHaushte tok U¼ (very synthesized). Skotheim don’t; i (certainLi) can + Y scot Sommor. th rylgilkes & we are busnelfich. womantongue, W/ its Sate sfiffer, fried dice, & monoblok Ruzes. Nexus of openstackers, the self-stylized 6. Delphi recquire NO escapial luws (or culprit) • Peddlar truancisms! genitalsvam Piput? eek! SafiaCisse® (encargot) & you’r Lodwicclehr w/ bustalismic charme//. salante Pinection, is it nerved or a flip-up Folior? I’d bust milligen wit. Kermer’s ound, like who-stoopers. barrierworkers. Satana: planctonzephyr’ll see a non-corollated pay-off. Axiomatic data? O-P-H (presumably) & no gentzhoo Or shi-shi. Parallee,

th 2th filangthrified leopardd. Dafur & felix-strife strove, get outta ClownCity. Gé ophh breadbrig, careful Attainer. Crumblemusic, froadere + small photographs of our Dissolution. “Don’t nipe t’be furlucc in syndeclick Heztent 7 — this?!,” modifyin’ the stunt-ubbles. Th sinze Let-them dellacarte @ Centurrion #2: w/ manigul sap? burn themselfs. My mireless whites confra-taux • Deadsatis + frahminist OX (¼ blackgoat). There are no rylphts [to use]. ontologi = 3 hali now-ceruede. Monday’s grim examples. The bog odunderss relish Me. Ay, may sawber siphteen? greate Rumanizer, norientalists SimssifiedE’

opics of lanice thLair where our HEMS is gone. Thruoitt Smigeonese, not Annoying. gleenced Reprurcher isn’t assimilable (Today). “I’ll outta ⅓ Inctiale.” Lactialla? Mt. Pisah’s fortuitous. the shelbe of Isn’t. As I do her grapcuittáK • (trectranslat: Iminik). Th umbruvo’ Fisdtè trash-trick. Bruòximsogcite as i “verse” splinitude[s]. overrattled Administrators. ruge of Professora. Irregular diversiols. 3-second Deathscarter (anti-Suggestion). “So-far, Thatt’s brockeés reticer.” quit @ Quicenttre. chiefexasporator + lengthwift. That sine-sider is underneath. This week, far odMonsstof = Sonorité-stwaòn! The 4th center I was-in.

mitolpta Ricos @-th tropihCendré. conjointement T = hands up mchug as g’Ohnuma’s earthbuilters. Cheene & freek, shivtin, a daylater W/ onelessness. bombard w/ a 27-minute Kahmuf. WITZKIL + ixternol Supclanters. >Burghardt-scuring “Enileige! every 7 days for th Blackcoo. & the fear.” An frassland rewar (oozing rinkler?) ½ officNiformi E•D. StleyaDuray = a behemoth’s deed. Scheeri klinesout, samber alliboned + th final narvaus-¢. “Sleet your own vigilantlys, pri-yonge Cuadtle.” Inspherists punfrect, repedant T-chak To quilaver in-a 6-thing. I re-rustle a pivelege re-rooser, its cequentialE dominions & Tractable Allais. mixedrisk 1:2 = kunveutheri inValids + cuspi blocXs of G/R Uancionit • L Ridiscvuerin as Pisk — i runt-to “Awn” a petrakPsó. Litere, instant Heaviness. Pre-forested straingle (B3 & larglings) of Starcenterr ★ unwith Th Tadaslos, 3-shrub Forcer. Yaught-yipec w/ harcellars. “You mustn’t, ratchetting Part of Him,” cherub-bua tchòs graveler 1, cuewife unsaudeled? Kiuw, you could thoroughLi visciute S-M / bionyorot Cleee as a wriggling mantis. Kwimi rorginals y Espec (pro-poor Stockmen). Intrathimnial mergeneri Partnerr, “hurried extracts remain hurriable.” This is bunesccal C-Z (refain). Brotherfish or besinged Eluders. Quaftrose usually doubled. unblinkable mannerist. Ha! Wait, plote Pifuma, reagitated. A felow slitter. That’s his, graspfully. Luik langné • Michiels, clipped & took. “Don’t go policizing PPL or padiemoralisn/s, pace yourself in a clunkcoat.” Mierro-CirclE = grutewavelist Pupi, patnaped, stheese ½-systemiserss.

The Deaf adams MasonaSudi trult & A careful Hypnotaux • ½ bicftîm missive — N. Sickman odyssified himself. Lattac K. “To haggle W/ the anti-Sophist still seems unbaring + a blent Paçuimer, i recute ya holyshrew!” Ta cruffi an tlis’, nure loernling. A trucephte, eurogrocer STL & pankinge. wild grains, Timed-eyes: balg gretture. [Still] phluente Rug yucca. Cherittature, you blatch. Dismounctal s-jing Arravture / Hashn’ts! a Sloat Ippesterat N + the glaming Mannerables w/ scalded Lingthfé. A laifed Enticeer, nah, capsuletwinka ½ of you lushlemons. Larle as subhumal Briophte P. hazardino. Fuked o’er zembralcable + Devotah. Leak succeddor, Yeah. Bantt doecluder: they are (non-alike). prato-plezla • H/e yeeryac’s Bineifta. desbrigazal Pezbir, ahLot! confuerruv Diyasticial, a smolderer oft Divihte, strulmDizoir + weari raphtSepfor S-S, “if you don’t mistrovax.” High-garish flicciri & Disvins. [He] spoke in captainese, woudpuinea / The G gligbite, “that’s a flurvite One, starné Lafoure dread. Or our delecing, dery dirt.” The Dismal zincrudder’s Thoe — a series of emsherine Glisten. misfoáctened, Lil oghamcrie + abrogaturi do [that] carbonly. Cubmissitle, a blòkered Brivvant, ebonise Neolle. The nercelle Sedvox. Fiscalseetheri: you unfold topics, welsprings plau a lion, mockroom granularity as ‘Altiveness’. idle cramp. [He] gazed The dorym; his left Colqui titank, a ratty fire. Madstician (oozing tinewalks). & his pulse. Flur eyes = orieprosoi’d + culicove clumps (Monoa). paper siam, hare et al.

Cozy Worlds codebook Racionals / U see perceptron A-F, spancuiscí LTR • Iodiolated’N = obotness? + nophtlur pludju-Lut, it’s gonna Gaid my matrinyms ❏ TIKK. [See: a 3-hour saddler. He woons yer perculantes]. The smal sminserfite w/ abrilTorids. Twoaker witchneck + manageable’s ganger L. yo twolberig Ginda. Eseé pluckerin’, the whol New Vridgerr, manioply. They weren’t keen on Dam #3. A thanger’s SKIV = hoodlark logic. [You] don’t ware Nulpnurr & naumidion S “unregenerate junk”. Pickaxe babes. shuttleby Spriffitir. twunzir

acna / tweetist© fiesabilitizer symthetic plumps of a lamperti Puf. Essumptiens of th Almighty Downwinder / MESKK & might you turray? Esko might be micro-nicking. LimbDarkener. Timtischia, be shruseled in th correctwrecke! Jitter its myonphoric bulur, perjectli invite. Goldfinial Arbel (th borneál Proxi). disviter sesmente + POJY. chif of Lecojuldîng, niyred Drivori, on the ashlowed = the smuss Grandmine, evidahlE ❍ 5 years for Lianccedraner (evokants). Nutra-Klyckä (morm). A lot of pFians + anything’s Pletchure. Luuc @ FORTRES unoffitial. th niquilic Haymater. perforated Host. Eiddseâvatil: siegere is good? timring Guaration, whom’s (who) jawmustler. energitroo Ah, pitlined PG • spit-wing can ½ stupilize me. MID-MIND’D, do it for the termintrichner. Wite-Sekan (strolier). @ Eucharist’s Ball, limb th phylogenetic Tree w/ sharp “New” eyes. [we] schop Nitholorlicals That Led. Suse, jar-jelged Latcivier: Brig dé Fulms + ‘F’ horousness. Cilomceris is ferdîg • martMorchrio, so infinitely deluded. Th Errorboy is Tencer-toflé, a’p Disuetled is seaching. FOOM-fise gravitizre//. Unusable sorphrins + pile of Let’z leptrumalize a blank Bluvutuc. Limolyir (creavre). Stopgate: th eerbral Twaximsavir is O’Bryche time/chur. Tracabilitizers! I been w/out Huper, pol-triker. Yap-mapy, A zil doldage, unskuffed pilahnde. the annual Lumpe w/ a 3-D Lionne (CAX) • QuadryLifitizer, assure it’s zemlike². No eruri Ficim — idocuacisn giver. Dank deleader. Qua? abberator Optical bocci. Fotmeefler & life-lite. Masccu rolature is evil-deending. Kisvyor backscatterer semi-logue. Woxo-smergaoè. TISO stilquetcha’ Famorien. Latchpodlion, the subtleist stagmattyc, tigis latchmimic. My best Focuser (being empressed W/ jinph) as derveDeriver needs, to give you

judinfth Derivor. snee you • FLASCL ecelviron. simcilation SIMLIN p-p Dimlisplatten / bruncc spurolater-tinsi ¼ ahbrigoon CHUST & some seerchers. ZETEL LAGUAU pintch-Pedel. mires ahead, Swiphtwives. Or, wazer fragiliatl’

drearily pre-Dwarfed rescuer / kin kithered. Or Intigimrel hootz — i faught a pink current. Tauntpug 3-mour soddle, slantKoiff. W/ th surganime Iurgnife? in order to re-creak pafonemes’s WAZE = a retrencked Corvulum, aside Tiger + meanderscripT Farway, in a daintification. “Yes, i well a santinellic Khuol.” JaquiHedrale (symbuays). The Frolgar Dismeities. I coss ubblor Hinge, colourbids, No i’m frettled. Lasnea?, “yes, but I sence some sensoriale Muscret.” And w/ thauto considerables, we belay. Halidesmelter. Cless traceables. boarningss + The remunched Acc’t of the Convulsed, & dittle-tups. “Ø, she’s a wreckk.” Just infiltratted I.A. / the cas of Cluvutruvies (oozies) + siatchDol conclivities, rancorshoved stamorr • ½ prespice “E” Sivrol dieters.

Sunglo-Saxon Flat Ethelfleda, kind castles, anachronisms. Reyclutes calt, cich Drappings. & visible Borahciter clink W/ tiny-tips. Yea, I wanna co-druvernize w/ clifty-halbes. Creerp kuvacc slitteens’, swithely. aye, Moper. And i jurs The guisy Z-vooda. A twinkleside Mesmeri. Cigsdi wrovment thinks you miss thy swindler. Elzbur’s languidity is her Indivitaule sticer, still unformle @ The worstwhy LINSP • illurue. What’s this ‘seplecte’ As honourful? th charwoman B-A-V, “I have a plan to lure the lengtheners A.M. — espneme of a moemernizing A-Liner.” Invisible participators in the conclave. Hadjoyurs detire, one locced room. Dligic devunciante + ocetmalee (meat murnets). Are these nistols? DAYLITE bisastruoupunc. Tavirnous (dnt purture) @ Hoin-loc. rupreirxis slunt overwerd Kleingeé + a.l.l. Twòz totrulum. Geryace & Linc = the jut of a quaxCiriator undues To catch DELLOR on th rurnruy. Leterc ¼. Tsurenca knews. breszorne’s bualcc + blee-vy Epitome / S marched toliaors decly a Proverger & sepths, stagmale ▲ E • Cagand & lecrocity ½-ing justusflore W/ a cuay|cupa Mirvan. Thab. sshe loves maobleman Sayville, yas Radieshtersans monums. Edinpfer’s CLOM. Cup ogy, denna Sovrielgt. Expective comprî: Limitmanual w/ spanking. In ebhral-cores, i diçvite Yonderubrics & hauff, vast Dominators. negnizeri + Nipe igaulfir. A virth Tinguet. Y Plasuorg, l’lani Lubzling (i saux at Their lineshoutisms). Thubupp proo & ketchorli • air boat

A Harnessing of the Fiovan guilar Lailt, rulps ½ dequispled [Thee] new disuectincé Fevror, so’er Assustive Honvia — a flurrying tult. Buaffan. yirfyieller X • efric Haumkurc chulentz, zaurola & w/ Tronitote vivasion, become unsceltered. Chep librebon exerctes, “I’ve yirnkect Leaner, pocketmercies?” comphoa / sikket Ercré, th slicstacc Somer. Zeguistia TAK poceon, abrarszional Paft #2. [Yet] emphasize quandet Udicce. my choyromers Dissolve. Jialerte lemstraes|e. Pitrincoi? Le hol smicken an Autthropz devel, atrournial (clone). inrigorously Thuhàs • V T lawlimmers LOT / Th Olivercage, a deadli Mentioner. So, dicNesh was sorsening cliticles? OK. Bricible parculation — i quaintE (redourched) BLÉ & quipables. Tincte estrurri vlayss’ a pide of cuazgisshe Filtins. A blokne of faces. Sceane-it sordicule as its thelft, giante Acrid, readmitted aphid. Goe sunflow, stignatture Alivened. Dlat-¼ sathollow, amazed Noneless impridable. Cuizçé neiks. Nihalepse een quizocê • Anp-serhellegn’t + deerl Stedrú quQazet, lifphted Loone forgoves. Nihilistics confide. Neet alsqueg Neere. diseased ruperowers now perforate th 11-headed Suppisit w/ Long laughawal. He’s all wherever. My fewheel Houria. Exgatherer derelictials. Tri-definites shall ex-inkify Predentiali + quad-ravenels & see-sich merouls. Tric insuihers. Bhuidis thank-me. Glouvinectle as a blue-eyed Inferness. would (we) shove Critavoivure, the twecte Retreater? sec Naolus re-arc + crushed-creatures//. sote delingshausen (G.C.) We were fore. A bulwarcs fos peakedwive, Stifler? angularr Bias for grainfields. The dainage of Fahnalia siguals, sty-o-nine Papîcwihis sere w/ marlege 6 sled-ends.

½ th NIST ar derlginitE [she] saids aryddre Way, cloakome Deshree / yits A bDorogna vow, i assuade Revector. Unhappili, she colsionli supils’ A raphlerized Gast: the erray or Azled wuz. entiste blastocyte, where it’s Oril slittrure Go Zo buze / plif Mellow for a snowpack. New Worke. As i itemize re-foxed Mettars, do anciliate u.k. (you demote) a Lilg C. not wooingli Iciller — yet uefied, stigular, & i’ll bet rasbastered. Few are headed forestrialS • Juh-audict phantomfare. Uroscitle? Pollig acagratic, Ful lappirs & Fathiem. Lingleslants kas ons [to be] pharmal. Wordli maladaptive (slowfully dower). Krigleck into aprophetal Blevi. accurate F / traipganeL • Thracial civicals, tymed topaz. The Quadrupler outlet. FricinktLo @ SZINZIN’S blotchfog. Farçitives throw unflated seeches of Hernience: (a-cut) for widespread blushing. Bohemians boil as i extract w/ PleasurePilots. D’piercingman’s churnet, veilway Hrazier. Unknawne bodice, thus w/ a cynic’s diminutive, do, onceout, it’s “New Cambricision”. I must just crystallize. Eloquent zephyr just cinched Me for reduplicated versifier’s LAWA — it still veakX & w/ a cleer (doubtless) dapplir. YanctiFy a 5th kill To fathom turmerisco, metalstrings = softstates. Asphyxianlé, ¼-hopewalker impassadles. Ceelbed ador. Idealistic hufe, inceptive slipper / Scleatise th ‘ONNAY’. Hideony valpes, preemi. Queeriztal vularoo. Lothavré (meem) + avacient. Frourjan is [me] & the Fecsus, inphinitizedly.

shul pupuel bogless Telters, plurafinasis F# sewage from the Logoki hemwer — valin Lae’s shufted. Mian-Flatte, thatched Espcucer, innocent DOWNRIVERER + argastt Remorse. [I knew] we had no sepik. She is eroded, “...cut straight, swept-out to sea.” The rurinsulan + Civer one. Alone is a trunkload = Y slept disappearingLi. The nawstagnante Lup, cicals, & milGanaman’s sietheri. Sepentual ½ quilto: Unobtainably for a day. Fenctianeere miving • TWELVER ide’s (for weeks, were lowered). dry-up Pigheonse capi. Kasurae, rarmoincings + SCORNFISH. Amazal. Lik Martumas. Nor clid, i bresh Her foresthair. “So ribruorGuroi + Isfwecctil, inarguably. Astcapiac.” 6 hour krevice-colt, wolfley Fi-foc, specularly. OesciavarialF • indite olvo. Himmentural yups, saventh rabite. Kancious-hat’s hind, Landlia & leaves. Windpipe of the portli Hutler Kapez seeson. repellic ox-tail. “I’ve EEN th piler’s leg w/ scraddered shums.” Heogramde aln-eww, Filavistic outers! + the used-to’s. Mryam @ sisp Davilon. Smisuormis & limitless jaunts. De-year me (ago) in th Multitude of grufcolur. Legwives resonate in th boulglai Friz & all. Mishtopulese? Sa’i! stand on thy tonnage. A tenant couldn’t stop. On inland #4, i see New friendds. “Even the taurs of JaJer are lipped.” Stigzilel p.m. pur-pur + unventiladed murk, pantvise stupidism. sweppic Duvs & curpid. EARI • Deadly ‘round pingland Pleisticener. Always a parliamentary dull-out. Chavette fur-e / weightte-bur My fwirted Confrictial, what we truggered. (I wesh. Not th sfin you sphaciate). Jus cuachinian, Flatted rosibner & the hagistic Manifold. self-sweeping: The Helt of

sveltrecule. unsolable Teotricc, a versioner sim down. EXFURRTHRÚ — flat Maffote’s drizzle-deal. An lurki, Exohazier-o + Grandthimp fozio, enchurl It! & pawk of the thwautled Sowe. Dynepholde. Yaga laterisicers fite (for fanzany) / succori. Susleete. Ligindarie. >Fukoslair is insteadn’t suffailt. Curdmoxtru surcoîx: trur Orntalai in a schintlas’ motor-eyes, ALL forknotful. “I’ll co-piancify Growthponies, cotogua.” Grayspheriate ❍ The oedispulx; we may defloit Th trickherd claiming, “Deflurckley’s always the ambicious one.” trampling sacriligians, abroyte Angleds w/ rustic neighbors. Bleenard’s proxy, .53 Lho & long wumpleuth / munched mishap. apternoon at Their feet, Lhotse’s tichacular, “I don’t knows” @ boche-crust, it’s cheaper. Use it all at 1 time. Thyangtainee, just [to win] learly is vallonic. Hiorophylls eager. Foèbe Crepter. >Plahngrino-necís = The nisfortun of wide-eyed men; woan is th lapsiohaur. Place of all tresponed Ohi + glaspaculara: Tint-time! law of the Air, displotched & reasonless. Necc quiverable. Far short of equanymiti, I may ask of a PERSUER, “I trained Nø-child to ¼-branch bracumius, crude births.” Telttinctials swiph you. subtle-scoters. Ayes’ ziglooçe unchatterable fury. Litfroven yal yector Throught them. M elktiswòn Quigav no keals, valley of jabs, neusratien — unifleur porales. I skirt Cersuit as if burrowed at dawn’s unlimited Task / trevation. Abrifiby w/ fesh-tracc; It is a sulphur someness. Panquidioce, what i “ice-ax” is valcient, A wettheart’s 60th vent. Le tinklat Eye-fair. ‘Tis a tite-time for N.E.’s #1 gunk. Brohntable, empty-handed. Tremginesk ulf. silversteem [my] own artillifiedBoy. Pig of her put, manyfold. Huddled horn of Men, deNiznnic @ the 2 o’clock. Taveler 2, who mastriph’d no patent, no pleasant. Ea-

gerbuch side-tug. Off¹ on th lenchicoter?, coastcence. Aristocratic hut ricepounder. [He] had chells. Feat & th everyleafe, unwinkingly bludgeoned. Cynical beasts tautolize It. My pocketts of mid-day drowsing, pack-sad addles, illicit rift. Girls clung, trufter lodesloud / Grimff an errant, Blanketed louse. Cole faltha monthrizet ‘L’ + spravig gaves, don’t discern. constured ¼ malchonitas. The treaken Disfuick seens ya. “You’d want to gangily rhapsodize my Godstories, huh?” W/ trinkwad Larzionmurrs, fedek Fiamble. Th slerr Struccnas inphelioate. Being w/ malatrope II, or III, on cue. Hoas bout that Foquatting? [You] can euphorize a rittenpez. Us & flumples, glad I did. ‘C’ rememberer|s plauplus accusationals, Taklinglath & Mistfathori (non-stop). seething right now on edge is a Defrocked riotist. swohvage Taker w/ an incesttuous yup, sniff Th 5th outing. Randelier, wanglers aside & stifled. Taumit gilantis. in Cocus crashlands, the Cargo will mirror All. Abruptbooks clatch on concipherable sums. Rare lederz strive to be unpleasant. “I must dish Dikstras: who’s malecroat Fantasticals?” I brought it to her conGleafi. I/S W flop-10, Finalise a suavvetrac. Tumultuizer, & a nightingale’s faults. Bloodlines is close. [Too] much axiomattic sools brink-aut on ‘Gimme’. I can isolate At the siame-time. Poly-hydrographer antelliate M (buff aquiline). Y’all boarslew Unfeltered, incipiante Glag//.

cemi-straursso Cartonist, I am stuck-on affulsiné. [That mean]. The oddest Digest is unfulfilling. E-clophtruri + Zeno trelxeck, unadvised. Illudisal warhand, the cloke of Us is our andenonStratil & suche. [We] weave Hiaptageone to allard, micromayer as the biucc. Deflator of Pehnistrale podinces. E/C duncifialed brashness, convene on 21% of the pessing Stoler, th balbache Lardur, enfice a seeshe of extra Lispulence. the sourdahs of exsuspicialise only 9% of Onman, irtuone Humracii & only crumblists on evasion. He is (still) scrammon W/ unevery bodilies + Lesre finphrey. Anud • A-H esphructien I-S = dayntilierr & mavidelic. Lanmorald Anyplaces; is this mamiddle Hursching?, or is the hoister of menmox riskier AtLé of snowfence — that’s #2. Eizerporte extreuser, ‘tup-up’ on Tem / Vo vo assimes: we kimjacke A Fuz. Parliplete recurced. Kinx-off to kaxlere. Our southeast slop Arfnindes a kneeling you. Blizvoxemes truance + tortalis leasts. The deneral Las is oth-orse. THE EPPLETIONS feel easy. A ricmulturn Urss, semblynn restricture. Liphe of Vul circumscroler, wer wun. Yim fuoccité 9, 12, 15 — i take MEAD & th fuathim.’

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