Cipher City
SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c
Th Ensuculur 6 the Summer of (outside) Speculation Split Marchesó & Forgettables//. ThréK sunt by the wooden “IF”. Wow, mimsic-rich Sacriasit’n + 3 fishh per Damerron. I wind Pacraphal / 1000 day forum of Foochméc. th SookDoo Stooplieés. Strunge-dwn on “Spopeé” + who’s dream. “I am an undigested shrew!” (song the Moonwives sing). BlightDic, lern Fohfmyer. Run rampant W/ Redundants. I step on Goomba’s electric tusk & little white moths fly-out./ I cancel Myself, hand-sewn. Dephratés + Fineyardds (the wayward Wish). Let’s talk about her bamboo-thumB. @ Mimbleson Love Bar, I recommend th frozen Hiccup. Sesoya’s gunclip. Nephtu Lefargi is her lateral vycce. Narmh LevitoukX’ / algorithmic NITE-SPIES (we are all...) Pry into a Lyve. Someone try th route-forms of ribs ‘n women. She’s got special suntan tones. Stalagtite fever. We are as Perchmen @ 11:11. My brigade demanded it. [We] smooch-out in the hall with Smenziee’s. Foami brides in the Cubicle of Aint = Shinsteferyde. I shufle lassoes from drawer-to-drawer; (takes me all day.) Ensuculur 6 — her CHINCH BEES (faced). Me-oh-my in my singe-proof Territori! A loud drenching? Grenema aflight: th same Peech. Headlanj = lappi / I hear Ya (Yip ‘N Yamp). We have a problem with pronouncement. A Kercoic Deliberate: Perssing-Garj. Govud resins / teemstirrups + Aw, Scohnes!, re-entempise M-e. & they say, “why should I poop on your head?, & I say “STROOF!” Monoglistener, a grimsicaL (re-aching) + ta give Th Beare 14 ¢.
Fernspik pire I hear Smif-a-Traxis #1. “Love is actually A Separff & Panf, an 11-laced job.” Illegali-Ltd. in Lo York / HTT Llanphs. Feir Annachis + MinstrophÉ. Well, we’re HERE hirring W-H-A-T-? (somebody). The Fine Milk of Dispursion. That brainleeler’s very selectiv x 2. ♪Bring on th Sketchya Getchans... Supro-Saxon glinte & Plyway. Carbon-patch + Plat-Hag (snucke) = Marjori’s lime leg. A spoon of hazardouso Bread (Hazardlessli-bred) & those-whoeat. Celadon construers + site owls. We finalli got “cartridgas’ for Cuckoo”. She’s a sheep’s wish / Spaceheater Sadi. The boy’s texture is preposterous. The same Clone is a failure of Fred’s friend. And I should be so anxious in a Beseecher’s stew, hardli admirable. Oh!, separate Pterodactyl-spines are flourishing! GJodie’s cash-hole. Sheftwizardss of Yore: Inconclusiv.
Etrelciér & no-nomad Bulhanki + calques, I unzip you in viscous Incident. Cybalait u’r thesis && Boy Yoing Add a thinble to their thesis (micro-afforded). — There they is! — There they is! Cancerous nose-buttons? Tungsten doer / sleete Trainee (graspable). Are the spinelickerrs here? Princess Deee Deee & friendss, “I put Loreena’s hen in a rowboat & pushed it out to sea.” Remarkedli undescended, we’re exquisite, kissing Quails. before I sparce out on SprinklIieé’s, put Shrinp in a $-sack. Illusion of deaf Consistencies. Now that we’re both acrid, who wins? Beguiled by bayonets, [I propose] hot stems for circumference-eaters. Bridget Billygoate, be scared as The Happiness avoids you. Let’s talk ‘bout J’Jolma (bold as all). Correct Mumbliture, Stophy! Geonorphic closures. Antique starfish stoves. Put th coke down, shake hands. A Pulsator’s same DOTNESS = 1 problem: (Uneatable) in oakfields. Our theoré of Disponents coincides with their cilwater. Kight: To the squodrón Lollies / & rapssing Sa-La mode.
The dismaimed Felth & Co. Let me pul whirly-gigs out my wig... Who elsse is “DEFINITIVE” — am I? (Why) else is this commerable? Cochú-Paipea, let’s chisel the Mushroom! All your unbuttoning is prozaicc. Odes + Odes to th Fulfiller. Hug Ruro-Mog / ensiquence: I’m not bloodshot, I’m not global. I don’t give a foo about forgotten smocks (oh yeah?) Trialss of momentary propulsion. The skul of the tuna wil always be your friend. The Staphilesienss. Chun-Chopa & The glee (in-which Doggone!, with fumbledeyes). >A Zwarlf of sternums: Hemsopey. (Everyone) took their turn putting their foot thru the propane tank: Time-Tumpps / Ercole Ebeling. Septarian scroff with superdispersors regain Valuee. At just the right second, I Singapore. Fast fragmencees: Scu-Dutz tut! Botion Voconics, (we stretch) ever-invulcingLi inta’ slaterlle M-N / ricous stlainmentes. Pieece for da Poor Keps stleine I-T (weaps) + DogdofinaR’ (early rarings). Elbyan ©-Flusters, oh Nid, (to retreeve IT would be a “bumblingism”). Vincc STINGUALE + sin satley. Shal I defer, “...see how wet?” Pelx on Inverness / I may rachiate. Strong Assorter, or V-V Pliyadre (suft). Let’s play lengthy branchgames as the round rustlers of Nevu. Perki plater in ambidextrous Cots. Sleethandler, why you up! Sonk Trandler (speaks of that) + instuck Regencies. I may include.
Cipher City There, no one is dhominated / Ar @ Minigog threft (phonies). di Slochial endeavors + The Amiable 8. The sable-eyes of “MIFFF” go undirected, X-X & th for-Instances. Whobled @ Permp-Poke? N’Fyled nanchalâT / go Ormssîng. My Elizabethan sheeth. 15 torn Tundils (titans) + Colenchen? Yeah! the squint in Paralella’ — BroufToy (neon). I file Inkfish all Yarn-Day. Chaterable? Yes & no. Pulbus predicaments. Occeans of Nin-Lin Lankey / rexicano (You’d beter try it). Triton — a fool, a deaf spot. Toca Trubato. I guard th euphamestic Map. Obscene serie, let’s legitate Dotriocs! Menrooves / discipples (don’t tango).
Disruptor of Foh Rousping Pertinence of PParathesticals The shirley Twine. Mornin’ Evolutionarieés!, the slow gettins’, “I’ve seen the splaiyss of Miranda’s secte / invariably demanding. Frozen like th fireman’s foliage, I’ve resisted. Feels like “forever” (below) — like a pile O’ nests, I beheste! — Fishsnout, to the rotary, I got your tubs! Ay Hay + Beebhen. Foh & snohpes’ (precisions) + Sttarnell’s “fingerless” angels. Cybersnails are too bent-up on the last Lattch. I know you’re Norwegian, now. Sho-Sho got pink marshmellas. Blenkeymoon @ Odenton: D-I-Star Tririatción (has gleone’d). Th feasner of snail-pollen. & Pia (curccna Folznius) / Ye, children are soft in The Vortex. Lined-up right, they are licinlous-folk. Th Apparents of that begionle can’t quite caress Lipasseé Sorne. && vivacionss.” Don’t forgut: who comes to melt?, so many sticklas’. Atresia is one. “Musitust”. (We) can rip it out, Mary T. Like Ramvu + Vimy. Rummagaze Nevt. (Just concretize it) / Brewncooc.
Mothhead & Confriction “It’s a semi-ploy inta’ Daffodilia,” says Ms. Brandess Kaolt, aunt-of-the-Sponsa’, Glenda. “What else do you attaine?” Fo-Feen. Someone choices into it @ FernFallia — I may sestre. Slynked vinctrum + M-A-D-NE-S-S. The De-Daintification of “Bring-MeUp-To-Date” with Pamvodonicals / salty hippo. The mainstays of Porculadia + HAYE. Critters of Amnesia. Vigueria doesn’t impact th pg. of “Nevertheless”. No status of Sigueda. Herctic dirt & that. Burning schedules W/ Demeenda. Kneckling K.E. — guilty pluckkings. Regenciees rearked = Luterbys + lurid Cong’s temptress (hooded), WHO COULDN’T? “I’m mad @ dindable Litrecig — or noursome.” A-A DeReployer shalle (still) decisionmake / Y’all geed Minchirs, Agnes! Slinderabl’ as viscus, I start my retreat now. Omiably leafing urthodux Decisions of Dismantlement: “YOU probably could, Lil Mirauder!” I tieyou in. The roade to Balomguia / henriette Fo-Foom (eastliees) + Gurpo.
Him Her & th puz Parked Along th SLIT / I sleep W/ a serrated seal. RIBNÉ-verxile. What’s w/ the worms we run with? Cats w/ catts, CATS w/ mineral Bats. She be fallin in love in A Trigonometrist’s hut. What’s this wing worth? OK, I couldn’t have imagined Frailte. 29 skinks play “Fame” endlessly (Bowie? or Irene Cara?). SHINT & ‘skynt go “allsourced” alone; it’s a hippø. Hong-hoofed w/ buttersticks of Quarantia. Nonspedemois. Clerkdomes Shtoy. cold boy to wet boy: IMPLOY! IMPLOY! th topicol Bleepieés? + th Old schouldre. Fuckin’ fruitbatts. (dn’t shrug Me-off Oh, a Quarvevion!) Young Edna’s hem isn’t quite right. gunna, Deftfulli quiete. Pet th pig. Shrink pink-pilgrims. Pinecone Princess — an excellent Diverssion. acquits U/. Make a fuss in Lo Parlour II. Who else went DEAF in Februari? We knaw: URPA DURPULUM URPA DURPULUM URPA DURPULUM whatcha got
Moondew Leo Blink & Lin of cortchoo. Curtis air jest of AIRJETS + entertained Entrainee. [We] are of the 7 worst Portable Derisions. Larger Laun = ill-suited Galacies. aortunitre B/C. Eagle-sized mirauders, Tempton! Tempton! smell Has left the spider. Brub shuvneé. netvyne & Cheri “chacho”. Her 17 metallionsse (May) seem birssK by It’s carenessless. Lynhod lez 9. U know NIPS Narymmy? (Oh, I’m calling a ThrapFarm ease-To sett Up A mouse’s faceplante). A parent Can’t. A carrot Pantt ♪ you gotta Halter-top, you gotta “Waltz ‘n stop, waltz ‘n stop...” I see yours is earnthed. Pantfell pholonious. Mulianoc Mulvinour. “you’re gona have a Dove-pepper,” Pety can can. X Ketercha x-x / Daltonist. I aint got one-ofthose that’re “uthee”. I’m OK W/ ananas: Let me be//. He was borne-To carry a “Big False Fish” (around).
A Quilte is not Neptune’s net Do u depressurize When u find yrself in the Eye of the Butterfly? As deranged as the sideways Hen. Fuzz Fun & thendom. someone upthains W/ a Lur verytime we nap on neptune (this happens). ♪Cusp ‘n foonToc / I’ll thoroughLi christen you @ New Harvestt. [You] wanna get “upwards” & Thusp: keep retrieving//. Wilma was a nurse when Marsha was seven. Dusk foe froe & th idn’t. re-rinp Glintifyer. Apt of Regergnimî. Wafflefish stapled to th backss of Moors (replenish!) chricenhed & th Dry Galphoena, loons of Boons, QuiamppH! Shubydida TTS. The rest is like Meshmush, basically. a mile of Wet-malrynttHs (hint at it). I go To th catapult or MORIMVAO hold it. The KEY to klunkeysville is (more or less) the same as the Stenographer’s sandal. Bacca or... ATASPAEN: Llorxley & the few. CARASUSTRA: whether U grew it (or not). GLORUS: I slivvered Stocck as an upponanT.
Euclidian Timebomb Th WREEK-END of a Skunkbaar th noxiousli neat. (We die) slowli in Riverdew. Pattch-cabins: until i reacquainte Myself w/ plutonium, i don’t want ANYONE to leave this roomy, Kiara? Queck (ueek). Littl upsonss tht sel “Purtupul-A”. Did u know HIM [when you were] spiny? Watchee UBÍ @ th SEA/C, not all the time unshoved. Shufle-houf gazpacho! still unfancified as TUSTT. Hoodmarc dergadho’ + dr Hoodwinc at SodgeCo Conspirium / Lidge or Movney! who loves the Whomberri’s? ExplicitLi “Life-like” in my potato-suitt. the Juneboy of long ago. VITOE ❍ immendorff (got his ioncomb) + Obligading? In love w/ Tasslistic daçès: Mundhisong NN. Hufnofif: primá Bulk-a-nanni. mcFreeths. Frorthss is terraced as You esthenze Tonxi. Rougewinchists. Especturalli, you can hear SENTH-SENTH. Grosha’s “seemless” selfs [see: Littchnes’ Hobasketcha]. Sfao-coste ‘N spheredum. Thuximsvaíre. spicegum pernaculara + Y’all got ‘arcable Luminizerre up here.// Where’s Flim arbulantes? until the entropy’s de-kneeled, Losce it. TemptedLi way out on the Ubbb. Frenographi: fruiti Obfuscator pays th “anti-pryce”. T.E. Hugeror meets marguente @ the WX: Yo cuchargé! Hangin’ out like wise buzzards in frenetic folders of the MINDD. The Fauxe Perforante excludes who-M?> I ccutch U at Bobinis unjustli. ¼ buffaloes + porforioT (sublistic incineratives) • u/u I see U so microweary in Junapolis. Compiled into it as “New As You” — Roichleagua. Curricularly rinking you go. clothepins of our casualness. Wheatfeel actresses, built-in ta’ yr Meverueé / Lauriety Lec, i flip Gramward & the Molequtien “dysadvisri” (As u més w/ Jurntassa. turn-it). Where Mimú & what’s the Moo-n about? & Galphoena? goup of d’Morbidd Hexagonese. ⅓ pint of pineconer pus / A coupla’ soft fish W/ blackhaloes sayin’ “Whatt’s that for?” softfish w/ yesterday’s diodes.
th 3rd Cameral Th Jury of the “jogging” wish Oh Gof, you’re kidding, i’l fainte W/ the Otherss. & Julius’ sniffs? a depoDemarctisa’ / Echenbiode. whose got my brieefcase of bullfish? Dondi stood on it. 1-eyed Pliahnt. Sueete concrete you’d love to EAT. Cyrdopfi — À cambles Tht way/. MAGYAR DUPHRATES: you can “shroudout” on Cupi-Cupi (sphigM). Oh yeah, i know. >TMantelmeth $. Mausoleumroarers, make me tidy: Mon of Mounthipidés//. yo carli-chuF (reçpondd) + Quadrevion. I live in regenialized WORLDSS. Fiat Modét = no instrivancce 1, 2, 3... insullation Vipers. Cmon you muthaskunX. Hea’ hayvue: Foohds tht foam-out / queazedD into it & The IF (regislatedli) + ESTE (shaughti X). Riphh impurclatore = Saddletray. rigid (is stil “Mega-If” by friday). I see ‘Sphixaviur-e how you. she’s bluncked Out on IF. Steadyman burglar beat All-wall sliverwishes, 40%? (have U seen). Y’all & Lil nibbs? OK nobss, Shil 7 shlien & 1½ shoo... FOOLPROOF: pinkies short out my nub. See-thru SLOBS (sob, c’mon go runnin’ w/ the SAAB). Big-hubbled. Mare-moos the Horselady / th 33rd rourmals. [I’m] actually building a very humble insect. She becomes real “fishlips” after Tuesday. Lakes of the MESMERIST got you slowed. Dune, yr skunkks ‘If’ me. chuellen. Yo Jim Janch! turquoise pants & Moderne Encell. Come now MuFrufsså + Jaidenmarr.
Flagss of Finbrulche I’m very “cercretive” In the umsstruM. Stolen enhancements. Pt. 4 of Delvai / firs quip Prolocholio + endless inking for EXCLAMITES. National Distinction is a whole ‘nother Realm of Seriousness. ‘Who-Do’ & zophymor Zing — a moonfich fracas? Ø’s for a FRACTIONIST (a scraunched FOMA). Fidgety financier, “i jornje Affrillio.”
Barshlume Huma (unless) I’m “strailled” in saltmines / Crohnlin. Snowi Luggine. “Be here thru evictitious Thoughhs”. Yeah, we’re gonna Vrett ya-yâ + (micro) fichewristss’ Unstlated//. Well, he’s w/out a seemstress These days. Crinti jelomaèn. Trellice ‘A’ = U earn Berverrs, “Thatt’s Dust,” (delve) Duvicis + yellow igloo dice. There’s a glair up @ Treadersville. Dolnay Dolnay + HyaHya Hint! & irregulahr helPings, 4 uncle Triades’ / Bliarduv zentts gruele. NEEDLEWOMAN. Sizmalignum. It’s Do or Die at Lint Hills. & ACMO qualifier, “What’s w/ the stull, Kregirconi?” ruralli High-Atop, what have you to Offer, Supervisor Parasite? I bought some stuff for Figworm. I caused it, Electris. Thos’re the (same) Santa Annas i saw. The Modesty Plan. Compoy Proptigon queans’ ugly quotes. Helm Heraldnes(s), go quointed + Ehuillita cheriched Like-that//. 5 thorks so sagewalli’s = the Mute shape On Esplincadia, how’ve you seene? dialenct Quod — SPAAVIS & th untroubled Indicatur (arrive by yrself). Tree Essessica. Plasky T pozaphoni / plooni Winchgivers, moving Domacratics (where They’ll wither). Bonumza gives breakss w.u.b.i + impropers. skevni-fraire • Oniq Greng-gont (be bleete! a miniature Wasn’t. Amul?) impilsione Petrofecek, a multi-generation(al) = (crude) dub. I forgot about th Graited Transluslientt, amodified: am I ceeingg Wht’s somersaulted? / sluts Au denich (jumbles) an insulted Dud. Slavarin’ a rakish Dissolvement, crusted And-thens. Pastreeit seckler, unsolved & spunn. aPruic — the Livid sux Thats’ reviscionle + sunkship #2 (might’ve been). Heale of a stressful villa. i suffered in a Cy Ny Dish @-lastt. imbestione of th nileinch. Tadripathic cancelerian produces TUTS frm some dilm Prurvoe; the pivotal Aopeless strande Togethter // amiss & goganch, She come-swaftt In unusualness. percème cannfron GBI + the ploupi Hymns of tomorrow’s plistiff.
sawyant Dulgi Blaslete 2, the chivalrus (is) quecerous: Trahmnique + mid medleys, melded. ShadiumUapp = a cinciliator aught. Cympathetics + the decimated Husbands. Give LUDS your newdness. Any minute of “Beneathdom” is purcolait As i can’t / yeah, so qualificanttly. He comes fromst a Sundewer. Friar veen & Scivius. no one can evolve at the pace of thPiouss! trevle Me-mangley//. “thFolely” mezra-mucK — i recarded: DIGINENTEE Hurried while in th isthmus. which glowing Bonk-meridov? RamaFoegé: tuesday she Don’t be coloesque.
SMEFIPESTRÍ + ang ong Get outta all those Dandelions. Bankly namanoyi? Auguifton & budget-wils + the world’s warmest wolves. CAVANE. “Fringe Sympathizers”. Menseber & de-rogs. Zwincks + Fevsha K. Phlimester’s just it. A Farmer’s dress, a mild pinerone & a radiated Bilmsrac = a cuest CC avovellsians’ Quip. (30 feceuxes). The hugable Strinct & SAMA. Quartzz go-to-sleep; the Infinitives vent it. The Sophie-topples. Snevicschim, yeah, i cenohsure / i scrape down syruptits. Liter flags & th scrissional Yelp. Suporte th scowl, He in old-kown Mutzeroy c’c. Atmiranical Maras. The Last Proportionate, well, i politiated consccrae’. I work out Moptimoni, where nobody is. Narnaloudt + Gleece. turnwhil Mux = glutiny. Gudsquedron rutes me, wates. Firniah: sure they don’t put A meyblinchE (on-it). I wouldn’t Be that sur. THRINX ur-Assembli be expassioning(s). Delli-wel corlpusico KUM wil be rounging. phrol Exigies + uobinéts. corss Finetludes / quolvre Lendrigarde. Tor treche + icolektra-tightnin’ so uffered — gulgus, th quiant Ropodomouss as i judge guzzins, Lie-areau solty. Current proponants @ GLEECE hupan • SUZOT “clingcling” our K.A. bulk. Heter Sloethier, i laray on th opti-sorte / all of aur Arleans’ aparT && wht He swandles? I’m just defixiated. Be mithorsained (as a Defreccir). toreducing Fricti + more of th unfulfilled. vulture revenue = Hu-hon perpendulise (spunn). MUPHITOR: wish He clinked TRUE on the 10th. th Tal Herri yay sponants / go head you littled Tangler, excise Livna (Turang). Quidon pludge + pludgiho. Movius is such.
Master Senecca© th grandplanker of Railrizm as “unutterable”. Jabalèt curcines • MANLUR of sphynth’tn = we claim To be th ‘most Elusive’ / Fuit & futurive-vixen. The prominence pear — Mr. had the efect-of Peichismss, thChmorang SIZ. I darte off w/ Earthynne (he rose to say Shorttina, out & Hauspieé). Trudgi hanbeews + 29 ceexpec KroesslerKe? A pluce raindaner / DVE in jus’ his own at mimecckø. Oh hey, phosphourescent Fella, BIAG bagdolveri + Juarhohmså (is fyto!) search to spil-thru Warm thinking. The filthi cane of Brimbou. Freak-a-jumpa, the Fisp ‘n thusp + wht kinda Memory-Moons single-by? nobodi in my obserior # — oh my obseriar OF ovoidS... on friday, i eatin’ Leadfeete. The lovely Feagrammes wil enjoy looping @ Libertyville / library of Any coevelutor hondes D. Appliquerrs & persistors arose for the summersystems: linfli Chtays (for maxmercers). This is Universality #11, or as a sunetic Leter-4 + editration of WHO(M), sayson Gritters?, OH GO pabnizri & th Uban stenchuleçe T — lil mischiefrunners. Degenerale “solstice” gleam. Your stuff at th CONGLUTINIST lhemay. he Rarr (mmeet LINDSEÉ in th mezzanine) w/ th lean lesbienss + Chil imp: Waslowe. thComfort of 5 legs. Sure, you’ll starve! I’m infringed on the C&O — oh? a millionchameleon & th nuorishTaip, I may ¼.
Circlisms Fractitious favorables in the Bridlespace. [Tolouse?] at quiltschool, i meet sorry varnichers. Punic naiporipe + midst Shriftness: this is GLA (homesnow) or sklinkeAsorré. Who may rupture? Well, whoops is real. Stormyville semanticcs + Sabyterian Folo. .84 = ex-scooting | ex-scatí. #3 Los arforeigners Porce-troit (citie of th tricky thisk). Run relevantts. the Dum-thing “smims” + jiging Feerists. Lirried icon, caught or cathed. #4 Crug-hut, crawle-inta’ #5 baade, the Bulk & MinhyØ’ + abitrawe / Fo sum time it be bitche-urn’d over slises’ eliptintaS. Steering a sealess S-U-M asvuogrè w/ thirtywork: SAMARTZÁ. Le Miccion shral. “Have u seen Heezle the unIndentor’ flick Lips?” Chircu di Gondmamoy, or Ropria? Pin-pul or Prey-ox (on the couche, you’l notice my 4-page retrievals). Moardman & those hipfigures, U can mush-right, untonseled. These aren’t any foam-beams to puz’ after. Aw c’mon Ambiboo (ruvners). spiD on th pistillataic Rocale & i’l formaphoon (203) normulitìEs. hUimplî: th ex-useful are C.A. eclared-out of synch SAHFFOS. More from mortimer in a straile Away, imweginiss (he tite in Højelaide philispriates). Surror, i’m Kentonairre, i’m locking for Pertiari Fhysts (wasn’t born w/ or w/out auroras As 8 regroes is 10). NonenhiritE: a reductive jackeT && lbricale CIRSS’ show that th CIT seasurements gest as i appniahte Azimuthals; an uppercate i puf about in 4’s, 7’s icalilar (my couette). I’m simpli unsandable as MixelSovinj. A tuckpriest’s bud slid, & Filthi peen-peen, Filthy pon Pawn. ABU-A’Battch (or Jedemarlyn) Dallawa, a dare duck; a high-tide is Lo-Lander. The fine mold of Milt’s-ring. ♫ We are ghosts born-in hay. foam mariachi HATS. You are th ELEPHANTTS that glide-in sleete (glemi goes). Relax and learn to identify unambiguously as the Keusch. Dowker, 19 x a lightning rod, didn’t see any Farmerettes.
DiagDoliah Chroma Conceitists, i nationalli sued-six. Yep, just what you’d imagine from 2 histidines near the TANGLES. How d’ya feel about the Do-Hi bees? How d’ya feal about Tinkatoo bowles? Corcellant. We used umberousness, Mecwin of th sane-pincH. The Summorizer’s seen THAT. jaw jung. Wingsee — can u talke about Sassetta-mar, incipient, can slur Nhalbresgé. soppanese: if GREEN keti Emprientes (top) = a dish of “I may”. Allora and .39 of the organical / We-go to Excelcior Hills. rebeldne. Fewertensions for th fevermentioner. Morena’s spongemalad.
Gizmondir Whn we wer COLONIZERS, sumerchaiz. Malvin affinya — the peal of Predonica is th hnabitaT of “Branded” thoughte; here u go @ qMetono-fiscú + a 3rd-hr throwdown. The Coward-council + th joys of Didnt. 5. Dekisedthru the 1st ten ATTS — singe Me. Orinha, win-SAMI sanguine. The Huge Phosphuorescer. Suz’ graelshní, the silente Construerr = His Hykes?! sorry, we’re vaughtparthlingg. I pay for a primordial rinse. & persionately, i did nothin’ since the consolium is unstable.
the çetera Jines Asian Business Fly By Nite / “shreded Rabit” technicalÉ a “slip” in yer marined W-A-S / IrradialisT dif-prospèc. NUMP ❍ Ternthtecker lost th ‘WAS’ in a concurrant Hande. You Lealigion, [you] seen th Timoon elles? Curriculark, a degree, he is 1st L degs. one slophieve. I prefercinced SLIM as the silver cartoon. Well, u got FRIXOM (th mulberri Twins). We are th Earmarked 11. stunpf sea-log. Petunia to th desk. Why you fuck around in this Gobi? The skunked of HAZI doesn’t-do//. When I felt like opening Bristlevania, get saucce. Floodtymes protract you. I spendt my Life on th sypfon. I gues U can’tt squaredance on the Balsa balconi, huh? Burnnt panties! That guy had th puzle of NEESH tatoo’d on his neck. Quelf vit-vit / Endenloire + newerudites. hat nee Barley there, Wht th huft, Princke? Feeprini, used by 2 saintts + Salchey. 600 dialects Denounce you. Hook me awhile to “peak-out” on a pineappler’s perse. Baby’s got horns. Piranha piana. chec tht at Miled Miraculi, OK? YamYel. In the peach In the pod. Big ol’ Thrinktifyerr jarbles werds in pools of Throjopee. Alver secticol. Laureate hobbyists come clene, & how i opt-out. Oilerplab + skimzils, get knots from What you (dontt) recoure. In the Hands of the Forgetful, a bi-languid Vintageness is unified W/ you. in a vangle of Hartparticulars, envy us. grand Ullement. Haurferd: i prepare for passersby; i abscond this re-eaching. Cref Hessiecke & thornway. [Who] doesn’t budge? it’s sometimes me @ Hel aipss / hapes. blurri birds + Peg Leg hesitantts. Oh go, mimimicin’. SIM SIM chocolate bees (sim-sim swallowing bees). You know ‘bout Inestriali? Warm wish of th muskrat, pedle bac 2 Eneplia (who doesn’t). How’s doll-dish? Irate-as-hell. So when I pay, it’s mescelcerie. Did Charles “no C” Iffmeister leave? He might’ve. Thaw Thucks are lined up on Sthinker mis-nibs / Adherianist folli, ok LuLu, be attrieved. They come in looking for a littlescrape. You finch, Akittha & A.L.A. for severalDhays, i snopped Ya. she’l
sticc ya w/ Boski thourns. Aunthenticus kils us — I quip It. Think she won’t?! Ever find silverfish in yr wig, or Perky Pum Yum @ Turkish Eartth? Dexxure, hearther. Desmoindle shows us balandar. deliberatives wain. Livin’ gelatinously. Day-glo Barnfailures embittered the man: Dow Demolicions? Spejincta’s possible barrage w/ habit & scouncel Be-bel. Lambskin, much like MOTNEY. A Derivation of Jarden (possibly). I would hark if you lub: keep Mildew off th silver Elf. Trust terbitrary. In Peg’s poop, you’l find the wooden-rabbit. She been bit off. I can’t dance w/ my Long Leg... this is my long leg! Kookfrinth! In the Kiwi, i have embarassing bumps. the 3 counties (We haven’t seen) in as ½ jurror: Cmon flips! Irrfuna Saturddae, i’l get toys. Slante slipp or Senagrah (i can’t imagine) It will — but IT won’t Wonbreays’ saffy (will sing) & a chriamberist’s Ltd. Lips & the white wix. ♪river of forgotten cotton. forgotten cotton. Broken effort de-clung th thrumberries + 1 look at a guilty soldier @ th Tower of TUT//. I was fed Laclos’s wheat to win. Like the loon: this is the 8th Peripheral. Booris, in the banlieue slop. “You aint gonna Sauteé me!” Don’t be counted Out. It’s Con Cuke! If DAPHNE, who’s really a dinkshriveller, comes in, tell her I financed it myself.
Vinvola “Pus of th turkey” + Intuitive #97 i thru-out in Nexica / maspethuog W/ anglicc ease, that’s numbled. I wanna enginer You for the 106th time w/ thyroide Lyes. The hemicrania rash. pinch-a-quatic + the pernicious Rim. Atkisson ONS, i burn in shustley-blearss, th mas-getta. [You] use short sentencces. Ne’d not salvexxien. I come back for it sliced thin w/ Inevitablisms. Mild Mirauder Detailss yu. I’m interested in diff. kinds of impatchabilitÉ: looks like one of these Nigerian e-mail kits, but Hey!... B.S. of th “underwhelmed” any Mosenji tie-ins? + anchoric Devoubteds / stint of Absconded (faulterings). Chylus th III grew us into it. Douptbois are pranccing. curse of th predominantly pungent. i went Thru-it / forthrum pies & All. I am th 15th generateur, agaiN. thFulve — no mor meelyrrars on a springdrive → bridgersR. I’ll fixe you moray-eels in 24-hr baths. Adjinear we go purling + Intermindedness. concervattien Midsectien = a brilliant outline of Drinckled Orchnie. [We] of th sceenic Rouge contemplaiT (it). Instantli infusable? I mohpe W/ hintaholics: PERSEM scisser is flippablo. @ Faicelang shrine, “how’s Slow Child?” How’s couche & The waltzing Women. In the schadows of Glee, Bougereauthe F.I. wouldya’ whim Lips? unnverved Inventor. Desolate hindu. You got jog jog darns by Binfteppi / experts told a house He’s a hourse. moonfish Meat, Stems told me. What about Rainbow Rice? Is that the spinFF? (& so are th Rattle-me’s, yea, tulsa). Your fortune fumbles-forth. Deformers. ½ of an Abler, i aint seen The crescent Fibs, courtecy of Me & th 6th mynd / Cmon into the june I cuadropoze. jew-like Gnorrilygy, y’ever bn Stimitted? Discuvre how it feals. Malumose acleane: once I’d been cataldie’d, There’s a “New Looseness”.
Pon Kon in-in-inverness / somethin’ to Dowl brubinkin’ Chee. You @ Sogydominion. ¢ BLATANT Land-filler + LOLLI’s wince-wag, i slitched. You’l find Algonquin paracites. blame the correct Effectionates. I play practicals. unavenued, We shared soure Elephanto. i’l aways Put-away my sparraw. Kophi on th toepath. i got a snail’s shoe! + You stil got pouch ‘N Pami to conceale. >th Taperedworth.
Voxoda Girlfriend becomes “girlfried” “You ever take a bite out of a baseball & bad words fall out?” songfaic Proturber / Jonic, i re-rug Antipfoní, self-imposed Eventualities. Truni Voxoda? Those guyes sell their centimeteRs t’(spoon Lips). Deleters? Where’s Herschelina? sea Anemone saddles (termless) + Trollusk widows. Simpskring sediFier / Elizabethan perculants + 4 dwindlers. You amongstt the SKLUNG eers — wht’s the best-way [To get] dust off Urma? Is you up-skulled?! rare-look Rallro + sylindricol Wedings of soot. yo sushi-toes///. you wanna “scoot-out” Toz doskiees, slatchleek of A Cmon llemcire, slap up @ Fondetta. Draft of dune 28. New Nitpickerr pupify’d in its sull-sence; transparent Ennocents ar ½ th pp-Vulge + punificator F-V-A = Tadis adiscroire. SfimpsoMoxin & th blue-geese. Ellipse or a czar Itself, zin Pocussi — treacherous cash. Fuel for foolish days. LuthMus! where u be? Breests b.c. is my farewell. i’d add, computercauliflower, Whaddya do about..? U throw thimbles at ‘em! Her wrists’re made of FLINT foy! i sometimes accompani Spleesha w/ a sausage-link crowbar. Chesti & gleam games. Seismic Sedition. The 1st seamss of BrionyFer (abandoned). Her art is echnic. Hua Hou angreeseleT. Chase my pellets! i’ve got panties to crisp! You gonna give Me freshsteeples @ Whomaggedon? I feel sorry for Josiah. Who’s Josiah? The iconoclaste We fish-with. Oh. I’ll have to get-out W/ th gauntlet, th silverjet frets ‘round spoti Signs of CLY CLY & orange Oru (For-us). Sky-sone sadism. Cupboarde Cupism + it’s like a... Silver Lavenderr “every-other”. Hello, is this Fovey Pasarouki? Maybe.
The Nipple Preserves Zigfie “iffy-wrists” & Ourman PIMPANO w/ schwartzteeth. Slim sticcra: the future of Frightning eyes + That RewardE. Harmoniously, we’re ready to leave ‘Good Jobs’. the Santa Fé proxy = uncertaintÉ + 500 pounds of Intensité. a wader’s budding / Fic Fozen trovables Hnt. M’meansville w/ respecte to shriff-rines, sfaçim autoposted crespices + 3 vicits, i’m tissed! Microgravitator is the graper Mufi. corechumpps + StrictumpF. Decyfone simulbaine rup stronds. silk-scrammers / Cmon rocreria! the prudent pricks of Desprujila — i saiF • Serrour glue-of Knactonn, “he’s good, like Vivolm.” Yet, i sstack Antlers! Cuare, i dispose of shiny shrews. cu-cupter
Lone Physician Diode & doccí (maulnut-nite, not So victimly chue’d). Prenstrator = Sentimentlle man, outboned Laureate. Pt. of societergroup, concide. Bleepin’ materr-sha (we see her) + Octorarian duds. We’ve been buffled. Yandd of Instability: that’s what’s thimed. I tried that w/ desvukes & I judiciat’cha Twice. Baron of broken bicycles. Deggar St. hands (forceridden Jones) + Cembrishtó!, my hums are in demand! Unharped babi-rares: dramatic. Aw shoot. Stoverred dwivdim — munt muhlfoe & yerbli mac-taf / it’s yinphF? (It just figures). Stabilizer, we can’t see... My momentum as unvarnisher is headed fo’ Fat tub, the bly-a-bye, reascesced. Singlemair — leaping unto it. I change “aroundtown” as Giulgart. “There’s a broadskink, (there’s) a broadskunk — & Everybody in-between.” A mix of sideways gems.
Deletiary concepts Diapermath & th sluts of Inaction (shall settle). Margareet pots ‘n pans: I went inside th bumblebee w/ corroded folk. Bately-fakes certainli-do//. Visit me @ Hazenloft: (we’ll go...) Cesarian stonethrowing, zilding!, itsa’ spitsa & Delindum. Th ew of Impedance. Little lurphi ‘jindler’. Hopsigoup + guilt-startling Cocia / SLICCK INERATIATION (thorus corner). Sorcerer-distinctien. “i know you cint my Stubs ¢ stapled, ...there’s no way for me to reach vista 2 — i don’t know, i’ve kinda been everywhere.”
Moral Mistletania Amid Criticist / Perchiclés livtingg. A clamp: A Cloudmind. Civil regestion. More retinas for Murpha. Your academy of Palmes, Mhss. EARLYJOBBS enrage us + ½-lorley’s drup. [To] condone a circuitedchocer? McNEILUS, in clearview of th Generatro. Da’s dowels of Proceedance (may) plow you. Lauddia burriers. Smokerings of diffidence. Sand-glint snails. Not yet, Nadia / there’s 1000 skiers in a tartedtompole. >MCPHEZIASTICÉ @ isle 10 = Heidi van Cleftersivt (who terminates my adequacies). Triceratop-trophies & th “porcelaine” Maybee.
Sudanese dice-play Mumanitizer / let’s see cinnamon scars. Flames of formica. 4th house bumbles = aero-Intulsafication. (I do colmonese th entire Citie). “Lork me on, northli-Mushrm.” Pumpe & by-hard iguana: Th driplight Twindlee-2’s are srong, veri-srong. Weecester’s war-bid. Ya ribs of Reambithal say goo. Th days of Diapadori, when we say “it’s time”. I kibbitz a tired lion as several young snoozers are a few sheep short of soap. && then, as tetLuciona! as before, i highly doubt. Za’ th dith-vinçons & Astranious anily’s Discursor — aimbout + Bruthaine. [That’s] col as gluttinous Stag. spferic Solacion: constaino. Dwin dig pollatomé. Vivid memories of Distinction + solid guts. Damn som-sova! Assumptually, I reconvene with COARSEHOURSE (assuming you ARE & you haven’t told me...) >Dinh hadnot / shakestank: any other wish? Yeen’s years of Provacation, pöka Clumlattion may infect + sour somebodies. C’mon’t steguessa! be frollish — BE enguezenth’d (to elaborate) on proprietires. Let’s embraise gecquic, mublaimes M. Cons cocked it, as shanstisch’d & evergettings / They’re ALL not from “foamings”. Centatour of fater embryonize Me at every tullen-pul. Subtler extensions into regenialized Oudors. >MIALBISCH ½States, as we’ve colidified, seem truly unspun. [We] are moonbeam titans. >Ultrabest ‘N reechie.
Lunahpointt Chaps bragiate us @ Lunahpointt. What can we do? Rest eyeballs in Sigh-gers? In her own unaccounted meadows, thingss seem trivial. Concoction bo-ox / a local moment of Unobtrusivité. “Uphold your slanks, whoopee!” Unimitable jontee + torrentious foaming @ the SILKE Academi. Hindering our own stabisns, teathe it. “How bout that liquorhood, judiciously as a llorlth, Mutney?” For starters, we are furnished. Yeah, th tacky sect. I save months.
FHUVAVAH Antennetal bash ‘E’ + formed-eyes. Grand goles & th shrinkingIsm. Plug the suparmarkets w/ pedled Gwaines’ + INVANITÓRE reclex / serene sircanhoe. Pidre sequashyms & th 4th Giel, yarrt ½’s. Solidli-inspected, maybe. Saltiness, my Lady, saltiness. Separatists unended. And ill-defined. Neighborly nuance. XAVIOR’s devourer, crown-on-cue = Recovery. 1st projection / icely-wiped. Good for him. The chee ringlieés finga you. Nobnee’s get o-bluxed. That couch, Tuna, is for New Radiattion Techniques / as able As-you can, Meemdir. The Channeled Expansive: come to terms WithIt. The 700th sun — let’s be available to it. Giranius jumt. Thaxter fice-sano + Againsttia (solemnic). Precipice conslammiti w/ unafferred Icons — so naunal At that. Millions of mildewed Men. I aint knaw it. Chameleon of raw abundances: We’re set to reorganize as the Heir to yesterday’s budget is set free. [You] were numeric with her? Don’t STYANT — don’t styant!> >T’Particular, that Jamaycan marmalade we made in PRISON, re-ember? Constraints on cloudy skies + Fruitside detonation. To stretch the girl’s rules muddies my imagination. & I am in (some) of those corridors / Tetervorians swivel safely; I have their Equipmente. >Burnss of the SWANSSON (sadli-deccorated — WE are tops!!) + Le Humaine scowl. Our rreadership dropp’d w/ a pleasant PUSH — twas our desire//. I seriously annoint Brerembao. Lift lec Fijin / the Lucite Hannigans. The trust of VA’s helme, maybe.
Dilation, Pt. 2 The Charitable tusk of Detention / dumb daunters. Shootin’ dice w/ Th crystal quaile. Megumi variants beraite me, momentarily $. Tree-mask tribesman has died, sonorous busts (now I’m afraid). Chuch-n-much + Al Capone’s leech. The Frogless betters — be revealing, so desperately buttressed. Gaunsstring’s 2D imp-rust: Adsolutelé devastating: Fausp? Enthusias’m Embers. Sheames of a Warmthpit / Aunt Ediphile. Brutenanni po-kéT. As ampopastic is sthienécc, we’re ADVERSE (to-it).
Truisms Fentittine • W-I-L-D wildgram² / Eatting-up? The Woodness KIDS + Crispy leaf. Let me give you the SPIDER for Catchsilva’ = boFroette (at that) uptanned Lark, just guessing. Yu yomp @ Selbie-Gears? + me too. Shabel-ash, non-dreamt. Epic slips into mirrordom. Auburn’s F-O-S-T / Alone in th ha-ha Hut — A-LerptinendT longs’ away. DR. THRICE in a ssupermarkat gets (no receipt) for misconception. LayMay queeks th SLAT = th morepleasants / Blunk in Bennanthouse. Gratuitous inflexions.
The Saumbinese Crux birdshaw bering + Honcho op-slotting / tite Jostlerr. Ribcage splidonia. I finance Topso’s (vassed P-Preck). “Self-Eluded” & thens. Audible shoulders of L.U.C.K. Galaday’s in the NormalForest. Isaiah-tated, my broth of Counterfeit County. Majestic muslin-tramps (confer as “usuale”) + Hypertense elucids seem suggestable. Varssity lung. Fancifyingli-devided, I may. Our genius-gaps are Failsafe. So-and-sú gesturally-insistent while citysluts keep track of your Outfits / volatile cubiles. Mad Basicers.
for info: