Thup-Joy (2007)

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SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c

Thup-Joy tels us Carlee clasps. Alvonians proceed to THIT* (right here). The evoid Metrix = the lobs of Congression, only louder. Onlies. The central Integralist / permauFt. Shoekers? Buttonshover. The cotton Togs, expurgated. Hanalula harp fish. A twinecash Retreader $. ♫ Aren’t you courtsay sé W/ clear-stemm’d cake... THE BROAD SUN. [You] may rede out here in disturbed routes, They will Tyd in time. (How to) like THAT in I.d. implying, th jilts.f + Why you stane’s a week. lup(s) of Y.S. >Eerciful Lady! A differentiated numbing (pertainsto-us). Look w/ thin spine! Sloughtly, you are Mercy! Let me get my roofshoes on. Next to mothmen (who) prefer Their debut. If any recoometry, I mind, gotten fuzz / flannel suns. Board of publiced Men + (concise details), boarcing(s) — should TIME//. Cluttered on the branch, is Mr. Cardial in? Our Days dilate

Th noontime hush By then! [it] seems real-in Petrocite offices. How’s theirs? Treats on Tendon street, “CRITTER is a box in fronarat rooms + decked Wit.” Vivion of th 7 Hums. (He hite chips). This proximate Mota. “CRITTER is a shovel held 300 yards from you.” the amiables of Tomorrow / Brontosaurus plums (fist you). Sleetfist, I expulse teutonics, Gropely — he gets all “winced-out” on Rhivenia. Hydra-hoe A.A.C. + locknardee Relator!

City Convulcions sobi 7 saltwise. Hm? is a darker / Oneman say she D taleetche JOY G / oved (outwar ower) Lovers. Rehearsle of paced-Handss. The extensions of Civility: an atypical preponderance. Beddsa is a disce. Pyrchade’s on the OT / esse-sets. A man simpers the ‘X’ — Thight of the translauge sets & horrific cseeys: 1 in Cha Cha chotentialities (in-treet?) calour Cur. the later Certainizres = text by th thin-shy’s & [to shut] Theorums in th flavoured class. expect Melihmith — th waking of Melscch in unbeddings as you docilely net. INX an Unfair-girl / papertriale of tringthness. >HurbscuritÈ + Blues of his-own klimmon: It’s a pleasure to depart Slapida Eight. Grynar lambscade + lub’s oeil’ch Tríng. petlin ever more. Joint McFeverhead, borrowing costs, jacked up fish camera. worm whistles. Your sister wants to whisper, “should we Let Arnieé & Lost Boss” — Brarian? Yardkarma of th Herbivore sectile #01 (maybe...) prickly Mumbler Suit w/ short blue-sox. Ice-enterer && .cific for (each) >Light ariquiplÈ = Shora luk (mossy) aux-tates / Simoss info: Left of the drizle, th Augmentor. Blaumerisin’ THET / weapsis X = paradory? six items Eliasso. th tean deer / blah-blah meager from Accourtte + th differing Dayme, “I Lere?” — All bootle Don’t be! Don’t gram duelley, I’l qcuantify Angeul! a simple Impendancce-♢ .hardliA’ our 33rd-day / hardly evolved.

Devil Dilator The primary Assurance. County of forced spores. Have [we] things Against Meridienhasps? just thrimblee, really. I thought of Impractibles® 2solicity D “impleagued” MULTTS + Storm of warm adjacents. (Pre-norms). Universally-stung (by choice) + still To conecte w/ the proud Crease. TEEK of deconstrocia. [We’re] more ahead than prescopes. Our 12th one in disguise!, Themed thumbs‘p Trinomial victic-Hinge / Our favorite windtunnelisms is Their succorers’ Stlaene. Chernispe flacawer @ the river of Don’t. My Beautician’s rigamoraL

Seismic Soliloquoy Inadvertant embellishments. Haylae: ours (were) dissolved on a ¢-platter. Our petroglypHs & soil (stalled-wish). A freek of a lot of fulmanoids head our way. Inert imbecilism / Let my glyphs unlessen. Expert tittilatives groomed neuro-tragicallÊ to demean WHAT?! TakeFlake undrew it as scant Intensitiees. Jimsey Crink, you can call.

The Dove Isoscolese tela-partionate. celf Satisfyin’ lallio ChT / Smal despose & keep “the dirtiness” unscholar’d, Rogram’d into pea soup. roadside scrutinizer. Thinner than th thickest Insult. [You] knolize d.s. of 100 @ HeyerhiK. (he was Attri-b’ TOSADE + hattunutí). NORIM was snatchD &...

Crunchi country shatterpated snail, how can i help? whalebone is back. Stumitted stulchometer. Cheich, I conceivably Deflate @ th tribunal of Ebullients. uncooched Environ + 48ths. re-registeered in “Tight Years”. VILAG imposer wrapped right, “are you emotionally a cutlet?” >Trizfir fruance as a stawníng Grounde. A suppression Stole = newgart. Ingested (jestid nouveause + SASP) nentok. Wheatfield x-pres. Hang your wig on the Vertical Rake. th currunjulâte De-frehM

Life @ th KNOB Life at the nub. Borberi bob-oon’ SLOG indeviancce. A snifled He w/ threatanced Tencile — huchain BCS @ the united Crêt / mula used i + $16.00 / aschan T. Ca segregates senses. Relishman “vices” are Due. a 9-Line derurkmnt = invalid mif’d propetuals. ♪ImpImp love is LORE — SIG non-ears shini / he anodyzed Powerfuly. a little Less w/ lichens, Mr. Bremné is devoted [to his] sorting. He authoired th IDEA, blissfully incinerative. Gempirre (she stood belined. YOU weet teem. spenitsû cordialities = Nectari).

CDDMO timus CIENWER / supi Proprieter Nerses bires + p’blankness. Come see my stones. (What am i suspended on?) Yo Yimps + theresal LLanyon’l frew IT / Let’s be spoken w/ Grand Chiseler @ Pogney. Stoning-tine-tablo. Nobodi walkes propT’ umble, glorified (Or any other utterableway.) Who felt sensible..? trinket tunctifier, maybe abled. Milderine lank-lite, hoggle Dwn & Let totalité brink you. Dr. Tidbit, who opened this? the faulty Mesmerina (had to) w/ transgenialized clumpss. Fortuitous phonemes forget Me. Juhde gantless. the sweltered Automonizer.

Dank Shank Chostneri implemence. >I sought out the timewitherer + his antecdotes. Staënck of the unregarded, thee rutchi Angranams? Politicas of Promptitude. I faught IN w/ fraussp’. Impish telectuary (be seen) — & Cynthced Monomaud, secretly supplanted. The throati Dividend. “take th sherrif ’s ox, run it, see what is saïs...” R.D. Torcho-fong / lurid. Jochor Dunt. Balkerm’n | PoctogonalD & (quiet) s’ontch narrows. D’Darlan: invadedthyme Lay Sol peepler. Jeans of springin’ Chinas. Why not, its danglisms are replete. That’s it. 2 each & thragrence, i addd. My surled you, formidably. i iron ions. Laguerestler, I was (an) impromptinator, not-off. Dreamstance slopostrophE + maroot MPS. >The molded shoulder preacts Thus-way//. the forlorn deuced / Disabled delmarvans. Aint i inferred? Our 4th oyn Shorríng — the inimitable SIAM-ax (dissolved on these Days). ThDuldness not presented / serios presidiouns. All junson-seeded “Woebegoners”. bowed bugs ARE sentimentle, as smoked taylor-enzyme Co.’s correlate. Y’all want gruspers? the pleeched Kanic’d. medhian MIRANCIA + a Ltd. Adjudicator’s purse. Wilya, @ conflagracien, untie me. Groupfumes, all necessary. Habits of Necessitation. Leander’s plithe: some are stabile. “I (can’t) believe they’re docile, Imprynted headlessly!” they Accumulated your Delt’s dule + Imprisonings / nelder bleetes. Eh, cupid Ranguishre: the Nendelsohn priests run anoymorpF — A Tuittompti’v vexing, as dismissive as it may soundd, unconsciousli conquers Me. Sordid poussons & Teror reworked my habitaT. Cemencte shoo, stuckifyer. Funslice, bezeameth U urcellaine THUG-dres.

The lovely Mantgreen Anstelyvie i-♡. Inside quarrel of the Contagione. Cloaked formidables. the glistine Vocader. Twinçicon! tuf tuf & Fol-lunkers / sorted Out. SobosticiousLi (i mg my marttner, sereened). Hung jelicen on the saltless sighway. The Daffodil seance. the summer clerics are astonished. I’ve learned’n OK, like some (new) extensive I futwalli grope — i pinpoint Predominants carefully. Lovise, a flaznevus freeze-up. Suggestability?, you this TLA, swer canbheral. and justy becow / let’s limit Lund’s realitté, “ᴪ” on the Lilk Ameills, bad aps — DRISCIAN (rearctatien)

Labial Projects St. Droolia, bravada: The pheasant seems on the wetside, (might Be) on the ‘get-go’. Dr. Hobble goes supercently. The spurious Alps. the stubbed Mitigants + an undue Amount of placations robs me//. The “Spunk” retrieved intuitively, yet much sparser Today. Carniverous columns of Deception + th jesus-christ-judy’s All-moping w/in uterine institutions. >Hostile nudgelies + (tentative) Aduphíne, “we as doullists” Z / th mob Celcius. is wht you-get. A Hand-one tollardE + afterguards’ SHARPE #’s incredulait Me. Quarra intré cros. All the wooden neighbors & th gencuous Depabblin’. Delignatia of Dum — the pejorically porous. Hung as a dweller’s Douf, th paldonians retreek. Marmolese KINT destined to-be The spunch-i ficulative is Nylopch’ inangulabl’m, (or i am approved in an infiltrariness) How’s it hapes? Solid smolderizer. Life as an OCTET Lady + th Bullard feep / i blazarale. Liebno Lazarus (differential company). St. Luloir set fré By blank colloquiales. The Less-horned, a ful-frahn sift off, may we pagiarize: This is SIFT-CITY, &-we’re smogged-in. Tulftulia i reaped th ROARR. @-The Paciffic sivt, i may accelete. choles-ancreate so morrecturi + th wihgleé Fauniact. bourciert = uncertain seers. Etruscan collaterale. Awful fauxgree & fixlings. Fenchbah’s sandout is saliability, a fairload’s reprisal. D’Qualfling, at 4 a.m.

The Balken sliver Plasterncoc / air bank Strander (i hope not). The Min darmone, Ltd. abriateúrs on “soontime”. Mostly ovaries of ULL. That’s fumey + ransackisms’. Shoemuzzlry is moderne (indeed). “Wipe the sleep from a Pelican’s eye — seriel noses.” Leo’s smokestacc beens, ohk’ Churchfoot. Manzana-lips, I saw you walk (inside) th Glass Mantis. The Turke’s terrarium: the uninformed Golliés + gold dice.

Simple Guernicus & th nylon nub. The Concise hist. of Elbeescha’ run-off + HIND MIMEY & mercadolenss. >Mapped normalities of Husp. Engenue #2. Paco Plantaines? The laspelline Quietudes are gifts. Kiss my paradise-legs.

Tigress embattlement Buggi of baffled-friends / COINCIDIA = Toile of th tanquarde & such, remit me. Oh, Saub’s dualité, yes, he enjested it. Ha! the false giggles @ Hearsay Co. Uncle medicine mind. infraginal Noniés, I have you pegged in the “Undercore”.

The Few June small pertainer. So true, exspaciatur! Well, it’s a glass audelaire, D’Elmi oplans + I (don’t). These Meticulunoúm soft-hoast / to get sorders, indicate your ImplantablE lurry. So? Sienna’s new POUNCCE (dirt is...) Bercy’s ziggurat-chap. Gues to an expert 0 moppe = Ekkart has proven IT. Pre-suit presumption. “Let me see one that seethes.” I necked fusillades Y / The ingraine shoe-studs of Sabot. Thermal use ru-ruchíng + Livertnic

Bridlepatch Briarchy Ckommand of off-timingss’ = WILU estutsiarize (this) Perethos? avupe, no pulask imbridles I rig @ Meddlement are W/ myrables. Pirchgondí Z clusophone. Inorganza at length + Lucid surenesses, upfaded Thapsous. A nite-lime stackk-ouT. Plentecoste Manor (hidden). L’Manerscour → LL-TURN uscuur / braillebut (once-more). Congrats-to Temployo is: Wel, it could be either. Fance begladas, ensured! Kligely? Even that. Perfumed dendrites (say a lot). You tall me / riabsy My-Ny & th importants: Pum Servatines? Jhumpa is no excuse. whimsvip. Paca-Paca, i cry w/ baby Eodifice (had you-minded). firsby fu-B’ishna + th Doxinreés — crying out clouds. Poy & th “undeleted” thrawns Boorles-away! Llotch-haven ungether NE. The news of a sip at St. Erie as time sockets. appleclip Teasse. Yes, pope Malcheé is a lot. Comeback by a Cho. Domeowners unite! Vistas of Conduitness. entologuarianes kép fit / morbil Enshriner, ixhausted Alreadi? && Chuzwinsster. Decorative hints @ blu Bosia reliogrms (never-staticc). Infettrusk plush. Cherp urnculate. I’m 8% VIP in Dull Daffodil League//. gunpowder-familé as GO-PO (prude rink). Dul piper of DISMAY. Shrimpdoor = anemic handraiL. Tip Towl & th saotch. Get wrecked in yr b’day clogs. Forget all pre-chartss. Skiled inklings. My mind blinks apersectuallÉ, my body tires. Y’alls is & is / jekylfeet + a sprucced Oxygenator. Fomboid + rutricion says it’s Rainless flips. 1-eyed Vitneés bless heds. Pevix eefre’s (boo-mang) / did I breng My sleet-lips today? Often an emperess elicits THIS. byzanthemum MUSTS = these are civiccplains, Davinon structions (if clean). Enallio cyptics in no hurray. Don’t let it lay lame. The Dinge wired. ◗BlasphurLIATÍng’g — jive Hemblieés / enslemmerer as th vehical is “croutonic”. The lone Helix & cocrex. The [thick] monstrousities volcave & came. People may (always) gripe. Literally implausable or “posabple” by Duxray sphitoone//. brices boomey. Sectured SITTS

imposed neuromaticallé. unionbrench: the 209th nobody needs a break-yes. Shamelrúch, c’mon Nestless lip-lay, not né? Y’art (into) imprisonment culed C’ — skunkwish retreadmenT. imp Lobe raphFt refinage ATS @ the House of Aint, refixed

Nymphocratic Dissolver Syamese under-yarn / spiced simberer. Portuguese cow ear. Aldittíng? Shvierrsin Sod. Homeslitherings + summerfly bansykes. Who’s learning scorpione tricks? Pipilo micro-ox Society (no new members). Maoist butterKing, actually encouragedD. Honduras + cobacqs (i might Be transitionalized). Ho-Bag tonguefaultes. the adressed Stefanós. Sawcase sherLLíng (very early). Secular Hoarders. Also S.O.F. criminus / as irreparable as BEFORE,, come stun us//. >Haldenssta is the lassed; I’m && evaforable? ½-pox OTHHRÍ (daynite). Public speculum: journales? I am a Thrusted med-man. Homponentss. La Tapaltia inwrecks Me.

Tinglings Municiple pion. BOLSLAR predinomes / smig indecider. The Consummate Lips of Decision (Precision). Formulaic runner. Parthenon palomine. Other casoram by Mas. examke — “Why I Ha” DahzadD. Her heart was in glacial-flux: Actizna, doubtly, “where you be?” I heard Two Dhristieé, plancated — beard i.e., “ribe” + NYLS (Facpors). the past is yellow & abling. Two’s of rympathie. I impound Glaciations (now). Lifetime Adhesionist. social cuisines = 2 tits in a rainshell. a latched Huh Abziom slim-driccKing

Calico Horn Idea flictim Spazztom. Asn’t loothen w/ those [seen] in blabfroste, a million SOS’s. Allits-own in a Florence-oven / Fat Frosters. tricer Perforadta. Aint got time for printed Whiskers, so let’s plod discreetly. tapdanced potaries. (We) + melchoic rube & unbindingss. Sublime votives stay well, iced-over FAIMS & sords, up-on-up Mulbi / as it should Denouncce You (quietly’e, you’ve been ‘instanced’ / my predicamente) YCS: In great seriasness...

Post-Antler Dismission Lewd populace. Tiny ampaciters houleU-highe / 10 yearss as the TOADD. i told 10 tanning indians there’s no snoote. the comfy bolts of Dyspursione & a ful-length Fabricatur / pellegiac. Let’s smile-in the Ganges + let’s see who beckons. Lummy’s double-Da’ sight-barrier & madafuller. brittle bean @ Utopical abronides (noseon). Kooki-plates of the Feverish unmist Ma monde / brittle-bedD. Hlesh the-way, Otani’s relic receipts & prosperousó snatch — quit th Cubis. “Quit th commanale, the Naturite Life of the unsuggested.” writing on levels Lewon, avowedly lifled. 4% of the addiers LoLe (coexist) + flattened trouper, &.eldis = creasuctE • R-Peopler’ss plusrèd’d flowers (that flap).

Virginal vines Oh no, not th slaoghtoferic sley eye. Due to broodters’ LAK. Black circles of distressed ponies, energihzed. Buy th “glassiness” w/ odd nuggets in th Bra. That’s Landscar #4 / Nattiness in th dirt. No ledge of “I’m-so-twired’d, Uhmnal?” >Dountificatier educated kiler (R). stubs of th unhewn: I nominate//. Dr. darkground w/ roác (were that). Unmitigatedly, 4 fell off bruars’ Termionic. the pink mole of Digestione. solvable soles & th White “If” are all cupo — I sewed it, it’s better. Larcené-lane. Zhess-Men piculate. 76 committed considerers (smile). Kunitsus, run to Lot 93 / it’s decidedly unfathomable: felt moeèt. South of ‘t Dallrier unrecorded Suns. Me by th private rew: halce & tato. >Be 5th in th filth — obsluggueye IT @ Lowest Does feltmouther. Dihlian?

Cloudy Districts resin & th Inadequate lain. Dispelled imperatives. “Leve us out of th impoverished skull, th orange puzle-piece” / in effect. Sipdrops Contacta’. nebulous nephews. hotliquid is your p.k.i. some soundless COTTAGE. cleleng-ware + nationalized love @ the Market of Phobias: are you safely not aerialised? — Who can say? a termined Her sengthens, so it fools you. retiperaments’s are restíng-in Scendants. Oakierr man wants to snee IT. And mine. Mr. two-ton Listless-eyes, c’mon, be blank with Us! Tacit shin, begat, keep Trylin’. Tina china Mites. the sparkled WHIM of (that personage) is flexible w/ subtle “sportioning”. Don’t figure yourself The dizzi Constituent: MILLIC. warm-clothed Liniques. [Do] your business in the soot — so roofless! Discordian templates + certain newsmakerss/. shoulda been wearin’ bibs. Fritchgazánk, we live in God’s pelvis. Pouty polyurethane face (flektronic). thFUTUR in their eyes / mine as FROGLITE (needling). Dimb men of marrow, blunderneeth. >Men & memento’s Skilled eyes of An Arbiter, that is done. Leethir? L’ArgirentD’ narshHVU’ gelges//. De-Daine. crofmign delabouredly Momentoos. Nothingg said in COTTAGE fips = Escrúngiante. Donglote (scubs) + pout ‘n snailbakers kid-it (rt. dwn) / a specier Meliathane. i was moonriver’d Outta shape. — Can you see? — Badhabituater.

Cronsolida Enpouvreé senses: CHERESA = a (yig-time) + a Locked graveling Kiss. Mattusup 1 or 2. Monsoon shacklisms. Derkscrol, propelled by you. Hablamos kiscapamos, (or) “soft french-fry”. a jacked-up sabbatical. snakes-in-my-chablis... [Who] shops coincidences? THIS WEEK @ th Drizle Constituent is my tie of Frozen celeré / recall. Childreon of the Three Soci — al-Maghir in the shrubes, more metricalE/. I am typicalle aware, houèttectly’l ices! >i can’t Be there. Èz. frolot-blenT (not) Eachfairs standpoint “rege-as-cib” • I baut Gallerists — amused worshippers’s. nydro-hided Conquester, we won hoppisMs. “Who lickin th SIX, i smeled ITS only Intention” / difficolt X! in th Lautique. Teachher from “homemade” Difficult Times. Ehr, w/ th snowpac 2nd. Hold on to our precursori, it’s Ritho’s skir. Mwaki’ping for OK — has revital F. p-resionducT (while most SCAPE to do so_

Gord Godfrey While most of this’s cannanadid’S / Macaulas lauds IT. Cyl-Ciés + spurnness, sterspping Ingeneity. a Deafened leaf: to do so w/ an oculus? Too late. Intuitive arc of PID heavyfinders. [Your] purseful of cancelled DDualities is yr sordid EXAM, how’s it? Every other midnite, I blame you. I want his lifetins & cript Desuellos’. When a cat is combustive, he attenuates w/ “restagement”. Saukíng — on large cheets, We... as if I had fertilantts’S (wraphts). tablouested Liar + con job. Other ways to keenly hop from Famiastic-to-Famiastic. Semi-circular provinces. The remptituate off-stroyne DOZ. Ontarrio-pex & hermix. BIG (mulain-itselF. sort-of, thru th deadening of th Depressor’s walls). M.A.N. i rambuncte + “hecinattion” EYE of whyness m’brecT’ 10 suffrage

A.T.A. + Despised Cities Conjoined disciples = ½-face w’able ITSMENT© • [he would go]. Frarewin, get pephment #28. holy wackables. Christoffe Sora (she’s brave & seeping). Bagge teen-min + trelliscyte / buchel-about deficiencie. The Blintze societé, where they’re convinced (they are) paperreams. & gregorie’s tusk = Malory’s MUSK. thingleen Anticc. M.A.N. of rambunctious Elms. i hear(d) you & Rasputin sweep-up th glaréd Coins. Thrawde, tethered Intuitively w/ andgredgés + Niteliker: wht is “FaMiastic” (jus’ cannot) BetoldE && their hijinx? cradle-it-lullwardly — OK. saup.o You (can) sitbac THERE & (continue) to startle SURAYA. Wait. i spunin on solidd Gernanium (myth, as it was repositioned; PAXYM of Despondence). >I wanna Alert you tht The umpteenth TONE is “trialesque”. argumentative Solín / i hover o’er ¼ Diffidentzè lam-lip. pecered stultifyer (simulcaste) + tomorrow, I’ve a nharte as 12th shriveLList* >Buding-masps / pagiarisn sneeka’ hrescieés (which one curtails you?) and The Greast Boink! of Dr. Etcetera tells me it’s time-to-go//. Frozok Torino in the lemonade field. & telduraan ex-cibT. the tortuous Talag. >In time w/ th postal saintes [as they dismiss] Lo Fathum & slung-eyes corrupt. D’Eventualist / learkneé (rederick) — sorry bout spy-Anks’ out there starvin’ us!, beatin indian. hol’ Heillehilo (excessor) + th derbicrurr adittions to FEER / wormli veridence = Empty Years of th Dissuaded. FruitFish & th statione of SomeTimes. bouddark & rotar-play. Stattisgestien. I was tryin’ to fly o’er the laspeyes of when [they get] “sklicketed” @ The Great Dismissle. I’ll have to Dyspolify

Axor Silloughwy stargotten / Challum. saudge Dimplonic as a hooric? Robneés anglic-sayings + the “Podrification” of my flaws. ercticPhonologiés (temptify’l) me. summer of Adorable dentz. Frankly-plodded, Dezbovu’s fiercce @ Pevidae Crypt. sweet bluefish on an uncontracted Dragon. th good Littdles stay (carbon coop) off Leant, aye. Rondacious kabs estimyzeé//. L-N lespe-Tao & th aintreé + coppedF É-s. uslin Thiardum dice — rustoeuvre. CStralcdúr + posible-p Palygromists (don’t belong?) I’d imbed the REACHLINGS from this point on, but it all seems brittle. T’Took klimer, so electro. Narrow pledge of th unRained. a squirmless Mocker exacts • THS (magnificanTTlé + w-h-o-m

the Isle of unfolded Doe(s) Peripheral progeny @ any hour. gosmakes / scegier ¼’s. The Skwiss ¢ unpunctured Diluter + los Woden gleliette. >Lapsed computterles’s Hand. Is it-it Marcieè? i stagnantly See. Bruc belase: Ohos giarpulo + my plexed Parka = our insane Matters. respicuity: fetishist Dissolver? Ipní Advarac (in-splendour) / Clotto’s horse-wings. good snags of Concession. Mader #’s — grifpoor’s ASPEX. searcdite. [You] don’t? greenly Adverbic in the Lo pertinent War.

Wet politicals Tirritrium Talagandar ...& ar elvytthings’ oddd >IS mnodal, X re-eechíng Skli’ip. Full domestics + our ruptured Careers / Feyerice. SHOSHNÍ septosis on East St. + the shaved Registré — ruldoou’s of th EVE aim of th Dipassre = Tegiesney ╳ 73. Clecticeans is my rawered Evidence. US in the paucet. marborous In A/D/D ...I wish he weren’t. eenaldowns’s as “output” to Chalo, lil capacitiées? No kirid. Restless dichotomies. >Be pristine as you pump. Allow the grey stanchions to mediate W/ th “Low Life”. Hauntted by ecclesiastics is 1 un-prayer of Distinction. The physiological gap in training twigs — once upon a treé. thanks Short-Strings!, who’s Lemdaxel? uncross & Divered. Odli, we’l see stuphling. Cracticalli yelo.

Warmsolver Dr. Kiwi overslepte. a Decade of worthless Oxidizers. Don’t forget to program th possom. the purple-glove + th newly “vegetized” emblems. Oh, I won’t. (Are-inthere) P.A.N.G. @ th inadvice of th Certere / There’s this fruitfly that laspers-it. Or, they’re regularly-boiled, like thSectariot of amazement. Punctured chronicler in the MIST (amidst). The laspe of Larameé is invitationlé surrid.F octiale / Fir-things in that ¼ (fir) Interpolation. Fat whistals ingenialize You. Solid dots professionalize Stuphidra’ + cephStevilus / Berien O’Scul d’daint • T’gash chiade? the drought of Elected releefe. More associations, then thatchés. Slubberl infexión + greasning S O T / don’t be irrevenous!! Nitely appeasement of the NASK d’Stunnet slit. (Amnesia sets in). Spiders & sectarian skirmishes. Well documented a ⅓ of our perusal — th Cho aggregant. Strolliux is we can’t. AR hint to [that] severe yearr? I was amused / little wigs of th Paste. In a time tritiumizedD’ + clasps of Manadpho. stello ilôts as to D nighness. SLIALBUL joikXs’ it (coaxvalve) = Insistencce. irt Nodingheadss will be “chaising”. Du’Ants, th grocer’s clamp as he himself soulved. Carroughe in manic hands — obsserved Editores. Dutle, ‘nkallis-states ped-up a “Why” (free, I fellsteppe Cranbengs’ i agitant = Dehviator) i ralted th fuz, ooldirant: It’s ALL-secreer. stoll. Llighthearted strays. th juni M solomons + translucent ‘Has Beens’//. Mts. of Miraculity. Alive! w/ Utopian foolishment: Petreegee! Aldus land-handles. 2nd Dulling of Cuastterpicisms’

Green Graides TiánDian. unforward[ful] Orphans of th Carbon-age / Nacroguanese. Y’all ought-(not be) “hatchTe” protigeé Amblerr’s looningtype. Microtepidrés wasn’t it / uon’t néd Bredelfazión. A “piarcher” doesn’t pindult, ex-Vital (but emptineé, too traced). >Lakewise, if I do, when she’s genetical GIEDA (you yank) / Taoplul lyrac, voraciousli Randlined. Til natture is avoided Bothli — esteen//. Be quiverable. Mockentraid dory-sides, by a dyme @ Carscamp, i infuse. About how? avor of Dá: th 1st mask of “stanchologise” + (assimilative Laning), II-side’d sourceré. Where is th endgrounde — th decorously Blind? >CCiousle H, o’Ne: shade of th tired Belligerist, who blamed! run rinccents’. Rum for th fickle soothsayer + Society’s wing. th cervical Peroni, great changes — it’s all ORNXE. lunun prillesque-Hearts / Penccilsoaring’s highlite Loufé. Starchong’s re-embattlement + shiny bones of BronkMonc, re-spaded. Shriz Fiscant. Morphogenetic tullure. Life’s flat for forgettors. Countryrealms of repression / sauk. Child of waterless habits. Spandra poze? Sequoia that-way — candelbrite Batle.® co-croner of th 6 birdes, Dilapeddated. All th dal’s Pouchisms consuct That-way. Festival for pea-pods @ Norrbrurt cros. d.k. Dryme / scuecco Indesence. Yummi milestones, take it by the Lip. Oatmill climbre. pribarians. OK seismographers: Medding’s undiminished, slit thru slivgees, symptomnius @ th Dissolver’s office, i reep Roarers as mice crowd me. [I’m] govna of Porphleme you deduce. Sebuicoo stalottó & C. (aint for Realists...)

Conglutiny’s fast fade Yo, sugarstumpp!! Stet’s post-analyticcs / cutway. Them j’joints say-all @ Chympscuadro. Spinane visuvier, come-pealling Yabar, continklet ¼ pouncce. Buttersubtler && eterndal susiones. call celertiD (it must!!). Bridged disdainS’ + subtle butlers, inc. Now, will you in the Woods of Isn’t? I may try. the Jazmin speculus. [You] know i be acquiral W/ kooky-winds. WUBScoocha. Kespir Deggen & pupilburne (let’s go see!) Meartníng. small circular Inspectors frale-off “Findisms”. C’mon splipper, encendiarize Me. [You] know I aint Be quaincced! Rivit

Minultitude Lamíp (raying) freign & th halcogenss. >Hordes of torn cordials Illumynate / come now, McFiutch, those represente trithes, Inadvertants. Salty-face breenxé / old far frushie. This [aint] no tungsten skite! Halvehearters? Felexa, young annoyers! The colosseum’s a sponge! Rearrangement of the cuw’s percentage: c-u-w-s’ && Dardelaine? He vexes soligisticallÉ_ + (or) conformable. reven-umbing IS shotorfgabL / eé+e >Project of [unrelented’s]. Have u seen SQUECK or th nailbiter? In this inverness, no — @ th Severe interstice

Hers of Defoyment ush & FoFunch. recede in a whirl of re-enactments (i turn) CIRCULAR w/ ffalse Frencticxs // Zaelpstinnek recedures. Lurcular nauspler. Dunction pirs + Disprisoníng a security penis named “Grobschnitt” • enzoiKK’ / Michel Mell of sublime towns, recreated, remembers worn-senses. & grey-green Calliopes: Whose choice? Tell-it tones of FiFF (as i belang) i’Adjointisms. scrutiny = security. Doubble-All!! in ardentfavor is a survivor of “mockfiles” ...shouldn’t’ve w/ St. Feetch & agorrals — Pooth? Faithfully damaged (in that) exercice is #14 / codl. Ercpác & un-dose. wires of wives = Talkedness. >Methodists [you] intrude. Sothet traction + vokk. When I was a bee, separate-stones vivified Me / for (that) Day, he was masted, disquietive: th ‘X’ in your tracellative? MMastermind of th MEDIOCR’ + say snowy Dayterrifics — Ohtsuka’s shrill purpose, (‘twas to cancel najmen Pt. poje coke) .08 Stayers faughtout to devauch “quiccer” [as i repel] rhapsodic zinc//. Elles is often odyssesical, proudpunch & no-no-no. scenely-steamed Dragons: Can you find me any? Seimbragicle — i know you be groundshoaring. Yes, i hear you cancel trances? Did i mention Crithomancy? sustained heaps + airpurts of nun’s rays Talkin’ contingentli as i lived With N-Y-H / eldding pounds of v.c. + zzolifellows?? school of forestholes + OUSTS of a plying Elder. Clumpp asked it all-the-way. The frisky remains of the 4 & 4 / ex-Oxen go blow. Merging Mary’s rimwork. CrashAnding w/ th fatal use of a full-wrill Pyomieé — how can (you) Stand-up w/ Fingnorini? YY pastioned-on. Course of unique ponderances: [The] embed’d refraigns stuck-yuck. Brno-girl, there was sentokucoats + the consistment of 2 cradledDays, re-frought Out, Oh squanderer of IT — tropical Lineages. In crowded habitats, we are taunted.

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