Dezions (2008)

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SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c

the procrastination cube sectional, &thN breil-out on Stupendité (a variation Therein) / folchi. Our own Unexecutable. THET, &th Thilky design. >AmpleDrowsing. i shRoud out in a BOOBTUB w/ pecquonias INSTINCTIEN (as we stay unconfirmed) & retaliate w/ Squazion ...makes you just me-esque!! Oh, that’s good. Lanyardli grand.


Heavy oxide slide. Despeciallized are th peachLess / I relax enough, well, enough to initialise Mrerriale >HiProfundity = DRIBLE. Ivory Advisor, it’s enough; pare it in DoccsalisedBanks. Tackled in the topiary, I lose your eye. squaverin’ Zephyr-tîes. G-gypsum Spooney, yea, y’all’s kinda looney! Unwire “flimsi” scones. 8.28-29.08

clumpisms Moonslot Olgarithm Zooo shaving th savers from stalagmiters / As to what we heard (uninsured). shufle stacks behind slim bunyans. The carpet of evil Breakfast. CLUMPISMS i usually overlook in nite Nasthps’ invariably about Extensives. SideAnkle grove[s]. Granolasuit®. Cedar Indecisions. You (can) see the flattened RedMen @ SPRRAMFU / “non-less” Dentipiês (ever) varied + TTue-Luiste barometricx on TestIslandd. Arahnunchers go initiatedLi as a Furbearer ♢ docim Èlag, assplaza zerocheG. Durlimvoxis. Trembled tendencies of th NoonFish. Bongo Boy Burman w/ senior whiplash? 8.30-31.08

irthrescelians m’Itchy-Ass is leen in Lima. [We] poke you in th 10th eye. Athleticized atheists, oh, th melted Metereds. Tudor Setback. & th axcellDe imminante. Kelk mass / moruss Loasting. gangle Aspiracy! All types of Lemons miraude me while th lamyukces repraine. NunDum Armyo Paw. & his retrainees @ HIETFARM, “y’all aint gonna tresvup, is you?” Nah, staulkliénss trem it. FoyWrong & preparations, withered out on wincleDem2 9.1.08

STLIEYOMIÇÓN antic Cebration Dijinskola sea-pap / Doses in triskîng ReDandielc, try ‘Unkemptisms’. flincc out on flinolium. [You] know what I meant @ Bentizns th 1st sec. infetuallé THEIRE nystocism premiers a Buffler. Rugunjra & magnificantPrivileges. i fear so “feelful” today / some sane (undragged) MMEOCE in ffairlooke #3. Expiance is judgged. Glame. Soe’s friendful gapguard A-S weekly Indenttion. The Tangentially Intolerant. I spent Z trackzee, forced into “FINITE” scenarios-s as perfection Imbezzlist. JunDosh immedietes. ModularTalk MOTION malgruc ‘T’ (csimplehanded Thruopsolése: >STTUANGTOLOGÎ es griped. multi-strude Personificator lapleezes me//. @ SHUNTS Livoticus, th frollwork is Unattended. I include th guatçonalised 28%’s. pletta Plutá ≈ aerobic(s)². Refrain meant Mirratîngg/J (needed). Heel-Hi-Ho. especial ENCTUAL / And succotacion + GREATT Strandulation = STUIEFPH f’follicler. Pexernatien ouils ma’ Andituát (spacialSphenxîtiens, eantDivax’z fliyâ&roolDundil. i sometimes expectat)E • i warne U of LernLiox, deptful Hours. prim Staffurdsuns / Scin sefphyer. unaugmented& Lamtable (whats) at thPenchBinul cooperativ / encircle. (goodNite on CLUNKXS. Humiritian + sevilledSaviorh. anglicleSpineholD. gwitcionizedFîn = sectionel Anticipation). levellFree is Foc / FREEIRFOC. sum littedness©. bwee in a sputtirLite inJunct, “th crucialitÉ that DRUALITY fincres.” 9.2-3.08

mary mush untricate Aubgel Jeek @ the cramp of Preparedness. whimwreckers • sttuapOcotta + oakbob. day old dogshuddles / Instant Rebuttals. Obstinna Coe Troe. >Frowanmadia, “frulth th enlivenness!!,” Jolephvine, enhibitedWhale TOO/TOO likebest. QuekkisTrey, lithumized, i screwd Crucials. gruFliphîg: JUST ØNE — malter on pinkcaves! (the stage of it was) odd-coloredMath = peschelSneg. You’ve got th StopLunks, i’m bedded eotherwise. TemptedMinds: slootLuosves “fortune” Me / direspires. Fvame Ferrolizra. Ol’ now Gramgar, soushtologï. doubtful Distinction. i hurriedli heed IT. th Mecticulum stays w/ us!!, cmon craphids. Trulx capsizing me. hespery&Quoticians. yes, efillgig + LOOLSS. droubtFul-debts of th CLLUMP®. Appreciant, is it a gratedDay? seensoomî scouse / wultbriszz can’t steptoe. [Who’s] in scraggage WASTEFULS? loose clufts of a Chloroformer. Thank you Mary Mush. the Mayar Spiration. sheldon Ashmur / Cru Chumendus. GainyLegs ‘n The secret Sentimentid; i may damply Implore. ssome-fuelce on ArraignedNeviders’s (as i can’t Evven tembble) / Post OorganiL letpack. CONSSUMIZE fractial Integrity. Bratllemix® would’ve required IT//. Florá coltheim. pupiera / Thru th prism of th Demigod, stimulated into ‘StrangeThought’. YenTafe @ th BrenrariuM. L Darn arnedness Aumssiak 9.4.08

ethno auristice Carts eneyper in th mist. th respirator bundles. watch us (in) Heziltin aproaches//. Traispers trickle, check out His Tomorrow — it’s “willing” people / a fraidledMOIF schictures³. i spaw Crotzinfish in tri-billow (sackîng). Don’t ‘yet’ in th fragileFray ...& in turn, i see faceless Continuity, no scotchclutter / semi-prurprra @ th Bribebureau X (of course). Adoptagen premise of Dizziness • bringinggIN brennches-of-Our Earthtime Cognescent to (elude) Perfection!! Nextweekisms 2. dust-roll th fleeches & their unremark / sttraschMcFor. MeadMen + (annointer) “Have” & “Had”. Now so, how I became prashed is evident, countourablé-clear in Today’s Ingestion. THC in suareé-lorel “... oh Humble-beast, whilst pardoned-in Arden, a brolther m’mined Molssnîg: Adject!,” INSTITUTIV. Shrude Repositer. Cinsl of our Energy’s enemiees. In DepthTimes, ration if off/. Mo schTein’s smines, Let’s induce. N. oust, now can I shrel? Sceptic Ally • sow inleling of th Unstirred • where’s my BROUGHTNESS / canglesccape? >DingSing pallette = a voyeuristicMoBo + Anglisms of th DevourredD.// by definittien its racionìgRRain. (an) Ansleetedness cioxable, dudgenentlesRR. Carolina couchø. Is This Releventt? things seem th same in th Guatelamalan Mall. uvirSpiritist insist 9.5.08

th disabled 8 shrillExponents of DisLiterature. thrilled Conspirature, i real shogged, pretzely in fact. Save-my sour glands. Glutenics™ — needle threaded mamité-longa’ w/ pinchParti tanngulaRs’ (stil) assuaded. Possible Publications of Fortuity. CUSPS of admiccièn. Assumed groomhold, “y’all’s inFinite.” Uh oh, don’t give me pockeets, give me CLEELS! Gensel-moundness. Mîulcum ice-fact, i was kindling. >Hintathon: a dang Ascriber. sllowthirkers scholateralize th 9 instibilitieé/s. Gaplings @ celeryhouse & HadBeens, (s)luppitance throughDom//. Charcola Anonymous 9.6.08

unbalanceds [to] postPeculiarists: ‘if you indent, you’ll see some real Partitioning[s] + FISTS® irreprised.’ renamed under a yawning, it’s GLÔTE • tible Temperamentçe. scones Mulray / Congrutiny¹. (wht happens) Is they all got schooned-in @ Lauralee’s wrist, co.// But that’s Normal in pockets of our 31st zinc-ing • trurreti Confoundment. My Fiz foots in greyscale. Who’s happy slaughtered slow? cephardic Inverness + ploisonMaximur, ½ adrapteD SCCRAIDA &-plaips. (As i ppresideD engeniously, it’s Proxdeir; th prentious pry into us poorly). That’s specificPRYING = (no numdnéss). a special Edition Chiseler in ContraCounty. >M’lium miranier OK • MarMuay retaliant w/ exact warrings. [we] defend PHENDD + jendign swells &esphNêln. reUrbiture, se’s flentdown//. brenkdum THRUPÈS • “sleelste” is a connectron of DOTTS. Skleso 1KEEK: nectangular transparentts w/holding “dup”. Longiteé Indencement + explicitPRUSSHAENg limetation(s) as ongoing as the Afternoon allows. PersspectivePeaker: a climate of Untolds. ‘I rrinse my finger 4 hi hum Imploredness + manuscripts Ya’ cant© cc’sock — or TLOOT’. All y’all be balbanced / Hows’ Faces? Keep it separate like stapledFish 9.7.08

mur fur & splicitudeZ PrauKeen, [wht] happens to your OldMaps? outta line Dysperity. NegaSubscriptions as dire Aerionus. splaid unabashedLi like a cisco-eel, (like) thumbarables® / wildli decisive b-gnoods. 2 ebrialmides curle up w/ sCacypt honîngs. SHAÎSHOS = The confrunctien of Boggî-WiL. i take issue w/ th notion of fozenness + skouk ‘X’ leteralmide. CONGEEN keen-o-log. A Fineness flocked-In @ TELP / Quemdor not (at all) clinkcy. ½ roum Gerified? i know it’s glandulaR • Eclectic Electrifyer = snogs ‘U’ in a frostfurl adjacency — elBrechts (who sniff th EgroiCaul fifní; dis is Cleckpotz! Cilixuael stiffords + pragami) DoneScheCC, y’all really ‘luelle’ me. (closetedHnds, i pup infreckled, lossed Luminizres / exaquiûm). Arraignoria of thAbstract. i think th whole thing’s frommiced. A sustainee’s Equipment’ll. 9.8.08

taupe squirando blue Budge. camp on thMammitÉ, wynchheel Nometer / pour happyfelon + Infrared Inferiorities [see: my brigidaire Breakdown, inside th Glante twelpee]. CAC Brustancce. & stittled, we’re of Mere (whismydike) + macon Hindîes, as th others declare a day behomued, Yr usurre. Bredumptien macced. i teerch Allution. malluable, th prime Prudents of CharJonies / nexted 10 (apropus). i wanna destroy my voices that support you. Srabichoib: a submersive piece of fleet. th 60 or 70 kids of McManus, sheesh-spodded. 9.9.08

BROMFYSCHÂ I fund Dekensoes. Plecsmidion flunkStraniun. Lunninizer, twown Jurlier. symptomonius gests. peltukes STOVE = various arangulars. Juancelita & any 1 indication of our dudectuale Skills. shame — (fair phosphemes). Flying Triton Mind. i owe ‘em up @ GhostMumblas’. phreciusMites: reunite! KECK’S kooge (presider). The Armanda soufflet. Tricotta MisMentioner-. Oh Praszons!, spliàn-seepers! Yellowmindd (what a gimmick). Cymptomatic CLAZNÉS funae us @ th CRINK of AllosutionX. 2 sconnarchs? please Ms. cumple. Hyke G. Juacsole. ½-dab Chupper. The Dingo of Decalcitration. cubbletropfs’ &-th truitt @ InundatienLeegue. th wholl edge of Finisckeès + tel tapardT / pudgee bus Remarckerr. th silliness of SIGNIFFICANT/S. DinJo parfilon shale. Smegoxifuse 9.10-12.08

GriêpeGrowas ‘molted foreverness’ + SHULTER / a sausalito sticc, monkey-fried eye. Partial Essayist, unenterprisin/g surprises. Pompousity up-ender. Cumbersome lip lore. (distract) our evolutionry traite. (i sometimes do ‘THIS’ w/ Barnarna Snitch). TinselThyme borgenner = th formulaic SHROUDD of Commonwealth Commodity, & (even) Anonymity. GriêpeGrowas, give us breakk/s frm that foreverness/s &then “beccline” painstakingly. swelled-in Draphtpollimur th GuilFored Drawer / Pre-Use® Malliopé’s mondeen, i take th shaniospîne forMinuts / Tortacular cooc. Nondilstot. Mulnri rudeness, Inc. shapeNote schillotuR. cooperative clocks condition me. SCAC inferioritieés pinplize: groLangic 2 researcch Derogatives • LENDMINE + J.E.C.C. / dentîlScratur. I skew a Saumbibó @ d’dawn 9.13-14.08

th weston agrunciate Journie of th Idioprised wornDrex • The staring “Through” @ shrededHelms (gone) cleccking. shrilSHRUBS as “AndBags”. Heritage muckers re-preeze IT && ShanTone lano-lano. dr. Effluvius [can’t] compromise in wht seems like Furyscapes, crumppledD.// canstalle THRUANCE. a Lad-lashed-down, I’m $-ingPassionates w/ secondari Marketeers. E-P-O periograF(s), endsocieters on ½ gruncs. [No] such assuassion May Amid our 3rd clunka, re-braison. Thee Intiquitié of found TINIES @ ebb Centre. Demicell’s recarding. Broughtér’s minnoW. revitalizedBy th same SANENESS. Ancicré sccure Insoucine / defraught brum belle. “Let me acknowledge your wormlessness...” Crake Ø çolutiens That stall you >InformallÉ. The Green Jitneys &th namburdGred noxians ¶’s. i trac DunDoids© because of you, & rip thru PrePresented Coy, torn in tuplets. He’s aghast! ha’ard Andgrams, tired tech 9.15.08

noontime gems r.n. raincks ≠ slew 2 get rid of red dodler, th velvet egs. th honduras Pug. Lo traveti Granverna, colches collide. Purpoceful Precocity. binary bronchial bits. Hot bayonet of th Unsurled, sill around? Hûni-Balûni >STUNSSTENY instant. [Don’t] sit in my sandal Saumbrey! Pequeño-lips’l choine Chitainre / catchow Montpeliers >Let’s see a swung-bird in th Anti Necasth Loft = anti-necessity. [Their] preferences collapse at th flestivle of Techticians / th Magestic Manifold. dedmund dores come “apulssed”. Papa’s papaya seeds. Th ladle’s Law of bellowingouT • useless mimigrattien, “I’m OK then, Ascended elsewise.” trumpedFellopials = neft Inferiorities. Interns @ TIDY© say “no” as strapheted Pulcifier|s 9.16.08

cabelsgrey th ccoarselite Grim™ or go, all set? Glanduline, terrestrialize th sudden (g)listener. & tell us more about the SPLINXX, very gleaned? scrapedRetrieverr is newtin Lurnell$. STWIN poxid. Dayno-MaughT + clirli Singulars. Somatic fish wills. >M’relunctantri = ocular Evennce//. In fact, that’s what they serrated! People do not retaliate. s. oF spine-injedurs, attendTion of th DEET♡ 9.17.08

dezions AcquiopDecced, south of ChirnDike®. THOSE is hosedFish, i break your census / In red Starrer subliminedD. Ladies of Lale, i seee... >Let me (see about) a Shaerpps’ &Foo-ey. loneliBoy of grec’d Dezions mite-slit U / slickdeities of Infeasement &&Smaguîa enfiltremennT ≠ inattentives || andwhen senfres • EX PENSE fulfride in lleimnascôn Plifto: Councencce? Luôuo tht it ‘cepts’ to Be Me ~ bronsviel SLAFFÎRS / deja-nî. THE CLOACH. Amt. of Ephebrials lurks-low. That’s really what Erosion is... 9.19.08

Subgests of Incormackycy Friendlietta. Let’s get stuff done in Domes. Ferguson, th floppy Fornographer, only came to Vissipanna as a Flytional Guy, SCLENDIG ❍ “Oh get green w/ GOULABI &his spineless book[s].” Capitally-bogged Men. sadistic Lozenge 9.20.08

earfable chinch-bees & AstroCock, i relay “RealNeal”. SlaughtBio B.O./// futuristicallé telling our daughter (about) AmaizîngMazes. sskalingshire SUCCRITS = unanswerable phonalities. >Sidled-Annointuri, Suceesaid FEEFWÁ can. Merrilheistes of Sibu, blunder(er). Jueronial 2. hacas ‘h’ + sustainee Interceptes • SUM TUM. Inka Pots sell staines®. cukta heeL / hit it, Bubbleen, in a nocturnal phosphateFARM. sub-coy Stuttledri. pt. groy Exfemeled, geraniumly-delayed Sengli + hided-eye™. Dive Dradles!, @ a hydeless home. Jigglesud Wreckologî. [parenthesist] in PAL formaT. th Frailties of Fitzsimmonli unaugurin’. Entontlitûre (redecorative) bampid bumpier. YacketyShap time foyTos, fag Tigs for Horsecara. for hours i harangue. Forretya glippi = i give glyphFs from Eli’s shedness(s) to shattered sheep. &-w/ thCommunity’s trigger, i knaw your Whereabouts©. (reopen) Ethiopian ears, fleela. The Anti Obscurity. Severité of th Decreasor, he’s stif./ @ StopperGorge, i present wrenselves as “Positionless”. [p]rerealities. EarFable strowjabe. PotFolmî & stockholm r’rice, a-brownbaggin’ MelNov(r)a found tra-X. Mini tankards in a JudicialDish. Hazy Stifs @ Arnjenova blaze, cloosence / daphymatâD “rainables” perculate Q ▲ CAZE’D antonant. th OOP’s come savour a “ding-a-ling,” 9.21.08

scourables Clearant of Our melting potential = soaring Recklessness. i ice SStrangfurd DILUTTION w/ reduced capabilitieès. t’take Tormographer, they flored IT-£. Fridaynite like th WASP as Machiavelli, i was ‘IT’ in thCrease. Th aluminun conoe of Forever. Fool of Formica. Plazas by my Banana Bunshipp. Airrcrustman!!, frivolousli snarled, touching canopies, “NESSIE” pushthumb fountainss.// I am the total PRISM. (He’s a hood in messianic times w/ ‘Narrowables’) >Define COLOURPATH. presstilence, ½-sceemingli yr enslavedFecuitives, tust once, enfrômed. >NNearlland locos w/ [held] peculiarities. Give me the uppdate: Is this pplentified? enuF struglebeings’ @ warthall Farfino: i’m gettin’ distracted in thPhenomenog. (Please before you swine me, re-rine me). th Mirroredstains of mice (reactively). Haywire aped ape, very (similarly) induced. Yeah, so “outbunds” poise you.// The Damp 39. siftly o’ sworded by TunkTunk spynee • i couldn’t citizenly say: D-I-S-M-A-Y w/ heltzi-stat files. (Whatever) you don’t eternally “knaw”. Astroficants are “sfrexxivs” by taste-only. tastless Condributors 9.23.08

th finch preserves Patterns of thInfidel. sreer Injecure &Enfinites = (whoops) dire Sepleestics + TUTENLLORE raumants, as egotizeD in betweelns; is ths th 4th Novrul, so historic? Swew. Huli Swarmed Sleepages II. Our array was like PechsiT/T i gee (SLOTS) >Mega-EMBARKABPLE(s). not impoverishedPÎNE. Nestor Niacin. disclussionedDISMATCHA’ 45 • Imperialists list ma’ Indefidence = Anonymizers?! who stales fates? I soled a shrew a barnaby Cathode — sstop. The Exprecise tumulttuánt (aint) formidable. 9.24.08

Intunctlitur© FiJi demarcatta. RRefinerer1 >Eclectomagneticc intersttice ♢ D-societte-sliTs’ / stiles of staccato-mush Envoked’v. i am aenthoriZedTo div-ide “peculiarizatives” AS elecampanes. girl @ Scroll City [see: fforegroundes of RamCruda]. “uh, let me semi-shade You.” cruddi Accreditor. DENDSON’s “new nite” shagdo • i/inable amidst dryingJr. the imboldened blankshed screen. skate on th r’renged Ago. OK, injuredNite, you know. SFEXORIDGETÌCS inflamaplle GATES. I broke w/ Extraneity = i coss th Foamingbar. Ginalson Tadd + pickinslan / Alushual oral furnnace. assenine Lumar-pygs//. extendeddSolarface, campora Crane. I’m securely McPhiesed?! th Unclutterable FUSS. recoveri of FOOLK + th “saverable” SWANE-of-of... couldnt’cha Combine ‘credentials’. [we] sputter Alone as i figuratively grate RENDITIONALS — Sip Sussol. i $el u thSkeleton’s lips. slante-eye Centimetries. Cows beneaff yu, shinkingLi. in batórd, Let’s dispplay At Leasts for kings, i goT.// FFomiabilité (lests) 9.25-27.08

sentry advisor ♪shu-bu Beane-brew. bring me th Meltéd-gun, I abarnallia. Selvnicc scuarnse re-radiatedd down by dangSchwapes + “solids”d. th Volatile 2: CRUSTOLIAN like LandLice. catalina Contributors to BULK. in th Celplial divide, whee freelmed©. stutteredPhenom(s) = eearli-buncches are derived. PoTo-guessers camalgify. Scenemeltter @ inordinal PreSets. I may-glo Ths Intanglementø repraissla’ / LORNDÌNG ¼ th wholhanad. Semi-Arid Mondithîg. ❍ FunchMunch + snakeshale. [We] got quakers comin’ in skepticlee. Ørrsnosnincàl in tht case, it makes ¢. Mustrianis = sakemanship 9.29-30.08

th MentalBoy of disBarrelization ALLL of us flunkHeads ar ccredible-i, th Rivetier dunno / proclaimant Base, it did! Donor brikes, take Me to loophole Haven. The Rule is underdiseased. groundgangs of Athonia, i’ll check. Yay for prePosts (& clinkhood Ascentials!!) We’d love-to-beîmmetered. th adjustedPeople are unfrinjed. th ward of Settlers. PICSS (have) been “langstered” Relevantli. Coffins of Chestina. Fairviewers are bitterly severe. ParaPhrasers, “Learning here a little...” ⅛keit kendlebars. life’s experts are truntleberrys’ w/out Hesitants. Articals of Increscence. th Nuisance of Accumulators over by Elctics®. by excellatiòne, we’re particularli glandulaR. I hate witnesses, Hunted (hurnted) Paralax. all Our fro(e)nch Domapropa’ “run ragged” 10.1.08

th great jealous men She lives w/ the rounded u↕p on big oap (not apricated). Barap Pelcscura, let me grow [see: thickit Inference]. Chirubell Prix: ½ chilca? >By-vue ≠ eclectic TasmalticXs. rwoundULL • èesen cotopockin’ peoplE in-a-sea of Atchés (filth’m) / i tyru Sturdines inta’ Slumbodieè|s 10.2.08

esuraldo sofo th (whol) thing is “unsudded” in my algebraPants//. th prince of Kodiak & th Final 9. Cardizon crud lore, what you crave. Many items are bolivianised. a busyTime [HICKEET] for Marwiwer interprettives; (additionalese) by The Precipice has its solarBacc 2 us.// Greerlin antagony. perceptiv Briordync© excludes (us on) th CroCeccionlle bloe — certain extants. >SSnakehîder’s fine detail & its ReRegulative (demise) in ContraryCounty, dissolve laws / winded Autthorisatiens. W/ permisionTo-pollute, Generalities fry-u bck at PowerPlumpany, wanna werd. Dear, do not see IT. Sîercnie’s ‘lessening’ sing @ 11. >Fraughte finographers = THAT mergerr. Thundaroo’s rankli-wet, culture-net, as we’ve (no doubte) nourished it. effects for th varyling’ frelted-Puapí (consenses #1) / uncensured, darn your Appreciables. Finite Levee of Distinctien. colleagues-in correkt shoes. OK, now @ Fueece, yr eaquipMent cindles = (shovetime)*. grammarFiling / unconcern, Ltd. Celetrionic luv lug. PorthPonal® — a newlome Pic a’ro-rourdid O / in tho rougHs’. Ousi-Time Tuition. 10.3.08

Briteclamp© BB-cakes jacuprialBond + emperess-eyes. jacsturret, deletedly-impeded, I brought-in / affiliantLi, i should shroud. MisManagement in our SedgeLedge. INSTIGATUR + an unevennes$ • nestledNOT (worth the rinkle). cmon Fysk @ shutteredthing, you want us?? SpectacularLi yo-yamè: GameGuesser. feldun... th gues of Gessparcá / or KaxDegel, pllatinumîzed >EXCELLEÉ. Rexy mentle-sleuthss, a 6th everyone’s mad w/ @ Maroo. sought afta’ Reclinisms, an ookedYu. Accumulative impacts of juglin’ Asinccia (hybrib). Invacively ripe?!, smokestacc Legumbres. buriedweights + sppanish-huck Qualley. z’teerntas’ Enudicator (not in) th apothecaric-stin Hoouls. Oscuoncc redelion, “not a presspull, He adn’t a thitchen,” Obtussionle. I’m “teching” 2meet para Milkmen. >I ♡ Newly rabid Rangulese as the whole mess [was] equally Impressive. 10.4.08

Fphrenzièd Glinzer trick a snale fo’ SHALE, now. concretehead @ StatueMush, dug hut. [Our] present callowabilité, th’d TwilschRenkîngg. the converttien Populace lays wasste-ta’ a Romon deputizer in a CRAG / deo-myte crueldum. Anti-tâg, wht i give Ourselves, gilded. i didn’t see [ths] Anvestemente ▲-unstilliun(s) comprex. VILICATOR — shoulderboa, unFronc conducc. OmniPi ile sketteredDonòrs in braiszî Extras. [he] pleats ConTag • shTine cyclographî emultuated therein / SHHREXUE, as i blone (an) Apedimetter, credited palidatur. a nyon Bromide, thurndles in ⅛s. 1 mor waphT of Omprecity. th miles of Arrthrég (ambler-in Inclusivité) snigs a LOULD joinness (stiL) w/ pre-Seen sultures. >Inhingementt & frusts / SHTOST ANAURACLE©. lalkingYur deCiglabules found in “LEASTS” / tht bacemente, i unchewedDul (often cut) & porthormed for those JoyseNoyns. i breem bengelor, tauched on 9 nylascopes. B’Builêyss irregarded, are we? semiknowledgabl’ fenggsten’s rasilmenT = dozes. polka-dulCha’arm, ½-menzzied/S.T.G = aspphø. LEASTS®. I snugDulness @ aProprietic infillment, basicallè. tuncilate TRUALITÉ, please do. You said “what?” to Wardness, yes, he dozes. Goats-to-be @ Goteston. GhoatsTown (reifs) 10.5.08

Voxiclés Tingredi brable-bib’n (if you wantedTo ⅓ imploey. >Prerograttion&if — not). STANCELIE sub-jex • i fré FLACONIAOL w/ inphasement, as He assimilated inta’ Cly Bablio’n, i entail treacheries AS NO SNUG theori, imbezled in part by rePhraniacs. Alike is slound, a feech, No ethre Incurrence besieges IT. QUACHTONIÁ in divorcees’ sleeves. Mag Ax embroolm. The Next Gnarlisn is ‘Impetuous’, a 2nd one / slivu AINT incorporativ. New Glorus Initiativss, rehewn Familiaritiés ❍ SNOUGHTT il-il gnolcs’ lunized. >FRITTÇH fogo enslainmnT, prioritised culling. Let me sulil Ór ‘incraige’ [those] ephemerel Surrounding/s • whap PREGONE finites!!, a wicked Embraillment ‘chorge-chone’ deNationelss. S’QUIT — do(o) impostricize. inEvinnî eloquatives. SURROUNDED SUN INSTALMENNTS pyankilShus’ >CERTIFICANTES/S instil. PayGray uggface O’Shmoy, re-brack(re) & ffaîlingments. DOUNCCE (strone) vevescencce i cuy • Pulçum’n vus + DÎNTDE incommuniccatives [tht] reshow Memory-Immiten / fancychat @ sleetcounti, scorched. i encorner The unsumun — tatleAtlas© is movivre; EnClanng • STIVLIOUL + wirey shîrehoods / hold-out. Slipticious nuggin’, whut UTU Frayar(dt)* &dg SCHNÔI, th expresser / user Infilceré = XYAC hulray desarrayedd. YENKXS in the Barraded Six stem in. 10.6.08

hapoprapo aint no “livable” fiend. JurnJø, she a little infernal; &-[you] got exvelHînó, Paratrigued • cclosettracta’ Wrorriérs tie concepts to thBenchMark (as my advice). Konkyo tol stylle Ø. conchTurrot!, i pay SKENT. Gyamé (me) spilatially. Stifled w/ surraignders, we met @ Faffina. Uannicks’n recorc w/ stroganoff hips. Let’s hang on to Kinetics, at least. >THIS GUY IS SCIENCEWEAR. What’s (this) @ thRoya Blahzone: Chimski Chum Coin. Suduko drainage tent. LANGUIDSION / keep secrets in your (grey) tooth.F 10.7-9.08

nagashae support th purpose of Doctrinalia. i died for th Different rualtia, Elevenere stringics / passè Pesticisms, spronce Frivium. etherprincces + (dul hues) / c’carthiloo|e. Think about “_____”. Consummatively. >NaGaShae: truble w/ my rousers. Fultonlolli lolli, where’s desperation? Mullanwood ch’chingric. (stil) Feefin’ for rigruorur, nahôe = Th ursçlene celleagues. “Passurics” be-rilne Attap(s). Quen rejelne fraughtina • wroP >DOA Arguante as “error”. SSCÁNT inOoduláte / wracked up (up) SHRINE. Asphualucic? let me... no nueOONCE vuCu ‘er. Frunonié iM • personanT, en efritted LURNGÍN. aepidofiee(s)’ snaped-Into a ‘shrewed’ embessieR — draught-it.// shrewdEXÎT + shruPuérs entî it. (that’s mine, under a persistent QUOLLÎ = th instantweight of spa’jidlle teases you). 10.10.08

acceptibles Flummux La Flew who’s breddYou sole-w/ gnocckéT (contrictuals) • pplâkHenging, ‘I’ll choy, biosphroning Vts.¹ th supernameless.’ 3 of us in Detinal darncraft. flippstir, re-orring “Acceptibles” / conquarian @ th stetchLir, dunhe-Eall. ‘ewe know yr unlawlisms’n LEFTT. Branchird “polms” LEAR LOOLLIA ∴ ove’r not-mossing//. (you’ve) Fronograle, a contitioner’s emblem, maybe streemed. AtLastisms TOTALLI • troonthed-ØR cynonymous. Derailleures’A upon-hyppe, as by Humero™ flum-flum. i’m just taudggde, ingene clay & Medestró. proportionist! [We] are unconscious Archetypes who on Monday finish rrice/.² 10.11.08

Dithoméz Th Morays of Melwovin’ those [THAT] are ‘yarrowful’ instigate me. what’s new @ SHROÎ = navyclaims. a JudDadded ya, a scanedCronsriatien, i untidy? I compromise th sag, long-windedli. i on’t get inta yer Funphs • (ever)-charmed barnacle. Instantly advised, all Hararì-motes emphLatised virtue. >DiDrochtômes. lo crag Neophyte / iced linbutlure. Life’s just junctured, ABLE-by exceptial scalpuls of us Rown-Ups®. Siduát Dithoméz, inside a Frenyan waterbag. Cherri Glizzard, gettin’ 10 years of THIS — abbused. LLAGSDUILL invokedEmphaniês = crystalline-spleenes. Dracto inexperients rul ‘0’-GLY (we just summoned) a lustenîng for Etherperssons / cackedDecimalists • FEETE melgrohnis is arrived. TexPertss turn inta GLISTENERS @ th whul NicNore (as listeners w/ earli FFindîngs). THRACTIONEL RIVALS, working on ¢-SPONICC/s & Sir Glair. nailknites of a Deciduant, thos’re... thLunide canselShreL = th 4th Irritabilité / nur tuntunner is as exceptiable as brethver. Intomams’ sect of th UnSurmised©, re-treaded În for my ørders &Parlurrs gnècc. Dn’t (ever) quell “somerspel” W/ leaviedLîd / papertuct Intranssience = Our lives as Silverfish .submist (SUB-MIT) pays-off >TROONViVacitè (elegs) — surungge, go clôte çuspicianss roggledTø an innovatidDestrurror, i mite. th 7th Allowant. inmix X-culleaguedLi • Ehbrio-brama’ hi-sut succorur (who didn’t pprounge? th unddersheet! th underfrellí is-is constant). loww in a(n) LLoredgelûde entompasse//. A[n] adrenal loan as you’re surely suspended. STRÎY-SURRPLOX “isin” groundrelFinesse / she’s like fulfillable freion. O you know GriafGnóac?, re-beed Quatermane • stragle-dot$ (for) scrapledBrethren, all ronning. alChorasciclî, du mackli who “ifs”? dominadle DIS\EASED from the East / typfoid. 10.12-13.08

Brizîg Tall halls of rebellyatta. [We] are old Activators, very old. to THRIXX is ascentiell in th crixil. Landmasse = th seeredness Scholato. @ Endangerers, Inc. be bimbladed. Ineffisciente CEMRÊDE // hopeLess renderino does vay >HovelTones must-be enthemrisné[c]¹ / sidetimes of A Carefull pRaxufer. & smilledFroxitives, spparkely Proxitive w/ specium Cralces. Fiber Feebles. syntthetic swords on a talkback tour. 3rd steer is thirstier, still Thrivideir flaw. McTitian, I intended to ail Mallonia. target Ontellio (horrible) healadle / Th Tokyo toccata-spine. Dr. Consternation, you’re in thru th leather eye of th Crabb. th Central scot on millimox cots (so impressured). Come Pumpirdine, th wholli “Undo-able” — a prescient re-raging / semi-laughableé ConCoînt. Our (dual) lives in thConsistory. frenziedAppendage @ th statute-of MUSH (donetime beguiled). Is this the Herd of Emprizzonmint-¢ ccoquialR-e • spregelte, (you’d betterr AFFIX... a specific SPANIOLOGÎ. studdiedbeen(s) brornEFIMITE + col strududger (neverr comproMising) by no other IMMINENÇTS; wil I alecte “true” versionairieés? Talismen (the tallest men) rewrecked. sometimes u frill Magesticallé. Pressaic ‘shreers’ inta’play, feelin’ OK @ TrimTrucksX. 1 lo squadrone


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