SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c
fomisma belittlements of th Ingracer© MindMiftur / damn spectators of Incredulousity. Tryin’ to get my Shtenk involved is a priority. Dent-sendable, th thankful trajectories of th Uncommon. Clawed, I hope to get A choccoFoom. murrphø WIZDUM is th wickur. Improffed specklehude, un-by Restitudes. 9 of my slick zetles Infume any abijotted Corcerin. Crazed Ions in th desccentD cagrigine / wormbath Allegiants. ½ suppresible sphoondock. th neon Anthologist. Guol plocitiés = Aspects of Visionry. Insulated School of wrackwrack. The glandular Phonencce, swamcrackler Shrill. (Considerer) + marma Trac’s quirk defiance. Financed this-way. Quayark-frit lappening, todes all dubs. SUNTUGGER + errs. ▲UrmBrrio talk-tart. ways of tha’ Uncompplishde deel ‘U’ in uncertainness. Accountablé-tired in thDoingness®, suncere. A practagin play-out is all very Cutaneous-constantçé, collate another-way. Ciclodally inert in this bimension. Affulged finter unit = bombardpety’l Tog frapitary • leegue-of-th squisshed-T. repènt LeetLaggers, repent in fables of a Lust Lozenge, it g’s you-in. SoberSocieties’ mudcharts + hic cup. UnxPrisceán = gutterhippo’s piled-In. All y’all spunkedLimitizers should end. all y’all’s bugs is bugs... 11.20.08
th stif assurant [I’m] quick to retrane you. saudied sideeyes teach shedered-steinths as Ascent Laws. janitorial replies, “I’m impurchable in a Dry Ode conscience.” Funy1 how [we] acquire this scharpenedTeade. A Ful-honored Øperative. shigaks a geek, lipped-În. i trug each Infusual. Return of th agíc Quelme [He] a DepartureConsistur. Why wondernap in thCommensurate w/ purposeful knee-bats? Adequate Oceans replay me. featherweights on 2nd St. driving thru clouds of Inability®. th UneditedProcesses. ‘If u wan(t) to be typically pixed, thos’re spacious.’ Duality of th Unadorned: both celscual & infinite./ Tx or sobble / segmented vitalities for NONFUTURES, brokably Inflamed (ee)-th sideways sticks of PaBish. (for now), let’s be better imbezzledD. Nonchalant kkings re-use that element. $37 — what’s improstruant = th awfully ørbited. (squallor) of th UnHasn’t, shilingLi chick’d @ citycickles. i scattered seedless Deities. Everyone exists, coo’d în / Impartel. 11.21.08
BlareNidge quofil [a] polebunch of GuapNar (seens) udeless; that stuF is finitely imperiled.// Here he come, sableizing A rimbicl’ ❍. Tenderskuncing, th scubbered boranda. Neighborhood of DisLectic|s. cellularselectar + easy chones. nultipleSopulars, whoa-o • sPhanâgonic entemplars [now] whethertethered. Ebbwys-tebber is a dogfish inth-fray. yJecckirs’ attuascint [for ya]. Wht she’s doin at OagNyl, ffaskless-treple. Unsuôndi’d, is he OK?, @ IbrioTecksteckl — a good one at kindstyles, in my mind. ToxTuckle, trevassed Impreccionist, footficed ‘fliceomatic’ + restless refuger. spectacular Indention of SNEET. Lectricutical wherewithal, i adhere. 11.22.08
lost colour committee the Cordeuroy Jot. “Lecliers,” it might say, musket of th domed Shrumel. real easy on, I inherit th Informol serum of th unDeserted. slac d’Ziedl, he can lattenface Peeel + th repogles of CantileveredDefineé. Seah, [r]aul Granty • th distinct Strainables® bord a spurkRoarir in Ecomonist brazenri. Where it blahs: solid victories of th InPheased©. forgalten Friends @ th Weird Estate + sledgerisn’. Pendlleson-slat (chimney capsules) + respisle miminayan’l Inta umContaminants, so he pillaws disks @ ConCoint, and pancakes concede. 11.23.08
wake imaginer He not in a Doreignnor flush-ouT (infinsst cleerps clear-blue Moneity). ⅓ cremty Veions sabulate-me. Drøn-plimiL — con clasam. Quansspicoy (p)reander @ BACC ax, twixifyin’ Garble w/ freenieboards as th garboids Untwined. Leashisms & th seddled ‘TRIAC-TOCHH’, yet again. “there’s heirs to GropleGrey, hard as bioExtensiveness.” CoApperational[s] exceed THIS priorisatien // par-Scabage. devilDiodes of dispirsion = th spurious flow of DasPonk — in that ditcht. Deaf Constractiens sudmit. (art-out jesterli) • prety-nice Infeasant. Maeyenas, “that shtat is just foamed & this is edge meltedness, yes.” Legalsay! Tussian tour-nap, enough to SQUATUUP’s torlan; i’ll be blegged Avarantli (as to) be fo(o)und. To be tucked-in, supported Unstunly. kiler stuf @ th Coke End of brittlements. snarling hid, we was toochedÎn. ♫ At Barclavay, we is isteened (we is...) 1 hour of NOPE./ cuncruse, where’s my ManoMembranaL, plasticated? forgat about employing th Solidity of L.I.C.K. grenttsum ¢ • frenCrenitîs. I spots-out on wht you’re herbally here-for [see: Parabolic terror]. CØNTRANISNS’ “th ouch” of slim Aphids 11.24.08
in my smudgehood I go gderelicT / Peazanus &-yr brideways redumptien. City of Unpertainables unfel as th Inattentive type. freetime fusers. The anaesthecized Crewe of Bombaire. Quarterlope, there’s a then, a scrabbed Side 1 of ‘ShiningThiamin(d)’. Confide in th sterile leesh. Youther of th incourssed, feeble injuicicants. fractals @ FriarCo. slow ‘em soundli. YAFE — my disArgonautized endlen, saury Ce’s + MaFatriable[s]. slug lucky’s & Tantrum-crowd, why no Quaire? the tri-pope Umbersomes / i can’t secretly collide more Imperfectli (than this)’s. storme straddle. th starvvingMess, or “copularDevianceé.” >Latchmide th britle Maybe. Borlac of swans so TellTale. [These]’s solid acts of thHomesteader. 11.25.08
shrine eye secterium sabats • mini-face of Infusement. >NNocturnil-hordes (infrarized tethersomers) / EDITOR’S STRIFE,, it’s a go, Narurka, @ Crowsfoot superpowa + [ReBeneathss] / th daily Unrealistics lessen Kent as a go-faced ‘Archa’ — he’s never so “ulthAogha” kandy kin. FiFe antiment testi-folk. Aproximitiv sadle-joint & waresong. Exhuberant Galvanizer, no need to thrapp Perilow — we’ll pul from thCRITTER raw texts / a fumbler feeling “snarkly” is P-shelled. gold garnish of th Surprised. we’re both weirder than Fatoon, enclothling. 11.26.08
toggilderne Can i get a “b” for Blabberglory? I fully literalized a finch, fully fragmentable. Stellar sunprizer. These ones that’re drenched. MecXel / Grown Gear Cakes of a famished Camel. th toleratedPeaks get “weavy” in this britle Aire. ToggilDerne is imprompT, now that it aint reQuomT / these’r brool. Pestosterative STUEELÇX-of Stutterdum, trait on-Trye, definitely. [The] horrible Correktienss of blur’d Universality • the swang g-Shone, spriced-up. A Scruntholulus exercisded-¢ (incurably) Did. My stacked-selves De-Unite @ MARMURACE / bwuelbé d’Faledface, disroebio|ó + Halving Birdes. one’s wrest = a tora uwen-Tank, pelebstrien ‘E’s-of my wintered own. Faelbîo — we’re both werkersed & bronzed. 11.27-28.08
hezaquaya Unset of my eyes @ SwagNation. strictRepeller of th sane prostrigation [see: macrochasmic pluralities]. I fold Forageness (farfrom-here). encerons by th maroon Mitten. imbeciles on MuteMountain promptli get kicked-off. Stagnant Saturator. Manthux Worlde, & bogtown Mitigants = you musn’t be. Bramblers you imploy procedurally + Th Sudanly Special / i may repsyncc. The (whol) broon Reculizer stays insistente. I may ralzia’e the cloggy “S” @ Frixagen (we’re set-to close on that raspedness). Enchnesical mucement ≠ zigzag matrimony. th old Genie-rig. cone Struporgous, I unfolde. So rexienel, Midicine mcNoid / LencemPrids + (screnk) Dejeson. 11.29.08
fadadas fildew fidgety-folded Man = [an] eale-2-be side Truanted. T-borage Encumphilum / rul in there like whipoors. Incringment #6. Unsthumberer, are you expertly in th brAuriact-? [He] knows th endless naxoPederelss is “accinilable” ❍ TACC cemerabilité + unknawn chzips of Gulweets. haresandwicch half-uf Prominentst — fen Duspany. Fractional Smatchíngs. embarassment in the “Block Age”. 11.30.08
HeznioShrabes® stel sCridinine, “be schnopps, be outta spare,” haoshtíExponents @ thCOVRE. Waxpahlius in (divine) detours. bomb of bertangulars / particulara. Gularzation(s) stuphF’F. Hoàb umberment = th nipled array @ CounterClove / cuttled clacckîng (as ‘ibonible’ as over-ellaciouso). Turcular meanderment. re-eesionables’c + shipswich Conducer. Hop over counters of Imperfection, “I aint Sequencial no mo.” Error Reiteratoor. hytra-goose endemble-benT / thrustixcs + hyddroModicum #2. High Age of Deletisms, consequent of th 5th channel. In memory of our obstequious HeznioShrabes®, imperile, nightmount encounty. Far from th embrittleMent, you blow yr elecctric paschette, varieties are staggard! We’re pined-În @ Ensicadanéa slumpp. geymont Ruphir, athulated con|currur selected ‘A’ — it & its crounge sleys. Brimle shwepes. Quelb rabrarck / UnTunnahl’l to-coll (hurt like a clôme). Spellûve unbeniadlé-y. 12.1.08
the greast smifonion Dark Dispersors bugledi-pî in sourbush dicchine/. Tacit Disturber, as much as i need th pfosfourescente-hook, lean lusively Øn Splice-1 (Straight from th rumployer itself!) / has-been Frichbeene plolar ≠ nictliniaL powerment. Greycoates of PanTan. Literative-hired HUX + liability. the Ketchup faucet. Plowface, saucci’d by the bellyfish of Endecence // everyone Abricated? sr. vistasmudge + th gabroon Clank. dystopial minuter (to barrage) THENNES$. MaiynRe’s gruppling-plan, gerenerate Now (spyotine). Aint never been no Mammoff. slight lies + engramblledF @ Manstamina: th real Propryator [u] engulge by Taphoní. brite-misle = elucid measle. Festivle of FForunâ. i elungazienle sion-eyes / Ubruhm. M’Lilon reandurur-pew. FurFane [unanologueser] + red riceplay. Before you get a fort in th field, i sprapulize 1.33 acres of th pythonesecreT (sector of SARS on a swandeck). repopulated Hazys & a failured You. th big kneel = BegotchFlôme + ∏ - bum outFit of Impedence. Trellices of NO USE. perbuttun turp’n Turmoile / Ethnorrig-rangor. ■ eAudioTerccial(s) slow me. [Our] viewliste of throaticles & ¼’s, ‘Minde yer anomles wil part w/ this is th gratesnuF, ferilledbodies / twatchéd.’ >Thurrog doeznt-st(0)p here sobriety Belmay 12.2.08
th mezzanina papay a shrounTenial ‘etch’-engagement / Or sulambrina (fetch fayettes). No toward “ambilics” to profess or nor. sequentialstophetèd Modes • handharne vistas of th Malaprop(riated)MINDD. Segeceni ¢ at Age Insistence, brevver D.A.M.®. restednestleR & ambulant BrairymuF • fortunes fold. grainness Y coi-ulpte Fizzian.n teccelatien dismaya / antique Bayhem. >HethAngliclés so uh. Camille’s impoverishedeel = a coldshel of calliopes, the textual zombie. Injectionist smater. “I’m already a gold Incurrer, most cautious.” Tirades of th Delicate, pus pined. Dunce in nitigalPance. Verdantle acos. Tarnables in infinite funnels of Discretion. suntocius (sun tones) coort th Frigarity, accreduled Kasmah + our formal fractiens. in eekless Aeons, >FROJ-holds us “innutz”. Older mentioners, how’s them ‘goring’ Frendless phrasers? ⅓pinelender (neophyte) srionlizer / oracle Impeaver, profiteen. Foam Feverist, once propuled. Diad Dulcer (static). aguous-crophT • unerudited; thats IT on my SnagList!! & sodky Violén©. effortless @ gunkZone. strober GiGîne / unrelerant E’frachone. Kelpjeniter gin droik. fim fweele — narrative constenants. Shril shoremen retacited a diff. Doyze + th unanswerable tufts of Soke Toke. th Crefteron cranker, beigebole churve. Pride of th Prectangulist, sieventari LIFES. Glulf-Ogôndi, intruste-in AncientBread. cuxicul @ Alvone passage. MacroDerision + septangular retreet[s]² — (those) macjubicals i render. 12.3.08
th blue truth Simplicity certainably is l’threadorn scleer-cakes = th vermizan! Huffin fagfoundri. Antimparc front roar, yam topsticle. Stower, stay-&-glaire. Crayat strooldur w/ indoane Variance. Quanktifferî unnoticer / stravace-royle-R.Ro — sianstrellative. professorial Mog, [we] get in w/ cyllindricah 12.4.08
churpmigoa attaché-surplus on th Cranyard teet. Partraying shoredom, &-in other Protentialists? (wht) they loocen. apple-bunsun = Our DayTracheas, minoria-¼’s + oastal Combrirênt. [comb] a Cembirationist’s (new) ArrivleHare, plenty. Tirian strowter, by gihs ChurpMigoa, cant cemplain, Amung quizHamcho • anta-fe’s me. BramBuril / he infinitest. (Every other hip handglider wil have to DULL). Prelude to a 5-paw festival. rubdub whaler, come visit sulfur®. Shrugs Adjudican’t, so head TixiStîne (in th sublit Hemmhorage-tent). Arboretdum-of yr Procedures. sleep in a slim bean, th rowboat Apropus. 7 years in thCreersional sky. Confidently, let’s try “slurching” the Anfinite//. sale of a censor, take us back. Say we’re sceers, restpegs @ Slotton (for enfimites) / Rondul©. come comb my past[s] w/ separate Spiration-clauses. don’t stone me, Perpetuallé-pryed ox! entelbrête SNE¦E exenéy (from th moment you were smudgedD’ or tittled, @ th/a Darned Arnica Party. suple supervisors. Dymondos bidge-d • UnTitanø — gliffin Arou’u / condition of th SPURIDIFYER; is it clewed? The riphLiture expecles, ounce-doe Louce. Our ole-faschiøned wings, assort near The viral notes of Dismissionn. strorled rereasonal (nothin’ a Pegroid would want). “Funny” is fumy — I’m pranning. Son of scotch Ionisations, what’s not to scale? 12.5.08
lixologicals @ thBlendStore™, i unsure that, “fickle statesmen, do not pre-guvern.” Yet, it is in a long suplina-handD + pre-unsculaR = visuality of the LISTS. Lixological spartan (oh, thanks). Bathen-Birthomel / shtaclopss sPliaff-enrager (aint) sought Time to tangle. cursewurse Infusement. Why schnot wise collar? I divine th Divisional, “wht is sphRacincT — may inbolnate, don’t lingulay!” Nuance of th apron gullays, straightener of fesh Felonies. moustrictions of cuz, Kwerma Shoaki? Let me p’patch inta’ Calagini, th greater Thinness, nah. (fledglings) / Fult Loo touro. My mind is a ghetto of Imperpetuality. A so-called swimmer of Inteasement, see a masterer’s perpetreity. Miss’ll imperiolize us. Chirp Decelcius, dehind th wall of Tests is a bingeful bore, will you? Fainograph of each world, booled-in. Let’s say we’re squat. Mile-of-Mortt, the sang, the strumm, th Sendelled//. I lost some curiousities, vintagely. Let us be lurid. If it (can) retent, not as thoohush as you, conceivably sustaine, hurry to garble Bay. it’s flincchtime, who is as th “realest” Floatician? 12.6-8.08
th paranoia tree TopuLum-supliers togle out YerLife® th grew Dof is a minor plummeter — (this is “fumy” for a(n) infidel to moranguenote, about). ClingTecchnicialN + everybody’s effect. silences of th Inverne afficeè. stragled Loper. sub-lid cracckoon / Junkedsire. Let’s try it phonallÉ ♢ as a leson be geethed, ex mindo-suppplier ah! clinkssó. He & SmauchFoke revelçin. Tank Cortographi, less quicelnène, made of Penstreteg-shales. I retore th Tolerant. Mulftin Mulraizzur = th crouch’d viables. suphffagent-Teng. Ink slit perscenttâge. Mopanoli man-hold. Twailed to-pî, windeedla’s moment + stravard Ax. The braided Spaniel / red rook. quenly Quarn-tessle, ebey avenual(e) of KuK toss. Quacile Directive: hold hares-a-bunch. pasion of Untuarrmø — reventilated. How many kingdoms?? Nuhldine luposcitiv. (Yu realy gotta leer inta TH[I]S • $-TTance myne) / hite hollindale. L extro TopesstriahL negeting. we played Gestural-tamé[s]. To-purg Genii, asslant priorbilitieé¦s. th (s)klitz of th Phenomanle ‘Us’ + pre-Greek fusillages//. a time to stammer is assorted rupi. Confugnun’ tht’s 1-ug = a drune in Collosapilite, veer texts = UnReading[s]. prior to SuppleMag™. i grout th Sheddlist penis, th bounty Inward. puns of Dismobility. child of tare. TugJore, sit out [His] oncea-year Sodriety bog, And Such, ‘i’l get to th splay in DewTime.’ strange unwaver w/ mouthfuls of prompt Progeny. th learning Fortress + preDecents. hum-truffler, Mens’ slijjaine. i $el u th untwinable, a tunce-atoc Remediale / stratosphericallé sording. Brairøpolis’ alterknive diction. The ceveral Attempts of Taupe estrella. 50 milimeter demeanor. Dinky Momentuums? TopethaGnétha, astralrus @ reCreca, lay blame. The Royal groin of his Airiness, insulted spectrallé = th remunched pausative. Undeniably diced is a tetherer’s taxology. The Slights you honor. Birthtone dialect, pt. 3 12.9.08
the congruent clan “Yes, thes’re th earliest perfunctories, complicit, Deterrer.” 1 minute to dismiss @ TogTower + playvariables’b. Codeinechalk, co-dyne. Orphanic? Papa Harpoon’s questionairre. Nebulous gnostic, sit at th Narcissist’s table w/ filed Minds, wordless equanymity. Humidore-spic ox. TATT of inscrewnment. That justs us, deNizzed. lg. eccaughteri (embedded) + cibecanttiolthing of Increepment. Thank you for th Prediction, the spectacular Avoidedment. I was a pundited 2-timer. Pec Skeeka, white gaviners. Mt. Sagesmen’s (oftenness). ratchetpow, solemn kicks thumpf of Regeneracy + “snagged-Life”, as if by spies alone. Compadré of th Draggedness, ⅓ squimplegiø mil-manifeste ■ T cepical Condecence. straught Du-Ju, shelves-of-saviours (save yr reticences, MLinded-Øne...) DiCoCho + yufroTogïc ¢ ensellier. Oh, Menannites of Tomorrow, chuck it! Many other grratuicérs = Microgranular Endorsment, formenstruly(s). Nuagily, really not for milyon MonSleddes / cirpual Dile, th preDominents of “shoulde”. Chur coock Rattire — enel Sobotruan-test. i thoroughly not Rinted®. Twinkledness-o-fit, you’re rile by vose-visiøns = corkwrowe. & that muliebral flare! Our spectral Accessry’l noosify @ th palace of Helped-back//. Yr Central Sea-gogue daze. In Cebrides ‘throwing-of males’ to suit Our arcumferent, let us sense. Rhee’s pluffer — accorde of th tryale Gesic. hole hoyle Hermapphoâ. Stubnite SCUX, pploonicious. 12.10.08
MEDIOCRATÉ th poly-infermorateds conduce w/ th Silent Sect: dismanaga? putrid hose-gang. Snarled Art as proverbss. the faulty ear of a Windcastler. radish railray. The rhinema snoize as flourescent fiendes goble th eye: th 10 hibernationals. Perspectudely conscious / ttriaphulymîde! >Mindsticckers race relarnce, tuck tye Cemicîn, co-stragglers in MEDIOCRATÉ. pre-Stivits redirect miraculous-slews while governable blechs “C” — appose me in my StaticFile/s. 12.11.08
Spectral Editions® Prafafon ⅓ unrenderings!!, let me gestate w/ gel Perseptivve[s]. Scatterers are ALLL alike. invoicing forkes @ QuoChag, rezeeled. (share what you tread) + ffathommost d’Croy, substiliced w/ th Tantalized few. Famous amnesiacs. Proverbial bounding. Fropsonymité + defensive errands = tareful Creases of Øre. comon sections of Deplority. @ BeepHaus, you may be refuted. Bloatry® concard, ventiginous s(n)oot inklings. I chambered Disability. a 1-dore Duradleé — shorta syazio, just a Cruster. Grid of Informality. please deal w/ Derision. wht we (he) countered, y’all instlitize in th mrag’d MINDD. >TôMôpf po-rinsable pertinents. mingled w/ MincraphSS& (ê dide). So To become burnt-in, you’d? take th Collab. to SpectralEditions®, moreminced. “Hop out dem moists.” y’all’s Infrainment is not meant to occlude any brambled Berision.// lingcufferels asserted @ th Valley of th Untold. th stunner’s stumpth, yet to be th spracticion, the byggest “say-so” is thruante • th charming h-vestigules of... 12.12.08
OuterBluvø superficial surfer. i flewphones w/in spectral Indignity; I become “schrune”. Service Sorcerer, you pul my secrets away w/ every detailled Enversion. I pracsoLearnt th smugled SMIZANIAN (go?-untreagued, partLi “dilemnic” — to ‘rstay crumblesum) / th sleeting SF shem. ‘Sir, it’s a janglle of Astonement’ (as i may drane) proiri Deen a cuc-of Indelmentde, “you’re a sheril Under,” t.o.o.o. Convencionel tares, go-go-ohio//. >FlipChance dissued Alc Patca. you’ve fellewed Ah, imborse unhooks-$ toldly-warm. Fap Precheeîne — eacrul countered 11’d-punch. (those) only belong’d in there because¹ i was “Clatchable” • i wreste Murtrog as unIssuement. Moortal-high zoop, she good at FulFretda. nothin’ but a saronglode, i learnt. teccnicallé-t(o)ngued, Fantas-copî + chromatic agony / InAttentents. Priski’s playheads¦s (definitely streaking) >ImpazelFitt® 12.13-14.08
tathium tigerz perrilous toxiswaine L / why will’nt you stand ‘attrieved’ in th crippledText? >it gets-T conscruciari — & wht behooves me is th propestic Pic. “Capsular goons again?” th silkworm Stanchion. cencoucian Spavara, you’d better attest! (real) flanxed-în th Letwork-wink, i untrieve TODALS. We rent th sleeves of th carnivore, i’m told. couchkit + succatashi-pynch, as Ableized as-ever. Epper scwary-wery’l jenute ya. ◗PostSeriousnes&-all THAT.// they cancelled gretel, a teene in CipoProxis. barely Wo Go. cotso (clu) = cazione, brenberful Øn an AndBranch. brivoní Impartcials, aCheen! you Opined-up to my twoor, who guvs? Every pre-act is projournful / yaps tanquiarî — AntiLiterative luck?? Sunhour, britle-pest if u knede IT. Assk a Librarian (until) she cocoles &-she’ll evident, “as you stand as an Arriver, what will you fray?” How i slicdoord inta’ confrolment MEANNT it’s all (how’s stwokieés @ th and?d...) Durations of dysRufflemenT. lesigner sleeF / th tendar Ought. polypinessian teardrop = Modern Causes. oldStones chevarrice-? dittles, LostL tunScoverî. Maxilstin’s topaz. undying Ninomurk of a MicroBullester. She a biblical wreck, leasing th sneer. copulaR infeasement, daring depths of th New Self, “is-what-is, Nolayan...” 12.15-16.08
The $ of ahitiano Puz A million concurrent muscles become measles in this torturable Hour [no nust]. Take a clowping pill, derilged at NIL • extra-deliberately, th whole throat & th text of coddledFrizz is a buckre. temporarilylidded is me @ D’Curru stupplamenta (moiste Increasives). >HulgnesKil meanderant. girle of th Golden bonfyre. Albreités yesps funneled-folk, thircan An au-eask / Hallsustainer. fphinis me off yr mauve armmanageL↓ some be-plinths, an off-duty Emerger. facts of Harare isn’t “meanwhile” as citadelsuits portify NyBrø, that said SILSS. [He] generally outmoded unbabwe’s new Inclingemend. esportfoli — a dead deel. I hap-has struck W/ Chin. cabinett of th southern glock, friends of th ineligibleé / he-has sumournalisT yarn. i fund a botle of LandUtilizres, ones he aint seen litre-lined. a pune of Worke, 80% naïve Nemer proclamative./ The $ of ahitiano Puz. seale a Truckling caf. Soaked to explore th seasons, i’m riveted OnwardLi. MonoGenatalians ovor = th Seismic gasps of rePuttlivs, i nix. May i speckle AragDouti / th sea-hammer @ SmugNite? falfacius reorganza’ist? Margral a way i stagger at the soaked ayeball — shall [we] sneere? Anagement-of th Nayan ro-prinner, ‘ungest’ w/ solacdity enceniorce. Cuotacial shrugment of th judas-beak, Then leave. W/ pythagoran might, i untusle.T Solidity Coincider, um¢ has. [We] welcome th warmth of th Machines. th perfectli-snarled go w/out “caying”. razoring a regarnished Roariana, the CommandedBriszeen is far from orlour. Oh, it’s th 5 suppliers! the wonderstac I-clitcha. Jundeel Juphsterson. & schlink tufo / slippedPhrania + all soloosivs. Turnip 25, you’d better brimpraise It. shreded-hoof of FOREVER • my frildeend Became cloori! th plouride Contingent w/ todal Do-Over[s]. sought to Sumulate, I may Divest. 12.17.08
pah brimshaper frajnetiv Thruition¹, unbissional on the supple. every pro-cabany = strange EpiFolk in the itchy ear / th spectacular Inch, posed-excellur, i may wrenche//. i think i beem HERE-@ Abb, poke fun. “th mids” taste good. Sivny Arrangulus. the wheelreal Imfrexicø, pre-pardon. waxey weradic, before you start landlacing, you’d Apart from Prexxo, disnilidged? I tried (that spire) while you hesitated w/ Naughty seddlements. “Let’s be trelliced this evening,” she so socially inflated; it’s no wonder I left.// choiced Liauissian[s], buterup! How’s everyone @ PamPhlet schule??, kind. Do, stay uncurmphatic in (these) posiziens, every suay-arraigned Leter (beter be blurry). Davimonic torsion resizles me. Yes, w/ briteminds, let’s fiz. Be not pacient Ol go, impuriur Tangion tucc / ya next blessers? The initial Consturbur 12.18.08
baines bendaga bRisquier rot in (our)-stale fortress. regionle ghosts, i exerted w/ Praferton. He’s fear to taste the ‘Tranna’ — th orange sun is P.G. Literaturer. Handle-X dint-lode: Lossoy? Faulthrinø chronice. LeandershiP exdend(s) momenasticallé. Lumial Pishtant + dudgeted halms. [We] hudle after Blearedness. shif fop / Carpotcha should’ve ilegitimized the solar heel by NOW. The Austique rush — a booring Cystemiteé. Branthemyne® temptable beltheage, rallying phisyear’s lightling. You tip out-on chalkneese? Lastleg of its luster reburdenings. Unsurgical oceans. salem mackeroles. Causer, it possibly keeps the even-roach alive, & every one’s cruthjade. [Who] but with runes! 12.19-21.08
procedural plan centre ½ meeltíng, th underbelly of th seismic sardine, bless you. the Borle thistle / th liquidized hi-hassle. Papa’s tarpmoney. What’s thouch? My black borlac Sap is Nøered’je puT = DoneTone & th wrested nourishness. Left kilonles. ‘Aint we trevassed?’ My maroon musket is quadrophonic. hatchhack — th Ideal Cancholare-wic, mofers too low. th wooden necktie of Life forgets you / tragic patterns. Marfallonstump (eschuan!) w/ deleaf-LEMO meembodies. lof-trove Infortunate b’emblems; tortuoùs tones get’ll pt. [He] builds foliage out of Foam. th lotto of syrup-caps®. “Yes,” say th truly-trelliced, “let’s lezHovate.” And we do so w/ MithMarcers. i did somethin’ @ TovTorruo’s. 12.22-24.08
th crack of death Admiral, let’s “break bust” w/ other udmirable traits. Man of Carticular mobs perfraines me. Mole-rush ledles + feverwax. “The day we frolish th Machinery is th Crack of Death.” Once a month she bronzes him. Thought-without-thought, I’m the inside-Else, th 3rd green. exotic bone bobo, from th steem CoTrabulations, you’d better celçorize WHATS//. 12.25.08
soors Incisement cycles in thru th Drapery w/ real knolverables. “You’ve been a spore this-morning.” Here are some child-coilers, dismanaged PreaVons, toxered, 2 slip off Carranggtin, especially W/ Trefferton’s trickle, a separate cickle. I’n for heeforay Dinge. th depthe of my Øbligations. i write love letters to ladders. From th admonishment of Soors, i befreeth Q. a hole NUZÍ • that’s seriousli Elsed. i may pervade w/ NNeccisohns. >M’Lerctifier &-th initial tardust of it. 12.26.08
dark tastes Yes, ‘anyness’ prevails as I will befriende thEMPTINESS. Advisingli, i give you some time [to be] lime. What you’ve bethbened, i may torso. Boxonian jalút, i’l call you in th Stuccaté windsorine. Marcathpa cringery as a trasfle. ‘Oh, i can get my Magged men as an informed rreckling.’ Why wonder. fud cribles — blahzong! cyntomizedFelugs™, yrs of Marernment & buttemics. a tridute To go, pub that Performant. Tureten wowie & will-be. A bladdur of closed ConCoctians, as it’s seen. yes, go Twintakoi. Our marvellust (that’s cored) inta it Any Ways. Teitlig’s ways to Float = action Asthmatics. run, rotait th Wholething. “i’m keen in a zarelk-slicc NuoNection.” why you Aras aslumptien. [Her] crystalizrai, often Sunless N • dissopatraD//. I may Clif-10 at th Sturges. May we lemlinate a Sahquerin gint, phoger Glasstaker & th Mul of th Dayy, stutterli rinced. Overwrought! cindered Uxurieés / phovan to weigh Out th wilssted. Can i canaver? Mastery of th inpheased. In a one-man paign i’d often Adibe. 6 years of self-encryption, “i’d invigoraTe (on-a-glade) — th dohning-of Nøre.” The body ffor ⅗’s Carorhynatin T & W polyferal junes. I’ve poxed readators, it’s Leante. forthoom$ wick Us|s, ellieve bags due but profoundli opprobriol MisMoint, why and k.a. & th dangers of sittin’ finked. Litigabee, he is something of a [fine] discrettian, a would-be. [We] have charity for what is thickened. Sane as its dicicruscul. Evident (cutlets). 12.27.08
Chaperoned calfs Prealities devroke in thHeated enfenvens; I wait in Modalities of CRAWLE & forget drunksyntax’c T • presumed Aficianados of th pReachiato-fist. alorred Maschizó. Seaker of prestiguity-leeredS (all my pourhces Can affórd me now). ‘Wher i lived in Granite, you were aposed to my renditions.’ If you care to bombard. Nah, i couldn’t insist on this-one.// [Too] many fraines Away. In th elms of ButtonWhoa — a fridged Zaniology. Wheels of its inpheased! Reep my ways, PhraxedPinte, prowlets; as it may. The siltieste Quivvers. th shTates rate / capital ingesters remedially recant it all. 12.28-29.08
th amplified lake th occasional pip-8’s of th Dry Torch what’s importionale? Here comes “fustlumri” rituale as Indicativeness insists. Denfronstatix &-a reshundeled Unity in peerless Plastice. >PParish had blacckflite & vulnerabilité, as th lads did breache. It’s a sonering Campu. Proofters, we beef up a firre; I cement as a controlled conqueror. Elite visitor, do you spread CHAOS / the squeaks of living high. Sursee and unreported Elders. Nothing in his expressive hands. Cowboys for candybeate. Agritier horses come here on fantasized trails. They photographed my death in a petridish./ The potential threat of Subtlety. There is no taxpay Tice. subsidized thief, there’s fortune-foundD. if he was struck by Sano, && the science of submitted scenarios. Talismen (the tallest men) rewrecked. sometimes u frill Magesticallé. Pressaic ‘shreers’ inta’play, feelin’ OK @ TrimTrucksX. 1 lo squadrone 12.30-31.08
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