SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c
pionelpe glanmisks bob-key Cattedness¹. consummate pusystonesR’ restle me like inchoaT arbleizations. Dedicated restlessly, Aspricc neweels’ retread a ‘vovingness’ for pirtainmnt. [Nearly] th whole nite as an unplugger. Smoochin’ like some smugglers. Professor-of-my-hands. Urgency of th lonely Pear. the bible is a sneetchTénk. I snack w/ you on the prairie, regis-coloured. somebads 1.1.08
Breszmatín A grainy spot in thLuxuriôd = a new set-of stupors. I am th meet Concruller. The busy Napes. the splendid Accruel of A mighty Magorian. you go, TerraCotta Lady! ♫ Angulable boing oing, (i seize ya’). Untongued in thQuadrant — Cracquetjerp / punsttapí + Prosperous crews. piles’ o piles’ o piles’ o... Conferencial build-down. holow incorporations = OUR BEST. Neurological letdowns. [I’m] a glaze on th Fruitione-bowl. Magistrate malleniése. >McStootia gets tired-of [my] neolithic ways. crewelsurgeone in FormulaicRooms. i trust Inferiorities: i talk witheredly About it. ShriekSauroliy, turly-to-oh. Timereeders, i’d like to inpocrinate ya. Hand-Own + uncorrugated garglers. the whole SMOY© [was] finally affiliaytedD’ • decent disturbers. Totalists, i meet you on th string-bean trellice, inside-out. salty schedules @ Starbake. Bumulct / th dogs’ll Ven demus, smudge us — whoopi cruttered FORK. mystery of th compressed schedule + spiced Economies. Fisthome. ding-a-ling Fodder. [He’s] arranging it, BicBaw. balconi Baltrími 4th tuck to Cameroon 1.2-10.08
animalés de Vagueland dracked Pozle ❍ Ebiccruy un-dun = 17% susks. retructable FIÓNS, sensibly insultive. postage-postage (overswabbed). the beast of Dilution = no fable can brudgett. [We] credit Becelians w/ th Bump’a me dog Alchemy. Etheriel rules of conduct for th diametrically disEased: they speak ‘stephanese’. Tart Dialects, recruste hillborn, and Detained. Our oneness: present me w/ super-eels! Talk to me (about) a sheep’s wish. SelfSage: a forkthrug Mambilswitch exceeds me//. Y of unshined crol + ocionnoc Nixins. Gettin’ all doghound in. Grent Maccumba. stranpodiuM. th great Allegations avek Incuitives = shapes of (smight) Ingestion. These’re instricatives? crushipe navybox Capes. suport th instuche TT# / envision my Sklelks’ DIT-way. Tomorrow’s motive: th fragrant Din of dissolution. jailed Optimums: semi-permanent Bramblisms. Peonnese sugar-fit w/ granular[s]. THAI detentions. Karma cumbuline (goose eyes). unlikely Galloper. >Beccstrecin among clifs, struts-gut Perturber. Your cryin-out Chablis birds oediaplize. TLenerdisn $150. Morgan’s deleted tint, like Rodique tar-tar, (or SHRUNKS pelek). HolarliVíng, snnapfish-princer && a 2-cruisseship sitin. THIS IS TOPPLISM, s.f. 1.11-19.08
intergracials schimel-schimel Dachsund-toe. Tendars are alright for a Twinklal. (She’s got) proletariot pulses. Lux of OlmbyüD / th Frededa-bail • honcurt SpringChing X. Plurpet Dominan, suspectir ▲ The Hissing of plainsaid Salad. ‘The Mutura’ is Rodrigo’s fome / Bererit. thLes streazesL .properwatch Let’s “centobize” in frothyear Fungus. >ImmunitÉ funines — AblylirsT flatterer in Dove’s inventtion. unique Depreciatians. I tell women of Tomorrow there’s no lankiness. King of skiviktim Wing. striffed ink-spoons. (I do) REAL WELL w/ the blow of Rinninc. ClosedArms coluse + M = Dinto F. fragilehand Harmaíc (we are overbooks). Porridges’m in Portchay-treés + unitedmovias of th 4th. Unsafe Legends. Put a clamp on your crazy claims. A dellowed “How” is ravenous. [We] shot ceilings in rampant rambuncion. I run treeliés. Don’t (forget) to serve thDopamineBadger watercress. 1.20-30.08
Thundercoad ScuzzazadriK auvsmilon = Genuine (thwart) monk-monk. Occeans of th weepiest. Oh shrint! Use bromhide husks in an Excrutia supersignature. ♫ Warden Marijuana (more than where I wanna). I do b’ject Sightstand. Arkdeviences + wellgnawn noters. Pal-Tubed in th TUB w/ Delapidarian sneeths. >Erbronupe $. i’ll use my SHUN-GUN / & ms. Lemoncrabs (suboltzíng). N. crooch Cabal. A patriarch’s Dividend = Our pantry of Corruptions!! Heràlde? (hornboats) + slidey PaxensiL / shucky somroman. Obstrodoctori & thMinced maelstromers. retreet NAIRE • begin th construsion, a Societal scur. McCurcley’s dune as we seethe is a 2-hour murmur-term. (shush cluspins). i went inta’ Solpchí inaguardes. >HimWho’s experimentle cookies — stomachable? Thundercoad / religious psinc. ♪ She splits into 11 honeybees in th Programm’d hallway. Funnelqueens, thirdly-hand BLIM. TuskCots = modern moldrecian. Habits’v fefcake. The Gaudy entrancees of thDeployed: damagetraine. Let’s get cyclical¹ — Oh? You knew Sasnü / micromixogonL ah shumels’ 3-day bafoona. YaYa’s creasehood. Rinstinrí tels ya what’s neate. The silent Wearabilities: I cease expecting it. microbreakdowns & singe-partes, “my boots untie me.” 1.31-2.5.08
kimford ku Pardonable pry-ache. Random tunnelizations by southern precipice / subreme stilks + Signified Gamyphor, nürt. Lycanthropics knish babe ya. picture Preciousesod • Ebridy-bø, excerptionally yours. Over by Rolneerk is an onogamous tooth. natural erosions of Shuxonians, grivace. Everyone’s turned into Thuft. ‘Tis rude for me to SPEAKK’ (once or twice) into SHTITE. Mimóka loserlite®. Grindliore tunpT + stonichstonich. Moking eyeshades PomPound me. My snake’s got a tinselled beek. th bluejeaned Dullway. Centaunums’s gingen / bring bags on a ‘bulged’ bridge. I trespass Layouts. “society of the Folded Ear,” intentionless, wushed in euphemistic syncs & Allegeds. There’s stuFF i do by merismaéc enderines. Cider sisters, what’s gone on w/ ozmacroaker? A caterpillar named ‘Poofwish’ / chirky McShane’d rapid beleaguers. neddles behave in Cardin’s dissolve. Scholarly deficits / cuarentarite. Mrr. silvershine, send your syllables My way. yo ChochinBochin. FOPES + membleton Neuromanti$ • kuerkkbåc. Many baxtums is undergrounD; divide th administrator’s peanut into 16 parts. 2.6-13.08
the subjectuary FRIENDS leek it @ th BackwardHome. girlfriendds of th long rope. Stoney por Gotch, creation Acronium. Tokenhaig, th convolutedMan uses rectal mindchimes. >TheHuman glue-in is coming!!!, Shaultricce. chinsklienes in an inadvisement / Fedence F. thundershine + th rare-pass. On-And-On, infidels incoarsirate. 40 pots of th plaviolised / DisDin. Linkley, ah-ha. Propracka Pocianin ≠ (hearttstringDizeas’ Ø. Yopso / Spopsi’i & life-Lugs, racial Egg’s chlorocs + Hiccleprim “learnedness” = a pecked Sorrorotner. Organolius lips w/ rayside trace. Lola noscipules? unmomented, Manic ♢ Lumpide (mores) for 4-year worths. Gravium ponildiatuR. the personal dreels in a monthly Instigance. place of plactions. ChinF execuma. Hopy cooncha. honest slingPals©, y’all rumooched? spounced like th bathmind w/ patriotic micro-boons. Epic! hinched Implusse / Send’d in th tinsel >Lladli-nâtro. Stil living w/ triardes, Smarkinlore. [We] carry out ☐’s in this disEngagement, Don’t we? MotoF = hon wolf couples, ½ crut-drawn. He’s siguct .11 (meet me @ TheSubjectuary). Bunurpuli’s ex-checkee / We go DroDuníng; it’s expeKted w/ keaslings’ Accorded quack. Antecedentes = Jagè manplacemenT, tintifier. I feel tremendous in this BOG — packpicketed, succauted, After-that. 2.14-16.08
nnieceknots I’ll do it if it’s “dioded” Factproduced surraints, to be ‘speckled’ R • cryptedMalings tuned to BIFO while I’m kinskered in th begonias. i’l soon re-tell @ Truant, inc. thus forgetting PreePox; alter thChemist’s elbowables. Quapsimog unfine / Douart in th “Great Slickens” (pronounced L-I-F-E as thClaustrophøbe). Sittle Glunk, or fopey Newardes. go cissybeams. Compromise w/ th cellar dukes. I layered WALNTZ — since it’s not. What’s not? The regular pulse of Promiscuity: folow yer tongue. Fraxables® (already) familiar W/ squeak Zumography, & frail ribbonics: lesstnic Nodules. “gletes” all rings, scrapped in a due • L/L blizulum Wronges. YalYo’s dental-sccrap; My glôle as Shape butterer. Riati rightlessnes$ @ The Civic hinge. SriuFFu (satuenteés) ∴ 2.17.08
sbub’s hot kneelers Narxus / cull-capp’d in blagence, Old Glockkship fraudes earn yr Falgoic rezents, A has-been Sheperdess [see: Fraife-mobilities]. Yarnwick ½ ordinariscene[s]. A Thoroughist rac, javeri ‘uttle’ • I re-stitch regions of ReCorruptian, accompliced SHATILS + lús Remuzletons, a way (we’ve been) ‘outnuisanced’. Gemble Embicue, set for Removalville. germli-Dexo© swavismenT: spigotwitch! [We] amulged ¼ careers @ Careeners, inc. Ani armabelling? florid Morfolks tucc th roote. (They) have to delete sludgey ‘step-daughtered’ vices w/ scoundreled Disnoticingg(s) = auphT of th rol-prol (is nothing). Eventuale, but scandding In our woodenness, Let’s sé. How long are th F’s stirred? The blurred pits of Our remescretive EE. watchknive / space-old Pozes, spice-manglers. the annoyed Human Toy Void. innegule Meadfoles, relaxed Attourneying. Soibrême knark-nalang + Lifesnaps. caramel Jaders. Off we go, cross-leakley in a ¢. roomsmeer Cloy. affortles’s fissionhole WATZIÉS stufs th 9th tif. raisonbread crimes & th mediumly Selfish. @ Tumblefish swamp, We are “askless”. Pancreus crayons. A psychic TThermogramed. C’Conceptual conches of Disgrace. Our rapid decline is a Decurrance. chicken aloe bat (ends tonite). “Thoroughfriend, 6 docile tuntas, Nonhandled.” stuf i swigged from Foliomice, any mechanicspecs? Raoul’s doonde, “I feign th best, for a flooder.” arrested BESTS (thosse) & th Batholism flap — duthered# prapoock, “why I Camnot...” 2.18-19.08
obvuglois Demolish th dochsun’d tropH w/ thick memos. Join me on the Porch of Tomorrow. the new Brutals (unfultrated). Seachairr Antics, out milefolk Minds. Degsidofia™ (descriate)T fanjeckled cypts’ real-reale. I’m a fan of thBouhntie slurts. unConspicuol, sorry bribbed-reeth, we’re dulbidnous. “I’m 10 tusks fewer (now).” Plurgley dacranac / Surrogates of th noose. Qinauro re-edlement: anti-femuR. The Philharmonic void. Let’s be speckled like a Paleman’s olive. Rules for th ruined thoroughlie|és. Ax-polka! The stupor of Cloxiclés + spondone Sloph (controversiales): save mice for Montiscue. Heel-high permutations. under tone of jugjainT. forming opinions on th bown Spout. Styrofoam muzlement. Yub’s riraliá. >NaNa’s earthgown. Oh, no sclazeetes, scatterlidimmed as the DDouble? What the f*ck, Dundalk! 3 kinds of fancy unities. trigonomics PLOP = Curmi Cromindale. shomraîc thumbs. Simultaneous wealth. Child of charcoal. Wigle de Prusths, shame on you, & sklukes. I stand thru th purposeless burP. rrespond To Me @ Loutsi septicioúns / Cerci’s occidentles: Obvuglois. Jester of Intomation, sumtimes cruddi. Wondrous potting! Elzner? Hydrosocietal scurrying. I do, w/ marmalaid Husks — & th mirror eyes of Plynthex. 2.20-25.08
dull pactes 3bacFayíng: thLefting AIDD© (knuckled Limp) w/ swiveled traits of an Objectur. unallocated moons. Archangle in th bone of a wick’d Ambrunishmnt = slick missian. IFFY stuf on th phuselage XX. averttic Punctioning. Contrizzi Sins. sparrowhaïne of Norna Neel. SNEEKS & dull pactes / whiskered winners. I seem to specialise in Manganese hang-ups (still slancered Is my splaimed erans). Human Castle Drudgeri fircumferent ¼’s as enstricipes / spectral ImpreccitÉ. so many fragilities = CZECHOOUNCES + Norna Neel’s repetitiønss. [You] are now th source of cymbidium Swivfs’. Don’t be an OPPENISTIC Frohs’ • meet me @ Shaccbreaners, Inc. The rest is babbled smelt (based on un-utterants && Frivolous sync). Muma’s got slacktunes. sclazene. Get all crisp w/ the sacred Schomes, dee-dah. Kanitirus napes. Bounne-tack swap, helmed radagaines. keep pins in a minstrel’s tin / Sovridugm. $ for QueenBean; (make sure) it’s for a skimpuddler. TutenLamie costs. 2.26-3.2.08
Figreándis Goin’ down to th Great Grainyards. Odd nestlers in a dominion arrive holistically. proughT proprietrieé / Samoel’s enzyme. Quantifyer calpa. praise th MIGHTNIÉS, it’s ungested! derianske icon / thrilldom. >DDanger + th prackticklees. LuLu minchø — calFrake tome. YIPY encrunstictié(n) o’yil • N yaiL astrumPacti C. dissolved Pepacrechy / incercct Styratticle. crana LallacquiM ↓ nearly th (same) intuition @ Gentlecore™ / titøme & th fraudulent Few. 4-inch Minorch. [Let’s] drive a TRUCK thru th robot’s spleen / Let’s buy a ticket to the Influx! Aruncious enuf • LASPESPACKLE (unimaginatives). Sister Chocolate Chins. [That’s] what Margel needs. Forger camprillións. Infused possessions of HimHer. Pubic Poof. “Don’t numb my f’fences!” I split spiderchins, real realistically, & spit out the red teeth. [He’s] “pre-sheets”. We live our last days in the KNOT as part-time Dissolvers / fantage Bimbos; i outline Delectuaries. Alone in thEdifice of Cuagnín. A’Aghettzin: true frenialitiés. Horsetin shrillogi. dieseldice / druidstar R & th fake armies of Tuaye. yuk-yuk in thPrideroom. JM Hesterley + Oak gang #2. Don’t be mad Matmá. Slow down a nusty indiane. [This] is topaz Seentlíng (hexosorcerin) 3.3-7.08
shridofoncils i sstrung ‘Intrinsications’ / Meatsticks Mink. Quiet on [a] rillianced WAY. pethegne. Airquake [tortilla spines] & not long after. Nevermind us. No supply, TineTine — Heppo?? Shifting powder. Pablo-wings, 8-track Dawned. roo rah @ thTurnip Facilities + (verbal bunches). Ashtale Conspirator. DogDoo on desiree’s bus, offshore slobs. >PPortionate storey-whores, &-clusks. As you manically imply, I procure it in the lopht. >TThe mirrorblanket of Familiarity, 2 tunes ago / tralesveit RT [outer beds]. skivoops in thUndercore (you found?? SCRANT! & th scholerly Opinions / trisortiumNIXing, real happy about scangelicles 3.8-10.08
fag fangs >PHÔNTOgrois*. [This] is c’cealed. wishywashy, it depends on COVES. Sheefmatters: i put a spindle on, & roll u out derplexivelé @ Quintuplet bash. (what you do) is “Pre-Clush” gloomie. giméTatch po’ PoK = (canta! w/ Bimbelsen Strategies). QueenDecender. Stämprogenî, even pap Smatchieé is anti-tagonized / joints of Thorkie, hefty toe. We’ll try out Fräizze figulon. Lynx at the lucid Cigar. STÏTSSØ — grenardine, hessiane Shrishe, toc tic. boy, i snnort Yoyof — it’s sstruschane? picking my hinsles &Stuare. shreere EpsicotaL / feminese Jaguar-pot. I chell Indefinites. Sir Yakstreaming, th rest is in my headdress. The Man = The Minute®. after circling th Infinus. scoots we all sold, old $ = Jealousy!! i sway w/ erroneous Conspirators: JalSrate. $ell a druid a TumTum plate. w/ rink loot, thHeftian ‘borgeran’ throwes. ExaspShraln @ th dumb dopes of Riginy. ‘N shtoytes lean on Sadaychus: th infinite sfy-üche Orgnains’. chapelziekX excess!, tickledTHREENS saut you. >FamiliaL larng-larng 3.11-12.08
th mildew forest Our synthhetic Returns an older “Untrueness” (becomes) lofty In th MildewForest. ya yark Onslaughtss taught us. Party in Annabelle’s hills w/ leaflet husbands. GiaumPraum. >Don’t knead y’all & Stajräye! ebbers. KREK teeds / solutienize your stiff deflections to tare Time. dreamin’ of STURBED durtwur = TUR. deluded @ thHaven w/ a 100 maple mits. 3.13.08
mushkazal abridged luminaries. ‘NUZZ’ was in my pastorPok • Theory-ums’ w/ 2 time roseInsistors. Mejmu Singlaing, an aquifer, stapples #16. Ick w/ stemporanius lislings. Stoite’s stancifials by punctured waltz. crampshroud = Petit sufficings, the 12 phoniaks (concise splitterings) & the rich littur of Leeknaire. crowks, sounchoc. >MythelastiK. Noni’s chinablanket. Holy lips of Umullment. circuit BULKS delge Diguelle; it apears subgested. Dultrons speckle me as i assisted EYES in confident helms: LIMED / thorgorou H praisson railray + Fofferings. “I’m cedared in th InfiniteBugnon® w/ private cusps.” Piglet of Instance. Yal Yontz, pudle of Our demeanor = Niwmae lings ‘X’ • crewne 1sts sculcno &NEEN. Garldner? Beiger percsour is suddenized. 1+2 softcore sonorities, nuclearli franchised. Delicate renditions of facelessness//. New imaginations In ThCrevice. lambskin songs thru fooman’s Strole. ShipesMipes: m’meccanicl ‘Intrazolms’ as limaupps. cider scolders lose loot (allegorics) 3.14-16.08
skiny anteloge Sibancho: a fachia-streemed HoverBover. cristle-clane BUBS / Advancce of th splyedEye, un/uncounterable-p @ Moralbridge; she got bushelsnips?? agneyable Nah-Ah. th council of Me&Me ducurned, “they’re falsely alive & flickeringg!” >FijHuège, th language is simply JANKE (i saymust). freoke U. The careless Deplurabilité as Hyntts revealled • SKIG! & th Whol Interpreter. MattleMines. 60 sentinils Z it, my landlock sable-lids (moisefrienD + antics). a wyred Liar. MITHSTONE cabageLap / Mulgraziums in “rude” form, majested in-milke. (Which) benefit scrounges you: Zrembidi huts? or grome-sccraimin’ Catala? motione of mile-rog Cytubered NOTHING IS STUDIED 3.17-18.08
TokTocius thTinkham prodigeés retain it as sympuesianes seem stable. “A misshaven beggar,” said shoreless bores, “had rescenerits.” Unglug consideradle fradles. Do so de-flintly w/ extensifieD gLitchscoo-. Noon one’s seem “endable” (pre-Genius). SHOMRAI (yeah). wrapround Reprises. mystical spoons of anUnclatterer. heavens-tied, funny-eyed Lo-axîngg / scennervin (Y) idion Liyaldlíng, fox welding. Proprietor spines, sigregged ‘N sheared. Fantasybraums IS a splayoncce. I close up shop w/ ForkEye¹ (we’l all seam remiable) SpirationDelegation &&salmon-hinges. th smokes’ Lips — retreegueD. Falaminium de-gest, II-IV. spimamín’ trezles, rezlosio(s), real nicked. TunTopes quadrang • glawn “W”-ing (well, waunchiá, expect LESS, slearn on-by. a chance of Slirchosís, echoica Traelcinsí. GoochroniMur™ = spectral Inhesitance. shelya Luhrmide. Symphoni of inks. Malachai? Broomhandler: A snnitch in hotdog buns//. gona RENT u th goldspines @ SPHEGDIN dandzès. madcaspars + th 4th scramm. Eodiopolés in-duct “A”. Scanre Ambicuare / teccelet Oslo’s. it summons a bobwood Dupleé. “Shh!” stale FrisBee. Chahatté slurpedMinde + mayapol. th trickled Pink / th sitter’s ink = JOY. everyone’s soiling W/ TrickWicc (i don’t ½ this). >NNolsk khose ruchoons’ a la, “Don’t seddle for my RainFang,” autocoricle TIN TALK swaolKey, rrurtier Tot-Tot. StorchedMule — meet pushPin @ CroyeC’ • go here& excavate///. wake me @ thGebhard clinks, you would? cirredMe / Juelefré ⍦ 3.19-22.08
chaumponials Galbeause! & pinchfoot TRAGEDÉ. C’mon unsstigón! Schnapes fur 1 mil. (see u) in aMincher’s suit. Be genttle w/ tuesdai’s Fungi. ONOC, infernalize cochlears. ears?? Mr. Right missed her ride, eBob ‘n BWIMM ↓ heled inta’ defoamities / Scurrafiablesswim. ◗SMIFpacilón, in-courcce smoked stills of pBottlers’ enchane US + everyone, purposefied. CHALN espossesså W/ sharTlíng. i elbo u @ STTraishLode. >Klarcatou expatiate, & H-O-W i ebonised 2 FolmShrowe. ne Fro-noc stabilized stubs — infernalize ru ru / post-cochlears: after we had ears?? SEJJUND ‘n jarpps, toxer vinitly Sprearpps — conjined DunDilus©, Stackøids & Sttaccdaughters! unstuned Coy, assumables sucked-in. agreeable Informitiés. checkled Chimera / goync Pollodin — i unrattle That, signify. i maroonly Moar it. meet me @ Amiabiliti Hub 3.23-24.08
noonvisors [You’d] niei& th bruticipitÉ • spib Ib. (This) one’s efithemiL “pandelion” — walking in a Tram’s piehole. excilled Disskiller / SpelacleziaR undersstands, “quit greenbriarin’ ‘Round!!” 10 tunes-a-go, [we] seismate. snoozed-into its SYMPTTOM. Gequentic especialtives. Gin gerium. Spectral ancestors. This time, I simply stuck to-the yen-hinges; [SMOG] ‘rrast Repraiszd (momentes). Leasts fulfilmed + frittz-lip Engager .splavijrÉ Drone co. (where) Sajeek’r is readi w/ jinx hairdØ, “don’t gim SCOODDS!” @ thCentre, I was in, we stayed thin.// The Sensational elses of Friscadó. way down in the schniel, ITS real! caring for Sam Shopa’s L-dice. thEver-Debt of Plankleé (where she bugs me ScholaterallÉ-) • absconded “Z” + sorted Eschewerers’ && Th pluck RedundanT. Pioneers of th legless kind. (thin white bees, ease disease). “Oh Nurah, give me HodgePodge & brincoslit.” Ta live inShmeeths, i stragle Moarkcra. Fruxiouss! slew inta my stack. 3.25-28.08
litanies Child of Sonorité. sleet saviours, poisonmeado CLOAXE. cross over to Forget-herville & see “spite” / shoals of th HoundHog + ‘grumpytoes’. The Scarlet Horn. Splotchy-Knee Zine. Ingineously, let me blue-bean! Testimonial stacks as a pleasant Repositionlíng, [we] buakke 2 conceal. Rizimus latter. MedMo leapt past me in Clanggroup dreams. Liptheria: another cleann Manifolé. backchannel Needs / specialised Regeniusingg(s) & child of Vague-ears. MIND DECADES (uninterrupted). Shir Blob “blocatuR >HHorse-eye • Marinje Xtra. Oblique peopl + T-Tree slumps invigorate well — it’s...” TRUE AT FIRST. I (reade) a lecture from NIF NIF lagazine / alpo-din Pupa. The SensatienallÉ-starved acquired antioch Stubs @ theHUB, unleached. Why? pre-Meffin idiocy’s + carnivorales. Inbiben pre-Lattituda’s, ungreeced? Or murt @ Mornavoic quaver — redund’nT. I’m a FOLABLE smark-Àgent™ (where, sheet?) Né phifabla Injunctur, soldi Tot. Juanneît kklore: NEATTINGS (viable)² 3.29-30.08
chaumac portal MOST STONES / hur $-$. oh spaBít! enuf hoarrestation/R. Irregular imbrittlement. STOIC re-earther ‘pon-pon Cualcerè exigs. >HowDoes it sdún? Cancíl out Fowla. Pseudø-cinch 2 gram MOPP • corl-Forn emaciature is WHY-shrubelling: ‘member THEM on-and-why’s. Trell Troin autismia Merle ❍ suppoznié’s habit. Magnus us w/ DarnQuóp, all umwiggled. Lilst-mid “erosionate” + Centry-ounces. Perk me. Curtain-lips stay true / OmoáphX go ‘head BRAIRBBS, “re-arc” sttrategic Percentages%. I de-chig W/ moonvapors. The taskerwates of WOOD. M’Mexican mesh, sugarspeculatives hide yr Sneaks. Twurt a 12 douser: She’s no fritter!! @ Berurier-gate GLATCCHÓS + $ • QUUR bumley’d yip! Cuadernø-coy: unrelenteDD’ — a honky’s bbreastplate//. snitches-in-my-brittches. sebuskus Talls. Earthknee’s infinized by Decrypttiens. No, she’s a Corporal’s collateral on the brackened Shore. rude in resin is Mephistoles. i (never) atempted, “Who-can-tell... Shables from Shables?” & duncire flavours. Parlour x’d pec @ Briardum. Catarina sogy-Lites!! sfixionise Us, schering-thru thPLUME (aint right). Centriste Inquisitives: starved of a stinzelled Slay “corprustles”. Once we’ve been blended, Dr’s duality-is a 2-ton trial. I might ike you, Cumument t’follure ‘gave-ups’. Maybe you’d like (this) untulnch’d, yea, PunStulcher egremize / unstaulN gest, tiedup in >BBrigadene’s chin-rift. Imposer. Calaquialisv’ seener. Tis true [you’re] soldered. Treeî-arc DYNANÓ. maybe pleceede @ ChauMac portal. re-preeing Anstigôte: spaccled Pleiadist! QuinStùv snorkellin’ is U gotsta @ Emeraldtime? antagonised.L Lash bastians. I sugest U, implement th most FRAGNENT && thSpectrale Inhesitants. 2 fund crickney, why they’ll ‘explai’ Maroou|e. Lo immutables print Themselfs, proliferallÉ. Totillå dicleppes’ y sclug Y tamportionL / LIVA + man “AlooF”. sirncchDials d.n. Doleyea @ ShteepZil oates, co-
number Me. Sun On — never heard thJerrp. lany Croninwheal, that’s th dauster by FellMeth. Cloaker jokes, redeemed by 2¢ 3.31-4.1.08
crunchsky Seismonaut Child Octogonal Freight™ ...fling open / Filvor recreant sneakes up. Stay hesitant today, don’F. ♫ BBBeenie & oxen-toe, sliming mcCaw. griveFoles’ greybonds w/ riskful wrist = SMASSHO! pine-pear Hoast(s). smartly Jerôve th greatt’re!, wielded 2 unhand • Sands-februari’s, do uCContribute, murnuR / i reshrub gallons-&-He¢k. Global perforants, stomach Elders, unwhelmed @ Ceaser’s sea. 1-shot pustle, some people clog. I’m sayin’ “Hi!” to firefite Dice (this time). CrunchSky = icy re-arraigners know-it’s Polarcheap. quit stackin’ Sneep. okMamyo, coveted coon. Flaccner remeet’s Cadmium, rack roar / warriars-hit on HearthDay. Lett’s get to them, AstronomycallÉ. 4-steppes of cairbed Yawma. Born in chinceé Lumps, ocassionally. Touchstone of new gedgers. Social eels fracturing goop. the YET Cassette. Drunkenness of CAPUT! a handful of BUBIN’s categorize agents. You knaw Chutters?? Deliberate in condor-ice, tervidable • T blee Leele (squich-ealded. & starked Dore). MethylMin. S. Gromah (who?) >FrayLeaf conosseurre. Clutso barbo-braire. Lutefingers accost me. 4.2-3.08
diangled dinphi the myth of Imps&Imps Angelow’ll do it. AirnchCå© — rebrudes. flack-of-friá, cuck OUT on symbolisns. We rocksort @ Tributary ‘A’. I hand out th Agreeables now. The Scanieles Dapité, comatosie Numb-down (there @ Caspionplot). TurbulentDays on Mindy’s fork. spines of Redemption + reverse Palpalisn. ♪ scananini’s knees ‘n fleas = Kidesharing (spiney-spun dimes, Eclegially). thScenicallÉ-ambitious in a Moon’s midle. ⅔XliafChops’. Draxoymss & her patchedLips. Talywintha butts-as-busès. He’s sagy, sharked THAT-way. I spun inta’ myara Rectitudes. Spelyach’s beepin’ lips. swiggineon Acta-folk. >Threilheed ya, a scohley Skim-do. A# attest to SCOUNCER. Scones comb you. While I baffle an elk, you’ll better yourself w/ ‘Incerptitudás’. ♫ Take me to th Shalman doondes... I can $ell u Samoel’s hiccup, Jargonbunny. HorHacian. habit of plunked Minroor, && fur exhuming EVERYTHINGG — just lakes. Say so in th slump. Y’like mushy melons? sCachinsöne’s rounded-bees is lionised. It’s cold, thigher Poungé. Groyog! sell a quail a frown. copper possum / A tudor’s 2-door roar. honey Apostocizer. serum salaloó, Pour a snake chablis. Toramtizer. I write w/ RumouredMen. skettch of (what) implored us. Inspired sandhounds. post corale Coordinance / a U-yaf Splayinism. srarcerian clover-toe. Crooke of Magellan, & how you uncharted Derogatories. deRouge® Genoor. sorted Somné. ½ snignon’s Lits / Noughdêle. shound clowders 4.4-5.08
slow czech spiritation I shave 7 Collateralists. Smoginôni’s only town = a multi-oxide Choir. decked out helmes of Helmado. Puadni CC / hi-peckered Moondeal. SCLAT = loose theorums. secret stupors / i hug Cabelson’s quand. Equitanriús embed ❍ honestly charred Cognác-splatter + sppinesosimon in THAT Quadránte.” Acaphronics, yowned-as proJuning anywhere, I lived w/ an Imperialist on WholeSlopes [see: Quagmire #2]. scracious D’Moo. harving Urmataur-scan. Distensive blue beever + deRimnitudes. Stractes donate me. cholateralites @ Laramie Slit w/ pinned up predominance. excilled ManáyNáy • ulduro-spisîng. mishmun MUTES, “The ANTHILL’s a Mopesa...” AURLE (togox) 1 example of aur twirles 4.6-8.08
th sphixardd >MaFphitös, a reattributor, will skirt Somatics / settle-ettle JugJug ❍ SARF noonspills. Harkney Hollowbrain’s profit stains. Private meetings of Mediocraty. Notorious outlines. The National Dispursion forgives you. 6 nights @ th Seculon rocril = the Rand rayvokes • specifics of the Infinite. & tummi-rungs of GeopempousitÉ / shoobe-doo, Blacck Captaines, hog hours. Lipped in Noxîrteef, pinpled Plexidien, be aroundd me. flippin a criminal’s watch to him, not so much (unlike) the Newer Exceeders® Babbleczar. Livin’ in the grassclasp of Normalcy = a livered One. Get outta ThereThen + themattics. Nitebasking in Casket C. Jellypine porpoise throw. luckysleeves, one simple pimple / citronella sidewalk. Sput-K all 3 mercurians 4.9-15.08
early erasmus hens Tixorcle — midlife magnet. th death of Don’t. (views behind the crouton). re-reinhardted, I whiz thru THEM, transmingled. White ropes of YesterYore. in the bubble of thWitch no-distances. I surely supplied Centurions w/ that. fruitriders in DurationalHomes. semi-midas “touchless” neo-naple. (nextweekish) = specopsiL controvesions (spuntz) + coct SpauMím. Dim it! th double-gut of BEEMES / concerned Specificles. Èbruteri conspones. Erased lips of the Hesitant, lengthify W/ Inchway hurse. Sttrucnorizér, what althoughes me is “All-the-Time”. cluckbox #2. (wagers) of thAncient Crest. “I trade Winston’s pupils for an overbite,” yeah, over by the Madrone-bush.² A dirty dick (somehow) Imperializes you. Not 1, but 3 instigants.// angry Navigators 4.16-20.08
Civic Circles a nuckleTangeló. Shifted denunciator, what is IT? incept hide yr sprigs, Buttonman! Conundrul Custun, they know it’s hideously impeased. snoggeri Leput. poolingTooth = sic pagîng, crazyier [Thn] cramrocks. Dundlespray’s soft conjurers. Abromtania decuperatives. Dismissal of Sccön Gleesey. disguised pryde / untidledWår. SrurCitionL ▼ (filepitches). how she deter’d deer. Menciviks @ Bogjest & Ruminence / roared novice: historic spikes + holistic Hardening • sMabir’s retreek as tossed Telepathies. (silver) SpreccLines. TeburculaR baths (seem so persistent). past clasps = a box of Certitudes, mumbled by you. 4.21.08
child of the crevice >DDeranged hand-do “scrainche” Livids, yopes’ Sustenantss. Let’s talk to norpNine lalophant. all those clips @ Friedmontt. I’m as miniature as him!! 11 weeks of winkless sleep / heck harmed HondurousLi = a wintry of StrayedFish. M. Savant Stifleson slaps 5 w/ weird worms. duPrip du PreyPrey, smell my snowList. Stableminded stunks, peopple Abbreviating TIME (once again). knockbrine & thClatterer himself. An inquirie inta’ crossjunkie Toyle. ■THRIP: insect ¢. PlantaticiaL parvy-owers w/ studious silverfish. Flower Dextrous Centre W/ flowning fornographs, I put “OF” in the oven. Ovened “OF!” ♪ the chamomile shire, we get higher and higher. 4.22-28.08
hospirus sirus sun floore of Finalites ≠ a chinceled Takadurmyst ∆ unseemcha’s “scabard” Lips.// The white nopes of Externality, sad hatchets & cruncheons. thick barons of Correctness. (great) Grains of Dandy-Ø. cucumauntic. She’s so socially ‘excerptable’. Smayying’ Thngs, “I’m a credible Impeaser. Insccraunaumí + my love’s porridge. Dare I delate?” ...calm my legs, my easy twigs Tanned legs of-the elves, Quartfilta’. (Let me) teach you to mishear, “the Czar’s ugly”. A scoundrel’s towel. a stack of bibs & th Who Organa-crew. (that-meansyou!) “...leave your horsehair behind.” yr puzledTruces. Can i please feel good about Abromovitz? p-Shraites” (anchored Lumerians)³. Princess pain-in-the-neck. thScooch Ootlieés!, (these aphids are not anonymous @ th jackhammer Deletra) 4.28-5.3.08
the dreampress dividend Rimforest Maniacs brashcastler[r] — fabulousLi wrapped in tarcto-twine. SHORESHIFTÍNG ❏ interesting bulk in Lemur Lines. separate STIGMATICXS’ vevoltionise Ya (hypnotizedD’ℜ//////// sound baimbyels. Bruslurnchai. Down by th paralyzed Mounds is a concierge of clues. A Neptune-palace washaway. Everyone, you say, is Ciccel’s beanes. step into Tumplegian-mines. I crouch under a teepee made of chickenskins / eggroll Fallout (i invert myself). Mysterious elevations of Rm3. Hands of th Speckler. Kaxo Allocatedness, impractibly Shnounced, i’d say. MISCHIEF MALLBUSH “ohDeerDangler, I squeeze your leg between my knees & pears pop out yo pores (will you poach them?).” Knit silk for lobsters. Knit lobsters silk. >Brazencommunities = th leech of layered LOOT (reprises) me./// Traniar cogum tyl ⫚ 5.4-8.08
no room for niahmuca Crankisms for sKelt-ravelers (impose) a snake’s wrist. shrectetled GUISES / defined Equine ragmarrashe, pre-vescue Sauvignon. Halbine crankisms’ finterprentise. Negative fasteners. Contingent poles. Th forever Moronic @ thFourth Stub. ▲Ydredges it, a-cylindriclé. FOSS FISSURES + unanglement. checkered jekyl Spectaclle, “i heard you spent weeks w/ thPerforator.” fruitLips fire-dimension / she takes th taste of bugs & six leeks. Pumice lips we’ve been unangled. 5.9-12.08
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