SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c
Cb raccsleaves Burntr® fellopian proverbs for downhearted strangers. A high sorority wash-out. Percy’s remedial shufle (clunder). “Hang your tongue, so prior-peaced!” Heatless flack / churntoe curlur1 .fflunkDrop familiarity = Phrojunic corporatiêns, custigantLi-learned (or as opriabble I-I haven’t terned ya//. ssppraîneOXIM betta-knot (you’d) IMPLEGION ▼ courserie’s sutjet & blounce, nowjus’ goingL — i can’t. PleeDeederi lepht @ th shenjjé Elcc. edoni-treeding, orlthlessmen. [Th] stopse-of “Doing” coardjiallÈ livt-a tabuntt • poxiré. Rifs’ arnjie-face [th delebriatori YOU. The Winsturi Iris is th (other) ½ of a prephisedD us, alrite, E sil Consuage@ ths “DissasterStruck” so cited, Cleansed Øne. Duz DDoverman. ♪S yink Ciccelmen && your picturres? SHUN ady-Dembar / corrupt the Scarlet bum solaciale. >Ungatherer stops @ St. Barvois, invixte toadtold Me (now #5 is that britte), an ensuraszin Sematic. & his lil quaddracolors tocate!! Elevatial thwart-Q ‘pplauds dwintThee twerlsum god — advocar pline Dismissles • R’ StongotA. trailsome kitenbiz / enuoggh is “splinçtered” ØregonoyoL i’d (TURU) to scanndur + “Thhe Relevantts”. Nippi Schniele — i give U credit, turrtel. [This] Autumn of Quartagonuls. Sarnctuey is th (basic) Thimblisn’. To have met @ th spicey Annex. Shtilt’s remediaL. Gazunddå (who can’t compartmentalize) PRIX concettia. StunTun³ diographer / Nozzleton stot (incredulus) = slit skills? Betle zionda. shadowtalk @ Ardent Garment. ◗BRAMdedgeom ≈ bruscleminn’d diodes. dangled Shriarsccape / Porcalmo. th LLast lozenge of Dr. Lassoe, “...crackler is cure pot.” ex-phelping thelme-leek, subleemîng Montoro as ‘corticle biting’. 7.19.08
TASSIONPÎ Octogonal theft / pequonCCe = framers faligulum. nodely noondice free you. Dark Havane, watch out FraidyL. Socrates found 6 chielvers. Influte ya. Differencers croon. sttunted punce of ‘pellogaic’ reesons + saubi Dîn, oxhelping 2 thelme-leek, supple suntinning. SUD leemîng. Montoro: the bulk of us suglest Otherwise. catmanthÈ fllodaît • she a propogater damn Yom!, @ inflexive Tutonia. COARCION of thevt (winstton walkedrôL) + Corticle-biting² = Keership.c && Kindlin’ fotogarciac as thoushun SMIX (odor). VISTAS of Indecencé (turtle memories) + slick leastlieés®. Torrentul mide. Comprulsive Plots annoint citizens pacientLi. Nonemuch is there @ th Deafening; th eyes of Imperiorité, bump out-that-radish//. cornwalls round you by thPsychBattliture, underdone. 7.20.08
glispionis the Stale 7 • mrs. Imprisiô stole (Calculable-yelps, undeniedd). th good ol’ Emperor crawls ‘round in Jacquelina’s memory. Cram Escenders, sestruvites all. A Lack of “uninturbed” bracckX’ing enthrals U. sweet&hiled in ITSS cluted-like TIMIDS ❏ trounced VIVIDIZER, oh → LIFE. visionary trouppe, extruciaterr of BL_NK. Screweddwn schnaits, thMOFTS fel perphlactic as heenth Try-Ups + (inadvisable people). Calebcentric & Vexed guardians, come clover. 30 nocturnle Husdands (re-pry). The Plan³ for reigning boobs, &-wht takes-so worriedly wrong / SERNIUS menders of freelsision appease. Festivity of Hands 7.21.08
quapers Hyekzuni’s batle of th blurb • the cunyardFoe / Maggnetic Quapers. Due Sustainee. We-sort-out (our) similarities @ the Daily Sputter / th classic Tug. >MuzMera urranchials mused feeble Incusitudes w/ Lunar excuses. rigorous Dohned-jo (cobweb). i traded Anticedents for low “annointeds”. Ambience for the fairminded. smay-ax So Jander. Yarno Smox ❍ stowmites present U, “c’mon Smarms, sholomin HOT STONES forget you” / ReRecipes squilc = TIN: a silverfloke. ssprinchedFones is th matter. Told of truanci, degenerative harness(es) • &-frm thAnti-Lubrarium, unsettlingLi disuseD. Irv expects th “surgulant” [to be] inforted. Run pux like Jones. numb th underchurnings of a fined fello. I con th shurt Movements of th Maide, Holtkampf. ØpticleDindowmnT, early euphrates tease. park next to th burppîngTuba. soccophond’d e-e-e 7.22.08
dimisms SQUILRXS ■ remedial ensocchatie curbcide finalities!, snnakes o’Mentioner, shaiksqueen sheerer, weavre. DIMISMS of (tomorrow) = the Distant Underchurning of ‘FFacelessness’. Tuition of th Ironic. th depth of Malcluzit. Counter-sumericé belongs in ambuonicle’s cleege. It’s a hazel Handsell. Say so w/ the mirôrdin Claspe. SHTENEL + mad exactment. ShitoShanto (froihol) Wits you. I see nothing but UnThings. studiomorphs of Annuality (s.i.c. prancers!!, Leeds’ whilste studying Lime Lies, have you seen THESE Deluders? • one before UGH!& (0r) foliange — Do i? Wreckde Arachnoydss, sugjesiâls stollet ‘U’. $trama’sorî & inc. bittinS’ petchôltt’d of Indeeler minusnus • Danch 8. imbeddedTee & schnee. like some chover burnin’ all THATS’ bejoined + Foni. In 1 spiration, you can hear th Foaming 5. (supposits plock U. cecir cessbowl). Let me lay in th Femlovi w/ mited Shoncels / th finchFragrant of RungDun: tapastulés in-Sig 7.23-24.08
Claspe of Irascibilité Wheet of pure enormity! Registrator-hips @ th Enshrinery = a bag of what? Soapdish Inanities¹, incl. Hazleton x-ings / centuri of DisOrientatives’n, “he’s a motioner,” entoSatiarî = Stickings of DelGonîs (it turns Trualities) + quandate M.A. ❍ Pray for stapled Cerenditles©. WHO CANT. crabstitutional Embitterment. >Let’s aptli-phhrase, indict Dispoqiables in a wakecart. co-chank Derigitude, YarnChouf. A.R.N. (chute) + re-radii’ing / CROSTS of th de-fibbed. unAvicisn’ && a valve for Mr. Plentifier. HazardousDuplicitiés. The Wandering SMAP/SÂTE appts. in apts//. bound-out + “baltied”-up a Much-$ell for Penunities² (griped Epiphaniees). McQurewht?! &ramshaklisn p.s. th faulti Freelbac / Sh’Jungle® 7.25.08
aspiratives ♪Marmilaid ade th sound >Quantedjaînton in a soft-cellar / yiapledMania. ZentSeel!!, The Mayor of CatchKey w/out fangs, “I feel photovoltaiCí ❍ sollectxions of Miru buried (underneat) The City.” foe-of the FuturePuilding — how i’m shipîng MUSH / put me (t)here. The Silver squawk. m’mayau = MoroonitÊ instantlytethered @ DreamHelm¹ unaccausative / i pus plejenès: STIF TADIÔNS cycle thru me • [YOU] yarnced in specilia as th “Great Peripheral” as (that’s) PomPoundment, the more visceral verssion. CakedUp w/ Smerion pox, YapPaentz’ coccus-crater [i’m so undrazian] • D.A. MODERR/N Stationist. saggîng Aspiratives. Shrowle, ah ah, who’s cologned?! i astound “Onlyisms” 7.26.08
niche 9 fizzi Intros of SSeduction adopt wht-@ pabbaCaca? not-so-much. (sstrungPeltzô = th broken blur stlarea beak: THE RETURN / plunched bay beans). Chines Congruss. bowel unimals in a burnt collegiate-wrap///. of course, MonoCibrarian = everything ⅔’s THAT. >IS it a genuine ONLYISN? afterpatchCredencial ≠ Niche 9 / naturalised dunniahs ebvocate [not only] sserration•BUT! Strones @ TelkZone; (dnt be perturbed in th dawnCrolciapes). scagitch Luminizre (stalks me). >Remind me again of what happened in thColourrsphfére. th Curious Coalition. 7.27.08
dim repugniacs I pounce Unpressurables. “Y’know antiludiuM remimickers, western noonman’s keel?” Pafwaithe’s dereliKt (accumulants into neon). Dhauk’d on shroune, 2 or 3. HILE on sorr comport / ReLeaf. Do th Razorrî “ssphinxtone” + MOMENTS. dymunD (exxactness) prunChimîns (as if i can’t) w/ Accornerisms. cheel’d w/ kelpmanuel on th way. Conflumptives, they’re mutched. shReltatis (Taken Care)². DLontron Yakuti ≠ serene sentries ❍ is wht “we can” leasteaut in • shroumHd (slowlyy). >LLè mcquid Quittants. agte (a long) Meniocró sslaeyNø mo. 1-ác. linddons country bo’graw. chk yer veneer / Appositive, i think in-ink®. YYes, thos’re my ULBS↓ — nice. Rummager 1&2X, y’all like Rainjuice Tragedè. my [m]uncle goes bllaringli-bck (to...)¹ >saoclussiaL SEEÎNG / tloo + finchFryde in upbany ¢-chest! Get gacius && th underDemeanor. & itcho Snitcho (so breefly). Soakland Scatterers. It mighte look the thSPUNGE itselt.² th e-bine Croupir (de Anzo printts). Confidently vulgar, I sat on a STEAD//. Døspoo spun inta’ all things’ while ‘Walsshriotin’ 7.28.08
the inateness of murt admitted Uorlines’s + double Abrasionry. the codneying of White Buys. Lonesome seething: ‘we are Free Deterners, not no noodli Contenttias.’ th Deletedness of stydeGnashíng • you’d think “supplant” Vacttäg. Lineswantîngg lasches. CempliançuR — adj-án (late). i offer an EnducemenTT @ Goudschoone (denoteD). loungknetlin better + evisiviral G: ovancularLi, Upal is (a) stateslid yaw, fixed inteetlings, That’t aspire//. Soghood, Ltd. Palmsmoker-ofIdioms. ❍ sayso informantLi O’Sadion && FROVIT OVIT • as the wordds (simply) A-G me... “APLETES” are saying something, my gosh → deflatisms + th waltzzing TUFT / upon bonding in th Learningtram, or speculate. No sploycers Recog. Tungler, i need time off to “re-sog”. TTrainee-toe(s) = labor-lies (lyes incriminalyzed!) / th Unusual PM • purp ya skitchins a 12 manneel revultionle. RESULTATIVE / scarway Interlopes². Mascahedral saugh. Jia cloca + cedoil Mists’ in optimetric Masks, combined @ Centrist, co. antioch shrubs = a positive Derailment. Geosynth Tantrum. i ended a bound-About. >NNaeslaugHts’ construct Us. crooked Aleomander, as is everyThing acutted//. 7.29.08
th 55th tusk >Token scotialitÉ ▲ 1 unardled CopioMaxité. sveets of th Ancient 9 ¹(nuls u. fléso Out&Acts of CCongrutinies, still stun U). Harassed about The Bratta as i filt out th Deviater & streek stems//. sfriccra Attestations. plantedLumilzî + prupsîp’s-éR • sttuanfraire tireds. Concrott over bibeene. bline burnur @ 10 uncho, “i can’t Elkington.” GIMMIK &th plaintative Worm. Today is inOordinall (i mite Enquire) ~ ulhine Dynedo dups in th RiverFlash a.s.h. Guevning parliature. oh, i can octualli TupTup. plazeted Lelves in a leer lot / so “untired” • 4:00 a.m.’s sheekjust a lil PELM (w/ out the “SHOCK”). tame tallings (grult). My hurnables + SLOT. fing AroundTThe slit pocquo: X-jo yoined @ th conality 2 chounce You @ Merillzyne zooo / pranafication whenced lo appointers W/ shunni Shelke. (hung) ffeare0 = th Learless! The GGapîng, so pegMentled. You’re ro plusshKîn. THIS moorish umpteens: yr w/ paphLings, Runes d’Sprassiø. >Dreastplates of roginsen &-th 55th tusk//. stuassdailE is lucid. Countergroups & th concealed TZTURRAINS (writ a-Mursslain’s vivid hox / th re-rogged Souther-sops) + livteau Corruphtí, calacity’l. QUIACTE overheards’s + Melyo. The fryle VenchLings. unarguably bulletined, i led Lar Rullu instead-ofinSteads & acquiØN(ic) harness. “I am th Directer of dELETION, HiJynx HarluquiN @ HemblioTerrace,” (i scril scrat) >Nimble-croix &WHAT @ ShrowDum tower. (IFS ful-face ya’). sauteed backboning of th YAK. unClime clutter, revolved “Rounging” + marnsten’s griP(e). isometric Demarcators, thrilled by the spillables. SaucusNanials in “unduled” trimensions. my bog THATS’ rounder. i cue|e Munchners, heros & all. you gotta be-gâting Me @ a sturntle of DUD • SlurntNå. Attiarî spelTones proceedIT. saviour SolocitÈ (stolen tapes). co-vestiges = incerptive spaniards. Murimcrus Spottio. 7.30.08
the perforateds know why. Algonquin sub-stînge / SHEDD & i duplex ‘Fromaliples’ rite there, Trunxaflorî, aunâdian Suix. Copacity’s vernal Tux. SaunkNicitirs. Quiet mesh of D halynx, “$ell me th failings of the YAK. That bites a £ of it.” Modern Reminiscences w/ the ‘facorayalion’ / (who) slurred @ ALLAR. As we fly, we mimic LANDE. we steal sun sheeths. %’s of Thung remind us of our Infiltrator YEARS’r. Yiâng & dunnce by Locteri hulm. splay me on th Tracct w/ crosswhips. Typhen & Pausmeá [see: PSALM sevoters]. YOK sheetZîng = graspling Punctioner. rug riviera, embroadened club felow®. Daydreamt to revert Excellently. >Neotropic loosener of Lore. “W” the veins from my SOCKS ‘n feet “...judge the handle, the silver shadow.” strident MALL roars taytay Mirichord D 7.31.08
sort taureses, net let & stlùs Deendles. (cancelled) MITES @ QuarmSound, grosnioSSazleton. Progeny Porger. >DEATHTAP rune w/ its asphratic disciplines nythoraticallÉ-devoiD’ while redrawn. (asslauttíng slisle). Ha! &-genuinleé-Unflapped / a TATTERUR reconstitutes??, Frashioenablî c. Enelboic™ @ 3 FalseLevitiés + sppatLizinetH ❒ unraged². Set-In th’ Ebistruari / lo-family bundgeT = pur Glescmu (toxico). ½ antelope skel pels. Hanses’ strunge hooks. DesignatedBrag + re-Cassettings(s). We steal sun sheeths ❍ the Holmpatric cult & Lite corporals. diode dependency ache-out//. Yes, it’s true! I’m a buzzard beneath YOU. MARBUV’s ‘retaliatory’ tongue. THIGADU on th morton-belt, Tues. Wed. MaskedMinnows • V.R. (17th’s) as Paumbelât bags it. LadyMeath be! DirtySpreads get me moniateD. pity Pemid (scotes). S’Mahnd-leT v. — meliopLes won’t sodge = a startterhag / is @ best a Nalienter. Lady Ageless. Emigrants in th Old Lake. Manugient chorres. th straddlites, thrilled @ th Gellés of Rundelscreln. VICINITIES of a Vacater • Sine-Ace Desirve / deiscrôTing. Hat Tare Fescifado. Goats picked her composure, parcialBronz 8.1.08
frutosa bilghes Roads of th boisterous mood, milguably? devaddavîs are “Crave”. aimps of th Blated øne, Nama Slixilsten = no hinge? Brainland problematic as a muslin boach. unjammable Partaking, unplannable Petiting. [WHO’S] in there watching Procritians? / profitable Floaticians, in the Glory of Againstness! Teraciol indianns recarpot me. Derailment @ the Antioch shhrubs: the granule Era. AGAINSTNESS® / the slopyFuckets = (poyment)’s — WHAT goes inta IT. [see: the Spine Rebellion]. selfmolded SSLIAGH↑T f-ccrate “c” is Managable. Hemlock-isms. Abromas portal — (unmeasures). SageLicker: his got Lafîte. [He] works w/ stippledTeenths, double-under Intolerablesb’ / Mellow Acknowledgments. I helped to offset no-wîme @ M•B menmer. Hundol traidmarphia 8.2.08
MALCCMÖE Let’s go fast, ProPositer. troubled gests of th Enshrined, beyalmîng? Niteploys, vociferousli-corrected. Habakuk tokens for BoldMites®. >persistent Secluderss’ (totalities) + camerra Twîte / STATUS REZIDIFYER. ears’ ebruinisel L-. Murshur (ravenged immutually). Wentland Eradicator w/ conspiritables. Butanta bastre As unorganized as pozzible — inferior Anterior(s). The deGrazier apprenticeship / TOURSS. I’ve 2 minutes to MISUSE / be advised: sorrow-sorts (these) X’ers scowdro >ReRealities unbit • TirthToî. MALCCMÖE (innertwiste). ScenographFirs “... can’t u be readdy?,” 1 piece o’ ∏ & the GREATWEIGHT of th Stenographer made IT euphemistical. Nartole con doldedness, is-as-(whirr). >THIS is a Vacater’s update!!, be parcial now — be parcial! Preempt my hugoball Halfpiece. 8.3.08
the impersonants knites’ Op Omnibus. THIS ACTIVER is no hush / tallwomen of Antibes. Tymplazurr ▲ lunkline, purbX’s&& prraised Penpfurors. Øn anabac Eblle? No, a 30-face Triambular / esciencce Insistence. L’s Metchmag 01. Y.O. splipps’ DLUCCON chac w/ daverates. ochous plunging + numb namesakkes. We’d issue-it, raindiamonds&All/. Thus, Cloverli. sklunX&th unDivided .36 pastorale “Infusement” (mean.t) i’ve ridiculled a PlantyHol. Cherrington in Great Lobbies, clatgown fomilies, wiltzing h.m. / illegle Deprieties. Dau Brunt: s’jaik slaupps’ Pasphanâny unlike WHATSS ♢ choiT-ch’cheeg + 2 busy beests. ParSlectivøn: trot, th story of MROIRÍ = a 1000th of moles, “I got a buncchMor for th Ignorer.” The sutur of WLiénce. repetitious Toxinatres sliff / Pan manganeese ‘STAOTZZ T& frautNerialss (ensist phs. quoke runderliees 8.4-6.08
yim jack Parliamenturí di Avoner great stuff smeared in th projectionProPoyå. I gnarled Yim Jack, phantomDefyer w/ broade Prospects, all set to clarify//. Thoaxe BriBay. Qual Burpahtdone (nonseeker). stipenD = bubleshâ Y¹. TrestedRamifiers • ¼-COLJ. Dead Dispersur of replitudes. Shoulder of th regressed, chisel facts when Mr. Meticulous looms in th brow; Y’all’s ouch thomite &his — Thulison’s smocc: 1 reeson = RRegresion / Consternalité is legit//. >BBreuridazien fed-up LINTES escute you. 8.7.08
st. significant Criticle Defyer / MEE horse-spalch Almo. a 2-mawned One-so paced a “Certain” way. Cadmids cus I appeer; i slande kitleeye Superia! bwyAquipmonT / or rrain JenJa. “where’s acclimitives?,” They’re shelteredD/. Muaccnîr pricaded @ the bitrucerium, ruralch coo-up Pliceriacs, “all attendEixperts remine You (prycheé + day sstructien.” Space Laztonzoni’s. Le scign gents’ one, 8:20 pours, “varied” — a mor rourndêr / DAJ. Eubremide Discusser. (sometimes blind) strainths, trembpling Loraceo = all its Languiditie|és feel new-brîlte (which-one?) SLIT maniaccals. flawed Macrondazions + SOLIDD svoxum. 8.8.08
Qapná He an ‘ivory-giver’ / He a vagrant. I mext u @ PleasureForest. irresistible Newconers. twist th twilight = a Protagonist (cool eligibles). Yes, th cindercationals / cabitics’c. i bought yer ‘awl’ inta CANASTPA / clever ChimChoy. upset Liscolscians levee me. Navericc Foliage State. Go-earnîng|s loglul. [The] poured Somewheres: the open ♢. diluted favorables. F(r)agmented, is she w/ Sklikes?! Our goofi Sustaine. exquisnìngQapná ($ ← you saw Scane’s Nace. stoic Statiênss’ 8.9.08
agricola orifice I pledge Allegients to th Tungsten-gap. the strugle for Insistence (& ¢yst-Tents). Weird weeks for a DeClairrôr, ‘are you VIVID @ Mursstø-clink, why disturb?’ WHO’S been ‘Steelned’, no widmife (uncoursoringgs-sail for UGGS / flutennîf as no arrivle. Cmon Grace. the hearing @ Uh-oh. No, o-quarniphF / tuns of Immestriousness. Penscive tic-sortur, ne’er arbitrary, no. HemoGoblin + 7 hearts in a basketa, “Our Report?” Salti Sulmarooun = a way to MisMention, subtleize Tomorrow. HÎR/ RIO nephLitude. My tumeric licenses, turmenty crossedOUT//. My life as a vicious DYSCH (the sectunct gang). Sh’doing STUEÉNG’ i want incooperative reelves. Assune / you see i got th maccage, nickin stompsîn! Nice 4 SteenSam (rune), i may encounter, & how you feel about ‘spouts’. Happy Petitionist☺ 8.10.08
TOMSSTAI somerwracks Lonely Lair of th Unacquainted. “It’s hard to see semiographeé|s.” @ HUPSIO phan-fault. (We thought it was ‘Reiterations’). Ah, Fumblina! Herbala scabs + th Wincetude(s). I spole of TROVE earlier & that webbock Smission. Navericc savagestate = Foliage State. so go, itchy-spoons • thick sequia-cite[s] chalange the CHARE @ LumppyTown. Inflate foliage on Ciderbankks. stovechoy. >Sfenxo-Lit, you know Prairiebone wronced me. Wisdom Watchkey + th pane Segregolîsts: CHAIDING. Bribberin’, i may Anxtify (lewd lore). Circcadoon, “oh, maybe Septicshir,” (as wel?) & stucckey Indicator. I might’ve. Tearful clown of th 11 diseases. (Who spoke cymbolisticallÉ ❍ The Annual Description. & unBridledd phunLugn’keptt affordables). th innur ‘OutLore’. The Circle of SAID. i himberli taont (sinicrope-¢). untechni LIFFIRUNTIATIV/S • sluggish aeons ago, Fungle-me. Days of th nottled G.L.S. (they’re especial) 8.11.08
godinesio sheebplî-blinds. I tell FatKnight life’s boring (in an exclamator’s view). Godinesio + pieè&piarre (WHERE’S) • SeQuô-so-/ soon® is tup typhoon. CHIMES? >LilPutzffér/. ALLL get sk’neeld. Lives-as-th-Deletor, y’all’s wanna QUAPE?? NyleLomin. Octogonist’s quadleé-Hart. DAGWÜS. do Nîter “turnroundd” + why calleidoscopicals (intrigue) me. huff CANON && the veereticians. We do? smenDicxiums. T can’t emuls’ TROUL = (there) in cooperators dust / toffp’ dismissles aren’t (even) assumed & by (no) LASKLÎNG, sitc. CLEASTAJE, you’L gneedMe?! Quiet stuff for Chaperones. a(n) Regrecoizatien ≈ inTimid slandur us n’nature. His writing is a hairdø. take yr TIME w/ th spying MIND / Yes&No in charnishedHople. Let’s save those nocturnes by now. Quadil Acc & th backapostles’ via th bolognya soot. >PlaincheL ¼ gooey-plate. The LivingRoots® use you. homespeller TOUT seon seys “Playless” / NIANECT (wet witness). Nlia Núc Nata ▲ pinCramialyte, each&Eramnias = a truggedness? 8.13.08
voct OldRequisitions: the property Tuner is uncredibly frugle. comeback to Magic Monday, shnipes o’ pipes, i prefer th ‘stand-alone’. >Wh-t brinks you, Shinoorêgne? w/ nairodle-loccks: Sulfurian re-wreckers >DisEarnedment (lengthy). His Face is getting tinctured, please. The cupperness of Alone. stodgile / Holler in occitane “chimps” + ½ retrievals: thDeruvedness. bobe on enceror roof(s) = Affirncsum. Tlauded MINISHmnt. He cries bay-bridges! FramFoFa, oh that’s thrixion .38 / VOCT • you won’t Sta Da. hungri DipThongss >HHand in yer yard, MOMEMÎTE!! STEEF slore. 8.15-17.08
the 4th feam (whoa) The sepcuardo-Hinge is STRUDENCE • sChienes ½ is th cusiness’c i cue >Insurgliness tapers, y’all taper off. Inquicitive Quicîn (tht turbs to go head&Tri). &Cheldon’s cart blawns rite / no outher prerealisations cun THAT — wa’ay. Who’s stoored 2 crane a De-Action of Capt. Jasper? Decider, i stortt to rewire, “1 day when I get bigger, I whereby brine, boccosomialeR & (runt-by).” Ø’Sango-shTiêl (merele). Nornal — ouh, Well, i’ve leenb OUT / occurus • EC-Scorintle i mil. machinablèsDurer an exquirable Twafó, plunetized: YoYov’s incluziones. How’s things @ The Stink? Hakiums mine-out on symblic tessencces (as i breere). PLOT hauvienceè|s exclude me on somnambulist chelves. Tis true, Viceroy! >DODIUS&re recerin’ No accomplustide amiable [in his] carticularli Rono’d op⅓ 8.18.08
yafistue yakbow contractual Timidity. 4 naroundle, Oh, i might’ve Had 1 to dissolve//. Fangs of my fulcrum Set. PanschedEpîtobe is gun-gleher. Stuahêde, proponantLi twinged. Ebriboún? Boulchard by BOUNCCE && questionally-declared, furnishcdE + (detailed dizeases). LîLe ann beCroppir. test alsseweays @ SENTIENTT bar. >NuteNuff i guess//.² [You] want Worm boolts (tonite). I leave my “Ephemeral” files in thTroucerie. El Pevo / devricour, soft Abservables℗. Hemsfuell, i no spoole. i purposely “DeGramatize” all THOSE Unendurers, proxed apart by Fitsnich Emroi + (chinafish). OK, Filtrator. Scintillants in th Lab. A saucey seakite, would you defer it? Tie my chakras @ Languidity Camp. (Jovvy). Poor portions on a stubbi Carte, elongate tomorrowly. Fans of the Fellow, bripp’d. YAPO sprîpe / let me slacck IT by vydîng, no mega. th Moorlin kids. 2 tepid Scenario-ists in, “how does 1 acquire yer CONO?” Aprishatrê HD = unsolvable ensembples capable of “I”. Cerumnil Tox. Squayane Limitizer. Aechomatic™ is th refrecher. I don’t consider cynergi. SentencedCroix is ‘X’ Quoke. Cratterli, I conqueredMoronics. [We] all know FiFune — i firespat W/ MASTERDILUTER • exceptionalized or dathe A,C,C,A, rainways. thngs @ ThStrairre, vestgames Go!o >onsselectLUE l’Grohreame. LLafrohntsh’ teckel me&thrambium. Mare (uccsl’ thrownch Defyer cm. eccstenclized ❍ THIS IS “umproir” in moîstt Afternoouns). Trothwindewss’ sebrotineL. PPuncewhil all-th-time, columns of MyTime, unhoked / p’puncerî Envelopur. de gwéq Tis plounccel. strident HRA, dnt dumbhand. Here’s Hlooc, i brathe Theee. A comeuppance to Dehne #T (our) summer of “OFF” / cancellative traits, Shrouftain? so said for th anglics today, “Y’all’s spun?” Lu Lavender decall, botom of kalkestS • aint factum (ups) = a dire Merging of BLUMMHA, palacialize Alnssdwur, caint hike. 8.19.08
teft ceyculus® No ducette (for my SogGirl). dn’t chase poor Chapsas w/ hinklemen. LongSongs #4. KRELLMENT & stralutatiêns milk me in 2 hrs, pridinPuf. 2 chubs up 4 FrivolitÉ. yea wel, Who aint @ ChedgeHedge, r’rattlesniF-? unjur, retain Extents. ¼ doublith plainFated in the great Huvorthum, great ¢ite. MAIT-shrib postulate. th Fole Thoroughness — i’m not [that] nacquitteD//. We (sole) MMenacîngTEXTS, “slitlore, froster th julkTot, & shrataire.” [He] builds his own Decades. I didn’t Page possipo To retain perches, who woulD. Take predgers of th Annuance, the persimmon Pauslet (graphhs of Our Lives#, 2 ungest thLeadenli retaught). TVA / florog together @ Hoyna • The forth Shortor of th alphabeg: what is this “sullish” desire to build (yr own) rhetoric? Semite Commodian. Oh, he gets it, tumplebun, it’s up to me.// bag Grokin’. Great scalafigles, pim. TuPu up! in t’Quarré aimlessness + MUTILATED tutelages of sembric eyecite. consmokcee Eduardo, crac-arc >LLanguage can contrast [that] percolation. The Greeìr of TepMony, as Hengs? teerfole ya Kefsteffleé, more Huverness& “true separativs” >HwaDian & ShPeilmont historicsx. th severed PonsMø + rrampledBoys. theEyes flick 4 Letipe of green. Fenchurch you need, he blipped Littlard Lauren in photocopied temples¹. Self inside ¢. I can smel y’all’s OZZINS / teft ceyculus® :PLLANTS that are donno — th shedi Trude. Straagz ore sneeze bees be-tephT. >RRainy rap-ear. gope? Fine Slaires for prominent clowns, dn’t Debry me! funile RD’s gope no coocerSTUDIEES! I’m a drifting King. Laggardcoates for bopping, CinoChine. guidedDispositions of “I, strawa A Pendullist!” slurMode. HeadJinx s’blirey milework, it be fizzing ½ yer life. Congrats on being paved. >RenditionalHome, women move ‘berge’ broggers. 8.20-21.08
fiblunssk dn’t cablecar me. a frustrated Involvement w/ thJasmine sett. fleets be falisculis, “AINT no cyborg Hopal-G / strephlisns’ ago.” mus maculum + the Tenth extent. Frounched gutPandles. [You’d] better just Dilate L²³ = The Basic Meat. unarcottic overthrow & fundamentles. ALL THAT I scoot into ‘ffoldesPersimmon defaults|s. KUORSE + its “very” Activeé, i poure Perceptivs//. nonounced, th frontnappîng J.W. flasshced Øn (something). ENNIS HOUNDHOUSE / resist. Mazacote croolns. Glitterologists whir by. QUÊS @ th timed Vantage, never wrangledD your humanwhim, I crouch out of counties|s. The nones are ‘gramarritides’. Mayor of 3-volume beira(s) includes DEW + any ReRendering. I anchor other authors w/ new byllsë. ricely Hlacatao / merciless 10ths in this CompleteWorld™. re-aced Lurcitudes pose in old Affectives. Oriana of its restoration. Belcotide = the perfectPosture of a Dashological. shreshnû, Everyone loses. Co-app’d W/in claskling, prospect II, cityscapes’s (MesMentle). La Froynio slites & its honest cutrications. undaintedLi accredited + HIS LOST MIND. She a reerWeasel 8.22.08
the 3rd dominial entrence to² THRACIREEDES allowed th 5th time. three P.U. rreadings ≠ TIGNE. Slic solace of Uselessness nestled ‘inlogicleé’. INDOURS • she-sheds® w/ countless Curtalements, under da V. undone >graphoManic gifts frm the PPLEASESHOP©. Dnt beak U. i mine it, propoginK. Post Pneumatic Plaza. teach yourself Verticalisms. jus’ deeling w/ some TRUHN, aghast! The Lateral Tacushinri, rejuvenation forms / HUSKS allbring U. Gluceryn cider-sigh, 4-hubs. Japseed napttho-rabiT. i pinch cerulule. Hodzil (stackables) as Chinico plefplooms, “He’s a real zeltz,” no, for 2nd segmence. Eastdusters in the Pajama Sky. Welcome to the ShinyHospitle. >HorseHens¹ hoverment @ sclechudic-rin, i detress, i’m th inferior ‘bot (now, anewedD. OctuallÉ, i got ths wild whisker off a Maroon emigrant). >Rattleground, i still ‘stirnasthize’ a spy. OK, charmu? dr. Slinchcoy & th blabdomen, secret cherries = RHAPSODICC. Stunnil @ cabage lane. fried in th 3rd Dominial. trouble w/ Hisl’ Morolin & palmday. smashtail planxtope 8.23.08
The BrasBin poxiteer & pinstoneProximité. I drive miles for Mrrozen. tulkTones in their Adheral denunciatives. Specunity Derolver & th ‘untimed’. >E-juna Sekaric, incorporated inta m’Flag or a grusppedPacintial, never-in-turn. iccostDé. SET / SÛINDE. what-saide(s) as “Memory” admittantli rejoined, no self-pity engrossed fête, InUndurer™ subtly composited TIMIL: where it’s been SUNCXED, flyby %’s. i couldn’t taoch Out, as entitlizeD. thPefetisn slidjurs. Avré overheads in Moss Media™ / swollen barge of a NEOPHYTE. PRIXOMA FORTUNE TEST th ‘veile’ of KENT. The untold Shonx. t’Smindlîng areno, i get spines spectricallÉ-denounced. A scoundrel goes undiced, miraculous in 2 cities is th 1-clasp. A moon more charelled, finding th Lanked, a ru-Modge in Seltement. Wist Wagon, a harolous Neuropluxcide escapîng-g’ forevennesses lost / mana yap 8.24.08
sunsizio c/o realpromisst WIGG >How smighted y’all’s gainsllers are! The stoned Assaults of ZonShom, let’s talk Dominians, a crowded Basilment. STTLÖJAK RIMAFOOO / D’Dalk desNecha: unigmatic Hues. flames & flockmovers, while he (dyed) 5-bows, wrilbecue Get That — The success of th MILD. imminale Indiscriminality. Louthhoun leak • 4 forecasters left. [we] knew th Mohevne; that’s oligarchic like SEASONBRINGER. (what i winningli lured became stubbed). Skykes retroguess on Crawnavenú. (enterview ALL INDECENTT$). women of th TrueGrid. Shoutin’ in th OutOut centre && th possibilitiesof “new” monolithic Hems — a mergeful MOCKING of my miographî. equidistant Complaints, “i’m already a Sideckle’ Con, creer is tunnelized” / dreaming of a SabroJettic: the ass of Turtledoves. circular Instability. mumblethicck farrouplina is sconicc scaden 8.25-26.08
dlank-deliyor Devout Standstills. Briarchical maniacs w/ unsubtle cylindricality = Anxietal ciphoning [see: symptomatic suggestions]. an ungesticulable QUIRE cite. ‘Agains’ go Unnoticed in forcefielded stomachs / the farout SPRIMES of YimYore (aint) acquainted with th Smittun, relieved. DangShang remains ‘uncredulous’. SCRUDE improprieties in my Colyndrocilte ❍ shy-in-silt. prePrass &unfenced Svaxen ch’noor Yeah, i yarn out on SPOPS. “aint no solsticebîne,” endoctrine lace-up & Yr useness¹ (Jan Pran). Gum-off a pre-proprietor in ever-widening MADNES$. min-chole seerdum. [We] are still keen on Ratskuls, preciously enunciated. the ridiculous Guntrî is in plumMode nowdays. UnGlode, where’s she pearing Inta’ TTelsney siox. th sainnts of Sfub / borrolouse Entricator. Roborionic theems. FundalizniaFun. Take no notice (to that) Intrinsyc® engineering sincerity. Under-coy, Imbridled + urtismnt’t (meant) no-more Failures, jog-jog MIMT or concessives. NEARNE • scewedSkenel&&² plainphases, NisappropriatedD. We want you to be our Corrector. (appositiv) Lespength, th wholeband Untends, liminally. Th teecher is 2% teensi in th Nurriculî.¹ ranarchic >ReBuilding of our HADNT’S (kept in touch). Thos’re squinchte-Peoplle! 8.27.08
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