SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c
expiachic pborelos unusual deaths of th AstralRater© delineate Me. Meelma-Meelma, &th (plastic) Confuzers. nitescripture. Oh, you encourage Delbusions?, phalaenopsis ¼Child- of “spectral” Injunction + asiatic asthmatics. Todays seem structural. >Mythic pouts = crystal traffic in shit hills • shalientHs’ / thWilderness of Lips. i pluck scones from Iffy’s beog, stretch-arc Mobilton 5.13-18.08
dislodgers Certain edges of Lindleline / pickledInfinites? as I check sunlite SequentialitÉ • bikinifailure. Meshed storyheads + LOGIC. some kind of ebiscrariol lassoe. >Macrosanctifications = t-shirt McSky. eaglebee pupets. i tipe in all my ‘BROIR’ — sejooced Turret. arch peeberGoye. Bison barometer = temporary Exactitudes!! (is dealin’, W/...) Our next trudge. angular Host of Diverssions (in a flurryburger). Pulpit Quantifiyer. DingleJock, “you’d stay for the sturgeon?” Stilleto Sun Maleusis mcQuin. Carcophycin’s landraft©. say-so (when) your squaykhéd, Imagine (the) trough is grandiose as Impenetrabilities. massively passive in a cheekChore. Dundalk’s human-poofing. May i ‘ewe’ as HushPins / Momentizer’s puzzlin’ hairdo, I.D.E. 5.19-28.08
tipocoliads Apricot Glory BiBi & th Semi-launderingliés. MozellisedLucite = Meenark¹ marna-marna • Ezernitrayé. My constant Daze. son of your bungees!, >heavilÉ shocased W/ bue — a couple ‘undergrounds’ intern You. A cotton Upwardness / shreded Instigant. Mercantile MOSCUT / Diagonnatien @ th Pamphlet of Eye-e-eyes, newfangled angler. Almangnac twins. Take me to (the) Farmer’s Annulment. Winthrope snelled a shark’s shoe. OK, SharShreé® (untangle me). These “snettles”, they might be. Sudden Dialogue Cyndrøme extra-writher w/ nite-cheetahs + Stymettics / mushrooms-as-coins >Farfettch’d in the fire. Hops populace. fake tunes we ultraply. “Come back, Quadefyla, figure out FEAR.” thCommittee of Taste cycles thru yr injuries (syndrome-snout). i chisel my chowder W/ powder. Family Fortune #2. chamcore ABIZALEZIUMS = mousy shrubs. threshHead, imagined, is a warnent. 5.29-6.1.08
flatwork demi-goged in Central fog. I’ve done time in thFrustrationLeague. seasault Apresidedly in Lishmatturs. Enjoy my scanbdle I-I (in) nuelsstackSx’ / i’ve suspicions. stound down @ 2nd Nehemi (recyclea’a transpurtance. th ever substantive Excesses of TINES aren’t-asking. Per’s seen it, why? A Condhand reset is weirdsstruck. gearables + unnoticeable QuergolM witz. You mad? stay stunneled. My pri¢e &my niteswittch / Clauslay sminkStïltsó is remorable 6.2.08
PreviousWorlds™ w/ distressed mimicries. tragical Damnnears as irrefutable fears • solemnicle ryncs = Wirgrohms. [That] is the purpose of Diahndiae, my browe ‘N mizunttHs’ & th majestic noose / rich puckerer. Stinchbal Berrator. efaúc Me, it’s up there, Rasmussin! >Powmuthorizers chim in as an Effetist fendlessly damages his 6th puzlementt (auterially “said” ¢ells)². Assembly of MisManagement stlatistic states of MIND clear-that (seductive) paralleL: pubunverí IT SEEMS • Maklary rupT / mistisché leathercustard. Hornet — Tzu (th other-used) my words disprehensily: book buytlé. scanana DontzDontz 6.3-8.08
ceramicizre Deluxe Dante Distillation #5 regeneralizedJynx & trinanced Nijeri = Isprinvaviô-X @ sadle sigh / i wrince NUBS. renovating KOMP KOMP progression • C’CO. ♪ scrol to th botom of th M.E.P. ½-texes. Sonscope Memoires. The angular Lore of thImplored. >RhodeaniC squibs-on thAphid’s bac. endive Geniancé. exquisite Ceramicizre©. antics @ th Tribunal can’t be reconceived. (refamiliarizin’ W/ th sniffedFate. braoritorbi “D” present a SAMENESS for retinal Reangulatión / a buncce of “Automata”. [That’s] grand — & so pelletteD! Megrec Simbilico 6.9-11.08
tricept bable Don’t yarn up ‘Communicables’ as insephTTs • Cooardinize, y’all’ve STOCATOE-plums, ever-persistent W/ whatever apploixanizes St. Stiere (or omonantÈ dealitiés). Alite spirations extoll you. >MatterMuch in skewedRealities. MENBRAL (staltese) ❍ idlewords of (the) Disproprieter, unsettled. INSCERTINE + Deletitions. Couttné manhold is spresozin; boiling snakes (aren’t) affemate. 6.12-14.08
l. pillit quinkers bramdym polcato. Marmin’ out on fatalist (eyes) @ th 3rd intrusing. Praxicado mulch ¢. Daybreak parbuyer, say “Yes” in thGraneGame — i purvey. No Foah’s cabinet of Tears. Blaring Balaria: whose inklin’? Takke it, i’m a dingbat. The Lost Languidities²² of someone Else / tit tote Scrappler (cassionates! exhuberant ½ snubbíng w/ KneeDepth + strambosion. “What in the whip is you Junin’ to?” MEET ME @ thFriedFoot. mind you, I was-onthe-pipe >TransMogrified in the bee’s Addendum. ³Grandjests of Thaunité (may demember) CHÙN && th forced forward / HedgeHumane|é. summun ALL THE COASTS!! sugarpasts Encourage-us//. auschlête-ics’ endure — ToDay 6.15-16.08
microbunssing, pt. 1 Dose (dudes) who were DITCHÂ / Mediascoped in th villa. @ theFrozenFoot = Granalin fellow + (fellowpionics). Lite kissers of Ashwand. w/out sheating, nitedidiers. Strict hyperbolics in my misanthropic BEALKE. eventualitives @ Psello belt, injunct? Mixion-related, you couldn’t know. As-is experientialé MIDDENS, aspeciale && “unturned” by ToDay*. Snailskin wandererr. the Asking weeks® / crowd a cop w/ ephemerality. CirpangularLi, we black out. 6.17.08
liquaterine A Spotsylvanian’s “Igoric” calcium (what-a-rip!) Memorabilia of TATTER as th first 40 volitions (heldback). Hondur★s hairdo. Megatask¹ = BUFFOON’RI. Heiress && HandBuaszins’ experiential spacklin’. ALL is creakers. Domograph & sunset thing. Alexandra Chemifold (worn-out). French Podiatrist. Liquaterane / rightful crumbstunt: Spuriator? 6.18-20.08
absorptals Holycow of Land and lair. Haysphaire: scruf-Art Hairmoo© the private Seas of diseasse³ && Tankatroon / scorpion “s” gums = Yairé Draphtibles, ready-to-be HANDHADE thoughtfully exorbing / susceptibles did it. Antioche Quachiérs pervide Me w/ the Externalities I admire-in FrailFolk (expediters THEMSELVES — had i matched?) Polvernide udders. FonFuay’s analytticles close-in a Maroonist’s ABSORPTIALS, “a flower for th feverish” + suple Stockaders @ th stutteredDoor (doer plainscapes). WELL SURE, re-urged [there] ❍ punefinger is only spoôrage//. saxsend Dedgegater • pt-Incklitudes. ceramic sheep of Impeasement 6.21.08
aukum’s obligations remind me of DARK BARK • never admonish (this sort). >TransTriumf “stratas” or undoliched settes as a concoursitÉ / tlainte Deduced, shtí Passard. superior shafts devulged this: Alonymous implements get lost in thProPulssion℗. ◆ Landcomplexing, (who says) we not, Aorbroir? x-infinite = shark Aunts. I visited PerPrillå. candalizedDNST + dalness STROÎTCORE \ Complaign&Manage meant i’d-i’d ‘umpRadèd [its] combcabinet. Feenth ya’ @ The Aok, we cerete EETHS’ darkli-stapled in th cave’s caveot (tirelessli tackedØn) guilded In my (own) jail. successful Mouthfuls = h-rinks in tonal laugh. (kook’d Ebridleri. dumdolbidure in-your-hainds, tidelessly torn). Jorge’s horns melt a “whorish-face”. I (never) admit to Structuring Articles. Portola’s relinquishers//. sure — meet me @ BoothWest. proprietra’ 6.22-23.08
cosigleau-x Joyous Geranium Ploy th current Standway @ StrineTine, inflicts: Plegieracîs / STUÈCnighs’ inconsolable Menêtes. crackney, sing jujey. >BROCADER Nando’e + poly-died Pdacterî, successive snails proprietize th NZ Witness = (a) confident chug. Egressor — do! 200 incenttives’L exerbate J-N-E (or colosify) COSIGLEAU-x 6.24.08
valiogyn uniconic totalities give us the Grey-Ache. EL&EL’s embrittlers want thJeenth [acquirle]. Jesús’s crystal-skunk enterprets Valiogyn (stay-stoked, CCantany!) >Th thumpStanâny engrace¦s th MALPHRASER: frech Ú >Boutface in preservatials as a little Fevice • ANTICICATER • magic symbolis / shifting th dregs of ThPhemonenauTT. zul Skellaine in-trafcí. Become th sizlehalfs, barnyup & Beraindre. wenzglie’s Pofanate. th tastey Whatnots gleened in (as nozles) threw-out HISTORY. Ardelius Presuitors 6.25-26.08
the marsh addendum pazey Semtroots ¼ yes, reiterate ME @ FlankLand. effectabples jinine Ya. On’h ■ Blinith seebchobbles. enLackenedD greozi • Pre-Ap CpenklanttieN “ostifiedb-. The Fixture Insistent = non-arcked laughables’ bur yu in TangTwidgeón supencîde / 4 acres of th Twiney. char chap in anchorless episodes, “come Therma!” Bayovivité && unchurn’d livetimes. [I’m] exact right now. JIVINE-ths stray BUB! — intâmpp rrocure’a / machzine Martials (tub-touch). We overlap slabs @ Genius Junctile. awn-croanes-back 6.27.08
litemare wayz Does u dul my Havens?? Georgette fracas: who has tickets? Moist Melon Head Shop. puny, No Fumaphoric #’s. regarding the glaze @ klempipoo Empire, “trounce my Amounts.” I operate on PLANES divorced from sullàyes’ TunTurni. Landeniá galopping Praintif. Oligarchic shril. Was that Sableton at th bonquet — sure as TiredFolk™ centralized? glue of a Pertainer, combustible [To] all proprietors, palmdown. (Very peloponesiân). Praxilmanio, ½-sychinsizeD in th-t BOWLAM ❍ schnaoxeek’d thSAD dangllesons “u” MÈRTE (you aim up). CEAM of trellicedRente as (somethings)². >Tugli-dalphr’ scountlî as a diverter, after pulletprooF (obsessives) + bin-slukes. enFermallizedLi-slukes / prosspur W/ 9NEVITIÈS — i may 6.28.08
quad hill CATALOGUE-CRUNCH↕NG literallé arraigned @ Quad Hill (houseleavings) + Yes, aristocratic Stubs defeat you. Meet me in th 3-year Drifte / economonise. Oceansensitive? I’m really ONLY èsmaundîne N nil-coate / smocked. There by Froîte, see unwrillable(s). please avoid DOSPERUS-clang.¹ sr. runes + murttlo’e is ‘charktis’ • straughFt’ fa-teeg(ul) insure a constant Sanity: $ oilocqialist-charM / strifitum Smucck! be urgefuL-in (it.) unaundying (pleasse achieve) ths INSTIGANTE. DerailluR unprosed. [How] could it UNSURMOUNTABLI be? th insignificant slews + ode-to neckavilités or pander yet w/ vriascume! QuakViùn (is) a soluttion un-het • (N) procurra MINDACIÉN, frsk 6.29.08
The Insecure days of Narnac Pedalius ped-low @ Lateral Life. proawners who bite m’croix / Potasfamî, channeled while coragiousLi miffed. brutage Wincifier, engloss my renovations to re-tiltify your scionic Nerveplay. proVunct kin-cushion + Dritagonîs. i stuffate; casette Lurfriur (puy one). saulk Vegené (impiricallÈ-doesn’der groine #9. The Spply sevengedGa’. get Jicamo øut. Doughnîeé + th new Fraudulent. th ½ bus has you 6.30.08
sir vintage woods veilfinder • stil ½ Traipsîng th savage Leverage of DundelSpré(e). uneventFuls = th medicinle Doornabs darblecularly Concinced @ MAGUS’S debt. barbptolemaî (effurt? scondolcis Ephraim’s finalheighte, squandered lassoe partake). treviceboys + U-gul. neutral vix as constonance Evapp / de¢erted Pompyllatiens engross Me: llienisedMisHap • derivedDanglers¹¹. FRIACA consurlt-moys. [You] see us gaping? bingo Beneathyo. grandswimmir Sirachnid. SHESHKRÓ unity, i remark w/ RELIABLES @ Thewton’s typ. Quain out. >Seargington stops amarus, S.S. Kîngg airmise. squeezoil Surrounda (in thick etss)² squel Surrenda. Laughtose (vorst). MENTIONER. prize of the Mil Mil anctidôta. Sparadizre Sparce Ensehood. The grond sneer = etc-pie, extonia LandLice, butcha! CANTONISTT niere-íng in Remimbourg colage C — sequell. bent berger / Dissociativ su-beek. Timidwomen, oh. Vernon Goy pretents, snippers gooAg’d in a melon: Dewscene II. Things i got STUCK-doin’ @ GanGenia. dustLusted. tao-checkles (ingest) + stunce duT. Antangler err, spield-cing promices. S. conduit Marssh, arruîng. SttrounCor remile nrooms, before i end • TENCIFYÎ (proudLi) + yaps Go-Wonge, sea sins. Dounde-bre/tire. oxidiond’e smeeL / stweeks Herramblîngs’ scoon scor Rottintot. stwype Chebs, genste N ensnairrer. Sir Hexagon, englighteneD; he tucks a towne w/ printedheart. Yawn by th wooden Clove, [it] eerests’ us / Aîngssprana, he’s guré with me. fenksoruy bumba-dish, ex-urch Hurndul. crossdock Schnore. Externalizer Ronts Burcicwha. the lone clutter of BrangBrang, tier me up. deeve² A procurer (now) to sthionize Essurexc: th empounder of A.D. + Brill’s doontap. >Intrical “indoded” dome, & parts W/ STWOUT ‘tt’ 7.1-3.08
spectral invincement (slip notes) at Chincatortî — take the low road, Squeeler. Rhombus run, queep Cah. 21st tract of the Mortal Flower. Tarrlt Tacota. Basil McCoy’s Rendezvous. Until th anglers learn who you are, sleep like Rubin’s cub//. clogge it up. What? be wrong @ DingleDupes — nah. Tusks Is Us™. I real itched-in. drenchedSaultil elonges TIME + shrambles Porcta’. seastove tatter 7.4.08
sableizations fairblangss Elm dry (rife) Sableizations. Don’t pester me about a shark’s shin. [You] know we had .40 thankubs — in there? Templar toeox, Bankgrowl CRAODD, unfun (what i got To Do antogularlî stays unsupposed). My hybra-hig. Hunt holnding: St. Steeper? Borizhon’s cabpage • EMBLEM of Um. siltysuspicions become à TLUT. elogaic, tonch to \ FFathomscoper ceer me. ■KELKtonin’s knuckleby Entiari. th Rourb deletions (save 10). Ezekiel’s husk yelps in th grate Froundattien. Ocelates-prawn? Insistors’ resonate w/ thFaculti. Coercionist caliper W/ th Gavil jlondíne. [You] found them: Loothe-îce munchcroak Re-aimer, where’s threats? Mace aeradiatrø, “forget THATstraff” (otherwise) the CLOOL peopletleer in irony’s. you done W/ dunDipper, birn-up a knee’s nincompooF. Let’s be strophed, “wannîng to Murge?,” my goals Are happilÈ denounced. 7.5.08
dwekssur 53 [We] of the womenconsol... Tonto’s pezgag. Estenmucher. FIREFLOCK haranguing / aMashednove: Winston in the mesh, HASNI ❍ yenchlore, topaz’d beyond belief. Clogged-in th traiced Centralities of McManus; melgod makes me nurnly, Ltd — afuatt Can’t, damn Dwekssur! th 12th bryson-tang-Ø. Stroi Artuela (vigorous themes!!) && dyneScheibe. embraisure REECH² voke out-on Imbicilisns = simple oxins. the grand sypress undercoat, naturally gnawed. He of the wontedness / SHISTOPES. The sfrentoniaR Noons-f ▲ sennes (sets) = He’l-We’l transmute! oh schläece Fropsp’ + oldur sconcecturs. Toontway (declaric cheve). MandaltMongoL in liberattive-margins. Our prophfet Feeksscapes, marTî. numinousli-lured, ignored. >Lacesteppes on low, sprangedli a failure. I’m besides THAT • cranked Yup b.c. factsX undeeked in (dubious) dung. Midnite Accessories. Laungelic nitenbacc-cror. WearTear most coups. Maynø-fair yux, multi-mopey Ngts. (our singl Coourdination) / salty fife oven, naps over. Possil u finglö Imperiorities, L.N.C. thereon! the strocious Blare. Gnarle/u miTe, eager-to-be brouthfo Or clamouRist, a cydun Lili-vac® o.k. PrompFicin: th issue of “Do You” + 100 physicians’ cold-beanes, quictli-seeted. Distenyardi aren’t a “Why” but a quooc (buly) 7.6.08
smarchicâdo Buly of Frequentness = causseé TOTALITÉS • sungs-her untidy nocturnals: th scowched hourdly, in-or-more — they’re broken. Pajiadist, i cloudfind ‘A Lot’ (whatever we narsch). All y’all is hounded, winded underbrites. GRAÎT tunt-line. ½ eetlieés Impore / traipse Peculiarÿte into redeductiplle plausings’L (you once winked to). Mul Flock injunctiv. Prachoomete made me ALLL hez-hapî ≠ nialucenT. v.m. cranciolyte Abdwit. conscrunction is a closer (rangitives R → L) w/ strionic Pox. reverce me / it puzled us @ Intake, inc. Finely, de-needers accost me. >Brohmio-plîte (gatherers all) / undishenerK • Just dis Alto nundrum + sh*t-&-sheer patrole. Wonders of WuVu, fairly-tested. I’ll attribute THAT ta’ saulge: Irridust? silverfisher, oh, i can immidify, Oilcan. NoDum ∏-pressure / shrunx imgerlinedD @ Arduousville: could be Impassionately relented. stragglechain re-arcing, no one’s destined. a re-aimed Gleer of Idiocy. sum boxe Arcway / THE TARBØ = tite (i wasn’t going to @ Stabbed Ends). while every cloak is derivedR; some thoughts catalogise Me. scelow scapestries. sheerwall schedular. have (them)¹ ascend you, Bordwick buoye + develturi (severale enjuries). MySelve w/ Popular hurriers? 7.7.08
nabian scoontash Bruegelday = fishfeet. scarer of finite Lozenges™. th cheating Dystrophes of the Child wren. “stay away w/ me, Miss Puaymó.” Yes, th Smaftil saga, it enriches us — THIS IS TH RRAST parety • i grip Prapacity at an alarming rate, who wouldn’t? Choven clarity for cofounders Alike!! Houselocks, I-IV. tart ‘N taniard, lest i be boothpuc Ør shnewne. >Poschenizîng more dailily @ th Greate Undeletion = spaunctôt clearlingss A so/o, Glentle fochake / fiecre, clacatuey & stil souls. Ourr play supursur (once) tangled. Lupicious! Diatrybes bin-us-out @ SCAOMODRENA infere. looks kinda shunkli; i may mismanderer. IÇÓS surely by wandering Holy laospps, broughtdown. 7.8.08
the ocalai Stol Stiguettiå Strihmilist? Yes Yes Stundunder, infernalized in a tweeze. >DolgDinaë sharp-up = ontroparage. SOURKESHNÂ / huorscontent threL. SlirMania ≠ appreciative synbopsi-¢. Gnarawûre? STYLAFRIAM² unoccurrer, salti showls branddish yr apoXolit’v. Attentives, th goiguerM repaser (in detailist Trig). treckar’d DINILISN wa\ap. ❍ SSUACSZÎN @ controoncT, as i’m revaluadin’ runnilstinz — aprer. >DoiâgefacT (its Limited Actuality). STÎLE gostur, remain. Andohnge® asko rationwidely sandfrisk (i’l ask anyway). gaindwel guyso. kspilton / DekthDil aurormo “IFS” + TEXÍC kooksectives. PLAI (as inverness “preswitch” recals.// SVAXSOR shununDrul, scadutz yu suay. 3 optionalists scire-so. dwel Luruptimy-ze (mirehole) Ansequent. STUMSHÔ ♢ Inta Mediarii Plza. Scnufes! control U. Mulxican Creneth. I dove TIME @ th wiccerboare. Hunstidy’s lemon dysmissals (th infinite re-rigging). say “Yes” to th Gand Spercular & Iacêncice frof / furthering, Who-Dïtes th spyer? 7.9.08 (6.23.08)
N.E.M. th economi of Scrape-By™ >PPrance-geneologs, honli (screwfuscalia)³ nuntulnT + prevased prefore; extrapreparatively joon’d. We of the Urnedness recede w/ magyar Yup. Lomiliå, cheefPredicater, “meeting u @ Halftone Bay was marshinmadi.” I fund cacophonous blendas. You — in th havins. Heverty & The Misliked. (furriest) Etherfarm¹ rew gruesome Pavilions. Paved Line Seminar (what’s calculable). Once a charred Mentioner broadsided by Beewomen, extrapellot Gelerouses, bred-up. a lioness Pre-agitânte (condux) you prond. Hårno. The llast-knawn Lacquodities. modles of DisVig orancce. Bring me on marmil Toe; the boy warms Whims — th economi of Scrape-By™ is extra-Rigoury. Chinajack Luella, extra-wallety walarn. Wig hourderi, paira. Praise-Arc switchery’s cooc = no stubble. i think you’ve thoators. Fictional Statuses of Pury Please. (oh shtex) Penta, tech-sallors. NUM 4 shard W/dot spyapes’ creasens (installing Plippî-temples thereof, X’d out childress) • MORSHENRI • all in COLOLN. both parts Paralyzze yu — the tendencies of SNIF / Fagalfl’ yea Lacuziner, crab of each Transect rivals Revelrî. i taught you th Lone Zith / th thomboponic Rue: renuméricalli, that pile’s for Pug. i plescent Nebber-eer® as bees Barcay you, i stil Bircuit./ Tis intervened @ Pe Puscca, pretentious sala. D&be-miched A lot (an obsscure set of TriGolds) flawlessly sember. PPender & his ciaow, liademing All Goods kept out pre-Grinners lausciousLi (as a Hotspur powdered gnomics) >Go wade grandchildrenly, ½’s in her roo + repcid Narrators//. Foe’s errance no refres, blond O’Briels, derufegío i led. Doors of breathlesses ‘Nifelike’ in-the callsent ¢, (pure) as plaqueled snow. Cuca-buncch. UOTHE of th paperskaters, Avenged / south-snitchingss re-bruise Thee — rulves regeneratte. ¿Why wunssta-poles² 7.10.08
the arcatized cslaves plu-pustrilPhî. thLacquizite @ Delimited, inc, i hold steadFast. conerswecher I S T • gathererGenzit / unsoulderables && th homeMade Etc’s scatter me as a Hama HomonoiD. Ocquarian locusns’. ¶ un-opscitch Ocquarian. bullut-ø Stradge-candor (Or nott). Beilfect, a quarmSum, Ni-Lîte on locusisns’. Pester-me-pattch, angles of “I Did” / vellphantPicke @ The Construct of Be-Beefíng. underphobes & YapYap toothmold. th shiny Didnts’ In the OOLVØ. Slow in my moonshunning Isms, hey vixion! Anthropocite nxt-to Nectre (to-with? >RRatazenès ex-cur Me craspes Moranciá + 1 unglood Momente). The king Interferes. oh, wel-shoout no. We’re ruined by Chineese cheapsoup / unentemprizeDD//.² taple • Mounteip  re-anchuliMs (delves to) asspire Us Y Us / Consstonians pare tepp. Teznès triappes gt. repocketed (as i CAINTE bog-as-bog) EEBS’ / Sebprió sandleslayeR. co-camilpfrén ≠ asbpiôunSked unembridened Cerver since falling apart — whom’ve flickered? StarbrasH honinisn(s) • sorro-for SLEWING eussteckr’. No! No! y’all’s tunkeD! wouldn’t vo-vo or cibelcattiên stuppaco. Learine to sluw IT • ¼’s to railrage my insupportisns no longer (hers? CLEFÛVE matchism IS brouphT-upoN no mear unsettler) on&& anduce us. [This] is prainspasien; ollocquiâlisms part-from MY secure ranedemnation (go unsagged) ‘ssters Ô’mighti! cleeks is clearsheLL. YATS’ cuzco-Mondinó / no prepara. SHUN go unsleevedD’ — i partnur W/ yer-wîtz. Y’all’s sstand APART! this’s urshree (whom? oh, y’know Tzeskapoe) & those traikXs • sulleted me @ th Imaginary FEEKS indecence @ th sonic lodge. please put together / Lit Sancho? (cocingcis) 7.11.08
solurio other spectacious nuys: The wholeworld Else / SOLURIO knows a “Re-Reerîng” (THERE: is insstricatienî • P-L / mogwoo DD’ yearnnt McMursl’ — y’alls kurkwah if-&-whn) it’s what Ifts’ m’morstanduring in shuccks / poutfaces on a PaperPlait [see: the frozen Glee’s eel]. th Brennonplex ensures ALL / EnjuluRium genuinely gelled, shows its purpose. >FFilch pazzry • Fieldmastiff b’Widow of Infection (trazlle-D’ Our lipless Endeavors). soomppft @ AmpleScape as children run-up//. it’s way too 2:00 in the morning, for me. calfoon reTerritoiré @ th unneccessariness ❍ cooxsi Immelled IT • sinetone swinjîR + pprominents / YIGS estrangeD. Its Formlepartts as questive taz-tones. ♪ a-CHIÂCH a nunah. Øbtiniens in an apostler Deafjob. 7.12-13.08
mosaix inept Escriblatturs(e) snufsccapes Enduce me • TT Theftrooking, in favor of th “Imcompetant” / centrescapes @ MOSAIX. film your Y-antics, Our wives of Anti-SkiB® retransllaït our neighbours, crackheights Derided. issue Incringables. securely Indemic w/ those Lengths, it’ll be ‘ALRITE’ / like a rearler. [i’m] given a choice in thBriarchy. bck to Voracion, welcome to knuccklesnaps Institût • dissimilar veccels. Gest Schedules. ppsychøAntigene. dazzyTuásh 7.14.08
incringables Jarsí • Provincials invite you to Indicativeness (something) blamed Øtherwise / rück wormment. King Lobes laploré: [You] and th tronic WAS (were) irregular (so ditche us). “Hand-me those quelcers,” if you might’d. bechts on Newfrailties, unconjured (as-of-yet)². Dn’t tel me its (thet) LuønLîor-r / the FROMNESS of letres. supplant Corriculum, immodyfiedF ▲-stapuitè dares you • Lumminghm.n lialthnis@ (said) DWYVRÈ repast. I n’leed a blenket of-Areerioté, still untimedD./ >DouneDpouchisn souncce DENSST¹¹ doso-do w/ Peculiarist clarity. I didn’t sugest this MESS to cresttoniansX • i-i swepte to know YYuccaheart, accordinglie. [An] extra-Indichment salvages me (prior-to-You). I sulved a SHOE / dultimhîde big HHomevuaL fasing + distants. I $ell Incringables, stovere(d) Helme + embarkment / Priorhoods’ heard of heeding. i ssoughTA’ a weekli-edgeL • shSpouncce ha ha. PAFE someThin-elce = no clight stimpadra Consumîne. Brail detrailment is forcced into portals: (which) expenditure? Incringables / th experiment of Fit-In. stath duntidnes coordinalise You at mimic MediocratÈ. no, dnt shufle the Venturer of WROTE, epiculuri • toût-distilleure knawes these (p)roblems: >FINITEfrîlles. siegingLitorn && th pao-propriate Literatture//. 7.15.08
Pocâg seisgeln Jeer / oh Cucorlicih! inditened. ecscrom Corcular, ½no — Poe-Ap McCruelti for [tht] gestture. artis unlik & shrewgown Cappy. Waya spulkss shnac U. >FurFreeder: smog & ALLL. Talpîng rundicioner, rounded-read @ GroupHour scewed-up. 12 towns Mangizing, pertulent scunch • tupiD. Jountrouncing easili. Twegs genetica = th value of “Peakisms” (may interpolate). 7.16.08
raphoo Jice Jermunst / croaxe oakleelers. >Lucent buzardologi, ‘OBVID is her (new) motorpipe.’ Troonsho’s overflaps, “C’mon yuphTs’, trigle us!” aphids w/ th timbered Raphoo • 5th pace of th Prock institutesyou. bLacketle hongsong, The interpreters’ diaphonies: [we] may have th Same Sabrinist jeccets you’d empplôre¹ 7.17-18.08
for info: awa_zag@excite.com