th new relevants
SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c
modern drizzle DESOLAIT cultures of QuomDon. where to szechuan-clasp, TalkTomb! th burly girls of TombToc, chase the chisel, the modern drizzle. park T.A. tin by grandma’s vultures, transmitigable memories of Ønjonjo, ninggley-Brusket dank yu. [you] see them at Tombs-to-Tell, bàs Keltcia. bookeny-Jur (way) unAlnjernel O•K &forns for th “Unstormed” — i peer Ya’ famaldewho? Whn you’re left to AdjustPro(g)rés: somatic droomscapes. Drupleanos. nastiness no-vite, novice of Our small smice. CONTRASTUR, go ‘head w/ Puristimiçîn, pint my phferold = no sclamre S-C. Lornafricum. pus prodigy + stupDi supreenes tally yu • th sephtromicin-sloT freed my WordWay, a Minit of raucdugence. May we ixpeKt (we’re gonna raise what we can). SHWEYVE-shree & th maybe-belows. HelmShpiere = slotwanderer, maclavaders rewards. unOrdinary T.V. sedge Mina. >TeraTruvarium, less than 6 flee th Free Centre. “Let me be burable” / THAT SeemioGraf @ th 5th Davo sawed my stash./ early histories of Inconcisement • Boisterum. my tummy is skulled Let’s be completely cumbersome with junked jugs. glandulaR clearedness = 4th war royalty’l Hel engedness, regain your soporific TooF. Dellane’s quake to pummelize th silver sneak. th sour of groupled Intestinuls-tigès it while preparatian (lets it chalcify) • InDemic[s]. Centurian fireheights, transmitted thru a thrown-out guage. Yes, i’m unhewn, spoused to be Contingent-eeling. Ûpa-rishle, corcstacck. “blinded in th sshrine” $-for TentMind, to accoste a (rigular) endantemenT. Hestor’s commotion is CRUD, stereotypically capped cider-PRISM / push a man out of sight, “Looks great!” Parvassed Amasser. indonic benelviur (don’t quiTe theemlize)
‘S’ — the crrust Repageant of chanicaleyes + dismanttlement. Don’t be durnpolic. “If At All c’co-majestic in Threwnment, all so coarseds. fello follical, Nr. ingenie ParaPux, re-antéd în th Ganges.” that’s a prop i’l omit / candid sakes ❍ stel steeblî InSoFar. Sad Junctlianos is mere slippage. Sanec Survising. the external wallets of Ascension. SYNTHS!& th magic testimony. Crimp-corn Retaliator, ‘MirroredQuietus” aint no FUSS — gouldss of the Gro-Cylinde®, “i’m sure you’re turable now, right?” Remaciatives. NASTINESS = nontiled Nudgery©. [We] are guerilla wharfmongers. Faulkstaulkners + Contrievables, there’s no such nullness. pirate on th hill w/ villa’d sleeks. i chisel a torpular, sauces um for Siliac. liquedating FamZemno pods, chrysalis Accountant = th bil questian TimeRoll, jus quit Bein’. Comic Courder. InPindant — i have my absorbants, whoa. th full Chenton/Crowder Hour, spilo ephemera (where you’ll be wht?-ADDID! sickateen spine& th chisel). Aenglomadia focussed under tiles [see: SYNTHS]. effete side of smokin’ sky, a propulsed Dimizer. Humid deaths of th Cooy. Mysteriously becoming mezzanined. my 80 year consistent; (InFact) yur simply euphin’ me — th nebatonic crystals @ DreamLight. community Ascension. Feeblesome, i was up W/ th newt. Meet me Murturber • TRICCERA-TRILO byte + traditional traverls. Kayonspace. Talendlia Quay-ap. Placenta Pyramid. sencitiv bum beane = th re-urn of PlenishmnT • candid cake suichine. @ FineCoates, let us be. Fixitshniere & alottid time: stood up by snug adrenals. All sault & this ripple. FlaccidDuo, supremely (worth our Attention). I saved a spider from a SLUTSWRAK. Dylall ferritt, u measly (T) parole Jamamas. Rightsine InsignificanT-¢. the heartfelt falsestarters. [New Satiation Scene] tantelized by th GOURD OF FACT. your guise at PivotProperty. society of sconed lyes. Deathbox Diascese, i do, i’m committed to anti-octicc “Punor” (wana-splurge?). 6.28-7.15.09
The Spectral Dyne >NASPHOËT|leids’ baelbnane = th thousandth harness to here you, a 1-hall Corning forced into foolsbread, ha! crumbli = th Instrijome. Glee Ap Falca. validly vailed Øn flagrationn, re-Gest incongruitie + Mound poncerels. & prowlerConstragnieés, rumbly-comb w/ Stationwish. ch’chay ChildPinosiv, secrets of noncomphrates. (scone sapiens = sad Automations). Shy shilshirka, under perctanî slimaphrodite w/ a dead hand. sapphron Wratowski, lasst of my crumplers, will futuristically adjust. Last clatch of a re-scatterer toofat. Piranoimyal O, asked, “keep yours judicialse lernt?” OK, please begin your boorings. Ow sectional clamas, perfectly [to rot] our sepulchral stamens. If you like thDendrite-Cinge + a critical renouncing. I think this is my MainStasis: i abruptli ingerge, welleted to “make your gest,” th comically-creased. the case of Organized moles w/ tapadrove Mite, this time, it’s th raraavis, Anri Stuffagent. i’m a one-place, “don’t touch th face of Conffusion,” tanenpaum. th side of sazwealthyi. living in th smiles of troughing-truisms & th spectral Dyne seets combobway. Counteroysters eroded in shame. nomination-secluder, let me foliage fink ya! — Suntemplate th witchbag. ORDINARY HOUNDHEALS: (has a break) i give Issed-sponge. if you are “marined” in th once Amazzon cleft. Domething FHE kit. Douges’ in th foyeur of Beat. Wil-shpí? Grautlings if any, prepraise you paranthetical vistas. Our 3rd month apart in The Spectral Dyne. grauspîari Inventedness less (or less). Honey, barralhold at minolta 9. Sandit’s funnel of stoddledness, too braspiring. Hirnprocatle III — nygogynistic-PhLen. Tiberium’s placard. FaultFarm: do you have something for aphasic meandering? Here, we are brunched Aphodils; we ‘rum rum’ my Stasis Abilitus. healing th holes of th self, “is this certiphiedPlunkering, all-addled?” th emblematic scurry of Inflation shall-hale • Xtra-bonk Bocietiés, shoosh-up Plinxtun, shfeepi-Dypes
— it’s a Case of rattlemania! Frocomanic Flex (pleach) MITS + marrsh moon, i hear floorence’s perfumed pils in a Forestful of Oars./ 6.28-7.15.09
Anphile-Chise™ a phase-1 compainT = aphasic Ratrasinse. ThDarkCircles, circa Thorndike’s diVide: i.k. fewpiles of Formicca, androidd. Let me shelve you. Neckgames trinch, man-yube Acomfella. wigs wore woman out, paralyzzed at th Spout. crank a-tridge (our’r) + Finold’lite. Speck to Volps’ stepulyde, juicebarrels strengthened. >MushTíng + think “Jeg Jote” — a wiltz-Lempressh, mainly woking on my paradigms./ pile peters corpsed-up? GreenGrammar. Filthy winchbream’d, th Celavine woo, don’t breathe. (skinside) for schramblles SET!! i had th poker of bahrrain, of-course. 7.16-17.09
mawn maica th wants of In&Out tomes // thDrapery of Deduction (well, i eat chiccnee on it). Harvested, six stables of a bingle-bununziL. the Risstors of Elbé — eventcities of thLear be, shucney ColMug© tourur. wild span of Moreoverness. “near noon” &thDiale out is a ⅛ shim. Stupor, i’m silicon at thStable mote. no one’s CoconutPadle® = roaste Regernafids’ hohm-jest. RResJoariø i flicked Cermorité’s horbs in futility (come-now, boby bankrupt, slot sleeves). Native cream crusks, IntermodalFangs. >Fluidgeralde deemed lumincable, slant Lipository. Far out straccaints, weird traortt w/ functionle-phoneme ❍ semidivisables®. Telton! & who-be-whats @ th upper Hourly./¹ 7.18-19.09
motomeridien we need organes • Strabchome NPG ▲ PICT 2 londs (to texy). SCHMAMIC-heelsz² & tintSmoach hined-Lï = livugged. FeclumPunth, governor of Beaks / co-loa Spiril enciphrulum, an hour of mistrained Regalia, scrounging on Descourer. k-foo ReDink, less boisterous. escuerbabl’ upcyanthe Modle. >leechblondT& contoure. goMiphLeen! to th Abriaré. square-Squim streak no-wardly W/ W/ 7.20.09
rujinch Acquisslire! nurturer of spells™ // th 4th pounded, bizarre Imprusions. 15 mincers @ PulsePlaza. >Nirphfrum-hoêd’d, jicrerial. Loot touch (to a point where We’re sepulchrul in rephlecctis Centralities®. yr buzards stink at Gaverby). jests of th Unequivocal, mt. “Sanes” — wilmoth witch + (her calendar-years). We’d travel to RairSprideu & cut Enditien (specifications on why it won’t light up your little face). Crapalogue of Uselessness. PentPast prologuer, yr rollerbeests; everyone’s j-perforantli, Co-Coibâdle, no to fainderfome B. 1st Daughter of Th Smugchamed, corsets & frownhandles.// cmon RuJinch, w/ that deCeasemenT, it may, Or th binch of beaks is trite, Apithiomîde. 7.21.09
th bioptimø Sccrajidun, you don’t know (what) Emperialisn is. MaFa’s microdamage, p(r)acard @-th FissionMill. MarketerAbroiptur = proper pooncentage. Edmuntton’s querie of Buy-Outs. Megyurctib OK. gran gelyurbDs.// unadaultner La — you’ll be sieging. Gentlemun joyfner, jol D’Paul. thus, show ‘er Th Bioptimø + 5FROCTOS: DisDeviancings in rolerguilte®. Mergy-Coore? HelyoT comacancing. Stumplin’ inta a frorth-nite. HideBridgge guessings. the Perfunctori 7. SttranPhairn telepathy of th transgressive, cleeped ClohPryi — goBo bels of BAUDD. “put a piranha on pahay.” KINGS’ minimized. 7.22.09
mointrofia casm cubic-singler ❏ i’ll see 1 synonymus Huvney of th Hillow Swing // th metball of JaJaican-tarl. nu PineShangs!, sun shoe’e Durminoid. Festt of Facuitives® larnsiageme • chouce Øcterior. Amalga prune-toe. Hieronymous retreats as retirees type th enthomes of Itself, furniturized. “Where’s Urrsra’s-vüde?” APHIDS flërn w/ TocToc. peace of thPygmy = a fool’s StiffWork. cross-collateral of th C(L)INCHED./ more immobilized than Smart Solems. Thistle womboid-(b)rush: halloots. Wirrncunørd was one. LLointraphTå / aphids don’t cuddle. Mon’t stuf. &freshtonian CLUNK. Fracas, Floss & thFuture 7.23-25.09
Gyvosant Amer. regeneralistss lick th spleen, th moonmite’s querie. raw tactimony A’L phantone Gyvosant™ // nonposable Infiltration of Tiles = tablesiminø. brimshel sheeb[s]. marketing orbs @ th Cennel. erratic Willandra + 1 brohmide, “let’s try to conjoin.” >ModestPerusal at nameplate L. BriskDemeanor of th Unbeaten && th droincrowne 2, noweare &-th beak of UndownmenT / crimean countenance. Associalia of “Wild Forces” — archaile laspuiff(e), osphalizing Our modicum w/ Xtra gangcrates! 7.26-27.09
javad i’m a bit sourcerine, help me work up a decent dime. (holy) crunch Leftacism, in the seams, Javad. Drialuscin’ quinaphrok, “He’s never been vonvo-pasic.” reShelton clubss — SinStabilisn’ stablle-syme’s Tocacity: triblaminøs? th Last wigs @ walchDaës, nix of built-up AnitoxinDivulgerie. i hang w/ “InterestingDilu(d)ters®-.” i’m suddenly stuck at samepress Santî = th Ancient Chisel / Monografer, celling sumroars at home. vacant switch of thSteede. comon conolitth as ‘deed’. My Frojox ImpiniL — yes! there is a funnel that’s in Mesel, go Dürndir. have you seen Vexo’s credencials? >SHRRIFØ-S(P)OXÂNE, i chauffeur sno-peas./* tet-anticedent NUMMING th ‘Do’s’ of 2 7.28.09
Quandú Seep slangover, th community grubhole. Denilled tesser of th wild winks. th Local Nitrous Rate is uncabob’d. @ wobbly snowflake-corp, see spplahjaic remens. COUNTIRPOQ ❍ &presénctious Vantîng (may i “imbel” once again?) + a dewnfaced Luminary that purposely partakes. steep sustanapilité, or a Quanderer at armss? Diler ta’ polluTe / invernal. THAT-was rille w/ tht supposde. GiGant that slitch, “come clasp!” One’s rebundle. SLEAPP& samsur’s niche-as-a-reminder, that cogleautes. slurs of th clueless; (whts) realityrun’ll Quandú — iceless Meanderer. 1 in a millian Husks. HackledMania & luckci Encluders, braye @ th MatchBriar, dupliscint-¢ stir?& thus edmonishde TUTE-selvf’ m’maphtirwird$ • scintally-hom(e). AhAh shreer. Faulty Eaggle in 1-place: PranctiPhfone divdur — do it, capsellaTe a shrude ReFreusionîng-? 7.29.09
auropean vector centre simple seance in a preferable hut. Shedieluths, like th wrinkled masks of Tuition. TangTen leeth, ravelousli stocutraded, done-leapt, clankless in th Memoranduum as (s)clomycce. RePärgent & prombocore / 670 is a charmed farmicle. BicBonalds, cub turkificatien. Infinite Vellum Mindd. Tob’s mole jest, forward fur. spit Mayarks. Arsenal of Unbearables™. girls of Galacia, gums./ whose feelin’ chileanly Obsolete? Homo Loan. >Th Hexican rents cranky corn. Fat Egg at arab white./// 7.30.09
scimitar city voyage at Varpezi shackcs. mouthless farm of Eccentrics: OligarchiCorruptor. semi-annual Resilience. i peak near Standard Bay + s(s)locks’ reculbratien, “sure, i’ve did!” Hereya go Crustopeia, gunglispecimens of Our past. I raise my elves as owls Impartinately. AWINGS dismantled @ BBrunsolian — th few munch you at Manchu, some ssturffs’ from Bumbween. sittin in sclandLi-gaps w/ powergests, fervid frontals. Lil Taska & wrong way cousin, “about pinpointed MeshStep¹, well, i’m tryin’ to blouch!” Meshli maimège, LAOS unbundliác ≠ i mount There, i unmounded you wanado. Suncatan Spirits, unwound GroundGul. NoodleBarers, replentify! Glask th 2 of ohims at monotonous grove. Hey Dove Dealers, kneelers! The other Anglico-Laffërd, sameThing maulsme at 1930s, truly th worst at PinShrae. Nephid’s Clud — special clicks from th Canon. Alchemy of th DirtySockJocket: i thanked clams at Helme’s harmway. th carnivaled Capilarri ❏ where dos Dallions, peeling bck th Villa @ L-E-N-S./// Hcule’an rain rencch, Studiees in uncumbersome Fphreløyds. My Pernaluri: forgotten shavdsd. chooting sandwishes inta my head. preachin’ in th MEEXTI-cage, is not a “sufte-way”. Dryer than thSITUANTT> 7.31.09
th subtle life of latonya & unfetterisms.// Cafo Quayaps, i mish more. councelabl’ Ladle, tho’ Anglican — whitemare. Hot tassels of Quandimania. G re-ragel! Quarcticot dil shoniano, “there’s a clockcase, ungutterable, pronoune of subtlemore mirror jests by MecTeb®!” a Burlnius is Inch! SCAPES-is-SCAPES, HectoWird + wild jeckels by 5. AnSlecctin trimVid, ponder th MovingBibles. my tumy’s still stoves. Frarien Obvuse. Lécrid shapingss. That’s alright, Erudite, I — th Preminarchy, is about to enlist-@ ShrimShror. thFUAINE’s so retaliatory’l (spend th day) w/ th Chiseler of crowns.// @ QuarrenchMines, what’s yours? i’m inta th ¼ range of Cid’s echcoés, scarabs: chaclian-zenk chowder IS IT ON? Freeknes of an unjoyer + pink cattle. Miles of Mulrooch. th cobalt Napes. schlonsson, Leaf of reflective Moasters, harvestingFereô olnqîl/S. HUNS@hobble-pt. [We] change noses in a complicatedTent. twig Centralité, we (should) rreach-yu. LydrogenFumblers so soaked = th Trilomash bingles. Rabo Germisable. Flussh yr art & its wicked Slambeurs. THIS WORLD as poor Jeckirrs, just rebroazing. Capt-collapsse, hey! who huffs? Apsttra of MiscroyniL • agorçic Renorium. CenGlurZig pos, LaLiopenss + tipt. Zusalien, smal mobiline && soblipranKK — at leguluvtín, ruzled nec jugg, They arc-cells of Puann &so “checch” far-at-Rebarr (from way back). c.o.l. Leglyate. StunningMonths declare this, ReDevianced out at th BrumbøLitch, tarring Our psst! Momentoof. galaxiel Basking. BOXIS @ bisualcollegeé. stinki elk shocks. ‘ffacecuisinarts (e blociallusç in/vorkedP’ + a muzlin-sky). i feel like barrow-bisters. SEGMETTIC take it, (tackle it!) to th brasyntth porch & repea it./ schnaurled LEEY • shatch mine at Elevent 9 / my eyes’re Quiverable-tyes. MUCC in a quadendural van, i access. DaLat delphinial, & strange strings. a solid WHAT ‘nouveros’ at Kin Cake. i sizle w/ sharl gods; condescendlin’ should’ve exustled, “it’s there!” in
th vaguest Churpa’s xylo >SONGREIRI brundlingss’ better — NO. aviancedD are ebrecct Therminalogî. pattern Pascalean preople of Athenø, are there Otters? complisangui-genT, this is “ALSO” — breakdown what’s beknownsT. mil hearnth + Dismanagings. 5 cancetoga = th exiled states of Quandu. re-heet Dranular Inventivednes, no-necsle. Our inner scorpion, ‘way to go’ — not cseeing ANYTHLING immuturized’r or@ PortionSect, fliming it at Mayhem Drive can soot, can w/ Stigueatien, concealing while convalescing. Thwartpog 16 / QuarenctLas de-siegin’, left its TineCleech assumably suted. don’t ever forget th immortal Maligna, i envoy you!, PrecStec. submighter err DAILÉto-da’. squartLi-peans: disgestive (nothing’s as reducable as McSkranzhn). Chin eetch — th solved Cecels. friculee, El Troib & devourer, no, but Fraughtville-is. the nationally worn-out / Nipoplioqé ge-noire, loz it Costiles©. every seaper @ NogautukNile, ½ our phraitali Tyás (go to bolt) bookends of a Sufficer — i must’ve speculized it was Maraclán. de-seruccer, miskinklin’ d-Ta SprabSouse, i’ll eek out. No Ply @ th tush-of-Tilte, pror Vitality’s + th ultimate Stamen.// Smug Detractor. caco-cramphorîa, Papilo at crogDention, realy-ring|s in walls of Informals. favorably trealing, untweekable UnToar®, th filtness of SecJo + camal-cry. Deniciatre, nearli-neroded! HOFE • may i mezmer, all y’all wizards is a white woo — a big jar of Tabookey. th Eyes of Trace©. like a squean, i rotaliate. th Dummy memorandum. spit Spelling, enjoy th drizzles as i tongue th Populus. Labinethi-brim, puphline Whts, so sprouts about it. Let me liner Umboobswae. Ancient Numbing Schemes. plussack Monroviah, melobeepin’ Our rurals, sundayed up. Maybe th croynne Colag — i’m th 17th traveller sweashoner, i gonna bring y’all down to MOBE // pipered jing jaw Tacloesticc. get fraundered Elevi, my flong ferriables. Use gelatinous coins as Solidago wins w/ winds @ Aerotattle 31. Couchfritters & frinko = neuronium-nitrate. Chalice of Imbersians, burunt in th nite. Rears
sidbango. feels prety good wipin Wazo, i pull it out & max habits. Still they ascire, Incongruitive HeH aponi aggregative(d) strewn-boT cympss + desperation definitives, all-sporal Asuamablo BIAT • evident opriarr. Great Scorfylur. Amabders® // hideous moments of Impertuity. L Tracko & smishden, deafeningly-abridged. Intristionin’ Our weywerd spectrual Dualing. You knew th peady bunch? Mild Modalities. jemunth JerusacuF imitate me. th uni-shriek OH-LA (will fling th foot of Relevance). whooped on a Forgettor’s cruise, screamin’ at LemonLady’ll c’mon LisLatched, with afro-milk. Loman’s time to squander • Shap G absinthe-so-Daïd. lites of Ligmoya. StoorsFend ruralnoxide. pyron Mantle-bath, despite myself. Brainshadow bark-a-doo. less pizzazz than th Finalyzed is another hoostage, another poccibilité. policies of another polycote. check a ditch Stannwich. 8.1-14.09
th passier of sol bunk© Life of th ‘beg-less’ 2 woo’d wonderfully, all passioned Recisions $35 • decidedly fingured = 1 more SOPP overad Odveragge, semi-satisfyed Aquistamore, “unearth’d man, stay genuine.” Prottuance seaseeker, a dapper Repugnance, you’d be designifieêd @ thFristtian-edge.// sabooctafiaf as Sunee-raddio. De-seguedManiacs in PontiacPit — ambuttle at WinchMere, morec. Gammad Molted Companies, munsuu-Chernø. ‘Diege-a-ding’ • th morose restoration of Coonbot Christi. “I’m antics in her hair.” Fotcha-Motch-in th’ millionthSky© = ancience-manure. Canpronponic, “You’re th 1st detox in th Simultuum.” lewssbreadd Ravelings as your spa-of-holes Hornets it. harad Spotlite. Idolicizer descent inta’ th Silence of Fragmants. & th surmisable Pelo, part-time PruningLore®, our former Restitutions. th chiper mass ‘backwardd’ opportunitizes th Laze. preventive-ruccouring CHANIT, let’s start liver, betroovingly. 2 gags for a rummaging you — th plaintiff of noses. th Despiriter, melding Hainthrop-pies. Let’s Get Keen on HoBot skunklings. Ûnthenmencionle Stick-stew, unintendedRidiculity, & incred Stapledcinker, sopriety’s RedCull(er) doin’ twine. stheralizedLi pewn-hottorè (this art is jornainier) + hocton-peece / unmarchabilité Sewker. Cuircea? PheroaGold. Fancy isle of Priest, rawdruiding Fralculin w/ th legal diaphonies of So&So. i’m taking Fasp Nepalune. thMilked Mounter, Yea! for wakin’ up On The Hinge. Gin Chiffordley, slot of miscognitives: i perceive th System of STOVESMEN. Hybranoid Routines tinket ya, pal palloster Invenience — up! up! th Getherer-Get®. Cinch Tancillin + FogTruck, midnite’s briff. pooka-Chøm recoarse th Honcroe stivesmen. SilentSeer fa’focus on spa-spiders of ImbeciLLin. sounds like he’s nominal. Essentiality ease-out w/ th 3rd thirst of Tezerkey’s nodes. Mechanical coif of th infamous Tinters — imposturing
w/ D’Dink. edit edison’s mate. Botherment of pickkled practoons dehalf Ø • th oxcingracTor-1 rinthh + HESPS (veneralized). “Oh, i will. I’m poking Prioritists filtfully.” Algonquin-TusT of sustenant Aint-suns. yr blotch-a-blinx 8.1-14.09
dorshnune [you] been snaggin’ Runcilpean? & somber necessitieés say so, Beshéte. frailtec of th Unconcoarsed: return roturnal, shrortnins are very basic.// STTRAM thDedents w/ rrastidRacaroons®. Tarn shoanin’ th e-testtment, really in a predicament (here @ BangledMaw, confute us). This re-enhashment lauses C — why would you talk that way to SpaBip? >InphroniusListiling? on behalf of DorshNune, re-entemplate ma’. Addanets sorator, go Torlaintaur/bris, south swigjang (who be cullerandT + a phony honing) • ½-usedta’ not be causeled. Spuattain (i’d certainly circle) “oh, right. ShiSteen rettribution horlth-hTí don’t,” th Gashinoo pest. taldetenth Pompano; those that’re in there are formidable, stayying w/ th clave-Øf-sires. no misesignes WISP-it.//* Creccetur dipperentiality. Torkney thor-whore. Bored Brooms. MarrowMeadow[s] = thFILTH& Foundware, sundive shpoen — great gramitude-phz. (it’s true. we’re LLapso-tripe, pear brambient). Everyone “lipping” better PAXIPLOY well. just about everyone is a Phule© // Yes Estonia, better burn it then. &thcalyppsø-HinJ. cinneman in-da Schola’ + granddad’s sunflies. Shed & th frilpps’ @ ANYLIFE. Scenchiés ‘por atle Criggur. (ditle-8) Menacing tweel-dots aescéptiç Scun Scoe, a 2-may mockery. HultpaineL slick Digressions, II — sarong sculptic, th PebNar!! that’s nulstredd = th City of Pompoon &more! LezGalzo, i’m sttarting to manage NisPhlectur + grandd cosmos • CHINASOUNND “RenthluMa, CruncuRuginy© // constrollage LePi. drizle into slimbodiies?” that meant i overachnide (i coming. Becoming th nauldriéd — it’s fun to be plaxsaul In one-day!) oh, you know Snakeskulls? Sevial Shucks. assaulmyuri Paureece + Puarcasian / gudnaulba (just come @ AppiantLuo, and Seee). contemplating th Mahattna knox. fruit fawns & OK, polypine Nuts (you didn’t retrieve?)X • life of th stock stenerntner I eroded the Encoded, “please use me as an Insinuator.”
pouchings @ Infimisin. >SFIXURINE-IC ensumblage may inflect a nisworthiness. rostoctionel simble be breebed, 1 other lucultiv. EmbrizionmnT# / tibofnee fodder incredulized. FELNUA ~ lauxlen’l Fî-pattés • inexorapplé|MEMORABLE tocgoc 2, leke th Necher-ones? Or though; Bomenclatterer. Lecternooc, here’s this: “i’m waiting for each of you mystics to UnWord-” imporctic-A stenciledLies. W/ Borrower’s roo, ye s(p)iteless Committi’a. expert exSettdlers may invariably reply, “into a cemblánte of CoBuz...” The Çleekk wants ta know — i sppack th BigBroil than, see it over their ⅛s? sphunctoyD — sfraîngbou Interestes, can you? V’V BOSSZ / nerjetrî do-enfosk & th Wandlin boot. “You’l need me or th petroglyphF.” Ceveral AsaulmuLuL trinch-time 8.15-17.09
fragilities aren’t nown to MAN’s holy crowns • ShpaZeaîT acquisitiv. JeccisaJunt, i wanna gilve whats’ predicated, somehow platché // bummertime-roasts (& all that’s provocated). Diaguginous: th coarse of LaoFüt, por-tallowist Crutch, yes&Liesle-tids. i put my own Ombueyes in ‘ere — that’s just galn. >Fruturpluri, boundmarF& exswallowables = Dodecales cash. Molyibes & cidersttep (of course we’re funched-în). YellowMathCappi — pejunfp’ th Figyutppatch (good grand of calculaples) + sunt stoones... we like that. AMIBIT conditionable-clike, tortüne-c-pulse Bunguri, dorn Duvlin, denergisic?, kinda rutchde, spaciably marsheen. MinchMab, i’ll broctus. The Himper mubes / Demogriffa — M-brashic “tone tools” + Unprovidabl. hi, Proversionable Ceak! LALBLIQUE ≈ ludicruL thdans Shidapps, luf loot. crusaditch >EISØ lo blattinies. lavid-clopper Devociano. PleegeTonius® voMos. i can’t imbilicize any further: encourse C’CURSE! we’re minding that. & slaJúkc. (no, th Lo thoneliés of mr. moon Shallotz, T’cootch, “i stil lay blames on Mirzalai,” ~ sppackwundeler). drearydom Lagrate, i thought I’d caussion BriôDraugs as instigaenth / no daudling, i have laumiche, he/Shne commits hole-nindlieés1 (you make me). CountBrambles™: i here at Atch, th lime latch w/ drudge Mishandlings. a Butal inmaimmenTT = Clatch-ach. Spunin, dangled DaTT. cold crark rinebush, Timzil zymautic — wht you’ve gleering in is Asomatic. catalin qualkhood. thDualpité of dust. th isle of Don’t, rather on Reaszî: goonfish gallant? territorialize me, Once! Tanto Parliamess in brone-deus, we’ll remschievize Solti./ iron inamrohan unterteener of Tritex™. Sapphire-Toe Shownesse, it’s true, i’m feeble. 8.18.09
TecuMettch™ friends of SpaBip, volumes of Incoarssitude, fuel th Incoherent + dustpages. provocable Selx (crovux). there’s something for perdenects, “we’re all part of th Incongruous Shtunt — but we can creerk invaluably.” A.L. Pulasche, you’re ironing. Disgust me in th Algorithmic Den (futile “Future” heaps). Glivingner p¦tiles® as aimpron Pax. Studious Centers, shrill hovennes. Parallel Shrasspå. Dolinian of glue w/ a Cheezeface Incarcerator, miraculously primped • slarssh Leat, or Sedge hull. necessariL spine-bite (stuff i imperialistically Did) + our contoured pension. >FushilnaKod: bastial incoordinalracckeT = th sole sack. I been breaching re-strucklins, Ma’Mauner epischelleré of th shreer Patch, so runting. (sole) TecuMettch™ ▲K chek’s grime, Infosted winningmyth’s path. Sold to a spice juggler, i ruine pasn’ts./ pRanufier: In my PostCooperativOps, stay seated. (Those don’t imbibe me). singleglyph Setterment & çolidificed Mol-hoc² + shate Maneouvre w/ Clara Cuze; i tend Conspinniac! you’re in for Kraitur, slop lovelite: are you ever shown what’s easy? GedLevenShet. Lem Vuallaro, my scones are perrilous./ (all too easy) &-esanthiale. MESS-t.v. sambul that’ll free CoperniCu’s altruistic-phDent • Cenfurtiony. demaullics, apparentli no less injurable, th waffletoe Thrikes. i’m re-plying this Hauf paus®. camp Frutch + th SPESHÛ-tseet¹ = Ralloy Fluarana. me-marolorium, oh Utchco! rigulgher?T’ no fafeen i duno, wht yafes it. Franerjay shrusambi, damue Yomen-crucicurle (scruencha). 8.19.09
Oddd Voirét th studious get shut out. leafly-lapes of robust couplet ‘C’ — east of coco. Biança’s tru tech9, tru my teeth = Arthritic art. th drucklednes PaP (unfilthily, we’re all re-estigated), less than Fulmuke. we reckon Sincerily as sog Dagitrim, i profess ‘Shtabilité-’ as you AIMERZ hisp me in th Emory box. Oddd Voirét, th old texts. FawningFarl. hon’s homebasket, curdleds.\ not-a-meal for MiledMen, i cracked 10 at obesome[m]. Serjectile momenclature • groundturner: Fovils-$ mirecting fizzlum, salow Igniceance. [We] know that’s all froenmencia. You aren’t a Distinguisher. that’s early friction — trancille-celler & how i’m ¼paper polyps ≠ NUDDUCKXS @ SplashCity (find a familiaR Corporeality): To call me “TriggerTooth”. Autagonistic compliancce. sstrumpFpác ≈ Pofinhush(er) peopll’ can’t be pus ❍ PanzerPaste: i wuz ChubsNBubs at th Salty lake. th escalato of creame 8.20.09
il magistic nudge Oh, your combatative cone? urple Manipulus, & supple-tins ‘TvesviaendLT (makes it so i can’t squandur). >Anuncipia(n) alldort, give me a little. It’s not snakes tht sanctioned Assimilables©, which else is wraught (wristdog reclatterer?). No one better be counterevocative in NewLoreCity. & its jungleirons, @ th corner of hinged Lunacy, th grand CoYorementt, Lore of Licobssia — ainstedtledFarmúk, i greyout C-Lives of our Latterdom as masshole Avmaom-Meel™ (you can’t STUPIT, i can requisitate). compliance-crystals. th Beaszlecuffs, th fully-limped. 8.21.09
th New Relevants HuffNø, implinged, faithfully faded. Life’s unattestable as a Faulty Dismayer: [incram] th neon kabob of ‘Neolithic Futures’ / i felt th supple Unusual — i’m a bit sugarhusked; stop lambiguîng Fetil. Teuteau Ausnasion, you mostly unitize. How uncredibly contragonal it all seems! Last of th mil-moded Casterie|s. untempextur + hiawathan-heft. About a dirclurized tembre; waiting for Meridien-flaps, Jenkins? 17th Imbiber: (rainplay) — truninmushs. Waiting around for Alonnha, as i swept Into th lair of Regeneralists. Accuzian: formal ravenous heaps. Pacènte-polgrolom. slits of Majorca, ready-me’s pound pollen = a 1-needle Leper / brainnszhoe adHerabli, here’s my nasps. Ceburkel A + strandings. bussles McMurk & his tri-saincten[s] of L’Manginccø, brule-hufth. Adaspecium Converts, stay eclecticc. (whispy) D’Daling pesurres • dk Catlebrugh, i’ve invoiced? stybourg-Sett: instant! god bless th NeHe’s. instruct Immiditien, turgidly, takeling & its time @ SLOCCKS⅔ coarssob bôte. Max Mezzlestin, andd Deliberate Instituting (someone’s stochatic “shrivelry” + polygranulum’nt sleb). lying in th liquordobro, th cowd of unrumblies proke Shopings, ‘nough by Ukrariø©. bigmouth ReTreatice, anti-compative Curathies — is that wht i need-to-view “V” • juvalil Outiphied, rull mormoring, shine th j’accruedFaic = cymbilic stine. CCantaneity’l CaL gellmÿd, pre-nurjuride &-th county cooperativo, or so it zankks at Repleasants; don’t be pezarcstta. Pavil-Stocriah leseés. (up heha & Havey in a rejoinclitur, fairly Modernizing). “shpya — i guild you open in a chiseledmess. speckled ZeyZey, th kril of my ears, trifled Ancillary, having Liniffs out. Rabige galmes & a ‘too-little’ mumbophon: Practica! When i see you’ve raffled th Eunifyurs of Shab, think of Athum’s thickness first, re-relic’d as a “CCoarser” (of all Meanings). Lots ask this and lag.// Do it, Begonniac. (hive-halter) • beakfest of Imboldliture, lether bmp of Procrastedness’ll
dew ya. Hewn imbilically bad for th Machéte-percentage. I climb Distant surface #B. Doveplains knew you. Good one, RRoarage-boy. spiritbreaker on loan. proudsailor pommel. bump up to a bowl. Any pisto-lochlages, shrewpa-jape. Aerbriofrentis — i can’t get off yer Staircase! isle of th (least) bozoink’d Cadavers. I touted Graffnîr as something i’d regularli releé, doublinese: & BRITSTÔFIA temered while i wrought-tsó, greuffe’s ReShrushmnT as candio / th DrizzlerecTory. Fined-in, discent + green-grappler II. Tresvipuo (wht is the segmenT? Do Droll-o // aresplop Goodstood that!) Morinde-of Pîpes, demeral railfray, continue to tinth up. heeve-e Pleandok. cold crevicce of Lysergians. Shrassäe, you got to be folded, feckled, “Go to the weekly Morale.” Farna-Tu-Tonca + lady romproard(e), amply HARN is th jumnel acraviace. Comppîne (nona-seee) + som bualç. CrosCuf Mapiary’l — e’m embarking on Credulations K. felevlius (ArchSpparked brohMide). LLatt’s-elsh, that’s th Aphid’s knuckles. Freerlein’s boogs® noxiousli adore (thoze) Arbitratives. Stone of sallow Branguards, buriables on th cheesecoast. catacomb bore. Mown Keen’s “head of hurt” / Acquisitive restraints. Meta Basket fineraysF • Jullian Jye. ranch of Made-Ups® = caTastrrø. pledged miraculously, i may. Older bulbs and Forgettors: loosen up!! Eguisiac frontal-mussîng. That’s much, Lo Freighter. “I live my life in Common Currency,” (without all of you). PunthPed gyranium, introdlucing Babbla’ — stuf i be incerptiflé-W/. Y’allFin-s vok/k. ■PITH oqque, spil lolbergarss @ Simptien 9. DOHNS’ of Estaughhiâ, soggy standards as well, All Valerians tug-toe. Seble Secluder — th miggerjeens + Apos. ail tarntip/s; i didn’t BeBec it. EvBicrocia, geel th cearnth: who brings Briaschç inta it?t @ pletchLazod. lotta-stuF i parallysed By: Twonz (who’s infridged). come moan th pile B-ryle, “i’m read easily,” SyzdemZile, bring th chapooti. Is-this JomJip (jour) / M.E.F. stetulant, besrate me. Master Reelgriation, buy back th shrunked ass, my hands’re shnowrinngs, pride of th peep-
ersmay. My retuliatari Bohmvide decalog. Prascegeantc by segjennial quiP (thrustedvariables) 000 don’t Low-me.//* The Tricoasted veverlieés, pythhonrogue’s (i have 6). blueeprint-eyes of th Kerflunx in a nonorbáskeT: BOSTE BOZONÈ. LunKx-driaphuni®. >Bulgge-boar reflexiver • I t’take a-pale ‘Filll’ somewhence on GEST alone (you wouldn’t ever imagine ReCresstling maladornmen). “It’s a playful pity,” roast child of Contusionry. Dang Dullman, Cimpee’s phonemill. th barymenge blister // Epberclesps© many-mize, as i was moping in ShmamînCylot. meat me @ Prajairn Pier, stabische-toants. ¼ comercunth. clumped inta’ Shoredom, naughty jurroinder at TortureLite® / VISCO sitrolnum paces. “I’m used to thin Suturation,” interestes in th Challange of Chalya. 8.22-9.1.09
The Perpetuum Celtway I.M.U. maumrammîr — i’m a liquefied 5 of sumir. Lejèt inhabitable (nuon) + PLIMINØ. vivid unusualities. Manic an Maire. roultine RoTaim’nt, afts of a crankheel. th grapphic of CenthTiêt, it calles-yu 2 paya-prix. thNationalQuadrant • kTemultuum Menagerie (&th whoat of Walter’s biskiT). Our people in Soft schools minnice Chir. wondertown CORER, rupplente Oft-not.\ Coupreriø’d stare. Theyre’s a lot @ hastiPasti (huzziés& caramal worries) — boutTht JellyJealous palmleeking + CCoornHusk • a stublesun-doubT. 5 pachyderms sit on my enched-toe; (who wouldn’t) want to retrellice? everyone’s braeriopox is Convinced, Then you don’t. ptz @ Houmesfore — th greerianclic, “That’s sopen. th rot Influxlieés [ss]-mub.” GetBacke at th brooguerie©.// glum Graimables pum ya. Incongruenture® (falslings). Yr aggrauntedLi-agling w/ prominence. Psiocshell cuperativs &th cheép-Setest. cooép/ Convore culbridgacien-N (you anew it’t) RRiembâst. Se-Jujè (ropesp)* TIAELIST + th pridence of 3 — yea, i finalize Boccraw (yet?) progruncced. Sit w/ syllabledpeopL, i’ve Quomfitteré / ths is not alletaker Alder, collaterally uncollappsed. Frolmon, i might just jutter. TRAQÎN da SmarminSyk, my cryptic wrant is a cliscepture’s Tuk (may be binced @ Faushorm). th recedablesCOIC burmes, Breffico may-dapic. Tentacle-miserè, futuristic Indismalment. i protrude-în thPanthenon ‘Ø’ tirade or inserT. Compy Fluttaine, i ware BantisBarkae, pic-a steale Shmí. We made it, magyar, We made IT./ he has gotW/ her bloodmaker — tis all good. [He] an undefinabler w/ no job. gambrel Pympadine is “living” / no optian. I’m ahhead of th TimeSet. veiarrd Fhut Hîre. The men at Grover’s offshore Add to The Urge. (harjuke likes to enflate). FetcchaGunk’s change th bulbs of restlessness. toothless pupils by Design©. a Kiwi’s buttons = hassle #2. boodi Borndower, not I&F / you know she transient. 2 elderly Rexets, nugh eyes. Take it
to Cultur Reach — whapps! suc-a-do. [she] don’t know MoMox capes of a Drizzler. Metalcaclus #33 goboi & th uncharted.\ A detainee’s binge. I etch my stupidity. Ouweni clay off th Can, unConditional-scaling as thQueòp (pertainer). Shfimpo-Been? step on a towel’s owl, Conphraites. Matilphorine, who be a Truncator’s hinge? TmmuskedFirch, as my asthmatic pants are perfunctory, let me listen: typical tacheter, &bagoon Tranellizatien, ceelvan Momentus. Apenchrocteri actualle. Practionizers of Indefinancy. “shudge-eech,” Forimpsso impLasaullo® / ‘when th Thramps reoccurrs, everyone’s garbled.’ Life in thMeighT = th green pug. th proverbial cap of wild gamuts. my luxurious-noodling, too bad-we can’t have Frojone’s come-scittder. Artfish Macramé. oh, Yarmers Traverce. (Magendtle believes this is proverchial). a skilled scatterer, “y’all’s Abstenthe” • Teetso Tuitien, get on th tuatarne Ray as i interpret a shrewe’s medallyon. uh, that’s PRIL bazam-bantes, Cupposition in th Actuari®. BIG RUBS on a smal Indefiniteness. My lilapedials outhook is “Life” • alotta Y perplux & extensive Extraneitie = th Bo Án “ettric” / Sentinials WIMGAO is (really) there. narroa TinTan, propherable + Distresculatians soundd really implieged, “he don’t know me; nothin’ in th Aptitude of Friday. >McTem sshrapesioe, what’s ths?” Atrerscha, jus’ som Whiffli-Pog @ my prismic Alacé. T’joop Plyrran (people have pronounced you) • re-treatize warings-W/ saw-per-hives. Briancheal splite, no yank hands. peravely perceivable as Tao’s poo = Restabilment. Sclottstang-és, “no, she aint urrbiscrad.” Costa Crairn & DeDef. th ungratiated CuamPeephe. ParkPeculiarities, pealing modrun-murs / dintrintch, post-accuracy = PauF, it’s gone if you’re immacriate, at SemSteferø, we’l change. may yer Ingeniusli’s-flote. th peculiarity of PomPeesh©. viverty tombam, pestering maniative II — tantamounti JiJône, i dug Trinitch, chorg th way humans slid. TownsdowarD ~ oh really raveled, new noc • RemBreeke, totem panch/Dublé. Cybel Sectarian, i siege you at PostVivex manor,
as i impaumplify E’l budge. Impercioner poverish. scavers prasshom / Regeneralized ½’s of an Unhideous memory. prosembleese Afectss + piampu-Dyne. FANATICXSS, it was Trenvirbts. uhCan cút — th conçanchievabLi oorpde, you’ld regres/s. The fringe of friends’ ankleweights! 8.22-9.1.09
the hoax SquarShopiul quanderinge • Tint talks @ YAB: was we spined-în? Murrah, ½ th world’s (s)pattled-w/ tru pooctuaLs. felktute ❍ Conplainables’d rag-ya. Rerargo / we can’t ever collapse. I comically concoct th Logic of my own ‘sub-enzymnic’ socean to cradle-thee, &th numerousli spined, shribled Feffiny®. Bonzied-cuts, groundwater of th Does / endaniere’d ¼-Shrunkk (workning cuddle-book, De-Braved on these conventions). repasteured Days. TuntzGuntz = th csireman. meatclusters • sounchône-II, polca-tot Amore, members of th Unbine© broke-true. I conically concoct mana-inch w/ th faculous picsés, fell-flored th wanda belch I take you to th bruhnide-Scales. ThHoax is harm. Perplefiance, is it aging? Cemlintz is an extender. We go decadeprotecting 2 gnoxius-know your stuff’s mentioned, Edwin’s pleased W/ his Plasure: th windtunnel of “Ism” — butcher beliesured. Pacepipes at cackle edge & th speed of trashpeoples. Grand peepers & th policy of Rocks. musky skrel unautomated. Harpis Lupingela, “old lo mein, bubbly bench” + th splintered moments of ChiBúng, a little self-cinched. My gentinous friends, i can soncedeè T • snakes at cobbelstone-glory. take me to staccato-wrench. centipede inta’ my chgelico, Sccraduge-is-dull! 6.28-7.15.09
for info: