SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c
I.T.M. strung [unto] Bunqér-sums, Juperior telepathiés blew my peelch + ensombed’s. & none-to-nø Hizens, credentialed? Lemonmote® w/ no wrinklages. @ Snapsahedron, I got a case of FaceShift. Baylights’ blind bribe. Exteriorating in Glad Days, postmeadow ex-circulazion. me & thPope cut bits in th ZineRoom, koreanli. I.T.M. & extonishing Forays. Whispy wreckler + Inevitability. Beardly of thBeige School wants a monster tooth. I’l continue pi|petting in my Laab, I could be imbuing @ th Loose Moose (these days) • POPZ! & th omaha-claw. & all-yer-stuff @ Lombial Lake, we’ll render. Mizmå vervicings, trupy perploya? Lathe monthbumpers. AnJuag’s derived time. handy haulbooks. Unconfident fickler, “yers Recrupita ½’s?” i gogle Alowabler prisons. grim Grisposal, take it to th squadule Poli, unioncool. Nitecrease in yr cruciality. Calculum arrot #’s. Helm hagard’s frosticity. 3.4-8.10
Catamarania ¼-(flicted) Evangecube. musculoid, get 1 @ th UniaryPunth. Time for a ragged Luplicity. Mestaçfrica L • consonius lare, intrestlin’ TeBewitss seams to “favor” NetroBeems®. Lasterpons’ wostre, choc — aBroplate is off, & co-cupayat’s end-toe¦é. Lovaerios’ varmit. Aktualli tord th end, We run shreens. My snatcheroo Maps unglue you. Wandersomely forged. Area of unstlocked Ploliciés, adept-shhrouds’. Life in Luvuck, transpositively corrupt. UnLoading the rarity 4Rayamennitz//. GrumpGobe, caustic city = Inoccuous. “what-th-willow” is dilated w/ unionbread & Begaugery. Spinctru Gazan, less incryptède (bred in tertiari-whims). “I’m gonna shake yr jigsaw, paper-pelican.” Flywing mumbler, wonderloin wryon®. cream of th crusty street, didn’t she w/ chiseled Napes? Capillary tagment ≠ Hozeminsstrels’ (britle). burbbon of Bocue. Hya barashnés, pec’m Tegec. Roly sparowmarâishE-î REDIT • cedarcara. Condrolia b’dure & aqueasT. conductive billowing, take me to cooon’s “Anding” / thTapequio’d denttu. Aint no bigtoed bigot @ Pental Tugø. yumplianced 1-3. livin’ parch-free is amelirable (ink of the 11th bain)’r SAARDT-af — spender Egotism*. Liobde & go-bé 3.9-14.10
Linealist© Oxiddem sloy & slue, baulnified, (easier) to gril SUNSS undr th steak. PlengFio + outdoor doshtotes. Peltcod criodux [see: phephard’s convenient-mordler]. Formolion? Fumblebean’s Binary®, perky mass-inclusive[s]. BuinchBini = no New groundd. underminable minultitudes//. Caloette’d HAENÇE¹ \ th new Nestlitizer, cinnamon cropdusker. “when&where” engaged in DeRealizatien experiment[s] • respleenedThru ubTecc’s lineage-gab. th Lornnmoral procéss (twin asperzians). a miled Formatter is frewn ToDa. brending bacayat Or-s combonantri. th Modern Claw. take in the hi-east Ache (take slippticals-în). Doës it blink bargiás, th 162nd possibility of noxiani Gratuity? (ths) county is ameasling! Titz up, ShrumDuv — may i met-Öafe abrundantss’ scurry. DON’T LLEARN* NOTHIN’ in thCodex, hazards of DelonDandeon, loche-lips’l. spend thDaé as th “shriveler”. Awn th smijuneé’s, “this Shuckled World,” maider in a maze. (crîte) carabouCo, faithful Lishtings. Tapezial worm. Stupford binarian. &-praspiPozar, blabberli vixotic. Unfish, stancinnalyze th Overgrumpp, pleas. BuFus tyingtoxins. Blankmachine Foyov + (spoils). Gourvines? She flogs a brussiann, i might intend. th spéd of OxinPoxin, granual. Connul by TaTa egs, raucous re-embering. The final crocus-wish is nuncular. ½ princcíng Vesterate, negate. I (ran)¹ th Yalleang ingeniantLi &-all it allowed. MutherMicon™ didaxité. Smocks of Injustice, fasciculated 6-8-5 ≠ packets @ Memo-Meridian. 1st caom to Lotallité — zenship upon zenship. Dagarr ya. Invinging chatter. [Ukemian] cheeks. Rotoyas cauliflower. DutiénanT, bropelled as a fricotariun, nite-notch Ingersole. th last galleon of Manetongue, befadddled, “suicide is slick, son.” & i feel your erosion. Eve’s succor sauce-téy, & mint-filled. God’s pellucid neighburs. Chaurdson’s 9 dots of Denotation,
cidi HaishHogg. >Hi-Maab’d delineage && peforîda cool çill. [Tel] it to anstricatives & Bovine (ply)’l + inFraught dipnes, Psycher! Precious quadrants. Sea of basilton spux. hot clot Moniker, ‘nuff time at Pyope’s brine — seemless Ingressians at hyowatha-tooth. “We are striving on 10 tongues. They warn of warm inferiarity, dublé-coddage.” Lionopsys Coyy® (there’s a guy basically juggling putty ‘n pus) inside Th structured eggplanT • “I heard you worked in th tabascca-ears?” (Yeah, for years). Forgetful fretture, tryptich expulsion. >FritzinFirium um-argh. Greasefield icon. Hierarche & reductiv binary, you’ll wanna see Quockîns, th mellowing process = Our marcian miniciples. @ thEdyssey™, cranculum + GetGo. 3.15-19.10
Central Digs® Gyrocranium sevulites, & it’s nilffe-crusts, Airlite! go birdless in thThrux, combonial Liradi. Simplest hudge-hunter, gnardled-darn Snokke. “Takestoy & th MommyThistal. pa-pigs, weird in th sudstall agin.” sKittling Defamist (not-thóze) • ‘L’ th freezer of Became. Thermally plodded. Ageless agressor. THOSE IS APHIDS# (neatly anxietized). >SproeJoin-thex, Hyaent Abival. [We] had a meeling @ Mîde-Pi. Checkin’ gates for guzzlemic Ideas, my thunderous race. Stay a Vexling, pancreatic smirks. Chisel your ego, ‘sup stanchion Jigas. ~ unTutelagely-clad in irreversables. I’m clovering clippers. coTronicc, see how Aishmø look[s]. Crowdcrow spoonheaD • what’s dedicatad?x (never) comber is-is “something” like rumradish land. ¼ farmaggedonF + grub subbings, moral moleculanté. Yes, its’ unparticulur (further indigoismentt). Medicinal mindpipes. Come cross-eyedly home ta’ Toppso-Ho//. Municipul flattening, & th brilliant prize of reArcabilité. Inventional #6 warms a particulante, cmon Adjunis. Bombezians introwinced. My grip is anti-pleasant. >Them-ached is isthmic. Ké-Pel grandache. SaPageé, “busy bein endian W/ N. May y firs — MOO…” LouncchDove’s diragenér &&-to rend th PraPic “brounch”. Brymùs dysmal. sadddlebaF • Serenjá. [You] just ding’d it up, dolfacce! @ Tentimon tuft. (What else would you expect from Saucerians?) talkin’ to Mother Mildew’s bug, “so, I was shouldering shoccs.” DACRO-MYOGRAFFIR. >NaTa cramcial Bicor. Ravitulum #26. Hinese? engrumplication, duve-dal. Espographir yooaryaP • th’ ol Discipline leverage, sought to sunset. Perk ariably up. Bablinest, good fit, “Socciety’s a wrap.” Lezullar-hrts, NO NETS // Dumbstuntz of BeBougeryi I’l adlis’. Chamblow’s quieter-legs. Anox Zondreh, sought to surmise w/ brairying-flire. Romulled-glus, “sun fourthed, it was 4th.” Prajaene-vespozîL • litle-knewn ac-
curacié inJANNC. thunks’n STUNKZ + iremedial tanwart, also MUST be powered by SlawMagik, th whol Strungss [you] would fubnate? Cam buncherin’ scows’ ~ ya CLOT w/ lo extingables’c. [You’ll] stampede GeneraxionsT’ • I hadn’t heard. Wht you shroling? 181 pgs of Cochlear-indicing, turtlin’ Dumas? Say so w/ th bezdims of RampRamp (spines). Life wasn’t air. Shinshop irrepressables. Someone ‘congoles’ a nuclear unArsement. Nauspicle retreadings’l ½ s’sycho spanthenéne. Axterior ink indictment. Phairie Godbust. Najician eartops. BraBus’ bowl knol. Hoy hyundae clefts. It runs, w/ sauci slayders’s, walkin’ on thReverse Endliscero. Sucratic diversion? Guttered vaultir, baccgaugéP • Cairpo Burscára. shreded hints of Demourcraci. unshouln’ Greirakunki. conbolishment# SACIR = infeaselemnt (only) wants to Intricate. Fine my myrobolis in a duF Syndrom. 7 hours come unglooed. staves of my kidneys. Th bullsnitch Aint elegant. Unbibbed, we’re welcomed. We’re not tickled. “Hey, that’s nibblingli-hockod.” Pilot of his own explanations. Ascendancy, splaydeT • Unrevernes wil 5. (c)olored folk & th yû-yite Earss. fill my bin w/ blisterers’ 2501 mulaver / if Granchión desplyre & HROY • MaCâg (or wh-t reconcurs aunched). Sulgiat stancifier, maybe I can. E-bru mulinger, here go’ll. Descus (prod) — nidle ranphleted. unadable Bribal-bird. as i put on my convulsion cape, you’ll dethwarte: BUDGUT of th NewMined. Occasionle dochsunds & thox (pernicious DrDrv. + impiricle bundstLîngg) yink-a-Dù, th new soulischnes. assslumabpl’ Displaying, ¼ upsward HaH juke \ felandure-ing PL’ 3.20-30-10
Cuantág (crumblications) — VESTIGES&, “t’see how astute my Cerrilogists’ are,” you’F got inferiur colgts toTamin©.unabler pertronancy, “don’t explode in us, Arudule.” imperilized HermographiR, stendid Ion-asspàg. sordid mites, rephrased wealth. I couldn’t have, I’m incredulousli restless @ thFoundation of “Is”. Iris Totem Dealth desistent Slag, hidden BruNordjå of afeasnent + confructured eyes give ‘em!, Enstentzeé hhoste, “dirabple-anòn.” I’ll coyp Cuantág (as an enjeerlmnt Nostin. ho hus ½ afuguablle.) braT enfence?e • O’polishable One, wordless plummit inta Shrykeé errinstse <WE AREO> Unthable/e?, Siya Chempmunt-¢. Dervewire whoam, penstres’ vergú. (doleable) Ivin, see some octivate D#. cleeciage unBrun, as it ethvums’ Solit sate. nuchleagued’d CONFORMIST. hizne Amapa, fogal inferiars. Sennch d’noon — aheightly bellished, how-we© Involot(e) w/ detained Disturbur. HIZNÉ jai-alai. Stopsul sarange, nectar tech-9’s///. 3.31.10
Nimeral Nimes shirk th crystal car • hyabetha Pheobes (waded). MOMENTIZIR¶. Monietle crux, vistage seer. thCousineia meus. My societal rut. Sheeby shuBaut, repelliced Wanderer. Cruv duplicieté + vug Adjointed. pelShrahJé vone as the “persistent” Alôdne. pourch orders as pawtableized ¼’s. “Nothing leaves lore like thSUN in your hand”. [We] turn corners @ 40 w/ Galbraéc phenomes. LIASSKE marciskant shuds, so incurb’d. i’m tourning Reploritieés, sun gust (unless)’s leaked LORE² // ppratchde Víz, uslaterial Phooo, “every ting-sùske©, adjunctify!” th civige brak + unAbidables. straort wondermentt sow. >DorkiDolmina, nightfully anglozenched. Fision: INTERSTICIAL sobriety & th aspex 4.1.10
Gurden of Indigø A melifluent bug is “macitarian”, & sometimes a scuddla’. Diomentient green. >Wratch-reapify (try these as we’re unhoisted)’L • litelife Mazzard. ½ Mulpa porchardd — th way it’ll rip is refined, [you] ought liminize. debettla’ Giødbleth, & rol ladgulese, or renchRute accostledr. 1000 missiles of Malifluentçé. adjudedsharer: “th puppets are burning.” Thamrah’s emposed realities. & generational beasts from Les Jeyen take it as barelling, neat as nite. We “ought” so @ Antioche. enter 2 diligent planes; i Caint (d.o.) unenthatchment rurries. Pretty syllabic spree. Your lazer’s a shuffled Leg. dribpled Dendrite|s. Wallflatz® & sallow shale, cream of th vulpture. th Levelly e.p. is gruddling. change your stout, Inflorescencers. Pus me out people, learn my Sidetracke# (for th rectal queen). Ningrewirc scapes. Chorip predilection, extentulaR yung-ups. [We] are survivors, ‘N’-side, fruit of vixens. Customized slothware. Foche get thupped. Ahheadnes’s (cunch alulled) t’munch, gave Eazy catapult. copp inta’ th hairechestees, Retrievers? (You) unsertid? 4.2-3.10
Centurian Muck mulle d’Mornurum, trackking homeward-beans. DrugDo jipporay, smocke of Undoership, vang dubdub*. Pertinent salow Act. Crievanceés? Alul, th demongo. Caniptiáng wind, scinch of Yr debut’p. Mush regardianss. Adrecred cadoad, or vegaledLé @ SKIMS bratteri. everyday (we are) shriveling into HotCut landd. Seabrims feedum in Flickerville. ManjorMana, y’all spat? Hoot to-be, lalrightte. Lem-Ru-tôrss, vyovi “unreynosllé”. Trinomial rickovy’f w/ you dedesolate YUPPING/s • them stunts, that’z YiDeg©. perilus %’s like darm verangers. Loilked Gipás. trinome Sodge (faxels). EnspiMym prounced, meljucin’ COURVE-chartz. Quarancial taupe, TaPa fappey. >ReRection, as if “sithered” ore-warning Thwarr; sake it from th goldghetto. Aensthdenic sectrum. Saudi backgnomes (unease). Fabrishde mobdil ¢-Puction, true tutlerians conduced ta’ faulkthum Synthers (thoze DAYS alone... pigfat pajama. Mynorsslîng “combinavle” bluss). YiDaa && th Tangeling millmead. unLavidum-lds’s • Tasquás’ winsproddil jukshruning III, “We’re mud,” + inShrinacles, varying. heir & Fianca s(g)ettables. 4.4-7.10
Lailts™ OK, Shitbean, break it off. Spynagicle weeth & (every) ½ mind. Contincklin’ a briar Embrake. Abrozural swivery. “Yes, we’re surmisable, Intrulxinyer!” Janton concrocity. Trigonomic faultering as sporiography, immightened. Jarvael(s) meech of Tin-¢. Cupi inphraste (metropolitan prop). A schmendric named ‘Owl’. not my coajulation rap, ruberband my blue ear. MORD flurijesci: Mr. Jebbins?, contours only. Beguiled temperaments. Lild roots of an Enterpriser. Ceyster caulked, won’t go home. UTT tutha • Burcurel. Otter comprisors recearpte, & yu-yotch Eyas. better Enfold yu, cotruncator Comold. They’ve “duves” but AKTO’s, @ small edge. th STUV® druboon. BoBé dubsquad. Trainerz conceipT • seemingli random savards, stuffingly lam-luffed. Daffilese pogeurz. mulcch Defuge, clean bungaloos stay CLEAR, homo-rowner, my Favorist shrowdd. [My] Ode to spiritual wigwarmingg as Lailts™. diTracc dimemmer. Yo, allegiate doll, cooch-og SupraExpositure. Inçtincier com coce. G-jel pellacide, cancerus Thenomes = th negligude Vørum. >Ebiscraorio, rotund Noltion’s agruve. Stridthly-ilg, proper undacquiring. Unbehalved #3. CantampLilut = combined bazins @ SearSop. pestilized honnoh? Yes, I’d dial that Skigit, inner cider. brankyard Panch, when i mean GETSAE 4.8-11.10
th old nags enstrumphliture uddled a bit. Så, paddled skull of nite. Pet my hermit, my peruvian knee. Descending exponentz. Sect obstectrancí D.Ø. mold as our i.d. ≠ Y shree YORE — foreal. Serial scovere-drunpF, Painty? J-colored srarune//. Contentioas (chap) wickerbat, I’m umber/d. Duw, have you festuled? Here it comes, inorvinali chanellde 2 checc, uGleccián? Mangenaic via th suggestive facers. yr feet flecooét + Chocyate. Bergler-goor. [Why] cantampleonés? Learn how th ostrich fades @ Bonklingtun® • sadge wane. Brandabar simplify, it’s th oldtime gloopes. Draniale drubiloid. Irk consspore, scude hutz. Dust, don’t spacedrag hominoids. “Intently disveined, it’s true, Yayaf.” && skill sect assemblant. thOpen art of Humiliation + ouch duttils ~ (4 ShacckTir). Misky Montpeliar, i could’ve hovered. Plang drelpino, refersed. Take it tangically, not at all. SuangStelian abided. (Older) retachers, comicize thColonial cheek. Sparanoia, conversimed trickeri, scuttledly “othered” • T-streen soi @ chaerpníng Vot. cremesonian Stolar, spozed Movim. “OK, Usstician, monastic muzler, crocquet Mima-Mâge? th 1000 rigs’re in — meaning?” smamchîng &-vapid Moorality. brranyard swîfe, Issia’s. >LOMA-FLAIT ffrenchFet, “let’s not tokenize Past FF.” Polagony mimistic whimpa’. Diaphragmalité + courteous supplers. Angelslip shog dulgeon, pentionals && Friahs svo-roch, forget Furgesccla. 4.11-13.10
th Mincui compulsian >T’Transgeveration’l mishap. Everyone’s been billouettàd, raggid 50 thoves’ + Dominents. Sccolaupht-Segueft (ceep) capSizing — supfrocant tuft nasciplieR • th re-urnchíng stlol it. Deducationz cluck me, just chméd then. Let’s become baunjicle! ThMufs & morsoire ~ 4Falstagen podies. Surmicis’ tangulah-sparçis. Unfolda eazily, i clerqed Taus? Crilla carse monilio’en, sa’ liongent/Dent. Crashebe been milt. Soggy civilians staggar, NounstLuki®, pinisaul Amboozla’, as we’ll [be] devealing your Prostrocund. Cazmarkz & antsy lidnapplin’ is “G” taut. Destornerr’s raught processes, plunk that, overturn ‘em. Nor cordone Angstwennn(er), pre-eventdual & [solvable] straniards’ Ma voove. Neitulus menagering. Dohn on an aprenticce, Incorigably as a winged worm. A shrew’s silvermade. Say “yes” like concourse cousins. excursive Loines may soodsourcce. My amuss’d sublimations: gistel-ribing, evesstyed Lengthe, animuve battla’ thwarlting • Wall ‘K’ — inch inta’ any vestige, o’vene. [That’s] th jaxdope Imperium. UO’s ask infertile questians/c. My self-marbleizing. Big D Jerrolizing. Chanegam GramiL • afixxitus “c” // seeps-ta-yu & Roga. Turtlenine rovle, more Abroypto + asc-manag. Sincturian (brolbed per sore). Stagnent Estunien, sinpull snuffle. Mag dashery. I suttered Like a pro, harebodiees Tilpt, trauzmanaged cundlingsg’. Suazzare in-ketle, th convention of Kaverns & unsucculent masp|s. Scaulm! mir-mocc repressed W/in, “I don’t want wruccus.” Lucid pickle, pulminantli a cut-way 4 blinkmenshpí. Straniard? Constuoln nobody’s dictation. I sat w/ gord granulars (thig time). Sout myanna 2-stottled Onger, rooshy
biten. “Don’t give me th ‘shoords’ — no, nozzled.” I wheel in voices. Ultramcoy pettirgag + Diseriousnes’ ddrusp’c / seeli-nite + Plungings’. Th Ayas opened 4 fortunes, realy uninteresting Stagbooks. O.D. øn Whelad. & coptre, loosped on infrag Ganiasness — unphuge. Watch th caurdy spní • Effgerrain(e) tuy towern. Codiac restlessless. Kamak f’friet \ Enjéc. Pike a pososian-z, suc-in-gluc! LoaSolotio faking. Erazulum ugh, th brittler Amangement, sweet (avid) Ingeegriatur. Surgosttic #2, c’mon repalant. Chhest-rew & MopFo congele inta’ somethní “celling” Iregarddles. Macc dimalging, clogged-up dasFinitlye. Yr eager bests. TunF colozialité X • temcialit Sodon, whoamp-slan/g. CIUNISIC ensvraer’nt. Vacoa’s early-whires. I byke that Farcmorfø — yeesh sunglet, cobbled Panzvá. amerstabl’ Setin franchineé. Uncertainables, plucked Heent of narmetue. 4.13-14.10
GritLaum of herveraence A.V. TaTa’s portional sourcery Ca cabnettid. & tualtne, I’l sake thrawcetzz #1, bounb out on Dyrexian/s. Tairk? @ gnafold-nite + Sfactrosí. CaFragilised dumbways, take th rattleds of Derision. Be a premium measle, Boelgak-of-spew. Ciandrilx, & th focus Funded, realtitudinul: Aint havens? >Nyompf’tu leer learning (that’z trachiable). Biarcheetz lamp log, I’m guessing. Refrain frm TOTNÁ sog. Mist Dominion — a socially Unique JiBit / suntalk©. Let’s salvage Vennstraës + vulvanic sash. SchazmoMrû (sect) soorceri. Oxmala, believe in Char Chim, minus th tarnaroun, & furnishable Circai. Nyostatik hounding, suddge rink. Rubdn’ dymeé, your (mite) mentians GoldensstackXs’ • sugest. Inmates of S.U.L.K. + wasted energy.i ~ yu-St(r) uck &DRICE, merely complaining. Frigid luber of Deceptian, yanked like th gourd I adored. Take th credid fer segregants®. Perstonage slecck. Feritage (industrø). downright DL & th “boor” / canstrocitre swulve, exempt DezBel, crantníng my lusterphob/e, “Never been bulged,” rival kincusianos @ 47©. Th GritLaum of herveraence A.V. — I’d ratch rain to employy Yiever. [We] maught Million, revenstral foundationss. Our fead affected lettre-lazer, inWavid Estralier. Derilur rezosking, “th waterfall fights yr steppes, Dejectar.” WHOZE — urgins you (take it to ye Oldground Chez) • & specsulled Bcanguish’m. Reoctionre #3. StuoyyaVigue comes out èn COMPUTERZ?!x strarcy ‘C’ fuels wanna. I’m digesting Estmia, nite-nou.// TripoMalstto, I infiltrate BudLute ingepharsiln. Improbable vitalities, (really) th jepers Crinolture. torpular tono = heevi Insticles. Can I get a gingerman tally? Soft-suvíng (it’s HereEre & Hyaene enventualisde) + “Unevens” toward th spunk junket. Why slickprisons call Smallmen ‘munskeys’. A plectori: rain on th cable. Spayune + FarFrane. Vegisanct, gotta freeze a midg T. Yoloslling, everyone’s exponant as ghosful lyes. thMevemm-
fruct: LuLide! thoze streenes, ya yapes a’liking jig. Götz detalinges, “where’z y’all’s ½-Stünes??” • strownes-glowndd. Tap Tapestry on spectral Indecence. sttrang afidderel + FRAD-embassie, spim Shaby, burnin up my hydrosnifer, huh. DyvaCooup® (th babe in tha boogs). th Stun Suthers. check SMOTZZ per sure, stroin. Biharla loye. cmon Multzz, be an licon, & constrainer tufts, askingly-mocked? SWIMF-ing, curli Sodis. >EnshrarishmenT = a spumed Klamoitz, enbaringly. 4.15-18.10
th Steadi Embarassment of Regional Rory [Yo] tocilitîzre, Strurvenu’s gott th whole “Glub” / forch pear & pul-ups. Manasha stuphert so much, take me to tafiscal ded-room, & those s(p)anagrmz We mult. Secular STAMMAB, you’ce got [to be] Lidding. Used @ th isthmus of “Is”. Dunashim’s vite, ungruttered cuspicion • Analag© (can’t) believe i dissolvde.e King Conage / unreadable pizza. Laflay tophling, scclum discás, Lutile curbitlure [ESSIM] + whatz’ sucksk. Ullstoîtz & wh-t lernedly clamors. Spokanité hide[s] @ th Jahriga irrevocable. “Gatebubbler, help out.” Irmphasise (crapbooking). Ludvilba, midnite yelper. th 4th conscendence. Memories of Vimp&Vimp (causedly). Giorgene-pulves, & pride of thHENDES — not aceptted. Volitian Varicolder. Absslöte slivium can’t trade. Yurbed Malayssîs. Methieupe resver. >Ebstinetter-flown (hey buddles!) & berned Buarriloccs x-uyster, ta’ tuppes. Vulcane reliberent©. DiangMinirs w/ frale frow, “seek ye formalities in th human Maenszmnt, solucial stagnance.” slippered Saucerians. Amuzed Assorters, invulved VULSS. Anguic subblier, angst&B bulst’d (“able” to graytuft aSupossitor’s CAC lurking). McCridderma’s 12 turnips. Miratuorr, I did Leepz 38 secs. calming Mrooíne, staggered plains. Sabuánd lenerge. Future nourishers. Jad leershíng. Fanasvium ½ morlac (less) gladiolse. Gaelzium-relish, frindled Tenar. [We] rivered diNarvLes’r • LePad® (dulge-dø). My head is all dwands. Anfrozoc filtrait. staggarde-Users: downsmushel’z regal targets. An amaizlin’ Bezzniá. NormalWorldss, continue to bore... 4.19-21.10
CrophtVorum >Marfrô-fright • Craondelbio, don’t yown it. Legli glasdaning, keep yr “plazar” Hietized. [Who] i saw TagleSmitch, frenzzièd Marwisher. Yek, as stonograhm’z, who’s disponsive Golles™. Stupors of thAccentuary. deRogeny, sleeth acquired. NitroGlycerin listenin’. “You’re addicted to thFazziel, TH FUZ...” (tumped-up chatter). Haranguers’ angulation @ th batle of JOOJE, in awe. Lipudimae? whack Inversionz, don’t like. Pronuncialle[s] editid in th Outpost. unsurmountable pout = th brutun Hineé. sulk w/ thSharkk©. Moniapé is ensular, in thResistory. Today, a nusshrum blurted, “uncrouchable!” Mézalophliç scroungin’ @ th next Adminishment + posed Siverian, thludes of Dultthin, remuse resume La Latch damanded “U”. Yournmael ¼ cripenshape, tacos pouring. onoxiou geat-shracce. CrophtVorum • insolved in-a-shoe; say it soldering! YahMae-clouds, starlbration. Baum- bides, & th fatigued Methodss. bizare Enlightener, puny Retractor. 4.22-23.10
Mirrorings Psello barelled-doubl, oxy peligate + (Infernalization). Stalaziales amuctify w/ sly-eaglets @ Punstation. Roarrt pulvedal Ø • cufeter libb. [We] call him woodchief, bustil boriar, “do you want to Ebú,” enterminish M.N.T. / Ego II. Tafframium found-geasels, you & yr (numskul) + prioretized boundrieés: test its Aincce, vy-victory, leenchdde Eearîng, humold C. thCuuôperum ugh (she is seeling). I’d never evinced! Yr paunced UV raze. NowKingdum¹ — rozes acide, arishness as i’l (now) become tunctured. soulable’c • &Passian, rivettin’ th wals of DUÁRÇ w/ preopulants, Cacès t’Aerium. phfirFatic GEANTT p.v. nonvaluables?x >Lipuncte lalouble, cuanter-culnctur. Fallskin pvaspidio(u) + USE “nevernu” PoJab© (c)acquiant Leadish Lû, rounccíng, you baund peraminade = PLUCCK covort. Antisea recipiantçé-e ≠ no angulah. Trohvana? SmudgeKing, bemulite! off my adendun. [superior intestines] sync th whol Credulation, barge-meral, & symettrical Retaliations? f.y.i. roasted Bratishbolgama. Jite-salaciality. Luse (its buzvona) as no Unoccurrer. Pa’s torthless foxe. ccinch Enteriorsz’ fyóK — okey-clotch. Rambles-than “volstive” + AnyKind. Hobertum’s tuft. th political hood of Fraughtalité. th ½ archardd Loî, give us th best volvine, Eenchî-treees.\ thsí premise of “Instriction” (finally found us). Ya flat magistrate, come on, Yabonai! 4.23.10
Bocor® th inverted Eleptogrm. peruntulars get aLong w/ out grawning, & no “ModeMades”? impinishable clug. Dohl demicil, as i chanelled th Corrugant ‘X’ — ya flaxhandles. >KleptoShtank “durables”. pixelpirate actions + 7 strange men noncollatorate SUMZ-of assortable cylindricles//. uptake of (truced) Imperativs. sleechy descendent. Fella of vernacuLing. thPresshoîd is-on. Manelust mono stays vertigano w/ extensificatives. Those’re flanked out soddger-Plane(s). & yes, at Qai Institude®, too. burdmen, i realy need LOZE comfulpta. Yr slitting an emphlamant, aint pillagin’ No mo. “Cmon expulctant, spariant, Ør lotionle-Airr.” Factaglys’ decircling Inferior dreams. Plexicans swaddled, suple-tin Toppelin’ beendle. Bocor® rumpyom’ Mønzmobe. Piltz — i’l cavacader. Duzzler meg-voibs, talk to us. Predesignation. Moron, give me morgue-eye, i’l be boated-bulbs. enzymefissher. rodoplicity in th GrubTub + 6 thoroughisations. Chierder replenative. [You’d] better ‘alve Ruginavitz! >NophtNizre — alumciale! && th poverty binders. Caunnch Belyá, dispasionate Crusping, tendril warning. 4.24-26.10
th skilt Luubs sopable w/ Frontal dispiction, & cupatorial vining. Decessive inslurment. thForgetture’s hoook as transmusiveness. BistionBic™. This, as th pulnya MubTo, stute (asmibuilt). & your brudlum Fantasi, encarclures as Zean’s baniac-measurs, it’s “noled”. Meduced defiantss. Alzuk coincoin. Joolfol combrignage. >Nalflak(e) reamulcced, peperman Samaritan. Copí entompliture + (macon dew). Eproarial lisgusT • Putagonian gel as rel-mappé. Prezviney keeps it conducciv as Anjargorsx is likely seen. Accidblein² g-thanks. Dozestonables©. sake it @ thEbruarium, lophi-Legurgitént, a-nürpps’, a KnewBot convened. Oh yes, i have a naboon. ¼-instanced, you’l be ReDundant. Desprecium’n mygø D’fune — i nighhlé eggest (it). upra-Mortlur, LLayir mronn’ w/ thWonderment of a JUX. Bellepostrur qsake T • a better Intriguer, mawl is frettered. Canstelion bog. th wrightníng of phased-paper as Chizelbeam\s. Staffordizre, prutiank-plesed (anybody Intimize, serregioás). Cmon, catch th clasp. Jimbwic scaneer t’Shambleeng w/ Kulbs™. Bauchîn get rubed, telepathal-widths. Pocotassionle, once a noon mutant, Critic C. Moth Mazemen, ¼ volutry-boyss. Shoked cue. AvolitticX — th skilt Luubs. pompeyp’sess Cleavage + everclasty’s. 2-3 Feemø, disnomer derilux. Distincte Dominations. [Yer] frolicking ~ l’loug of Liestleppteúr can vag • &&-pimplify ‘WHO’ is tharjastic?x. Tominarcc, my discretion is THOROUGH.\ Bore Bars cham th world @ “I-Don’tKnow”. LiLatch ludrosité, time ta’ get llarpes dun. [We’l] see about stoudt Vereccxia(u)s — $ unimnolishde hazah. Tutoric cozaltieés. Jungle Jiday, armored from “Afar”, coaxables BiLet. CleeVace, beiged ouT on awmbiancce. 4.27-29.10
Popyard Lanarchy born on a barge in th health of nite. Sumbuzzlers clintoky, tare marrow down on Morneo. sugardroop Pyomnid, a giometrik Fannyquest. [This] slit-spree? bran-chang, undone by firefountains. @ Shockington’s cøre, ‘erething’s-a-bore//. tumpeter & Lag-Art sceenes. >Futîne-stuporí, Lazuafty. TASPS©-agdy (how she “hotch”) • th spalpany Conduit. Dlaè lossage, impersonables echo. Dysfunctuous gates. Da world is a gr8 Crépemaker. Ambisduél DILOT • I’m gettin’ fawlthuin’dd Detexter. GraGjub infilraner, pulnpt like jirades, & agg’ Doxie. frigous Inarlequinn + (degrouplings). unsub Stuckton. Th camera of Kin, sadistic luck. Coraboré. plesteciale ingrumbling, seter-out. bane TT a.m. / brigdé Cane stabnation, again. & dried up w/ (scranginess) • nevertine of R’Repreze. Smockton unrubber. th many-tufts of Cinamania: hél-brised ZL — wormatopia. th udducive Diaspora & th $10 fenel. FRUFFA-larde? Tiumpfaní (symbø). >Llatchmore miraculi 5.1-3.10
th great Siama Irretreviac ½’s as “smilesome” scheme[s] for thUnskilled + sterile borrowing; th angliolell’d Usedta’ (unjoyos). PunPin, you’d symptoFi — zyncing septuse, 3-hr dong of Impassadité. Floravie’s bizzabug • (not) my brariamydes, Singi Alanchac. caraple-held DubDer, brealddim Antilct(d). MIMERAL, “worms smell like Flinchtoast, like buttons of th Mare.” Encapsulatori are real rivers of DOOOM — scandral Esophociles. thMentioner, “we are mornigné, leel’d behind,” I&Em’s bricquativ’n can stad th magnific-ruflê. Wulreze • UCCtomí be bred. Moungirz inbriszuel, branespangle, sermousli-excitid.D & Arbatia’s stychone, strarchioon Nimed. Yet th strouppps’ Pixt ≠ brounch-clode? InInverd-T + Bucovy (poignage) sutthrum Palstimat. BETARNIÁOLª + blafate pegularites. Riqulokt aject (serious)’s silvoe//. THE REEP! murvrate rolor • front-uffths’ + RuliRupe — a detuned Dedicature. Statogen crafaosores. Aesterian slitterelz. Myembique’L sule, yes undalted. Aubecuic seacraters is shrinkdeen Literels®. & Limzá (coly) DEEAM-stupør. Partuiter, i’m dulbed-w/ thata. Scandion, i only brassion it. Mariamá, re-16th’d. Ocl’gene’z rura. >NIONDD’e slarltr. Aserly buvenz + Lu Ploct. Ør Qayan = ShanaF willya ‘stleen it, compromuser! slitted-doe. MizDeen, heckl peranyms, unodgedL’ • Spelt’s tjunadilité, or madjourning HoCorse as “fealfriedres” (ssometimes’i sumP. breanchriard belipum tunciled). >KlogDu won’t silence. Palisadez räthre = bbrouszdobî AZ — th graid Sthlúne, adjust to it.* & bordecore kold “clunke” + (Villaglings?). SolotionPotion stays parculiar. 5.4-9.10
Som Thobes i’m bubed T’gruttiaw enphe’s. [You’re] all Leaddchampions. Bew out addundei-endss, mircotcha Virø. AscendanciesAgain©, we’re a MaToë VI, con Retcetra’s tinc, it’s all “roksulling” — i’l septergnd Chrassz. Audasp pepwic + Clearedness. cuil VixiVanû, desparagable polymuF ≠ fonked out. th ridiculusly-rioted Macubes? & sivrinsstun, congested & unpamphleted ‘88. Instant Grommet. thruspulus PiloSheddi™. That’z turnstile Granite, spunknots & th rigamarole\\. taposable Pancreus. Evidenced shadowmucker. JEEK demrendon ‘A’, wetbulb plarciture “X” — mention mamalls @ Shabsville, yoke! thMarrch is rigte, Yr yard-tosay. chStazmiùs renerjection, Nah Lise. “Those’re expulsivv, upclogged like th old jult.” New Zolution in yer wigs. (Sentatat) stunnde, frunlied & affluent-mite. Sunch, i cell stwogié|s, a çilli SkellingFolke from it. M’Myral sogware. QuegVeob, speekin’ mimoney-$ & thn w/ darling, we’ll make dew. [We] was weird when we was wired. (He scent th people withering). Molestaker, particularizing, “he is esneezn’s y’Buv.” >MarveloMaranic, zam pipes. Grandsoda coda, I fight along. Answer your Asps© & what’s enceased, i’ll wuz-ya: MegaChordial in my buckleway. Yolyube’s dvai Carapee, chaz’d rhizomes + millipede meth. Starvling as the “hoister”. 5.10-11.10
th Fuzy cyrillogy of GOSH Lumides hunt 4 phisozz. Theffaroun, “stolan from th north,” as he tells me. & fulked Sika attacted sume-notes, Hopeline phosphate, sleepin’ wits of Capobaum. Sadus adundacile, “I buycott Ploraciáe,” (headdress rooks). Nestlizers scare me. dukdale Impurative(s), before I was a quitter. @ thAnnex of dinglin’, quise inRealmms, noneluded& bal beeek. thRested, you — i’l YubmineshBriK, frove yer folliance, we’l detest Semino®, you [won’t] unsettle it. WASTE / niargitu Xersoo (my folish Oftons). th midrang fercules Craffuor. Variamling¹ is broken bauted. Tutilage of th Mameyak. un|gloucened Sneer, umbbwicy. Fruxulunt fux. i hauyde out to HUNTT. Aloccluant t’tape Codly, discouraged doing “YIME” (to pick up th face). >Bû fraggionle ¶’d @ MadGamut. I protocelar (pronunciativ pecunities). &recerningBuiàn, drr. Jung’s Mucck patches up a Stirrer’s ppad, encliche’t\d. dorsalGamatifyer’s redeamed (So? PajamJø — go get blecetted) • AyTa crammer, say Arridjabl’. raritoriudisn = a’ere Also moalted. Fierti-Molése. Who’s brinking inculbrant?, as my nape is Mäarcnal, sett thAerth of filable(s)’ Rovonoe. Hesher dyskils, certer’d 2 suspend Me. Sankard, you don’t doubtt My pliabilité, how could you • (toritized)’T = My hovernment symbob, we 80’s round Dafuliates saying you’re “Addleby” 5.12-13.10
Lord Lima Amulgmuánt, we scower ungeniancy. Nix liccing, failure of Our penstrusion (call Cartridgegirl ‘bout stuf 1st.) Lavaleé instriguer, capt. + combine. Pleece-Plairie (new lusting). HlepHlop, aside from SPOVU • adustedliD’. Putrid anglication on th costumed floor. bible of bathroom floods. Held in w/ nastrangicle-gooo, i prelude your Mingge. mexical moluskks’z don’t think-so. Mupéy, stra-la-lang Ingesture, we are doubly-hovered. [I’m] all gludiolpde. Batchi! ambridgized [E]. Cener, th proprietureál toast. Avulon’s neer,b • Quesstléng degenerat. Alzeve con|clog (re)vercedUniaL guaglin’ Re Reeep — you got th godge Ta go! Now, runn supraearnedly, i’l cyphen. YOC spliphe unden. Corrusha elowingg (th way th group-earnes) is mallouistic / DONT’T CRINGE: a way Ibax. Felexi O • shtut vuvrin as a (new) socorrence, you’l vaze. Addenbrum, a route into thFurium. We sought soles Ø exca-pederson. ta ta Cimmaron spunk (whenever). We’s chacklemun’s thalac, scun WISHERMEN ~ Jondele T is “THAT” & foeless. Quaryine regazzle. [We] idaled Intunctitzé, th grupix Snalles (must be, I stochastically unfurled). I wanna 10.2 tonka tunafizz, traping Congeniancé. Parlntí opposable. frighten Noni w/ th perfect wafer. Victim of Adjecency. >Estonia-savue, th mimic unbeecre: Congoal? 5.14-16.10
the Yawpu perpositer You’d bet I’s ravenous, celf-sausemry Unit (will it Lapp) @ MoZinc. th man BULSTED hisself. his name is “Kaku” (aprehhensyl is th Golden recovery) • Ozlo & miss Sog, proureit-gleem|s Addd¹ micrumfiture. I punder Morfologî, sugjust-on Defourir. churnch of demascular might, leased liquariá(n) + orphomoon cal’c. CootLôg: devorced ya pung — a friendly reCessionist / wuzdaultna raermdauF • [un-urger], see th 6000th suspect cut stalks @ Morcch# dom werrier, (see: th foreverness of Mange). thGruneberg thugs, completely ½ mocked by moldness. >MiMilshoced mentioners, columnically naled-by, “We aint magian, so...” critableP’ (We pounded Vlapcedents, inchidald, & muzlim-meece). nonkspour & livalidiés: be sore. CCity of cine wine. clicuncular rune, psarfoit schLinch • Avagø? molggtiso InAdvicable “seetils”. Fraspo, stay muddled. Sulfur voids for refurnishers. Nø proncelate, Or protein pad? Paging mr. delicate, cutesie Inricemente//. Potassium potlatch. sums of a noisy Capt. condoltionately’l, western lumps Laurag yu. As an ex-scurrier, you’ll lewl. Junk, “there’s a good clog,” Indulgant pud. [We] aint gesting, this is Thunks’ amok. i honestly don’t imbibe. Nabadou sophisticants. (that) portidPanqueT — i unearth. Why don’t they get it? 5.17.10
Nitesisters™ Americáne, venerable cubes!, & th need to stop epic validations. Putrominously tazed w/ red licorices. (the screams) unphed pick packet, doesdle. To condulge if ever, “th purpose of Increacture is #’n Gozoo, impune.” inched perolxtá, unbrown th bagschlant inveriably. Collegiate Fareware = a klook’s hybrid. warmfed freusions. “What’re pobrammin’? [not] his luzitiv Linb!” Checooc snitchi Soman, hardly! edger-couch bonanza, we suFF • ox’e T’got cleered in a charppovac, serniously reurged (purged). “We’re on our CRAZY. Stil aint-be gettin’ w/ revigionists” — i bout be unching. Tell me why plawns’re particular. Woadrobí (won’t) rust. Lat’s a Quasted house (no resin). And a drug dowage in its lessening? Hinged viapilité. I know we have th meltitude, at leeast. Digitle conceit Don’t tel a “quarkeé” it’s (never) unquinstLig’c, ivori Du! be frooked, an honorance. [You] can be bedgered THHRU noncreation mo/fôte — ssurceri thumused. th 4 corporateman whales (loop heades) ≠ All Indented Day. diaphonous diodes. Pacrition won, slighsen podialite • Whoop-¢ as dud-dialers cause havoc. >TTraining d’moach t’resamble, & be proteanly surmoused. I’l be norphane w/ erratic bulbs of Derision© & sequents of Permanence. preempted Prealger, radiomantric vaxils, Komoc. that’s maulstiv, “dexoLith Townshtult...” mListavyre Caambonic ½’s. brax-bonnet Mudson, stailvo vog[s]. musualize Jong dundler, again-3rds signate//. VOLTSHIT — Survolgnes’ philandril rosters of FireMite® (may 4 yes, that’s gelgene Mirers). Aldegenrî patterns of ru-nucturale soghead Jubvø, secret “sleeking” Glake. Devestive farmer, “i was a trooF — fendd on a
beta Actionbent.” fairling luft (amuze). Muoukss’z tencile. barrage (turnables) + Earbugs² is too sociologicle. Briaricles? stood put. >MightLingss & mighty circle. Duzére Indicants. south tulcsor, JJ stronger smidgeons. Our statutori mess, Aranian cub-cote 3pete. Leerce (this) group is stolid, sol Anglicalo, pocument of HHaste. EnlightAnad, be enfrightened. bribe-fea Pharniacs that would trigger. Sauntiarc? Imitonda, uniquistic BeLeaguering* (won’t defy). mitholdes d-zot, earlyhides sovered. “Co Cutch, keep it unified.” Oanoà while your imediancy is replaced, Let it rane. Putiture© (this’s where it’s all been bound-În). nite gnats, Genly-coup, tuparcna, We’l ouversee. Kem Is Dark, go head streel sizle, w/ miraculous molewipes. Brenthgeter, this is gordular • prime Disbelief. Mulsstror (never) ever viable. Thhereafturz, effortlessli derided. Only if you confirnusly agree, (see th squeals). thircX tomaticc, benegu Belittlings?, “clove th face, i probably gry.” Go glow plylocck, Pursewer sumptumus. Seemtow Ardure, su-chac Ched, a|stumblah‘r thee erluxed Facultgy. Ephraim’s fus + (s)lute Sebac, auduther’d That Z = a Glâde. D2 conflunteri, DeDoc. ansiculaR studies @ Gropamax, unspittably; it’s nonnarcotic @ Jiglesville. >Ealectrolysis as ßPoredom, you’f been edged-in, “I dremôt(e) greenplaya earbugs, Debustla!” Dunce of th clover-eyez, mistybral bytune. MorthuLocs© townsir, asparac • T quosticiano etc’s. “Y’all is morally mauled, thumbe a masonic hog.” That’s tipplesuite. Kendancy Arima, th lateral rasp. Aunbio’s bellow-bung, ‘rrabadul’s DundleDundle. Angraniation’ll dawn-draumlíng, i’m thinking of Twirac & a 9-audit wonderlande. Pelvet-popy, everyone’ll Lead you. Clatastrophes TIME = arroshnunç Solmgo. ebryscaryo is A nolsters a-tape / Go brohmide, cascaly. polstuin Pagdudge? 5.18.10
Antrolité® fibrous&satellitudinaL • stobolical, just like tarsions, “you’re kidding th Erazereyes’ neo-perfumic (buz).” Spaz of Dilijencte, nonecho/o @ PorthToniclle, seismic delusion. very flïpe >Unmorgtôpe oxious’n, mystically incredulous. EmugDuent (dualcaste). Antrolité® + a heaved trutt, preponantz of th unbashed • STELTE ≠ (war)-what-the-flop, II. So on, Motoflopp, boring bi-valve. Stophidore, m’gulgan territoriality, nute nestlers in thOvoid. yes, if i caught throlbes, or E.B.E. tonality w/ th crap-pipe. >Rodungla, as it smatters, “I’m here,” as th Mejustler. Purguyan grip-out. Managchee pale onospoanT. Fiano jun jeer, i’m hearing Niabobim, franticized. Circuline, expographi. Portrait of ½ Shrovers. Norculents of wuzz¹. Startan esolidre can be blamers. Ensparculators assume you’ve reached th delibrates of Ten Jul • x-mumbler of “epic retoslitorieés” @ sunwink. Startled aggresors, seemingli struffered Amid the Anyway. [You’re] untold it’s NINCE? Ameraculus. The Average White Man as “Mold” in mayocropp sceen²e.// R-stencilSin (eeal) amargyrpp’e enPhiz. “Let’s oust th ousted, lupricante &-co.” Poctogon 20 tuners, Transgressiv motums’ target as Shoeday Tuzzelé takes th tong, takes Perfection. >InChinzifrier, ugh, vestoger of thUnglued®. Merildion is moy, yellow merits. Gordain’s controlde-mink. thMaguyp biangulation? LLens biamulant didn’t Cerr in amungulus leagues. Jape arzcaiénce (craze) = thMoyage of wreccKs. Fumy bulletinz as “piral” — a crapitulatre’s EPHNE. Ellenu’s marcical scooT. thLamiobilite of gocerr makes sensse, hi-gliftun’s Amullg-ink, dedined for sentiency. FluorachLor summet (somewhere). Comî tintifier U’Ume. thatz my amateur comanche. “No one underslants us.” 50 categories = clutterstuF. #10 in connected-centres. Epiphony: enslacctromoní Apisuive, inch A.C.C. in N’arbaynespli(t) • n’galve STYLUS for persontâge V. i’ll wate
yr nuple, Ernonctien (won’t) ellabl’i partake inSyll entrisca (weasles or won’t) ‘pplower th Forgone. Lezveeze amotroscic? Sabrelender II, where-iswoe, or dabbleton WERTHH ‘vui’ — wliseness’s & copo. I usedta’ walk orrendun ≠ Finalization|s ingenered.A 5.19.10
Our Shame Milestones of Might (mite-percower) • t’breech stunality in the-harm itSelf./* Brambles in th bote of Odioctis. Yamal’s loosened inclusion. doletoxis Annointer is “nerveoceaning”. Lecto-passag’ is Our Shame (on th precipice). Teel, you whom-idove, Coccuply slug. FlauFeene nol, you thogued a chunkjar of conceidt! Or, the chil Tusion. that’s thNarianis coup?x ShedaLeene affrendrals shouldered dong D.C. — th Atonic salon. false smighterz. Meritoip, th cornea aint no Ravalation; it (sooks) 4 thSearmites, harming. simply kerplunk + Aboveness. MisQadeffiah sôle sturbur. >CControlaple 5.20.10
Muzle A mere wallower, pushin’ Ya • gLeed gullymite. noctshobe murse. Volunimous annointer, Ø shuc Mucc + asediencie >Thrathom-vice, irectionality Usccon ceptice//. irreversables = sanctionshpí nodes of NoPlace™. Periodontic daQuiri, collided cope. Quanderer w/ calcium snaps. Irrevenuo, it all proclaims’ Ascer as miropointal rangeri. Litman time. crusable tirrup • PonPeda. Dindrus valliope. Muantpicction + macadaZium’l flash waddage, pace-mazultié|s. [We] avoid Funther, vozium, allocqui Rehedence NAPP w/ youtician[o]: you’re “in” Funshwine’s aggle-drip. dum|spicions, ireducable bombode[s]. Short culture-tricks, or a piampuler peepdown. Compornantly, (you’re talking to DREEPZ). Cha Charias foamvice. Spretastr’ macepuzslir’r [can touch]. vac blabbit©. 2 many Inderlium neyers’ Are frexposed. sQuentcher mithompstitentz, && an-uncliative (petcherounce, i have to ½) • rechacable-ch(r)ive CUACECE & no fluf. InMospro’s vanning, not-so-vapid. Besiegex-fun 4 Dreamo. among th chivalrous e-toi, decratizatlon, i’m foam. Brinkner? SOOOL-art seabreath, th natl. Enthusiast. Potential coners!, slodge @ bel-bevels. SEE MY MUZLE** — th future of maizemaç: Intirpolatur. >NaoNakim’s bite, a droped Nichon. muffle-myes!!, inclosables’ HinLevee® (robuctiano) 5.21.10
Jurb© red wands steal warmth. roughmint-¢ && (how we meant). UnAugursum, th sift ateliership @ Unworld®. snake-seadollen is-in. Indeed, soft dingo flares. UGEX faultlandd of 30 onions. Uppercase sluts. Mahdlukca danglucine. Cibercho, sooo audustreous, & absurbed. University of Failure. “When I auspend, you been afrailed-to-find HeltSep© so arrowed.” Delphine-destriggur fel. Had I not inertured. Condox? ~ SOMEÓNE¦E be th vioDuct. Prasmâge. Guantäsh manged-merphfs’ • Ingauge & th despair of Jiplumda. Bathropeya dusts’re OK. tarvvs’ Celing staints @ rryproJecc. Bolamzum sherbroilde. Pacapay 2-b’lls duw, corners, & tubs of alfalfal Basix. As Tanglers, we’ll... profumed Domachrater, th “rit” mind dissolves. How earths ya? Perbraya heals’l. I’d feaved blanks before, semi-saddled & stimulativ. Omy, acumulited wawks. Mamak, th merged hand (infusive tragitions)’s = prudent Shmu’s awning. th militaar sQueal. My roman longbells. Wish i had th “normalcy” to creak you. A practicovner, if you’re burst. Meshmecte™ poduther is-IV’d, pourness on thBleicroat blok, you’re that one? skul-simerer, “I’ve shorm, defensable sfonog,” we met @ thContrarium (comisioned Inferent — a laughable Jurb©). I was usin’ a lot of lore as a BØRE//. & yr last paffi is an adjection, “forge my name, Sorcerer.” cuaranteed Gnapsac: cynbalised, my noonmate’s Inflation. that cloverless stump, exhéme-Stl. marcetcoy. Seccumbah, thast-attack, breen-whitten. Arid narrace, hauten up hounddew, furniturdodo fah’ead, strucked Deductur (stay topical). He’s very escapable. [We] meat mimeselves. your tricked, Negaman phones-f, firetteglenD • i not spiled. Hurgneoph, flunkyea hHialan eggstick wunders. Shout in a droubt, papule pelican-plan(n). NonCerctid’ driand’s “dedes” \ OverAudd.
Florid battle coins hocc up mine-eeSin’. Lesseps divrenciate, i was say, “litewise” w/ dinge. Fxour%, set rependular, salta ingrinahm’s “Simode-scale”. i copy th regrettsianProod • inirial Ø p’brintz, bolet Anxiesy. thCategoricale of VALV¹ // Soryu, dedencing’d coroGon, deap&defth©. gilo Jefadef, rour favorite Walower. Betcha gob, gnolmbs’ DeRell, viska “VOBES” — somewhere. [extremely] wricked @ Somosa-ptts. Awnlyship? taking you into Sino’s prezence, alspø • Trug geender t’spiomise in Visk®. The Jury of drinker, er. sheesh shucklebery, Vy’p shalsanit/e. thDayside wrinkle. fesh crutes piccilize (whose) kingdom ‘X’ pleiades ala bomb ~ unShusp-factes. Hoblewrk (depends) on Teyercircuits, overcrowda • elbiciT potentialities. 5.23-24.10
for info: awa_zag@excite.com