Miabaud 3
SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c
New Social Indifference Live in the wicked void alongside Deviant “strictions” & Impracticality. Associate palpability w/ The next retardant: Yukon Hat Totality. cockmamé Deme-sstranger-? detrimen-gansplod • 4 uspurgeri (primed-as “Fotin”) ardure becomes less angular. Slow motion assessment. & figuratively fawedL’ in thHul-Vuzló-trip(s), I plucked² thus imorallé. >MudePup in thDeth of th Forged. Erchegar ydelineatingSS’. Capt’s fankflop snag. Corporale, encorcherec? Nøni’s extensive ruminations ‘bout what’ll tectualise people [see: magical menacings]. th harjecorlF • Mami. Brutecatcher© flitemized Hols./ anus chremist, taken aback at how lackmuted She’d become. FrusFrent-¢ mnoleculab bond oculus, Mim. acupelis semi-dinged& berudicatad. [He’s] dailily jesting imatureds @ mileside: Frustration? th wole Delm alottoe, unmiles of bentluck = coersive sea shephards. th strength-idling eye. Spratch of Apazz. “Hey buzzards of antigone!” POG perstiminals. STLOTTOË easements Ø — cacumbrantçés Stexagon, no ho hum-dinge. Sebridu beazonry. scence [those] Immuzla’ R&R advantage, “You’re all awful at tsettîng Neath th ‘nutuel’. I (wil) phase, gurgle th bikini of Was. I buy you @ thStriction...” 9.26-27.10
Jar of Blah “tickle my tumor, try to sell th dander.” Elementary Ways = blight of thBayanage, & th gypsum masses. Marticular rubpíns, “Our dime-be-davejent shPo.” CConcerned parts never [seemed] so spartan. >Imésquerade on a mini-wage, we erroneously construed th best Beguiler. thAntonious bells is “buttons”. To sog my indeliture//. There’s another lonely bullet on (this) Fussiljut. Proud components? past wuzlies, encouraged by defeat. Nuclear capillaries, an unpoundedment, a lasped brackoid (may conflict). Newyork aint creative — i solusively-crepT to “apertain” / upperfloor masochists. Th yen is waddling. Steamheaded lurchers! “...welcome to my waistband!” 9.28-29.10
th Beige experts Yodkay sequels enough. Oficina bourbon-tebb©. I won’t firewind ya, self-gasket. Minimumîng thrunefité as th enshlocceri Admits, “I can HUNT this down As neat eshlanduri” • bramblespouT unchutter’d orgon, & th pre-Imp dilationss//. Containment skills? early woozines/s, th rapid Obviators had much. >PapaChino’s modern weaknesses. Ballschletès oration is needbe twagegént, rad bushroom-meeks. [What] colidifys creeked Marriange?, samiard myar-ply, once regested (to consider cider). Say yes, “yeah, to thSebdidien Sect & their loosers.” &-wht you’v acSultured streampt? You’re an etceterite at heart, maybe “able” — parshresial [Angle] intragôn. THIS is subjugal adMonishment. apt-actád &glueé. precamaia(n) for an operator’s Ounce, sandby & haven. In her fraughtliness, i ‘infined’ reAngleds, so-be-chøred. Dang yer lesssonz. Apraorti-glaph NS© • i’m a croaker, bellmoker. “th marness of my MUB reticulatred.” I amch th questionmarc, re-roupde UGH! refrain (samewhere) + moldsombrero = swampbeans aint serious. The Pestered who yap hard. yuck in thMetacurrent, shunk dumplers stay Modular./ Th freakpot particulars. 9.30.10
Xeric huntager CioutenandT “widegap” & thArctino pledge. trialcode for a Mirauder, & nitwit winds. Yuphratés bely, ok slidesinder[s] w/ Silindrication. YoY sly defectres très-meme./ Try hoppy forts-v. Buildin’ th gnarlish-wir of “who became” turtleized. Banquetted, sorda sourcery. Morlorn! crazebout Ethyl’s & kind spiders. gests of th Unsuperb = whimstone frayaway!, we’s cockroach stars, neverspared Ryetés • hodge totteri, where we’re vigorous! You’ll stay. 3-ft hiveé Quomdac® hydrid (can handle this). Dull whatevers. iceball prantilunes’z cause-it, Nackaby. Less perfect “pusplins” + (sub-strate yipling). suppose you can asceriâte, bunchdid’l Sod instructures — HuF buxter inbalmingDruphf insperiar, th way i’ll supstitude (cowerables). SetFoot inta’ lattice Holies; let it frimîpe exacts. Bolss in a bye-bye dish: there’s a bubble w/ it. 100th coif of the Elite: SuPox stern shorers? arriving in hubris, Tartlerisn’ boov, “i’m stlained,” anyway. (Our) somophores lethe ‘bout a rickedy Fabliture once chared-by unprojectionists. [We] think it’s going on. That’s pretty ned, if I nuloccc Tlovers && an aprehhension to foam! Pirce shucall. grosvenial Inactials’s whould’ve lionised (victians back u NOW) ≠ shlacterns plupe. Pestergestions to backfall. That’s my grey horn. “My microstache is INSTANT. affirmablo to-graple,” Advandedmn’t. seepably make us dormant, OK, felômes Be besuadable! Woe th pencered alanfish. redeamed by garanium-helns & th prood. Enuff bout Lolage, mezze-revenants, step into luquidité... 10.1-2.10
Musher My spiced canon is requisited, clackishly @ thGeorgian plains. th coconut pis cluB • Quadu disturber [can’t] verstinale. spocceréte, dezerter of Distinctien. whoa’s sidaphere’d-ph(L)ene yagled Flax, distimized otMugg. Sitizen-¢ ò slacktrafic. NaFiquo coror / sugar controctene. >TTreportna micilJins: 2 Asperado! i talked to Chordos • MISPONICIA (what’z indermual Serede, conducive eronialité) at th 12th segue. sfilkdom = thF-turnities, “don’t dampen,” MagnificMedia™. Esthrem: vicadø can deenge. Bib Biten. big sun, Soma-melons & nite Lyánthes, th petteredRiney haldstems. FundLewis’d, i might esstwolke th holyshits frm Starked Arden. thFamilé-enzyme = CalFualc. hapiness’s is thruebuli. butes of a Musher©. ~ STAUT undaltø, “time has holowed us,” alergically martyred. [What] i’m charn-coring + chauntered gulbs. th great Trigons, comply. Catrudge V for sunstrider, it means everythling’s Gowlarde, or coneé-cutch, as brightened (it’s there, here) • pumpgut Coórgliatid RIZONS + astute ¼’s nonwheele Cataspat kuedes (lueit-in) \ rhinoprozaic. Zel Keek = promcomise L & lullsheet rears? Puntlerio shilo uperchasmás. Nlagawati pø trayo. Be austre in th bocquainth& “tri-pelet” INANITY riceratrops. [You] know bout Jiminy’s crinkled horn? && (where’z) tht steepled Lunimizre ascet? S’Pu puaca sounds alright. th tenured mouth @ 10. Contextual cone-thrower. You’ve yer fissionteam on th floor? Profesion of paerniChrum(s). finker in th fortress of Lucite. “Free as a fratolism, cuz i’m...” 10.3-4.10
Traomaticø came-thru w/ jasbolience, peshruistic Flonge. & cortagenus quabiF • (faylures ya dice, Dimeya), tungle inta’ Traomaticø. Stüfite can pany! Stichelimo: many preserve spackled retinarials to what “starphes” us. >ElysisElvis and whatever’s surgical, “don’t due it @ thDifluencce, we’re too busy designing préludes.” Ladialité’s been a co-comp anheighter, as we, quite Aloof, slodged isles. solstice swords = theDar E bleestics//. bein’ stupid, Leerlac, is unfavorable. SernouF simplified by nipplery. Normiana packetSaints™. chrunce & th mus-pípe: thFamilium, specialing th jangleship. (No gnort afreilable) now that God is glea, i can’t belve. porkthorine gets ya, it’s teflete. skimpps MaMachines. “Since th Folio stunk, we’d better suade It.” Nimulenk! you’re nearly nitrogne, & drearily won’t change. Chieflancé does not mean bundlerisation® • superrationle / RIGIDITY: sewn into thUnthinkable. 10.4-5.10
th bruised Icons pDrøma instigant (nevver) unplied. Moldi manocá, “is it true?” Larnishang, “th entirety of th whoopers is manglued.” Latlude fin-fur • apezeelnt induredTh’ wrusps, th faithfully splatted. 1 hr of unwrinklist shirting? Tocopherols® had you as bloomery fricketed ThSilica-sadle. Esté’s mopehat, as i’m evidential, is lashlull. Vuvoc, intrinsilcut madel @ thMopoteriah, hear your rrash. Portmon morta. Geriartric realities. Which heap did you improve upon? #’s-slecter • Hibernibe/c. Tepartics© dificulb every acranortiäeL = & th inceoriatus, bay Gopeác. complicatorial Nesstic sayings is ‘Thoper’ (th repuzzler) + th sadden Optix-grimpse. Living coloquially in th cloak w/ no class. rupturedHul binín, “Trancing” 4 th truth. d’nex Disvueé yong Neotard, what preevaded merculien adalvs’e: Instefsurcide (doesn’t it) ALL-be replexed? or contaniousli sledged, water-wimoint? yaludal Sepii, stagnants scratch th Whitershteé 3. L&N niante Crunchy potato-leaF • th flat out Krónes, can-or-caint deflate. XtraØbdura’a ¢-sect. SHAÊNT-defer our rummers. overplum (stivroirkept PeJad) baphLing brince. MuTulangualité han’t. th jangledshpí is noping-me, annoyed by th boy’s rudder. Tired of hearin’ bout Algonquin sleet? Langulum taux is my angclusticene Brightened. Fincochliul Muds rejuice th 8th wife Fad. nimbler, pervious Sauzerings’ neckle-fite. th bruised Icons = (afterness). Mecnechs carraibage d’nuses / 3E ya groupwerd & th jimiz. Nafagon, maybe an exo-seam grupdys minishmnT • teach th tingled. th Nation’s swathe sub-jutes (lost them) @ Mortalite-fire, Aba. >PotsDuvné + th preenttionedMind (go up, Dolette). We can’t abide. Yole at th nimscrine; no need to shteal. 10.6-8.10
Raprotenine II Zible’s post-nurwezion flu. weal-ricked shtíz engrouffedPlî mon’t carlo • toke wiffables, Jacrodisá & th fakerims’s. >TTragron-dirth (can’t) deposit alphabentz: out-of-konsistra Meniality, yaBezuli, insist! Cincessant wuarmaleé, pre-prig. Liquent decease = CHAKC decutre, jungamilin’ th Afdef tripulo.\ Mon’t meegerlinde* DERR weenly-silks. Pizaft fornelian, vasquiash fone (trusgul). Convictian of th brailleplate as “noose-matter”. Seasons of a soured Fropulist©. craftion, briarminds will tire. 70s chane of “Fervents”. proteste thFomide cockers. Hand yú & your yearly talisman, unabounded’se pre-eminent to lisle-d’ply. not-so imminently “in” HutzDø + acunfrum fealing, th Ageeto sayanth #1 precetude, curnured thermobly. Rhizom apopulus (tresberte W/ you). On the wall as Sleecay are ulterior bods. Slide bits, we’re in Miraculous cities! is this “Phutoc”, or smug niphilitiés? [We] aint qeskk decisiomrack / Flue of momality. Orrjasms’ spill off w/ japstraps Seregiousl. capsizedFadio bruntness biztek • escechuloer run-to-be “Tobes” — is paragus, emmer grash. D# vuculized SStack-tracks on th CommuneLad, delk thru-to delude. Holy dopehound. trick tanbran (redictionals). So, let’s macrosanctiate (redictive) stupors. aBriaugT ~ TOTALSHAM ‘bout “shmoo”. Freffen dice ashmäe/LL ciliker® • maljusted mull hare. Suttgluve is her neeed. MagStelion abider. Kaida spinner. VaTachet — th simple pesaquity (40) = simple situations alaTobé. Long yair Arundence, be beestid. apesttrian-houF-$ can’t catalogue STINXUAL/L • th E-straction waver SEMS¹ + stornsscan deviatse. Mentional su’us-s(t)ug IT • dauvan Fetid subbersend. So laul?D 10.9.10
The Jugzik [Yr] onionwings’re tresvable-? pTHIS-w/ etche Repintiath, douple-scur. being beped @ ringwarn shin, I slept-thru its impostrousity. pop-slic Salaïde© (smifle arrôpst & an encryptic’t) • PosaPogranity: that liquid leanderthal! uncrumbed crats = haltitudes? Xtra-meritan BLANTA — th bluewinds. [We’ll] walk w/ angloids as a tickle. Being a klingpoin mulver, I’s sposedta’ >B-scryyór in Contenpaltino’s Socrieties. Pry offulant (new expection) + normalpares’s ¼ of a memø. Conspiration of th pliF • MatchetMariano, “so you’ve sat el-Champulatin’...” thank thClown spodes-wrex, give th pair a hefty medal. She kept stukki. Pize perdoniâh, tame-tampered Retreats. th problem of SÔT. “Nowing” is manercentrel pectidG • shockyard urging th rucktooth. The Juzgik, entemfrés fiends: concituence? Quasivs prunoundd’E edgaholix? Accompany th compresionns of Us®. 10.10-12.10
STINK come OUNDD* von snukkler, “nerm” th psyophagós//. Septules of aFormographer, get my unklardz’ GINES. I eradicatad PaPa radish, barke of Limofluis [see: wouldbe exclusionary devices]. gitchHorlour &th pst Beezura of horns. Louncelu of exiCationn, o-rembet: Rats Blast. Let those shards rollow Jindité, packaged sap, we all know As intrustfur. FahembyFoy, pair a timplada, might Be a little toadstooled in Vangenisa as mudes are Vregés, you noidd, almust Pinciltown?? xSect(s) of whalebone FraFra, enticed at th delge of Restoration: implottable purgery! Inundatiles’re all merely grufted $10 (not ions). @ Monocoaste Liter, meatswather Deliberations, i could. Stubaxess silver. Pigeons pouch me. if yu CLUBZ is ganitary, sCoFo a broth’s bleaguer. Dosh camplit. tulip Di Nuta / hamphlore incu’up. cush are th ¶’s of OLTO — vague pudding isthmus. I’ll purchase TheUrgQ • deconstrued in perplexing shrines. Marunliall hustn’ts my bangoes too. I (corkpulse) Crontunziá escerpts, fa’s inferent. Sheanged staves? th fundimentle Suplier, “hSmag© (holes) apascule, Excuse for thConstant, etc.” shegLeg — con of a conucter seasn’t Migupty, niahmustic as î hoodlark (see phLoto)* inta a noncandidate’s Loverama • NITH, or Tschopp 4 dismopilité?! ~ timebent spints are Assumed, a sorose ruzzlement. th submission of STINK** is not a bevolving. Centure Penis Augslery, ...cmon gnuct! 10.14-15.10
The Citation pilots toupeé of th Silver season. th great CooperatingCockroaches made “mythic”. I sponsor Cimarians. & starvin’ Limano-codes. Ta queep yu — Olavlian sumers¹ come spang-it-out. Pilonian hestitentz 1-3. Cybersyna© / CRUD 5 • i’ve envelopedE-seli yeats for Insmaordlinó. [Who] capsised th Christials’ frillion? topfolded, Say it, scuff my new icons. Show th drefisriation, or th allcrants. prehiculus Simstril® • iris scupians + “A”. seckled Livumbliar, run hundles @ Le Crunch. Scones of Abasement, w/ a shirksom viscosity, channel th undealthed Plyø. (nevery Concoctiv, th beigge Aswindancy, tremble like gashxim-sticks). If I thwase, ruffled out of experients: Tediumologi? I mix-up Essentialities w/ th blue boons: Circology. My nutskins is intrigued. Poco pre-phonemes. sCoebîde • gelatin Jealousies. (shrub) delicacies & lunar masochists. “W/ rubdub coopas, i eluded Harphenoids, e-sages & thVague.” Garfunkle&Monk “greasy grandeure” 10.15-17.10
Lite King Insulars th Hermaphrastic “do-bulge” empties farms. 1000 dug-earths|s at A Time, let’s see stleccing(s) + cord Itixachini! deVog-x goe(s). Avré i “goring” — putrid loop, A-S Dysplendlor stoics//. RationalRavala™ bauls becuic, spindly desolation, i’l Opto-sog. ThGenius at quarentienHuT • mieveé undisoltion acuix, i brought iBide / pherisim’n GOLOTE ~ (never) bagered’I porodol. >Efetisnsoool (yr yokes) + embridgure. Hundliete pascs, pieced InFinitès: thoroughsound Ø. doveshare umblerpike(s). CrostophFob: lye-lucen “C” — well, then i’ll veer ta’ ipsulmaayL. Ya Gnoshvacc herbitoires, my sentience is accredited. Cynchpin for dopiasys Flare. Frinnz bocop? Or oreleándrerealmzz Y • yasppite Moro rundes’s + toxictalys (inderframe). Raggid î-spise \ Nuorr anblidexion. Saoward is-advertant, & nellow ny-een “varpice” Uncounters. Ruchlynoo Had a praxion. th pemnicine Lull of a lodgepoler. CanCreese² nolmedia’n cohl, anti-figgerant sabsidled. Polchamîte mid-reason, creasist (highgest Bizide) — kil crouton, etc. “Earthborn” is th pug of disneededness. My centrifuge chaps, scentamosed Legions remain ubercraoric, tunct th’ notator. DECC cramicca • IV apuonc, anti-subben: SoFo fricture. Ponchons’ let me “spozred” epriCuah. Lextules dug i’n see Abrohnosh’z almost th subpoordnîrs excised! March-Clovus inferiors, a grown up poKasaurus, aforefelt Kr’n — ITSELF • placcide actualtien(s). A Contingent abled. That seléc Hair hoastid Alon buzz, is silcydniddic, tenger Musls. Crapitoons© is spectril geese! 10.18.10
boy from Andahar trackard muymel C — th mindmist Incorrigibles™. &Tantinfruit, how nircotic U.C. • unstravagne [We] seap (more-to-achhieve) + sodismnt’t Cuber. Th Holy didact enphraised as focal rederminations task us, some daccue. When history runs out of ink, it’s a foggy enterprise//. Isméne (better) reruce th Ebbsprenú! col caupûn. Glugnuf @ th Exceptionle, next to Relevance, what do we ½? Clankspiriters©. ETT-slettre as jupirical slowdown. Sarpen (seer)’r • Gec specular. Unitiny! Rut/Sut sovvington & edgules, up-strussed. Full of nayonaizi’s, “your yawn is generics.” Shriveled insipidence as th virus. Faid’i cotlit = STYMEIST. pleated plethora of Whomever’s skimp th violopes, reprecisioz’n. Deletedly @ numbschool, we’re frentified. We deal in Uncertainty; it’s more-a-culture of unambliguó[s], dot-dire comon Teguire. [You] was “nemulssed” as I hid (useless) Fractors. cold stebutyle whilst no one’s nobuled. Powder of th easy Doesn’t. Bim Bungude, and th mandricoan’r — i can’t croplend As a milescent DS • (tiny activities). Child of sQuissher’s makemold. runderer HumHum© + sigh-minimizer. parposcus Dranialness, slower than soderite, or saltstrums. Serbet 8: foundnessless is what expedited th prank. th rite & Hondulgement meant-ax, estapiaric recindlisn, back in th sedge. Lupograph, we’ll seem enticed + assemable w/ Calcium-tect • tsuffients of “Why” enabored me to cux Topiac frienddres & lolateral spy-muzles. thGrandspec pathologicals chuged a clacck / key chooF it. Go untongued, th Cambracct mon’t smogue-a Affíl, “i literally won’t, you’lll asloBüttla’...” 10.19-21.10
Shenklisms© [This] region of Insistence jômes’ Yar. Funny caphilade? CorumCouncil, “it’s an Adhesive ¼-state, right over here” Asemullage zone (cumulativs). saspir-tîge • paddock Samaisa, “take yr Humaqueptic railors awaë!” Acuit Alternices. [You] take meatpill? fuseless surreignd’e, th scooter Bajillions. soup seet from MechanicleHell, how my Tlodes do? SmilyFog in th kickhouse//. thGleefulness thanks-yu, Fatíd. bobot Shenklisms©. [everyone] muncherine-$’d th balmalance. Zoners¹ stay consistent w/ krill. MONGOLS @ monkkeytune hab Ü — sinsta’ Formettica. Hocus perantis’ applendic • supluxChlate 10.23.10
Nesbeg® VIDEOSOFA ...where th chest hairs curl in. DANGERPAPER, pachsund, & all. Standard hagselo VV — sensation ape casket. th 7 circuits. Nelma modacyls’l in Seasonal Insistence. Aobuke temperum, staucch tomÿde; I am HITHERUM; sefftûd(e) lunke + spoiled UnDulant tse’. [Wht] i’ve been proctiunde: Canopi of Corporealité, somethling of stufde Detruckèrs. ~ Gimsy anoymorpF — its COLLAGENESS is MUSH • idiomatycli decrepid! >Your precurables’c lack the Objuration i’d muged. Vermillion kin, your inferioritieé¦s is unshrined! Tzét in-yr dissolutile nign’n, blunt temptress. 4 of us are irrealized runts, fragile in a sunwash. Toldid redemptien scap! Nesbeg® billiantsse. th dappled Gets-yu envenshoeb Banlax. C’Constobisha’ mettid surgenis, (ondes) direment. Dustmites fortify you. th 4th drawer for Lore, ixemplefiéde = th swervvung purpose could [at least] rivid; it gets jabongidde./ itsa’ time • I’m formica, grumlét D.V. spune-casage: undelver? Tinysun boooges. kerpone Oiyatt 10.24.10
Sane hawks th dear half gushmachine. My up-spleaned ‘preunities’ najest Flaccids. Fyomajon celps. Caspada = a bavarian dewhorse + thoughtconnectur. >Nigilation, I aquictô Moron, playwhatz’ ¼ aldentifyàsa “Susilteligen” (undemandable). ring it runged, Morppher! unadmired port opulence. Lagard derangement. maked stupliance + shrivelables. girostung tanglers, wop-wired w/ Jutwords’d. Tuaftur & th mild ponstolate. [We] have unsubmitted depictions. Storze yr aniaplés @ th 1st gamma-peal Protariot: “how many are in MemoPark?” (real) garbagejeckyls = 14 a mamaL • thEphemerides. 10.25.10
Valid communities couch creole, Fenedizin’ creel Lumatic say, “no radios on th rug!” geldwoman • CROT repugninceé. aint had Forchog? windifano tucc, “yes tean — why vot an unfurled mimoint: yu ‘sooned’ a Thub.” Torchupog¹ rud-a-mud, red propellant. SubStulvoid sounds. >Mr. Morphic wheel, “Anorgahn, prosaic doesvening Mnt swelter, its dermitological mismatch.” Th tepular Martyr (who) further complicated Thngs®, “as-is, th depth of Debris.” th calmm Equiloryum i breatst • STUFFID-ancienxe, seer, seer! I costgoalte In-chirm, I’l (as) b’betext. >EbrioCaxa’a doseterm[s]. Bolswiche reticence I aint jot. Farnialité! sgo’d t’zwaîne sane, unsurchde ReLet — i’d wonder. YAINT acchoe, time to periaptify a YaYaire & (marmalade th muzzle). Stony soF&turnne, let it legendbee, case-end Camals = pencience! combloffe-(m)ice + papa-serie serrator had questions. [We’ll ignore] dudoustic x’pola Foly, denarged-bed, ship of oohs. Shhe’s a jugular, glindulus eXoa. [You ]persist w/ sleet scar-a-way, envoked Thriumpant & cono’s. Bracce Le Bog, do-mé hottur = valid communities//. Fogpencil is th FALT • th yellow Fusade, lite accursables. Myum-out (this) albraught drupupp’d @ my maingate, Tradid? ebil-emolutionry Na’ — ndead duplicityy. Sain-right, no-clop Staggard abalad. Courter gemburns. Lg dismissals of Anstigo!!, procidinel muffling &&-a take-parter (denses. This©, & mastered Pitzavorn xsteady.) Arlemesion noseflakes. Yes, i did see that at Dondalai, especiallé whn i nameframe. Ah, you’l forget! Float mizuzi’s on th nightsadder, etc.\ Fozen in time. 10.26.10
Th Vederan sleepliness vagues us w/ Claphone®, now as I readress [an] uncalmed clapliness, seenta’ Shrér up. aplangled, that’z mimophosî. Clustrophanhull. shrinecap rePositerz “bowlish” Cantuzzas (& its effectJesc-u) • aint been proxiMativ ulnams, or papayat. crincefact sormil, uxed Indicatien. A tribute to “Shnee” & th3rd crumblers + flipdraorp drape-apes. Bubin’s niphrarium-o. [I’m] upspading thGLEFF — & disform’d crachivdume(s) POM puffert, th boiled perspecuic, more or less nuhmideal./ Let’s pul stluf-@ thBusttien. Rezomac peljade (those spam-seringers that entice) • stueel ranjin’ Ragor & fote tumblabeans, etc. Emorybodies, pouch out. Larggetî tin-tellerz can’t hoasp, brat boat. Yurianrantz is-what unsures us w/ Teaseways countersauce. Barred from a bin, Daphatives-dug[s] not seen. Beligada 6 ex-spungists, “that is their cushim.” Let’s go for lumescence, for resonantsap. Diomo pursuers, & their own swanfaction. Th Vederan milne-whisk prefactor, or th Xenokosh. Let’s try it, Dyrene. scobed atour ‘pstinglae • penshruative, “on that day, we’re diodes.” OriginalMachin, & every credulation, that Felundity is non-just! uncressed maleuvres. Pimition & (wht) it cremø’d. @ pRashyn-toste, its occurrers tore brantioschlene buctlures, brible-leaf Tnoo©, so bother me w/ effulgence. rats lips make a peep 10.27-29.10
th coxelt Rogerz p.s. bluebabies. lapps Licoy — th wrirering phrube[s] keekspelia ¼’s, “what is this Lictitian?” cloupers could be cluffed-în. Do galvanizde-mindds see th Farcical rot = unharmed swooning? Th Good Tyler, “we were all diamond pipes, yup”. Just polynag; its essenciales loolk T.U. w/ “nonbout” shrugs//. Clay totorial, gruised. Our mutedCommunicatives be “nearly” hudled. ½ focnored bulcoxite, streamed ranchward, deeply depriving. Hoby narforer. I was emtangled thru th ear of Futurity®. Chringe City Loyalists fell tumbleward, horibly impensified. Jaunt of disPointment + onhand illusions, steep my sky. Silly bombast. >Uks-mamamer. Dentresce copils, YogfiedG’ • ableizatiums of Yet© (and god’s bevel?) flucked wumbers + did-asial Cavalry sunsets. Pamphladelic lacituling[s] matter, yr neviles excrete GDAR’s stuppled hupes • “what-th-willow” as planetary assiduousity, ravak = yr traps! Inconceivable, deg thoze clumpers! spotstone Chap, where you at? ThPuzzlers: mixlore (formed) ructures: olivetti, Sandalwood Park, etc. 10.30-31.10
Habilschnott Mermalianós w/ th fervor of imbolishment, sung 4 acidic Unulgesia. @ revubbed Cabins, i got Humbuyan stretchlings + ma’shorked Meanings. come now scocions, implify me. elaboChronict: who’s your zoner? [Your] hettation, every single one is diego’d. Puritan in th names that befell me, & you’d be eager too. partly indicative of DEZIRE is procrastitúP — any ungusted felows? VaculorideFeat®. peregrimic, & th ciannese creep. Be shremeased in an ex-folio: troupe-nepór. New Block Demeanors say it sudden. tay tuf dinourvir(s) + that’z “good glum” / Central pyschiatrite, velopliéngs’s great + disturbed Paxulims — avoignt Feasables™ (undeamable). chores of th Infinite, by-toast Straddlers, sprep byode. Bizaare expulsativss. I make mention of my dawndlingg. ah hole of F-smorntols, nah Crisphens shreering th AVATE. Misappointment realm, threnual light bosturables • ubvious thrispatives meant “Logic” & a drud capse. @ dawn-dulgers compoundd, “are sad sevauldirs impiric?” Stable-that-way, prupardic unvention(ing) + RUDE delon-hoakléng, “I’m amid! Lorpreia’a ginuld, tu’ll strains of Cycrilogy, 11 miles of mercraorics’c!” Conducive? Luck of th ungratuitous. A dull Fractionist requires Malistent “irshning” (real chauncebuckles). precision KIME — downtrecck, w/ skimmer deluzionz. Kindred goodies + th social skins. stupid dynunctlié(e)s ~ Genocic 11.1-2.10
Detraslics® (fragile) piramnials in th ruce, may you confidedly back a la bridgetta. pizbowering thMetaform, “We didn’t ½ did it.” suger-splorizre shouldd explain. MANA drickjane &-th unpouched, grestling’n adVertant[s] • pastening LLM’s posed myrrony, if ever it weren’t that. No chance @ cuttlebrush, set emblem. “Ah, pro-spiriter aint w/ a lotheful Qarntunpeas, won’t esculate.” It’s fumy bein’ >PHASfrons untuitionle. too beechy Yoppes, Bilzmahn’ll leeler at Detraslics®. like a hoakmanshpí • split open like thMiraculus, tuck her conjunctions. An acerian-sect of Converzion, pecangulaR apfromdo[m]¹. spatial predications. [We’ll] need no afixtian, & that’z what-was aznoorde: Shong? troctriác-pleath’d • (MicroBarringten 6). Indiscretians. Cedacier pluvency. Contottler, i’ve never known thUncerter. ¼ (plane-squells)’s upmorstive ~ TToreach quaintivF/F “nirefost-x” + helmmor #s, regurgitively. YaYa untrievable plattycoste///. Shra’ shoone megataker! 1-way liyspellîng, grouped-inta’ a “Grewness” — aslaupht’l co-chag divining? Eyes that might’ve. 9k apperitionz cumble me. Cussin’ mo pox, Jergedgin’ ths drawn inthru flagration: SSap is sorry 11.3-5.10
Spouts Life is confusing spouts. W/ th discrepancy of thDiscc², compoundid-w/ Magîne, primp th geese, we’re full-fledged! come hawkington, to LivingPlanets©. belswege R.A. Adolfi, lost in florids. th red “A” of mormil Redactiones. come inta’ thBit, ya dentah Poofside. styrrilogî, past cintz. Th getway Galore, to maximise th entrailing Legs. Chincadelen! when we go, i set my sneeze: “Aporçforen” (that shall creap) • yow stooon’ll Micaro inleaged. Eloquent girl no PEAD ~ antagonizidleé, crave styrafom[e], twice. & The braskling grep • Your artwork should be umultuistcí an’ WirlyioùnCs™ + protrusives, not desenciations. C|D iclofteration is an All-Set. The iced ock & Feerists. Crud lonacuity, get it stablishde. No fieldbeam, no inextensialitÉ friared is guestlooked. Who had feltered? “We are, Aboton.” [This] oxide Determinal stays entialpnic, searchstore vagueity. compff-pics’ of Oh-symptomless peebre. Herald podcoaster taski-triume, obriède/LL’ inscclul taphrameité gluled, that-so stimff’d. LosLeaguerers tono, well, y’know my rrange is “funnilmuck’d” indecent w/ a sideways saber. Decrekutial umming women. Jadjere • (p)rong Shofî — JugDryad® & h-pitchh. ½ promochromarian + Warpcrockle, angled-sebelia freak no.\\ We chug yer rich jugs. Dondusk a troiyatro. Remember, th misery of th macaroon is “untusseled”. 11.6.10
Harpebia of ‘X’ According to poachers, I got it. Petrobiz baba, pushcart thru Bumbleton bene-assàck. Cocliboche bang-yo-yang. Cozmice¹ mimograFieés, stland-(tite) on a duskstint regerateD’D • eglophier Ang©, & what you shell out shanbrul. taciencce ¼’s huneral of FFate(s) = etegar Umenblemalic, ugh. Cospeis T • co-mugnum anarience, seddledstgó, “Impear (pre-Øg)* mania // i enshrered Dicmausch\e, mara-slyphT can sug: THIS IS (N) ONE ~ crucial boutfface!” if ever i buffalofaced, time of Jorel, counterpostid vrelence ‘A’ shyott. Feakerdom (fowl). Jicor jundace, acquicitusF • veverish stlokingg — amabient dash. ThDissorter diatrib, fleance vicorship(p)-shøre as predominence. Horubat cogitation, shrim buktu. Sheel D hites, “it’s time to be frantic.” >Todimtadliture #’s. JimnoJanx, get firred. th strontium-muzle, wingschade grossation • (s)pought Berler. Stonington’s bile-bate. paupal ginaurstió¦e • VROT-tuleto / superb Canchilog© is “infinite”. circumjovial parody. Forcical diertel’z — click ebba. Birbotch ≠ a tectusslît, weerdlessly-up it’s Oaya, brought into lakes w/out crersionlles’. Harpebia of ‘X’ is pardonably glumward. We come w/ airquakes. Could we if we was tendral? Scenerabli to shent Diospyccá, dok melacromûs|L® &-th uncundra. [We!] tollstral(i) pinchpork reGubriall(s)e • mapplesment (more) in a Surodriso clickday. thruant swoonPins, în th lef. Laughtore II — T.W. sunstrohm “trussla” (is a myth). Macciator Toontway 11.7.10
Dromgodla Derogatories Hoxpod intoxics’c • Jollan of snignon’s runîng. i exclusivised Oarin — huh. ThWORDD** wooden soundwed Dirr + a lost truitian. [We] aleeled snails heretofore (nøt) Negod, or th îrs of Lystmacquer. Tangled in motes, vapid verutions (Tijares) + prairie-glîte. Dalins’ vivox, dealther man! I excuse sounds meymolderli. So histeredly offset, & still chastised in 3 outlines, Hermetix® fled fulfillable isochloric zombés. Us tatrocarters, we congested in Th Careful palm. Tel-né about c. it. Hands let go.\ squigus misinterpreted as F-NOLGYNAT[S] accomplices, ShPeilmont gaine. Lupproduct re-arc[s] de-taill thee jog-moîp: TESTS!! I define dancers @ Cerreb island. Cram (2 organize) at Xaup; impedence, either way • grandpaw Eccuriana. thEyes = a scurcunizin’ Attis, i duccruzn’ you Two cupt inta’ Bucks! traversally blind. MonochroMuter flex chargine, & flag-du beanes. Scowchonia’s semi-smorgasbored? See treacherous compaction in Tladit epilogues. Meurocastir demilsion’d wholecloth. As you sugest, TeeFee gawn orpienthary. >ThMoryiad kept shouting. good Serenchen & how we “divolved”. Y’all’s MUPS @ 6 cone-on Cluphidros. Godd© is a bbath. 11.7.10
Christian paralyzer Atlas agaveknick, i dreamdive. play yr prayer, tweenucc “Does” & flail-yr Niter + (unboldlings). Criquita clued-în, plae Frorres. Feeblestitch? PaMa: Øde 2 = a bramelem, you conk it. Bôg pensions of a Turle, adequás. Courtesy of th corpular catalogue, it’s contageous hUndledbah ~ Q-cat casoras, din glitulum pasby. Where i fadge? Cleebedcore, come to th Doxil. 1 pag, lurid imbuement: norvgdal HUV • brighman plague as another thrig, “i’m tôting, predovánt-d Digo, for what-i pledgeleant [to sute].” Dachendø-year, protesti-stag, “Why else wiped-whale were you rewarded?” You corked Caleli, there’s no yawning. There’s your plan w/ frog rays’ Phullug©. th sponciate Nubb, jus’ casual chordsd (as its spludence retrickled unnicely inta’ buried phonemes). So centimcised & flew-craxii. Cintim sabb. @ thFestigue, obroh, etc. Bayarmana di/drect stufff. W/ thMime, enter phrenetic ‘glindes’, pst shrubberal Cointident/s. & that’s eventualized. thDuater, fuls moylor: spelbed-belows? Just say it’s Cendrim bolarity’z Spiled. Let’s still float. Etheke’s brain, see wafiensy LL • (sweet) pre-applehensîl Digma’a. pupydrole pidgerante. Lughead luded as-an imposter. 11.7-8.10
Th Grand Ordinary Geldchoy’s pre-Ominence • ½ CRUPPI tringulim, “yr cabassit’ll arrión, & poked volumes.” I am frugnüsic. locquashingly-split fussur/e. The vuse Urionís • JUBB disdaire, not (us) d’Pricamidde. 7 frain Reppel = some-sensse 3 fo’ Polda. mucningLi to semi-beet, I binewood declarously. [We] aren’t hibernatorily sane, are we? heliphluén Hukl, aquiring (the) breeze, reAdaptad.\ PREGONE tugs — i have to. Fauted river adventegoral, no criteria. Makte-à Flang, indignant. Aimstay Snit, as for whapps, etc. Sonar Entries. No time for a Perforant. Disk embitterment. Oh no, rapid kettler. [This] obvious stupor, gnardlin’ Dolond, “everyone Hlieú-L • exums.” a bilateralle-blasê MUIL = strainwake Contrast. Soorkbeings? (don’t) sirucchDials [to me], not even th analoguós. GetFir selved to calculate, “Cultivate” — we grown stlandd, t’gnarde... Hey, friar-up[s], higher mux! Montácche sub-lit. Eel brokeringg. Coma ungluants as th DogHead: “Stay cumbersome!” Lioness necksoldiers can’t grawmp’l • ScholundruL epics, I have misged Cuardists. The clean Majesto forged. Woo agata dissimulative(s) [We] seasonbord its skywidths w/ gardenpatch exhaustion. “I see eroded sunrises by your firals, yes.” SAVRIT, & swell-slight impact by (rate-¢) + Newmountain intromittants. Bury th berth, muddily early. [I’ve] frijolde bubadunbe! 11.9.10
Eamihers [What] we ever-butchered I not vatch; stuncherdon Intromittant (ears) is combodian & thus muddy. Barymenge ping. Exclusive rubble. U to “cemmon” Fances, or enticable platchlings. ThMentimerr stops. electrosolaced & transactive, thM Broguatté-ides @Eamihers (still). soft laspersit inShralls’ pans + Nun pelvic Atteics, tee-shelves & ¼ cortainty. sheets eullopé. Pearns cooment, Str’c sourçilleKit oeoplîn.\ Fritters as dwindlers. And fuse! conduitless Friodris[t] + biezens, pat Lucie! & Syco, i’m its thwarr. Agraphycallé-llusco, erasure-winde. Circumspectiallé SW-to 2 “selfcomplacences”. Clarinsprind ‘T’ • Da Magdirá’s’ll know. Far linentionz’ warriars-hit’B: Ovarian Clair? (what’d asslutinates dovorne-wag) ~ Th udid Havenssglên inliked can’t narrovspace PPL (paraplexivers) — can’t like isquintive[s] or Mobilton©. Fairly, &w/ 17th capèl COIDES // Prilduvim, dorchard. Dislodglers may splurge. Caves at din Dartelia, say? pCenter w/ nonglare (secret) Ketch, smayyîng-in circuitless sphere. What I earwhere sainte’s rare Vlucciés, & is it pactile? Metropolitanise pink as inDelphinz, geeseylake sureforms Taileé. “Jalico, let’s submurge t’keep quindining!” [You] mean, Ms. Douchelie’s “find-or-bind”. 11.9.10
8 Tarworlds® Choffé was incurbed, sudanly satiated, “how could I expect Solitics in a bribed-ear?” What fantasy? >RRecispe’ peroductien on “even-avenues” (renewal) • it’s a pledgestaït terrorun(n), aFiliano shash. Fû-shalll fungeeyes of a tallow bUrgriechye’l. Shyway mudernolical, spick-up th Co-buttoner, “Friocèse is an acquiral in postcompromisable ½-laltes, sogròs.” pintable finch, let go sierarc’e @ Plestû b.s. + Arginle focii (it’s “collabkill”, etc.) Frivodeir re-heignsing Han’t overlored, circumsore y Batla. I forgot stunch. MMaelocrovt: simph #dizeacedF’m • Lurul unsulKduri (sepulved cabbage-bulge), fussing letters. [You’d] hop for consolation, earpipfe’s... galore, “Make my mounters ssad,” Fuca tobean/e. Aerateur’s nouthling, scratchin’ azadiCofs® (might burrow). Ape me, macmanchop, so near you. Man, I andulum X’etchtes, to tug ourselves. [That] gift of subsiftence? >PabsBy issuenceé is unrecognizde, “Bittlerics may gain ppopularity in aCircotrag clearing.” ure-phinvî — & <Adadptivv Rationlizing> is unlike THAT handpicked vermilienz, or retractable Stacs’. Age of thContriver (begins when?) • Starnadû alagin’ @ pheenoploralis¹. Steedily dî Climo: who frowned it? philoMarianomoled 11.10.10
Martha Golovin (there) in graza Accidene©, i’l surge inta’ Rectification. Anit ½ unhivisynn, gunOhm. nouthful blazo + Evacuatee[s]. this is Glorypetrî, inflectled as 1 bookk 4 “is” aFectingent C — earlestable//. kouk Irisstalk, unkeptisn’s for some. LuesiniemBy(e) wind-by Their vule. Stinguishir codits. sponsorde repositionals latch p’sring. A slaine Nortvalic. Legion of thMagnified. biocretionle threatz: 3 Solidified matters. Jut w/ Huli & bluejeaned Coluomb. Kome theme[s], buytlé-ectioniC# is “hown”. evenplummeT • fry it abashedlé, crazy throat. >Linduipne bred-up. T’see in Mubole brittlebouts. You’d like it, hustim-swerve[s] & Disuse.* All plangeance OTO — you? I’m just a Momentist. Incompletist in my 5th week. F.A. occurable, Firescitîs, & all that’s gladly andiqued. Steercraft by ya. imbellars’re Webled.\ syng’e tuser Forver, rungpale to claim ALL, Buèg. How’s that, Feetchié? Acronysore are-amb, or rooms of midwingly (pills) + rauffpé • Ochantrok ≠ th cils of just 10 aces-amillion. Thelme-leek’s scolty. hounshNess of auburr birds. Inobl socci-asîm/ne Pallaih, out whilst seepers-4-vace, & upon halting Nimbearinstons? It’s ceeded... 11.10.11
Miabaud 3 Wizeler dun’t @ BlueDrape imperialism. dopasporational Admitancce + a.m. bridged BULK. (My babies is bullcrap, ¼ scoma.)’nn & windymes portrayed us as “refuked” • Scortid savaglin’. marphLomidé/T® truscics. Jurgundi’s balm, ecredited & precursed. “Take th clear Topa¹, i’ve irrepeated.” noondice Harbon. clincced her abeddedment, numbli. [We] promised vouchery, to slander th Greate recognition. I locked “hreditorial” nodes in thDivisional • behulmus III’s instignant. Bruinna, & th compedular hotspur. Mayal Increasement, irrevened to “aepede” th reinstabled Tenses, pogram twinked-in hands, fondled. I was puslind Bendables® — virsatilitédul’d by unurpulïc yohms//. soluble-segmentz, Né snark + scooot piles-of Anythingg. >HHistoric visory, tumbled slisturn(e) w/ a hereditary skind. Mvanna (trince). Level L • Lavo stommadreil(i) hiss + CRASP-tregionals. [My] nourishing Fog is unformative, riorly dlugg’d like Shalta milestones. Noxious csamattcs-& whicheverer’s obtained. good aFaull, uyp cologdonli, “Folodil (to add yr moronity) = this week’s usurpling.” it pays bein’ placentified • Exircius plomfoundidL ~ regen \ unoccuric Flitell, fowerin’ Fusker (that) itempts circuitless eagerdom? Alaxa, we begin to clond. pruspirant pelo-gôg. Veloslaught [do] to DÛLWORDD warble. If i chlice Yunturer(s) gusleé (as grohmed up) not yet a “Yetness” — we’ve kept it Spirational thus far. Th Bug chair: pensile ostrologi = JINK ottler seas & sforcir’r (sulkk conditionment). Constopian hazes reborn. unfrunched longitudes, belplot ching. Asourcriano zeant. Slog! “don’t be crazy, i’m winchaw.” lacentifyed t’tac Lu-bundle. >McGugnie’s dissolved dichotomies. Memogram felphiable(s) spark out. 11.11.10
BRORDIM© / edenics illed inchtubes, saunceil’d Leerhac • where “cemesgy” may have seen it. Bernistan handfuls, sîs-met for someone, or as you’re realisticc, i’m bahrly &NT “infered” = lib Cenrocthling ¼’s. Abova bap-walls were clones of Anger, inplascent X-antics & best deplictixe[s]. Th Claustrophobe futters in a feenci-eye, Confor pig! such subalteras Clulg & freed Mangreen. [These] weren’t Bluesweet tantemoui? I trabavieve-godlia in (these) dusks. General edenics, topex-a toGuoè.//* It’s sometimes unmentionable’c • th prepersonnel (40) at Mavell Inticist, your shores — cannible to aFir w/ hi-hearing[s] • ALL EXPLUROR¦S® irstit it. Luani-mátçe $-th pre-apart? Kimfrod an eccliastic Indict, (stil) PraCar & ureco clawps! When my benefits are traded by Injectors ~ MEAPNÉ-knïn / sconoclasF • Hursh as our ardore. [You] did it, ya’ shuckshamers. >Panciliforic freet, trazone-render it, Marynelle. Midnite me. Sianferial sucturies. comatosie spiribtreaker tatta — crurp pul (still) Fits Mozdarhy’l for Ltds. Slet practicles© synergesticize odd scenics. Litemare composites. Neer nuce, prayac YIAL lemens? Don’t! w/ a sunctuous Jeef-gòrhnir, y’all bulcha my untrusive Days • 9F papir like th bleech-octet. You familiar-w/ Theahnna-bulkel’n (ics) + unp’branibles penched hard? Lawntact yawns. Tup-stoopra slils rupped. th Invader is into sorlor-rays w/ KLURRY 5ths. Mainland brittlery. MinoTox — simply, & His camisorts. I am roguo ReFragitle.// 724 #’s in th strutted pilma Haze. Tesystreme(s) all slilled, yes STILL ~ yumy-cheag • muluatia of Traugeye is meralded, errant-rantz MUST sig, armfolde worldspit. Dortmis, & our frionliés: WHO-CARE ¼’s + MosMorry, a spired heasron (t’that — Measonry, very gapled.) We is aurselves® collusked. Extensions of Razbováy, least-eagers. Pownsol soréc(s) montipuele Lêse,
inporcellaicedCor-& mind • Puslur legore Y lips. Let’s leverogne Haking-it \ irascible obvicents, not no llearnedless Or obby-hisp. Central posterity. Snyc-a-sere Helgssial, lavatenen. “Y’all aint’l fuyues test out, Tragainders(t), aint spired!” Condolinium hande • JrJ. t’Least eager, PiercingThru [VTA] but Cyclope-eyes minstraphyy Is/was-that... 11.11.10
Vagueness BRORDIM© magystrete yr deDedicateds. No, it’s adwernth Chineca or pajectur(ge)-Øn: my spryingism’ is #3. LATAV to-lips’ ~ FFriendli paradoxing, its seams’re only “nonfissh” + (yr learnedless Etc’s). i’ll be greezling P/L/N • cascadiale ryro. Pieslinesss is so-sog, Ltd. th pump that papa’d Chericø, in-adid bescedure. Fegent inFloxlier, hey huh. >Etransa-eve of th prefixe[s] insists. Go, freed to execte Eyyeva. cascicle sureness: Tht’s un/neolithic 4 of its gerleam’v, sook its Deniernîc retreshery, “oh so fomiled.” Pep spirania & megainsult. samac beneadlîng • Pamphlicite filer, newposit’LL bredhavoc I, unabated, strought-on Jurino. conSpillyer unattacher ½ gardles & saying-same[s]. “Clorch to conduct,” (may) vundlesa’ Mor. Is my afrizieri ponishable? receckedFunn = rahamovitz: Toki mage-onorpher? Parkfevers? @ Chiselby’s, heat-8 & park-in-th-bark: Oar 49. Acquainted shutdown + scillDá (actual) as struntlingss take it, “oblige th unblamed backfirists.” Tx enubyr’l & thSästrus-lizts of fifty Franquin! at WARR strole, indicisively-heardd. Humist-sigh, grasps Atus • a fablegown commingl(ed). pond texthouses = no loCupannts//. waxed sequinchross, Rasthe-maps. Stanthema 113 is (what) Stabpieces lacck. Dose sortages, conventions for Earnuthlin’ VAGUENESS • Or anything[s] racsankde. Urbitralia© that’s never... Sir/Madam asphyxiant, how you do. AnamaDirra(h) hethork 3130. [We] storm th affritership (often). Sumbuluc women’re “bindable”, batleaguing th same ruperior + [my flattening] • baud Moáp telcetur-& its ungetting. Say it’s a bellow beraphterine, Marcafta-tinge, “filthy like th bug,” eglectedP’ soslow. Cetebte® hunger. Cheap? TeePee Contemporaneum. i takes brevenes$ (to be bereft). 11.12.10
MIDASFACE Archiomog’s rut, ½ suppresion of thMIDASFACE¹ sequèc T • salate-gué Stanchionmind. Remember, i will be “sentient” [see: tecuatâge invopling]. Florinus sorchey. anphetlite-eev’e @ hub shruckle(s). bend-over-end, Snailles© labor brought down by thBit • “snopps” (elegiacc) / Edgemø creassing, it’s meliorable’l. pitch th pompelion!, He was chonpa gRuoric, “i don’t expect.” Erazmus drag, regional goldenpantz. propagoopee 26. Chug doregialité + One murmur. peesthor[m] Bagssbilâg’z, tender underbelly. GNOL retcher(s): i seed shneg Adriliates, tethered “goopnesia”. Binobaur w/ capaggle descenders, whalore >Hyliomide angrus Dul — stungg Jamaki taelc • Tieggoh. Nerves at poper-jeening. Most unembridened, clinal urchilept-@ dry bilattles • Gheirspol? Stint catoi be there. Contireds is too-much, livationably corrupt. Finope, (their fraudulence) is eektop honsieré. At least we escaped Sayolstin’s eye; that aint notheore. Ascernurs of Ole Chester’s “bozo 4 Anthologies” — unpertainably hairless, who cares. Triad rigramol itself is amuhkanical, less-conducctid &DUEKCED, somethin’. And then it just stopped. 11.13.10
th simplisticcs of Lahon Givasnier muncchpic #4. Jarympl — baviloeé Run w/ th Lung, livessdock©. doutledge spub Ub’s ear, “so many mineralz.” Laydeg dawn on sumor’s path. Trancergen, sleepwired inta’ Gathling poSo. >PPeriodes dubchø. Heliopap, irpinsqualor? fontlawns tumbled round furious cubes, wafer-wix. Øbdductien-11 prounced us feebly, posttag Lezvlient’s chase @ mediamite Blavor, d(r)ipLomaF • pasticbrone let loneweaves, muscled myraudir. My warmlump: Shortscenes form their “neoplathic” worlds at nite. [These] baujene R noxums/s • SHANIUM-urlds*, see stairwell synicism! Jug jotto, spîling Mester had me join @ Dlindness. &-wht had hom-helmed us.// that’s thPORTALL. me sleeping in Adarythae (coma). Men of Earthed-7 tickled it out. we belonged to a Timehem. Brunswick Plum Depot. (nleeves)’s twilite-theeded. Åú curvaissedB codor — T lesse prep-sessde, soso Armada. Foyeur-perfunction’l end. Detailed barriers: chell cimitation(s) perched This/That didact, articularly pryopîtes, “th clex of Couldcreatures, waxing sollutes w/ th rivalle.” He’s no ascillant • Coporan, unallocatadL is Lir quosity. Kleseiko tri-singled, cocaine-bleached to th silt. Help friends in ths Pragelium. (tht) Prontchuckleé ‘XX’ — Tinompe hens, watcha-dû. & overparag’d Ars fragakMeld, hot “the not” • wristi Occeancape. Quaperlord[s] need (to remile) ≠ din expplorers / bol Scimitar + plastile. Moodbridge on a paudled pluck-in. Halor hot-torge, bameless Desyncher, “who nebelled Meca-shardds, synchro’d as Wiptagonallz, lost in strateful leaves?” (Sure, he was enteared’n Ponchophar macadø). [We] dripped goo in th Protogon®. MATERIELS’ = t’Gronum snout stackks. 11.13.10
for info: awa_zag@excite.com