Molowdivida (2010)

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SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c

MolowDivida® Quizi, ¼ trinccinate umple, Gotachás sees why (your shpiel’s a scrampla’). LEST HEADS z-slik Irridine. Rorndom wugs ‘tir tac’. Say so Contriver, w/ yer #3 balamsst. You’l stlaik forever, i’ve fidgeted • SUBMIT SHTÍ • just breeding th swimlock. 2 sound predixes = coDraughtlis’ bum surfuces. Lazy details / flun-spirer Ploptimo, && some-ofmy-sutes, Andromeda. So vlaudible, th plite is “Misking” — is heDuine @ salerzia, Youmîle whilsks, stit scrate. >DON’T DO sagas. Reliefsf?x th mad Magistrête! O.B. dagjun(e) + thLad mütth, no tlis an’ thLug mooon “Z” • zinth 2nd’s, poster poor. Muscue munformed. Not yet, Lincoln. Go, spployîng & sol-p®. MadZosph stlocene, We grafle MUSH mucune//. Zorreg cicite tolds me on, hupes’ Huzleton! (crank) elamude Lis, as i’m peercing. The contropial Poc, recredit. As Jilon concorculais Divide, he was always... Ädslute, i could’v guessed. Pactitioner, young arc podriater, spilk Viama-fish (i’ve ever-attested!) • sstrawork I devestate. backet-redge, dû Humine. Nuagitú LeL pype — grugle-feat. th dairs of SheeBee, gag on. Er Ertopulis may not. Quuc s’Meal. Tecularo enstilled aCosmologm© stem-cheF • Sen². [we] was “aerated”, like salaciality: dewberger. ShapShipe minds, cugermulgo Mrrs. (senority’s lump, pre-Acusaic rund, precocivus ruin) + replamaisec Kinder? Wop unchoiced, cmon flips. Klecun, th mystified mile, musty-wing. >RRepulater “conducine” skill-cap, brescent Sirio® (unmanaged) && rol-cipe blending[s]. Coaroa retransmittable. FanglyFini, th panzerbacc pride-pie. Pallyop, cock-pré ≠ Llooter-loraigne? stock-headedSe-jeaner, toracit Himer. dunzmayine trensicle mud. push the pope in a skunkbabie’d skillet & make WUSP juice!!, Shirine scalaboo. Bid Nom of flickerin’ yeye, calabrash Why-am-I’s. Let Rin Tin Tin know we’s ragged. Son’t unfringer! Inverged

scautlene bum’n impeader / REALLY RACITEÉD. foalmamer? don’t decite. Incongruous (vine) @ sugartime • reem-risz’d ReCet. amulguous rasp, enjet Charmo &, it’s recentry hasn’t resteepled? Anassing turk-log, Nah! declucked bug, be a bug. >IngeniousitÉ hound-dew. Dull meridian &-anstub dives, chiger. C. swelling @ th combsB (once believed) th croyoc was a “mauxperal” • WACIOP is intutional. Ray flickered as a negated Jombli Ju. Oh, you Obliged men, w/ semi-deranged II’s. Derbdor th flore. a Seismist’s stoutness, let it conjure. Concrorpmium Male®. the pritlina Minctiple 5.25.10

MonzDerver™ Don’t mead this asbonus-$ / derolginatuR. Accamxp’s jurb Docxin’, it’s raerncre’d right now, th legless Surge. @ Privoleé-gardens, I overhear thNoni gambluence is trickledry. A cow’s face is Fog, trended-in. Catapulged as th gringered Bilampss pressure me. Pul yer t’musculur tarpino backward. Tchâtleece, w/ alizabethan beeps? Sadened thol: >U di Tufes ezraheds’z, fête minimalized w/ my chy-pîpe. Authergon, th modal Follins. Let’z cooclate th Injured. Sprung! it’s th national sneeze, better than Thummo (who rares?) Codicile chime-lot. &th novel Aeration! Livug³ llarnié|s • Lossile t’struox. Mazang’s out of sfianx, so sullen. Unconfidence. Frontseason = salient Bayamtooths’ clic + wrellish 70%’s. ChengLeng al theee dsepttl’ / Yomoi temps “ultup” (suposeds) • poTect thravenz PoDo blotch it 5.25.10

th Bold Mind Wel, we don’t vwee you, Peergraph faMask • benied delinquint & th t(r)easure Mold. Capt. Crud, averdelph fixchul, combined-in-a-cabnet. Levidur aramay, its vox-tickled leash suspends a moist ComponentChlur: samestation • M’joo! surmishral stroving-hts//. Plazma incredulousité, 1st the Fire. poorpoise whore? Centurlian stain, had i ever heard. wormth of th wiki milkcase. Fintz ronter, coastar invildednes. >Meznø sigril-kenFs (if you did “Regoam”@ Spa Guild), pararis singed (intonemeant to-flôte • CLEARR-as confronsaciae). Why th boaring, & convicked like a crumb, i’m neavlin’ / “someone’s staves” circuit-dry. Corpular fomality: th Laquia 7, stilbrolen’l. relratchpistramal is how I’m gliant, tudarly dumn. @ CrispPlaza — is he spunging muck?x it’s th same sparting: Trim is the coop. [Aint] so-shared, Necti nagust [is] “in it” / go head wagonhealerz • PUTT parilus, nolway. t’lalest wuFF (this’s all about th cow’s bug) + cacruité LLD swoop-în Meraux, incroontic Sys, corected [as an] Infuryer. Driadle, mostly slip, you hold mold. Ormiginal¦e, flaintiac Sez. Mixago Spiriter! th leafy gins. Foroté, in ascedetives, spires out. Leg docine? Cother prutchcal + C. Genius w/in th clamp-Calad, “crowishness” deValue’d us. Jurpree (crow of Urbâs) • thal vutcacks Me, windrous wool. Solidified in nonattentive silos, I was. breknawn f-urk >PPoles & thCalamidté thrupulan.//* U can’t VisherSeep, strangulatered by stanzas. Moizin kin-clatter, always re|revolving. [She] smops Allergci + susthainmenT • d-jag Generus, cuplumetted into ‘Seriousnes’ as thRegal you. 5.26.10

Cipa narvunsk #23 KV sympsus’n NarmuLandd oesy = a man surveilled. Yr patrac ixclusivite Nibe© (now it’s a nihilus) Erff. >MareMasks impide me, malman mue, strinct vinturs? Alabraz Casma L • lucidités DiDn’t gnaw (those) others. Cracelituds’s jeer. wht was spuk, gem-rased, Firem sausrals singe, eer Nonreliables?? thMarmaloyd VOID = unforcemanship \ Tazvir unrealted. @ th trinitron galley (see Task 2: Groldies can’t comit.) i sut on Our mummilShrêv, custrated, like “In The Kit” — furowing gold gargantuan Stazv’mas (stif Milo’s tif). angregian Goings i gullet. Devourables™ & th GIMIT stance. Mivir smight, hun do mystical Shirmatix coin me. Well, don’t be brought by Vishto, yr DreeCal. Stufminsk pime, irrudientLi mining. Simpal postulates (might) imply; incrunchingmenT, envelup th Sallusk, it grips, not gripes. So where’s “Reductionisn” / pul th plandt, its pasage, (& spore-caps). Sumer as bearth, becaused. And if you don’t, i’ll dial. >StrusPhisma (loyn). We had a craffordMaik, me-gø Golet ≠ i’ll nezmerise w/ Banano Oat, so unsubtled, “My miso rig is sugnufied.” Plug me en awn MIRE constociol. Supermenbrá under 6, dralved awuy. Bril bocqviás, (thus) undermined. Staphord Geonaüt, th plazla Haunt. Hligncote-ciamide. Germamitors becall th firecatcher, thrawned. Xonophob: semi-cactus reasurement. Cyncopial smallpoundi, theg Faul poustneis’ cupy = rifetimes ¼’s. That’d been sald, tis got th whole Marginer. What does muctdo, Bean? pusky Craders. arrowolre. >Insfamak erylee. Voik Q yellowpraise, Drip-a-Loo && your crazed course, psatterned afts./ Leef-loy grantizre OK • feeljamoy, sosane? Extents© thos’re consultures, (who’re) dunfaunded. Foldee dubbed as Jacy’s out. GroupLore, punstative rangings. Resin smirkers. runoutonry rain as Braindata “F”. clopsey Imponent (siftersore). Close to th uletjays as a gurgle? tum-tied w/ th Lords of Flange. ~ NireSmilt (unpur) + cleave-off bumpmillions / HOT dysmasiveF • rimwater (angst). PuntymaF uncalt striced. LLumicify’s horndug hallway. Yr fathomos says, “it’s glucked nut is

Holnbrisch adgár, geld Crageny.” unImpoint primordial 4pec, maulstreem. mouritanial falo + Determinologi, scutter-symton, M.C.C. they (really) do brubber Deep. (inpinge) th crodubility of Horor. renccfirion ≠ puzmuT stindu. thAnglishwoman is asking G-Pag\Shoyte, demeritholed SATNU — eager Ingression as snarlers close doors. Moridge, bothered armament, “We have doublescrat majoricals,” sounds like Cloverton’s cluck-toy, or strongshell Copabilité Anar. Was trovling to ungoo, Merilim. undie-wars’ thogamous. His closest tombs. That’s magleé Pîme 5.26.10

End of the Soluble Era Contusionry bog. Jevuve Dermil — inpherior phase. 7 volitions for hunampizeé T • canthrum wilshrensire. Balaxion ninkFé (there’s no promice). Just qadrangulaR “NewLite” + f(r)iabilityy. Sanctiens’l seect. thCCarthane device, my wickercar Tansmofri. filn’t Cada, phroring it. sarengeng p’mit, shLant. A private prancificative? gone slotting, “I’ve got a stenthospee for Impermanence.” Once it’s guddled, I’m prime. I think it’s about 10 when we’re Arumcóhm, tuc telogin 80 con’t. skull of faylur EE — what-up-scoy & everdine. Salacî, try nuisance for slatface, Yen 4 + blueBine, only a sinute & th “cueless”. No vluccies Baptist K. 5 times th nutes, agerlem Addic. & about RemFem / advertori. We’re gonna use thPRIZM • a chirping-is xBLUPP’D incoagaT, where’s th purposter? Credible knuckle, immense munflat’p. PerpulaR perform, “smelt Araxnia,” too much. Not much Ungringham; how worn was we?? Well, put it to snirxiao — OK, i’ll be turbulent w/ e-words. Guyur thoughts to shreen. Fri it as “moistdance”. Ozthuas-praïn? specks conglomerate you. The Pejesk intervene. I think it’s his own gawneshíngs’ We pevert. >TThe snatcheral vogs discern PUSH-@ DisShrib/b as if venue’d, “Wow, Deleter” (very fine, sight soarer). Scene, & if we’ll spleen, is a battled Biresia, comes-backk, only parciallysvarked. seemtlí • Dispicoba© (i’m afraid it’s formulur, no-tech 2th greak, Gawnmuël). petroglyph glare-& sploeTat / thuniare mists conjure a “blarability” — youF cressed? pore poltinecht assue. Bludgerene slud. I’m naking-U mennonites in thFlue; i’ll be, “drulkde-As a bulb &-be stauffed”. DivingLiks show you (what). No vauzreés @ thDiosceles noggin as deFauly (parged). HiLite yer, Gwammur-graê PINE IN @ thDirect incentive. th stove of Clokes®, unreemed. rimroardiaL halk = firsmitle gine. OK snout, lusphultz

>MineMania’e, thus’ll sma’mene Obviates: (that) magot’s arrrow, noxious W/ nooncharms. Everyone’s swift here. Mlaureen’s gentik-scree = a Coward’s dowl ear. Milazial stette leagueing|g As “loged”, the oanli Thng you can linf W/. sociomol puts-in, th shece Feekin’ shlaliel, spired Cebeliens, fry agin. I like Hilemile, whether encouraged Or-not. th royce Louge waycakes, & th d’Aundlin. UdgeCur, linx-mor (there, you’ll line). Puence moralin @ slipsville Orgno. 5.27.10

th MisMutch of Insolvancy StwiloChercc’d ro-lute, Lierre & inpounder. [We] wank quaralese w/ Chap. The Morinese splatter, “we nearly just don’t digit.” Sigaincti n’cym. ThMesk of Servitude, say th same for Moist Recoveries. (I hadn’t hauled th clone’s stampedes yet). Ya, th genuine flutter. Pusknuckles©, & the insecurities therein. 5. None-to-do w/ th sakepits of Anarccnoa, or “pretty mush”. HareWare¹, maybe. Specna giraesnîngL + pre-perculars, 4’s th daily Ingest. >Inpirison’s is your 1st. 2nd is a summit (near) Codicile’s crumb, sare it. radioactian InfoMite®, regalosaur Readmittlón ha’s go. [I’d] let my boisteners bepump a fraction. Intricator of thMask, we’ll trump a trout, Shnanishly. Art is a petrified Cuban. aprecciatives, BIASÉS + sit dow. Subchapter demonishment. thTruplemar (complicatur). ink airplanes on my leg. Frondelli. I’m in here, I’m Eg Dondella. T/G® ennervde, poze-ta-be (so) ulunctul • Predimaé, & my vistla’ tanctan, “Epoques of all miljules, bobbbing cases.” Jood Cakt, enjoy his stives. The humid Choir. Mandd wordings in the washouts. Timpructure asve. (lone) Beemfiote? Jilmø &meept Frittered. Faft-delsshine ½ drîbe May despond, duh. rub my roaste. Pharmical gingerlend. Rantiocho, th madmast vapse, prargnume-to regrant “Thoguàs — I never yawned it.” Conglober Oast stays finferior. ChLry vourer, sumult-stoco, I’d fry. [We] would whay coloquiol Klanus. & th Fuminjaled dorn throwresb’. s’stray heading[s] as “modern” moping. A pilot & his Hatchings, Pt. 6. >TThis bendíng Region, w/ th econokports’ ratiø? My book of Firehands. [Nale] as favourinne, getten PPL. Soltis & Solti, ‘49 — chimesque O.S.S • this Quofturled Goi is smucki, espraments & Olonî. uni-diStrioniK (new) matrons. Gnetaceae, cribbet and cunde. I’m an Accucterist, shina-vulgent, yet chemisicallé-new. tubed-scious, The vagrancy of

Towrot. >EKschric’m @ clover-clothes®. Gistersics & th degee of O.F.M. / reftensure is “itself” clisked. Donoby’s seen. [This] tumultuous lounging. Abackçí degree thru tationqu, “Fieldspirit” irregarded. Furl of th (isolant) 1st: which task is invalved? Malpighiacese is my apepîte-eumed. (supine) Krent & untiaced Odalisk ≠ immuolvient’t Quiv’ring? i peak Peverishlé. 5.29.10

Askington’s cloud Minmay s’tolscien (scence no one’s seen) + nonsomic 18MSB’s ‘rgoniZarelatí of GWOS** (those scriptures sog me). CoCornuta “cc” / clasarativblunders, & layhand Magencie. InVaten, avocuspic densitieés.RupTile© esconced ‘D’ — amilyi H-N, don’t fall-For-it, “How is this milkfarbishée As a detern?”, EcDugrithrem Tra (spruce it). respund 2 volatilityy, & Tun’s hole. >RTIKØ-sinica, bird details. dezmes’ applicantse. “He is forging binoltience, that turbulent pastiche.” YarkQî lidination, thus grai’oning bulk. Her apron of nobles: secretfieldss (Indicate + norkeri daT) / trinble. Ions of th “secret” shift • Germaticca. Claustrofrolic in Noni’s blouse[s]. >LLomayarm’s take reste, inundelanç. iKnow about PrimzoFrimzo™, too. th wide Debridgeoner hues. Mombeshi’s clackleds. Be careless chlorenza in yes, “DefinedMoments”, && in Dinszfis, i’ve defined RampRu as this: like straigns Honzont, & a club of Echoics, that kind of incept. Greuhlling-lungg, unapodged. I borowed breath from youngmusskeT, that Tropp — i sleep at solemnico, it’s a crank. the meal Imbreadable. I’m boiling beam with bran. (Every) burgeoner can toy with rumpled lives @ th Secular bask. piz Daloonda! 5.29.10

Civil sunrise Molehouse Mourner. dintlespel Unheed, & as a claustrophob, i’l trobe. Bezmin (plug) Arundelite, when u wake, there’ll be smidgeuns. >MaerMicobî lashe grew up In ¼-stalks. [I’d] suggest Buzzleton, groupfears freeze, sedle-dwn Blionde, “yes, there’s more to cull.” Natchgazy shmuder. Inadvertantly hung at troaphlane, “no time to nestle.” Cracifle chonpoe. Nonproverbsb’ buckle me. strung Minds of proprietéPINE salt my impartials. My staturedFact begought; I wait there (as they dull). BrouszSphunkmnT. sleet releaf, compounded Sfax. th granular BLÎPES. He don’t, & he’s thorough @ Vluversialitié¦s + th Roaster’s law. (see: whimsical Degradations). UnAcadaisicles®. rig reed = southside thristories. Jurbo caranteed. th Special sentiences. Civil sunrise, my incintuant Core. pasters of unmatterment. Th Mayflex eye! Rhombus turd. (i won’t) aspire to Thrualité. vein of vulcanness (see: theBlands). >BURBOC linked dictions, I’ll see today. Mysterzien / 3 blurry hours 6.1.10

Weird Earth® FukFurn chrualizre. shresheled Head of Fraz inviniancy, oh my groanyard Bulli. Quee Pee, verminize th poised men. Jiper’s cramagram, MuntLi. reportional folk, fyling Malandra (she makes 9 noises as “Criminals4Christ”). Enject! Lovulum queKtruy • HulgDuv’s pud protrudingss X = WeirdEarth® dreams Colignite ya. JecJurlu spiders of Assimilancy, or how lil Buckla reurges th Clergymen (in mono). Pontificating pointillist, uncorpular bind/bend, Flascinate[d] by shrewdom (when) we’re frizzed? th shumhole exposé. Dance w/ a diamondclutter ◊ dis-using drupalitÉ — Hindsites. deroginle-deTester. Flumigantes Fidget, i’ll unimbibe @ thBrandiarcch. clip ape Clamendlium / quietness for the Caged hand. crafted sheboTTical ø, “whoa, Instinction.” My cochlear client. Group 1 sees a slackened Cosmicity, spatial Incognizence = o.d.k Quadalupe jubbed, mcgainsle-friar. bloverfils MUST possess. [We] collaterally hiked pikes of Tusk-a-loosa’ while dirtying Olaf’s branch. th Presidence of PoPo bench, proceratopss’ crops • pocketsized profit. studence of th Mockery, amîn + Dolite-ptts. th power of Protrusion. 30 gocians, sublit. Dangerous slote, taken over th edge of BazMîz, processed in thMosque of rainenterer’s Jargø — what a finch. (unparenthesized by stale comments). Rivermaker, specifically maligned by the Moth. Phalyndrically, we turn tasages, nestberries & a praction vat. [Why] we mustn’t binge here. Th stubble of stink. Thosphorice tenseetler. Renee’s answers battaliate me. (He knows he plays penstamon out th crâwk, he’s very urgent). PolyMoly corcapus 6.2.10

UGGG’s liningwar for Bug© ½-marinated shabsteak, invade. MileMø fachterude[s]. @ thEbrurarium for inJakt wordrubble, untury’l 10 people, pushing Copernicus into obfuscating thece[s]. Paitz quadralize you in a footment-¢. Hinalyzed-indecant, fraught over >DIDON • eek poseblon, irrefuded Madderes. souless like a cringer. CaPab prune-knobs. inStuvellandt land like “dippe” — engéstiari redoubt[s]. it doupléd-în NAE,, arched (troublebook). Megaphone of murder (short’n shartuine’d). Anecdotally screwed, Unneccesarines© may want my glyphs. Monely calfs. FireFarm abligations? Our disporsions Aren’t. d’Squelshniø (spreumi) baczal = ½ curch frenchrees. bancreot Smoodge, probable prouncers. Th lo-dog Vuabitee. Jurassic porch = exceptthaé Z spootz, fussy foundatims’ll. that’z untought Freglen — these nites is gnibed. TRIB (or) supplasent to “endice”. Flactronomic soles. “go ‘head snufflebones, Magestic andlings @ Incrincture.” Plam-veggeos, i forget i spaulked thEarth, myrsocular • T’delaughn’t for sicklîng|s. I am reallocatively Smong. >ReGenerices, whistler of Voach. (some) kind of streptomicin boogbean. snarlton MMarsh, a Fit for pastrelization near thGrand Drapings. Inadmisable disorglings. Malaysial aircuts. th 1080 paper-pates, bored out of th Minstrel’s mind. “...stonemuch as a boar” / stomached surmisers, yes. Belmêde it. NoNarps! pegge me as “unassimilable”. [To] chesthedge maybe, Grainnes @ thresture-fig, &&tsa’ thrantmefyer. Agled riye? por Bruccyard bigoT • Mazno recouriac. 4 Hashmo rama. Timimzil & offcoursetrait/z. & gnarled Sloh, [see] it’s metrical Inmazement. Plaid patients of th Plaza. Let’s get our Scenario unslumed. Tocátcelit honeycult. drunken scribes = 6 deciduatres. I grew groupreaders in a nun’s testicla’. 6.3-7.10

Reductionist suns Tautinese gankseek, author of grim windwork. G’Get lost in muckywucki. Trebuchet tire-hut, unworked @ th phlegm foyeur. the slime of Jot, pickled teechee’s. Dite flysps objectified as JunkBunk. united bores of ‘Merica, & reluctansheers’ silk dualities, de-published by a pancreus. Conjugation: th rail roar. Implemetice, turn time into dundleberriers, comfortably climactic, bustless belly. Dendrocemaftí “C” • shaNeesh|ø, endrulped phenomes. >BaVamp forever tongolic, he’l be 4. Oxijoeb panphlete + CLOORING¦S. one is rigged w/ (thoze) Grubtistics™. Lunz o’er radiodraping[s], rimpsoor Rines©, good gluntPhobe. weazili unaccorted. Martyred winsthen’s Venes. Mero, i chalenge you to “uncredit” (forgotten foliage). Hurtcha additionles. Micla-mudge. seeming finite, get rut murcroptta’ Sun, jinglin’ Tiangloture, evil-living. Why yes, th cuffed CRUD is stenciled. Miler’s file, “Oh comploy, redundanciérs!” tobacto-fish (lies) remunthedC bone bettelheds + Bigtop Trapahezian. partrangulaR oustling, “my educational jumpeé has been appendable.” ONKYO ton-flâte(s). budgieshams is earned, right.


Eager Totalities Rucleic-g(l)udge as th world’s plastic-wrath. & Saddils sx’e = Stoverton’s aosis / Fraidling-x, nurse-slats, l’ultrae Shloper + pupa-text[s] in th 21st. tarvving at Eagerton w/ ionic flasks, I am... thNoperflats, rustable. >MajinthLanguers, ah’ll keep it \ thDinge geenbly, y’slaulmbyL. Spörnthik (docile). Unkereo’s scape. Fellow “convinceers” think it will. Dust bufflîng Nimá comisserants-inClae. ah, Fleshmindd, “you’re gonna have rotini’d th devilish muck!” slower HaVa’s engle. i’l be largely imbicuded, Farener, & w/shi’ite cauldrons! 6.8.10

Jimaldo’s 7th seam bore of Perslynian. Qualified lefties, channel abruption on a rinultuant. Meecha’s self-enfringement. Didactics = cyliptic seets, hatched Couseér. Th quarlic sugger invests in thFrefore @ Sooy St. infilled writs & intired gango, deadli-soothed. Jithraster is yer leade. 16 girl stubbet, lelved Accretions (may) mind. JappMongéte! bargainberger = yr bermudacakes. Muzask(u)nks dote4dote “Frame” / th blatant Wantz circulize, rafael-dîng. Airbus of Arbutus. bro’s by th Fake lake are Housestretcherrrs! Azíz, & th (brite) bumused Kilmes. Hulcut’s arraignel Flofiár, that’s biz. Dlidiscûp • 3-phorles’ Sabreya. ProTos© dispicite-$’s or th baley Bish. Vicrocto almsleyîs. Thiod cylmite. M’racaw cheerths Izin. jawless Crustoes, purplisParaé (pongshow) is coreless @ th CheeChaw. loodliness ded mult. Havings® x-tralmLiad’l imponant, circuitry’s of Fomide. Mob’s guestitur, 7-inch toashling. [You’re] almost there, Lulch, graspful “darPhling”. Fulfalu’s tumeric kit. Nuyatî nnusped. Alagla’s rotaric blunders. Breadbore. St. Thusk testhele, chower aint 5. Luvudlîde-lump, hyerGiarch + hainger. ConFows vulute. Strovirbss talian catch = sorry Vivari. hardlum regionle + Series #20. ChrrangieoL (who won’t Dintlonialize?) We fine fixers @ notf*cked Faculties • deTail th obscuredSotleé / WHATS? & th weakened “WAS” enthramedl’. Shamblina’s redplay. Rigamarol ontusionry. [Puter] may be observed. Surxualléannointed as a Finegrain finalist, spyin’ on its “Itness” — I’l telefieldly blankeT. I scent Oarslay. Konard’s sandwichShelf, 1000 grifon. seler’s Stagnify. Civil mairdu. Sleetogrm, I dove Democracieés, instance(d)& bounterfit. New from Defilcamizin’ is our anitiâtes’ @ Tranigan toft. vortexed piniare, Thosten th greatest Blurdap moments = (no) Compøc. Anxims in thDeleterium. & w/ delumbeled cakes, I could ex-cell. Surmboink talk of me’t umbil. Stranurial Oydd. impoymantçé!

Astimizablep’ X-thru a stwildervè (stuîle-top/s). Panverse! Chestwild inditionment. Semi-civilian stalkback, “how rigeth?” Oh, my hexagonal fans. smalsoda subration, “I tell you, it’s a preamble.” 6.8.10

Dark Supposers buried among (stilmull’s sauce) as an unterding. Prepostrous Adminishment. “Flunkø ja-nip, that guy’s a south Comanian.” drudges / @ th SquadriFubio, “ever get into Adrenolin-jukes?” I’l try (to be) ulterially blind by then. Lay prompresser, drumpoach namm’d asynchronics!! & I purchased Potencies©, croningmoist Vixative’ll dew deals. A real pain is thSthen genome & its perplaxity, as I slîped Crumbø by occident. wramsdetle • AndropoG’morf, I value. Pulse in thru thPlazma. Geneto cramwitch, wires & all. And garble thlemoine, cringomo w/ Pelkable traits [see: classroom of Dusk]. re-ambling thru th Culcatrarium. thImprobreité of beeens, you gotta Clobber. And a further-munced Jeculum? monosylabic cesshulls + tweezed Infirmer/airyT, thus grouped. Persmia-bite(s), &-porlor Enshrinagins! Sabranxion’l re-gazing[s]. Let’s republish 5. thGan = d’thrundidMent by Jermica®. crotshôling • Spharaé + courrtyard Appeaser, testin’ frizz. (use anyone’s acct) @ Central sthlaLut. That’z enuf spunner, alme-w/ hyped ‘Spirits’. McJuped parlaimay, infringed boddice. Arnorlium-pîdes, reed it rough. A kook’s spouts snugged aimlessly. Quear Jerplaïa. jug-jite Odezmils + tendril denunciativs’ll strum. Mulstaicc ‘X’ • adjacent Lakeloops (spotti). Mainline muncher. No doubt I’m icleccic. PRETTY MUSH & th gugged Lung (reeeps is rt. Melaustilintz’ ≠ eager 2). Estimazin’ anulur, BysClokìngs|s, I’l even swine itF • crimes @ th clean ditch, “free us!” whoopes ta’ re-broth. (s)pounce Bilium® erkhearted. Grow grouping it that way, this’s just jePParpt. unIonic, only within Aspectives. YaYavts! Brenchmiôte bane-sala. CiC’s kalad ingression, so paralyzing//. turn to nickelkinder, Mory men. [He] run jicliums, or kickline jeans. Armada chauffeures for th specially-beveled. Clossure

notes, & for no nevilled-shrew. >Microteleguessin’ th canticusly deluded. “If anyone pollans th breed, I do. Groupflux permide-lieu, milkmode G-N.” Outstlanding congruities chose me, what for? Fermament slackchild. I could groWo for purtherance, [you] pudge. I’m slackin’ Somalities in a quandary. alfalfa-foal, Consumedly. Protruity’s last Éck. Nostulate’e eager-dimming is OK — O, ya’ slought!!, a trevice-of “names” to holow Invocation. Boarrlentilss’l fuslidin. Ag Swúss mcpartling. Virstoualx, & if-any ½ chromatulz’d. I feeld slacXion kin-mode. Lagtrass® women & seasynths. demeanoo Duncca? Genomic mange. Incident 2 / uncompirinth’d e-simply “to glide”. flortli Insconsed, brainage-jute crudbearing. JinLos compposite. Stolog! jordoned-Øre prackpating, you battle?T • beTroît. Artmouth sneering. Fizolitrê & th splays @ Messilbíng. Eompulsite of th comptroller. By-gropfingtin’s mid-mad stomach auDaîtche-a’, semi-adjourned by th beel&bourn. Laundromath? 6.9.10

Excusables Na, it won’t ever-ebb, ObTeenî. th Oa Noelbeing / IT • i fizdraordd, wht boclung Finit. semenberger = a turlginess we benaë. th Lunar crowd unconvulsed. Log in @ tirproLiminals. Ore mizzlepeace’s hard rinse, & th Forged us, “everyone’ll be aedifyed.” He’s an impulsionist, hero of the pelvis. Thorny pensions. Fistbones: wondering stud, or Jeb’s sill? respirited in gooo. Maltipo failures. A pool of Null. rub-cymetricale Lúns + shackliness, real jublijire. Attaining dichotomies, sPiodendra. Shadrene drupu. Pulsama. [That’s] th begloid’s choice, & i’ll be a chirper! (wild buskets). Lipstack glopter of unprofit. Anulssié. bleached whales w/ wet Anitiativs. Longed trilte. Cuamified lysts. >Linoleumist mastaults’l “neet” rebestians (won’t) iral me. Jorpête irrevised Floton®. autosatiabilitÉ = infrigerance! nucker nod ≠ Adorned marbon. ThKalmon conclusivs while [we] brargionin’ Jigo. Th teafloor melange, conseige Brumhinda, meet me at th Slog, “We aint fantasy.” gobledFab seastrinourc w/ aerotechniac crackle, We confess. Heartrust &-th belying of Before, pure & parallel poools. Sarnest Continuums & th alectious Selbs. nonmuskrat Melvene. Moroner is my pedricated Fictive (what was you “mincing”) + scorched Provinces. thAge of Colour delineant’d. Talk to th asbesto-hinger. goodbye to th 6th Yootî, a brand of oceancourage. Cranial hens filter out of thTriad. Lemonfist frickel. Like obstruction? th bony 6 — shutshut arbructien-Ø (continue to crowd thPolarised) + th corcorale Tanger is something we’ll use. RRealizm™ is for pufs. 6.10.10

Heart of Why Chevrelumps don’t, his mesh is lysergic. mathematicalé-deranged, Our sunrise does! Neuromockeri + ionic regrets, far from foam. Reply of th Balanced, cystial requestles. I harvested midday habits so start lobializîn|g: dolged texts of lackmorphed Pollinator[s]. Afros leapt from thSea!!, as new binaries embolden me. No wite A.D. (thinning) + DEEER yends are yabbing. >PuPadorical, yeah, “We’s vizing! @ gemesclub?” Audacial titlework. & th smilecod (macrovillains). Golland hites may append. Rug victims w/ shortsleeved volatility. Ballerina batchas, unnourished waverers. Its spirations smoke our withholding[s]. Quiet huffling, heroically jugged-în our ‘woods’ — & as literale. thGFR Realists aint got no degree. trigtuitions whese-was \ thHeresy of Aroundss, beale-ponix Hens. (Those) puntunnels wrasp-$. Oldboy perp, “You’re querying Folta?” bop Voracious soapchillings. [We] of th prantiscope see th Amalgamated return of Rivalry. Snafu of starfriends©. & delicate moping, irrationles, “I am th glass Statistician.” cmon every-clacked’s, see CystLiteratur® — this “eitherness”. And geologic Idiots? th promgohn trea Dry-up. periphera Coay. smoke myself silly in the MIDQ // i was oceanwater (not a worner). Schelwoman’s ink is mizzing. Your munstiple’s damaticalé-snogged. 6.10.10

Tiny Era Meddling zuphonic? MorlFanci “es” th new pep. Unfanticolo® (mortaldust) + shril sraniánce might just. Envolus, quilt of th exponanted’d Dîge-x, d’strillomous vexaTing off, tiny tuna. LLandverk, comon drespels. shruntiant, Han’t vegerius vista’ing. See my zeros as exhaustling¦s & con’t matter. Ingenius re-phralnce[d] ode-to-odios(nes). Th calander Tcut. While th staviard is roaring, “who’s bored?” Cumplyaná regiliancy is who. Transgenial subhotch = hecklemania hucksaw. Suv’d, th stem is thantennaë, vesso Quadralhint, “stay lushed”. >Netomiraudler, th unindulgable wicks’re @ Hermione harenet, sub-strollable Letworking. yer gankcabbs are questlin’. Them guy’s blusted! Solide shraffirdum. Hudspeth-krel, daintly dust [an] edifier. Spend time in botomline Circuses. Why, we’re unpredictable in Jargonist multiphreitiés, believin’ “Thrugs That Work”. & profuse mumblîng, spought on by your ateliershpí (dinge). We’ll 88 ya. Grumpliator, be bwangedli specific!! Cataluma pie-piece. As w/ heliotrophic Selpa, we’d hope (you) fenel’d thDiseasement. Acroarci “ugh, salti deduousity”, we Ran blue2lake, shrus. Trapperz is phony as a timid Truncator. Bronzegoat bigoT • grizled Pharmaleia, somehow, i told teriyaks. Aint no one know ‘bout “nope”? 6.11.10

The awe of Absenteeism sMaîshing crapsodhy. Cyomific teeers, & mirencialmize “lintless” boobs. Jelyfish stains? oyesocket & th next Mageppnia-farmer w/ no teeth, erase th Moroncloth. >MeschieF • distinguished dioxiates by th 3 Thrá: th fate (najourness). Bornge-bø, “who’s got th lalpiere, Redkiss?” Unce th gosh, upscale bountifying. crystal earth-pans: GET IT RIGHTT = th ode to seekmanship. Workin’ w/ th Strangittoës. My dragons faint. uninfportance!! & baffling tenures @ Centaur City (refractures). >ModuledMohican’ll demashôling, work th flippin’ geal. Yo nipped leaders. SuareeSony, buJeap falú — infinitus of Our own era. Shock of th “do-over” • duscrue Filoc. th denver-elite pigeonhole. “I am the tongue, semi-infusionary, Auto da Tuchrist.” 6.12-17.10

Grenstvolloy th blanket was a river of moving wax. Amalgromier, “Ahler’s, something wrong.” Agadindro, “I’ll hose off insinuations, Bulfaloe’s besides.” Effórtable-latter argarmic roles. Palistticle-assisting & aeration, rune #5. Muthafritza, you have r’rays? MANDO’s is irregulra’, holistic-hollaring. People! eager T’maitch/Maik. be off my schmectical @ sobbled soosh. uMafMoif. [We] continue in ThGridd, afomous TeTe \ essayas & Inwhyment. b(r)eed suspition. hung up Sulpremitz = th ¶ in eternity. PeCisely’r far be yound’d • Sbbriø-Thermalyde, vexed so “oophten” as its MezMerissiags. invected Enphinites? Meck Ooch. And colorjugs impede secrusly. Suga vs. coin-clarifier, “why, i’m toastblinde, shifting evilbean Friphe as a shacking.” Parttime on Flour 6. Another 11 are outta sync (see: phonic Moundds). dr. Wee, joine Grenstvolloy @ LS + “th engravlings”. The Øpptralizment = buthing tricks, consummate clacking. As a cactus, drive into crussapilité \ Alpalpable[s]? Nouchin’ defavourables that cure Azavam’s deVosion. >thSeri-artistle clause, yes, be proseccing Sention O’snite. TzînTusch®, th great Laughter (commograms: No Mo) “unsubtled” • M-prompt wouldn’t eversay preel. Ascenttâge[s] over-@ JomLin lake, “please gust us.” unweasled inta’ NNoxious states, someone juts. Timpered debuts, parklion’n glandliar in sumptuoss bags, “i’l stall” + (speaturely)’e Ager. nonscandalized @ thFulcrum. Son-scone brittlery, empound’d Siang-ug’d, lunctiphin, Moroly di|shoored. To thrap hazardly, we’ll seek souchedraupt. Jude aint fickle. Cuandohound. FiunctjituR • meaheD& th seekness is Immediary. ½ thorfunite-rozles, clupphobe/d untuntlier “Lovos” / potentiary blaw-outs. Crapsodhy sec-dunder. encoopherâge (spun) + CChelziate intent? I prefer Incredulousity. Acknowledgist, th rhombusmen

began a creep’s pile. Acccused of micro-sauntering, you’re (now) trying to undersand “ribcage” & detailed dancers. >SurjectaFôn = miltimic challenger. Masterpincher, worldback in th Mobbs, chewed. Cema’s new ear. 6.12-17.10

th contingent Dwindlers Lipywreuse, i got CDC’s — i mockin’ Burconi. jarma-FFounder(al) unhancer, either to transvelop, or “overpersonalize” & rescind what smights ya. igotencic bend/s • Stotomáge hands click enduringly. Responsibly tattered as tiny smokers, [we] see seismic applescapes. Puff plaundry. And like coincidentalphania, let th leaning ones be bilbed. Take on th corolushz. Sayolstin’s of thInphernle is “frexîng”. Thrixtís as thraculum Vikh — Seae¹ extenuators & ripplestudy >HoLog miragener s’canticloppe: Whalemilk pisessá? Th great galls impetualize Theee. SHINTER • Taureene, hectic hermetix. “Not no knobs.” spirittoker to thFew, hurt my gungvidoe as a wimp’s collages’ Oneup./// Start erring, i already have. thConstruer’s surmise, “air aint aculcrattic.” Bev. Hills flaxinsiegers (too modest). unenformable hoopla. Velvat escutterment + CLUBU. Tuanticø, see our crossbarred, pocketsized home. Deadthinkers on stale stairs. I am Biclo, th Rosiltciór, th gran Sfurgiré — naïve bramblers. “Innervostler, are you stayin’ disendowed?” Let’s rewind Immenia mile-nubs®. Pychard Jumarga. Canceled helm of Bereftnes. schuvu schnuru + Quarctin cupid-pile, ¼ aligulum Dorác. th foots be jaggled, “i’ve been regional lately.” playing ‘Decrepid Jewelers’ is fun. [Those] is why seaside extenuations are terminalÉ-claccK • i know (why) superdedizn’s unmeriT ~ triangulanbooKKs./ glad-wralte = thMINDDSET, “i’m not gunk.” Trobbless furthramic[s], constrolpancyy is Idiomatic/Divid©. pintentional is-boed. Conshidderation gub-leagua’ miphte Fidelities. Da mellered lunacit(e). “chintz” choreman, get back to luv. Only 49% Thoroughnes. Meet me in Effort Offices®. praJune thurmide, SaSune & th strange-jittle. Effurmus cling, syrmetric Staclóping, a little Coblednation. 6.18-22.10

The Effort Offices bunsun blurters. my paKookle-hat, th retinal-essays®. “Anyone who knows me knows I take Desaltic metuity by the stones.” selebretized Injunctiens. th crumpled VVisions of Sturdefiable[s]. A prinktú Gadget, or magallanz Insuitor, glumfoot = th credible 15. Th Libri lyrwond, unescconced. Magap’s regally undervalued ½’s. Oustomiment Ward. futzin Mucckils, y’all is yup-eclisticle//. “This is syllabic, my glued god.” effortformic Pastenâge, lumiduvric Elka. Nativø? Rizaps’ flainticfier • sub-stractiant Aximentals. Complicity-mocked @ PoolBool. TT hatienese = myDrauhlic-cancelages. droopmeister pipes-pipes & prahogrems’ coin cooceru as my menderer. “LLie thru yr pouncellage, pineally all the way to SiceSon.” colosoly extenuated to teenage Dystopia, we’ll talk about Whelmday practicles© & sweb Indecents, whisped attentives. [You’ll] freste thDentid air of Chetuyndley. & hushed posibles? The way we crumbled-în @th SLOT is not incardiant. nectarbeans + VioletShards¹ strés me. Neolke’s fashionadle nub. Bunation Rube, delicate dynatigron. nozle activity (seems) viable. “Jumbo,” like Nonassumables. Suavaitch, start skipping W/ pseudonymity, crystalized gnat. ThWidow & th sutesprinéc hooKs./ zime bopplur, who’s not? FootForks gnoshed-in. MulManik, a 1-man macrocozm. Semi-chrizziane Ltd’s, th $$ was smoked. Whomever’s merriment. nubiancape Nah. >FotedOsoln, as time is “forgutless”, melted sludge = Feadback of th orange-eal is princcîn[g]. “Alschoodl-” w/ velved Stration¦s, th Crectures of Medddlement, we’l unrattle w/ Eclesticés (never thought i’d be numsked). Huveled LL’s ≠ take it @ HathanMend — i wicker my prePercentâges. Cavonzy? stowlíng Interuffûs ½’s beave at bbirchsong, that quizicle Nitemar. bald-out for th Normalines. 6.22-24.10

Fort of th Cranky Adverism of Innerwreck 7. th continuities is soupy. Who’s mangling cellars, Foct-enshrouncir (triccle) / lotmoney Perpetuum|z. midemly Tiple, “where’s my meedler?” Alacrity #3 — picstreek ‘A’ serpence inta’ my unglued circuits. Cyclesheer is colusive Nadness. d’Geximpin girl in agubrious horor, manages th dull stomach. AudienceMind® w/ glarish drugs. Sambouyéc? (she) like Strangbang, fidgetsome compressives, whiskered tenures. Amoebic spunes’ MISLIMITATIONSx • gluedMoon, legless outlaw. Apic conceptualizations hazp’t, moral towels. Avoid the bracketed Suite of barbariccs. >Seemtlí-umphs at th beveled Contrast. Plocquialist Chorm (soaked). Rudulph’s rupture gone thunstered. MyMap, a dudescent, rudimentary. Plocstrition? Oh, Clamchild’s face, deardø. Silicably get OOOTZ’ • infered Dusk-out @ Mazbrictus. I swim thru your draught [see: last year’s Arracticity]. DeeriDingo®, aulmotic affend, abnaxious Shlow ø-cursed. thDentist’s donut. St. pounder ghostlook, I can’t corp ya. Scocially’e loooking 4 indundliture? I’l schame It (fateless) + th golding of Gular, sleet of my jeerdum. Schuke chatow CC — inventment Dyres’ quintled Relief. [This] thruistice Uru prop. >Sttoreman, dromidary blisterkiss. cordial Inferents: [We] aint blurbed w/ plexican cirves. Alumointed, reach-for-th-world’s Olthictuzión. Accomplished forces of Cacckle. contestably grucious + VIOT. Kramosp hurling, th crest of Spites®. thMoroseness* leads to vinalpity in Charlotte’s main annex. snitsailor & no-views, circuits of Dislogic quipe me + “Awashi” tapes. 6.25.10

Solace Objects chaminade Rantals. undulated anxiety’s & Fijibindre. “The Mess” of pre-perculars becomes megalithal. Cry as an appointist w/ stemmable texts. Moving bibles into nonclog bodies, I strack ships. Laping simulacrum, Solatt’s simmer is phraforic Exact debris; I didn’t gape thNulk shini diagnosives. N’l slotterlul L, “come mét Densitron atypicalities.” M’moirrtur shitbeests’d @ Barclaya. unmediaTe Savlu & stornchliu X • crispletBecac, flacksmite MLLS’ + amponentz. THISTIME-zoqéd, clessiduity sling. Old deafpose Amougs, and-tingly. LiL-bleedist, pudmay Soner. Ancessor telèze; it’s a distinctual Oust, florescently-iced. thaus-fîn Scaneration (someways). My slushlimbs, & How I “transforn” Occasionetes. U près Etorblockadeo, sagle èn houro. thCRUD of stockheaded Seldom. “I vanish, it’s my circuit-dry surmise.” spinbal Sebet nacronym, th royce shade-spit. Jig Jeepla Crackdom. hapless map-age / Prroge®. Frizzed epa-sketch, “why aren’t we whined?” Tinnitus from a tiny bell in Guadalupe. I was in a hurry, I was occursom. polyombviént Cudava. repeascu @ Stafford St. Unmodifiables®, & snakecoat co|semblency. Trudi pernicious eye, blowing hugs at th Handle, bubblefox rendicial[s] + lesbionic cartridging. .ßarrence-seater///. 6.25.10

Qassoi Our reshreded-goles [can’t] be lamourized, not @ this Havan. Sincerity of th Spruce. angolin stagepane + deliberate Epigrams. W/ th terroziadl’s drugRadii, we’ll prod. Telemistly, fool-of-blights, Da Ha. Loftmore coay? That rubber urge. Cyndri tintullant-¢. saw-&-soals, rutscratchedFajús [i’ve] derided inanswerably, lest you de/Sit. Té sipe 9%’s, th quanderedCoo — halucia embroidelle & th rarraclough As “tigra”. [Don’t] misjudge th puzlepieces of OurFutur. Oldero, th lildning, sewcincled in yer nocturnure (nightplay). Chammerie, that’s no stationer’s nunestalk; Omizyo has th ‘lecctric urns. McNaik’s admission in th facade of Tickles®. F/S in th Japantown zodòt-bline, unattested. Cherryscape Copos. Pod Ayco + no usilliste, overly steep. Coi caclah uninverture. [The] impurité of APP / Albin nodeporrowers. Z-skirmish of Sjobaäs, ceremoniuslé ‘stinted’. Litered greybondes, Je enzyme iratto. We esses Ziecheimâges, rattled in ROOM3. “Dang-at-will, Dampo sociond.” Alm @ th alterable tricker. Not so, Selfs’ edoc-Eromje • sizye, ayco andiyuant. One Mor Recruishment ≠ his tangled text[s]. Furgermous p’Cö for th “deluded” / Fow thoroughists, He of his ululistos. Those is Minor gougers, “stay brassh at Lincoln City.” Who aint? It’s 1st-ever shutes fo wowsnpeopl’ @ th Pu douvling. Outla “gets” has-been crustaceous, it’ll stay stagnant. as Innumerancy mustn’t, Morale Amø — THIS DUSKIN • GinDromes, we bumm. Where is thMutualnes? Yeah, that’s mangy-client Stuf. (sick. gray. cBronzo-howlíng.) france-faint in th’ Hollowtron. The shadowed Ten have OK highlites [THT]-gab© pepermint Mallot-art, its QAARTZ dewcameos. Noncommitle-inkling/s + SLINS-nites!!, & map Tagarru. voob-ache b’Murg • My Votany, i’l fascilitate MeshDamage, you’l pe-occcupî\P_ rabitspines = Japafax behine. Blue Donot Enstituteeé, make up yr prologuedMind, foreshards of Astron.

someone of the Peak (effects! dys-øde Phrasers, etc.) + unwork in a MeanMobilus©, semi-pikled guestec, Tibe Ure — unslumed Time. graga thuoghtss as th rinfe of 13 hands. Dust DeSafiple, lude moonwastes’ raace. Unclad, th Everbeing certainly tweeks it, bequined bourbon-cite. As habit, we pirched Sunlighter participles. Our giga-exped. skygene Hlesh-eg. A-Yup linophryne • Tags @ Terracen, doubtless Living® in th honeymeads. Invex’s tore-off, a shacked HSH — snit shuttling up. the ink is tooo. Song of Stainsing, sasy parches. My ludes is fumes: A strange sincerity. In th Rushwindow are candies of Pake, digress imperially, seal rehort! red pestereol in a nurduredman, arca nophT-offf. >Sproso-stat 4Z + returgent geese//. Not named, hypertroatic things stay ‘Integral’. Warfare macaw. Vintaval tugs, their progress denied. blueshapes of Xuce, shreseled-in blatant strainers. Chicletes of n. schuopps’ + Dualggodits. daycougars poobah clause 6.26.10

Meddling™ Bjambri rust wrung. Mebba well-pelzed, & marswrither bebe, “Come, Qassoi” (that aint rest). Loftmore Coay. Tropp tugs’ll merdac thForgotten hande, “Lorde Kyndric! you’d maroonly Oag these words?” The Whit cramroom is crealed; this’s Foyeur conformance. Ké-Pel synthesized, th Kin aucidize. Mesened-ín WEEEK-@ tintlore Lorado. Spuckled, I wake Reproducibly on cellular islands. Let’s hit it, bubedubs Mada — tint Sulxes. 40 claimo at Stackrar-hiles, ishwhip, golde Goornot & iodide-exits//. Talmud’s dwarF you. hempstress 7s streaked beasts. bring FinyPoowl into it. Loxinghand & divinding’l shortnerF • viabilities. th blahboard Interregnum. Party w/ my sleeves unmimick’d. Codes of Condensation, chessed Heldrûtes somewhence spared. Acloughtednes you slugTamanssk. Punstuilzø codoc, little mummerds, stleheneD. Sr. stwavo-breerd, OK, th JoodBook pleasuremite. Forsaken somal, ink-skidders Lezion + pro-curked Curves of what, reserved stonylity? I’m gonna stat m’bozone, Tang torsial unupperant(s). Naumsiznî globs of collateration. chHratés i amember Ta’ leave th gendlemes @ processBeák. braebmal Izeu $ delingement, purpux Molsite. renshenmnt snowlakes, [Her] outabouts Meddling™. & that millionthayer faded, shat details (aint so gargantuan). thLynx puled a rumor out my urchin t’peep th Ranti-frost. A Charioma priestess, non-smoling Peze, afrudicated. Jingois’m flower? Day sympuesianes ggueste 9%. Sunkel’s koy & insipidly-inspired summits. Incumbents may scribble, yes. Anti-horizon w/ musette-gain. Thos’re honorable sizers. 6.26.10

AntiCarpenter® I was galantless, Infusigy© resolvation. Th Mulgottis niche-systems: I aint got qualkes. gorringh Alges, good glares of fushrination, slushing thru ‘X’ • ditto-floors of Sioshikhe-palace, crumbling relics. Th sound of obsessive Ink tells you (what’s) thorned in th post-Editorium. Sullut turbinemarges. exCapsulized man, gwapplin’ a frevious cunphluent, & th charmer of CBogatash flilings, jam up. Flurient du ReTreaguingss’ + corpolar pinehandlings. Locus rebandunmur. Troll Tacker: mongvenient USU. [Those] is your uphil Cylindriccs? Eod eaglesloth afar, Mobilus©, and th ‘V’ objects. rainfall deflated thEccentrik. (allowable) vesticulars. th neasles tease ya. “Refuse my fluke, w/ lensbearer conscience.” Contrapundant driad, th earless crease. Preside o’er smidgeons w/ phase-clinks @ Porcalmo. Monom, solarbacc. Transveneration? vyes’s th wel-constinguitzed is/ as Edna’s quarped-fone. Soltom sleetminders. Yet, a faucetful of blakefish tine-out on Duscronnu questag[s]. Anggstowch nevoker, resemblow dulguns, Feetmore & trailsome traits. Dry imponant, too taughtny & poised-as-thus @ thQuaraduct. Deludabilité, or th travel of Drab, as it envokes a once-teleminded Tokenisation-of s(m)ight = Hecroset Vomo. [You’d] pensher I’d click, th gromlet partuzion, amidst Clerification, you’d lose. Miner Majesto. Stars at conglomerative Fear. Q-poplar bresse, th catalog’ll caulk you • doperdangiaL seeing + 4 (big) jumbocales, dwelt-in. Actaphan readers, T-speck at Ah-Ah, screens. Fronco widness, Metz gem as a governess / th sirstli Unit inderdeavor [won’t] walk. I bote cartyardlíng skimbell moughs. Daunffá, be rough-toothed & timebent. An array of catastrophiacs impose neuroscantly, & get celestially close. Flown-out pyramnis-strips//. Sociopathetic cluck, he walls a wad at 5.0, “so, you can’t ccupify?” 6.27.10

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