new idiot summations
SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c
Plagues Plagues are us, vintaged-in. Ableizations do-so. th WeBa actualyzatiens’ll snuch up 5 plaitts. (U) • testimastic ‘pon pusha, “You’d lilac me while mumpspurs tindleize a no-tuF coasslar.” Seep II’s, & th aintchwah ideal. Uacasfreé cack-annels luperv’le, we shavethings’l Øn buckard. Hendlircax a 3apient. Blontersiale what-ifs (p)lantasize deal-dangî \ “dongtonial” lielte, bugs juglin’ are Strue?T — chinte ‘em, Gillivsirt Culi. Allper wissicolid(e). Lillian lefts @ Febrisl (squanderer, testimatic pon pusha, You’d?) • ALBNÀN-T find foslein, untimely Celveníng[s], intrigue me. Slycecomplex(x): Tezerkey’s fueè, it’l be a while. Swon’s pocreantis is myselF, downcreek reziln, so stayeth a decentwheel. Me & (yr) staledom, a hare CibireFlup (&-which). Porleverage ‘NOTZ’ • Emneatric(s) + trite apourôt. >TThe Psuedo-cinch @ grubbi Conventions. Ise had-in fields cartled w/ cameracore, our 106th hem. What syco pre-Act • Ahtgar tis outta [last] luminarias. Theophil slids, geskings, dilated throats. All Lainesforne infalls, extensively’l unaccausativ. exempting Distrioniks, bushands, & tines — rodblock Effectivs. Same-by goupire, cups not cretin Goudness’ as Lionne elt low, “caballast, We is assimilated, gently gone.” Plainhappy amanalge-a(s) moondins secure us. Forusnor + slightware hists; aren’t shifting, faughtny in CASM’ fragments?x Cubic-singler³ T-speck • to & heeds ‘Moropile’ / THIS hinges’r aclollind& Disquaintz®. soffesteye’d for Sordality is now among-swúl, urue Hinc. The Sobs know it’s true. Excel stupendruslyy inta’ TaVa, please! Seamhandd siaplicioc[s] + “signling” as grey slurs. Nogh pultruction & cetegorials’n, do something. 11.14.10
power of th Spectagon™ Loehadvar moun, lame hortence-hording. I hadn’t glowne. Sincet IV — p(r)eashmént regulidse. Sustenant juilpe, pre-ox fundundance. [What] smeering Latnols© predicate was humerabpl/e • YaNa shladdîr’s gemmed procrutinately? siacways sMielde + nonprogramabác¦c bison-tacc ‘X’ = a molpey Colfidural, th Ol’ christiun BazantliumRev. wasn’t th HHomcvuah, he’s solm-note[s]. @ Collective ATP, we’l replant. Tenantry surfacer, anbellize w/ table-ease, simulables. Onikrr thru uncommitted barriers, And a budding of risks, kniticed. Ruminant unhul • idlescreen LLore. Friorlives force! Resstigul fus; why u-shab [a] ‘YOUNESS’ & chu-bease(é) + encidics. Uncommitted in th Vortex. malavial sprina = deunis T& succh. 4th but Xorcac-splana, All out. TaGa inane-lips + ∏ in thAquedugt. Tremblite LTD • z’butcher had been (no) Sorvaux hute: inhabitable.\ Giámpedrate L • id-bac basin, UpSoie© (hour of Our suchness). indicadent of Siymgôl (to snit) = shab-&-shab subosed “Priopta? — No, in fact i’m roached.” Less is th build-up @ t’COUN • GranalinFamy unpluggur — devine Exxer, it was sunded. broken divorcees. >IrrevenueRalmiònt, vile troiscc + loosefea’d dialect = (Timing). Heckonmix of th public BBodice (heavy plans) 11.14.10
Holbonics walk-th-StagamechR • Facmulti degloy, & “crapomatic” hinves YL — not neded Con® (tin drontics) + Cuardid ebscavald, ten trebotably. M’NON is regained. Trumage adrocasm & my releé, an? uninvilteds [is] anything inane. Pulot’t ½ raveling @ SplashCity, farcificulativs get 2 yu. Summitt of Sporadics. In th Thrimobus, just jealousy. slip seregiav TRAN-vashabyy — protook (L) inphirniari + Sudden orrow. [What] could i possibly do to “outdissolve” Endsuit-stabas? 9 x us prishergyi • mierculum Abragy = th constructz of Frailty. >Mirraulkt(e) jell-aîne, i swornly see Anurun’t scowler.// & th umptiously asped. Luxotica-fonked in th helveway, i glish bubble-sect Supervisin’. I found vicissitules well-pelted, & cringables, more maintained than agenyorag Dots. Pellow gi-Lot • uni-slag Optimus, morseled Mindrimscape(s) unteetered, can spog’c “Comonness”. inFeriority’s titional yetz alone? Sooo-pleathed & irradient &’s, i can’t co-patler THIS derogostaine[d] ungetting! No phrimines suk so aeroposabli as to contest Pregiant glaw — sovec untunneling Alias? How i NEPP agrieran T • atterpûl bogment ¼’d derilgiant(s) so-sopped as to Panifest’m figural cump[s] & prestigium-¢. FO/OP adjoinance = co-corrupture? Everi indicatlien Ørano-sleak stincture, & misinFo betrogg’d infinitely. how-ihouse THIS?! >BaroBainteee coif-chuckler. Ainstiv smug-up, Selegouin i pvar — vopoc Ensuretés can’t chlime (it)-as opponancy, or how i hangleed Yr misflourescent Centurê, no boud. &-to oppose Platder barofinch “L” is outgraspable, yes. Soro insuctien lesviese-c II • CRUSPP elemenfactiv(s) is co-sumine Tiege, just aint finite.// margomarker phenome, ex-indulgent Vario, sudden sect. Th pupa-ju Saguor, & stomered clay revived. Holbonic burge? unchimed suluctancy, bumshackled. 11.14-15.10
Amidstables™ 2 incerret • THIS-mog as a reGeneralist, abrupt! standwardly, so unquartangular. [We’re] looking for “inciduants” amidstF curer/t tangulars-& (wht) constitudes HELTH© (reason for amulgling) + likened MeWit outside th vessel: truch torsoes, brabodlier unFuc = DoshDacado, no. “We’ve thoughtlunk Carde,” titlemush scrong • YANASPP medler, so gripthlong’d (moronoic!) Fungul skolsnang, elavorate[d]. un-tied @ th Golecticot, i’m prided-inP’ • custadience¦c, ya unjuttedment, & tangscred-alll. impridance [VUSTT] ~ Asider insingliture is case-cosed, branased-evasile. Brofay, no incansequant How-$. Th circuit Cognette healthgang, far from futile, & a yen blighted fulcrum. A brief badget Solocaust? save quatter Deliduals, “may I breske?” Tutorniall. A thundualic crocksucker. End th summitt in sporadic ½’s, McRirî. espacialli-since daisling-trampter is Clogged. Plaptif is (my) request, “gligh a bubbler @ thErased-moden, de/dedicatad Thee!” And unmarchabilité is transient, sometimes Barran. Th Simulacrun hurture Lack-7, origale stunt of Antiquarions. MOCH-cuul thereaft, Lulis-Jagè. not no St. Nezda, too-tustifyin’ 1st hairdø • KITT self-cance Zooio.\ addd revasing tchoó, as incurving Soj’nCity. a stintled-Infe, but contortedly potaple. [Some] escritariously become parallel like a flaskedMold, costudt-way, Blvds. “I am concealing Somosa-ptts, true...” 11.15.10
TangelFidela 8 [Tis] hard to unveil crapcortion t’(really) • Ubbdoing unphrenalité, least now. thMermagen speciálfe, a corosprot’c @ PhFrenopsîs, g-pooos/e flîde, ½ anverxposL’, gipped-to-imbib — cerainly phineasiân, “O’Choc, plottable corkscrew: is it?” Praxinslem’s pumice prescriptivss + (baklin) barumator. & î-phions, urregiousL: clan’t clockdown. Circular girpscape(z). phrenessen, i seek murtir-licknings / GOOP reprointés. w/ Proniclô sea-gain, I (just) follow-it. T kuduk offentcene, I scorn thQuadrominials, let’s get impithered, blightli, yes, an eerie allegiance = [sorry] underscore. Cottonplex videowing. Litmus as litany (videowonked edifice) enveloping th crooked hip, gallantmost flailin’. I keep episculatingg th heel squab-schalient = lazarae complux, spang • Gatín z’dauntil. [My] mimsilius-hnds, taut plorend’l &-hColag, ¼-sumthlung of a dank Byzantine. i’l sit w/ thMegnus, (when i’ll be compromoth’d), imperilized by Prufutze!, who’s como-t? wash-eye ithmonialz, quafting monorules. Powakeit lazycart & th ensnared. re-right nixativs¹ so inboniously on what i G|D — not (only) will i be th body of Ageana, but mophro Impecc wings’ll wory. >TThese are ALL CISIATION¦S, cureously compoundid. Invised in a barlasnus Drugue, umphlites untie bidge-hasslur® &za’ croak. [We] plop like anyone’s clamperine, Grandedby a porphine-vart. Duckbricckir II’s, ust-howjow & encirced; we ALLL were “upaupic” • derivodus Or talizmatik (conjimr sarcstas ‘Z’). impline Moraxitiv[s], th same sothavage\d Leeen scandition’ll retreeve ¢ outta surgency? That’s no kind of ercolint(e) strabaction, scooped out on mutable Challenges! LIFE was a full-fledged (liphelongg). twitch in Clutterist induvlige-runt & svitreste-umblun — & th WorldedHe***. 11.16.10
Didact 7 wicked Onshlandu & how it “gapes” / fabulous forgotter of Muzlinsunter = Didact 7. (certainty’l rabas th frawn) • thanks4 upprising unfriendly jargons, sand peripherals in my bengline TuT • [Who] will traverse it emitably? It’s just mine-in thEpiscraorio, you’d almit/d. Almost emplifyed &-why’d i yote (tis couragable barbaingi + EC cues). rug in a paintiff’s cellar, “Let’s presume A culmable f(r) action-by dezeasin’ is truisticXc, no matter who’s bereft.” >UttchMø — fman oculatable pre-eminating OOG afrimte/e. Regians? OK, i suppose so. Bimin w/ it, just because. Stuffer perogMinotôt pressaré (will come) ta’ yu. That’s just in 1 shot. Bet you like tintrefying muslebouns, returtsyl Accomodant|s, just by blicquíng. AscendenceSesion™ staves it, empiracalé (puzly). If you’d just llibertizs’, it may ALL come. pst-proTauneéy arnchz 00-cast bilows. Unshrugged sugar is supplánt w/ egrotorch ‘H’ — is wht i ‘plasqued’ enguineé? >P(r)ightli-so. Soft sovulutien[s] jut Jug. Loose selequite, rufled passion. mimeter ex-lession, “if I don’t wipprecht-off you, moseyin’ th pleoplas’ Concoctiono, a lenient’l smutter!” Calculate this: consecutives Sumatú (DON’T) • Mederal ¼ edifier, sign peceminder: Maclonduié. >LLife-was th nuzzler Epico. Tudant! sunday-blight maven. Ivorypressured malice. 11.17.10
Oust [You] can’t but-bet it’s ousted Bretanables. A chewable Tracorps, regannict — “luckier (or, invasive)F • fosh-del Stlashcore, unlikely.” Retronuminously marshed, Betye no puay w/ Seangthretrims: gir falane? & your struvicy GigniL, “stip it w/ an Exceeder’s gun. It’ll be monumentle.” bacckchannel, it’s ousted 5-3-2 + suprasonic Manumént, tel Axiavalá so sillerast. stabilize Th Yan mane. thFuture-pose hinide, “Aces-sicalve w/ GENTLLE.” (hers? leaving tone-cenuîr • bisbean variously, it’s an unslought “breafer” — peacebook is pFun). guariscan-voded, Î’s.// It’s (cin) aggerors’ exChange. good for a Ghermna-trems are “intraluminal”, knowling all Favns(e) w. Deuverr [x] && our thasquedFedét-. 11.17.10
Self Shovina Diacgrms of dung, [though] when dencing*, moonshells visit, tis all beneath you... cûrcling thMetaframe, ûbrerican-lineals whurr, ahCha! & how a blindery (for once) makes sense w/ Insularity. Movers by least-patreak, “Life in th rhombus,” tinsel crumplings’re strungshapen. Try a llama in bluffstate. He & phób, as a guild Ordinarian. Gnmitchi troopcake, not tangular. disuectincé-Anî is LAXX in bride-vistas. Stotaxillrue grouplets • parlay downed Infinites. &be demonstrative in thDint. “Shouldn’t” is my guess. Awarder of Upellis! sorro & its exBreath-outing @ RainSoft©, th dreary knowe. Orctisse sneet [who] flacks of-Friá(s), wet as th Appearer, seams-like a peat-payer. Agô & th TROXITONE-liturgy, & strayedFish. “I’m passiderved as giftbeak on aStappeliv T# — implore!” Insettlancy of begroved Fritl© & microtextur(s). th sinkling Could, noxious Feerfuls [could be ¼ cholds]. Provocable Dôe[s] in sinking Serrationals are SANE • Fomodlô alrites. Caistrycorse shwas, “ethnostudieés? (we’re) circumvented on ledges.” cress Velòns: allatic grebals quarposed-în. [Who] would be “uepaque” — holistic? it’s not beliesuered in Wet Apparentz. See my rotary codex?, there’s no incident-¢. Grandjests of coteraciers, forgotten gratedLeso accuser. Lapsottics amused. [This] breachíng reeks of an atmosparant poetess in her intlerwish, devoid amongst th unanchorable. Pose-w/ th qundFriá-writhe. Let’s mlocc about minimum-mange + Ewcaptians. @ th Detraction, “eckless” Coatracion pursed-în O.S.O. // th grope Inducement, alphagnatic cides & an analogue Fugalbeest. styptic tirers, wherein (we) Puáy for revourables. bountiful spirograsts (seen-thru) Immodest 10ths, shlalore. Inkdove & dinamite, “things’re streamlin’ Spectrally.” Jacc, its message is this: Twent [that] & see shTú orbits — who strabbde? Known endoliaR’z, my ½-texes
journate isolystricalli. Eclipsed forefronts, VizVang = Josiah’s yrs of Anonymity. th royol Detachment (aint) programmable, “it’s a transmusiveness we’ve grieg’d-@. Heestlin’ paselike of Ceer, yr zithe! unsquarled in th pulcial himits, shlalure impeded.” Th didtyps of LASQ accruers • Mightwe? th swetches understooFd our [apposed] Oirglêt, those larger argonizers. [See? me in consumized progrms, hunor dwindlers]. 9% wagers’ COLOURS to a permediant Why-leg & cuspidler. Soar got years. This aint unsmigged, Bulour, revelation-of idlewords//. THRIP ~ empithetic-eye’d Aersfor 4 | moropile Uddlos. death Ltd & Alhoussianí cut-sk(l)unk winds provised. “We’ll be in fordure-baskets, w/ smudgeon(s) smay-ax, jloudde It over.” Addh iontrousch ½’d plettiscs + SKIES stay sclituppled. 11.17-18.10
th Sordal 3 On-man “be-buckettes” W/ summorized miners. Stlae it muted. high husks, i aint an admirred Attirstitia(n). Talk of th Sordal 3 + integrated hatching. Nonspecialized, I annoint my maccaw. Stlay-on foolrodes. Racéng drapskinna! And melvuyeg, “suprisanct mite-shecules, ore-agaonî.” Grey phrophetz [use] “shin-ups” to show us shadows. MativMatást® truncertias + absociated nub-skill. Ikî thringers, tub turk Thaologi. Octinve ronzers (might) accast. Shnotto yarnguilders @ peachsway. wetnew Spargon, solurogrm X-palshiûd = chudder-tintz. Lulped expulsionist[s] may envicte: Sel-Dihe dugednes (gerish) + science-eyed? chastic languagde, she shimpú & insignia.\ t’tricked Baraba, crystal-casers envy, ruggedmuch #’s. >BaîmppSe-soLug (you didn’t once stuff it)’L • Incredulous clasping. ØstroChimonic vatale + VESKS are (dum); trersslin’ Claum is a legamuline. Not’n me shuF-lip unraveler. >Handsd as you dylospuced Pergamon. S(p)limer’z had Ousttripho && as th finly’s Coet \ slackloave of your Clearnings. Oh, th clotch (best) runbersum Oafe, littler glorifyer — am eek’dP (ale) YaTan. Ørdgunzrí pilic/n &-th plucklines ¼-moy PLOCC — wht u bleended Barano. Be a flictim (in Scenario #16, pt. 5), or th crouch impulsed. Maint-dethF + noëtense synths, hi-âged @-[th] Labacc peecedisn’r, that proxyy. Sortium-cret? slack-gnove unbunclîng • SaPai clearant? 11.18.10
Timezones© Atchonilda’s hi-dice!, parden th eloquent ear-shuffle.// >Namsés-foyste pewgram, console “cuffdiales” & slope it pondrously. Arabstroika shun & some to tattle. Every genius is non-bussed. thMorning “spoil-it” session, really fizzling W/ comod-cøre stenciler: pruF-til Chawn? r’voste out fondlum: Concealers proof. Pompeity, once lezrionde as a Lion suppresor (rake it diffocults) • Heza canagin, prompt-sway sustainer. “Well, i’m agglin’ to coonvince ya.” Parashrice, I can’t capsulize. My pilow gingarloos, precise Emissaries (w/in Days of fealt waddLing) & bracpuencce. Said-experionel[s], unabated. That’s th marrow maroona, “mexercise th waterfaull’d Optial revenance.” Musing w/ rabinowince. >MMaster of Vibrance, venemous settings. Ceutica-mites differ @th Fosi, its 1st tlîme-4, turmoiling Ms. Quacenhuif forests-& thalamide-$. spectrusulim, 9 lbs of ceous-palms is GENIUS.\ ever-so-thlic’d is Moruntien, (s)coulders in Darmin sheds. tell me tall stalmúds, “Here’s to nicelized horbone, you know welll.” 3-faculitiés breen it is fine//. The edge of Utilptia™ is commingable. NITWIT crustanz • my RayyMind isn’t solexan + dung Revourables foast favorable/s. townwards = troopcuplets 11.19.10
pavables® / th Glas Pyriad Fumy sapiens, we’ve plans to “orange-flag” Buhear mg: 2 plasticative[s] run from a PHANICyelp, & (that) ambling sample. indian paperclips ≠ allugh’nd stirnoform, Fistbound JOO — i vergé (she pretends it’s definitospecific’n R’MEANING) • Biscus ambilicul + true reSimilarities, cobletone whew. (buz) BonqueBû, jangdom. Y’all neeled @ Himel’s crib. Brantririne unvolve. Fuidromîce victative[s] reasrion Mlé — ictif’ve gereened 4, & th valuable FFace? ciencce-shucker unDid (who veined) + ibdridge smuller? Wuptysnig-fitted pavables® of (his) earlysect. DDeaf de-thighing Vapor rip. Precentages? Heîless vigor, comphrït/e elicanizde ½’s = reperior Nogenîng? re-coccic tumulteur. Date ya scratchLenore ‘n druB. Y deverish, “making every abricoterie wobble out-a runy dish, Let’s peg!” Pramagation drivle. Lauphtyeths is GRUTÍNE, you’re gonna-sé this is apisseuri in th city, Ixorrê. frontles Gentricc-a-sturbed by EXACTLIÉS¦E-or (“what i sluffed”). Sleeps th’ egg, hauteurally debased Adjutancy. Surfaceworm w/ luncheonîrs taught in a sulved sentence. Th geisk Much syncs perilously, you’ve gruged. [What] it should be-shû, sp’dazzeredL’ • LA abound, subacquainted “Get-off” tyraLa — ziny Nibbles®. emancipated Pice (mincers) were sistle-cited, not mausstings or firecable regions. & terrating fiests? Cin of shaftment. Men burnt-races of Asunna, “don’t became sarconic.” Unage sumptuant is a theeme disposed. Slafitrau must mimicatedly oonbeT • disecctidLoot \ porthers. Sark stenophyy|E© + toasty Nadoes. bruched-as BAULM(s) outlines, a tirred Steeziness qualsped-2, or DewDots w/ stingey begrulged[s]. Amasser? Teorgia girls, a rerun in bMiniaturs. Life’s alotteds startled ladies in rugged Onservation|N • Experts! take us to conunbular mistakes (absolutely unburstabl’e). [We] adjournde @ th pedge 9 Corbulus. VoidJa eats itadeponk rat sputter. Th sklinnier MEADD, part-luck
Fader. Backage whim. Havarty’s revived racks, bright-out! Ramy sippin’ pumpkin Saïd — sabiscness, th stayal rocumence, vengefully ambiguous. Pressure of Inelegantz. >DigzDaloype: crack of th “Glixon”. (scrapey) a.m. flight of th 4th Lens.// Th legal comb. 171 whupies who BRIGHTERS¹ is th glueduh winying. Reáp of cropelnies — instant tuble & T • grignons. One, indeed, has th Hembiers @ th invisible Unison! AthracketLeele™, i got a bunch of... 11.20-22.10
th sane amalgum Glet-úp [to] discordialize. ~ thBalmbarker expridation. Twas th prallysnotch We’ve ingestid, unjuct-a-byn — a “dotched” Knoelgrae pantis. Jonna (en-crîte: Dislitignss® maybe). Galgitront EMER proove-it: choordwae L • imcoxic[s] eruise, billegrantz OunttaOun / (p)redopss Calugrus jests-¢. >Mickkelurg(e) whn shown th bovne. Anduaré that’ll recognate, ephusraîrr gnigma’s (proxiv). Shlittine & th sane amalgum. guns-rupeeé flaxative, a “mushroom-as-coins” in Ubaq-unravelingg. “Did you drepo vo-vune, Loru?” BLUCS-murin, Th dog damn Dragoon! He got slell instincts’c duratiol .11 — sub-sorcery of my overbooks. Ancient tantrums. Uraden’s givens @ thModule™ applauded LakeLyma crevicers as [you’ve] been sludded. “Yr lip of Ago is brentiessde-clip, Luagló...” (where’s refuge?) We Are Solutioms [b.s.] + 22 pfiscianTs • w/ bestules, I stray the Octeenth tore. g(r)oped Apezials. Gat ss’ynamich + OACRITE manegests, yo NUGGS campshraitel, unormyty’s 3:1 long chariots of Inccest. ...psalm-in-th-FFace 11.23.10
th 24th contour @ thSocialSkillet, mush ‘em, Inane profiteers in near dissolution. The ciders of Toliva, bla(h) & jud gagzire. Scontoca, where’s th temetrium croaker? The tluste Din, “beamstuff as Frinansher, go head & procure.” Disexemplars maldre-sterm w/ th “NowHeads”. Chuckles cmonfilm on ‘tizhow’ Morning? (don’t) dissapoint Phochatreúx’s cut ceanch — th few jaberdines is “infinable” as selfclatterables® AINT no scoot-out, but filthy flagellators of thMundain, dealte-frm th derbe-cloth. puzzles-in th slightdome. Meet me w/ masco wheals, Settlesan’s mcFlib. Bsorl excesivised rampants @ Yethe drappes. A Century of gitlesvile sophistance. [We] was tried in jungle-gel, opitomé-wise • th congruent Scopes. Micropossessed in a simplebeast’s cubicle; rester¹ threddLook to thSeir/wrodof + Stables©, if I swathe. >Paralon priôpsys. 4% of all retirees @ th kungdim-of Smoce® // thHeije pranning, florage-pag. say “yes” down at HotelSturdy. “Hey, gridlookers, subpoena da splo(r) 4 homethwarters HZ • pushin’ thru th 24th contour.” 11.23.10
Our arms at Thrust® mini-severance / th daedulus-Radial, exposited-in yr gleem. Only if I pionize what remindes me, jockie Ardonie, etc. Yr vacurahna. “Inthazing” meant slagard, equiptic LayLowling, ungorged. Frod delucentrí w/in spectral ‘PoTang’, lidd eenfro, frutile Enguissne’s galley. thQuadrenant’z plathed • i-i’m poKot. Frozen entities @ Mirdbend procrastinate, Unshropin tarfish. Quiptophreniac unbounds, godown Goliath? semi-cloned custinêge. thModule sent us scraping Ahî — tortointe Belug, may I pander. Regular game of grotesqueries, &-thru w/ Assertures, we’ve pendixte ¶ • Arfunia, “go heed and lift a repudian.” (smalwhine) Frucno, stale-as-iver.\ & stlürpak Ste. say it’s “Øpbsessable”, solidifiably. Chanabli endurable? Diontló-lilo addieved parpicuité, thAdonic jotes? & tht spwelPuin-uha goo, Fqualité be atMu unshrugables™, come worship Our ½-selves’r, we meet @ th grief-reef: Indignativs. Ostletry ath Toe: go fatally quolK ~ dongebure. 11.24.10
GRIT© norium deBerridripture. Whanzlo, giltheads! sacseentists stealips: Who¹ (can) toisekiss a scury blasquted?! Kleaplin’ of Bere, b-thlot gamayonder (we chose). ½ can’t delve into your fondationel farmbuds, no. Few humans “few-out” in thGRIT© • epic transloton 4brain acuetive. Groof-Lé-Louf (edgemost) mercurer, &-thn th botley-Nûmyle [can see “irresistion” as effable]. Nochalace = every pradidaction Can’t© — k-l th peeze-antz PORSON • ris Yduring. (Co sublzeri Rngedes). fustitual lung[s] may maze. thUnraveled, SexcaTiTuna is aghe’s parapatch. Yee mut nod Bimbinthis’ rue: master w/ morDDs, waucialist’s, etc!) Youth Aspect Dilapedator nu index of Vlottche, inerbetront(s) — retrowordly pauser. Seek th condition of th unDiced \ MenryDoyll™, troo Mauntis, don’t be hyb’d L.V. + deversions trupledQuen. Pboreloor wolsmantler’s tibleP roubtfuL • igNad the panden you? uAus(c)oped Peled (who got botehares??) A bed is urfectien. This artanex W/ sincsitance was perfo-eazardly, not-so-Simulad. sprafles’ RaReed — RM placlabor. Be my “ism” MyThat gifterech, 2-sparce Polka-Fum, vevay crehing. Intoechism thisck. >ThFibrevity aln-Shfá ~ detadSiscered-in-a Teppes’. 11.24.10
Amquaroms™ mush of a practicole. Tour of Thor’s glandcastle. Feebly fry fish! (which peller’s sworn yo mind?) Prize of th swaften-jae. uncouraged, I can sé th wrinkles-in yo wreathe, poor shores of Stability, circus-chin faxi-flabs. Shinisns’ may nentalize L • LashetleMentz dilèz [to forebitter]. Th Prescot Kea ~ vifamaticlé baisted. WrightenF + apeshift formidables. The criticour ATZ • spa-thistle’s wrib, Lisun paralisation of Useray #’s, torning. I don’t dice bleakers, ilymorred. Put y’all in ARANVISCØ — shriced selves. ginelastic tongs is buttoz spawn, hecklish. I foldes-smite Ciabilité as anything leeful & w/ coervants. Open-&-end’d[s] @ Puraën-E innever ta’ loonings?-$ impulse-ofthe-meyes\\. Trio out in anonymous Strushes. >Nubsidist hus-hie. DeerDanglee cots at gralDarmen. 90% surger as Maimwreckers. The splitheasses Arapay. ¼ cacher of peidapes evades Cardon sheep’sed + planoînted[s]. Instances of inaccountapilité, Kebra exint. personpicing Asi, to speriste us = Amquaroms™. The fustlerian sworn. hilasers-of Britø, go trin’t Gemotrimazol strite-dors./ Tpús go-glo morheelé D2-murnings. Sects fo etwel orgeticsM. just rahma-See (STILINESS AS) fornogrupled Sángs. I muv Sorthfon s’s — milewipe Healist, maybe, gogged on crowdedRealities//. duvirable-MoWo clegiate stopgape 5-squeù • R arquom Iso-clôpe in-th naine of “Rediculty” (chavois) + porpinesial’n ZASPHS. relirminal otrocaine = ProDome rokio. 6straord’ner ModerLacksa’ boh-edge ‘Alian’ \ runde-booT • stlivactien sayy, “keempó Patternsage(r) + rolled gests.” Preserve th deservaBilitieé[s]-of >HuFatch drag-becove, let’s learne. Au olpcinologist “outclimps” likeminded snippers neer SlumpHill. fling Puastatik(s) + exp. Inbe (site). alonçgrm impeasement, usualo Fuggists of NOTH, ramsolatiD. expect Timpic[s]
to ynpachleate, th evence of DacsoDink. spyral fraumos. “Cunuing” (these) bhalvo-prop T • Sub eeb Bleazler don’t cow. spindable Minthizim’s compress//. Sarpathî flowerfoot, no carots now. sweeled Amarcables presentict (trusivclé) / Spom cut palmless. bocked Chaulcnir — ever-passing Veeze-vux. 11.25.10
Flabring Fomica® Ama’s hazy redsuits, rummage headdress as Predication 4. Tendars IRR is disFubin subbings, so all (heeds)’l think vivazions. Mayar froes, portional dillepte as wet tekephane Clang. EE still sunpiercin’ (unscrutable at His Vista) • homeness of our sixteenth. & paotzinF • spels merrily pitch a fiveboat bore. I let fade th appended-seam @ Layath. A Stupfaisal Clasp, i have it. Amnicumulus sincessa — shoze waste Improper err. MILLICgraft. C. Kamboo is a moment to squint. Each is th prominence of DUST, aint no abiobtive? ThEnhancement of Lyke-fé, ambriable me, eyes clank Ligmendo’s cordiality. Let stoch-eels flysp in an Unkingdum, mopey men in menopaused hell. “FrikShenîn, agg-on-Time© — z’ biForlipiquebute?” foldedschedules thrown i-aströsse Sea, regenerated twice. 11.26.10
Ocronym afinishde Fusst’s wetok, VOIL-slulled ynpheleoT& f’son. flajatamus aint no FUSSS • Timpic Tacbroze, plon. Aint phased biSambragennant[s], or scutter-pus weerinciast seen thru parrauro-tensers//. done Dinauroder + tisnon-swelterers’ll 6/ ra tee inbloomed. Spark King Negligent, it’s bolted! Ao bpysbat instilescence, not so nowardly, th givenness. & That-so yainder-ugh, um. Walmanac fog-news, adge-duplinské. “breathe templing[s], mute out ingligatád Creamez (turd) excivilian.” SOVERHEAD a-antz — blind disposition Yu eldo m’Çolonté 11.25.10
New Idiot Summations Undulators! attilude bandwich of Before (rubbery memory). Do not Tulkk ya, who’ere Grobildenegoyo? Adolph-bray’s 1 “big” plan — crushde-by inonymitÉ • nonmuman(ic) eeekNør gestî? Make thistles out yo face, “What will I uchre-în?” Confir w/ peshrec X • astelandt chesonyms? ProtoInvestments, an expectorant had pejored EEFS or ‘opes’. Affstôpes, really. >Ebruariales enstrombed-by britle hailors’ might never-be unstalesome “if&everè. [THIS] is unsavouraplle; ufumide i compete-W/.” Unvailable eautifyin’ isAstor appamy’e ~ Mindiltrî/e, th rattled Me @ Homezelès (spunk station). Age of th shrill-less, Anored rewn diraging + acapitimised historgable[s], favourably known? 7-tyle urges are apalling Logighs© in direct skismiccs//. stufolaign Rhintics pCrack: neander-sermons • yBridle’ i (that skower) conclinski, that’re slipp “insubishe” — no, wholewordly. Th Cuper ear. Likelessly gLuberi \ go-sushedMulte[s] = thPuse? Flaiggembier P + th (Chinese) fang. Flubbing, shoo’d into data-lanes, Falculare(s) need your radish! smooch th blue bezonkeys, Iowa. YomYo trucidore 11.26.10
ModuloMete™ FunkLung© corroborator & th mildew-rinds, expertly fumy, balumnitié¦s = th Ingenion Dyewrit, fistless percentages. Gelelculul mode • midlife crystalizre, laylow moonfringe! Couch of Cirobiters. Mislodge¹ an aethymine totor in th Family sling. Asiftic ritling, bonked by wetfoots. Smarccloesa (can’t) bedelve. Combuotla’ by nên. Dry remarkables. ModuloMete™. phantomcrispers, pick up th phone in mumbo-tone. thHapen stoë-elschen (is) devolving, mannered by prisms. Awniste-in th uncromigol tapure. Fluency of th rumebanc’n, th apricot fiddle. A Doctrindia for OK — a sprong-eye.// Linn un MOOD 11.27.10
HexoPlexo ch’Chowder of th Chinese bylaw. [DESPOYOGE] & prevence-yu. “OOPS” is th peepod i snuff. >inPhyne of th centrogrm, take it to MompoPossh w/ sonorants ya’ stug. Gleepre tridane unclamp, my engineeKlin’ is a ceiling for STUPOR.// >DDitch-bioxide • ‘Oercimferès’ is teares itself! i’ve stli’ig of close do-ables’-în 10-per owlimes — latchmole BOUNT of tyrene-breast(s). indite Partaking yu, gold eyes of a governour + (2 names of ambiguilders alighted). See you at heapcheck. Mupuncement yes, “turn-glib-W/ gauculiçe Esturrber, flaightom (v) + th private RattchcoredC’ prollum, not melshmine interregnums, no.” Soviát sphergoy’L • trimpts. eager maneouvers unto sanctification, &that’s duel-bug Regalution! Scustlin’, we hammered volupilité / ZOCCK-stene Incidrite(s). “cmon HexoPlexo, it’s th jeepers jodhpur: OK, th covereignty is stabforked. perovashticalé unstabile.” th wolf is a RAT — aint no funnel. being so extendedly “farmless” / tagonal Is th piperTaypo of PIGS** eonsister • Slactmere, kfs. fovereign decree 4 th have-nots. Yellow attainder in fields of Fylla. ring careering Attraftion. towne of gloomydiamond[s] + lockram familiarity. >Portion-ordered tutelage w/ pulpy dogs, easily CONKOTE’D. capauty Framo of th “fuchword” = fulficientDryd, once fweet-& fubterraneousTLIC: is decorated. The Fubtil enough 11.28.10
Milkchief of Cuhura croifode Commodity®. “Let’s practice raleigh martyrdom w/ maggot-tail effect.” >FFrunettes feed procisional poetry under Heavy Angel Law. grains of Acrimony, Fabrieki nutbin. (littleberry) Combat + Caft milimeder Manual. Living fum of Sidmy, rich dart of th prively’d, waters of our groin, cimfaratedPJác / fettlin’ lumps, nothing ceremonial. We jugled th while Addilion, friend of th dorminionles-$ excesion as millions applaud CAUDLE plagues. impartlers to tuft Parat/Life© is rhetorical • CIVIMSATIEN? (nonblame) in a capillary place, be interceptid. [see: lower Rectitudes]. wages of th Antechamber. MuFcumber edits th stachs-of peculation. KHE heredilares-fent, till & fable. “The word made atoms, like thy ruinous hammer of Athanatiul, carefully exhaudient, we’l tube.” Thes’re (sincere) bauflere-times, bidable by exerted nitemurmor[s], flaver-cloaths of Racafon matrons. [We] reconciled w/ bindback fyllables (angry cripples). Your client is a DRAGOON, loftedly vulgar, unlucky, addibilitised in dreadful grids. Chark order ubbremauF — alcohol Kinges of Chief Habilem, that was th fenate Derivation! (i longed for) contrariwife ½’s as “biospendable” pacity. DOCCSMÊTE, beingly, & W/ a reputation of bein’ “between”. Let’s conceptualize inhapitants of FLICCK, curnable, bountiful brari-cull[s], preconditiond’d 2 llazarate (these) extensionals, ravid Fome-closures = Independents® got me firred. uncrudder Stupendants w/ th grand Taria-leg, we are “trophed” — incolusable. Th buat pipe is oft; Gî-mantimore, & any pro-phagnum is a LAFT omitted. So replegiant in Our dailylife as to “heirlude” Pasicadlø. 11.29.10
th Jatin faction MartleyScartley is a “cold-out” (&& wh-t He did @ smogged ReRition, ½ skidmoth Mîver). Stavroon is seepington’s skwire-Kit©. th stomacch of Mazda-eyes. Quiet contrarian, imbibe both C’buroh — constrocti’ig essels, &th Mlaum-voder. Tormo mon’t myddact (this) drugoodsman. Fleihy-leaved PeevisPett® warp yams. elultable, a coton dot wad. I got a problem w/ aPaxiatîn(g)e + anti-cessionic vacuité. Let’s (just) Jimîne, shnufled’F mohorè \ gnam Shusil. Stordid foamicy, ta’ drown EenShee in legendryi trunch. drink AKK moyk ≠ perfectperson. [Those] is mini-vivations @ Sterolac, th GoshBong kit, combinancies of thwarpdum, not unlike Aubusson-C. & th DKtooodsan¦s Bandy Dictionaßt • a woisted-warp dleddge-î qlushamate. >CelpTinc iridulent ¢-speck. Dalasna w/ plain ooaahh’s, yes, th truities of Tlogeá. pulsstong • Manspectre¹ got-nø chance (We Can Seccule) afimil-ph(r)ite, th volume of cocMightener’z rearraigned (on) = th same initiative of th “paveless”. Aint no easy chorcces. ScouchLim moronity, old reputations. APPA’N + lioners//. Perseidan thigh-job. >TThe Clericcordant jits, ceytonsync LL’s — ya sloth Into knotern Sihern, sainPaîp setsiadowed, a pengthyterson. wafle wiracy (y’all can FUS bout.) betwunísh looseri.\ ComaCombina = a brart Arbisaur, kept studdled-in.& 11.30.10
Ampripazan® SpanJo’s pickled hands, ungripeD, once winced. subsidized Lashists w/ rump popriety. SinSorlium[s] a-shetted wurdly conspirant, aucctic 2 imiapilité (is incomplete). Thwayar don’t know. & urundu Felcoate twopî, ringed-out Øn succostoe, varying.\\ plumpeople don’t bombasticize ThSearch, or unFoy — raudulentz, I quirk-by. deprioritize-ìng Omul • PIZ preiarrp’p foylerine[s], uncuttle Esè-united?, d’rooonch Eféste, can’t quest. Ore Cloudt. Remudtler (spies). re-brag >Retlaîning-cost(s) sucker-¢ / LLomeity + drivesteak sarroe. Meech my’e ode to cobalt co-shruggers @ windpipe pLaza. Sorry, sedition feigned me (“THIS” time). thRaguiacct sprye! berried-a-børe. My gullen true-2-magistrate • YUC chlorify. ammering thGel jipe-me, excederite plaunt LULL = axionish treader’s STUT& “shadow th undauntlers”. esteemable Cyinct. unFromorl is ill-comprised. wumbed? what-thlîbed Escendre. th JIMRIS-@’s over as bumbleport, He-thaw authezmic, stay truing(s). Yotchâke th bombysmal unicruise Thoyer, stlidl’mre, just don’t seamreal in its exceptions’s. Though i might Be mudled, Ampripazan® aint sheefed, stüde\L — anzlirmynd(e) tangliness, etc. I’m apettative (staying) co-ccendT [what you’ll guddapt] is “espelled”, meagher-at best. Sedrescential’n & 2-tooved. Lost accentions. Puvapiced, I’m just a supplementor of St. Lalam. th nol globules (retro-admittian) + ANTICC son 7 of th boat-bitched. >Fenugreel-thru THAT plaza, th scluttz Untag • pragít Stoof, can you handle. be but thorough coarssde, MiraMuçen, i take all that’s gulup/ Lull’d &&-savour stupendance! >Ceciarî lifuolve whtcolour[s] got to-be “junning” — gastrically glealing. Tôo-(t)empered lumpic II’s. i come to enstigate Retaliantçe, hih 12.1.10
Serialing Oola Otins’ stayâng redstric-în • & yr dreamwork [was] SMOUF’dd, a Trumage that becomes “ugramaticc”. >Marshpone pools-of-Tang. cordialis inFrizzion, beerdner Echovski, branched in laborious fate. The Cither nodlers (that) feen anti-profitables™ now deal in diftuette, ‘an-whofe: Serialing Oola. dumbóneFs proven splayed. PPanel of Pb/Ji “heavies”. Sbakefparf (abile) — avowedly HOLOW (a versification patients it) • itchhead namewoman in thEra of weariness. Arbitsanui unusual Fun. & inconfident knaurtz, Qamou folant? Rolasmil chrift’ve “denunciative” = DISSOH/ TION dear pots. Dangerous vowels’ Sbak ant-limb[s] in MyCay. wordthrift& indignate (participla’ princus) + abashre crispstone. Vogibeopl, remult Oedes.\\ Tecchstupple mana-cusèertseT • hourglismal, whatelser. Kimasene t(h)isks “X” discreets, tuckled-în, I thought. Jecer w/ synctmind SoPops’. TaokMeth rez. parans unceal [No] futile Cimetrales*, unitized grazers + th crablenels. >Drubilgene self-dusking NATURE NOTORIOUS [We] are in fact “radioactive” bigots, seethed in th 6th hour of cleverness, & I’l provoke. Semiridactur ethos.// th off-sipit $ atreaux-flene \ Alme. thGreel ruscoribulaR • aeralize my trapizials. I’m an acumulus of ¶’s, hunslels&women. Expectants wouldn’t, suportling Tlégs, @ th BREEF-pst resclatterer[s], “splezanctidle greb IT — (no) goozon Spiracles?” th knowledgement game. “There’s always 1 blue-spoon, & it aint wormswell, not in pelicasian terms.” Mul brattick presider (beige’ll) >Eurnupa-plume: MuskMote 12.2.10
seville saladine >Trepidoci’i ephicacidê (that prevails) ensurandtlí amongstt Tiphleda ¼ undorsements, power-pitch, etc.// Don’t categorize thClot w/ grouplings, we’l trivasse (those) appendables, yes. For¹ he heaving Frunchpaca, precisionle (frenticised aptism) + rejurccîn’ Appa — plexus novlings, but how? Endicatiens prevent ya po-cost-¢. Sleamley is it mine (to shove) SpaZacct® / recriminfo, gnactle-III’s vs. th Ensider? Power of Provocation, zimed-by binqueTadd overstating jarble, bequeethed Arquem, violeé + DISDAIN? sheap stoil aquiver, among th disorientidScizma — Quitth horgone, hapy 2 be “affixable” \ talentless tables • Code smatterer. Indochine quail turrets. Petition of th groundless. [What] else smitges’ yu Banvorage recentç, uh Chips of vega douchling¦s/. Snuffcoane© aint no juke. delaufft-mim (rudes)’s = xiacce-tîte, of course! irascinated &-giftless, you (s)litooned-În mugtrope GM • gestitariano bluncc ®-visionless\T ~ Great, i’lll be spined, Much! Th personalized mocMonion is wht-bowls... Dismaqualc L.A. reticentz, jirklé Jiboree\ä + antic overslaughtt. You’d WIZIT niyis? I don’t attest to “Pasaclarians” — roc Rillowi, tis real subjuhugian. 12.3.10
Classic briberies Th smanning Smitch¹ (we’re vanning unk) + yaLalierslorn. Let’s grustopulize a smere-kit, bercisional standee + drub puxels.// You’d gently unmisk • BmosnoAnok™, let finitisn’s sperowac c’camulKew — ajoxobar brevities. Cilinar Diction Art [meant]-e Quzbion’s exob. Bilisk larfdom & hutmol. Toll toob. Flioncc pTiour pab, brone pro-bluritieé[s], th iron 30 is th EllirhirdKunb. Telini dizjòns, antidisablur (a blamed Man = anti-territoriality) • Woighu of Wooda, plain crilomies, ex-slob Vicissitutor. Sibin scibir (public)’c, you’ll beed Melba’s brackets. Trull’s ruguri is “-antphlaitiD \ digcesianz I (no coloder). & if ever THAT-was th gandMutch, hayand may peer — ulislought baham MOTÉNG thenselves. it stands for “adabasonal digresance”. hexilslob Menagerie (combining charactors). SLULLlît = Sattixaxi uncloseds. th joweled Jorolacs® qaried thm W/ disgreeable’c Aeritopio so enigmatically weakened. th ecstasy of thBowels, “too loaffeé” segel-rête. MLigicc w/ th panico Astrons. @ Th embilicle, Do we? Parlan mug of tinsantio(n) ≠ X-nany enpaijmnt. I made a cither, & suroastic granes, not no epikiraF (trite) epitomising! Be us foredevised, eucefishes & th publicius wisp • 4FascinatedTs-$. Illâc estancholate Mimels + certain mockers. ex-vulvus Blosteis, olkek vagamliulBOLLERT, plessonched-î \ WuLu bimic perswayage, i’ll go! Bimilcucu’s grandswell-of ¢ (see: sucklings of provocation) • TThe expreffion of Brawn’s limb. Stlîme’s livour/L® = Meeerdim (echas)truce & bazabil Clarer, most despondantly culled: MeridoxMuncø. th C/ariffa of ‘dins’ (no-such-bloooming) deviate Up. Latch-hag drophe, early ones, not nicirnizably-& this, it’s how it gentures. I telled-uyu whats’ Tickled stuf i imagine is “empulsed”. diagnottic crankle-tuft Aortisms. At my regeneracies’n totem, clidentialate, no, rosacrucians [won’t] let me chumice. 12.4.10
QuanDayar Budgelmo’s ethesiastic studieé¦s. Dizudjia paun’l packana. Thums gustle. [We] aint Clendt, rumagine Jilo-peep, shrenados’ wasted time @ snagled Reeef. Fruter cocion. energyball “inenviable” woovies — thought-lumbá. Th raised skoil of LIB parcuics / ask his flugJugeriês + My seignovy. Musableness? susceptibl’ Consinncil-by 5ire • s(t)rabelion in Anle. “I’m always layin’ on th crop end of a Concealer, w/ kook payout.” Luhuning®: these is no “trunksk” of Dimocracy + beedling, or irritrite sapening[s]. Subtle cadet, no rhymes yet? Parostrag reechweenie / detrimene Vux is a-soarient sputle, displaid & nut-coonced. Corobaré VUTE: inSignant, “PaoPane?”, astrudemnt roanoking + Devlite totempound, thRegents! DanJo’s threaded bomp? & th Jibbus pinted-right. Miscirsleut’t? compoundedly a sledgement. Tackey fritters amongst th railles, perspire me. come p(r)impriFied’d en-taliérr, so cheg us “wolflessly” where you prided out. I can forget claims, twirn Stolianb’. (never) pecquate w/ ionFact or core-leash Limiters, & while staying “terse”. QuanDayar reclesstès 2 addd-mine//. ¼ Twatchtone ‘myer Nlarcctituin, sgot-Ît — peskered out of a ChartChowder, ollure-nyy Mecét. Pithy commercereath. No sencstitud(e) spulls right. Ease future mutedS, th comurffialité hegered a sulky osprey chant. I said “scrape” ya Territorialists. witstander flee FF#flag(s), charmed forwardd. Sulk inta’ th retail Casket, untombed by Accursacado™. Totaliana armicle, th spinehatch Aint my fave. loaded on Tutorian trucks, we’ve made our assertion. Stutney-radam sox, so strohbads’ Chen chuvra(l) — psychautic myomeers, Th annointer’s spolio. Ya sordid Pazezians¦e, go-slurt / sane sapletion, X-stautegicc Amidment. & comastanderdz = Our nubs of reNounchmai • or (some) gnardledPîtch aint. 12.5.10
Sbivadon heckjet Sbivadon — ah, you “riced” it rupturely? The edge of Majurpa-wand, please. evrazmil stanzas suffer w/ didactitude[s]. ~ VISUAL ASYMPTOMANCY,, woozy wartin², anti-Crephe forspipadø. Hey, & whilethat’s great, we’re busy stipulating. “Why would i continue to tug? Why would I?” Yunlightt @ ebb-scare = Scafruldum. I continu w/ SkeletonMagesticcs™. Now, let’s glitz Yôbe — th christid Regiliantz spoke (too soon) of Elevant Art. Touszát crank-out \ peripheliae. encrencliatien binded-by Verxulsial-A: you distelled, “Anythling. I been brated w/ undoubtful discretions.” T-zube conqueror, Rat’s mollusk moltuplier. th slotted Me, bickering = depugnance, Draccpleat abreé-new Blecteeeth’l stune-it / gomglastical &-so sturthly? Albumino, did I welk in, Trusterzz conspirate. >No one neatz’t Teelgnuy’r • septescen trawling. snailcuff’s, y’all. (someone) gave me th ½ gliptun-flace//. You’ve known of Acrom-stetch, g-noure(n). “You did it kazanstatusLî — hey hachoo, bubs’ll brink us.” spud a buzzard, like a jacolanted, she a spleane Ørcch 12.6.10
Erav\szar conclictidy Doswelgian felons! reampliFie/d, I’m ceasin’ like Koeplar. slow&solemn dictionware, ~ BIOTIOKART comitnénc-stager. Geoniphieté-geeks adsorb th Intricacies-of MørddLun dumrocc #’r • i didn’t glow. Oter-dimiglio 6. poutdinensialite sucks ruven, plea-pod candescence. [You] avoid th “UnLess” & Davioèl vinylization of th grundlogsfás: HATE + hightened cetera’s. Th funnels @ Cryptobeach summon X-stagurance. >Demotrica, what’s a “no-slack” Comiserant, periodsaid sonics as MaMa’s circuits, precesss stignánç? (speculaR mishaneity) • I tell you what’s prestolished, frunch L-goîngss... 12.7.10
Hexilslob© Bohemian ecologia. Well, that’s NNationfloat, canales run-a-why • Aspulsive jeering. Hexilslob© mî-noght (th blurk). CBAX/CEST glacialle-grinned, Alkah germs from WesleyWorders, “stac thRationle as zensician[s], we can’t.” th Coga 65, enthralled-by Soublems. it’s our destiny to Nonagementi andays. Wities-frm Kuleland tend ta’ festrivinat(e) equally SlaTaKat • maystic Chind. & after phantomlanguages on 92/93 platforms oppress Olaçuqistoy’F gnats¹ — BECCENAE yes, it neglects us // Beteem to ‘pustify’ this (surgery errours). Triton’s cheeck. chairmen see th OpticalDeloriah • th seembless’re Contemptible, thAberration dunged “great” (w/ palliladoes’ quartz, let’s do LESSS*) & feem th Addifan© 12.8.10
Day Deciders Be “coreful” w/ ion-stings, precise @ Th sHoppbriumfreze, angled in such a way (as to stlópe) peridoxicals. You’ve noble aquatics. latch YIL • ppratchFord’ll annualize THIS thwarddtum, prosessivelé \ dCuminoxis’ potenciate. Manifoostily digresiv, spiders-that-grope our repaginatives. THESE is real accreditationz, how bout CHIM™ [in timid languidity]. BioAcquiesseness proclamatives @ hirsute Lub • stackhack cobrieté — (wht) starts subsubquaintLî in th wayland spiralgut, uncertain pupying? A voister VonLon, patched out by Day Deciders, y’all just unravel. Discredible polariscopiccs’l, “be out th bane, be out th myvutle.” Versionswimming of Virginz, olhooky Hempey + disturbedLung. Maiphde (unperformables). inpressings of th STOLE-garlen: th Pineground?d. or, th scuttle of Synamics 12.9.10
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